How to get a cold blond without yellowness. How to dye your hair blonde from a brunette. How to dye your hair so that there is no yellowness

1 year ago

If you have been thinking about radically changing your hair color for a long time, but did not dare in any way, be inspired by stellar examples and take note of the contacts of the best masters: they will professionally help you in this bold transformation!

More recently, Zoe Kravitz wore long black pigtails, and today the actress is already a platinum blonde. And who's to say that she changed her style? With a new hair color, Zoe has become even more extravagant!

Experiments with hair for the star of "House" is not new, but this time Olivia Wilde changed her image dramatically. Along with a short bob haircut, the actress made a platinum blonde dyeing with a fashionable effect of darkened roots.

Although Cara Delevingne has never been a very dark brunette, her white and short hair came as a surprise to everyone. Hollywood colorist Nina Karuz created one of the trendiest shades for the model - arctic blond. At the same time, Kara's signature eyebrows remained dark.

It was impossible to imagine the image of the heroine of "Twilight" so bright. With platinum hair, Kristen Stewart has definitely gotten brighter.

Another successful transformation is Jennifer Lawrence, who was not afraid to go "to the bright side". Now, perhaps, many will not remember her as a brunette, she is so harmonious in her cold shade of blond.

And Allison Williams did not do a short haircut and proved that it is possible to become a blonde without losing length. The main thing is a competent craftsman and good care.

Kim Kardashian's super-long black hair seemed to always have to be the pride of the TV personality. But the star was not afraid to repaint herself in platinum and even cut her luxurious length. By the way, it was after Kim that the stars massively began to repeat her feat.

Ksenia Chilingarova carried out her cardinal beauty changes gradually. First - a haircut, and then a new hair color - dyed blonde. As a reminder of her former self - a brunette - Ksenia left the roots dark.

To change the life situation, some psychologists advise you to radically change your appearance. To do this, you can lose a lot of weight or make a short haircut from long hair, you can change your wardrobe or change the color of your natural hair to the opposite. For example, dye your hair from a brunette to a blonde. After all, everyone has long noticed that blondes go through life easily and cheerfully.

Those who have tried to change the color of their hair on their own know: it is not so easy to get a pure blond. Quite often, an unpleasant yellowish-brown tint spoils the whole picture. To achieve a truly perfect color, it is necessary to remove the pigment that is responsible for. For an independent "experiment" with color, it is best to use professional means, for example, professional oxygen and a clarifying powder for mixing.

Oxygen is 6, 9 and 12 percent. The higher the percentage, the more aggressive it is, which means, the worse the hair will be. The powder is mixed with oxygen in a 1 to 2 ratio in a plastic bowl. When doing this, the same precautions should be followed as when working with paint.

In order to quickly pass the resulting composition, it is better not to save it, it must be applied very quickly to the hair and held for half an hour. Do not overexpose, otherwise you may burn your hair. It is necessary to wash off the composition using shampoo, having done this procedure twice. Then apply balm on them, rinse and dry. It is advisable to dry hair after dyeing only with cold air.

It will not work immediately to get the desired result after the first procedure: the hair will most likely be of a copper shade. After two weeks, the clarification procedure can be repeated. After that you need to paint it with cream paint. And in any case, you need to remember that instantly becoming a blonde will not work.

The transition from brunette to blonde must be done step by step. Ideally, without much harm to the hair, this procedure can last for six months. After all, you can remove no more than 3-4 tones at a time. In the process of repainting, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the hair. may simply not be able to withstand such "experiments".

If you, being a real brunette, also dyed yourself with non-professional dyes, giving your hair some shade, then your hair, of course, needs nutrition. It is better not to lighten such hair at all. Otherwise, you can be left without them.

Bleached hair requires constant, attentive and careful care, because it has suffered greatly during bleaching. Therefore, it is best to use professional cosmetics to restore them. It can be not only a balm, but also regenerating masks and express products that not only heal the hair, but also contribute to its styling.

To go from a brunette to a blonde, and a "cold" color, after each shampoo, you must use or shampoos with a purple tint. Just to avoid purple stains, the hair should be rinsed evenly.

Another way to make the transition from brunette to blonde less painful is highlighting. With its help, you can gradually and not so radically switch to lighter colors, having done the procedure about 3-4 times. Although now, if you follow the statements of stylists, highlighting is irrelevant.

Natural, even and rich tones are in fashion now. So is it worth it to hurry up and switch from brunette to blonde? After all, changing hair color entails many problems. The new color will completely change your image, you will have to change your wardrobe, constantly monitor the growing roots.

Yes, it may also happen that the blond color does not suit you at all. Therefore, before embarking on "experiments" on yourself, it is advisable to choose your new "color" with a hairdresser-stylist. Only then can your transformation be successful.

You may want to change your appearance and go blonde - this change will be especially striking if you have dark hair. There are several different ways to lighten hair, some of them are more harmful, others are less harmful, and each of them can be used independently at home. When lightening hair, it is necessary to act gradually in order to damage them as little as possible. If you feel that you are unable to lighten your hair on your own, consider contacting a professional who will find the best and most gentle way to turn you from brunette to blonde.


Process basics

    To reduce hair damage, lighten hair in several steps. If you are going to make your dark hair very light, be prepared for the fact that you will have to repeat the procedure several times. Doing it all in one go will damage the hair severely and be less effective. After each procedure, take a break for several weeks so that your hair has time to recover. If you bleach your hair too often, it can start to fall out.

    Expect some hair damage. When lightening hair, an oxidation process inevitably occurs, which leads to the fact that it bleaches and loses its natural color. This gives the hair a white or yellow tint, since keratin (the protein that makes up hair) is pale yellow in color. Expect your hair to become dry, brittle and more prone to breakage and splitting at the ends.

    • Since lightening hair is a serious process that, if done incorrectly, can cause significant harm to them, it is best to consult a specialist if you are going to drastically change the color of your hair.
    • If you don't want to lighten your hair, you can simply dye it with commercially available hair dye. This will make them lighter. However, if you have very dark hair, this method may not be effective enough. However, the advantage of dyeing hair over lightening is that the dye does not remove its natural color from the hair. However, the dye also causes some harm to the hair, so when dyeing, you should take care of your hair in the same way as when lightening.
  1. Expect your hair to turn orange during the procedure. If you have very dark hair and are going to go blonde, this will take some time, during which time your hair will take on an orange tint. This is due to the fact that when lightening hair, colder shades are removed from them faster than deeper warmer pigments. Therefore, with gradual lightening of hair, they acquire warm (red and orange) shades, which are more difficult to remove from them.

  2. Take good care of your hair. When lightening hair, they need special care to help prevent further damage. Before lightening, apply a deep moisturizing conditioner to your hair and repeat after lightening. Also, try not to apply heat to your hair (such as a hairdryer), as this will make it dry and brittle.

    • If you can't do without a hair dryer, curling iron or curling iron, use a styling product that will protect your hair from the harmful effects of heat.

Many people dream of radically changing their image. For a brunette, the boldest step is to dye it blonde. However, what does this entail and what are the consequences?

First of all, of course, you need to decide: will you do it in the salon or at home. If you have not had any experience with home coloring, and there are no acquaintances who have already done this, it is better to find a good master who can change your image, minimizing damage. Also, a specialist can help with choosing a blonde shade that suits your type.

However, painting is not difficult if you have already dealt with home painting. In this case, you only need to purchase the whitening and coloring products that are right for you, and follow the instructions exactly. In this way, you can dye your hair as economically as possible without leaving your home.

Negative sides of lightening

Of course, the first lightening process will be the most negative. Hair, under the influence of chemicals in clarifiers, becomes dry. This leads to their excessive lightness and porosity. Dry hair gets dirty quickly and, without proper styling and care, will look like straw.

Dryness leads to brittleness. Of course, on light hair, the broken ends are less noticeable (because they have a characteristic white tint), however, the very process of caring for them becomes more difficult.

So, for example, wet hair can begin to break right in your hands, you just have to pull gently with your fingers at the end of the strand. Dry and styled hair, of course, breaks less, but due to its internal dryness, it will require constant washing, which will bring a lot of tears and pain to its owner.

Coloring also brings with it temporary discomfort in the form of damaged scalp. This can cause particles to separate, leaving white flakes on hair and clothing, or redness and swelling.

This is a normal reaction of the skin to chemical irritation, and it goes away over time. However, at first, such consequences bring severe discomfort, a feeling of having a "helmet" under the hair and excessive dryness of the scalp.

The choice of shade and coloring agents for coloring

If you have chosen coloring in the salon, then you have nothing to worry about. The stylist himself will select funds of sufficient power that will wash out the dark and red pigments from the structure. But, if the choice fell on home coloring, then here you will have to choose your own lightening and coloring material.

For lightening, there are several types of substances that can help a brunette:

  1. Clarifiers of mass production. These are the most famous brands that you can see in any cosmetic store on the paint shelf. The darker your color, the higher the level of bleach you need to take. Be sure to look at the suggested lightening illustrations and make corrections for ginger pigment.
  2. Bleaching powder. This item is sold in professional cosmetics stores. It can be bought both in the exact dosage for the required number of times, and in large packages. An oxygen agent is bought for the powder, which is the provocateur of the discoloration reaction. Oxygenates come in different concentrations: 3, 6, 9 and 12 percent. The oxygen concentration depends on the type of work you are going to do. Of course, the higher the concentration, the more damage it does to the hair.

After choosing a product that will relieve you of the dark color, be sure to pick up the paint of the required shade. Blond dye will help to achieve a single shade, plus, modern dyes help restore shine to the hair, because after bleaching they are deprived of it.

Also now used paints that create multicolor. Thanks to this effect, the hair is saturated with various shades of blonde, which creates a beautiful visual play, making the color more saturated and attractive.

To choose a color for coloring, go to the mirror and look at yourself. Stop your gaze on the color of your eyelashes and eyebrows, eyes and skin. These ingredients will help you choose that blonde color.

The darker your skin color (tanned or saturated by itself), the closer to a golden hue you should choose a blonde color. In this case, you will create a warm look. And the lighter the eyebrows, eyes and skin, the paler the shade you can afford.

Natural hair color lightening technology

How to repaint from a natural brunette to a blonde? It is not so difficult to lighten natural hair.

To do this, it is enough, following the instructions, to apply the lightening mass of your choice on the hair, starting from the roots, and gradually moving to the ends. Try to apply the mass as quickly and evenly as possible to get an even lightening.

After the clarification time has elapsed, rinse off the clarifying mass with gloves. Rinse your hair properly with non-hot water (it is even better to take water cooler than you usually use, because when lightening, the scalp will be irritated, which will create unpleasant sensations from contact with hot water).

After you've washed the bleach, let the main water drain, then gently pat your hair with a soft towel. Do not squeeze them under any circumstances! After blonding, the hair became brittle and fragile.

With sudden movements, they can simply break in your hands. Wrap them in a towel for fifteen minutes, then let them dry on their own and comb using oil for weakened hair.

Experts strongly recommend not to do lightening and toning on the same day. However, if you are not ready to wait another week and want to do everything in one day, just follow the instructions and monitor the condition of your hair doubly carefully.

After using the tinting paint, be sure to apply a balm for colored hair (it often comes with the paint, so just use it) and repeat the drying procedure.

Color-treated hair lightening technology

You will have to work hard to lighten dyed hair. If you used to use unstable paint or toning shampoo (as well as unconventional methods of staining, such as brilliant green and fucorcin or onion peel), and the colors were light and dim, then there is a chance that you will have enough and one step of staining in order to wash the previous one. color, freeing up space for a new one.

But, if you have been painted in bright shades with a potent paint (for example, anthocyanin) or used red, red or black, then the work becomes more difficult.

There can be only two situations with lightening colored hair. It is when:

  • the previous dyeing was done on bleached hair;
  • the previous dyeing was done on unbleached hair.

In any case, you will have to do an additional wash. For this, there are special tools called Color Off. They aim to wash out the artificial pigment without affecting the natural pigment.

If dyeing was carried out on non-bleached hair, the number of washes will be minimal. However, if the hair has been bleached, of course, you will have to make a lot of them.

Fortunately, this procedure does not harm so much, therefore, up to five washes can be made at a time. Then the procedure repeats the process of lightening uncolored hair. However, staining is best done from roots to ends, with a short break between them.

How to avoid becoming a chicken: avoiding the yellow tint in your hair

How to go from a brunette to a blonde without a yellow tint? This question worries all brunettes that are going to be painted blonde.

After bleaching, the remnants of the red pigment contained in the hair may not go away and remain a disgusting bright yellow color, reminiscent of chicken fluff or lemon peel.

But this is not a big deal if you are prepared in advance for such a turn.

  • for a start, it is worth choosing the strongest blonde that will whiten your dark color as much as possible;
  • in case you want to become a sandy or golden blonde, this is not a problem. The yellowness will be covered by a tinting agent;
  • if your choice is cold shades of blond, then use purple shades to muffle and neutralize yellow. To do this, you can use paint or tint balm. Also, some manufacturers put a balm with lightening products. It has a slightly purple hue.

Aftercare for bleached hair

After dyeing, your hair will be severely damaged. They will become drier, they may begin to break. And now caring for them will become your main occupation.

Happy image change and great mood!

And another example of a radical change in hair color is in the next video.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Of course, there is a fashion for hair color, as well as for other appearance details.

If you have a naturally attractive, unique color, then there is no need to paint them. If, in your opinion, it is not expressive enough, then it should be given a more interesting, fashionable shade to make the overall look brighter. In this case, it will be quite appropriate. Many women are interested in: from a brunette?

Do not change your hair color too abruptly. This applies exactly to the transformation from brunettes to blonde. This is rather impractical, as with this contrast you will have to tint the roots every 12-15 days. It is best to just slightly change your natural color by coloring, for example, to give it a richer and deeper tone. In the event that the natural hair color and color after dyeing do not differ so much, it will be possible to tint the regrown roots no more than once a month.

However, it is not difficult to repaint without harm today: modern dyes practically do not harm hair (except for those that are strongly discolored by several tones). Today, there are dyes on the market, the composition of which is designed in such a way that they even improve the structure of the hair, making it silky and shiny. Such paints can not only improve the structure, but even cure dandruff and make the hair thicker.

In order to turn from a brunette to a blonde, you need the so-called "blonding".

Blonding (bleaching) is the least gentle procedure for hair. That is why, having weak, thin curls, such a procedure must be approached very carefully. It is best to use the highest quality dyes from reputable companies to avoid unpleasant surprises.

If you decide to dye your hair from brunettes to blonde, a preliminary consultation with a hairdresser would be a good option. And in general, it is best to go through the procedure in the salon. However, if you still decide to paint yourself, then you should strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the product.

Women with very thick hair will need to go through 3-4 stages of lightening. In this case, the breaks between the stages should be about a week. No matter how high-quality paint is, you need to understand that in the end this can lead to the fact that the curls will become thinner, and may even begin to fall out.

Before starting the staining procedure, it is imperative to carry out a test for the tolerance of the clarifying drugs. To do this, apply a small amount of the brightener to the fold area of \u200b\u200byour elbow. If after some time (the interval should be indicated on the package) you do not have redness or irritation, you can safely proceed to the procedure of turning from brunettes to blonde.

You need to paint unwashed, a little. The procedure can take from 25 to 40 minutes, depending on the original color. After the time specified in the instructions, the hair must be rinsed with warm water and dried.

However, remember the main thing: no matter what hair color you choose, blondes and brunettes, girls who take care of their hair will always look attractive and well-groomed.