Do-it-yourself little book for school. Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten from paper. I wish you good luck and creative success

Tatiana Skosyreva

Photo report « Book-baby in the younger group»

Skosyreva Tatyana Fedorovna

Photo report " baby book" in junior group.

Prepared: Skosyreva T. F.

Theme of the year « Ecology» .

Introduction to the natural world young children is the first, the initial step in the system of continuous environmental education.

The amazing world of nature…. He meets the child with a sea of ​​​​sounds and smells, thousands of different mysteries and secrets, makes him stop, look, listen, think.

Infinitely varied, it awakens children keen interest, curiosity, awakens to the game, labor, artistic activity. However, not everything can be correctly understood by children when they communicate with nature on their own, and the correct attitude towards plants and animals is not always formed. To introduce a child into the world of nature, to form realistic ideas - knowledge about objects and phenomena, to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, love, careful and caring attitude towards it are the most important tasks environmental education.

At the beginning of the school year, I invited parents to do together with the children in our group « Book - baby on ecology» .

At the beginning of September we made an exhibition of drawings "Wild and Domestic Animals". Parents and the kids were very excited about it. In October, they made an exhibition of applications on ecology. In November, parents and children made applications from waste material. Parents were so carried away that in December they wanted to make an exhibition of drawings of fairy tales on topic: « Ecology» . Each work had a drawing and a poem. Every day I invited the children to consider the work in « Book - baby» . Children enthusiastically talked about their work with their parents. And in the evening we arranged a poetry contest for ecology.

Book turned out to be very beautiful, instructive. This book teaches love children

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In front of you, the book is called "Baby" Looking through its pages, Everyone will be able to make sure That "Baby" is good For any kid. Book.

This year I recruited a group of kids who are 3 years old. The children are very small and their fine motor skills are not yet developed, so I started.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Making a "baby book" on the topic: "Professions"

Joint activities of the teacher and the child of the preparatory group.

This master class will be useful to parents, educators of preschool educational institutions.

Target: Creation of an unusual and attractive “baby book” for children on the topic of the profession.
Improve the technique of application;
Strengthen the skill of accurate coloring;
Develop aesthetic perception, imagination.
Enrich the child's vocabulary;
To teach analysis, generalization, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, conclusions when solving riddles.
Equipment: Double-sided and ornamental cardboard, ruler, scissors, glue pencil, simple and colored pencils, satin ribbon, compasses, paper clips or clips, printouts with riddles, coloring pages on the theme of the profession and a set of necessary items for work.

Preliminary work:
Work with the logopedic album "Speech therapy homework" In 4 hours Part 4 Album by N.E. Teremkov
Examination of pictures, illustrations, conversation on this topic;
Preparation of equipment and materials for the creation of a "baby book".
We make a sketch of the base of the “baby book” on cardboard.

Cut out the blank - the template.

We take a double-sided cardboard of a different color, cut out the required number of pages from it. Each subsequent page, which should be slightly smaller than the previous one by a few millimeters. We've rounded the corners, but that's up to you. With the help of a compass needle and a ruler, we cut the fold line a little so that our cardboard bends in the right place without creases.

We glue the base of the “baby book”, press it.

Now we are making a cover for the book, since we have it in the form of a box.
We make a sketch of the lid on cardboard.

Cut out the square. We draw a compass needle along the fold lines.

We glue and fix with clips or paper clips, leave to dry.

We glue a satin ribbon on the lid of the “baby book” for better strength.

It's time for decoration.
We will need: trimming the squares left from cutting out the base of the baby book, printouts, scissors, colored pencils and glue.

Color and cut out all the details.

On multi-colored squares we paste objects necessary for work in a particular profession.

We glue the riddles on the front side of the pages of the book, and we select pictures of the riddle from them.
P.S. The child really liked to select pictures according to riddles.

We make out the "cover" of our "baby book".

So our and Danila’s unusual “baby book” on the topic “Professions” is ready

Our preliminary work on the album Teremkova N.E. "Speech therapy homework": draw a picture by profession and retell the story.

We will be glad to your comments!

Little children are very fond of soft educational books, on the pages of which great discoveries await them. They get acquainted with animals, plants, develop color perception, imagination, fine motor skills, solve fun puzzles for attention and quick wits. This is the perfect study guide - it cannot be wrinkled or torn and you will not want to part with it.

A developing soft book can be devoted to any one topic, or it can be a collection of various game stories. The more books your child has, the better. If you know how to sew at least a little, you can easily create several of these books with your own hands.

If you have no idea where to start and how to sew a developing book, a master class will help you. To do this, you will have to put a lot of time, work and effort, but how much joy the baby will get when he picks up your wonderful creation! And how much fun you yourself will get from creating stories, games and interesting ideas!

Materials and tools

You will need a lot of materials for a developing book with your own hands. You can find something in your stocks, and you will have to buy something in the store. Approximate list of tools and materials:

  • Sewing machine, sewing threads, wool and floss, sewing needles.
  • Pieces of fabric of different sizes, colors and types.
  • Sintepon for stuffing soft parts.
  • Braid, ribbons, cords, beads, beads, buttons, bells, clasps and other trimmings.

Operating procedure

The principle of sewing soft books with your own hands is always the same. Only the creation of plots and design differ. The general algorithm is:

We cut out double or single pages from the fabric, sew them on three sides, put in a padding polyester and sew up the fourth side.
On the pages, depending on the theme, we sew plot applications in the form of animals, flowers, vegetables, berries or fruits. It can also be trees, numbers, cars, houses and everything that you have planned to display in your book.

We complement the plots with bells, butterflies, small soft toys and other decorations that help in various game situations.
We sew the finished double pages in the middle of the product, and we fasten the single pages together with the help of eyelets, ribbons or laces.

Helpful Hints

There are a few secrets that will help you sew a book with your own hands:

  • Try to choose only natural fabrics for your baby.
    Fill the small details of the book with rustling material. Children are very fond of rustling toys.
  • Characters, flowers, fruits that you want to place on the pages can be cut out of fabric with a cartoon plot, or you can buy ready-made applications in the store.
  • To make it interesting for a child to play with your book, try to make educational elements interesting. Let them unfasten, take out or untie.
  • We bring to your attention interesting workshops on sewing developing books with your own hands. We prepare all the necessary materials and start creating!

Soft developing book - master class

A soft bunny with a cute bow settled on the first page. There is rustling material in one ear, and a small bead in the other.

On the second page - a bunny garden with a basket. The kid can harvest in a basket, and when he grows up a little, he will learn to count carrots.

On the third page, a flower grows, in which a bee lives with buckwheat inside and a caterpillar. When the baby pulls the bee, the caterpillar connected to it crawls into the flower.

A butterfly lives on the fourth page. Her body is tucked under an elastic band. This is a chrysalis that, when put in place under an elastic band, turns into a butterfly.

The fifth page is devoted to toys. The pyramid consists of sticks of different lengths with Velcro. The child will develop motor skills by disassembling and assembling the pyramid. On the sixth page, a bear sleeps. It can be laid to sleep, covering with a blanket.

On the covers, on the one hand, a pleasant to the touch sun shines, and on the other, a velvety moon with an inserted cord and stars hanging on it. They can be pulled in one direction or another.

We will need: cotton fabric, synthetic winterizer, threads, ribbon, braid, lace, buttons, beads, small toys and accessories.

Operating procedure

Step one: for a two-page spread, we cut out two rectangles measuring 15 cm by 30 cm from the fabric. We fold the rectangles with the right side to each other and sew on three sides. We turn out and insert the rectangle of synthetic winterizer. We sew the fourth side with a hidden seam. We sew the part around the perimeter on a typewriter or manually. In total, we make two such reversals.

Making a fleece bunny. Cut out a circle (head) and sew with a blind seam. For the ears, we cut out four parts, which we sew together in two, turn inside out, fill with rustling material, lay a bead and sew to the head. We embroider eyes, a mouth, we sew a bow and buttons.

We make a sleeping bear in the same way as a bunny. We sew him a nightgown. From velvet fabric, sew a blanket to the bottom edge of the page. We attach Velcro to the top of the blanket.

Step two: make the cover. Sew on the loops of the braid, as shown in the figure. We twist the crocheted lace into a spiral and sew the eyelets on top with a hidden seam. It got sunshine. On the back cover, we cut out a month from the fleece, cut through it and overcast two loops. With a hidden seam, we sew the month to the cover and thread the lace with stars through the loops.

Then we make a page with a carrot. We cut the orange fabric with cones and sew five carrots, filling them with padding polyester. We sew the top of the carrots together with green fleece tops. We sew an elastic band and a basket of brown fabric onto the page. For the pyramid on the page in the center we place a sticky tape. We sew sticks, to which we attach Velcro from the bottom side.

Step three: make a flower meadow. We cut out a flower, a twig and a leaf from the fleece and sew it with a hidden seam. We do not sew up the top of the flower, a bee will live there. At the bottom of the flower we leave a small hole for the lace with the caterpillar. At the bottom of the page we sew grass from the braid. We cut out the butterfly and sew it on, as shown in the diagram.

We sew a bee from yellow velor, decorate it with black braid, sew a lace with a caterpillar to it and place it in a flower, stretching the caterpillar out through the lower part of the flower. We sew a butterfly chrysalis from white fleece, embroider eyes on it and attach it to the page with an elastic band. We decorate the clearing with buttons in the form of flowers and a ribbon bow.

Development book page - master class

We will need: red fabric, colored threads, buttons, buttons.

Operating procedure:

  • Cut out a page of fabric measuring 20 cm by 20 cm.
  • We draw a sketch on paper, then transfer it to tracing paper and cut out templates from it for transfer to fabric.
  • According to the templates, we cut out a vase, an apple, a tomato and a strawberry from the fabric. We make loops on an apple and a tomato. Crochet cherries and sew buttons to them. We also attach a button to the strawberry.
  • We sew a vase, buttons and buttons onto the page. Then we connect the finished page with the back half of the page, sew them on three sides, turn them inside out and fill them with padding polyester.
  • We sew the fourth side with a hidden seam. On the side we punch two rivets for lacing the pages.

DIY educational book for girls - master class

We will need: colored fabric, multi-colored threads, buttons, beads, a lock, wax crayons.

We sew page spreads, as shown in the first lesson. We make a cat applique on the cover and cut out the letters of your child's name. We sew all this, as shown on the cover. On the first page we place the application of a ladybug. In its middle we make a pocket with a lock, in which her children will live.

On the second turn, we sew on the application of a girl with a long braid, which the baby, playing, will braid. On the second half of the turn we sew a handbag with a pocket. On the next turn, we have an application of a laundry basin with a pocket and a clothesline stretched between the trees.

We make clothes with Velcro so that the child can take off and hang up clothes. On the next spreads, we sew the rest of the applications, as shown in the figures.

DIY educational book for a boy - master class

We will need: colored fabric, small sponges, buttons, felt-tip pens.

Operating procedure:

  • We sew the pages of the book in the same way as in the first lesson. The size of the book will be A3.
  • We cut out cars from sponges, glue button wheels to them and color them.
  • On each turn, we alternately sew the highway with pedestrian crossings in the form of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, as shown in the diagram. For cars with Velcro we designate a parking space.
  • On the back cover, glue three rows of Velcro tape. This will be the garage.
  • We design the book as you wish.

A few ideas for interesting and informative pages of a developing book

On this page, the kid will be interested to learn how animals are treated.

The little boy will love to play fireman.

A very good idea for a developing book is a home farm.

Having mastered your first master class and gained experience, you can easily sew such a soft book with a pen, as in the photo above.

A few more great options for developing pages.

Sewing a developing book with your own hands is a huge field for your imagination and creativity. We hope that after passing our master class and being inspired by our ideas, you will be able to create bright, funny and instructive books for your baby.

Toys for children should be not only beautiful, but educational and safe. These toys include fabric books. They help children acquire useful skills, since there are many separate developmental elements on the pages of such a book.

To make a book you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • Buttons;
  • beads;
  • Colored fabric.

As a basis, you can use cardboard folded with an accordion. So you can not be afraid that the pages will come off and fall out. We will give as an example a master class on creating a cover for a fabric book with your own hands.

First you will need to cut out two thick cardboard rectangles for the outer covers of your book. They need to be covered with a suitable fabric or felt, decorated according to your taste and idea.

For the pages, you will also need to pick up thick cardboard, but it should be thinner than the cardboard for the cover. The height of the pages should be the same as for the cover, and the width can be calculated by multiplying the width of the cover by the number of pages you need, plus two more pages to glue them to the cover. Cardboard pages can also be pasted over with felt or covered with fabric, as you wish. After the cover is ready, you can start decorating the pages of the felt book with your hands.

Developing book for children with their own hands. How to make.

What colors to choose for the design of a book made of fabric

Educational fabric books are created in order to teach the child important and necessary skills, so choose clean and simple colors for decoration. Let it be red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange, purple. Based on these colors, you will teach the child to recognize them, so it is better to make sure that the baby does not get confused.

One page in a book can be sewn on or pasted on Velcro multi-colored geometric shapes, then you can teach your baby to recognize shapes and learn colors with him at the same time.

What ideas to use for decorating a fabric book

We will give a master class on creating pages for a felt book. Of course, it will be interesting for kids if you use buttons, buttons, snakes, ribbons and other things that.

On one of the pages, you can sew or attach snakes, buttons, buttons, carabiners, Velcro, laces. Let your child practice fastening and unfastening these useful devices. You can use the pocket tutorial to make the pockets fasten with buttons, snaps, and Velcro.

To fasten circles on buttons, not one, but several, the kids will really like this opportunity. On the page, you can sew an impromptu sketchy sneaker and try to teach children how to lace up.

On another page, you can use a master class on creating balls and pyramids of felt puzzles with your own hands. For example, to make a puzzle ball, you will first need to start with a pattern. Cut out a circle from paper that fits you in diameter and cut it into 4. Take colored felt and cut out each piece from it. Sew Velcro to the place where the circle is attached to the page, also sew the counterpart of the Velcro to each part, and now your puzzle is ready.

A master class on creating a pyramid will be very similar to a master class on creating a circle puzzle. It will be necessary to cut out the details of the pyramid, let them be 3-5. Each detail will need to be made in the form of a rectangle, you can sew felt pads and fill them with cotton wool. Then you will get a beautiful one, you will need to sew Velcro on each detail. On the page of the book, you also need to sew the reciprocal part of the Velcro.

A good option for an idea would be to use ribbons to decorate a fabric book with your own hands. To be useful, educational cloth books must teach something. So you can sew three ribbons on the page of the book. You can show your baby how to braid a pigtail and he will be able to repeat this workout with his hands.

On the felt page, you can make a sign in which the child will learn to count. The simplest master class is to cut out numbers from felt and sew them to the page. Pull a ribbon near each number and put on each ribbon the number of beads corresponding to the number. It will be very convenient to use such a developing book, made by yourself, when teaching your baby to count.

On one page, you can make a small garden with fruits and vegetables. You can sew vegetables and fruits from felt with your own hands, or you can stick photos of these fruits and vegetables on Velcro. For children, such a page will be very useful, so they can easily remember the names of vegetables and fruits.

Instead of a garden, you can make roads with cars or a sea with boats. the master class for creating such pages will be the same as the others - you will only need felt and Velcro, as well as a little of your own imagination.

The pattern of a boat or a bus is very simple. You can find a photo of the object you need and simply print it, cutting it into important component parts. If this is a boat, then it will be sails, anchor and sides.

You can make an educational game of hide and seek with a baby on some page. For example, you may find this tutorial helpful. Cut out a cap or hat from felt. Sew it on so that the hat can be lifted up. Under the hat you can hide the eyes, smiling mouth and hair. You can use a photo of the eyes and other ideas. If you use this master class, you will delight the children and they will be delighted.

Educational book made of fabric and felt. Handwork

From the very first days, the child explores the world around him. The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. However, you can deal with a small child only in a playful way. Therefore, for very young children, various manuals and educational toys are invented. Teachers are well aware of this. All of them note that a soft children's book is convenient for classes at an early age. It is easy to make it with your own hands for a kindergarten.

Where to begin?

From the very beginning, you need to understand for what age the baby book will be intended. For very young children (under 1 year old), tactile sensations are important. Therefore, a homemade book should contain materials with different textures and shapes. Those who are older (from a year to 3-4 years old) are already eagerly studying the world around them. For them, the book can focus on various details, come up with interesting games, etc. Preschoolers will appreciate already a story book in which you need to complete tasks to help the main character.

Next, you need to think about what will be in the book. Depending on the age of the child, a do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten can be made as a collection of riddles and tasks, an illustrated fairy tale, a family story, etc. It can be dedicated to developing someone one skill or several. The main thing is that the soft book should be bright and attract the attention of the child. Older children can even be involved in its creation.

Necessary materials

So, after it became clear how a do-it-yourself baby book is made for a kindergarten, you can collect everything you need to create it. Namely:

  • felt and fleece of different colors for the basis of future pages;
  • synthetic winterizer for filling them, if you need to make voluminous pages;
  • trimming materials of various textures (fleece, linen, wool, silk, velvet, etc.);
  • various fasteners (laces, Velcro, braid, zippers, locks, buttons, hooks, buttons, etc.);
  • ready-made applications of animal figurines;
  • objects of various geometric shapes;
  • fillers for figurines (buckwheat, cellophane, beans, seeds, pebbles, beads, etc.);
  • various bells, bells, tweeters and rustlers;
  • threads;
  • needle.


First of all, you need to cut the required number of pages from felt and fleece. All of them should be bright and different colors. They need to be made 2 times more than the intended sheets of the book.

You need to think about the cover right away. If a do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten is assembled on rings (the assembly methods will be discussed later), then it can be made the same as the pages. If not, then it is better to postpone its creation until later, when the size of the spine is clear.

Now you need to lay out all future pages and, according to the idea, prepare the details. What can be done on them:

  • String large beads on a string. These will be impromptu accounts.
  • On one side, make a house with apartments of different colors, and on the other - the same color of butterflies. The task is to sort them by color. Fastening is done with Velcro or buttons.
  • You can invite your child to decorate the Christmas tree by putting toys on the buttons according to the colors.
  • Make a sun, the rays of which are made of various materials - braid, zipper, lace, etc.
  • You can offer to find a pair, such as a sock, or pick up the mother of her baby, calling his name, put items on the shelves, etc. Fastening can be done with Velcro, buttons and folded into small pockets.
  • Fill animal figurines with various squeakers and fillers to develop tactile sensations.

After all the parts are laid out, you can start assembling. If possible, then, of course, it is better to sew a book on a typewriter. However, no one forbids it to be flashed manually. By the way, the overlay can also be made contrasting.

In order for a do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten to be made, it must be put together. The easiest way is to sew on one edge of the loop and collect on a cord. You can also punch holes and thread rings. In both cases, as the child develops, it can be supplemented with new pages.

If you will be creating a fairy tale book with your own hands for a kindergarten, then it is better to collect it under a common cover. It should be spread like 2 pages plus the size of the spine. In order for the assembly to succeed, you need to sew small strips of thin fabric from one edge of the fleece blanks. With their help, already fix the pages on the cover.


For those who are doing such a book for the first time, many things may seem complicated and impossible. First of all, you should remember that she was made by a loving mother for her child. Therefore, even with a crooked line and sloppy finish, it will still be the best for the child.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten from paper- an educational game for the little know-it-alls who so want to learn, but it's too early to read and write for them, but it's time to look at the pictures and learn a lot of new things. Every mom knows that creativity has a positive effect on the development of a small child, which is why kindergarten teachers work with kids, and parents work at home with the kids to create an application book.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten

An interesting book baby do-it-yourself for kindergarten- this is a developing material for a small pupil of a kindergarten, which mommy can create on her own. The main thing is to come up with an interesting topic for developing crafts, arrange a composition and choose material for execution. For a child of each age, you can choose an interesting topic for a book and suitable material, for example, for kids from the younger group, textile crafts are best suited, and for pupils of the older group, you can choose cardboard and paper.

The baby book for the little ones is aimed primarily at developing fine motor skills of the fingers, so they are made of fabric and felt, adding various three-dimensional elements - zippers, buttons, felt figures, large beads, etc. For children who are studying or have already learned read syllables, such a developing book can be a mini-primer with letters, syllables and pictures corresponding to the topic.

The simplest paper options are made in the manner of a transformer, where the sheets are folded and glued together, and then the pages can be expanded into a long strip with tasks and pictures. This is the easiest way to make a book, involving children in the creative process. This option is suitable if the teacher asked the children and parents to do joint. You can choose the simplest and most interesting topics for children - "Seasons", "Animals", "Favorite cartoons".

Moms who decide to make a developing book can sew the spine with threads, you can also make holes on each page with a hole punch, and then tie all the pages with a ribbon or connect them with rings, following the example of plastic office folders for documents. If you connect the book with rings, then at any time you can add another page. In addition, for such a book, you can choose not only cardboard, but also felt, fleece, which allows you to make an educational craft colorful and multifunctional.

An interesting book baby do-it-yourself for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten for a child three years can be made of felt. And this material was not chosen by chance, but for practical reasons, because felt pages will last longer. A child can accidentally wet them, and the book will be preserved and its appearance will not suffer. The felt book can even be washed if necessary.

In order to promote the development of tactile sensations, it is desirable to use various textured materials when developing a booklet. In fact, it is not at all necessary that the child has reached kindergarten age; his first acquaintance with such a developmental book can take place already at the age of one year.

A book for young children should not contain small, easily detached parts that can be easily torn off and, according to tradition, put in their mouths. This may lead to undesirable consequences. It is best to use different textures of materials, different fabrics to the touch, and other materials, such as films and dense polyethylene.

On the pages of children's educational books, there must be applications, but for the smallest, you need to choose simple figures that are well known to them from a very early age. You can apply the sun and a tree, a house and a car, flowers and butterflies.

For girls, this application is perfect: kitchen furniture and attributes with opening cabinet doors, images of products and kitchen appliances. Felt-sewn plates and teapots can be made with Velcro to separate from the pages if desired. This book can also be used in games with dolls.

If you designed it yourself, then you probably still have felt figures, which can now be used to decorate the book.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten

Growing up, the child can not only play with the book, but also take part in its creation. Now the content of the pages can be movable, easy to separate. For a kid who studies in the middle and senior group, you can add small and large buttons, braids made of thread, ribbons and laces to the pages. Now, in addition to plots and pictures, you can add letters and numbers.

A moving picture can also become an element of the plot. Boys will like this theme, because you can beat the rules of the road with cars and traffic lights.

4 years is the time for a child to learn how to tie their own shoelaces, and the learning process will arouse great interest in the baby if done in a playful way. That is why one page can be made in the form of a shoe with lacing. For such a page, you will need iron rings larger than the laces so that the kids can get into them easily. In the same way and sometimes they make out functionally one wall: locks with keys, latches and hooks are attached.

The original ladybug, in which a small zipper will be located between two wings, can teach you how to fasten the zipper carefully. We know perfectly well the love of children for “adult activities”, they will show great interest in lightning and will fiddle with it for a long time. You can also make secret pockets with a zipper, inside which prizes or others will be hidden. Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten with various tasks, the child will be interested in not a single day, and for several years he will be happy to play with her both in kindergarten and at home.

Girls love to play with dolls, but they are constantly lost, as well as their outfits and accessories, and you can put everything together in one book, where there will be doll applications on the pages, and dresses and outfits for them can be changed with Velcro. And you can make hair out of threads, and if you wish, you can do various hairstyles - make curls or braid braids.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten for a child of 3 years old

Do-it-yourself baby book for children development can be done in the simplest way - from paper, with stitched pages. Children can work on such crafts on their own, and parents will always come to their aid. The most interesting topics for children, of course, are cartoons and fairy tales, any cartoon characters.

With a child of 6 years old, you can start making a book together, for this it is enough to prepare sheets of colored paper and glue. When the blank is ready, a paper application can be glued to each page. In addition, the joint creativity of parents and children is an exciting and fun process, and educators often give a task for such a joint creative pastime.

Choose a topic that is interesting for children, and at the same time educational. If you read fairy tales to children at night, and they already know various fairy tale characters, then your little book can be called “Journey Through Fairy Tales”.

In advance, you need to prepare multi-colored sheets of cardboard, scissors and glue, as well as a thin ribbon to connect the pages. Double-sided tape can also come in handy in the process, which can be used instead of glue. It will be easier to stick paper applications on double-sided tape without worrying that the glue will protrude beyond the boundaries of the paper elements.

You will also need a color printer that will help you print the selected fabulous landscapes, pictures and scenes. If there is no printer, then children's magazines can be used. Sheets of cardboard must be bent in half and cut off the edges in a semicircle with curly scissors. Cutting out cardboard will fall on the shoulders of the parents, but cutting paper elements with curly scissors can be entrusted to children. They will be happy to do this simple task.

Along the fold line of all paper pages, approximately in the middle, two holes should be made into which you can thread a ribbon to connect all the pages. The ribbon on the outside must be tied into a bow.

When the blank for the book is ready, it can be decorated with fairy-tale motifs and landscapes, your child's favorite fairy-tale characters will be placed on the pages. Separately, you can print riddles based on fairy tales or excerpts from your favorite fairy tales that can be glued next to the pictures. Be sure to make a beautiful cover with an inscription.

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten from paper

Do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten for a child of 3 years old is a unique educational toy that combines many different functions. Here and education, and the development of fine motor skills, and the development of fantasy. In English, such a felt toy is called a quiet book (a quiet book), because while the baby is passionate about this educational game, the house is very quiet and calm, and mom has time to relax. But first, you need to do the independent creation of such an educational game, and for this you don’t even need sewing skills. Felt can be sewn with hand stitches, so it is not necessary to use a sewing machine.

First you need to think over the theme and arrangement of the elements on the pages, for the first time, you can take any of the proposed examples, and very soon you will be able to develop an independent design of a felt book.

For letters and figures, you should select templates in advance and print them on paper, only then transfer them to felt and cut them out. It is not at all necessary to sew all the additional elements of the felt appliqué tightly, they can be attached with fasteners and Velcro, fastened with ribbons and elastic bands.

It is not surprising that working with felt will captivate the craftswoman, and you will definitely want to make other crafts, toys and decorations. For example, for a matinee as an accessory to a fancy dress made of felt, you can make it.

Armed with magazines, scissors, glue and felt-tip pens, we decided to make do it yourself not just a collage, but books and paintings. And they killed several birds with one stone: they had a creative and interesting time, trained fine motor skills and, most importantly, got a new tool that stimulates the youngest son to recite poetry. I also remembered how kids and even older children like to make their own books. Even for those who don't really like writing. But first things first.

Why make your own books?

Before talking about how easy and simple it is to make a book with your baby with your own hands, I’ll tell you why this is necessary. It would seem that now you can find any book on sale. But... Sometimes the pictures are just awful, sometimes there is too much text on one page for kids, sometimes... you just want creativity.

A few years ago, with my eldest son, we were also fond of making books with our own hands. It was in the country and almost nothing has been preserved (which is a pity). And I completely forgot how interesting it was for him and the guys from neighboring houses to make books themselves and based on poems, and just like that for several weeks in a row, they asked me every morning if we would make books today.

In fact, for kids to understand that they can not only read books, but also do it themselves, and this is not at all difficult, it’s just a breakthrough. It is impossible to stop them later. They make books based on poems, fairy tales, invent their own stories. You will only be required to throw in a poem or idea for a book and help with the choice of illustrations (if you make books with applications, and do not draw illustrations), so that this process does not take too much time and the guys do not lose their enthusiasm.

The youngest son has been making his books for us for several days now, and then he reads them to us himself. Of course, they have no artistic value, some I even hesitated to photograph, but that's not the point. The main thing is creativity and creation.

What you need

In order to make the simplest book with your own hands, you will need:

  • sheets of paper or cardboard;
  • a poem with visual images;
  • pictures suitable for the images of the poem;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens or pencils for decoration.

It is better to use double-sided paper or cardboard so that you do not have to glue the pages. You can also use plain printer paper, but still it is better to take thicker paper or cardboard, as they do not warp so much from glue and felt-tip pens do not shine through to the other side.

Pick up a poem, images from which you can easily find in your magazines or draw. Since winter is outside, we took winter poems. If you have a color printer, you can find suitable pictures for the poem on the Internet and print them out.

Some pictures can be replaced with words (especially useful if you are teaching your baby to read) or draw yourself.

Our winter books do it yourself

I. Vinokurov


He walked for a day
And night in a row.
He walked through the field
He walked through the forest
Looked under the awnings
He lay down in peace
at home,
And we understood:

G. Novitskaya


got lost
At my sister's
Two fluffy mittens!
Tata complained:
- They galloped like rabbits!
galloped off
Right into the forest.
Even a trace of them

O. Chusovitina

It's snowing outside the window
So it's New Year's Eve.
Santa Claus is on his way
It takes a long time for him to go to us
Through the snowy fields
Through the snowdrifts, through the forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year will congratulate us
And leave gifts for us.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

N. Kalandarova

Fluffy snow lay on the branches,
Children play on the porch
Sculpt a woman under the window,
Together they roll a snowball.

When will the baby be able to do it on his own?

The process of creating a book with your own hands is excellent: fine motor skills are trained, thinking develops, including creative thinking, the baby learns to be attentive and diligent. You can make the simplest books with kids from the age of 1.5 years. At this age, the baby will already be able, under your strict guidance, to smear the place with glue, stick a picture there and even smooth it with your finger. You can use colored glue so that the baby can see exactly where the picture needs to be glued.

After 2.5 years old, you can ask your toddler to help you arrange the pictures in the correct order. Closer to 3 years old, with your help, the baby can draw the picture itself (you can hold the baby’s hand in your hand or, conversely, guide the sheet with the picture). At 4 years old, if you give your baby a base for a book, clippings and glue and give him a little hint, the baby will make a book himself. A 5-year-old is quite capable of finding suitable pictures in magazines and cutting them out himself.

More options

Another option for creating books with your own hands with kids is not to stick pictures, but to draw them. Together with the baby, you break the poem into small pieces, and the baby makes an illustration for each piece. When making such books, we assume that the baby will “read” them himself, so it is better if the pieces are the same size: a line, two terms or a stanza for those who are older. So you teach your baby to see the picture of the poem, and so the poems are better remembered.

For the smallest, it is better to take quatrains and break them into lines. While the baby turns the page, he will have time to say the phrase. This is what prompted my youngest son start reciting poems. Before that, I could not induce him to do this by any means, although I suspected that he knew many poems by heart (he corrects me if I say something wrong), and speaks well for his age.

Closer to 3 years, you can make one picture for two lines, after 4 years - one picture for a quatrain.

You can make your book look like a real one and paste both the picture and the text on one spread. So your book can be read by those who are unfamiliar with it. After 5 years, if the kid already knows how to read, give him a big serious task: you paste the text on the spreads of the book (for a poem into parts, in this case, focus not on the age of the kid, but on his reading skills), and let the kid pick up and stick pictures or draw them. This handmade book will be a great gift for grandma or grandpa.

You can make books out of white paper or cardboard, or you can use colored paper or cardboard. A few notes from our experience:

  • do not use too bright colors and a colorful background: they are tiring and your drawings and clippings will be hard to see on them;
  • on bright paper or cardboard, you can stick a square or rectangle of white paper so that only the frame remains, and draw or glue on this white piece;
  • books with frames look very nice and neat, so if you have a book with a white frame on the pages, you can simply draw;
  • colored printer paper is very convenient (it is double-sided, but thin: do not use too much glue, and it will not warp much, but felt-tip pens show through it);
  • glossy double-sided paper for creativity does not always adhere well to glossy pictures, but it is denser than ordinary colored paper for applications;
  • double-sided cardboard is not always easy to find or is too bright.

You can also experiment with book forms:

  • the pages of the book can be of different lengths - in the form of a ladder;
  • make the pages of the book not in the usual form, but, for example, in the form of a semicircle, or in the form of a droplet or cloud, if you have a book about rain;
  • the pages of the book can be rainbow colors, you can alternate the colors of the pages;
  • add to the pages, pockets, windows and other secrets.

My eldest son and I made this rainbow book for our youngest son on his first birthday (spreads of the book are the colors of the rainbow). Although the book is made of cardboard sheets glued together, the pages of the book are covered with adhesive tape, as it was actively used during feeding:

And you can do not books, but pictures - illustrations for poems. Here's what we got.

V. Lunin


In the picture in winter
Everything is white with snow:
Field, distant hills,
Fence, cart.

But sometimes they shine on her
In the middle of a glade with cotton wool
Red-breasted bullfinches
Sun spots.

Of course, homemade paper books, if they are not laminated and glued with adhesive tape, quickly fail. You can't chew them like cardboard books. But you can always make new ones! And it takes quite a bit of time!

Enjoy your creativity with children!

If you liked our creative ideas, tell other moms and dads about them by clicking on the social media buttons.

Do you make books with your baby with your own hands? Share your experience in the comments!

Ecological education in elementary school

Round table "Healthy Planet" as part of extracurricular activities under the "School of Health" program Grade 4

(a collective creative project to create a book - baby "Healthy Planet")

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, teacher of the GPA of the 1st category, class teacher of the 4th grade, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention the material that primary school teachers, preschool educators, GPA educators, class teachers can use to conduct extracurricular activities around the world for children 6-11 years old.
Target: education of a moral position, environmental awareness, development of a sense of responsibility for human actions in relation to the nature around him.
Tasks: to cultivate a sense of responsibility for human actions in relation to the nature around him, to develop the ability to cooperate in a team, distribute responsibilities, make decisions.

Project implementation plan and implementation timeline:
Stage 1- division into groups, choice of topic, discussion in microgroups, selection of material (information, photographs, drawings, etc.) - October 1-3, 2015.
Stage 2- a round table, listening to the creative works of students, discussing the main environmental problems and ways to solve them, choosing the best works - October 4, 2015.
Stage 3- selection of material for the design of the book - baby "Healthy Planet", issue (printing on a printer, assembly) of the book, awarding the winners - October 7 to 11, 2015.
Stage 4- showing the best projects for first graders, handing them books - babies - October 15, 2015
Products of project activities of students:
Ecology is the science of the relationship of man with the environment.
A problem is a complex theoretical or practical issue requiring study and further solution.

Yevtushenko Rodion, 10 years old
There has been a lot of talk lately about environmental protection. From whom and why should it be protected? Nature provides us with everything we need for life: food, water, air, fuel, raw materials for industry and production. But human needs are constantly growing, and natural resources are depleted, greatly affecting the state of the world around us. I care about the world in which I live. If each person observes cleanliness in his yard, in the forest where he walks, at the enterprise where he works, how much everything around will change! Our generation must leave to the descendants a clean and rich Planet, where people can live happily. “Happiness is to be with Nature, to see her, to talk with her,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy over a hundred years ago.

Gorshkov Grigory, 10 years old
Today, most people around the world are concerned about environmental issues. The word "ecology" in Greek means "the doctrine of the house." Planet Earth is our big common home. And the health and well-being of each of us depends on how well everything is in it.
As a result of human activity, many environmental disasters have occurred on Earth: explosions of nuclear power plants, accidents on oil tankers in the ocean, deforestation, thoughtless destruction of plants and animals, air and water pollution with industrial waste ... It is terrible to imagine that in a short period of time, a person has become the cause of so many troubles on the planet.

Matyukhina Rinata, 10 years old
Garbage is considered the number one environmental problem. The world climate may become warmer and the sun more dangerous, but this is not as noticeable as the garbage that interferes with life today. The obvious solution to this problem is to throw away less garbage, especially those that take up a large volume of plastic materials, packaging ... There are three ways to get rid of solid waste: bury, burn or dispose of. The first two methods are mostly used. However, landfills take up a lot of space and fill up quickly, and incineration pollutes the air. Many tons of garbage have to be taken out every year, and in some places there is no longer a place for it. It is difficult to create new places for waste disposal due to lack of land. And if you manage to find a place, then difficulties arise, because no one wants to endure such a neighborhood. On the other hand, the quality of incinerators is improving. The old ones polluted the air too much with combustion products, the new ones work much cleaner. These installations are called resource recovery or waste-to-energy devices. They allow you to get rid of garbage and at the same time generate electricity. Waste disposal is also a very effective way to solve the problem, but for this it is necessary to change the habitual behavior of people, since it is necessary to form the habit of sorting household waste, collecting metal, paper and glass separately. By sorting waste, we will reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment.
In the old days, farmers sent their produce from the field directly to the table, without processing, transportation, packaging, advertising and distribution network. Vegetable peels and the like were fed to livestock or used as manure to fertilize the soil for the next year's crop, and produced little waste.

Domnikov Artem, 10 years old
We live on planet earth. Earth is our home, breadwinner, Motherland is the place where a person was born and raised. People are obliged to take care of what nature has given us.
Once our ancestors lived in harmony with nature. They drank spring water, breathed clean air, admired the beauty of plants and animals. Now huge modern plants and factories have been built, millions of cars drive on the roads, people use modern electrical engineering. And behind this is deforestation, pollution of soil, air and water, the disappearance of various species of plants and animals, the thoughtless expenditure of natural resources. We must live in the modern world and make our life better and more convenient. It is only necessary to remember that the wealth of the Earth must be spent wisely. If the riverbed is dried up, the fish will die; if the soil is not allowed to rest, it will not give a good harvest; if we continue to pollute the soil, air and water, it will be difficult for us to survive and stay healthy in such difficult, uninhabitable environmental conditions.
I would very much like that all known scientific discoveries were aimed not at destruction, but at the preservation of our common home - Planet Earth.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,
They bloom only on it,
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!
(Y. Akim)

Dear friend!
For you, we also prepared a book as a gift - baby.
You can print the pages of the book yourself or with your parents,
fasten them with a stapler or in any way convenient for you
and become a participant in fun and educational games.
Make your own planet!!!
1 page

2 page

3 page

4 page

5 page

6 page

7 page

8 page

9 page

Kidyashova Elena Yurievna

The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. Every year its sound becomes stronger, because the person is beloved creation of nature considers himself its owner. For many years, people have used for their own good everything that is his surrounds - forests, seas, mountains, rivers, bowels of the Earth, animals, birds. Man turned out to be a bad owner, because he stopped caring about the planet, destroyed forests, exterminated birds and animals. And as a result of human economic activity, some breeds of animals and many plant species have disappeared completely, and many are on the verge of extinction. Therefore, the growing environmental problems make a person more attentive and careful to the objects of nature. And this must be taught from childhood! The smallest inhabitants of the Earth are children of preschool age. And the adults who are near the kids should have a beneficial effect on environmental education of children.

In our kindergarten topic: "Shaping ecological culture in the process of moral and aesthetic education of children ", the educator of the 1st KVK, Elena Viktorovna Pyanova, works. She tries to apply various forms and methods of working with children to form environmental perceptions. These are cycles of observations of plants and animals in the corner of nature and on the site of the preschool educational institution, maintaining various calendars, conducting GCD, excursions, game learning situations using toys and literary characters.

Elena Viktorovna developed project: "Nature is our common home", is the leader Cup: "Flower-Semitsvetik" and the head of the creative groups: "The development of children's creativity means of nature", which includes teachers - trainees: Trunkina Svetlana Alexandrovna, Valueva Natalya Mikhailovna and music director - Konishcheva Galina Nikolaevna. In addition, Elena Viktorovna, together with the pupils created an environmental book: "Environment", which has become an interesting and important thing for children. Elena Viktorovna presents this book for the competition.

environmental book: "Environment"

Compiler: Pyanova E. V. and pupils of the preparatory group.

This book is part project: "Nature is our common home" and it included children's drawings environmental education in which they reflected my observations, ideas about environment, fantasy, did homework together with their parents.

"Autumn, autumn - leaf fall,

Leaves fly underfoot. "

"Autumn leaf fall"

"Autumn flowers in a vase"

"Winter landscape"

"Frost patterns"

"Winter forest is full of fairy tales and miracles"

"The Scarlet Dawn Spreads"

"Early spring"

Drawings of pupils on the spring theme.

"Rainbow Arc"

"Summer Flowers"

"Blue-eyed cornflower and fluffy dandelion"

Watching the birch in autumn.

Autumn-winter observation of the birch.

Watching a birch in spring.

Garden on the window.

"Planet Earth"

"Marine life"

"Everything beautiful is near"

"Sea cows that are no longer on Earth."

"The detrimental effect of man on the sea"

"Sea in Trouble"

Homework: "Make up a story and draw your pet"

In addition, Elena Viktorovna paid great attention to working with Rakitina Ulyana. The book contains her drawings. Noticing the girl's desire and talent for drawing, the teacher tried to develop her artistic and creative abilities.

"Golden Autumn"

"Winter time"

"Walking in the Spring"

"On the river Partsa"

Dear colleagues, not all sections of the book with drawings are presented in this blog, due to the limited publication of files.

Pyanova Elena Viktorovna and the staff of the MBDOU "Zubovo-Polyansky kindergarten No. 6 "Birch" of the combined type" thanks all those who have looked at our publication for their attention.