How to clean silver at home? Effective and safe remedies for cleaning silver at home with hydrogen peroxide

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How to clean silver and prevent it from getting dirty

Almost everyone has silver jewelry at home. It is the second most popular metal after gold. Such popularity is not accidental.

Silver is a very beautiful and durable metal. But he has one drawback: over time, it begins to darken.

Therefore, the surface of jewelry must be cleaned.

Reasons for the darkening of silver

There are several reasons for the formation of a dark coating on silver:

Methods for cleaning silver products

Each housewife has her own way to clean silver. Here are some of the most common cleaning methods that make it easy to achieve the desired effect:

  • with soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • toothpaste;
  • using ordinary alcohol or ammonia;
  • special cleaning products that can be bought at the store.

Each of these methods allows you to return the product to its original beauty and brilliance.
Which method is right for your situation is determined by how heavily soiled the item is. You also need to pay attention to the sample of silver. If the sample is very low, then this means that the jewelry is made practically not from silver. It contains a large number of other metals. In this case, in order to clean the item, we will have to use special tools. If the pollution is not black, but green, then this means that copper was used in the manufacture. It is for such a product that you will need to buy a cleanser containing Trilon. And only after the green plaque is cleared, it will be possible to use another method of purification, for example, with soda.

Special can be purchased at any jewelry store. This method of removing plaque will be the easiest. In order for the decoration to sparkle again, it will be enough to lower it into a special solution for a few minutes. These solutions, in addition to cleaning, can give the jewelry a protective effect against subsequent contamination. The product will be covered with a special film that prevents re-oxidation.

Traditional silver cleaning methods

It is very easy to clean jewelry with baking soda. This is a very cheap method. And soda is always at hand for every housewife. First you need to prepare a cleaning solution. Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and dissolve in half a liter of water. The solution must be boiled and throw a little foil there. After that, you can lower the jewelry into the cleanser and hold it there for about a minute. This will be enough. You take out the item, wipe it dry with a cloth and admire how it shines.

Very often, hydrogen peroxide is used to clean the product. This method must be used very carefully. Hydrogen peroxide can only be used to clean items that do not contain other metals than silver. The peroxide can react with them, and as a result, you will get even more plaque than before. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

You can use toothpaste as a cleanser. To do this, first wash the jewelry with warm water and soap. After that, apply a little toothpaste on the product and rub it. Rinse under running water and dry thoroughly.

If you decide, then wash it with soap before that too. Prepare a solution of crushed chalk and ammonia. This substance will need to be applied to the surface of the product. It should remain on the surface until it dries. Then it can be washed off, and the product can be wiped with a cloth.

If your jewelry has stones, then it is better not to use any of these methods. Clean the product only with a special solution purchased from a store. It won't damage stones or metal.

But it is better to prevent contamination of silver than to clean it constantly. Therefore, avoid contact of your silver jewelry with sulfur and water. Store them in a designated area. It is best to allocate a separate box for storing silver. Then you will not need cleaning for a long time and your jewelry will be in perfect condition.

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“Evgenia, you don’t even have a clue about how to clean silver, let alone keeping your house clean.”

Do you have any idea about this? Of course, the need for cleaning silverware does not arise for every modern housewife due to the lack of silver itself. We somehow got used to do without silverware and cutlery. Although, in some homes there are silver spoons and silver coffee pots, which were either received as a gift or inherited, But most of us think about how to clean silver at home when silver jewelry loses its color and shine. After all, silver, unlike gold, tends to darken and fade.

Silver darkens for various reasons. If gold jewelry is immune to substances contained in decorative and hygienic cosmetics, then silver rings, chains and earrings actively react to them. Silver can also darken from improper storage, moisture, contact with the body. In any case, whether it is table silver or jewelry, it must be cleaned in the same way. True, unlike gold, this metal reacts painlessly by far not all means. So, what tools and methods are suitable for cleaning silver at home? Let's figure it out.

Perhaps ammonia can be called the most effective way to clean silver at home. However, not everyone knows that for jewelry with stones, ammonia must be used very carefully. And for gilded silver and jewelry with pearls, it is generally contraindicated. For cleaning silver with ammonia, different methods are used.

  1. First way. Suitable for silverware and jewelry without gemstone inserts. We take ammonia (10%) and soak silver items in it. Soak them in ammonia for about ten minutes, and then rinse with clean water, dry and polish.

  2. The second way. Also suitable for cleaning silverware. It is necessary to mix five tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of tooth powder. In this solution, you need to moisten the cloth and wipe the dishes and cutlery. Then the silver must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water and wiped dry.

  3. The third way. Make a solution of warm water and laundry or toilet soap. Then hold the silver in this soapy solution for about twenty minutes, remove, rinse and wipe dry. Now mix crushed chalk and ammonia to the state of gruel, apply it to silver and wait until the mass hardens. Then thoroughly rinse the products in running water and wipe with a soft cloth or chamois.

You can clean silver jewelry with stones with citric acid. To do this, one hundred grams of acid (in powder) must be diluted with two glasses of water, and then put the dishes with the solution in a water bath. Put your silver jewelry in a bowl with the solution and boil for twenty to thirty minutes. Then rinse them in clean warm water.

If you do not risk boiling your jewelry, then proceed as follows. Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon, strain it and pour into a glass or cup. Then put rings, earrings and (or) chains in lemon juice and leave for a while. As soon as the silver returns to its original color, remove the jewelry and rinse in warm water.

Perhaps one of the most affordable silver cleaners is baking soda or salt. To clean silver with baking soda, pour two cups of water into a metal (not aluminum!) mug and dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in it. Stir and put on fire. When the soda solution boils, first dip a piece of food foil into it, and then the product that needs cleaning. Count to ten and remove the silver from the solution. Rinse it and wipe dry.

You can’t just rub soda powder on silver items. Powdered soda is an abrasive, so you will, of course, remove a dark coating, but damage the product by scratching it. However, for cutlery without a large number of patterns, this method can also be used. Pour soda into a saucer, add a little water so that the soda does not dissolve, but turns into a liquid slurry. Now dip a cloth into this gruel and gently wipe the product, cleaning it from dark deposits.

If you decide to try cleaning your silverware with salt, then make a saline solution for this: a teaspoon of salt in an incomplete glass of water. Then soak silver in it and leave for two or three hours. After that, boil the products in the same solution for ten to fifteen minutes, and then rinse and wipe.

Some housewives, by analogy with cleaning gold with hydrogen peroxide, try to clean silver with peroxide. However, care must be taken when cleaning silverware and silver jewelry with hydrogen peroxide. The fact is that hydrogen peroxide affects silver in an extremely positive way, restoring shine and removing dark plaque. But other metals (with the exception of gold) can oxidize when in contact with hydrogen peroxide. And silver products are made not from pure silver, but from its alloys with other metals. Therefore, before cleaning silver with hydrogen peroxide, conduct a preliminary test.

If gold jewelry is perfectly cleaned by being placed in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide for a while, then for silver jewelry and silverware, this method can be fatal. So feel free to attribute this product to chemical compounds harmful to silver and refuse to clean your silver jewelry with hydrogen peroxide.

By the way, in some recipes for cleaning silver, it is recommended to use ammonia in combination with hydrogen peroxide. This supposedly enhances the effect. Perhaps this is so. Only, not knowing how your silver will behave under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, it's still not worth the risk.

In addition to the listed available silver cleaning products, there are products that were used long before the same ammonia, peroxide appeared in the home arsenal.

hydrogen, citric acid or soda. And there are modern, but very unexpected means.

To do this, you need to prepare a concentrated decoction of garlic peel and boil silver items in it. Boiling time will depend on the degree of darkening and tarnishing of silverware.

Boil one or more peeled potatoes. Take out the potatoes, and lower the silver items into the resulting broth and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Then rinse and pat dry.

To use this remedy, you will need an aluminum saucepan or mug. Pour water into it, add a tablespoon of salt, two raw egg shells (per liter of water) and put on fire. While the water is boiling, rinse the silver items in hot water and then dip them in boiling water with salt and eggshells. Count to twenty and take it out. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth (cloth is better).

Try cleaning silver with vinegar. To do this, take ordinary table vinegar (6%), dilute it with water and soak a cloth in this solution. Then just thoroughly wipe the silver, rinse it and wipe it dry. Vinegar perfectly cleans silver from organic dirt and mold. So you can use it not for radical cleaning, but for preventive care.

A lot has already been said about the fact that this popular carbonated drink does not bring any benefit to the body (and even vice versa!) And some housewives successfully clean kettles with cola from scale and silver from dark deposits. According to their experience, boiling silver items in this drink returns their color and shine after five minutes. However, experimenting with this tool, as well as with hydrogen peroxide, is not worth it.

Take an old toothbrush, apply a layer of lipstick on it and carefully polish the silver item. If this tool can not always cope with a dark coating, then it is quite possible to return the shine to silver with its help.

By the way, you can clean silver at home with professional tools. If you purchase such a special tool in a jewelry store, then for a long time you will save yourself from troublesome cleaning with ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, soda and others like them. Firstly, you can safely and easily clean both silverware and jewelry with stones, and secondly, protect products from rapid oxidation. According to manufacturers, silver jewelry cleaners form a protective layer on them. However, you can always verify this by applying such tools in practice. Good luck!

If a silver object or jewelry has lost its radiance over time, darkened, then you need to learn how to clean the product at home with improvised means or using a special solution, and feel free to get down to business. There are a lot of recipes to restore shine to silver, but are they all really effective?

How to clean silver at home

Most silver items turn black after a while, become dull. Superstitious people say that the reason for this is damage to the owner or illness. According to scientists, the composition of human sweat affects silver products: if there is an excess of sulfur in the body, then the metal is more likely to darken, and if there is a lot of nitrogen, then silver will not darken. However, it happens that the products just lie in the box - for example, cutlery, crockery, figurines - and still covered with bloom. This comes from interaction with air containing hydrogen sulfide.

To know how to clean silver jewelry at home correctly, you need to take into account the alloy of silver, impurities, and the presence of stones. An alloy of silver happens:

  • matte;
  • coin;
  • blackened;
  • filigree;
  • sterling (925 test).

So, how to clean silver at home? Before you start cleaning silver jewelry, dishes, degrease the product using any detergent. Rub indentations and curls with a soft toothbrush. Let the item lie in soapy water for several minutes, and then rinse the jewelry and proceed to drastic measures. There are many ways to clean silver, including cleaning with:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • salt;
  • ammonia (ammonia);
  • foil;
  • citric acid;
  • coca-cola;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • special means (liquids, pastes, napkins);
  • mechanical method of cleaning with an eraser.

hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide to clean silver items is very controversial. Cleaning silver with hydrogen peroxide can both remove blackening from a precious metal and start the reverse process. Hydrogen peroxide donates oxygen atoms to reduce or oxidize a substance, depending on its composition, so the reaction to silver can be unpredictable if the silver alloy contains foreign metals. In this case, there is a risk that the surface of the decoration will become mottled or completely black.

It will be difficult to remove such pollution at home. You will have to turn to a jeweler, and his work will result in a solid penny. There are recipes for cleaning silver at home using combined solutions based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. However, before putting the entire piece of jewelry into the composition, make a test - check the reaction on the chain clasp or the inside of the ring. If the place of contact has brightened, then boldly apply the solution to the entire surface of the jewelry using a cotton pad.


Housewives have long known the power of soda in the fight against pollution. She may be able to wash silver objects as well, but she must act without fanaticism so as not to scratch the shiny surface. The method is suitable for small items, as scratches on plates and spoons will be too conspicuous. How to clean silver with baking soda:

  1. Mix baking soda and a drop of water until a slurry is formed.
  2. Apply the gruel to the surface of the product with your fingers or a soft cloth, lightly rub until it shines.
  3. Difficult places are best cleaned with a toothbrush.
  4. Rinse the jewelry with water.
  5. Wipe dry.


Another quick, easy way is to clean silver with salt. You will need ordinary salt, large or small, which is available, it does not matter. In a small bowl or mug, the bottom of which is lined with foil, pour, without sparing, salt, baking soda, pour dishwashing liquid. Jewelry should be placed in this substance and boiled for 10 minutes. Then rinse the products under the tap and dry. This method is suitable for small items such as rings, crosses, earrings, chains, coins. Plates, spoons, candlesticks, other kitchen utensils must be cleaned by other methods.


There are several ways to clean silver with ammonia. You can use both pure alcohol and its combination with other substances. Two ways using only ammonia:

  1. Take one part of ammonia and 10 parts of water and prepare a solution. Immerse the product in it to soak. If the silver is of medium contamination, then the treatment lasts from half an hour to an hour. You should not keep silver in ammonia for too long, you need to follow the bleaching process. Slightly cloudy products can simply be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with ammonia.
  2. For too blackened silver items, you will need pure ammonia. Processing time 15 minutes. The silver is then rinsed and dried.


citric acid

To brighten antique items and jewelry, cleaning silver with citric acid or vinegar will help:

  • It is necessary to dilute 100 grams of acid in 0.5 liters and put the solution to heat in a water bath.
  • Dip a small piece of copper or wire and silver into the container. Boiling time from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then, as usual, rinse and dry the item.

coca cola

The cleaning properties of Coca-Cola are already legendary. What this drink does not clean: tiles, plumbing, dishes! For home life, this is an expensive and irrational way, but cleaning silver with Coca-Cola is quite affordable and will not hit your pocket. It is necessary to pour a small amount of Coca-Cola into a glass and lower silver items there. The process is long, it will take about 12 hours, but the silver will shine like new.


Cleaning silver with toothpaste works well on slightly clouded jewelry. Smooth products can be wiped with a toothpaste cloth, and jewelry with many embossed details can be cleaned with a toothbrush. Choose a paste without additives and dyes so that impurities do not lead to an undesirable reaction with the metal. After cleaning the product, rinse thoroughly so that a white coating does not form, polish with a soft cloth.

Silver cleaners

In any jewelry store you can find special products for cleaning silver products. Voice the problem to the consultant, but rather bring the jewelry with you - he will recommend the appropriate cleaner: wipes, liquid or paste. Check if a particular cleaning agent can be used for products with stones: some do not tolerate aggressive cleaning, they are easy to damage.

Cleaning liquid

A special solution for cleaning silver consists of organic solvents, phosphates, surfactants, fragrances, water. This is a strong cleaner, so it is not recommended to use it to lighten silver jewelry with pearls, amber, corals. For example, Aladdin liquid is a convenient container with a special basket and a brush: the product is placed in the basket, then it must be immersed directly into the jar, held for 30 seconds. Then rinse the silver with water and polish with a napkin. The effect is visible from the first time, but there is a drawback - an unpleasant smell.

Special liquids can be sold in the form of a spray, such as the Chinese remedy Sunlight. Comes with a small brush for cleaning hard-to-reach places. As stated on the packaging, Sunlight Spray is safe for all types of precious metals and stones. The product is transparent, without a strong odor, easy to use. It is only necessary to sprinkle silver, hold for a few minutes, and then rinse with water.


To clean slightly darkened or lost their luster of novelty, it is recommended to use silver cleaning wipes. There are wipes made from microfiber that are chemical free so as not to harm metal and stones. In addition, in stores you can buy disposable wipes with special impregnation for polishing jewelry, separately with impregnation for polishing jewelry with pearls or other organic stones. One such napkin is enough to rub a small table service to a shine.

Cleaning paste

A thick cream or paste for cleaning silver effectively cleans old black deposits on jewelry, cutlery, antiques. The paste has a delicate structure and does not leave scratches on the product. Before cleaning, degrease silver by washing it in warm water with soap or detergent. Then apply a little paste on a napkin, rub the product and leave for a while, then polish the surface with a dry napkin.

How to clean silver from black

Cleaning silver at home is troublesome, you can scratch the product or ruin the stones. Most of the well-known ways to clean silver at home have been discussed above. It remains to figure out which of the considered methods is best used for jewelry, products with stones, and which one for dishes, cutlery, antiques and other items:

  • Silver utensils, which will show scratches from soda, are best cleaned with toothpaste. It is just right for items that are not badly affected by blackening. However, you do not need to use the paste too often, it can provoke the formation of microcracks on the metal. Spoons, forks, knives are cleaned with soda, salt and foil. With this method, it is not necessary to rub objects, the dirt leaves when boiled.
  • With small jewelry or coins, the eraser can easily cope, but you have to work hard. Instead of an eraser, some advise using lipstick, putting a little on a soft cloth and rubbing the silver. The lipstick will not leave scratches and can be easily washed off with soapy water. For small jewelry, a gruel of chalk and ammonia is also suitable, which is applied to the product and then washed off with water.
  • Blackened silver should not be cleaned to a shine at all, trying to wash off the noble patina, depriving the decoration of charm and sophistication.

silver chain

Many people think that the most difficult thing is cleaning the silver chain, because there are small links or a spiral. However, by applying the knowledge gained about silver purification methods, this problem can be easily dealt with. It will take vinegar and 3 hours of time:

  • Soak the chain in acid, without diluting it with water, and hold for the indicated time.
  • Perhaps the process will go faster if the silver is not too run.
  • Vinegar does a great job with very strong browning.

Silver with stones

If you are afraid to ruin silver jewelry with stones with household chemicals, it is better to clean it with special liquids for professional cleaning. You can buy them in a jewelry store. They will not only carefully clean the silver, but also cover the surface with a protective film. It is important to know the features of the stones in your jewelry:

  • Turquoise does not tolerate moisture, it is absolutely impossible to lower it into water.
  • Pearls do not tolerate ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, they are washed in a soapy water solution.
  • Amethyst and topaz easily tolerate the effects of alkalis and acids of low concentration, but will not survive high temperatures - they will fade.
  • Zirconia, quartz are not capricious, they can be washed in soapy water.


In the process of storage or long-term wear, silver products, unfortunately, tend to darken and lose their beautiful shine. In order to restore the original look of jewelry, many people prefer to take them to jewelry workshops. I suggest trying to clean silver at home using simple and affordable folk remedies.

Why does silver darken and how to avoid it?

Let's see what causes the color of the products to change. It largely depends on what silver interacts with during storage and wear.

Main Causes of Silver Oxidation:

  • high humidity in the room;
  • frequent contact with water;
  • contact with cosmetics and food;
  • contact with human sweat;
  • storage in direct contact with other jewelry made of precious and base metals.

  • remove jewelry during housework;
  • wipe regularly with their cloth napkin after each use;
  • keep away from sunlight and heat;
  • store in sealed boxes, cases or boxes, individual fabric bags or special stands;

  • put on jewelry already after applying makeup and perfume;
  • do not take water procedures in jewelry and be sure to remove them at night.

To avoid cleaning silver immediately after purchase, give preference to products that have undergone rhodium plating. This coating increases the density of the metal and protects it from oxidation and corrosion.

How to determine the cleaning method?

To choose the most suitable way cleaning silver products and generally deciding whether it is possible to clean a particular piece of jewelry with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Sample and product composition- alloys cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents and aggressive compounds, but it is better to entrust their cleaning to masters.
  2. Presence of gems, enamel and gilding elements - they can be damaged during cleaning by folk methods and require a more gentle and accurate impact.

  1. Degree and type of pollution- do not once again subject the product to aggressive cleaning if there are only a few small spots on it.
  2. The size of the decoration and the presence of complex patterns– some products are easiest to clean by completely immersing them in a container of cleaning solution, while others can be cleaned thoroughly with a damp cloth.

If you doubt that you will keep the presentation of the product during cleaning, then it is better to entrust this process to the masters. Professionals will clean the precious metal with ultrasound. The price of such a service on average can be from 300 to 1000 rubles.

We clean silver products: 7 folk methods

There are many ways that you can use at home to clean your silver. The most popular of them are collected in the following table:

Illustration Description

Method 1. Toothpaste

The most popular silver cleaning option. Tooth powder will work too.

Apply paste or powder to an old toothbrush, or any woven fabric. Wipe the product thoroughly, pay special attention to hard-to-reach places.

You can leave the product to act for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly in water.

Method 2. Soda

Tarnished silverware lends itself well to cleaning with soda.

You can make a paste by dissolving 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda in ½ cup of water. Immerse jewelry for 40-50 minutes in a soda solution or rub it with the resulting product.

Method 3. Vinegar

Silver can be cleaned using a cloth soaked in 9% vinegar. Or soak the jewelry in a container of vinegar for 2 hours, and then wipe thoroughly.

Method 4. Ammonia

This remedy has been successfully used to clean silverware.

Cleaning silver with ammonia can be done by immersing products for 15-20 minutes in the prepared solution.

There are three recipes:

  • dilute a few drops of the product in half a glass of water;
  • 1 cup of warm soapy water for 6 drops of the product;
  • gruel from dissolved chalk in a few drops of the product.

Cleaning silver with ammonia can also be done using a cloth flap. It must be soaked in liquid and rubbed on the jewel.

Method 5. Citric acid

With its help, you can get rid of spots and darkening. Instructions for preparing the solution:

  • in 0.5 l of water dissolve 100 gr. acids;
  • heat the resulting mixture on the stove;
  • immerse the product inside for 15 minutes and then clean with a brush or cloth.

Method 6. Potatoes

An unusual method of cleaning silver. The metal is cleaned due to the high content of starch (it is easier to use starch in a bag).

Potatoes are peeled and boiled over low heat. Then silver instruments are immersed in cooled water for 2 hours.

Method 7. Aluminum foil

The foil should be laid on the bottom of the container, pour water, add a little salt and immerse the jewelry for a few minutes.

After that, clean the silver with a brush and dry.


So, I have shared with you the most common ways to clean silver at home using affordable products. Try one of the options and share in the comments what worked and what, in your opinion, turned out to be not very effective. If you want to visually study the sequence of actions, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article.

Silver is a noble alloy from which jewelry, interior items, dishes, cutlery and other products are made. It has a special property to kill bacteria. But when covered with a dark coating, it loses its appearance and ability to disinfect. To remedy the situation, you need to know how to clean silver. To do this, use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, soda, citric acid, salt, vinegar and other means. You can see that it is not necessary to buy expensive preparations or give the jewelry to the workshop. You only need to have recipes and know how to clean silver at home.

Why silver darkens

First, let's find out the reasons why silver darkens. It is important to know your enemy by sight. Everything is simple here, black plaque is silver sulfide. It is formed as a result of a chemical reaction with hydrogen sulfide in the presence of oxygen. Sulfur is in human sweat, respectively, the more sweat - the faster the oxidation. In general, there are several main causes of blackening:

  • Low quality alloy.
  • Reaction with sweat, more precisely with the presence of sulfur in it. If nitrogen predominates, a reverse reaction occurs and the dark plaque is destroyed.
  • Increased air humidity.
  • Contact with cosmetics and household chemicals.
  • Incorrect storage.

How to clean silver with ammonia

Folk methods cost several times, or even tens of times cheaper than those bought in a store. Cleaning silver with ammonia is popular. Whoever does not have it in the house can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy for mere pennies.

Ammonia is poured into a glass and the necessary things are immersed in it. Leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the alcohol will corrode the blackness and dirt, which will go away on their own or with a little help from you. Take it out, wipe the remains with a cloth, wash in water and be sure to dry.

To one glass of water, add a tablespoon of ammonia, a little baby or laundry soap and hydrogen peroxide. Stir and immerse the silver items for 15-20 minutes. Remove and clean with a soft, damp cloth. If the surface is clean - dry, if not - repeat the procedure.

The third recipe is how to clean silver with ammonia. Choose the one that suits you best and get started. The next method is hard and not recommended for fine jewelry. Ammonium chloride is mixed with crushed chalk or tooth powder. Stir until a slurry is formed. Using a cotton swab, apply a thin even layer to the surface and leave to dry. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any remaining product and you're done. Congratulations on mastering a new skill, cleaning silver with ammonia.

Effective Methods for Cleaning Silver Items

At home, there are many substances with which you can clean silver. For the methods to work as they should, carefully follow the instructions. Below we describe the most effective and common recipes that clean silver.

3 cleaning methods: video

Lemon acid

Purification of silver with citric acid occurs as follows. 100 grams of acid is diluted into half a liter of water. Find a piece of copper wire and add it to the solution. Place the container in a water bath and heat to a boil. Now the cleaning of silver jewelry begins, slowly immerse them in boiling water and leave for 10-20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the dirt. Wipe with a cloth and rinse with clean water, then dry completely.

It is important that during immersion there is no sharp temperature difference, otherwise the jewelry may be deformed. The most dangerous bottom of the pan, cover it with a cloth or do not let the silver reach the bottom. It would be optimal to hang the product on one end of the copper wire, and hook the other on the top of the vessel.

baking soda and tooth powder

The products are very aggressive, since the alloy cannot be cleaned with abrasive products. Be extremely careful not to damage the surface. If risk doesn't stop you, let's get started. And so, how to clean silver with soda?

Pour a little into the vessel and add water while gently mixing the solution. You need to make a liquid slurry, this is an approximate ratio of soda to water 3: 1. Wipe the product with the resulting mixture until it shines. Only wisely, do not apply too much force, you can easily damage the surface of the product. The procedure is convenient and safe to do if the slurry is applied to a soft cloth and the plaque is already washed off with it.

Use of Coke

Let's move on to the original way, pure silver at home using Coca-Cola. Almost everyone already knows about the wonderful cleaning capabilities of the drink. They say he can even dissolve a tooth. We use this property to our advantage. We will warn you right away that the process is not fast and it will take a lot of time. Pour the drink into a convenient container and submerge the silver jewelry. Depending on the amount of contamination, it will take from one day to several weeks. Only the most patient will be able to clean in this way.

Salt use

How to clean silver at home? With the help of the most common means - salt. The most common one that everyone has in the kitchen. Pour half a liter of warm water into a small saucepan and add 5 teaspoons of salt. Stir, immerse the contaminated items and leave for 2-3 hours.

To enhance the effect of the salt solution, bring the water to a boil before immersing the products. Cover the bottom with a rag so that the jewel does not come into contact with the hot bottom. You need to boil for 10 to 30 minutes.

Using Vinegar

Table vinegar is often misused due to its cleansing properties. Housewives wash different things with it. It is not uncommon to clean silver with vinegar. Therefore, we will reveal such a method that will help to clean off plaque, patina, rust, iodine and other dirt. The method allows you to clean silver with stones.

To begin with, we will strengthen the cleansing properties by raising the temperature. Heat the vinegar on the stove to 40-60 degrees. Turn off heat source. Now you can clean the products by immersing them in hot vinegar for 15 minutes. Take out, wash the residue with a damp cloth and dry. Repeat the process if necessary.

Salt soda and dish detergent

The next way is how to quickly clean silver at home. To begin with, we will make the following solution in aluminum dishes, take a liter of warm water and add a tablespoon of soda, salt and dish detergent. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Line the bottom with a cloth and submerge the silver jewelry. Put everything on fire and boil for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. As can be seen from the foregoing, cleaning silver at home does not require special tools. There are many products at home that can help.

Water from boiled eggs

An interesting way to clean silver with ordinary water. Take some eggs, boil them. Leave the boiled water to cool. When the water becomes warm, place the contaminated products there and leave for an hour. After swimming, it will become much easier to wash off the pollution. To enhance the effect, boil egg shells in water.

Ashes from cigarettes

Oddly enough, silver can be cleaned with cigarette ashes. There are two recipes for this. Add ashes to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Then the products are immersed and left to cook for 10 minutes. Another method involves diluting the ashes in lemon juice, after which the surface is treated using a soft cloth. At the end of both methods, do not forget to wash well with warm water and dry.

curdled milk

Thanks to lactic acid, curdled milk can be used to clean silver jewelry. Place the object in it for 5-10 minutes, then wash it with a cloth in warm water. That's all, so you can clean silverware and a product with stones.

Hydrogen peroxide

Cleaning silver with hydrogen peroxide gives a good whitening effect. Soak for 5 minutes in a 3% solution, rinse with warm water and dry. You can go the other way, add a little peroxide to the ammonia. Dip silver inside and stir every 5 minutes. The whole procedure takes half an hour. From an excess of peroxide, the surface may become light yellow, but will quickly return the color back.

Ammonia and soap solution

Silver cleaning with ammonia occurs according to the following recipe. Make a soap solution using laundry soap. Heat up to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Add to ammonia with the calculation of 5 drops per glass of water. Soak the silver for 15 minutes, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Mechanical cleaning of silver

How else can you clean silver at home? Not all methods involve a chemical reaction and boiling. It is not necessary to use a silver cleaning solution. You can influence black plaque by mechanical means. But they are more suitable for cleaning silverware and not expensive jewelry. Be vigilant, careless movement can damage the surface.

Use of lipstick

Jewelry can be polished with lipstick. It is better to take one that is no longer used for its intended purpose. It should be applied with a toothbrush. Keep in mind that silver alloy is delicate and soft, especially 925 and 999. Therefore, in the process, do not make any effort, do everything gently and carefully. Then wash in warm water and dry. Suitable for products with stones.

Using the eraser

If the design allows, you can clean it with an eraser. Will not fit most earrings and chains. But the method allows cleaning quickly and easily. With a soft eraser, lightly polish the surface of the product until it acquires a natural color. Then you can not even wash, the main thing is to wipe with a cloth from the remnants of the eraser.


How else can you clean silver at home? Regular toothpaste and brush. Please note that there are no abrasive particles in it. The method is considered unsafe because it can scratch the surface. Apply a little paste to the brush and lightly polish the product. Be warned, it may take a long time.

Soda and foil: video

The nuances of cleaning products with stones, gilding and other features

You need to know how you can clean silver with stones at home, because a different approach is needed here. The same can be said about gilding. Small dirt is removed with ordinary alcohol applied to a cotton pad or ear stick.

The vinegar and lipstick method mentioned above will work just fine. Finally, the recipe for the most delicate product to clean gilded silver. Children's or laundry soap is rubbed on a grater and small chips are obtained, which will quickly dissolve. Add to warm water and stir until dissolved. Something like liquid jelly is formed. The gilding is immersed there for several hours, after which the surface is gently wiped with a soft cloth. In warm water, wash, wipe and leave to dry completely.