Sincere apologies in prose. Forgiveness words in prose (in your own words) for a farewell Sunday

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Sorry if possible, because there is no limit to my repentance. I'm restless in my soul, and the conscience is already just kind of consciousness, recalling the strength of my guilt ...

I may not be farewell to you. But I know how you are generous. You have a big and kind heart that cannot remain indifferent to my requests for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness in words is easier than sincerely reassure in the shower. Believe that I am insanely sorry about what happened. Do not be angry with me, you are the road.

Apologies to the girl

In addition to your forgiveness, I don't need anything else now! Just do not be angry, let go of the insult, cooled from anger. You are so a smile addressed to me!

You were offended, and my world collapsed, the sky around darkened, and thickened the clouds of black longing over her head. Forgive me, I will give me the light and the joy of life!

* * *

You are a wise and kind girl, please try on a female understand and forgive me. And I will try to never do it anymore.

With the hope of the easiest reconciliation with the very pretty girl, I bring my most sincere apologies to the girl.

I know you have a wide soul and a huge heart, in which there is no place of insults and malice, so you will definitely forgive me, right?

Apology in front of the girl in your own words

I can not understand how it happened that I was lit off to offend you! I am very sorry. Let's already put up, please?

If I just know how to get along with my guilt before such solar creature, like you, but I do not know, and therefore I just apologize.

Dear, I recognize my guilt, I wonder what it will no longer happen again, and I apologize to the thousand times, just stop looking at me with such offended eyes, my soul will not take it!

I just want to tell you: "Sorry." Such a girl offend sin. Sin, I repent.

Sorry, please, for what upset you. Your insult is a stone on my heart.

Saying "Sorry" is difficult, but even more difficult to forgive. I hope you go to meet me ...

* * *

Accept my apologies for the insult that you survived because of me. Your step to me is more in the world.

Good morning good night I apologize to your beloved loved love

Forgive me, my tender and loved one! I want to easily forget about this ridiculous quarrel and immersed with a head in the whirlwind of the unrestrained passion and the flame, eternal, love.

I don't know if I forgive me, because my words hurt your soul, filled with tears, and the heart - sadness. Without your sorry, there is no place for me under the sun, and I do not see the sun, I do not notice the sky. I love you infinitely and wait for forgiveness.

You left my life seasons. Everyone writes about the spring, confused paint and about black snow, but never knew that autumn could be a dry outflowed old woman, and the summer was a tedious heavy old man ... I didn't think that I could be like this ... Forgive me, I'm sorry. I ask only one gift - a little thread beads from hope, joy, care, warmth and love ...

I will prepare a magic drink for you, in which I will add moments of glowing happiness, moments of radiant joy, the memory of a circling head of love ... our love. He will take you into sweet dreams, where we are alone in the Paradise Garden, where I will warm your hands with a gentle kiss and sick quietly - forgive me, my love.

Sorry, my native, that I hurt your loving heart. Let's forget about it in strong hugs and with a shower smile we will rejoice again our beautiful life.

I was a fool - I would definitely correct, I offended you - this will not happen again, I was inattentive - let's forget! Now let's start again, and you, native, will be surprised by how I can be! Sorry - I apologize to a thousand times!

Sorry, my favorite and gentle! My deed was not worthy of a real, loving man, and it is impossible to justify it. I promise that I would take care of you and prevent our love.

Sorry for me, love! My soul overflows a sense of strong guilt and a big annoyance. I succumbed to emotions and caused you pain. I sincerely love you and I want to live life with you.

You will not believe how difficult it was for me to recognize my deep guilt and what was not right. Sorry, Favorite, you are limitless good and clever man, you are a bright and tender woman, you are a magical and amazing girl.

I offended you, I brought your pain in your soul, sadness - in your eyes, melancholy and insult - in my heart, forgive me. I am a thousand times ready to ask forgiveness. Let me cure all your wounds with your love, to dry tears kisses, tear off the insult and pain.

I offended you, sorry. Apparently, the mind was covered with a veil, if I could offend the one that is more expensive in the world. Forget empty, stupid words, they were taken by the wind, and they will never be more. Let me love your love all the mistakes, forgive me.

I wounded your loving and gentle soul with the rubble phrases. I know that I can heal her love and change the inner world for the better for you, native. You just sorry and believe!

Our quarrel is simply unbearable, inside me burns the flame of repentance, but your crying look does not allow him to break out. I ask you - I'm sorry, I know: it is not easy. But if the spark of feelings remained in your soul, let me keep the fire of love.

So it is easy to find me the necessary words to melt the ice from my ridiculous offense. I sincerely love and believe that my love is able to ignite with the new force in you extinguished fire.

Forgiveness to ask - it is very difficult, even though wine cargo lies with the heart. But still, I ask you, let my love melt the ice of your resentment, let the soul feel the paradise bliss from your smile, the look of gentle and magical words: for goodbye.

Alina Spark Recognition Guy with good morning beloved good night Beloved Love your beloved Apology to love Love guy

A hundred times is ready to repeat: Favorite, I was wrong. Without your warm hands, the cold of loneliness rolls the body and soul, without a tender look, the white light is faded, without your love, life loses its meaning. Sorry and let love reigns between us again.

I love your smile very much, and I really realize that I was the reason for her disappearance. Forgive me, Favorite, Turn the opportunity to rejoice at your unforgettable smile again.

Forgive me my rampant words, my wrong deeds. I know how hurts they hurt a sensitive, albeit very courageous, heart. The heart that I am so rushing and whom I want to heal all the wounds caused by me.

Your forgiveness is as necessary for me, like steepness of snowflakes of winter, the murmur of streams in spring, whisper of foliage summer and cool rain of autumn. Sorry honey. I promise not to repeat my mistakes.

Favorite, acceptance of my apologies, my heart excitement, my thrill feelings. Let Love warm your heart, melt offaches, let the limitless tenderness that fills my soul, heales you, beloved, from sadness and offense.

Lustful, beloved, impenetrable clouds thickened over my love and I choke from anxiety and hopelessness! I am ready to ask for forgiveness and breed the clouds constantly, in the hope of seeing the magic sun - your sparkling smile! Sorry!

Let the fog of your resentment cut the rays of our love. Forgive me, native, and let in his arms melt the last drops of a quarrel to inhale the happiness of our meetings again.

My nice, do not dumb to me, does not go to you! And do not make me justify me now - I feel guilty and sorry herself. I'd rather quickly hug me until I got angry, because then I will have to ask for forgiveness to me.

You are strong and courageous, generous and kind, so you always forgive me and never remember about my mistakes. Favorite, please, sorry, I love you warmly and is ready to change my nestors, working on myself!

Do not be angry with me, loved, sorry, if you are inappropriate offended you. Please give me my smile again, and I will do everything so that you become the happiest and never be sad.

Favorite, you are my sun and the most expensive person in the world! Sorry for harsh words and rapid acts, let him in the blame. Most I want us to be close again!

The sun makes night for the fact that she hides him, the moon is not offended by the stars who try to shine as brightly, the sea is sorry for playful waves. Sorry and you, because I love you infinitely and sincerely!

The most beautiful words will not help me, a loved one, before you redeem your guilt, I know, but I promise to prove the actions of the feelings of feelings and pour for forgiveness. And let the light disks the darkness again, tenderness rings sadness, and love will defeat the offense.

Please, Favorite, rather, forget the offense, and let the side of all the sadness will pass, because I did not want to hurt you, to overshadow your soul. Sorry, honey, and let the love of a huge wave of passion will cover us with your head.

Because of our tapping on the heart, shyly, cold and dark. Return me joy and happiness from communicating with you, give again the light of your cute smile and warmth of the soul. Favorite, please, forgive!

Alina Ogonek

Forgive me please! I'm sorry that it happened so. And this, indeed, was without evil intention on my part. Our relationship is very important to me. And I want any insults and disagreements to get up between us. Most Now I want to make yourself with you!

I sincerely ask to excuse me and forgive me for the fact that at the time of anger and bad mood I was told a lot of extra and disadvantaged that of course it became very offensive for you. I recognize my wrong and sorry sorry about my ridiculous act. I hope on your goodwill, that this trouble will be safely forgotten with time and our relationship will again become beautiful.

We sometimes want to stop the time or turn it back. All because we are people, and people make mistakes for which they are ashamed and hurt. And I am very hard now and bad on the soul. Only your good heart can alleviate my suffering, excuse me.

I sincerely apologize and apologize for all my bad deeds. I did not want to do it. Please smile, I want to see your beautiful, dazzling smile. Only so I understand that you are no longer offended at me. Forgive me again.

What a strong and wonderful feeling is love. She wakes us, inspires, makes suffering and worry. So I just do not find myself places after a quarrel with you. I'm so embarrassed before you, my beloved, for my words, but believe me, all this was not with evil, I just played emotions. I know that they offended you, and therefore, I apologize. Sorry, please, my dear, unique and only. Let's make me, and forget our quarrel as the most terrible dream. I love you, my native, and I want to always be only with you.

Life live - not the field go. And it is completely accurate. It can not always be smooth in life, so simply does not happen. So we are with you, a loved one, now in a quarrel, but I am sure that I will feel very soon. I just do not stand this separation. Forgive me, please for what I offended you. I promise that it will never happen again, because all errors can be corrected, if only it is very wanted. And I really want this. Do not keep me more evil, because I love you more than life. You are my best, the most native.

The word is not a sparrow, I flew - you can't catch. So I, quite by chance, flew such offensive words in your address. Forgive me, please, I realize that I talked to Yerunda, but it was not at all with evil. I love you more than life. You are my light in the window, my ideal, my dream. You are just the best guy on earth. Let's make me, my kitten, and will forever forget this misunderstanding. Let our ship of love floats calmly in the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, let him always blow the passing wind of good luck.

Love makes the world bright, colorful. But the separation is completely the opposite - gray and dim. So for me now everything is in gray tones, everything seems so dull, because there is no you, my favorite. I can no longer live with you in separation, and therefore, I ask you, my desirable, forgive me and come back. Let's enjoy the nectar of love again, let's try to return our tender feelings again. After all, we live so hard to live without each other. Let this terrible dream ends rather, and we wake up in a beautiful love garden.

Favorite, I feel such an emptiness in the heart, because there is no you next. I know that myself is to blame for our quarrel, only I am alone. You have a patient, angelic character, and I took advantage of this, and undeservedly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, do not hold me more resentment. Let's make me, and we will be together again. Most of all in life I am afraid of losing you, my best guy in the world. Let our quarrel wash the rain, let the wind turn away the dark clouds of separation, let our love withstand any tests.

Love makes people happy, but separation from your loved one, makes us the most unhappy. So I consider myself now the most unhappy in the world, because we are in a quarrel, my most native person. I'm so tormented in separation from you, I miss you so much. Forgive me, please, that I undeservedly offended you. I promise, more than this will never happen again. Let's keep our love, and again we will be together. I so want to cuddle to your stronger shoulder, hear your ringing laughter, feel the tenderness of the kiss.

Favorite, you are the kindest, the most good, most gentle, you are just mine, I will never give you anyone. Our little quarrel seems to be a little sand, compared with such a huge love, like with us. Forgive me, please, for those hurt words that I spent you, do not hold me more evil. Let this small misunderstanding be the biggest test for our love. Let everything be left for us, because we love each other so much. I love you, my dear, and I want to be only with you.

My most cute man in the world, I'm fabulously lucky with you. I always want to be with you, although in our situation it is almost impossible, because we are in a quarrel. Favorite, forgive me, please do not keep me more evil. Let's make me, my only. Forgive me for my rapid words. I promise to change. Let our love live long and happily. Let all your dreams certainly come true. All the benefits of you, native, good luck and family heat. Let our quarrel end up quickly, and everything will be on their former places.

Sometimes, just in one word you can hurt a person. So I, at all, not with evil, offended you, and now I just do not find the place for yourself. Forgive me, please, my favorite. I am so sad without you. Do not keep any more evil, my native. This quarrel has become a big lesson for me. Forgive me and believe that it will never happen again. I promise to change my unsuitable character to keep our love with you. I have the most kind, best, but you have the most angelic character.

For me, the whole world, I became somehow gray and uninteresting, because there are no you next, my most important man on earth. There is only emptiness and despair in my soul. After all, only I am to blame. Forgive me, please, my favorite. Let's make me to be together again. After all, we were so good. You are for me, like the light in the window, like a warm sunshine, only with you - I am the happiest. We are now with you in the separation, and I love you even stronger. Let's forget our quarrel like a terrible dream.

Miscellaneous in life there are situations. Sometimes you feel so devastated, so lonely, because they offended the most beloved person. And, as it turns out later, completely undeservedly. Cute, forgive me, please, I am guilty in our quarrel. Believe me, I did not want it, just everything came out, somehow suddenly. Do not keep me more evil. After all, you know how I love you. I am so hard so hard without you, life is all in gray tones, there is no joy. I need you as the air, I just live and breathe you.

It seems that life just stopped in place. Everything is frowning around, there is no mood. Even sunny weather seems gray and cloudy. And all because there is no longer you, my kindest, most tender, most beloved guy on earth. Forgive me, please, because only I am to blame. I fully recognize my mistake, and I promise to continue, first of all, to think than to present unreasonable accusations. I know that I am strong offended you, and I apologize. I love you, my desired.

I am sad and boring without you, my favorite. When you are not with me near, everything seems gray and empty. We are now with you in a quarrel, and every day is moving further away from each other. I'm so afraid to lose our love, and therefore I apologize for your behavior. I understand that they offended you completely unfounded. Forgive me, my favorite. Let's try to return our former love, because we were so good together. You are my best, most wicked in the world. Let our love be guarded for us two.

We quarreled with you yesterday, and I already feel myself the most lonely girl on the entire planet. This quarrel torments me so much, because only I am to blame for everything. I never thought it would be so hard for me without you. Forgive me, my loved one, for the insult, which I dealt to you. Let's make me, and again, as before together. I'm so lacking your smile, your lips, your ringing laughter. My love for you flares up all the strongest, I'm sorry for the disadvantaged. Let's try to return everything back, because we are created for each other.

Each man on Earth experienced such a beautiful and strong feeling like love. She creates wonders with us. As well, when with you is rustling, kind, dear, and the most important person. You feel protected, necessary, and the most happy. I am so sad now, because there are no you, my favorite. I ask you for forgiveness for all the offenses that caused you. Believe me, it all happened so suddenly, so thoughtlessly. Let's make meat, because we were so good together. Do not be offended by me. I love you my darling.

Today and the sun shines sadly, and the flowers are not happy with their beauty, it seems that all nature has become gray and dim. Nothing pleases me, because there is no you, my good. We quarreled with you because of a trifling. I recognize my guilt, and I ask you for forgiveness. Do not be offended by me, please. After all, we must be happy. Let our quarrel be the first and last test for love. You are your favorite, the most good, the most important person on earth, my love for you flares up stronger with every day.

For a whole week, we are in a quarrel. This is the worst test for me. I can't accept the fact that there are no you, my favorite. Let's forget our quarrel as the most terrible dream. After all, we are just created for each other, and our quarrel is some kind of misunderstanding. Not in vain in the people they say that cute is worn out, only chop. Do not be offended by me more, let's make me, my only and most important man on earth. I am without you, like a sun without warmth, like a flower without fragrance. I look forward to our meeting.

Miscellaneous in life there are situations, and sometimes because of a small misunderstanding, a huge quarrel can get. So and with you, my favorite, the word clung for the word, and in the end, we are in a quarrel. I feel very bad without you, forgive me for everything, because I myself was the initiator of our quarrel. More this will never happen, I promise you. Do not keep me more evil, and let's make me. We are halves one whole, we are just created for each other. Let our quarrel wash the rain, and there will be no trace from her.

Love wakes us out, makes the most happy on earth. And separation - inhibits, and makes the most unhappy. So I feel like an unfortunate girl in the world, because we are in a quarrel, my favorite. No more strength, to endure our separation. Cute, forgive me, please for what offended you. Let's make me, and we will be together again, because we were so good with you together. Forget our quarrel as the most terrible dream. I love you, and I want us to always be together. Forgive me, Favorite.

Each of us fate gives the soul mate, and as sad when you lose your loved one because of some nonsense. I just do not find myself places because of our quarrel. Forgive me, my good, I know that only I am to blame for everything. All my hot-tempered character. I promise to change, believe me, it will never happen again. I offended you, and I feel everything to blame. Let this quarrel be the first and last on the huge ship of our love. Let him be only happy swimming.

Sometimes to the depths of the soul, you can hurt a person with a simple word, it is immelled to apply undeserved resentment. I ask you for forgiveness, my favorite, for the fact that we are now with you in a quarrel. I myself am to blame for everything, and it will be afraid of a remorse of conscience. Sorry, please, for what I offended you, because all this was not with evil, but just a splash of emotions. I understand that this is not an excuse, but all, do not be offended by me more. Let's make me, and save our love, because she needs both air.

My dear, because of my bad character, we constantly have any conflicts and disagreements. I want you to know that I really try to change for you, because you are very expensive to me. I can't present my existence without you and without our relationship, so I want to ask you once again forgiveness. Please try to accept me and understand because it is not the rightmost because of all that happens. I can seem so cold and impregnable, but, in fact, you yourself know that I worry at no less than you. I want you to forgive me and tried to forget about what happened, although I know that it is not so simple. I promise to try to keep myself in my hands and stop exploding because of all sorts of little things. Sorry, please, your unbalanced girl, who simply loves you to madness.

My beloved, I entered you very ugly. I am very ashamed for every word I said to your address. You know that I just lose control of myself when I am in such a state, because I need support. I ask you, please forgive me! Know that I am insanently repent, I am very ashamed, because I allowed myself a lot of things that you just do not deserve. My dear, I do not have an excuse, I know that you are already tired of such conflicts, but be sure that I will do all the efforts so that there are no more such cases in our life. You're you know that I didn't tell all this with evil, I just had a very bad at this moment. But even then I regretted every word, I just could not stop myself. Let's forget about everything, let it be like a terrible dream, which was and passed. I love you very much.

I feel just terrible, because offended by my most native and loved one, who is ready for everything for me. Dear, I know that you are offended by me now, and you have a complete right to it, because I ugly led myself towards you. But know that you did not deserve anything from the fact that I was said. You know how I love you and how to rule our relationship. I want to ask you for forgiveness, because I really ashamed, I should not have behaved like that. Let's just forget about it, although I know that it is not easy, but I promise that nothing else will happen to happen, because I realized which big mistake I made. My dear and most beloved, forgive me and do not hold evil, please, because I love you more than life. I promise that I will be the best girlfriend.

My dear, I want to ask you to listen to me. I am very ashamed of everything that happened yesterday. You have not been to blame for anything, but I led myself very unworthy. You did not deserve a single word, which I told you yesterday. I sincerely want you to forgive me and forget about everything. Perhaps I ask very much, but I really want you to keep evil on me. All this was a huge mistake I, unfortunately, allowed. But I promise you that no longer will never happen anything like that, because I just will not allow this anymore. It is very difficult for me to look into your eyes, because I am very shameful. I led myself as never had to be a story. I beg you forgive me. I promise that everything will be only better.

Our relationship for me is the meaning of life, and I do not know what I found me yesterday that I led myself. I have no excuse, but I ask you to listen to me. I made a huge mistake that I myself would fix it, and right now. My beloved, you know that I can not imagine my life without you and without our relationship. I am very sad, I am very ashamed and scared, because I am afraid that you will not forgive me. It was a minute weakness that I made in my stupidity. Just let's cross it out of our lives, because there is no longer anything like that. I will be the best for you, my favorite. I promise that I correct myself, and I will do everything so that you forget about this terrible day. I love you very much! Forgive me, stupid.

There is no man in the world, more beautiful and kindness than you, my favorite. I just do not find myself places, because we are now in a quarrel with you, there is no joy of life, everything seems gray and indifferent. I understood how much I love you, and therefore, I apologize for offended you. Sorry, please let this quarrel stay in the past, and we will forever forget about her, because our love is much stronger than all misunderstandings. You are my most desirable and only guy on earth, I love you, and I want to be only with you.

Words forgive his beloved guy: