Swelling on hands and face. Swelling of the face - causes and treatment

Swelling of the face in the morning indicates the retention of excess fluid in the body. Sometimes this manifestation is only slightly noticeable and passes quickly, and sometimes it is very pronounced. The reasons for this can be very serious, so you should not expect such a symptom to go away on its own. You should consult a doctor in time.

Causes of swelling of the face in the morning

Puffiness of the face in the morning appears on different reasons, such as:

Heart diseases. When failures occur in the performance of the heart, the person's face swells. Shortness of breath, dizziness, and weakness may occur.

Malfunctions of the kidneys. Puffiness is localized mainly in the area lower eyelids. They become soft and also watery. With problems with the functioning of the kidneys, the limbs also swell, and sometimes the stomach and chest, and pressure rises.

Stress, insomnia and alcohol. As a result of lack of sleep, strong feelings, as well as a large amount of alcohol or carbonated drinks drunk before bedtime, swelling of both the face and around the eyes may appear.

Allergy. This reaction to certain foods, insect bites, household chemicals, or pollen from flowers and plants is often accompanied by swelling. Quincke's edema (angioneurotic edema) quite often manifests itself in conjunction with itching, shortness of breath, and a rash. In some cases, patients even lose consciousness.

Thrombosis. With such a pathology, at the site of edema, the skin acquires a blue tint.

Long stay in the sun. Edema may appear on the forehead.

Inflammatory processes that take place in oral cavity or nose area. In this case, fluid stagnation occurs in the lymph nodes. Such edema is most often manifested due to hypothermia or due to a chronic disease.

Operations performed on the face. Surgery this inevitably leads to swelling.

Improper nutrition. Adding a lot of salt when cooking leads to water retention in the body.

Endocrine diseases and hormonal disorders.

If swelling of the face occurs regularly, you should definitely consult a specialist and undergo a thorough diagnosis. After establishing the cause of such a manifestation, therapy is prescribed to the patient corresponding to the identified factor.

Treatment of swelling of the face in the morning

If swelling of the face appears in the morning after sleep, it is important to determine the causes. Only after that, the doctor can decide how to eliminate these unpleasant morning manifestations and give the face " normal view". To cope with this problem will help change the diet, the use of decoctions and the use of masks. You should use the following methods:

Eat less salt. It is necessary to refuse salt completely or partially. Do not eat smoked and fried foods, semi-finished products, as well as products such as chips or mayonnaise.

drink more clean water - one and a half or two liters throughout the day, while reducing the volume in the evening.

Instead of carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee to drink green tea . It is he who contributes to the normalization of digestion, the rapid functioning of the kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Should be held allergy tests. If the patient has an allergic swelling of the face, then products that cause a hypersensitive reaction should be excluded from the diet.

Use masks, compresses. Anti-edematous masks will help your skin look normal.

Undergo diagnostics of both kidneys and thyroid gland. Their dysfunction often causes swelling.

Healthy sleep. You need to sleep at least seven hours.

Add to diet more fruits and vegetables, especially apples, watermelons, carrots and citrus fruits.

Dinner should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

Take infusions and decoctions, which have a diuretic effect, for example, wild rose, birch buds and knotweed.

Contrast baths. For them it is worth using gauze. Dip it first in cold, then in hot water and apply to the face for five minutes.

Wipe your face with ice. Cubes of such a tool can be prepared in the freezer of a home refrigerator. They are best made from a decoction of chamomile, sage, mint or linden. In the morning, this massage tones the skin well and eliminates puffiness of the face.

In order not to wake up in the morning with a swollen face, the lifestyle and nutrition must be correct, you need to move more. Rest is essential for the body to recover. night sleep required at least 7 hours.

Morning swelling of the face - common occurrence in women of all ages. For some, it is almost invisible and disappears within an hour, while for someone a swollen face - real problem all day. In any case, this is an abnormal process that requires special attention.

Edema - accumulated in soft tissues fluid not excreted by the body. It is important to understand why this is happening, then it will not be difficult to fix the problem.

Causes of swelling of the face

Beauty and health experts identify several reasons for the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues: internal diseases, poor nutrition, wrong daily routine. Diseases that cause swelling of the face in the morning:

  1. Liver problems.
  2. Avitaminosis.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. The presence of frequent shortness of breath indicates problems with the heart.
  5. A bluish tint of the skin in the area of ​​swelling is a sign of circulatory disorders and weak blood vessels.
  6. swollen, pale skin around eyes - alarm symptom. Possibly kidney failure.
  7. An allergic reaction is characterized by skin rashes, difficulty and rapid breathing. The reason may be: new cosmetics, dust, pollen, animal hair, insect bites.
  8. Various infections cause swelling of the face: mumps, dental abscess, sinusitis, barley.

Other reasons:

  1. Sleep deprivation.
  2. Overwork.
  3. Crying before sleep.
  4. Improper nutrition: an abundance of fatty, fried, salty. Solid dinner.
  5. Smoking. The use of alcoholic beverages.
  6. A large amount of drinking liquid. The norm is about 1.5-2 liters per day.
  7. Pregnancy.

If there are signs of illness, you should consult a doctor. Only he can make the correct diagnosis. It is necessary to consider the problem comprehensively and identify a cause-and-effect relationship. Ate a lot of salty at night? Most likely, in the morning the face will be swollen. Recently purchased new cosmetics? She could provoke an allergic reaction. It is important to understand that swelling of the face in the morning is not only a cosmetic defect. Your body reports possible problems which should be addressed immediately.

Elimination of edema on the face

In the absence of serious diseases requiring a doctor's consultation, you can get rid of swelling of the face in the morning at home. Exists a large number of folk remedies to fix the problem. True, they are only temporary. If the cause of the accumulation of fluids in the tissues lies in malnutrition and sleep patterns, you should reconsider your diet, rest more, do not overwork.

  • Spend more time on fresh air.
  • Go in for sports or fitness, do exercises.
  • Establish a normal sleep and rest schedule.
  • Limit your intake of salty foods.
  • Control the amount of fluid you drink.
  • Exclude alcohol.
  • Don't eat before bed.

Masks and face products for edema

Available pharmaceutical products can be used against edema Troxevasin. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a decongestant effect and, in addition, relieves rosacea. Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin.

Also good natural masks which are easy to prepare at home.

Potato. Boil potatoes, peel, mash. You can add a little sour cream to get a puree. Leave the resulting mixture on your face for 10 minutes. If there is no time to cook potatoes, you can use raw. It needs to be cut into circles, applied to the face. Remove when sliced ​​potatoes are warm.

from parsley. Parsley root is crushed, poured with strong tea leaves. The mixture must be wrapped in gauze and applied to problem areas for 15 minutes.

Herbs for swelling of the face. A decoction of sage, chamomile and birch buds perfectly relieves puffiness. You can freeze it in an ice cube mold and wipe your face with cubes. This will improve the effect.

Contrasting compresses. Apply to face first warm cloth, then cold.

Cold compress. Slightly dampen the towel ice water(you can cool in the freezer), take a horizontal position and put a cold towel on your face. Hold for 1 minute.

Procedures in a beauty salon

If there is no desire to use improvised means of traditional medicine, then beauty salons will come to the rescue. The main methods for eliminating edema:

  1. Darsonvalization- the impact of high-frequency current on problem areas of the face. The procedure has a tonic, disinfecting effect. Stagnant formations are eliminated, cells are enriched with oxygen.
  2. Lifting helps eliminate swelling caused by skin aging processes. Miallifting is used only after 30 years. electrical impulses affect the muscles of the face.
  3. Mesotherapy- drug injections.
  4. Massotherapy. The techniques used in beauty salons eliminate severe swelling, with which folk remedies are not coping.

Summing up

Swelling of the face, unfortunately, worries a large number of women. Many do not pay due attention to this problem. Especially when the cosmetic defect resolves itself within 1-2 hours. You should not let things go by themselves. Any changes appearance talk about possible health problems. It is important to find out the cause and take all measures to eliminate it. The first thing to do is to see a doctor. If there are no serious diseases, you can use folk methods to prevent the appearance of swelling of the face in the morning or visit a beauty salon and adhere to healthy lifestyle life.

Edema in the morning is usually caused by excess fluid retention in the body. Edema causes physical, sometimes serious discomfort, and also distorts the pleasant aesthetic perception of a person. This can serve as a signal that either the presence of the disease, or the need to change lifestyle. In any case, you should not leave it unattended, since even the most innocent deviations can develop into chronic diseases. As in any other case, timely diagnosis is very important if there is such a sign of the disease as excessive swelling.

Causes of edema

Swelling in the morning of the fingers, hands, eyes usually indicate problems with the liver. In this case, there may be problems with putting on the ring, the fingers are difficult to bend. Although slight minimal swelling, indicating that it is easier to put on the ring in the evening than in the morning, sometimes it does not indicate health problems. It's just a feature of the body.

The imprint of clothes or bed on the face indicates unhealthy kidneys, when they do not filter excess water well enough. In this case, the urological system as a whole can also often be affected.

Cardiovascular disease causes fluid to stagnate in the leg area. Paleness with a bluish tinge in combination with edema is caused by vascular disease. At the same time, similar problems with swelling of the legs can also be observed with problems with the kidneys, their insufficient work, as well as with the presence, that is, again high blood pressure in capillaries.

Edema in the morning sometimes causes severe discomfort. To get rid of them, control the amount of salt consumed in your diet. Optimal quantity- no more than 3-5 grams. Exclude smoked meats, canned food. Give preference to apples, carrots, oranges, watermelon. Eat dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Don't drink a lot of water at night. Herbal decoctions are useful: immortelle, plantain, milk thistle. At home, plastic cooling gel masks will help to tidy up your face. By applying such a mask to the eyelids for a few minutes, you will quickly cope with the swelling. It's a good idea to prepare them overnight in the freezer. If not at hand professional tools, gently rub the skin with an ice cube. It can be prepared in advance, from the infusion of marigold or sage. ethnoscience advises a proven remedy - masks made from sour cream with dill or boiled potatoes with peel. They further soften tired skin.

If you are a woman and often walk in high heels, and swelling of your legs begins to bother you - high heel should be avoided. This may indicate the beginning. First swelling will begin, then it will increase capillary network and the pain starts. As a preventive measure, do not sit with your legs crossed, walk more often, and do refreshing compresses at home, throwing your legs above head level.

In case of swelling due to wrong image life, we can only recommend to be outdoors more often, get enough sleep, go to bed on time and not sit up in front of a computer monitor, do physical education, even if it's easy.

When diagnosing, the doctor may advise you to take diuretic drugs, as well as drugs that reduce blood pressure, also based on the diuretic effect. For example, Adelfan. At the same time, local remedies, some ointments, for example, cooling or firming ones based on chestnut, can be prescribed. Perhaps, if the reason lies at the capillary level, you will be prescribed various vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside, such as rutin, ascorbic acid. There is another paradox in the treatment of edema - the use of more pure water.

It should be understood that puffiness is not a disease that should be treated, but just a symptom that signals the presence of any. Therefore, when eliminating a cosmetic defect in parallel with visual effects or cooling, you should not forget to take care of an early visit to the doctor, who will find out the causes of excessive swelling.

You can learn more about edema from the video plot:

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6 comments on "Swelling in the morning - causes and treatment"

    When I sit at the piano for more than 10 minutes, I feel that my legs swell, as they swell, they begin to itch, this discomfort is terrible. I went on a buckwheat diet, I really hope that this will pass. I also have swelling under my eyes in the morning. Everyone says “drink less water at night”, but this rule has long been taken into account, and the bags do not go away ((I usually brew chamomile tea and pour into ice molds, and in the morning I wipe my face - useful procedure, tighten the skin and swelling subsides)

    And the edema in the morning began to bother me not on my face. but on the legs. It was just that some kind of nightmare began, it became difficult to walk, plus pain in the legs increased, it turned out to be venous insufficiency. Drank 2 monthly course detralex, it became much better, swelling and pain disappeared. Now I'm going to take another course in six months.

Many people are concerned about the causes and methods of dealing with swelling of the face in the morning. In order to understand this, sometimes you should consult a specialist to exclude pathology. internal organs.

Every morning we start by putting our appearance in order, because this is the key to a good start to the day and the same end. But when we find swelling on the face, it will not only upset us, but also make us think about the possible ailment that provoked the swelling. So why does the face swell in the morning? What needs to be changed in your life to avoid such unpleasant consequences?

Causes of morning swelling

It is necessary to understand why, after all, puffiness of the face can catch us in the morning. In many ways, this phenomenon depends on the characteristics of the structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue faces. More than other areas, the area around the eyes is prone to edema. It is there that the loose adipose tissue, which is able to actively accumulate water.

The main causes of swelling after sleep:

Incorrect drinking regimen

You can’t just talk only about excessive water intake, since its lack can also lead to edema. It's all about compliance drinking regime: you need to drink at least 60 ml of liquid for every kg of body weight. This is the amount that will ensure the stability of the water-salt balance of human blood, which means that water will remain in the vascular bed.

Too much salt in food

Salt is the product, excessive consumption of which can cause fluid accumulation in the intercellular space.

Frequent stress

Stress and lack of proper rest are factors that contribute to the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands, as a result of which the body does not release the proper amount of fluid.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the body. Together with the liquid, some of the salts that are necessary to maintain the normal osmotic pressure of the blood also come out. This contributes to the release of fluid from the vessels into the intercellular space with the formation of edema.


An allergic reaction can also act as a cause. The next morning, you can see pronounced swelling on the face if something with allergenic properties was taken before going to bed. It could be any medicinal product, food, drink. And also allergies can occur on feather pillows.

Wrong place to sleep

Causes may be hidden in a low head position, in a pillow that is too soft or too hard.

kidney disease

As a result of the pathology of the urinary system, the proper amount of fluid and waste products is not excreted from the body. This contributes to the development of edema, especially in the morning, when a person for a long time was in a horizontal position. But it is possible to say exactly why edema occurred only after clinical studies.

Heart disease

Puffiness is also characteristic of cardiac pathology, but it manifests itself on the face in severe cases if the treatment fails. On early stages swelling diseases occur only on the lower extremities and by the end of the day. With the development of heart failure, massive edema may occur.

Prevention of morning edema

Special treatment of morning swelling of the face is not necessary if they are not caused by the pathology of the internal organs. It is necessary to prevent possible causes of their occurrence. And for this you need to do the following:

  • avoid like overuse fluids, as well as lack of fluids;
  • consume salt in limited quantities;
  • avoid situations that can cause stress, mental overwork;
  • avoid frequent feasts, especially at night;
  • properly organize sleep and wakefulness;
  • timely seek help from a doctor if you suspect a pathology of the kidneys or heart, undergo annual preventive examinations;
  • eliminate possible causes of allergies: do not take medicines or use them while taking antihistamines, get rid of pillows, etc.

How to remove swelling from the face

Why swelling occurs in the morning, it became clear, but what to do to eliminate them? There are many ways to do this:

  1. In the event that the causes of morning swelling lie in allergies, then you need to take antihistamines (Zodak, Fenkarol);
  2. You should make masks with a cooling effect that narrow the capillaries of the skin, as a result of which swelling can be quickly removed. To do this, use moistened cold water towel, special silicone masks that are applied after exposure in the refrigerator;
  3. You can remove puffiness by rubbing your face with pieces of ice in the morning. It may be ordinary ice, but best effect can be achieved if you use ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs: parsley, dill, chamomile;
  4. Masks of potatoes, cucumber, cut into circles, will also quickly help relieve morning swelling;
  5. A canvas bag with crushed and boiled buckwheat for 2 minutes will help relieve puffiness. After cooling the cereal, this bag should be applied to the problem area;
  6. Tea bags on the eye area, as well as gauze dipped in cold tea, will quickly get rid of puffiness;
  7. If edema occurs periodically, you can use herbal decoctions inside, thereby improving renal filtration;
  8. Fluid leaves the body faster if you eat citrus fruits, coffee, sour apples;
  9. If the causes of edema lie in diseases of the internal organs, then self-medication is unacceptable. It is urgent to contact your doctor. Adequate treatment the underlying pathology will remove the symptom of swelling.

If in the morning the face swells regularly, then it is necessary to establish using clinical analyzes, Why is this happening.

It is generally accepted that swelling of the legs is a pathology of tired people. The question arises, why do the legs swell in the morning? If you notice a violation, do not take it lightly. The phenomenon is able to illustrate the development of a mass of hidden pathological processes. Finding out the cause that affected health becomes the number one task.

Functional Causes of Morning Puffiness

Noticing slight swelling of the feet in the morning, it is worth analyzing your own diet and the regimen of the past day. Whether alcohol was taken or the reason was overwork. Perhaps the answer lies in the details.

Before concluding, try to critically evaluate the signs possible violation health. Edema initially occurs from a violation of the body's water exchange process. It remains to find out what is capable of provoking pathological changes.

The legs are the end point of the flow of fluids. Swollen feet in the morning means:

  • high salt content in food;
  • pregnancy;
  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased uneven loads.

After consideration possible causes conclusions can be drawn. If none of the reasons fits the situation, you should worry about more serious violations.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Swollen legs in the morning - a consequence of inflammatory processes in the joints. The structure of the leg is conditionally divided into several key components:

  • joints;
  • vertebrae of the foot and fingers;
  • bones;
  • covers of bones and joints.

After inflammation of any membrane or joint, swelling of the legs occurs. The small joints of the bones of the foot receive daily stress. Reasons for pouring in the morning lower limbs in the foot area, indicate swelling of the components.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, causing the surrounding tissues to swell. Such a reaction warns of the onset of serious violations of the functioning of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is made after a doctor's examination and a series of tests. Doctors recommend seeking advice in a timely manner, the disease is difficult to diagnose on its own.

rheumatoid arthritis

Swelling of the legs in the morning may show pathological processes during the rest period. Another disease of the joints refers to the large joints of the leg. The reason for the ongoing processes is hidden in rheumatoid arthritis.

The inflammatory process takes place in the large joints of the leg. During the course of the disease, patients experience ailments:

  • pain, more often in one of the joints;
  • stiffness of joint mobility after a long rest;
  • redness skin around the lesion;
  • recreation.

At rest, the affected tissues swell more strongly, increasing the size of the affected area. It is difficult for a person to make movements after sleep or rest. On the face clear sign the first violations of the functions of large articulated parts of the leg. timely proper treatment get rid of negative consequences.

Osteochondrosis of the hip joint

The hip joint is very vulnerable in the human body. It accounts for a lot of stress, after a long hard work, this part of the leg affects the condition of the surrounding tissues and blood vessels.

Vulnerable nervous tissue can provoke the reasons why tissues swell in the morning. The defeat of osteochondrosis simultaneously affects several important areas of providing nervous activity legs:

  • vegetative;
  • sensitive;
  • motor.

Edema in the morning illustrates a violation of vascular tone. Influenced developing disease the vascular system does not fulfill the natural task to the full, water is retained in the tissues. There is extensive swelling.

Despite the manifestations in the form of pain and fluid accumulation, only a doctor can establish an accurate picture of the lesion. Relying on lab tests, the doctor will make an accurate conclusion on which individual treatment is based.

Infection of the skin with infections

The skin is responsible for many processes in the exchange of the inner layers of muscles and ligaments with environment. After skin injury infectious diseases malfunction starts different systems. It is expressed in the fact that the feet swell.

Foot fungus is a common infection. become a consequence of vascular damage and inflammation of the subcutaneous integument. Inflamed pores do not remove moisture in full, leading to the accumulation of fluids.

The feet are considered a point of profuse sweating, revealing the cause of frequent infections. Since the skin is constantly hydrated, this creates favorable conditions for pathogenic environments.

Edema is not the only sign of such a violation, additionally taken into account:

  • redness of the integument;
  • the appearance of spots on the skin;
  • pain when pressed;
  • unpleasant skin odor.

It is possible to do certain disinfecting procedures or take antibiotics. It is better to resort to these measures after consulting a doctor.


Emerging tissue edema in the morning can show a reaction to stimuli immune system. If a rather long time passes from the moment of strong tension in the leg area, the resulting edema can show the causes of an allergic nature.

Majority allergic reactions hit multiple systems at the same time. The metabolic processes of the body are vulnerable to damage. Fluid stasis primarily affects the legs.

Additional warning signs become:

  • heavy awakening;
  • feeling of heaviness in the body;
  • nausea;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • labored breathing;
  • shortness of breath even after rest.

The state of rest can manifest many processes, illustrating why the limbs swell. Only after a long examination will it be possible to say for sure that the cause of the violation was an allergy. Due to the too common type of manifestations, it is difficult to draw immediate conclusions.

Thrombotic vascular lesions

Defeat vascular system can provoke swelling of the legs, especially after sleep. One of the defeats is education cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. Specified reason leads to the appearance of swelling of the legs after rest.

The medical name for the disease is vascular thrombosis. It's a massive defeat inner surface walls circulatory system As the disease progresses, many changes occur:

  • the conductivity of the walls of the vessel is disturbed;
  • fragility occurs;
  • loss of elasticity of the integument;
  • blockage of the blood duct;
  • thrombus formation.

That is why the lower limbs swell after sleep. The removal of fluid is difficult, stagnation and accumulation of decay products appear. The situation that has arisen does not allow the body to get rid of toxic substances, provoking water retention.

To avoid further surgical intervention, it is indicated to undergo a course of treatment on early stages illness. Doctors will be able to provide timely assistance after a series of tests.


The causes of swollen legs after a long sleep lie in the injuries received. If the injury is small, the pain quickly disappears. This does not mean the complete elimination of the violation, inflammatory processes at the site of injury, tissue edema is provoked.

Legs swell under certain circumstances:

  • bruises;
  • fractures;
  • microcracks;
  • sprains of joints, muscles;
  • ligament injuries;
  • connective tissue microtears.

Having found edema, it is necessary to analyze the situations of the previous day, determining the cause of the injury. It is possible to do compresses to relieve swelling. It is worth consulting a doctor to find out the cause of the swelling.

Impaired lymph outflow

Lymph currents are the body's filter. Thanks to the lymph, every part of the body is freed from the accumulated products of metabolism and decay of substances. Swelling of the legs after resting in the morning will serve as a clue why the failure occurred.

Violation of lymphatic exchange - common cause, illustrating why the legs swell. The accumulated fluid contains many pathogenic substances that can provoke inflammation of tissues and blood vessels.

Damage to the lymph nodes is often provoked by:

  • pressure on the tumor node;
  • metastases sprouting into the node;
  • operational illiterate intervention.

Neurological causes

Neurological causes are able to identify the source of the lesion, manifesting itself as swelling of the legs after sleep. Uneven communication of nerve fibers affects communication between parts of organ systems. There is a violation of the tone in the vascular tissue.

Disturbed regulation of movement, sensitivity provokes edema. Legs swell unevenly. The answer to the question why the damage occurred will be:

  • stroke;
  • nerve damage;
  • cerebral infarction.

Kidney pathologies

If, after sleep, the appearance of puffiness of the legs is observed, this can provoke malfunctions of the kidneys. Such edema occurs after rest, passes quickly enough. Violation of the exchange of fluids leads to their retention in the tissues. This is the answer why the legs swell after a period of prolonged rest.