I'll take a loan against a receipt. At what percentage do individuals give money. Electronic payment systems

At financial difficulties, special organizations, creditors offer to borrow money from a private person at interest (some take an advance payment) with a receipt, an agreement. This type of loan allows you to get money if banking services are denied everywhere. Investors are ready to issue a loan on certain conditions, secured by real estate and annual interest without providing documents, except for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Who is a private lender

Cash loan from an individual natural person or a company is the transfer of money in cash or by electronic transfer for temporary use to another individual, company or individual entrepreneur. Private loan The company uses personal funds to provide financial services. Purposes of providing a loan with a loan agreement: small and medium-sized businesses, personal expenses, an urgent loan to pay off debts. You can borrow money from individuals on the security of property.

How to borrow from a private person

Monetary amounts for lending to individuals and legal entities can be obtained with the help of special microfinance organizations, from investors. You need to choose a suitable MFI, leave online application on the website or arrange a loan in person at the office of the secretary. After that, in a few minutes, the application will be considered by the investor, after which the borrower, first orally, and then in writing, will voice personal lending options. It is possible to borrow money from a private person even if you have a bad CI (credit history).

Features of lending

Such a service as private lending has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of using such financial assistance:

  • short time issuing large amounts;
  • you can partially adjust the monthly payment minimum sizes upwards without fines;
  • helps to pay off third-party loans;
  • the business owner is provided with more flexible terms for the return of funds, installments;
  • timely return guarantees improvement of CI;
  • you can return the money by early repayment without penalties, changing the terms of crediting unilaterally;
  • helps to avoid registration credit cards from a bank with less favorable lending terms;
  • minimum amount for urgent issue from any credit history- 1000 rubles.

Disadvantages of getting Money from a private lender there are high accrued interest, the amount of which is regulated solely by the wishes of the lender himself, the terms of the contract, which sometimes contain clauses that are extremely unfavorable for the borrower. Investors do not have loyalty systems, for example, the borrower cannot refinance a loan, arrange a deferred payment.

Loan from a private person against receipt

Officially registered microfinance organizations lend money with the obligatory execution of an agreement or an IOU, certified by a notary. Creditors issue funds against a receipt, which indicates exact dates return, amount, amount of accrued interest. It is better to take a loan with a detailed form of the agreement, with all the credit conditions indicated on the paper, data of the private investor.

Lending terms

The loan conditions prescribed in the agreement or receipt often contain clauses that are unfavorable for the borrower (for example, short repayment terms or high interest rates), but this is compensated by the speed of the loan processing. An individual who takes money from a non-governmental organization should carefully study the loan agreement, the correctness of the notarized receipt, the investor's documents.

At what percentage do individuals give money

The amount of interest on the loan is set only by the investor himself. The following dependence of the interest rate is traced - the smaller the loan amount, the higher the interest on the loan from a private person. When signing an agreement, drawing up a receipt, you need to pay attention not only to the amount of interest on the loan, but also to the time interval for which they are charged (a month or a week). Sometimes the total amount of interest exceeds the amount of the principal loan.

The amount of interest accrued on the loan amount also depends on its type, availability and cost of collateral. If the mortgage is an apartment, other real estate, jewelry, a car, the interest rate will be significantly lower. The higher the market value of the collateral, the less the total debt will be, but not less than the initially taken amount + 5% (to pay commissions).

Take money at interest from a private person - step by step instructions

A loan from a private investor takes place in several stages. The procedure for considering applications, drawing up an agreement or a receipt is, as a rule, identical for all investors (with the exception of organizations working through Internet offices). In order to borrow money at interest, you must:

  1. Choose the right investor. You should carefully choose where to get money at interest, study all the nuances of the contract. Lawyers, notaries are strongly advised against applying for a loan via the Internet, without a personal meeting.
  2. Study of the terms of the loan. Anyone who wants to borrow money from a private person indicates the desired amount and the approximate term of the loan in the forms for processing transactions and considering the application. The investor responds with his own conditions (annual rate) or puts forward an alternative amount and term.
  3. Drawing up a loan agreement, issuing an IOU. Almost all creditors have a standard agreement, except for the clauses on the amount of the amount of money and the timing of the return.
  4. Issuance of funds. Loans are issued in cash or using electronic money to a card or account.
  5. Gradual loan repayment. Loans can be repaid in cash or by electronic transfer.

Investor's choice

Before choosing a company that deals with loans without the participation of a bank, you should carefully study all the conditions of the loan, since they may differ from different investors, find real reviews from people about a private lender on thematic forums or sites. It is best if a private investor is advised by someone from friends, colleagues or relatives who have already used the services of this company. You can borrow money from a private person via the Internet without providing personal data, except for a passport.

Execution and signing of the contract

IOU or the agreement is drawn up jointly by the lender and the borrower. If a written commitment is certified by a lawyer, then a notarial receipt is attached to the agreement that it has been drawn up in accordance with the rules and is legally binding. The agreement is printed out in three copies: one - to the lender, the second - to the borrower, the third - to the notary. Loan transactions must be registered in the accounting department of the organization.

Notarization of a receipt

When drawing up a receipt for a loan of money, the following data are indicated:

  • full registration address, actual place of residence of both parties;
  • the amount of debt in words with the obligatory emphasis on the type of currency in which the loan is issued;
  • the exact date money back;
  • the size of the interest rate, penalty in case of delay;
  • attach photocopies of documents to valuable property issued on bail (if any).

The receipt should be signed with the full surname, name and patronymic, exactly as indicated in the document proving the identity of the citizen. It is handed over to the investor at a personal meeting. It is recommended to transfer the receipt in the presence of third parties, indicating their data and signatures. It is advisable to register a loan against a receipt with a notary or a lawyer. You can borrow money from a private person without a receipt, a contract. However, debt repayment in this case can be significantly delayed.

Getting a loan

You can pick up the borrowed funds directly at the office of the organization in cash or provide the details of a bank card, savings account for crediting a loan. Some credit brokers, when borrowing large amounts of cash from them (from 100 thousand rubles), issue money with the help of intermediaries (private banks). The usurer must provide the relevant documents confirming his cooperation with the bank, attach a copy of them and a receipt for the issuance of funds to the contract. After that it is necessary to present the agreement and the check to the bank office, to receive the money.

How to choose a private lender

On the lending market, Internet sites, forums, announcements, there are many offers for microloans from individuals. You can lend funds to paycheck without a guarantor, certificates, in electronic money systems. In order to choose honest creditors among all proposals, it is necessary to track the following criteria for a potential creditor:

  • no mandatory prepayment (only a fraudulent organization takes prepayment);
  • real investors are interested in the age of the borrower, their own income, registration according to the passport of the Russian Federation;
  • scammers send spam to email, mobile phones potential borrowers;
  • honest creditors have their own in-house counseling lawyer.

On thematic forums

On the popular Internet forums devoted to lending, as a rule, users who are ready to give out money to people who are not provided with official loans by banks post their ads. On the thematic forums there are separate topics dedicated to announcements of private loans with a notarized receipt, for example:

  1. Sample announcement: “Good afternoon! I will give out money against a receipt in my office. I provide services and advice of a notary free of charge. If the borrower wishes, I draw up an agreement with an independent lawyer at his expense. I give loans to people over 21 years old. "
  2. Sample announcement: “On receipt, I will transfer money in debt to a bank card or account. at 33% per annum, up to 50,000 rubles, for a period of up to 3 years. "

Internet bulletin board

A private loan is often advertised by people who have a certain amount at their personal disposal, which they want to increase at the expense of interest on the debt. You can borrow money from individuals directly by phone. Example ads:

  1. “I will lend money against a receipt certified by a notary. Up to 20,000 rubles for a period of six months for persons over 18 years of age who have Russian citizenship and residence permit in Moscow. "
  2. “Loans to a bank card. At 25% per annum, for adults with a Moscow residence permit. On receipt. "

Online private loan

A loan from a private investor can be obtained using special Internet services. It is necessary to enter passport data, the amount of debt and the term for a refund, put electronic signature under the contract and get the money into the account. The whole process of obtaining such a loan takes about 10-15 minutes. Online private loan can be obtained on the following services:

  • Green-money;
  • Zimer;
  • Konga.

Who lends money at interest

You can borrow money from individuals who are officially registered and are ready to provide loans in cash or by bank transfer with a quick loan processing. There are several types of lenders:

  • associations of individual investors;
  • electronic payment systems;
  • brokerage companies;
  • individuals, individual entrepreneurs.

Private Investor Associations

Organizations and associations of private usurers are legally registered with local government bodies, established procedures for issuing money, repaying debt. Examples of Lender Associations:

  1. The Chance Association of Private Investors is an all-Russian organization registered in 2005. Legal address: Moscow, Michurinsky prospect, building 5.
  2. Public organization Victoria was registered in 2003. Legal address: Moscow, Lenin street, building 34, office 67.

Electronic payment systems

Some payment gateways automatically grant credit when you enter your passport details. Today it is quite reliable, but it is also necessary to evaluate the terms of lending. For example, you can borrow money from:

  • Webmoney;
  • Yandex. Money.

Brokerage companies

You can borrow money from individuals with the help of brokerage companies. These are organizations that play the role of intermediaries in the domestic and foreign foreign exchange markets, ensure interaction between traders and, directly, the foreign exchange market. Brokerage companies perform an important function of making a profit from foreign exchange trading. In addition, they provide loans. Examples of brokers in Moscow:

  • Brokerage House Opening;
  • Anton Broker;
  • Invest-Telecom.

Borrowed money from individuals by ad

On many real or virtual message boards (for example, Avito), offers for a private loan are posted. Such moneylenders often take an advance payment to a bank account. Examples of ads:

  1. "Good day! My name is Alexey, I am the owner of my own company, I offer private lending with low annual interest. Loan amount from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles. "
  2. "Credit for individual entrepreneurs from 50,000 rubles. The guarantee of return is prepayment. "
  3. “If you are being pursued by bank loan refusals, contact us for money! We issue cash on the same day! Up to 100,000 rubles. "

How to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer

If you need to borrow money from individuals, you should carefully choose a usurer and study their principles for issuing a loan. Often, a fraudulent scheme is hidden in lucrative offers of receiving cash, for example, if a moneylender offers to reduce the amount of the annual rate for making an advance payment, on the condition that the larger the amount of the prepayment, the lower the rate. The second most common scheme - after the successful registration of the first loan, subsequent ones are issued by default.

How to check a potential investor

There are several ways to make sure that a moneylender or investor is honest:

  • find real customer reviews not only on the lender's website, but also on third-party sites;
  • check the presence of the name of the investor or the name of the microfinance organization in the black lists of unscrupulous usurers in the city, region or at the federal level;
  • make an appeal or request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city for the presence of MFOs in the register of fraudsters.


The reality is that borrowing money through a notary is the safest and most reliable option for a mutually beneficial cooperation between a borrower and a private lender. It's no secret that the loan industry is full of dishonest or irresponsible people who come up with many ways to financially cheat. In this case, the notary is a legal intermediary who becomes the legal guarantor for fair transactions.

Receiving money on credit against a notary's receipt is drawn up in the form of a free-form text, but at the same time it is necessary to indicate the most extensive and useful information about the participants in the subject of the agreement. In the receipt for taking a loan, not only the name of the borrower and the private lender is indicated, but also the place of their registration, passport data is rewritten. The preliminary conclusion of a loan agreement or its absence is also mentioned.

When issuing money against receipt through a notary, from a legal point of view, it must be clearly specified detailed conditions transactions. It is necessary to indicate the size of the loan issued and its purpose, the period for repayment, the amount of interest, as well as the consequences in case of delay (penalties). When litigation witnesses to the transaction can play a role, so it is advisable to also indicate their presence on paper.

Borrow money: message boards

Borrowing money against a receipt from individuals becomes much easier by searching on specialized sites with counter offers for loans. In this case, it is enough just to indicate your region of residence in order to sort out suitable ads. After that, it remains to agree with a private lender to meet with a suitable notary. Give preference to firms that have a good reputation in your city.

In order to properly borrow money on credit, you must first conclude a loan agreement. The receipt, in turn, is only a fact confirming the time and place of transfer of money, and serves as proof of the transaction. Private lenders may also reasonably require the conclusion of a pledge agreement, which will serve as a guarantee for the lender's side. Such a document makes it possible to legally guarantee the reimbursement of the issued funds, taking into account interest, through the court through the confiscation of the pledged movable or immovable property. It should also be remembered that the property indicated as collateral must be equivalent to the loan issued, but not exceed it many times. This is due to the fact that the court may refuse to confiscate the property in favor of the debtor.

A board with advertisements about borrowed money on the Internet makes it possible to independently select a microfinance organization or a private lender. In this case, the user can assess the reputation of the company in the global network based on mentions and reviews on various resources and credit forums... This allows you to take correct solution and reduce the likelihood of being caught by scammers.

Borrowing funds against a receipt is often the only method to solve a problem that has arisen, namely, when funds are urgently needed. It happens simply when you borrow from friends or relatives. In this situation, everyone knows each other and the risks are small.

But when you still have to turn to strangers, for example, to a bank or for support from a credit intermediary, then registering such a loan must be very concentrated.

What it is?

Loans against receipt are highly informal loans. The easiest way is to borrow funds from friends or relatives. But when there is no one in your circle to take money, then you can turn to those frequent entrepreneurs who offer such private loans.

Today in online service you can find special sites that offer a similar loan against receipt. The creditors here are rich citizens who have free money that can be put into circulation.

Sample and highlights of the document

Even when borrowing money from relatives and friends, one should not forget about the main nuances that relate to this transaction. First you need to think about registering a receipt, which is required to be registered with a notary. A document that does not have a notarized seal is not considered valid.

A receipt is not a loan contract, which does not diminish its importance. It is on its basis that the lender can request to return the debt to him through the court. In most cases, a receipt is written by hand, because if there are some controversial cases, the third parties to the transaction can send it for examination.

It should indicate:

  • Full name, information on the passport of the lender and the client.
  • Accurate data on the place of residence of the parties to the transaction.
  • The amount is in numbers and words in brackets.
  • Money back time.
  • Required percentage.
  • Date of writing the receipt and signatures of the parties.

It should be noted that the form of the receipt is not determined by whether a citizen takes a loan from a private person or from a microfinance company. But on this moment more use full-fledged credit contracts, which also indicate penalties for stitching.

There is also a number practical advice, regarding how not to get into bad situation during the registration of a private loan .

Among them, you can specify the following points:

  • All specified points of the receipt must be registered when registering a loan.
  • The receipt is registered with a notary immediately after it is written, even before the money is transferred.
  • The lender should not take any commissions and first installments from his client at the stage of loan registration.
  • All loan payments and interest rates begin to accrue, in most cases after a month.
  • The receipt can indicate not only the loan amount and interest, but the amount of the monthly payment, which client should return to the lender.

It is necessary to take money from private entrepreneurs only in exceptional situations when cash is needed urgently, and other financial companies refuse to provide a loan.

The fact is that it is in the sphere of issuing loans by private entrepreneurs that fraud is highly developed, which is fueled by incorrect paperwork in the course of taking loans and non-compliance with the above rules.

Because of this, it is advisable to contact only those entrepreneurs and companies that already have good reputation in this area, and use the recommendations of friends and relatives.

You can also find the necessary private entrepreneur via the Internet, and on other pages you can find out about other lenders and their recommendations.

Thus, taking out a private loan is a suitable practice in a situation where funds are urgently needed. But you need to use this opportunity very carefully, you need to carefully approach the choice of a lender and write a receipt.

Video: Legitimate example

Investor search

Finding a safe private investor is one of the main points to get an urgent loan. Because it is high risk get into a bad situation and suffer from scammers who offer their services over the Internet.

Finding a person who is engaged in the provision of private loans is possible in various ways:

  • Through message boards. They can be found in newspapers and on the internet. This method is suitable when you want to borrow money on receipt for your own needs, which are not combined with business activities.
  • Through a representative. As such a representative, various agency organizations enter, which specialize in finding more suitable lending conditions for their borrowers.
  • Through online forums. Such forums are an ordinary Internet platform where allies gather and discuss more popular issues of current business.
  • Through associations of entrepreneurs. Practically in any city there are special associations in which entrepreneurs are united. Here without hard work you can find an entrepreneur who is willing to invest his money.

How to get a loan against receipt

The receipt of the loan itself is written by the client independently, but it is possible to use a form, a sample of which can be taken on the Internet. But it is better for the creditor that the receipt was drawn up with the help of a lawyer.

The receipt is drawn up on behalf of the first person (on behalf of the client) and has a property obligation, which the other party assumes for the specified time.

Lawyers spread the opinion that it is necessary to draw up a receipt ballpoint pen of blue color but there is no benefit to it. The handwriting examination equally evaluates the templates, drawn up with different color pastes.

To receive you need to private loan you need to find an investor from whom you can borrow funds on credit against receipt. It is not difficult, because there are many advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet about the provision of this service.

It is also possible to find an Internet site that introduces private lending to citizens, and you can choose for yourself suitable conditions on a loan.

Popular services of mutual lending:

  • Vdolg.ru;
  • Fingooroo;
  • Credbury;
  • Bezbanka.ru

You can get a loan in the following organizations and credit exchanges:

OrganizationInterest rate per daySumTiming
Mili2% 2,000 - 30,000 rubles.3 - 30 days
OneClickMoney2,8% RUB 500 - 20,0002 - 16 days
Micro-zaim2% 3500 RUB5 weeks
http://zaymov.rudepending on the investordepending on the investordepending on the investor
http://zaimudeneg.rudepending on the investordepending on the investordepending on the investor
http://fingooroo.rudepending on the investordepending on the investordepending on the investor

After that, a discussion begins on the grounds for providing a loan, namely:

  • Loan amount.
  • The time of its provision.
  • Repayment.
  • There is and there is no collateral.
  • Repayment terms.
  • Penalties that are charged in a stitching situation.
  • Other.

Transfer of money

Each transfer of funds must be accompanied by registration. required papers... The proof of the fact of receipt of funds by the specified citizen is the personal preparation of a receipt for receipt of funds.

When problems arise, the receipt is the main proof of receipt of funds.

The main points that are included in the receipt for the transfer of money:

  1. When registering a receipt, you must specify the exact date and place of writing the receipt.
  2. After the heading "Receipt" is the main text, where the full name, information on the passport and the place of residence of the individual who received the funds are indicated.
  3. The text of the receipt ends with the personal signature of the recipient of the money. After that, the signature is deciphered and the name of the person who put the signature is indicated.

Payment of debt and interest

It happens that situations occur, and the creditor receives funds, but also submits a statement of claim to the court that the client has not returned the debt. The basis for this statement of claim serves as a receipt. Because of this, after the client has paid off the debt in full, he must tear the receipt, or it is better to just take it with him so that it is not glued after it was torn.

After repayment of the loan, you must ask the lender to write a receipt in response, where he indicates how much cash he received and with what interest. The loan repayment scheme against receipt may be different. This is always discussed with the lender personally. There is a possibility that the loan will be repaid in equal installments, but there is also one at a time.

Private loans will be suitable in a situation where cash is urgently needed. Entrepreneurs do not ask for a high list of papers. Their bounce rate is not very high.

But you will compare your strengths and when you understand that you will not be able to repay the funds on time, it is better not to take such a loan. Because because of the stitching, you will be charged with penalties and the amount that needs to be returned will grow.

Private loans, of course, have small drawbacks, but they are suitable in a situation where you urgently need to borrow money.

And without additional filling in of a large number of papers. This way out can be an appeal to private lenders, whose services can be advertised in large numbers at bus stops, advertisements in newspapers and the Internet.

At the same time, most of these offers are fictitious and do not guarantee the receipt of money when applied. But all the same, there are honest creditors who are ready to issue a certain amount of money at a certain percentage.

Who are private investors?

A private investor is an individual who gives out to another person his own funds in the form of a debt under predetermined conditions, which include the term of the loan, the interest rate, and possible sanctions in the event of a loan delay.

Loan disbursement takes place after signing standard loan agreement between individuals, also a prerequisite is about the fact of receipt of funds. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not prescribe the obligation of notarization of this type of transactions. This can be done with the voluntary agreement of both parties to certify the transaction with a notary.

In a situation where money is urgently needed, there is always an opportunity to contact a private investor who will offer optimal conditions and quickly provide the required amount. Also, a condition that will force you to contact a private lender is the presence of a bad credit history. If there is a damaged CI, banks will simply refuse to receive a loan. In such situations, the only choice is to contact a private person who can issue money without collateral.

What amounts can be issued by an individual?

As a rule, private lenders offer small microloans , the amount of which varies from 2-3 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. At the same time, the term for issuing a small loan is also not long and most often amounts to it is two to three months.

A feature of issuing a loan by an individual is the daily accrual of interest, which can be from 0.3% to 3% per day. When receiving a small loan, it is returned in full at the end of the term, while the amount of accrued interest is added to the "body" of the loan. Small amounts are issued without collateral.

There are private investors who are ready to lend even larger amounts, ranging from 150 thousand and ending even with amounts of 1,500,000.

These lenders operate mainly in large cities and require mandatory collateral for the loan. Usually, apartments, antiques, businesses, vehicles or jewelry are taken as collateral.

When receiving a large amount from a private investor, you should not expect too long a return period. Most often, lenders are not as patient as financial companies and even issue a large amount for a period no more than 2 years... Also in case large loan a payment schedule can be drawn up, which can be either differentiated or annuity.

Where can I find a private lender?

One of the most important and significant moments of obtaining a sum of money from an individual is to find a reliable and honest creditor, since otherwise there is a great risk of suffering from fraud. There are 4 common ways to find a private loan provider:

  1. through special message boards available in newspapers or online resources. This search method will be optimal for obtaining a loan for personal needs;
  2. with the help of an intermediary. Most often, intermediary services for finding a lender are undertaken by brokerage firms that try to attract customers by selecting the most optimal loan;
  3. specialized business forums... Thematic forums existing on the Internet are a meeting place for like-minded people and people who are aware of financial affairs;
  4. investor associations... In every city, and in large cities it is just a rule, frequent investors very often unite in associations, within which it is enough to simply find a person who is ready to lend a certain amount.

How to get money against a receipt: 7 steps to the result

Receiving money from a private investor can be described in a few simple steps:

  1. choice of the lender. The receipt of funds depends on the choice of the lender. In this case, you should choose based on the creditor's reputation, the period of his work in this market;
  2. clarification of the conditions for obtaining a loan. This happens during a personal meeting, during which it will be necessary to negotiate the future interest rate, since in private investment this value is not fixed and is set on a contractual basis. It is imperative to track in order to the interest rate was spelled out both in the loan agreement and in the receipt;
  3. loan settlements. The next step is to calculate the full loan amount, taking into account the accrued interest. The full amount of the debt that the borrower will be obliged to pay upon the expiration of the contract must be spelled out in the latter;
  4. examination of the contract... When concluding a loan agreement, you should read it carefully, paying attention to all the notes and small print. Competent reading of the document, which will have to be signed, is a guarantee to avoid consequences. It is also important to study the item on debt repayment in the event of force majeure;
  5. drawing up a receipt... Drawing up a receipt is mandatory when receiving money from a private investor. V this case, the receipt plays the role of a guarantor that the money that was borrowed will be returned in full and in accordance with the requirements of the loan agreement. If, then in the future it can become evidence in court;
  6. receipt of funds. On this stage you should also pre-agree with the lender on the ways of receiving the money. This can be a receipt of cash through personal contact, or a transfer to an account. V recent times the increasing popularity of the lending service is gaining by transferring to an electronic wallet;
  7. debt repayment. The end of the lender-borrower relationship is the repayment of the debt. In this case, the fact of transfer of money should be documented. If it was a bank transfer, then the proof will be a check, if a money transfer was made out, then a receipt will act as proof. When repaying the debt, it is necessary to demand from the creditor a receipt that the entire amount was returned in full and there are no claims to the borrower.

Services offering to obtain a loan from a private person

Development modern technologies led to the emergence of specialized services on the Internet for the issuance of loans. This resource is a page of the site, which combines all the available proposals for the issuance of loans by individuals, and there are also requests left by borrowers.

In order to gain access to the database of available credits, you will need to go through a simple registration. Many services lead rating system where creditors are allocated according to the reliability and the number of successfully completed transactions.

The most visited and popular are:

  • zaymov. A service that offers a loan from a private or legal entity... To access the services of the system, you will need to register, after which each system participant will have a personal account. When contacting, it is required to personal account draw up an application in accordance with the established form. It must indicate the region of residence of the borrower, required amount, term and required interest rate.

After drawing up the application, it becomes available to all investors, who only need to respond to the request of the borrower and agree with him on all aspects of the future transaction.

  • fingooroo. Another service that has been operating in the private loan market for 4 years. The platform was founded by a Russian company, and the service itself operates under a state license. The peculiarity of this service is the presence of small commissions for successfully concluded transactions. This commission is the main profit for the company.

The issuance of funds on this resource is carried out to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18. To be able to get a loan, you will also need to register and agree to the terms of the service. The application is made in your personal account and it indicates the amount, term and desired percentage. Another condition for registration is the indication of a valid mobile phone number;

  • GoodCredit. Another service that provides a wide range of services for the issuance of loans, credits and credit cards. Among other things, the service offers obtaining cash loans from private investors. To work with the platform, you also need to go through the registration procedure. The issuance of private loans takes place on the corresponding page of the site, which can be accessed by going to the tab "service of private loans";

In total, there are very many on the Internet a large number of services that offer everyone who wants to get a certain sum of money on the terms of private investment.

There is also a possibility issue money on credit against a receipt in VK, for which it will be required to leave an application on the wall in the group engaged in the issuance of funds and the moderator will respond either with the appropriate link or with a personal message with the proposal. Unfortunately, it is not possible to check the reliability of such borrowers - even reviews and comments will not clarify the picture, because it is almost impossible to determine where the real borrower wrote, and where the "fake" is. The only safe rule is no prepayment. However, this rule is not strict when it comes to loans to people with very poor CI and unemployed. You may have to take a chance, focusing only on your instinct.

What other ways are there to get a loan for a difficult borrower?

For example, the unemployed? Sergei Barsukov reports.

How to lend money at interest? How can a moneylender repay a debt on a receipt? When is it forbidden to lend money?

If you have free money, sooner or later the thought of investing it will come to you. Or your beloved uncle Ivan Petrovich will visit you earlier and ask for a loan. What to do in this case?

I, Alla Prosyukova, a practicing specialist in the field of finance and banking, in this article I will tell you, how to lend money correctly against receipt.

For all the seeming simplicity of this process, there are many important nuances and subtleties. Read the article, it will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes, save your money and nerves.

1. Borrowed money against receipt - additional income and help to a borrower with a bad credit history

Everyone at least once in his life borrowed or lent to someone a certain amount of money. Most often, such relationships develop with friends, good acquaintances or relatives.

But it happens when the transfer of money to debt occurs between strangers... If the amount is decent, be sure to sign a loan agreement or get a receipt. Sometimes they issue or require other security, for example, a surety.

The lender plans to receive additional income from the transaction in the form of interest for using his money. The amount of the fee is of a contractual nature and is limited only by the desire and capabilities of the participants.

Such a deal is beneficial to both parties. For one it is profitable investment , for the other - receiving money without certificates and bureaucratic red tape.

A private owner has the right to give money even borrowers with bad credit history, for whom this method of obtaining funds is sometimes the only possible one. Such a service is also in demand among those who are not officially employed.

This investment method is quite risky. But the percentage at which the issue is made is much higher than in a bank.

Do you want return guarantees? Issue collateralized loans. The type of loan "" is gaining popularity. When providing collateralized loans, do not forget to additionally draw up a collateral agreement.

2. How to lend money correctly against a receipt - step-by-step instructions for a moneylender

It would seem that what is simpler: you have free money that would like to borrow quite trustworthy, at first glance, potential borrowers.

However, in order for your investment to be productive and the risks to be minimal, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for making it in advance. I offer you to help step by step instructions.

Step 1. We advertise

You can place an announcement of your intention to lend money against a receipt at different sites.

Main placements:

  • section “I will lend money” in free newspapers;
  • specialized Internet portals;
  • online credit message boards.

You can find borrowers yourself through the same newspapers and Internet resources in the sections "I will take money on credit".

Word of mouth should not be disregarded either, because we are used to trusting the recommendations of friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Step 2. We announce the terms of lending and find a borrower

Don't forget to include in your ad general terms and Conditions lending.

Remember! The potential borrower wants to immediately know the main points of the proposed cooperation.

Loan conditions to be included in the ad:

  • credit limit;
  • loan terms;
  • necessary documents for the borrower.

The specific interest for using the loan, as a rule, is not indicated in such advertisements. If there is a mention of this, then it is of a general nature: "by agreement", "low interest", etc.

Having written down the conditions briefly but clearly, having placed an offer, wait for calls from those wishing to borrow money against receipt.

Before making the final decision on cooperation, check the future partner for reliability.

  1. kad.arbitr.ru- participation in arbitration courts.
  2. fssprus.ru- availability of enforcement proceedings.
  3. services.guvm.mvd.rf- verification of a citizen's passport for authenticity.

Requests are free!

Step 3. We make calculations for the loan and provide an agreement

All organizational issues have been resolved. It's time to calculate the loan and form the contract.

It is convenient to use special calculators for calculations, which are now abundant on the Internet.

Step 4. Draw up a receipt

Receipt - an annex to the agreement, replacing the act of receiving and transferring money and confirming the fact of their receipt by the borrower.

drawn up in simple writing... It is not prohibited by law to print it on a computer, but more correctly, when it is written by the borrower's hand... If necessary, such a document will easily pass graphological examination.

It is not uncommon for the giver to type on the computer or write a receipt with his own hand. The taker only puts his signature at the bottom, confirming his agreement with the terms of the loan and the receipt of money. In this case, the risks for the lender increase.


Mikhail decided to earn extra money by lending money against a receipt. It was inconvenient for him to look for a client among friends and relatives, so the young man decided to place an ad “I will lend money”.

The one who wanted to get a loan was found quickly. Mikhail drew up a receipt on the computer. The borrower only endorsed it.

When the time came for the calculation, the borrower did not recognize the fact of the debt, refused to sign on the receipt. Mikhail filed a lawsuit.

The court, having considered the case on the merits, at the request of the plaintiff and at his expense, ordered a graphological examination. However, its result did not give an unambiguous answer as to whether the signature belonged to the defendant.

Why did the examination get such a result? It's that simple!

The borrower, signing the receipt, being right-handed, put his signature (incomprehensible squiggle) with his left hand, a gel pen.

Since the receipt bore only an indefinite squiggle signature, which had already faded, and even made with the left hand (no one knew about this, except for the signer), in conditions different from the initial ones, the experts could not give an unambiguous conclusion about the signature belonging to the receipt to the defendant.

Based on the conclusion received, the court dismissed Mikhail's claim.

It's great if the information contained in the receipt is confirmed by 2 witnesses... Their full name, passport data and personal signatures with a decryption must be written in this important paper.

According to such a document, the debtor will not be able to refuse his signature, which means that additional expertise will not be required, which will save your money, time and nerves.

When drawing up receipts, a number of other requirements should be taken into account.

Highlights to be reflected:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • Full name of the person giving and receiving money;
  • their addresses and passport details;
  • loan amount (in figures and words);
  • debt repayment date;
  • extinguishing method (in parts or at a time);
  • % for using borrowed money;
  • late penalties.

To speed up the process, you can use our ready-made template « ».

Step 5. We provide funds and expect debt repayment

Having completed everything documented, we proceed directly to the transfer of funds. I remind you once again: it is safer to lend money against a receipt in front of witnesses.

That's basically it. Now it remains to wait for the loan amount and interest to be returned.

3. How to repay a debt on receipt - the procedure for the lender

In Russia 61% working-age population have one or more loans. At the end of 2016, the share of delinquencies reached 17,5% of the total amount of existing obligations.

In such a situation, it is easy to run into an unscrupulous borrower. To protect yourself and achieve the return of your hard-earned money, I recommend that you follow several consecutive steps.

Action 1. Clarify the reason for the non-return

Day X has come. Today, the borrower must repay the debt and interest that are stipulated by the terms of the loan. However, you did not wait for either the money or the debtor.

Do not panic, take the initiative into your own hands: call the debtor, come in person (of course, if you are in the same city or nearby settlements). Try to get in touch with him in all possible ways.

You have finally managed to contact the borrower. Find out the reason for the non-return. Specify the estimated timing of the full settlement of the loan. You may be able to solve the problem peacefully.

Action 2. We warn the debtor about the intention to go to court

Does the debtor "feed breakfast"? Not answering calls? Avoids meetings in every possible way? There is only one way out: write a letter to his address, where clearly state your intention to go to court.

In the claim against the debtor, specify all the nuances of the situation

In the message, indicate the amount of debt and interest due. It is worth drawing the debtor's attention to the sanctions for delayed return.

Step 3. Make a copy of the receipt and file a claim in court

Requests and persuasions did not have the proper impact on the offending borrower. Hence, there is only one effective, legal way solve the problem of - prepare and file a legal claim.

If you are not a legal professional, I recommend ask for help from lawyers specializing in this direction. Indeed, the success of the entire event largely depends on how competently the document will be drawn up.

If you nevertheless decide to deal with this issue on your own, then carefully study all the subtleties of drawing up a claim. If necessary, you can take our sample "" as a basis.

Step 4. We wait for the court session and get our money

The claim has been filed. It remains to be patient and wait for the court's decision.

With a positive outcome of the case, you will receive a writ of execution in your hands, which must be forwarded to the bailiffs. This can be done by registered mail, but it is better to personally hand over the document to the contractor.

It would seem that the deed is done, we are waiting for payments! but "The tale tells itself quickly, but the work is not done soon".

Often, the bailiffs do not take any action to collect the debt. They usually explain this by the heavy workload, lack of information about the actual location of the debtor, the place of his employment, etc.

Don't get fooled by these explanations! Write a complaint addressed to the head of the Department of Bailiffs, which contains the writ of execution.

Did not help? Submit your application to the prosecutor. Remember: "The salvation of the drowning, the work of the drowning themselves"!

4.5 common mistakes when drawing up an IOU

Having decided to lend money against a receipt, be careful, there are no trifles in this matter.

Before placing an ad "I will lend money", analyze the most common mistakes that I have collected for you in this mini-selection.

Error 1. There is insufficient information about the debtor

Often, the debtor, drawing up a receipt, requires the borrower to prescribe in detail the personal data of the lender, the amount and terms of the debt agreement. At the same time, only the surname, name and patronymic are known about the recipient of funds.

Lack of information about the debtor complicates the proceedings in court if the borrower does not repay the debt on time.

Mistake 2. Incorrectly chosen form of writing the document

Simple writing is optimal for IOU... In the age of high technologies and continuous automation of processes, more and more often text is printed on a computer.

If the debtor waives his computer-executed obligations, it will be difficult to prove his involvement.

Mistake 3. The amount of debt is spelled out only in numbers

In all monetary documents, amounts in mandatory indicate in numbers and words. This is due to the fact that numerical values ​​are very easy to fake.

Let's say the receipt contains the amount in numbers 100,000 rubles... A light stroke of the pen in front of the unit adds, for example, the number 4. And now the amount of debt has become narrower 4,100,000 rubles.

The forgery can only be proved with the help of a special expensive examination.

Error 4. The purpose for which the funds were taken is not indicated

Some receipts must contain the purpose of the loan. This is important if the loan is targeted... Under the terms of such an agreement, money is allowed to be spent only for the agreed purposes.

In other cases, this information does not play a big role.

Mistake 5. No date for debt repayment

Debt repayment date- one of the most important points when money is lent against a receipt. In its absence, the document becomes indefinite.

In this case, the lender runs the risk of not waiting for his money at all, and on legal grounds.

5. FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions

At the end of the topic, I offer answers to frequently asked questions.

1) How long is a debt receipt valid?

Receipt confirming the fact of transferring money into debt, acts within the terms specified in the document itself.

If the repayment period in the debt paper is not specified, or it is set "on demand", then according to the law of the Russian Federation (Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) the borrower is obliged to return the money in full within 30 days from the moment of demand by the lender.

2) Can the limitation period be changed?

The limitation period for the IOU is interrupted at the moment the borrower commits an action that testifies to the recognition of the debt. Then, it starts counting again.


Anna Smirnova lent 300 thousand rubles. Alexey Nosov for 6 months. However, the young man was in no hurry to pay. More than 3 years have passed since the receipt of the money.

Anna threatened Alexei with the court. Nosov ignored the lender's statement. I was sure that the court would refuse to accept the claim due to the missed statute of limitations.

However, Alexey periodically gave Anna small amounts on account of debt repayment. What supporting documents were there.

Thus, the debtor actually recognized the obligation to the creditor, interrupting the course of the limitation period, which, after each payment, began its countdown anew.

This basis allowed the girl to file a lawsuit.

Also, one should not forget about the possibility of restoring the limitation period. The law provides for this whole line grounds.

3) How to calculate interest on arrears?

If the loan repayment period is violated, then the lender can demand interest from the debtor for the delayed days.

Since August 2016, the percentage of delay and the calculation procedure must be fixed in the contractual document and / or receipt. The calculation is made according to the formula:

P = (SPD * PR) / 365 * KDP

  • P is the amount collected from the debtor for delay;
  • SPD is the amount of overdue debt;
  • ПР - the percentage used in calculating the delay;
  • 365 - the number of days in a year;
  • КДП - the number of days of delay.

If the procedure for compensating the delay is reflected in the agreement, but the interest rate is not specified, the calculation is made at the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia.


Peter gave a loan, issued a receipt, 50 thousand rubles The return date is 09.08. 2017. The loan agreement stipulates the accrual of% for delays, but the interest itself is not specified. In this case, the calculation is made at the refinancing rate. The result is shown in the table.

Calculation of% for late loan repayment

Debt rub. Delay period Daily% Penalty (payment) Explanation
with on days
1 50000 10.06.17 18.06.2017 9 0,02534 114,03 Calculation at a refinancing rate of 9.25% based on the actual number of days per year (365)
2 50000 19.06.17 10.08.2017 53 0,02466 653,49 Calculated at a refinancing rate of 9% based on the actual number of days per year (365)
3 Total: 62 767,52

6. Conclusion

Have you decided to get additional income by lending money against a receipt? Before placing an ad “I will lend money”, check all the pros and cons.

Don't chase big profits right away. Try to lend small amounts at first. This way you will gain experience with minimal waste.

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