Treatment of colds in the first trimester. What can not cure a cold? Runny nose and stuffy nose

Even the most common cold during pregnancy can lead to the most unpredictable consequences for the baby, not to mention diseases that are caused by the ingestion of dangerous viruses (ARVI). This is especially true of the first trimester, when the fetus is especially vulnerable to negative influences. Unfortunately, it is during this period that intrauterine malformations and miscarriages are most likely to develop, so the main thing that a future mother needs at the first sign of a cold is an adequate, well-prescribed treatment.

First of all, you need to know what drugs are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. These are almost all antibiotics, antiviral and vasoconstrictive drugs, all antipyretic drugs based on aspirin, as well as special anti-influenza drugs.

In addition, you should refrain from excessive consumption of vitamin C - hypervitaminosis in the first trimester is no less harmful than a lack of nutrients.

How to treat SARS in the first trimester?

The main condition for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is bed rest, and the room where the woman is located must be constantly ventilated and wet cleaned in it.

Bed rest, ventilation and cleanliness

Regular drinking. To remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, it is necessary to sweat well. To do this, you need to drink green tea, herbal infusions, homemade compotes, etc. - the main thing is that the drinks were warm, not hot, otherwise the swelling of the throat will worsen.

Inhalations and rinses are the safest ways to get rid of pain and swelling of the throat. Here you can use both boiled potatoes and herbal infusions, essential oils, as well as a solution of soda and furacilin or saline. One of the recipes for steam inhalation: boil 5-6 small potatoes in their skins, add a pinch of eucalyptus or 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, put a container of potatoes on the table and, covered with a towel, breathe in steam for 5-7 minutes.

Expectorants. If a pregnant woman suffers from a severe cough, it can be treated with ordinary honey - just eat one tablespoon a day.

Warm milk with honey, butter, and baking soda also works well (this remedy is especially effective for painful nighttime coughs that interfere with sleep). In addition, you can take an infusion of dried viburnum berries (1/2 cup of fruit per cup of boiling water), carrot or beetroot juice, rosehip tea, onion syrup. Prepare it as follows: pour a medium-sized unpeeled onion with a small amount of water, add 50 g of sugar, simmer, then cool and take 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

Washing the nose. To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce the unpleasant manifestations of a runny nose, it is recommended to rinse the nose with warm water with the addition of a few drops of iodine and salt on the tip of a knife. Also, fresh aloe juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, can be instilled into the nasal passages.

Rubbing. When the temperature rises, you can do wiping with ordinary warm water or water with the addition of vinegar (it is strictly not recommended to use alcohol or vodka for these purposes). You should also not dress too warmly to prevent overheating of the body.

Diet. With SARS in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to follow a dairy-vegetarian diet, as well as introduce more vitamins into the diet to help the body fight toxins.

Dairy-vegetarian diet
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What drugs are allowed for pregnant women?

The choice of medications for the treatment of SARS should be treated very carefully, as they can cause no less harm to a developing baby than viruses and bacteria. There are a number of drugs that are approved for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, but, nevertheless, they are recommended to be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

Cough preparations

Dry paroxysmal cough not only gives the expectant mother severe discomfort, but also prevents the flow of oxygen to the fetus. In addition, the constant tension of the abdominal muscles can tone the uterus and even provoke a miscarriage. You can fight cough with the help of the following drugs.

NameAction and indicationsMode of application
Althea officinalis drug with expectorant properties. It is used for diseases that are accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum.Take 4 tablets 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
An inhalation agent that contains an antibiotic and effectively fights a number of harmful microorganisms. It is practically not absorbed into the blood, but due to the presence of an antibiotic, it is used only according to the doctor's indications.Inhalation through the mouth or nose, the course of treatment is no more than 7 days.
Homeopathic preparation, including mainly plant components. Effective for dry, spasmodic and wet coughs.Take no more than 5 times a day for 5-15 ml, taking into account the fact that each tablespoon of the drug contains approximately 0.2 g of ethanol.

Medicines for sore throat

Sore throat can be the result of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) caused by bacteria and viruses. This situation is fraught with the development of serious complications and delayed fetal development. A sore throat caused by the streptococcus virus is especially dangerous - it requires immediate medical attention and treatment in a hospital.

NameAction and indicationsMode of application
One of the safest remedies for the local treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat. Narrows blood vessels and significantly reduces swelling of the mucous membrane.The drug is sprayed 3-4 times a day in the throat or nose.
Combined spray containing antimicrobial and antifungal components. Relieves inflammation and has a mild analgesic effect.Spray into the mouth for 1-2 seconds 3-4 times a day.
It has antimicrobial, analgesic and antiseptic effect. It is used for a number of inflammatory diseases of the throat, including pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.Spray on the affected areas for 2 seconds.

Medicines for the treatment of the common cold

A runny nose, like a cough, is dangerous because it makes breathing difficult for a pregnant woman, as a result of which the baby may suffer from a lack of oxygen. When treating a runny nose in expectant mothers, it is important to remember that all vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazol, Naphthyzin, etc.) are strictly prohibited during the period of bearing a child.

NameAction and indicationsMode of application
The product is purified and sterilized sea water, therefore it is absolutely safe for use during pregnancy. Promotes liquefaction of mucus and normalization of its production, reduces the local inflammatory process.The drug is dripped or sprayed (depending on the form of release) into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
Preparation based on essential oils of pine, mint and equilipt. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-edematous action.Inject 1 dose into each nasal passage 3-6 times a day, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process.
Facilitates nasal breathing and relieves swelling of the mucous membrane in rhinitis of any etiology, including allergic rhinitis.Drip 1-2 drops of the drug into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.

Antipyretic drugs

As antipyretic drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy, you can use only those that contain paracetamol (for example, Panadol). It is recommended to bring down the temperature only when it rises above 37.5-38 o C, but if the thermometer shows 39.5-40 o C, you should immediately seek medical help.

Respiratory diseases in the first trimester of pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, since the woman's body during this period is greatly weakened. To protect yourself from infections and viruses, you must follow the following preventive measures:

A cold or SARS is not the most pleasant news for a future mother and her baby, but with the right attitude to the situation, competent and timely treatment, unpleasant consequences can be completely avoided.

Video - Flu and colds during pregnancy

Video - Taking medication during pregnancy (Komarovsky)

A woman's body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Each trimester has its own challenges and anxieties. But when the expectant mother falls ill, a real panic begins for both the woman and her relatives. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable during the first trimester, when hormonal changes occur, a decrease in immunity. Most often, the “current” nose causes trouble. Moreover, such an ailment can occur in any weather and time of the year.

Why is pregnancy accompanied by a runny nose?

The most common cause is the common cold. If earlier frosts, winds and rains were tolerated steadfastly, now a pregnant woman can easily pick up due to weakened immunity. Which, by the way, is a natural mechanism for the adoption of the embryo by the body of the expectant mother. Otherwise, fetal rejection would occur.

There are other causes of a runny nose in women in a delicate position. This may be a situational reaction to various external factors, such as cold air or a strong smell. Sometimes there is a drying of the mucous membrane, caused by the dryness of the air in the room where the woman is constantly located.

Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is associated with due to the restructuring of the body. It usually resolves without treatment after childbirth. It is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa with abundant accumulations. Other chronic diseases, such as sinusitis, polyps, sinusitis, etc., can also cause a prolonged runny nose.

Well, everyone knows that a runny nose is also a manifestation of an allergy, chronic or seasonal. During pregnancy, it occurs as an individual reaction to the external environment due to the increased sensitivity of the body.

What to do with a cold in the early stages?

Obviously, first of all, you need to find out its cause. If this is not a common cold, then the treatment regimen is built exclusively by a doctor. In the case of an allergy, it is imperative to make complex tests in order to determine the substance that the woman's body rejects.

At the slightest sign of any ailment, a pregnant woman should immediately seek qualified help from a leading doctor. The difficulty is that they are not immediately registered with the antenatal clinic, but meanwhile, in the early stages, there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, if a woman wants to bear a healthy child, at first she needs to take care of herself on her own. But first you need to know about some of the processes associated with the development of the embryo.

What happens inside the expectant mother in the first weeks?

So, there are no "trifle" reasons for a woman expecting a child. This rule also applies in the case when a runny nose occurs during pregnancy. The first trimester is especially risky. At this time, the main organs of the future man are formed. Consider weekly the importance of ongoing processes. Already in the third week, the embryo takes shape, its nervous, muscular and skeletal systems begin to form.

Gill slit appears from the 4th to the 7th week. From this point on, oxygen saturation of the placenta is extremely important. Also, the embryo begins to beat a heart. This is already a living creature with a head, arms, legs. On the seventh week, the "tadpole" has a sense organ, the vestibular apparatus. Starting from the eighth week, the embryo becomes like a little man. His face is formed - a mouth, nose, ears appear. By the ninth week, a small lump, less than 1 cm long, moves, moves the arms and legs, on which tiny nails are visible. While others do not notice changes in the outlines of the figure, complex processes of the birth of a new life are taking place inside the woman.

Needless to say, the well-being of the expectant mother at this time is extremely important. It is necessary to be careful and try to play it safe so as not to fall ill. Even if this is a simple 1st trimester, it is also characteristic that the emerging baby already has tactile sensations. At the 11th week, he distinguishes between tastes and if mom ate something wrong, he will wince and try to swallow less. Obviously, not every medicine will be to his liking, not to mention the "benefit". Most medications during pregnancy are contraindicated, as they enter the amniotic fluid and are completely absorbed by the embryo.

What threatens a runny nose during pregnancy? Danger to the fetus

While the little one is in the body of a pregnant woman, her lungs are filled with fluid and do not work. The placenta is the only source of oxygen, which is enriched through the woman's blood. Thus, the mother and the intrauterine child are closely interconnected with each other.

When a pregnant woman has difficulty breathing, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. This causes fetal hypoxia. Thus, the common cold can be very dangerous if it is accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavity and a runny nose during pregnancy. The 1st trimester is the most important stage in the development of the embryo. Oxygen starvation causes deviations in its formation, including brain pathology.

Why is a runny nose dangerous for a pregnant woman?

In addition to the risk to the child, diseases of the nasal cavity lead to a number of complications in the pregnant woman herself. A severe runny nose sometimes flows into tracheitis or bronchitis, as it contributes to inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes. After all, these diseases are provoked not only by viruses, but also by bacteria.

During pregnancy, even a common cold is insidious. The runny nose that accompanies it may be caused by an infection. This creates risk factors for childbearing. For example, for a cold, you can take the flu, which is dangerous for its consequences.

Not harmless and allergy, which in some cases develops into bronchial asthma.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the common cold.

How can you help yourself?

As already mentioned, it is better not to self-medicate. The main problem faced is that not all drugs for the common cold can be used in an interesting position.

In no case should you use vasoconstrictor drops. Firstly, they are addictive and after a while they stop helping. Secondly, they increase blood pressure.

Nasal drops can be replaced with folk remedies. For example, beet juice diluted with water. However, it is worth remembering that in large quantities it burns the mucous membrane. The situation is similar with the onion-based solution. In general, with folk medicine, not everything is so simple. Sometimes its effects are stronger than pharmaceuticals.

Today, homeopathic remedies for the common cold are a good alternative. They contain natural ingredients, but carefully calibrated in dosage. However, given the sensitivity during pregnancy and possible allergic reactions, they should not be used without consulting a doctor.

The safest way to help get rid of a runny nose for adults and children is saline solutions.


The use of salt-based solutions allows you to achieve several goals at once. Firstly, you can not use drugs for the common cold, that is, use it as an independent treatment. Or, on the contrary, combine with other drugs to improve their effect. Secondly, washing eliminates the cause of irritation and reduces the likelihood of allergic manifestations. Thirdly, the solution disinfects the nasal cavity. Fourthly, irrigation of the mucosa improves the functioning of capillaries, strengthening their walls and normalizing blood flow. Fifthly, salt relieves swelling, allowing the pregnant woman to “breathe”.

The solution can be prepared at home. The usual concentration is 1 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 glass of water. In addition, it is convenient to use ready-made sprays, such as "Humer", "Aqua Maris", etc. Initially, they were intended for children, but today there are their counterparts for a cold for adults.

You can wash your nose about 4 times a day. If a runny nose haunts a pregnant woman for a long time, then the procedures are carried out within 1-2 weeks. Then you can do prophylactic injections 2-3 times a week.

There are different ways to wash. In the advanced stage, it is necessary to absorb the solution with one nostril and spit it out through the mouth. This achieves complete liberation of the nasopharynx from mucous secretions. A more gentle option is spraying the nostrils or instilling with a pipette.

Warming agents

Another gentle and effective remedy is inhalation for a cold. One of the easiest ways is to "breathe" over a pot of hot potatoes, covering yourself with a towel to keep out the cold air. Thanks to this “treatment”, the mucosa is moistened, inflammatory processes are removed, and sputum is removed. Inhalation can be done with essential oils or by brewing eucalyptus leaves. There is, however, an opinion that this is not harmless, and sometimes the vapors contribute to a deeper penetration of the infection, causing bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy. Inhalations are good at the first sign of malaise.

Therefore, during the procedure, it is necessary to observe safety measures. Steam inhalation is recommended to be done 1-1.5 hours after eating. Their duration should not exceed 3 minutes. You need to add only proven drugs and essential oils, and no more than 3 drops at a time.

During pregnancy, steam inhalation is not worth it. They can be replaced by dry heating of the nasal septum with salt or special devices.

In order to avoid burns, it is better to use inhalation with a cold with a nebulizer. Recipes for the compositions vary depending on the cause of the disease. For example, with edema, you can not use essential oils, which can aggravate it. For colds, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Rotokan or Sinupret are safe.

Mineral water is used to moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, starting from the nasopharynx. The most harmless are herbal inhalations with a cold with a nebulizer. Their recipes are simple. Dried oak leaves, birch, linden and chamomile flowers, mint, lavender are considered useful. They have bactericidal properties and help to cope with infections.

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy

Than to be treated, it is better not to allow misfortune! There are several easy ways.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning of the house every day. Get rid of dust in sofas, armchairs, carpets. Regularly ventilate the room and monitor the humidity.
  2. Irrigate the nasopharynx with saline solutions 1-2 times a week. After visiting public places, this procedure also does not hurt.
  3. At home, you can hang a head of garlic around your neck, and also put a plate with chopped onion or garlic next to the bed before going to bed.
  4. Walk a lot, breathe fresh air.
  5. Maintain a good mood and good spirits. It has been noticed that people with a positive attitude fall ill several times less than pessimists.

Remember, there is no harmless runny nose during pregnancy. The 1st trimester is the most important period for the formation of the health of the unborn child! Take care of yourself and your baby's life. To do this, you need not so much - to find out the cause of the disease and choose a safe and effective treatment. And most importantly - to believe that everything will be fine.

Colds often plague pregnant women. No matter how expectant mothers take care of themselves, but still many pick up acute respiratory infections. Most pregnant women treat a cold as something insignificant, unlike the flu or, for example, a sore throat. But this is not entirely true. Yes, a cold during pregnancy is not as dangerous for an unborn child as the flu, but it can also do a lot of harm. At the slightest sign of ARI, treatment should be started immediately.

Cold symptoms

Common colds are commonly referred to as respiratory diseases caused by viruses. Moreover, you can not necessarily get sick as a result of hypothermia. Usually such diseases affect children and people with reduced immunity. In pregnant women, immunity often decreases, and therefore they become vulnerable to various viruses.

The symptoms of a cold are known to everyone since childhood. It starts with a stuffy nose, then a sore throat joins when swallowing. After a few hours, a slight temperature rises. With a cold, it rarely exceeds 38 degrees. The woman feels a slight weakness, headache, body aches. If a cold is not treated, then a bacterial infection will most likely join the virus, which can cause tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis - in a word, any respiratory disease.

Colds and I trimester (1-14 weeks)

The first trimester is the most dangerous period in terms of various viruses and infections. The embryo in the mother's body is just being formed, all future organs, the central nervous system are laid in it. The embryo does not yet have protection in the form of a placenta, it begins to form only by the 7th week. A small organism is completely defenseless against viruses. You need to be especially careful in the period up to 10-12 weeks, until the placenta is fully formed. In the future, it will be she who will protect the fetus.

In the first weeks of pregnancy in the female body there are downright global changes. First of all, hormonal changes begin, allowing the embryo to gain a foothold in the mother's body. Changes are also taking place in the immune system. The fact is that the embryo contains, in addition to maternal, also paternal proteins, which are alien to a woman. So, in order to prevent the rejection of the fetus as a foreign body, the body artificially suppresses the immune system. A side effect of such a restructuring is just a decrease in immunity.

So, catching a cold in the 1st trimester is very undesirable. A viral infection during this period can even cause an abortion. The virus also negatively affects the development of the embryo. As a result, the baby may be born with any defects.

Colds in the second trimester (15-26 weeks)

In the second trimester, the expectant mother can breathe more freely. Her baby is no longer so defenseless against viruses that cause acute respiratory infections. It is reliably protected by the placental barrier, in addition, the fetus develops its own immunity. The woman is no longer in danger of miscarriage. However, this does not mean that a cold in the second trimester can be treated indifferently. Undertreated acute respiratory infections can cause a violation of placental blood flow, which, in turn, will provoke fetal hypoxia. In addition, we must not forget that in the second trimester all the organs of the child are actively growing, and the virus can interfere with this process.

ARI in the III trimester (27-40 weeks)

Colds in the third trimester quite dangerous for the fetus. During this period, the most important thing is to prevent complications in the form of a bacterial infection. Especially carefully you need to take care of yourself before childbirth, since a weakened body is unlikely to cope with the difficult process of giving birth to a baby on its own. Yes, and a child can become infected from a sick mother, so he is isolated for a while immediately after birth. With a running cold, the virus is able to penetrate the placental barrier and intrauterine infection will occur. After 6 months of pregnancy, the placenta no longer protects the child so effectively, because it gradually ages and loses its functions.

Treatment of colds in pregnant women

The fight against a cold during pregnancy has its own specifics. Expectant mothers are prohibited from most drugs. From folk remedies, too, many are contraindicated. Any cold medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

At the first sign of a cold, you should immediately go to bed. You can't go to work or travel anywhere. A sick leave is given to a pregnant woman even if she does not have a temperature.

Since ARI is caused by a virus, antiviral agents should be used at the first sign. Pregnant women at any time are allowed "Interferon" or "Derinat". Means are administered intranasally according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. By the way, they can be used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections.

In addition to antiviral drugs, other methods of dealing with colds are also used. After all, during this period it is important to prevent complications. First of all, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body that are formed as a result of the vital activity of the virus. It is the toxins that cause weakness and ache in the bones. To get rid of them, you need to drink more water. Lemon juice can be added to clean water. You also need to drink fruit drinks from sour berries or a rosehip broth.

Important! It is forbidden to reduce the temperature to 38 degrees! Bring down the heat only with paracetamol, aspirin can cause bleeding.

The fight against a cold

To combat a runny nose and nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used, since they constrict blood vessels not only in the nose, but throughout the body. This can have a very negative effect on the fetus.

But does the expectant mother really have to endure a runny nose and nasal congestion? Nothing like this! At the first signs of congestion, you need to drip drops of "Interferon" or "Derinat". They not only fight the virus, but also make breathing easier. Be sure to purchase ready-made saline solutions at the pharmacy, for example, Aquamaris or something similar. Drops that do not have a vasoconstrictive effect will also help.

To make breathing easier, you can lubricate the wings of the nose with Asterisk balm. When it comes to essential oils, you need to be careful with them. Not all are suitable for pregnant women.

Some women make the mistake of starting warm-up treatments as soon as their nose gets stuffy. You can do this only when the nose stops flowing. At the initial stage, no warming up will help, it will even make it worse. After all, the nasopharynx is already inflamed, the vessels are dilated there, and heat will further aggravate the situation. At elevated temperatures, there should be no warming up at all. Heat should be applied only when thick mucus appears from the nose, that is, when it comes to recovery.

Thermal procedures for a cold can be different. It is convenient for someone to use a steam inhaler, while someone prefers to warm their nose with salt or sand.

What to do about a sore throat

A sore throat with a cold is not for everyone. However, if it appears, then you should not immediately drink antibiotics. To prevent the spread of the inflammatory process, you need to gargle as often as possible. For rinsing, you can use the following means:

  • pharmaceutical preparations, for example, tincture of calendula;
  • furacilin solution;
  • a decoction of chamomile (1 tbsp. boil for 10 minutes in a glass of water);
  • saline or soda solution (1 tsp per glass of warm water) with the addition of 3 drops of iodine.

In addition to rinsing, the doctor will prescribe suitable sprays and lozenges for the pregnant woman. Very effective for both sore throat and runny nose, spray "Bioparox".

It is impossible to warm up the throat in any way in the acute period, this will lead to increased inflammation and complication.

Cough treatment

If the cough still started, then you can do inhalations with alkaline mineral water. This will require a compressor or ultrasonic inhaler. The doctor can also prescribe antibiotics for coughing, but this is absolutely a last resort, when there is a possibility of developing bronchitis or pneumonia. Antibiotics are especially dangerous in the 1st trimester, when the baby is not yet protected by the placenta.

How to drink tea for a cold

  1. Tea is better to drink green, not black.
  2. Tea should be warm, but not hot, especially if your throat hurts.
  3. In addition to raspberry jam for colds, you can use linden honey or currant, strawberry, lemon jam. When coughing, cherry or pear jam will help.
  4. You can add a little grated ginger to tea, it is good for colds.
  5. You don't need to drink a lot of tea when you have a cold. Enough 2-3 cups a day.

How to prevent a cold

In order not to treat a cold for a long time and persistently, it is better not to allow it. Of course, if a woman does not work and does not communicate with the sick, then it is easier for her to protect herself. But what about that expectant mother who is forced to work in a large team or use public transport? Should I quit my job and stay at home? It’s not worth it, it’s better to try to strengthen your immunity, and not during epidemics, but a couple of months before that.

Vitamins will help strengthen the body's defenses. A pregnant woman needs much more of them. It is problematic to get everything you need with food, so it is advisable to take special complexes for pregnant women.

During the period of viral infections, you need to be more in the fresh air, and ventilate the room as often as possible. This is due to the fact that viruses multiply rapidly indoors, and die in the fresh air.

Everyone knows that the phytoncides of some plants are detrimental to viruses that cause flu and colds. Onions, horseradish and garlic should become constant companions of the expectant mother during epidemics. They should not only be added to food, but also placed in the room in a crushed form. At least once a day it is good to do onion inhalation, that is, just cut the onion and breathe it.

Citrus fruits are the enemies of viruses. It is necessary to eat these fruits in the autumn-winter period.

Coming from the street, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, and rinse the nasal passages with a solution of sea salt. Before going outside, the nasal passages can be lubricated with interferon ointment.

What not to do when pregnant with a cold

  1. Pregnant women should not put banks. It is better to replace them with mustard plasters.
  2. Expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to soar their legs.
  3. You can not drink various dietary supplements, only medicines and vitamins prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Honeycombs from the common cold

When you have a cold, you need to cut off a piece of honeycomb and chew it like chewing gum. Spit out the gum after 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out every hour, at least 4 times a day. Traditional healers claim that even a chronic runny nose can be cured.

Lemon for sore throat

Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut into slices and eat whole, along with the peel. You can dip the slices in honey, but it is better to eat without it. A necessary condition - the slices must be carefully chewed. This tool is able to cope even with a sore throat.

Linden for fever and cough

Generally speaking, you shouldn't have a high temperature when you have a cold. But if she still rose, then you need to brew 1 tbsp. l. lime-colored glass of boiling water. Tea with linden wrap and leave for an hour. Drink a glass before bed. Linden blossom also has a cough-relieving effect.

Dry cough milk

A dry cough often follows a cold. To soften it, you need to drink warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water in a 1: 1 ratio. Softens cough and natural butter. It must be added to hot oatmeal with milk, it also helps with dry cough. Mashed potatoes with milk and butter have similar properties.

Radish for cough

Radish with honey or sugar is one of the best folk remedies. It is necessary to cut the root crop into pieces, put in a clay pot, sprinkle with layers of sugar or honey. Put in the oven for 2 hours. The resulting liquid take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals and at bedtime.

Important! Pregnant women are prohibited from sage in any form, as it disrupts placental circulation. Oregano, which is part of many antitussive preparations, is also prohibited.

It is impossible to treat a cold during pregnancy with only folk remedies. After all, with ARI, the main thing is to destroy the virus. Alternative methods will only help relieve symptoms. It is necessary to combine antiviral and symptomatic agents, as well as to drink vitamins C and E. This is the only way to cope with a cold without complications.

Colds are called acute respiratory viral infections, or SARS. During pregnancy, immunity decreases, which is an additional reason for the development of the disease. And in the first trimester, a woman and her fetus are most vulnerable to external factors.

According to research and medical observations, a mild cold does not affect the growth and development of the fetus.

A severe cold can be dangerous during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. There are two options for the development of events:

  • the disease will not affect the fetus in any way, which will be confirmed by the first ultrasound, which the expectant mother should do for a period of 12-14 weeks;
  • fading pregnancy or miscarriage.

Most often, a cold is mild, and complete recovery occurs within a week.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to the prevention of SARS. If you have caught a viral infection, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics on your own, in addition, antibacterial agents have absolutely no effect on viruses.
  2. Do not use antipyretics if the body temperature has not risen above 38ºС.
  3. Avoid physical activity, especially in the early days of illness.
  4. Take plenty of warm drink in the form of tea with lemon, raspberries or honey. However, you need to monitor the amount of fluid to avoid the appearance of edema, and the amount of sugar consumed.
  5. Eat easily digestible foods and limit the intake of heavy fatty foods (preferably soups, vegetables and fruits).
  6. It is advisable during this period to avoid contact with other members of your family and stay separately in a well-ventilated room.
  7. At elevated temperatures, cold compresses and rubdowns are allowed. Do not use alcohol for cleaning.
  8. For sore throats, rinse with solutions of soda or salt, herbs and carry out inhalations.

Doctors advise to contact them for advice and help in any course of the disease, however, visiting the clinic, especially during periods of epidemics, increases the risk of deterioration in well-being.

After a cold, two to three weeks later, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound scan.

Following the instructions, you can independently remove the signs of the disease. If within three to four days there is no improvement, or the condition worsens, you should call a doctor.

The doctor must be called in the following cases:

  • deterioration after recovery or a new wave of fever;
  • increased symptoms of the disease, the appearance of cough, purulent sputum;
  • lack of effect from taking an antipyretic when the temperature is above 39ºС;
  • general serious condition: loss of consciousness, convulsions, difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, vomiting in combination with headache (drugs for pregnant women with headache are described here), swelling, rash on the body.

Medicines for the treatment of SARS during pregnancy

In the treatment of colds in the 1st trimester, there are features, because many drugs have adverse effects on fetal development.

It is not difficult to cure a mild cold, it is enough to follow all the basic tips above. If the body temperature rises above 38ºС, severe nasal congestion, intense sore throat and cough, then you can additionally resort to treatment with medications.

Before using this or that medicine, it is better to first consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions.

Consider the main non-prohibited cold medicines during pregnancy in the 1st trimester:

Antipyretic and analgesic (with an increase in body temperature above 38 ºС):

  • "Paracetamol" ("Acetaminophen", "Tylenol" or "Panadol") - allowed at any stage of pregnancy, subject to dosage, has an analgesic effect. The maximum dose per day - no more than 3 tablets;
  • "Ibuprofen" - in the first trimester is used only after consulting a doctor who will weigh the ratio of benefits and risks of taking;
  • "Aspirin" - also taken only after the approval of the doctor.

Expectorants (for cough):

  • "Bromhexine" - the drug is approved for use by pregnant women at any time;
  • preparations containing guaifenesin ("Tussin", "Coldrex Broncho") - used with caution only after consulting a doctor.

Herbal preparations, including breast preparations, are contraindicated in the first trimester. This is due to the large number of side effects for the course of pregnancy.


Drugs of the interferon group, which are very popular among residents due to widespread advertising, are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Intranasal preparations for the common cold (based on water and salt):

  • "Dolphin" or "Aquamaris" - powder based on sea salt, dissolves in warm water and is used to wash the nose;
  • physiological saline (NaCl 0.9%) - is an ordinary solution of salt and water, widely used in medical practice, especially for washing the nose.

Antiseptics for relieving sore throat:

  • chlorhexidine solution for gargling.

Possible consequences of a cold in the 1st trimester

The transferred cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can have consequences in the form of complications for both the fetus and the mother herself. A cold that is not completely cured can develop into bronchitis, and in severe cases, pneumonia. Then the treatment should be prescribed by a doctor with an assessment of the risk to the fetus.

A transferred cold can be the cause of the development of a pathological pregnancy: polyhydramnios, premature birth, and even miscarriage are possible as complications.

When symptoms of a cold appear, the expectant mother should not panic. By following the basic rules for treating a respiratory infection, a woman can protect herself and her unborn baby from undesirable consequences. With a prolonged course of the disease or a deterioration in the condition, do not abuse self-administration of medications. It is urgent to consult a doctor for an effective treatment.

How to treat a cold in pregnant women, see the video:

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With the onset of pregnancy, this is how the female body is physiologically arranged, the immune system is suppressed, in simple words, immunity is suppressed. This is necessary so that the mother's body does not perceive a fertilized egg (zygote, embryo) as a foreign organism. In fact, an embryo is an object consisting of a foreign protein.

With the onset of pregnancy and during its course, the risk of developing a cold in the form of influenza, SARS or acute respiratory infections increases. Therefore, expectant mothers are not recommended to visit busy places and use public transport.

  • Cold on
  • Runny nose as a sign of pregnancy
  • How does a cold affect the fetus?
  • cold symptoms in pregnancy
  • flu during pregnancy
  • How to treat a cold? What is possible and what is not?
  • Medicines for the treatment of colds in pregnant women
  • What can bring down the temperature?
    • Paracetamol
    • Analgin
  • Recommendations for the treatment of colds during pregnancy (ARVI, flu)

Cold as a sign of pregnancy

A cold during pregnancy may be the very first symptom of a “interesting situation”. Immediately after conception, the concentration of two hormones - estrogen and progesterone rises sharply. In the early stages of pregnancy - this causes a moderate increase in temperature, its fluctuations from normal to subfebrile (37.5 ° C) - chills.

A woman may not be aware that she is pregnant, but hormonal changes are already making themselves felt. Along with fever from the first days of pregnancy appear:

  • body aches;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • runny nose (rhinitis).

These "cold" signs can also occur against the background of normal temperature, even before the delay in menstruation, under the influence of a "hormonal surge". In the early stages, a cold can turn out to be pregnancy.

In any case, you need to remember that a temperature up to 38 ° C does not require radical treatment, it cannot be knocked down with paracetamol or any other antipyretic drugs.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Such a ball thing as a runny nose can be a manifestation of various diseases, not necessarily colds. For example:

  • SARS;
  • rhinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • rhinitis of pregnant women;
  • 3rd trimester - general edematous syndrome.

In the third trimester, the body prepares for childbirth,. In this case, swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion are manifestations of the edematous syndrome.

"Hormonal rhinitis" or runny nose of pregnant women can accompany a woman all 280 days - until childbirth. And it doesn't require treatment. Allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis (in pregnant women it has more pronounced manifestations than before conception) against the background of a rise in temperature to 37.2 - 37.5 ° C can be perceived by a woman as symptoms of a cold, but in fact they are not.

Colds in early pregnancy may not be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, differential diagnosis should be carried out by a doctor and it is impossible to treat yourself, it is undesirable to take antipyretic drugs. The doctor will focus not only on complaints of stuffy nose and fever, but also on test results, local manifestations.

Acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy have similar symptoms, but the infectious damaging agent (virus) can be any of this large group: respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, reoviruses, influenza viruses, and others.

How does a cold affect the fetus during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered, it depends on:

  • health status of a woman before pregnancy;
  • from the time when a woman fell ill with a cold (1 trimester of pregnancy is the most unfavorable, susceptible and thinnest);
  • the presence of aggravating somatic diseases.

Undoubtedly, the fetus suffers from a mother's cold during pregnancy:

  • he has oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • the risk of congenital malformations is not excluded;
  • a cold can be complicated by the threat of abortion;
  • secondary infections may join.

Cold symptoms during pregnancy

A true cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the same way as in the "pre-pregnant" body. Among the symptoms of SARS during pregnancy:

  • runny nose;
  • acute sore throat;
  • sneeze;
  • headaches and pain in the eyeballs;
  • fatigue, weakness, dizziness;
  • joint and muscle pain, body aches;
  • liquid stool;
  • temperature rise;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

flu during pregnancy

Influenza during pregnancy, unlike rhinovirus, adenoviral infection, has more pronounced symptoms of intoxication (high fever, muscle pain, aching joints, severe fatigue). They prevail over the catarrhal phenomena. The flu is characterized by an acute onset against the background of complete well-being. A pregnant woman can clearly answer the question of when she fell ill to the nearest minute.

Influenza is dangerous for the development of severe forms of the disease, the addition of a bacterial infection. Therefore, the treatment of influenza in pregnant women must necessarily occur in a hospital.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

In the first place in the treatment is the observance of the regimen: you need to get enough sleep, limit physical activity, be very attentive to yourself and to changes in your condition. Because during the illness there should not be any factors that require additional expenditure of strength. All symptoms of intoxication with ARVI are removed by drinking plenty of water. A cold during pregnancy with a temperature of more than 38.5 ° C requires the appointment of antipyretics.

In such a state, when the nose is so stuffed up that breathing is difficult and the pregnant woman cannot sleep because of this, nasal decognestants (vasoconstrictor drugs) are prescribed. In most cases, they are safe, but if they are taken occasionally: during the day, no more than 3-4 times in a short course. During pregnancy, due to increased blood circulation, the drug enters the bloodstream more than in a non-pregnant body, and systemic manifestations can be observed - increased blood pressure, angiospasms. Spasm of the vessels of the placenta leads to a violation of the blood supply to the fetus and hypoxia, an increase in heart rate in the baby.

cold medicine during pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy, women often self-administer antiviral treatment. But it has been proven that they "work" only with the flu. For the rest of SARS, they do not have an evidence base and their reception is useless at best.

The effect of drugs for ARVI during pregnancy:

  • Viferon suppositories for colds are prescribed quite often, but they are ineffective. This is a group of interferons, an analogue of Viferon - Biferon. It can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy, but not as the main one.
  • , since it is not known for certain how they affect the fetus. There is very little research in this area.
  • Herbs and dietary supplements are highly discouraged. There is a generally accepted principle here - what is not thoroughly studied - do not apply.
  • Vitamins are drugs that help the body fight disease. They are needed. But if antiviral agents and other drugs have already been prescribed, it is better to postpone their intake until the main treatment is completed. Several drugs in plasma may interact and have different effects than expected.
  • It used to be that vitamin C helped people recover and shorten the time they were sick. Studies have been conducted in which it is proved that globally vitamin C does not affect the course of SARS. For prevention, this biologically active vitamin is also not worth taking. For this purpose, a large dosage is used - 1 gram. At this high concentration, the vitamin crosses the placenta and could theoretically affect the baby. What this impact will be has not been studied.
  • Antibiotics - antimicrobial drugs - are not prescribed in the debut of colds (influenza and SARS), since they do not act on the virus. Treatment with antibiotics at the beginning of a viral infection does not prevent the development of a bacterial infection in the future. If a bacterial infection develops while taking antibiotics, then you will have to change the pills to another group of drugs. Microorganisms develop resistance - they become insensitive to the drug. Therefore, treatment with any antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor upon the presence of a bacterial infection.

How to bring down the high temperature during pregnancy?

High temperature during pregnancy is one of the most unfavorable factors affecting the fetus. Animal experiments have shown that high temperatures in the 1st trimester can cause malformations. The damaging effect of temperature begins when the temperature rises by more than 1.5 degrees and persists for at least 8 hours.


In order to reduce the temperature during pregnancy, you can take drugs that can be given to the baby and you should not wait until it drops on its own.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the temperature can be 37.2 - 37.5 ° C - this is normal and does not require treatment. But if the temperature is 38.5 ° C, this temperature must be brought down.

The safest and most studied drug from the group of antipyretic drugs is paracetamol. It can be taken for pain of any localization (head, throat,). However, like all drugs, it has side effects. That is, an adverse effect on the mother and, in high concentrations, on the fetus is possible. Paracetamol is hepatotoxic - it can affect the liver. During pregnancy, with a cold, you can use the drug at a dose of up to 2 grams, in extreme cases - up to 4. In the 3rd trimester, paracetamol is recommended to be taken at a dose of no more than 1 gram and in monotherapy (not in combination with other drugs, such as caffeine, vasoconstrictors).


Side effects of analgin are very rare, despite this they are very significant: agranulocytosis, the risk of developing nephroblastoma (Williams tumor) and leukemia in a child increases. During pregnancy, with a cold, metamizole (analgin) should not be taken, its use in the 3rd trimester is especially dangerous. The use of analgin is associated with the development of agranulocytosis in the newborn. Combined preparations of metamizole sodium - also can not be taken.

Agranulocytosis is a sharp decrease in leukocytes and monocytes in the blood, the child's body immediately becomes available to bacterial, fungal infections, since there are no cells in the blood that can resist diseases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Diclofenac, ketanal, ketarol, ibuprofen - according to indications and with the permission of a doctor, can be used in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, only paracetamol is allowed to be used again.

Risks for the baby when taking NSAIDs in the 3rd trimester:

  • Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus leading to pulmonary hypertension. She is very difficult to treat.
  • The use of NSAIDs can delay the date of birth - it initiates a prolonged pregnancy.
  • Increased blood loss during childbirth, as the blood clotting function of the mother decreases.
  • Formation of diaphragmatic hernias.
  • Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Reducing the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • When taking NSAIDs immediately before childbirth - at the end of the term - the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in the newborn is higher.
  • Cerebrovascular hemorrhage in a child

Paracetamol is the drug of choice for reducing fever during pregnancy. Do not take Analgin and its combinations with other active ingredients. Avoid for treatment in the 3rd trimester of any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory diseases (after). Before and it is not advisable to take any painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

Cold prevention during pregnancy

With the help of preventive measures, you can prevent colds (flu and SARS). During pregnancy, it is very undesirable to attend mass events: theaters, exhibitions, concerts, especially during colds (autumn, winter). Public transport should be avoided. These unpretentious actions are recommended to be used when planning a pregnancy, when the spouses are trying to get pregnant.

It is necessary to treat yourself with great caution and observe those around you during the flu epidemic in order to notice and isolate yourself in time, or immediately exclude contact with a sick family member.

If someone gets sick at home, and there is no way to send the sick person to relatives, for example, a husband or child, it is necessary to “relocate” the patient to a separate room, provide separate dishes and regularly ventilate the rooms. If the house has a portable UV lamp for home use, be sure to “quartz” the premises.

If there are children of preschool age, then it is advisable to interrupt the child's visit to kindergarten, developmental activities, etc. Children at this age often get sick, they are in contact with peers, exchange microflora and get sick. A baby can get sick easily, but for a pregnant mother, the infection can be quite serious.

A gauze bandage practically does not help a healthy person not to get sick. But if there is no other way out, it can and should be used, while changing it every 2 hours, washing and ironing is a must. If there is a family member in the house who has a cold, everyone should wear masks, both healthy and sick.

During the epidemic, it is undesirable to visit the doctor of the antenatal clinic. If you have the opportunity to agree with your doctor for a certain time - do it. This will reduce your risk of contracting the flu while waiting in line. By order, pregnant women are admitted on certain days when only healthy pregnant women come to the appointment (as in a children's clinic - the day of a healthy child). It can be any day appointed by the LCD administration.

If a pregnant woman accidentally came into contact with a sick person - on the street, in an elevator, then when you come home you need to wash your hands with soap and rinse your nose with saline, gargle. This will reduce your risk of getting sick. The virus, getting on the mucous membrane, just stays on the surface for some time and then penetrates into the cells. If, when you come home, you do a lavage of the mucous membranes, then the chances of developing colds are reduced. The throat can be gargled with saline or chamomile decoction. Do not use soda for rinsing, it dries the mucous membranes. It can be used when there is plaque on the tonsils and it needs to be loosened. It is undesirable to add iodine. It will penetrate in high concentrations into the blood through the mucous membrane, and is dangerous to the fetus.

Before going outside, you can apply Oxalin ointment and Viferon ointment to the mucous membrane, it will not have an antiviral effect, but will become a mechanical barrier to the penetration of the virus. Upon returning home, the nose should be rinsed again.

To strengthen the immune system, a pregnant woman can take vitamin D in consultation with the doctor. You can compensate for its deficiency with the help of fatty varieties of fish and eggs.

What to do if a pregnant woman is sick with SARS or influenza?

If you experience cold symptoms in the 1st to 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, stay home and stay in bed. Be sure to contact the doctor from the antenatal clinic or paramedic by phone and get advice over the phone. Do not take self-treatment without your doctor's permission. The maximum that you can do on your own is a plentiful hot drink in the form of homemade chicken broth, tea with fresh or frozen raspberries or currants (not to be confused with jam, in which there is a minimum of useful substances after cooking). You can drink warm milk with honey if you are not allergic to bee products.

The liquid that enters the general bloodstream when drinking tea reduces general intoxication and the effect on the fetus, due to the increase. Phytomixtures - tinctures of chamomile, ginseng, licorice are extremely harmful to the fetus, as they are prepared with alcohol.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Healers recommend in the acute period to use a natural immunomodulator - horseradish. The root is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with sugar, and infused for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon per hour.

Chicken broth made from homemade chicken with the addition of dill, pepper, a large amount of onions has a miraculous effect: it reduces the symptoms of a cold and acts on cellular immunity. The tool gives strength, gives a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, enhances the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx and bronchi, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells, restores the function of the ciliated epithelium of the nasopharynx. The broth from concentrates does not have the listed effects.

An excellent antimicrobial agent -. The root is crushed, 2 teaspoons are poured with boiling water and infused for 10-20 minutes. You can add a slice to the drink.

It has bactericidal properties. It contains phytoncides with antiviral action and vitamins. It can be eaten or inhaled.