How long do false contractions last during pregnancy. Characteristics of false contractions. Treatment of false contractions

In the process of bearing a child, a woman experiences a whole life when the body is rebuilt, habits change, almost every day new sensations arise. And at a certain moment, when the birth is just around the corner, false contractions appear. How can you tell them from the real ones? What steps can be taken to relieve pain? When is it necessary to see a doctor?

False contractions - what is it

The term "false contractions" in medical science means irregular rhythmic contractions of the muscular walls of the uterus, designed to prepare the reproductive organs for childbirth. During such “training”, the muscles of the uterus and cervix become more resilient in order to actively contract in the future and push the baby through the birth canal.
The muscles of the uterus are trained before childbirth in order to contract at the right time and push the fetus through the birth canal.

Training contractions (also called Braxton-Hicks contractions - that was the name of the British doctor who first substantiated this phenomenon), in addition, improve the blood supply to the reproductive organs, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Interestingly, not all doctors have a common opinion about the purpose of false contractions. For example, some believe that this is only a reaction of the body of a pregnant woman to hormonal fluctuations, and not at all preparation for labor.

Not all pregnant women feel Braxton Hicks contractions, especially for primiparas. Here, much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism (high or low pain threshold), provoking factors. Nevertheless, such reductions occur in every expectant mother, but they can simply be overlooked (for example, due to being busy with work, household chores), confused with increased gas formation and other phenomena.

Reasons for the occurrence of training fights

There are a number of factors that can provoke training bouts or increase the intensity of existing ones:

  1. Active movement of the fetus (turning, pushing).
  2. The activity of the future mother herself, for example, physical activity.
  3. Emotional upheavals: fear, stress, or, conversely, joy. Sensitive people are more prone to this.
  4. Sexual intercourse, accompanied by a female orgasm.
  5. Eating heavy and fatty foods that cause a feeling of heaviness in the digestive tract, carbonated drinks, overeating or, conversely, severe hunger, dehydration.
  6. Inability to go to the toilet on time. This can cause discomfort in the bladder and rectum, causing false contractions.

In some cases, false contractions can occur even if you put your hand on your stomach, your own or someone else's.

Photo gallery: factors provoking Braxton-Hicks contractions

Sex with a violent female orgasm can provoke training contractions. One of the reasons for false contractions is the use of fatty heavy foods, carbonated drinks, or hunger. Emotional experiences can cause false contractions. False contractions can provoke active movements of the fetus.

How to differentiate false and labor contractions

If some pregnant women experience just mild discomfort during Braxton-Hicks contractions, then others experience quite a lot of pain. During attacks, expectant mothers are confused: they take this phenomenon for the onset of childbirth and rush to get ready for the hospital (especially if the period is already decent). Therefore, it is important to learn the signs that distinguish training bouts from true ones.

Table: differences between false and true contractions

Criteria for distinction false contractions True
Periodicity They are fixed from time to time, without a certain interval. Attacks of contractions are regular, repeat after a certain period of time, gradually become more frequent and become longer.
Increasing pain intensity The intensity of the pain does not increase, on the contrary, it gradually weakens. Each next fight is stronger than the previous one.
Is it possible to reduce the intensity of pain The pain decreases with a change in activity, rest, etc. Changing the position of the body or type of activity does not affect the intensity of the attack.
Pain localization The pain is fixed in the abdomen, pelvic area. The pain radiates to the back and lower back, lower abdomen, sides and thighs, rectum and bladder.

One of the main differences between true contractions is their frequency.

False contractions have absolutely nothing to do with childbirth, they do not signal the beginning of this process. Attacks are not accompanied by the opening of the cervix (only a gynecologist is able to testify to this during examination).

Video: differences between false and true contractions (fragment of the webinar "Preparing for childbirth" of the Academy of Maternity)

Normal pregnancy sensations during Braxton Hicks contractions

You can recognize the training contractions of a pregnant woman that have begun by the characteristic symptoms:

  1. In a certain part of the abdomen, severe pain appears - as if someone is squeezing the uterus. Drawing pains of varying intensity appear (as a rule, they do not cause severe discomfort).
  2. In one hour, this feeling can be repeated several times, and then disappear for several days. Some people have seizures from time to time during the day.
  3. Attacks occur suddenly, do not have a certain rhythm and cyclicity. However, most often they are fixed in the evening or at night, when the rest of the muscles of the body are relaxed (at this time of day, the tone of the uterus is simply easier to notice).
  4. Contractions stop on their own or together with a change in body position, movement, etc.

Often false contractions make themselves felt in the evening and at night, when the rest of the muscles of the body are relaxed.

As for the specific dates when a woman can expect training bouts, here, again, everything is individual. However, this usually happens no earlier than 20 weeks. Many pregnant women report seizures only in the third trimester. Contractions at 39–40 weeks should be evaluated very carefully, since they may be true.

Situations requiring medical attention

Despite the harmlessness of training bouts, there are situations when such a “training” requires medical intervention. Pay close attention to the following signals:

  1. Attacks are accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge: watery or mixed with blood (perhaps placental abruption begins).
  2. The pain during uterine contractions is too strong, although irregular. For example, too pronounced pain in the lumbar region may not mean false contractions, but an acute inflammatory kidney disease.
  3. Increasing pressure on the perineum: it causes pain, discomfort.
  4. At the same time, amniotic fluid is poured out or they leak (a large amount of fluid comes out of the genital tract or underwear just gets wet quickly).
  5. Contractions are repeated too often - more than 4 times per minute (possibly, the active opening of the cervix begins).
  6. The movement of the fetus has noticeably decreased: less than 10 movements are observed within two hours (this happens before childbirth).

In some cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor, for example, when there is a very strong pain in the lower spine, in the lower back

All of these signs are especially dangerous when it is too early for the baby to be born. After all, there is a risk of preterm labor. If, at the end of the third trimester, the pregnant woman notes that the contractions are becoming too intense, frequent, quite regular and long, most likely, childbirth begins and it's time to go to the maternity hospital.

How to relieve a woman's condition during Braxton-Hicks contractions

When false contractions cause noticeable discomfort to a pregnant woman, she is quite capable of alleviating her condition with simple measures:

  1. Find a comfortable position and do what you love. Every pregnant woman can choose a position in which discomfort will be minimal or disappear altogether: for example, curl up on a soft sofa, covered with a blanket, or lean back in a wide chair. At the same time, it is good to read an interesting book, watch your favorite series or listen to relaxing music. This helps to take your mind off the pain.
  2. Drink warm tea, fruit drink or just a glass of water.
  3. Walking with moderate physical activity.
  4. Take a warm shower or bath.
  5. A pleasant relaxing massage on the lower back. A caring spouse can do it.
  6. If hunger provoked contractions, you should eat something nutritious, but not heavy.
  7. Breathing exercises help a lot. In addition to the fact that exercises facilitate the condition of the expectant mother, they increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus, they serve as an excellent breathing exercise in the upcoming birth. You can try such simple options: “candle” (slow nasal inhalation and sharp short exhalation through the mouth), “dog-like” (this is frequent shallow breathing, like dogs breathe in hot weather, but no more than 30 seconds so as not to feel dizzy ), ordinary slow breaths and exhalations (moreover, the exhalation is done during the contraction).

Photo gallery: measures to help deal with false contractions

Moderate outdoor physical activity (such as picking autumn leaves) will relieve discomfort If the discomfort is caused by yogurt, you need to eat something light and nutritious take a comfortable position and be distracted by your favorite pastime, for example, read a book Help relieve pain with a warm shower or bath Warm tea will help relieve contractions, while the woman is comfortably located in a comfortable chair or on the sofa A pleasant relaxing massage will help relieve pain during false contractions

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Braxton Hicks contractions are commonly referred to as random painless training contractions. They were named after the English doctor J. Braxton Hicks, who first described these contractions in 1872. By their nature, contractions are a short-term contraction of the uterine muscles (from thirty seconds to two minutes), felt by the expectant mother as an increase in uterine tone.

All about training fights - educational program for expectant mothers

False contractions are necessary for a woman during pregnancy . The uterus needs preparatory training in order to cope with the birth load without problems.

The goal of Hicks contractions is preparation for labor both the cervix and the uterus itself.

Features of false contractions-harbingers:

  • Shortly before the onset of labor, contractions are harbingers contribute to the shortening of the cervix and its softening. Previously, when there were no ultrasound machines, the appearance of preliminary contractions predicted near-term birth.
  • Contractions - harbingers arise after the twentieth week of pregnancy.
  • They are short - from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. The future mother in the process of Hicks' training bouts experiences spasms in the uterus. The tummy hardens or stony for a while, and then returns to its previous state again. Often, women in labor confuse false contractions with genuine ones, and arrive at the maternity hospital ahead of time.
  • With increasing gestational age the frequency of occurrence of Braxton Hicks contractions increases , and their duration remains unchanged. Many women may not even observe the appearance of such contractions.

Women who feel discomfort during training bouts should try to relax. An excellent option would be a leisurely walk or a relaxing holiday.

Need to learn relax and breathe properly Listen to your body and understand what it needs.

How to behave during Higgs Braxton contractions?

Practice bouts are usually not accompanied by pain, but with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, they can become more frequent and bring a feeling of discomfort. All phenomena are personal, and depend on the sensitivity of the future mother.

Contractions - harbingers can be caused by the following:

  • Maternal activity or active movements of the baby in the womb;
  • Experiences or worries of the future mother;
  • Dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman;
  • Bladder fullness;
  • Sex, or, to be more precise, an orgasm.

During contractions - harbingers, every pregnant woman should know how to behave and how to help herself. The best thing - try to avoid situations that cause false contractions.

However, if the process has begun, You can alleviate the condition in the following ways:

  • Take a warm shower, as water relieves muscle spasm;
  • Change the position of the body;
  • Take a leisurely walk, while walking, the smooth muscles of the uterus will relax;
  • Drink some water, juice or fruit drink;
  • Do breathing exercises, which will increase the access of oxygen to the baby;
  • Try to relax, lie down, close your eyes and listen to pleasant music.

Learning to distinguish false contractions from real ones

Noticing the beginning of any contractions, a pregnant woman should take a piece of paper, a pen and record the time and duration of the first and all subsequent contractions. They will help you figure out whether your contractions are real or false.

  • Compared to labor pains, training contractions, painless, and can easily pass when walking or when changing the position of the pregnant woman.
  • Labor contractions are regular, but training ones are not. With genuine contractions, contractions appear in the lower back and extend to the front of the abdomen. The interval between contractions is ten minutes, and over time it is reduced and reaches an interval of thirty to seventy seconds.
  • Unlike false contractions, labor pains do not disappear when walking or changing position. They are characterized by constant amplification. In case of outflow of fetal waters, the baby must be born within twelve hours, otherwise the infection can enter the uterine cavity and harm the baby and the woman in labor.
  • During labor pains, bloody or other discharge appears. This is not typical for training fights.

Attention - when you need to urgently see a doctor!

By their very nature, Hicks' training contractions are considered completely normal. But - there are times when you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Warning signs include the following:

  • Decreased frequency of fetal movements;
  • Waste of fetal waters;
  • The appearance of bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower back or lower spine;
  • Watery or bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • Repetition of contractions more than four times a minute;
  • Sensation of strong pressure on the perineum.

Remember: if you have a long period, and you feel intense, regular, long and frequent contractions - it may be your baby in a hurry to meet you!

The last few weeks of pregnancy are the most exciting and at the same time the most unsettling. A woman listens to the slightest sensations in the body and expects that childbirth can begin at any moment. To prepare for childbirth, you need to remember that contractions do not always end in childbirth. They may also be called false or training. How to distinguish them and can you figure it out on your own?

First, let's find out what contractions are. These are rhythmic uterine contractions that appear sporadically. The main difference between false and real ones is that training ones tend to pass quickly. The real harbingers of childbirth only intensify, overshadowing all other sensations. They are often accompanied by severe back pain.

body training

Preparatory contractions are training for the uterus and abdominal muscles. They appear mainly in the second half of pregnancy, starting from the 20th week. Although the term for each woman can be different. Someone encounters this category of contractions shortly before childbirth, while someone does not feel training contractions at all.

False contractions are contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus that do not cause discomfort. In some cases, they are so insignificant that a woman will not even feel them. This is a kind of gymnastics for the uterus. She is preparing for the upcoming event - childbirth. From its ability to stretch depends on how quickly the process of childbirth will end. At the same time, these cuts allow the expectant mother to work out before the main event. It is necessary to learn how to breathe correctly, distributing the forces of the body.

Typical signs of false contractions:

  1. Painlessness.
  2. Inconsistency, up to once in 5-7 hours. May be seen less frequently. With an increase in the duration, the frequency of training fights increases.
  3. At night they do not cause discomfort. Many women sleep without feeling that the body is doing preparatory work.
  4. In the daytime, they often go unnoticed, especially if the expectant mother continues to work and actively spends her day.
  5. Often tension can be relieved by taking a warm bath or changing positions.
  6. The cervix does not open.
  7. There is no bleeding, discharge of water, girdle pain.
  8. The muscles of the uterus are in tension for no more than one minute.

Reasons for the appearance of training contractions

Preliminary contractions appear for a reason. There are reasons that can trigger a false alarm:

  • increased activity of the expectant mother;
  • the activity of the baby in the womb throughout the day;
  • excitement and stressful situations of the mother, experiences;
  • full bladder;
  • body dehydration:
  • sexual tension. Having sex helps the uterus to contract, training the walls of the organ. Sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which softens the cervix and makes it more elastic.

There is no consensus on the benefits of false contractions, but they allow a woman to repeat the exercises that she goes through in a childbirth school. You can practice proper breathing. This is a great opportunity to pull yourself together and eliminate panic. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of contractions may increase.

Breathe right

It is not always possible for a woman to independently distinguish whether it is a false alarm or childbirth has begun. How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? You need to listen to your body. If rhythmic contractions are gaining momentum, then it's time to remember breathing exercises:

  1. "Slow breathing". At the contraction, exhale slowly, making room for the next breath. After that, take a deep breath. Alternate.
  2. "Like a dog". It is advisable to perform in the process of reductions. Rapid breathing, shallow. Be careful not to get dizzy. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the body.
  3. "Candle". Deep breath in through the nose - sharp and quick exhalation through the mouth.

Already giving birth?

In the last stages of pregnancy, especially when there are a couple of weeks left before the birth itself, a pregnant woman listens very carefully to her body. Somewhere it pulls, somewhere it whines ...

In order not to worry about this, it is enough to remember that:

  • The real harbingers of childbirth tend to intensify. Their frequency is increasing.
  • Painful sensations become stronger and brighter.
  • The pain is girdle in nature, switching from the lower abdomen to the lumbar region. Bleeding appears.
  • Amniotic fluid may break. In this case, the birth of a child must occur within 10-12 hours to prevent infection from entering the mother's womb.
  • The intensity of the contractions increases in the same way as the depth.
  • There is strong pressure in the perineum.

When the above signals appear, you should immediately contact the doctor who led your pregnancy. If it is not possible to get to the hospital on your own, then it is better to call an ambulance.

The more childbirth approaches, the more a woman can become restless. Especially if this is the first pregnancy. Most likely, she repeatedly heard from friends and acquaintances that the onset of labor cannot be missed or confused with something. Nevertheless, the expectant mother is concerned about all these questions: how does the water and the mucous plug leave, how to recognize contractions, how long before the birth they begin, when do you need to go to the hospital ...

Especially a lot of questions arise about fights. After all, as it turns out, they do not always signal the onset of labor. This may turn out to be just a “training”, which does not portend any problems with the child, or his premature birth. But how to check if contractions are real or false? It is not so difficult.

What are false contractions: is it good or bad?

Doctors say that contractions in pregnant women occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy, even in the first trimester. But, firstly, not all women feel them; secondly, if they feel it, then mostly not earlier than from 20-22 weeks of the term; thirdly, like many other processes, this happens differently for everyone or does not occur at all, although, of course, there are common features.

This is not about those contractions that open the beginning of labor. This refers to uterine contractions that do not lead to the opening of the cervix, but perform a number of other functions.

Most experts believe that such false contractions are the preparation of the female body for the upcoming birth, which is why they are also called training: they train the cervix so that it can open properly when the time comes for this. Another purpose is to saturate the blood with oxygen and activate blood circulation in the uterus and placenta, which contributes to a more active supply of nutrients to the fetus.

Doctors recommend using such moments to practice breathing techniques, which you will then use during childbirth, to find the most comfortable postures for yourself.

There is also an assumption that such uterine contractions occur in response to hormonal changes that accompany the period of bearing a child, which means that they are absolutely normal (physiological).

Be that as it may, all doctors agree on one thing: training contractions are not dangerous (and maybe even useful) if they are not accompanied by warning signs (which we will discuss later). At the same time, neither the presence nor the absence of such uterine contractions does not indicate any violation - training contractions are not always felt by women in the same way and not always at all. Some women carry a pregnancy without knowing what it is. Others complain that false contractions have simply tortured them, because they appear very often.

By the way, multiple factors are capable of provoking their occurrence: excessive physical activity of the child, physical labor of the expectant mother, sexual orgasm, various stressful situations, bladder overflow and even lack of fluid in the body. If you constantly encounter such sensations, then try to slow down the pace of life a little: perhaps the body is sending you signals that it is not ready to work in such an active mode now.

False contractions during pregnancy: symptoms, sensations

For the first time this phenomenon was described by the doctor John Braxton-Hicks, after whom it got its name in obstetrics. The sensations arising from this are so similar to real labor pains that women are not always able to distinguish them even during their second and third pregnancies.

And yet, Braxton-Hicks contractions have a number of differences from generic ones. Most importantly, they never lead to dilatation of the cervix and the birth of a child.

In addition, false contractions are not as pronounced and intense as real ones. In some cases, they are painful (mostly in the later stages), but more often they are accompanied by simple discomfort and abdominal cramps: the stomach hardens, pinches, but this does not happen for long - after a minute or even less, the tension passes. By the way, pain in the abdomen is also one of the most significant differences between “training” and the onset of childbirth: with real prenatal contractions, as a rule, pain in the lower back or back occurs first, which encircles the entire waist and then spreads to the stomach. With false contractions, only the stomach hurts, and often in a certain place (sometimes the pain radiates to the groin).

In fact, crampy abdominal pain, abdominal tension is the only symptom of training contractions. There should not be any other harbingers of childbirth (such as prolapse of the abdomen, discharge of amniotic fluid or cork, diarrhea, increased irritability, and others). Such pains often and more noticeably occur in the later stages, shortly before childbirth, and are felt more strongly in a state of complete rest of a woman, when she relaxes after a working day (in the evening or at night, in bed).

It should be noted that false contractions in multiparous women are no different from those in the first pregnancy. The only difference, perhaps, is that with a second pregnancy, a woman has more experience. But this does not always help: as a rule, each pregnancy is completely unique and proceeds in a special way. However, it often happens that in multiparous women, real prenatal contractions are not as pronounced and intense as during the first pregnancy, which is why they can be confused with training ones. Therefore, in the later stages (after 36 weeks of pregnancy), you should especially carefully listen to your body and the accompanying signs that accompany painful attacks.

How long do false contractions last during pregnancy

There is no fixed duration by which you can determine whether the fight is false or real. In both cases, the pain can be of varying intensity and duration. But in the case of "training" it never grows, does not intensify over time and does not repeat more and more often and for a longer time, as it happens at the beginning of labor.

Training fights, as a rule, are short and not strong. On average, they last from 30 to 60 seconds, but can be shorter or longer (even up to two minutes).

Regarding when to wait for childbirth, if such pains appear, then it should be understood: it is absolutely impossible to predict how long childbirth can begin if you begin to feel false contractions. This does not affect the duration of pregnancy in any way: the baby will be born "according to plan", depending on other factors.

If false contractions last a very long time (and even more so - the whole day, all night or last a day), if they are repeated every day or very painful, then this should certainly be told to the doctor urgently. Perhaps this is a prerequisite for an abortion or premature onset of labor: you need to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Be sure to urgently go to the hospital if false contractions are accompanied by signs such as:

  • spotting of any color and nature (foreshadow the threat of abortion);
  • mucous discharge (perhaps the mucous plug has come off);
  • copious or episodic watery discharge (may be discharge or leakage of water);
  • pain in the lower back, coccyx, lower back, girdle;
  • increased pain and increased seizures;
  • change in the activity of the child (reduction or cessation of movements);
  • the appearance of diarrhea, nausea or vomiting;
  • feeling of strong pressure in the pelvis and perineum;
  • repetition of contractions at least 5-6 times within an hour (or every 10 minutes);
  • very painful, unbearable contractions (forcing you to immobilize).

How to determine: false contractions or real ones?

If your stomach tingles or hurts, stiffens and hardens, and you are overwhelmed by worries and doubts, evaluate your feelings and the nature of the pains that arise according to the table below. It collects and structured simple tips on how to check for false contractions.

How to survive false contractions before childbirth

Sensations are rarely so painful that they require urgent relief measures. But they still cause some discomfort, especially at a later date. If the spasm continues for a long time, or the stomach hurts a lot, then simple actions will help ease your well-being and stop false contractions:

  1. Take a comfortable position or change it (rest if you are working, or stand up if you are lying down).
  2. Drink warm herbal tea, fruit drink, juice, milk or just a glass of clean water. You can also eat if you wish.
  3. Take a warm shower or bath.
  4. Listen to relaxing, relaxing music, meditate.
  5. Take a leisurely walk or just walk.
  6. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and exhale quickly through your mouth. Repeat one more time.
  7. If the pain does not go away, then you can drink an antispasmodic pill (preferably after consulting with your doctor). The best option for pregnant women is No-shpa or Ginipral.

If the pain does not decrease and does not go away, and even more so if they become more frequent and stronger, then you need to call the doctor or go to the hospital right away.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is a smooth change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone produced by it (the main hormone that supports pregnancy) decreases, but the level of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. Under the influence of the latter, the birth canal is prepared for the upcoming birth, and a generic dominant is formed in the brain - the nerve centers are restructured and their sensitivity to impulses from the uterus increases. In addition, the more estrogen, the more elastic and extensible the tissues - the cervix, the walls of the vagina and the perineum. That is why the body begins to intensively produce them before childbirth.

In addition, the cervix shortens, softens and slightly expands, and the mucus that has accumulated in its canal comes out. The head of the fetus should sink as low as possible and press firmly against the entrance to the small pelvis. All this in the body of a woman is manifested by specific changes, which are called the harbingers of childbirth.

It must be remembered that the harbingers of childbirth can appear both a few hours and a few weeks before the development of regular labor. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact time of the onset of labor, focusing on the precursors. They do not require hospitalization or treatment and are a normal response of the body to changes in hormonal levels.

For some women, the preparation of the body for childbirth occurs imperceptibly, without the appearance of warning signs, and this is also absolutely normal. Most often this applies to expectant mothers who are expecting their first baby. In women giving birth for the second time, the harbingers of childbirth are often more pronounced and begin at an earlier date. This is due to the fact that the cervix of such mothers responds faster to hormonal stimuli, softens and opens a little earlier.

Training contractions during the second pregnancy begin to disturb earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman already knows how they manifest themselves and recognizes them earlier. What signs are attributed to the harbingers of childbirth?

Harbingers of childbirth: prolapse of the abdomen

The downward displacement of the bottom of the uterus (that is, its upper part, located under the ribs) occurs approximately 10-14 days before delivery. The expectant mother notices that her stomach has dropped lower. This is due to the fact that the presenting part of the baby (that is, the part that will be born first, most often the head) is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetus takes the position most convenient for childbirth.

Moving down, the uterus ceases to exert pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. Therefore, after the stomach drops, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe. If in the last month she was disturbed by belching, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs after eating, after the prolapse of the uterus, these phenomena often disappear without a trace. However, by moving lower, the uterus will put more pressure on the bladder and rectum. In this regard, urination and stool become noticeably more frequent. Therefore, expectant mothers often begin to run to the toilet more often a few days before giving birth.

Harbingers of childbirth: weight loss and loose stools

As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone dominates. One of its actions is fluid retention in body tissues (which can be manifested by edema). On the eve of childbirth, with a decrease in the concentration of progesterone and an increase in the amount of estrogens in the blood of a pregnant woman, excess fluid is actively removed from her body. This explains the decrease in body weight 7-10 days before birth. Depending on the severity of edema, weight can decrease from 300–500 g to 2–2.5 kg. At the same time, the woman draws attention to the fact that it is now easier to put on shoes, traces of socks and tights become less pronounced, rings are removed more freely.

In addition, weight loss on the eve of childbirth may be associated with increased and thinning of the stool. The latter also occurs due to an increase in the concentration of female sex hormones and increased excretion of fluid from the body. Since loosening of the stool occurs most often when sufficiently high concentrations of estrogen are reached, this precursor is quite reliable and usually appears 1-2 days before the onset of regular labor. However, if liquid stools appear in late pregnancy, especially if there is mucus, streaks of blood, or an unpleasant odor in it, you should consult a doctor, since such changes may be a sign of food poisoning.

Harbingers of childbirth: discomfort in the lower back and abdomen

Approximately 1-2 weeks before delivery, discomfort may appear in the lower back (in the sacrum) and in the lower abdomen. Such changes in the well-being of the expectant mother are caused by stretching of the pelvic ligaments and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. These sensations are often pulling or aching and in no case should be sharp and intense.

Harbingers of childbirth: change in appetite

Some expectant mothers notice that their appetite has changed 5-7 days before giving birth. Most of the time it decreases. This is due to changes in the autonomic nervous system and hormonal levels.

Harbingers of childbirth: emotional instability

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth can lead to emotional instability, which is manifested by frequent mood swings without any external causes. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. You can notice such manifestations approximately 7-10 days before delivery.

Harbingers of childbirth: "nesting instinct"

Often, before childbirth, the “nesting instinct” is very pronounced, when the expectant mother begins to sew, wash, clean, prepare things for the baby, etc. At the same time, it must be remembered that you should not be on your feet for too long, lift heavy things so as not to endanger yourself and the child.

Harbingers of childbirth: changes in the motor activity of the fetus

3-5 days before delivery, the motor activity of the fetus usually also changes. Most of the time, the baby is quiet. The growing baby is already cramped in the uterus, and in addition, before the birth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases slightly, which makes it even more difficult to move.

Harbingers of childbirth: discharge of the mucous plug

One of the important precursors of childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which often causes concern for expectant mothers, forcing them to urgently seek medical help. In fact, there is no reason to worry. The mucus plug is a large amount of thick mucus, usually clear or yellowish in color, sometimes streaked with blood, giving it a pinkish color. It can be released all at once or in several portions. The discharge of the mucous plug can occur both a few hours and a few days before the onset of labor and is a favorable sign of the preparation of the cervix for labor, its softening and "ripening". During pregnancy, the glands of the mucosal canal of the cervix (cervical canal) secrete a special secret. It is a thick, sticky, jelly-like mass that forms a kind of cork. The mucous plug completely fills the cervical canal, preventing the penetration of bacteria from the vagina into the uterine cavity. Thus, it protects the fetus from infection. Before childbirth, when under the influence of estrogens the cervix begins to soften, its canal opens slightly, and the mucous plug that fills it can stand out.

After the discharge of the mucous plug, it is not recommended to visit the pool, bathing in ponds and in the bath, as the risk of infection of the fetus and membranes of the fetal bladder through the ajar cervix increases. During this period, you should limit yourself to a shower.

Harbinger or training contractions

From the 37–38th week, so-called training contractions appear (they are also called false, precursor or Braxton-Hicks contractions). Their occurrence is explained by an increase in the level of estrogen in the mother's body, as a result of which the uterus becomes more excitable and begins to contract. So she "trains", preparing for the upcoming big job, and her neck softens and shortens. Training contractions are irregular, lasting from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. A distinctive feature is the different time intervals between them: for example, within an hour there may be several short uterine contractions, then the next in an hour, then in 20 minutes. In most cases, training contractions are weak, painless, their nature varies depending on the position of the body and physical activity.

These contractions disappear after taking an antispasmodic, and a warm shower can also relieve them. They will neither increase nor lengthen, and the gaps between them will remain uneven. Their main difference from “real” contractions is that they do not lead to the opening of the cervix.

How to distinguish training fights from real ones?

Real labor pains have certain characteristic features. They are regular, repeat at regular intervals, for example, every 20 minutes, and last for 20 seconds. The strength, duration and frequency of labor pains gradually increase. At the same time, the gaps between them are gradually decreasing. Contractions that open the cervix are usually more painful than training ones, do not go away from a change in body position or a warm shower, taking an antispasmodic, disrupt the normal rhythm of a pregnant woman's life, and do not allow you to fall asleep.

At the time of the contraction, the expectant mother feels a gradually increasing, and then gradually decreasing tension in the abdomen. If at this moment you put your palm on it, you can notice that the stomach becomes very hard - “like a stone”, but after the fight it completely relaxes and becomes soft again.

When do you need medical help with the harbingers of childbirth?

Harbingers of childbirth may appear during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, do not require a visit to the doctor and should not cause concern to the woman. However, there are situations that require immediate medical attention. These changes include:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • bright scarlet discharge from the genital tract, regardless of whether they are plentiful or meager;
  • increase in blood pressure up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher;
  • severe headache, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, seizures;
  • the absence of fetal movements within 6 hours, a sharp decrease or a sharp increase in movements, painful movements of the baby;
  • outflow of amniotic fluid or suspicion of their leakage;
  • regular contractions, going through 10-15 minutes, lasting 20-30 seconds.