Loan insurance payments. How and when can I return the insurance on the loan

At the time of early repayment of the loan, you have the right to partially return the insurance paid in advance. You will learn about the calculation of the amount of payment and the nuances of the return of insurance payments from the article.

How to pay off a loan early

You have the right to partially or completely repay the debt. In any case, this will reduce your financial burden and reduce the amount of overpayments. If you repay the debt in full, the bank will terminate the loan agreement, relieving you of any obligations. In case of partial repayment, the creditor will recalculate the payment schedule, the amount of debt will decrease.

In case of early repayment of the loan, you will need:

  1. Examine the terms of the loan agreement regarding the return of borrowed funds. Often banks require you to notify them of such an intention in advance.
  2. Visit a bank branch and draw up an application in duplicate, indicating the date of repayment of the loan and the amount. One copy should be given to the employee. On the second, yours, you must put a mark on the receipt of the document.
  3. At the specified time, contact the bank and deposit to the credit account required amount. With full repayment, check the balance of the debt with a specialist.
  4. In case of partial repayment, demand a recalculated payment schedule. It must be drawn up as an additional agreement and signed by the creditor.
  5. When returning the entire amount, ask the bank for a certificate of closing a credit account.

How to return insurance in case of early repayment

If in the process of obtaining a loan you bought insurance, then you should try to return the funds deposited in advance. After full repayment of the loan, contact the insurance company with the following documents:

  • a photocopy of the loan agreement;
  • passport;
  • a certificate from the creditor on the full repayment of the debt;
  • an application made in the name of the director of the company, on the premature termination of the insurance policy and the return of part of the insurance premium.

Please note that the agency has the right not to return the money if the borrower repays the loan ahead of time, when other options are not specified in the contract. Therefore, if you receive a refusal, look for a competent lawyer. It can exploit some loopholes by referring to:

  • on the wording of the loan agreement, which states that the insurance contract is concluded for the duration of the loan;
  • on the fact that the risks of insured event missing;
  • on the imposition of insurance by the bank, etc.

If the actions of a lawyer do not give a result, you have the right to go to court. You can increase the chances of success by studying the terms of the insurance contract when obtaining a loan. Check that the procedure for the return of the premium is described in detail in the rules.

How insurance is calculated for early repayment of a loan

The sum insured is calculated according to two schemes:

  1. On the balance of the loan - the level of insurance is reduced annually.
  2. On the full size loan – the premium does not depend on the residual amount.

It is convenient to consider the calculation of insurance compensation using an example: you have issued a loan in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. for a period of 5 years. The annual insurance premium is 1%.

1. The first method of calculation.

When applying for a loan, they took 6880 rubles from you. as an insurance premium. By distributing this amount over the years in relation to the balance of credit debt, you will receive:

If you repaid the loan for 2 years, then the insurer must pay you compensation for the remaining period: 1440 + 1060 + 620 = 3120 rubles.

2. The second method of calculation.

  • When applying for a loan, they took insurance from you in the amount of 200,000 * 1% * 5 years = 10,000 rubles.
  • You paid off your debt in 2 years and 5 months.
  • The amount of the insurance to be returned will be 10,000 / 60 months * 31 months = 5167 rubles.

When issuing loans, banks try to minimize their risks by offering customers to purchase insurance. But at the same time, the amount of debt of the borrower increases. Does it make sense to take out insurance at all? Is insurance mandatory and how to return the loan insurance after receiving it?

When concluding a loan agreement, bank employees insist that insurance is beneficial to the client himself. After all, in the event of force majeure, the insurance company will be able to help the borrower repay the loan. This is especially true for loans issued for long terms- 10 - 15 years (primarily mortgage). During this time, anything can really happen. What situations are considered as insured events?

  • dismissal from a permanent job;
  • threat to the life of the borrower;
  • deterioration in health, entailing disability (temporary or permanent);
  • loss of property rights;
  • natural disasters and natural disasters.

The above situations may or may not occur, but for sure, with the purchase of insurance, the amount that the client will have to pay increases. This is a rather serious disadvantage for borrowers who are trying to find the best optimal conditions lending.

But insurance is very beneficial for the banks themselves. For the bank, insurance is a guarantee of compensation in case of non-payment of loan funds by the borrower. Depending on the terms of the contract, in the event of an insured event, the bank is reimbursed for losses in the amount of 50 to 90% of the unpaid funds. This explains the active imposition of insurance when obtaining a loan.

Can I opt out of insurance?

Bank employees will always be interested in selling insurance products to customers. However, is it necessary to purchase insurance when obtaining a loan?

In accordance with Art. 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on March 28, 2017), a citizen cannot be forced to insure his life or health. Thus, the client has the right to refuse insurance for possible disability in case of dismissal or deterioration in health.

It is also not necessary to insure your property, except when it is in state or municipal ownership. However, Article 931 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines insurance of collateral property (apartment, car, etc.) as mandatory, because. it is considered that in case of its loss or damage, the bank is harmed.

It must be understood that even when the law allows you to refuse compulsory insurance, banks will try to maintain their profit.

You may either be denied a loan, or they will change the loan product, instead making an offer with a higher interest rate. At the same time, the amount of overpayment on the loan grows so much that the purchase of insurance may seem more profitable (we choose the lesser of two evils).

The way out of the situation may be to refuse insurance after receiving a loan.

How to get credit insurance back

Is it possible to return the insurance on the loan immediately after receiving it? Yes, you can, and you need to act quickly while the cooling period is in effect.

Return of insurance immediately after receiving a loan

According to the Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 3854-U, which entered into force in June 2016, the borrower can be paid the funds spent for imposed insurance if he applies with a corresponding application during the cooling period - within 5 working days from the date of signing the insurance contract (the condition will be absence of insured events during this time).

When a borrower applies for specified dates, he is obliged to return the amount of the contribution within ten days.

In practice, payment deadlines are often violated. However, with some perseverance, you can still get your money back.

Nuances to be taken into account: insurance premium can only be returned if the insurance contract is not yet in force at the time of application.

The terms of the contracts are different - sometimes they begin to operate immediately after signing, and sometimes after a few days. In the event that the contract is already in force, part of the amount will be withheld.

The application itself is made in free form. It is necessary to provide the following data:

  • passport ID;
  • residential address;
  • phone;
  • number and date of conclusion of the insurance contract.

In addition, you need to specify the details of your bank account to receive money. The contract itself, as well as a receipt for payment, must also be attached.

There are two submission options:

  1. Personally submit to the insurance company. Be sure to get your copy with a note that the documents were accepted on such and such a date.
  2. Send documents by registered mail with an inventory. It doesn't matter how long the letter will take to reach the addressee, because the stamp of departure is important.

What is the difficulty

You need to be prepared for the fact that with personal contact, you may encounter negative attitude employees of the insurance company and the bank who do not want to lose their benefits (including commissions). Also remember that it is best to give or mail copies of documents, keeping the originals for yourself so that they are not “accidentally” lost.

In the event that the bank refuses to return the funds, even though the deadlines for submitting the application have been met, you can write a pre-trial claim to the bank. In it, you can threaten that you are ready to file a complaint with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and subsequently to the court. Most likely, the matter will be limited to this, you will be returned the money and you will not have to go further.

When the cooling period does not work

It should be emphasized that the possibility of returning the funds within five days applies to the return of consumer credit insurance, as well as the return of money for the imposed insurance of possible damage to life and health (it is voluntary). However, there are also mandatory types of insurance.

Thus, the cooling period cannot be applied to CASCO - vehicle insurance. In addition, according to Article 31 of Law No. 102-FZ, it is impossible to refuse insurance of pledged property when concluding a mortgage agreement - it is also mandatory.

Another nuance may be hidden in the contract, which should be read very carefully. Of course, the legally prescribed possibility of returning insurance is not profitable for banks.

Therefore, the banks found a loophole in the law and their own way to get around the Instruction and came up with a collective insurance program.

When you sign a contract that includes a clause on joining the group insurance program, you will no longer be able to return the insurance. The insured, according to this program, will not be you, but the bank. And he may not return the insurance premium.

This becomes possible because this Instruction applies to contractual relations between insurance companies and individuals.

The bank, in turn, is entity and the Ordinance cannot regulate its activities. Be vigilant and carefully check all the clauses of the contract that you sign.

Can insurance be refunded after the cooling off period?

If the loan was taken more than five days ago, you can still try to contact your bank with an application to waive insurance. Some banks go to meet customers. However, not all institutions are so loyal. And then the claims are practically useless, because. the law assumes that you voluntarily signed the contract.

You can try to go to court and use the help of lawyers, but keep in mind that all legal costs in this case will fall on your shoulders. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate whether the game is worth the candle. You may end up spending more than you can possibly get in the end.

Whatever decision you make, do not worry about whether the return of insurance will affect your credit history. It will not take into account data on insurance payments or their return, as well as on cases of litigation on this issue.

Return of insurance after loan repayment

Is the insurance refunded when the loan is repaid? No, even after the full repayment of borrowed funds, the insurance is not paid. An exception can be only if it is written in the contract itself.

However, the return of part of the insurance on the loan is possible - in case of its early repayment. The bottom line is to prove that the insured event will not occur, because. all borrowed funds have already been returned.

In the Russian judicial practice There are positive solutions for the return of insurance in case of early repayment of the loan. This is explained by the fact that there is no longer a risk of non-payment of credit funds, therefore, the insurance risk is terminated. And this means that the client has the right to demand the return of part of the insurance.

It is highly desirable that all this be taken into account in the insurance contract in advance. There are many offers from various insurance companies on the market, you always have the opportunity to choose the most best option with a clause that allows you to return part of the insurance in case of early repayment of the loan.

  1. Try to check the contract very carefully when you sign it. In the event that you do not understand something, be sure to clarify the information - this is in your interest.
  2. Refusing insurance, compare the initial rate of the proposed loan and the final rate, which in the end will be offered to you Bank employee. The rate should not go up.
  3. If you agree to insurance, then make sure that it is you, and not the bank, who is the insured in the contract. Otherwise, you will automatically become a member of the collective insurance program and you will not be able to return the insurance.
  4. Make sure that the contract contains the possibility of a partial refund of insurance funds in case of early repayment of the loan.
  5. If you have decided that you do not need insurance, follow the terms for waiving it - five working days from the date of conclusion of the agreement.
  6. Don't give up if you don't get results right away. Threaten with a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and litigation. When the law prescribes your right to return the money, banks must obey it.

And most importantly - remember: you have not only duties, but also rights, always stand up for them.

Legal assistance to debtors - website

Having issued a loan, borrowers often have to agree to insurance. The insurance protects both the interests of the bank and the interests of the borrower. The bank receives a guarantee that in the event of an insured event, the insurance company will pay the compensation. The borrower is guaranteed that in the event of such an event, he will not pay the balance of the loan, which will be repaid by his insurance company.

The period of insurance covers, as a rule, the entire time of payments on the loan, provided for by the contract. But the borrower can repay the loan ahead of schedule. How to deal with insurance in this case and whether it is possible to return part of the paid insurance premium will be discussed in this article.

In most cases, loan insurance is an additional service that the borrower agrees to voluntarily in order to protect himself and his family from unforeseen situations.

Important! For mortgage lending and car loans, insurance of the collateral (apartment, car) is mandatory.

When concluding a loan agreement, the borrower should be interested in what risks he insures and can only agree to the insurance he needs. If the bank imposes insurance that the borrower does not need, he has the right to refuse it.

Important! To substantiate its position, the borrower can refer to the Consumer Rights Protection Law and insist that the bank does not have the right to impose insurance because the borrower applied to the bank for a loan, and not for an insurance policy.

Second important point, which you need to pay attention to when applying for a loan and concluding an insurance contract - is there a condition in the contract on the possibility of returning part of the insurance in case of early repayment of the loan.

Important! If this condition is present in the contract, this is a guarantee that the borrower will be able to return the insurance by contacting the insurance company without litigation.

Return of insurance in case of early repayment of the loan

So, if the borrower repaid the loan ahead of schedule, then you can think about returning part of the insurance for the time that he did not use the loan. But before starting the procedure for returning insurance, you need to realistically assess the prospect. First, you need to decide on the price of the issue, i.e. calculate the amount that the insurance company can return and decide whether it is worth doing. For example, the loan agreement was concluded for 24 months, the insurance was paid at a time and amounted to 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, the loan was repaid in 18 months, which means that the borrower can return the insurance for the remaining six months, and in money terms it will be 2500 r.

Secondly, you need to read the contract and find out if there is a condition in the contract for the return of the insurance premium in case of early repayment of the loan. if this condition does not exist, then highly likely we can say that the insurance company will refuse to pay the borrower and then this dispute can be resolved only in judicial order.

At the same time, the following should also be borne in mind - if the borrower applies to the insurer with an application to terminate the insurance contract and return part of the insurance in connection with the early repayment of the loan, then the insurance company may terminate the contract. But the insurance may not be returned. given condition not in the contract. And in this case, a situation arises in which the insurance contract has ceased to be valid and the borrower is no longer guaranteed the payment of compensation in the event of an insured event.

To avoid such a situation, the borrower may apply not to return the insurance, but to change the beneficiary under the insurance contract. In this case cash payments the borrower does not receive, but the insurance continues to be valid for the entire period for which the contract was concluded, and if an insured event occurs during this period, the insurer will pay compensation not to the bank, but to the borrower.

Loan insurance refund application

To return part of the paid insurance, the borrower must submit an application to the bank and to the insurance company with documents confirming the early repayment of the loan.

Important! The application must indicate that the insurance company sends the borrower a reasoned response to this request in writing.

The insurance company must respond within a month. If the answer is yes, then the borrower needs to provide the bank details of the account to which the insurance company will transfer the funds.

If the insurance company refuses to return the insurance, in this case, the borrower must decide whether he will seek the return of insurance in court.

Important! It is better to assess the chances of returning insurance in court by getting advice from a lawyer.

Insurance return period

The borrower may apply for a refund of the paid part of the insurance premium within the limitation period. This period is 3 years from the day when the borrower repaid the loan ahead of schedule and in connection with this received the right to return the paid part of the insurance. Therefore, if the loan was repaid ahead of schedule by more than three years back, then the borrower will not be able to claim the return of the paid insurance in court. the statute of limitations has passed.

Loan insurance refund law

As a justification for your claims, you can refer to Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which provides that the insurance contract is terminated before the deadline for which it was concluded, if after its entry into force the possibility of an insured event has disappeared.

These cases include early repayment of the loan because, for example, if the borrower insured the loss of solvency (due to illness, job loss, disability, etc.), then since the loan is repaid, it means that the possibility of an insured event has disappeared, and the borrower has the right to return part of the paid insurance.

Is it possible to return the insurance if the loan is repaid within the period stipulated by the contract?

Insurance, as a rule, covers the entire period of lending and, if the loan is repaid within the period specified in the contract, the return of the paid insurance premium for general rule impossible. In any case, in a pre-trial order, the insurance company will refuse to return the insurance. the insurance contract is terminated due to the performance credit obligation in accordance with the payment schedule.

It is possible to return the paid insurance premium only if the insurance contract is declared invalid in court if there are grounds specified in the law:

  1. if the borrower was intentionally misled;
  2. if the contract was signed under the influence of deceit, violence or the threat of violence;
  3. if the borrower did not understand the meaning of the signed documents due to a mental or other illness;
  4. if the deal is enslaving, i.e. extremely disadvantageous for the borrower, which he was forced to conclude due to difficult life circumstances, which the other party to the contract took advantage of.

But in court, the borrower will have to prove that there really was a circumstance to which he refers. For example, if due to illness he did not understand the meaning of the transaction being made, then you need to provide certificates from medical institution exactly the time period when the contract was concluded.

Is it possible to return the insurance after the loan is repaid, and if so, how to do it? The question is not simple. Like everything related to banks and the financial sector.

Many experts advise first to determine the conditions under which the contract was concluded. The bank itself does not have the right to act as an insurer, but only as an intermediary. The insurance contract itself is signed by you, i.e. borrower, as well as a specialized company. The document itself must contain several important conditions:

  1. The citizen agrees to purchase the service not under pressure, but independently;
  2. the cost of the service must always be specified;
  3. the procedure for paying fees (they can be charged at a time or be monthly payments);
  4. sometimes it is additionally prescribed that all contributions are obligatory for payment in case of early repayment of the loan.

How to return the insurance after paying off the loan and not drag yourself into even bigger problems? In principle, the termination of the contract, which we wrote about above, is not a particularly difficult procedure. And the very fact of termination of relations with a specialized company is far from the main thing. The main thing is the return of the deposited amount of funds. According to experts, there are three options for the development of events in this case.

Option 1 - Refusal to return funds

This option happens most often. Most clients get rejected. In most contracts, especially important conditions always written in small print. They contain information that the company exempts itself from the return of funds, protecting the client during the use of the loan.

To return the funds, you should immediately use the services of experienced lawyers, because you cannot achieve the desired result on your own.

Option 2 - partial refund

Such a development of events is possible if more than 6 months have passed since the conclusion of the contract. Insurers will insist that most of the money was spent on administrative support. If the amounts are very large, you can request a printout of the costs incurred. This will allow you to achieve the maximum refund of the amount. Most often, in such situations, you have to go to court.

Option 3 - full refund

This outcome is possible if the loan was repaid within 1-2 months after its registration. IN this case you will not need to go to court, as a specialized company simply will not have arguments about where they “could” spend part of the funds contributed.

Return on consumer loan

How to return insurance after repayment of the loan, if you have issued a consumer loan? Today, banks often use the inexperience and ignorance of their customers, persuading them to draw up such an agreement. It is not necessary to do this. Therefore, we advise you to avoid an unpleasant outcome in advance by carefully rereading your contract. If you were inattentive at the very beginning, then one of two ways to exit awaits you.

Method 1: you can put up with it and stay insured.

Method 2: you can withdraw from the executed contract. For this, a corresponding application is written, with which you go to the bank or to the company, demanding a refund. When you are refused, you file a lawsuit for Rospotrebnadzor or the court. Assess your chances sensibly, because you will need to pay all legal costs yourself.

Return on early repayment

If you repay the loan early and the signed agreement is still in effect, you, as the borrower, have every right to withdraw the remaining funds. So how to return the insurance after the early repayment of the loan, based on our financial realities?

If your loan was repaid in advance, you can simply stop depositing funds, then the contract will be closed automatically. To avoid the accrual of fines and penalties, review the part of the contract in which your obligations are spelled out. First, of course, you write a statement and apply to the company with it. Along with your application, you also submit:

  1. The passport;
  2. a copy of the loan agreement;
  3. a certificate from a financial institution confirming the full repayment of the loan.

The application itself must be written in the name of the head of the company. It mentions the early termination of the signed contract and the return of part of the premium. Such early termination is possible under the following conditions:

  • Termination of the company's business activities and if the policy covered all the risks that are associated with the conduct of such business;
  • expiration of the contract;
  • death of the citizen for whom the policy itself was issued.

If such items do not fall under the occurrence of an insured event, then the company returns you only a fraction of the loan amount.

The main mistake of most borrowers is that they go to the bank, and not to the insurer. This is justified only if insurance is one of the services from the bank's service package. In other situations, if you plan to return all contributions, it is better not to contact the bank.

The credit business and the financial security associated with it have many nuances. To avoid problems and protect yourself from fraud, we advise you to carefully reread the contract. If you are unsure of your abilities, consult an experienced lawyer or notary. This will avoid senseless overpayments, as well as litigation.

Useful video on the topic:

Quite often, banks, along with a loan, draw up an insurance contract for the borrower, motivating that the chances of getting money from the bank are much higher. However, this is not at all prerequisite receiving consumer credit, the decision on its necessity must be made by the client voluntarily. If the client succumbed to the persuasion of employees and issued an insurance policy, he has the right to refuse it. In addition, in some cases, funds are subject to return after payment of the loan debt. Our article will help you find answers to questions about insurance, and, of course, it will give an answer to the question that is relevant for many borrowers: how to return insurance after early repayment of a loan?

Is it possible to return the insurance after paying off the loan?

If you have issued a loan, and along with it decided to insure your life or health, then the insurance contract will be valid for the duration of the loan. For example, if you have issued a loan for one year, then you will be insured only during this period. If the borrower repays the debt in the payments specified in the contract, i.e. without being ahead of schedule, then after making the last payment, the loan agreement will be closed, and the insurance will end with it. You will not be able to return the funds after the repayment of the loan according to the agreement - its validity period has expired.

To receive at least part of the insurance payments, you have two options:

  1. Repay the loan ahead of schedule and return the money for the period by which the term of the loan agreement was reduced.
  2. Refuse insurance during the period of validity of the loan.

How to return the insurance after the full repayment of the loan?

It is impossible to return the money for insurance when the loan is fully repaid, since it was issued for the period of the loan agreement, and if it is paid on time, and not ahead of schedule, then it will not be possible to return either fully or partially the insurance payments - the only option is to that it is worth trying to prove that the insurance was imposed against your will.

In order to return funds for insurance in full or at least part of it, it is necessary to refuse it even during the term of the loan agreement. If you notify the insurance company no later than one month from the date of its registration, you have a chance to get back almost its full cost (excluding tax). If the refusal is made later, return, in best case, you can not more than 50%.

Is it possible to return the insurance after the early repayment of the loan?

But to return the money for insurance payments in case of early repayment is quite realistic. Moreover, this is your legal right, since the insurance was issued for the same period that the loan was issued, but since you paid it ahead of schedule, the insurance contract still continues, but you no longer need it.

To receive a refund, you need:

  • draw up an application to the insurer and deliver it to the appropriate coordinates;
  • attach to the application documents that confirm the early payment of credit debt;
  • provide the insurance company with the details to which you should transfer the amount of the refund.

Typically, applications are considered by employees for about two weeks, after which a decision is made to refund or refuse it.

If the borrower believes that the refusal of the insurance company is unreasonable and unlawful, he goes to court, the prosecutor's office, the Central Bank or Rospotrebnadzor - they are obliged to sort it out, and if you were refused illegally, justice will be restored.

Conditions in Sberbank

Is it possible to return insurance after paying off a loan at Sberbank? Yes, it is possible, but only in case of full early repayment, and even then, if the terms of the contract do not prohibit it. To do this, you need to contact the office of IC Insurance (it is with this company that Sberbank cooperates) and draw up an application for a refund. Attach the notice of early closure to the application.
If there is no opportunity to personally visit the office of the insurer, you can send documents by registered mail.

Conditions in VTB 24

Is it possible to return the insurance after repayment of the loan in VTB24? Often, VTB24 offers a client to draw up an insurance contract for 2-3 years, citing the fact that the overpayment will be much less. However, such insurance is beneficial when applying for a mortgage loan, when you are sure that the mortgage will not be repaid before this period anyway, and the collateral, according to the law, is subject to compulsory insurance. It is better not to apply for a consumer loan, because it is unlikely that you will pay a loan for so long, say, for a refrigerator or a washing machine.

In VTB 24, the borrower can either refuse insurance before the loan is paid in full, or in case of early repayment, submit all Required documents to the insurer's office.

How to return insurance after repaying a loan in Home Credit, Renaissance and Alfa Bank?