Congratulations 39 years wedding. Crepe wedding (39 years)

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in family life. This anniversary owes its name to durable material, the threads of which are tightly interwoven with each other. So in the family - at the 39th year of marriage, husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

A crepe wedding is celebrated in the family circle, sometimes close relatives and friends are invited. Gifts for this anniversary are usually given from crepe. Spouses can give each other wardrobe items, and the best surprise for parents will be a bedding set. Crepe is a very practical material, it does not need to be ironed, so the gift will certainly be to your taste.

Friends, in addition to underwear, can present home appliances, dishes, theater tickets or anything from medical equipment, which is very necessary in old age, as a presentation.

39 years old together
This is just a feat.
May love always find
There is a response in your heart.

There will be days full of goodness
Only a family world.
Happiness will be in your life
Let only indispensable.

Children are always happy
Grandchildren are growing up.
Never open
I wish you hands.

They lived thirty-nine years
Brought love through time
All adversity survived
And worries are a heavy burden.

Your crepe wedding
Let your feelings be fixed
Well, we, as befits,
“Bitter!” To you today let's say.

The brotherhood has been appreciated over the years,
And the family is getting stronger too.
Your years as wealth -
Even gold is more expensive!

The family has become strong and you have been firmly connected with each other for 39 years. I congratulate you on the crepe wedding and wish you all the same get along and love, with the same old spirit and inspiration to make each other happy. And let your relatives, friends, neighbors, and children congratulate you today, and may all the good things that you wish come true in your life.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
You have been together for thirty-nine years.
And your union only grows stronger
And only light comes from you.

Together 39? And as if recently:
A beautiful wedding of two young hearts ...
Now the bride is a respectable lady,
And a mature man is no longer a youth.

You are together, and the pride of the heart fills,
That you are not afraid of fire and water.
Like crepe fabrics, love remains
May you be strong and lasting forever.

Fate brought you not by chance
And you met for a reason.
All 39 years in agreement
Happily spent, loving.

We wish you wonderful days,
Tranquility and kindness
So that bad weather will not touch you,
All dreams come true!

Well, today, anniversaries,
I’ll say a toast to you like this:
So that through the years we walked
At your wedding, golden!

Crepe wedding - people forget
After a year, forty is the anniversary!
Well, today, we remind you:
A good reason, after all, is that sitting in vain.

Let us return to thought, we are in the old days,
We wish you good health
So that as before - were young,
"Bitterly" in full force, we scream loudly!

And again the clinking of the glasses is clean,
Fill the heart with joy
And laughter is booming, radiant,
Shed again through the years.

And through doubt, sorrow,
You are 39 years old
The hearth was strengthened,
And tender feelings for each other cherished.

And as the wedding day is near again
Gathered at the same table.
To enjoy your tender eyes
And you so that you are always happy together.

Already 39 years old you are happy with each other,
With what today we want to congratulate you.
To the envy of all friends and all friends
Love still rules family life.

We respect and are very proud of you all,
You brought up wonderful children,
After all, how little in such a mundane time,
Such good, cheerful families.

We wish you health without anxiety, disease,
As many peaceful and calm days as possible.
So that your life is like a sunny song
Even brighter, happier and more fun!

What to gift:

The anniversary of 39 years of marriage has an interesting and symbolic name - Crepe Wedding. After all, the bonds of marriage, like crepe twists, have become very strong and strong, and seemingly light and beautiful. But they, like crepe fabrics, still need proper care.

How to note

The people decided to celebrate on a large scale only anniversaries. Of course, no one will stop the spouses from celebrating the 39th anniversary of the wedding as they wish, but there is an important anniversary ahead, so it’s better to save your strength and finances.

You can invite the closest to a couple of people and celebrate in a narrow circle. You can also take time on each other on such an important day: go to memorable places, hang another lock as a sign of your love, if the weather permits, go on a picnic, and if given the opportunity, go to the sea.

The anniversary of 39 years from the day of the green wedding should take place in a calm but pleasant atmosphere.

If desired, you can decorate the room. It is important that crepe fabrics prevail. You can put crepe napkins near the guests or hang crepe satin curtains on the windows.

It is advisable for spouses to wear any of the symbolic fabric. The wife will decorate herself with a crepe georgette dress, and the husband will confine himself to a tie or a crepe shirt.


On the table that day should be sweet dishes that embody the sweetness of family life. Fruit salads, pies, chocolate bars, cakes are suitable.

Mandatory sweetness is the cake. He will remind the spouses of their first wedding cake. It is important that this cake looks appropriate - it is advisable to consist of several tiers, you can even put “young” figures on the upper tier.

There are no restrictions on other dishes. If the hostess prepares them, the hero of the occasion, then only her imagination and financial capabilities will stop the culinary process. If the wedding anniversary will be held in the restaurant, guests can choose their favorite dishes.

Of the drinks should be present red wine. It symbolizes life, love and passion.

What to gift

Wedding anniversary, whatever it may be, implies gifts similar to the name. On a crepe anniversary, it is customary to give crepe presents: clothes, lingerie, curtains, long skeins of fabric, representing lasting happiness.

You can give traditional gifts, such as:

  • appliances;
  • dishes;
  • figurines;
  • various souvenirs;
  • decorations.

An excellent and original gift will be a film about the married life of the "young." It can be created manually, since there are many free and easy programs for creating videos on the Internet. If you do not want to bother - there are special people who create similar videos. Their work costs money, but they get a professional film.


A crepe wedding represents the end of thirty years of marriage and the transition to new heights. Spouses are waiting for many more years of happiness, pleasure and joy.

Passion was replaced by true bliss and a real understanding of two loving hearts. Let them fight in unison for many more years!

What else to please each other.

After 39 years of marriage, the couple celebrate a crepe wedding. Although the date is not round, you cannot leave it unattended. This is an important family holiday, which symbolizes a new step in the life of spouses. Celebrating the 39th anniversary will bring joyful emotions, fill the house with warmth and love. To make the holiday a success, we learn what its significance, traditions and what to give to spouses.

What wedding

39 years of marriage are called a crepe wedding. Crepe is a beautiful matte fabric with a complex texture. It is created by special twist. The threads are tightly intertwined with each other, which ensures the strength of the material.

This is quite symbolic of spouses. For 39 years, the wife and husband have become one. Their fates are closely connected, thanks to which the marriage becomes durable, it can not be broken by misunderstandings, quarrels and other everyday troubles.

To create a beautiful, strong material, crepe is added to other fabrics. This is associated with the transfer of life experiences of parents to children and grandchildren. As a result, new durable marriages are created, and the family is growing.

To celebrate a crepe wedding, it is important to choose the right outfit. The wife can wear an elegant dress or combine a skirt with a blouse. Choose clothes from crepe chiffon, crepe satin, crepe georgette, crepe de chine or crepe silk. Light translucent fabrics will help create a romantic or classic look.

Pick up a crepe shirt for your husband. By color, she can match the dress of his wife. Use stylish accessories: a crepe tie or a scarf for a breast pocket.

How to celebrate

It is customary to celebrate a crepe wedding modestly, because the fortieth anniversary is ahead. The venerable age of the spouses also does not imply noisy parties and a lot of alcohol.

Some celebrate the holiday together. This helps the husband and wife to plunge into warm pleasant memories, to take stock of past years, to set goals for the near future.

Others gather children, grandchildren, close friends at the family table. Tea with a cake, pleasant conversations and memories are an appropriate way to celebrate 39 years from the wedding day.

For the celebration to take place in a calm and cozy atmosphere, consider the following recommendations:

  • Hang crepe satin curtains, cover the table with an openwork tablecloth, beautifully lay out napkins. Use textiles in soft pastel shades.
  • Decorate the living room with balloons, ribbons, garlands.
  • If possible, use white dishes and silverware for serving.
  • Place a large vase of flowers. Given the symbolism of the holiday, decorate a bouquet of 39 flowers and decorate it with crepe.

When all households gather at the festive table, spouses can recall the value of strong family ties. They will tell the younger generations how they managed to maintain love and loyalty, despite the difficulties.

For a crepe wedding, set the table with white dishes.

Grandchildren can read poetry, sing a song, play a production. To create a fun atmosphere, you can engage the adults and the heroes of the occasion. Be sure to shoot an impromptu performance on video. Revising it, the couple will rejoice when they see loved ones.

Gift to husband

For 39 years of marriage, the following gifts will be appropriate:

  • tie;
  • neck scarf or scarf;
  • shirt;
  • a scarf for a breast pocket;
  • napkin with personalized embroidery;
  • cigarette case upholstered in crepe.

Gift to wife

The following gifts will delight your wife on a crepe wedding day:

  • a bouquet of favorite flowers from 39 buds: one for each year of marriage;
  • wardrobe items: crepe shawl, shawl, blouse or dress;
  • elegant accessories: handbag, clutch, belt, gloves, eyeglass case;
  • perfumes and cosmetics, crepe cosmetics bag;
  • casket with crepe upholstery;
  • jewelry: earrings, ring, pendant, hair clip.

Speak to your beloved kind and gentle words. On this festive day, surround your wife with love and care.

What guests give

Gifts for 39 years of wedding are quite traditional.

  • Home textiles: bedding, curtains, tablecloth, napkins. Products made of crepe and mixed materials are durable, practical, they do not need to be ironed.
  • Crepe paired shirts, bathrobes, t-shirts.
  • Dishes, sets, paired cups with inscriptions or wedding photographs.
  • Home decor elements. When choosing, consider the preferences of the spouses and the area of \u200b\u200btheir home. You should not give a large figurine if the family lives in a small apartment.
  • Small household appliances.
  • Medical equipment is a practical gift for older people. For example, you can give a tonometer to spouses suffering from pressure drops, and a glucometer to diabetics.

Children who know the interests and preferences of their parents can give theater tickets, a subscription to certain services, tickets to a sanatorium or a trip.

Grandchildren will please their grandparents with hand-made souvenirs. It can be a panel, origami, flowers or a postcard.

If you do not know what to present for a crepe wedding, present a festive multi-story cake. To remind spouses of a solemn wedding day, order the original figurines of the bride and groom. Let the “newlyweds” cut the cake together to the music and applause of the guests.

At the celebration, give spouses medals, letters of appreciation or diplomas. You can write on them: “For happy years spent together”, “For love, patience and mutual understanding”, “For beautiful children”.

A creative gift for the 39th wedding anniversary will be a photomosaic. Print one large photo or collage.

When all the congratulations are expressed, you can arrange a little fun competition: who will cook the most pancakes. If you doubt that guests will support such an idea, present a ready-made dish. Delicious pancakes are served in an unusual way: they are doused with cognac and set on fire. This show will be remembered by all for a long time.


At the festive table, guests say beautiful congratulations. At the crepe wedding, children and friends wish the spouses to remain young, happy and loved. So that the heroes of the day will remember your congratulations for a long time, prepare in advance. Make a card beautifully, write a letter or learn a toast. Since not everyone will be able to compose an original congratulatory speech, we offer several options for touching verses.

Thirty nine years together
This is just a feat.
May love always find
There is a response in your heart.

There will be days full of goodness
Only a family world.
Happiness will be in your life
Let only indispensable.

Children are always happy
Grandchildren are growing up.
Never open
I wish you hands.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
You have been together for thirty-nine years.
And your union only grows stronger
And only light comes from you.

It is customary to celebrate 39 years of marriage together or in a family circle. Gather adult children, growing grandchildren and closest friends at the table. The best that a husband and wife can give each other on this day is attention, love and care. Let this anniversary be another pleasant moment in your life together.

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From time immemorial, it has been the custom that every anniversary of the day of the wedding has a specific name. 39 years of marriage is a crepe wedding. Natural crepe belongs to high-strength fabrics and is as rare as couples who have lived together for so long. What to present for a crepe wedding and how to please each other's spouses, children, relatives and friends? Read about it in our article.

How to celebrate a crepe wedding?

Crepe - a material consisting of closely interwoven threads, symbolizes the close connection of the fate of two people who managed to carry their love through many years.

In addition, this date indicates a long and difficult path that husband and wife walked hand in hand. It is not customary to perceive it as a big anniversary, therefore they celebrate the holiday exclusively in the family circle. The guests give presents and recall how the celebration took place 39 years ago, what has changed and what the husband and wife have achieved over the years.

It will be just wonderful if the organization of the celebration of the crepe anniversary will be undertaken by friends and relatives of the family. Then the heroes of the occasion will be able to calmly and carefreely enjoy the memorable day and not get tired ahead of time.

The room where guests will gather must be decorated in a special way. When making out, the number 39 must be indicated, for example, written on a holiday cake or poster, and maybe it will be a figure from balloons. Of course, you can’t do without a crepe here: you can hang crepe drapes in the room or lay a tablecloth.

As with any other wedding anniversary, guests should periodically shout “bitterly”: this evening there should be at least 39 kisses. It is better that the presents (or at least their packaging) presented to the heroes of the occasion correspond to the symbolism. Such gifts look more interesting. This should not be forgotten and spouses who will prepare gifts for each other.

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Presentations for the wife

A gift for a crepe wedding for your beloved wife does not have to be terribly expensive and pathos. It should symbolize the strength and tenderness of feelings, as well as the strength of family ties. It can be:

Surprises for the husband

What to give a spouse with whom a woman shared her life? Men prefer practical gifts, so you should consider his interests and preferences. The following ideas can help you choose:

Gifts for parents from children

When beloved parents have a crepe wedding, the children want to please them and wish that only joyful and happy events await them in front of them. The following presentations are considered traditional for this anniversary:

What is customary to give from friends and relatives

For 39 years of wedding, it is not necessary to give only what is made of crepe. A good option would be things that will be useful to spouses in everyday life and strengthen their union, they can be:

In this article, we examined many original and symbolic gift options that friends of family, relatives, children, and spouses can give each other on the 39th wedding anniversary. Having chosen a worthy present, take care of a beautiful, festive package for him and prepare sincere and kind congratulatory words to the heroes of the occasion.

How many years lived together
And how much remains to be!
Once upon a time, the bride and groom
You started this countdown.

Now congratulations,
Already for the thirty-ninth time.
You are a model for admiration!
We are going to congratulate you!

And what is a crepe wedding?
It is 39 years old with love, passion.
This is a house where children's laughter and celebration.
This is fidelity. And comfort. And happiness!

May fate continue to please you,
Gives happiness, peace and bright light,
Let health only add
And let love only burn more strongly!

Congratulations on your crepe wedding. I wish you children to honor and love, to adore and adore your grandchildren, so that your marriage, having survived both storms and thunderstorms, will become even stronger and stronger, and your relationship, that you will never lose harmony and understanding.

Crepe Wedding
Fidelity is full,
Through the days and nights -
Following you.

So I knocked
At the door at dawn
To your lips
Merged in silence.

Take good care
Good news -
Crepe happiness
Near you there.

With love, get drunk
Like wine
Crepe Wedding
Time has come!

The crepe wedding is thirty-nine years old!
You are silk, smooth and delicate ...
In the family - love, comfort, advice,
After all, you are loved, young, you are fresh!

Love just as sincerely and deeply
And get younger every day!
Love like that is very rare.
So let it burn with that sweet fire

With whom you lit it once.
We love you, and be happy together!
Wish you guys love;
She is like a full, clean body of water.

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Today, on the day the union is held together,
And we wish you happiness and love,
Live together joyfully and in peace.

We wish you to continue to save
The hearth of love that warms your hearts.
A lot of joy, nice meetings,
We wish you to be together to the end.

May the children and grandchildren not forget you,
Let them be proud of you, as always.
Their reliable alliance inspires you,
After all, marriage is strong, like crepe fabric.

Shiny crepe fabric,
What sways in the wind
And the color is tender, beige
The love between you breathes everything.

Let honey spread
On your shores of fate.
It's only the beginning,
Great miracles we wish!

In a year you will be forty
As I imagine - scary horror!
But don't let the numbers scare -
Your whole journey was beautiful.

You created your family,
Tenderness and love have learned
You became a wife and a husband
Everybody really needs your union!

Thirty-nine years have passed
It seemed like a moment
And the kids scattered long ago
Well, time for the grandchildren, looked into our house.

Happiness, full bowl,
Finally we found
Congratulations! I wish you happiness
And love, and love, and love ...

It would seem that just recently there were glasses of jingle at your wedding, but now 39 years have passed. Next year you will celebrate the anniversary, and today let me wish you to live in love and harmony not only until the 40th anniversary of your family, but also to celebrate the centenary of your life together. Let your health be strong, loved ones and friends visit your house more often, and happiness does not leave the house.

With the Crepe Wedding, you see, this is what they call the anniversary of thirty-ten years spent together. Now you see how deep and really strong your feelings for a friend are. Let there always be something that unites you, but does not let you get bored.