How to choose equipment for the production of beer: price, photo. Examples of brewery equipment - mini brewery

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The production of beer is relevant, because people drink beer and will always drink it.

Its sales are several times higher than even the demand for popular vodka. And with respect to all other alcoholic beverages, beer is unrivaled.

The business of making it great drink- positive in all respects. The only downside is the seasonality.

But we can safely say that even in the event of a drop in sales in winter period, such a business option can pay off quite easily in just a few seasonal months.

By different estimates, the profitability of the brewery is from 40%.

Let's figure out what are the steps to create a brewing business as a business.

bureaucratic procedures

First you need to go through bureaucratic procedures and licensing. It is required to obtain several permits: from the SES, state energy supervision and the fire service.

It is important to note that beer must be licensed, so a visit to the tax office is indispensable.

After applying to the tax office, you need to obtain a license for the production of beer, which is issued in 2-3 months.

And finally, you should get a special hygienic certificate in epidemiological surveillance. To do this, you need to give your products for verification (receipt about 2 months).

Three classes of brewing enterprises

Depending on the scale and goals of the beer business, three classes can be distinguished:

  1. Microbrewery. An enterprise where you can brew beer in a volume of 50 to 500 liters throughout the day. It will take from 30 sq. meters of working area for the production of 50-100 liters, and for two hundred liters of the drink it will take about 60 sq.m. Such calculations also include a place for cooked products.
  2. Mini brewery. If your plans are already more serious, and you are ready to brew several thousand liters of beer per day (from 500 to 10-15 thousand liters). The minimum area required for the start is from 70 sq. m. Also consider a place for a warehouse of finished bottles.
  3. Big brewery. In fact, a full-fledged factory for the production of beer. There are no restrictions on power and areas. Such enterprises produce many products of various varieties.

Obviously, you need to start with smaller volumes. You can start own production beer at home.

This option for starting a business will be easier and cheaper. Even two people can produce from 500 to a thousand liters.


If you have already decided on the scale of production, then it's time to think about the premises.

It is important that the floor is resistant to water, and the ceilings are high enough - about three meters.

It is clear that there should be all the most necessary: ​​electricity, plumbing with sewerage, ventilation.

A good option would be autonomous heating to keep temperatures at the right level.

The place where the brewery will be located is very important. If you want to sell beer yourself, it is recommended to get closer to residential areas. Particularly good are those places where people spend a lot of time or pass by.

Such brewing should not produce a lot of products, since live beer cannot be stored for a long time.

With a small scale of production, the purchase of special apparatus for pasteurization or filtration will not be cost-effective.

If you want to "swing" at a large number of beer, it is better to think about wholesale sales. You can enter into sales agreements with small establishments that will make purchases from you.

If you do not have regular customers, it is very difficult to establish a brewing business. But if things have gone up, then you should think about the possibility of pasteurizing beer.

What do you need from the equipment

If you decide to purchase equipment for beer production, then you need to know what is needed for the scale of a home microbrewery. In the case of a large production, everything will be different.

You will need the following equipment:

  • large capacity for primary fermentation processes;
  • technological capacity;
  • laboratory equipment system;
  • device for pouring beer.

All this can be purchased in one set.

If you have your own beer mini-factory, then you will need:

  • crushing devices for malt;
  • apparatus for filtering;
  • brewing apparatus;
  • special pumps for young and finished beer;
  • refrigeration unit;
  • water heating equipment and steam generator;
  • fermentation tanks and yeast vats.

You can also save money on equipment. Expensive brands will not always give a superior result here.

Raw materials for beer

The main raw ingredients required by the beer production technology are hops, malt, sugar, yeast and water.

If you have the most small version brewery, then it would be advisable to buy ready-made wort (includes malt and hops).

Yeast can be grown by yourself, but it is better to buy imported malt and hops.

Sometimes you can make extra money on waste, because a lot of protein rocks are left.

Working staff

If you are brewing at home, you can get by with working with a partner. Such a scheme offers control by one of the workers and the performance of related functions by others.

The advantages of the beer business have always been obvious, especially against the backdrop of the love of our compatriots for this intoxicating drink. At the same time, it is not necessary to start something very large and serious - it is enough to buy a microbrewery by investing a significantly smaller amount and spending much less time on completing all the documents.

How to open a microbrewery?

Registration and papers

One of the most important stages is the preparation of documents. So, it is necessary to deal with the execution of the memorandum of association and the charter, the certification of documents by a notary and the collection of the necessary signatures, registration with the tax authorities and statistics authorities.

You can’t do without expenses in this matter - about 300 US dollars are spent on all procedures. The next stage after registration is the legal registration of the premises for business. Here you can’t do without permission from the state fire supervision, the sanitary and epidemiological station and the housing office.

To open own brewery, you need to obtain a license, which, by the way, is not mandatory in all cities. To clarify this point, you must contact the relevant authorities.

Microbreweries from the Czech Republic are an excellent solution for small businesses in Russia.

For the legal sale of beer, you cannot do without an excise stamp, so you need to be prepared for an additional tax of 15%. Any drink in which more than 1.5% alcohol is subject to a fee - about 400 rubles per liter.

You will also need a hygiene certificate for the products. It can be obtained from the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities after appropriate examinations of documentation and hygiene checks.

If it was decided to refuse to issue a certificate, then you can contact the central department of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation and appeal the decision.

Equipment for brewing, price, premises and staff

Next milestone is the purchase of equipment for the production of beer - technical tanks, tanks for primary fermentation, a system for transfusion and a set of laboratory equipment.

All the necessary equipment is most often supplied with a microbrewery, so there are no special problems.

There is no need for a large room. To produce at least 50 liters per day, you need about 25-30 square meters.

If your requests are more serious and there is a desire to produce about 200 liters per day, then the room should have a large area - about 60 square meters.

A microbrewery does not need a lot of personnel. One qualified specialist is enough - he will quite cope with his task.

Features of the technological process

The essence of production is extremely simple. First, ordinary sugar syrup is prepared (water is mixed with sugar). After that, the finished substance is thoroughly mixed with the concentrate, and after that yeast is added to the composition.

It is important to note that before adding the main component, the substance must be cooled to +18 - +20 degrees Celsius.

Overview of a small, really working microbrewery

Brewing beer according to traditional methods. Unfiltered beer: pale, amber and porter. German raw materials are used for brewing - malt, hops and yeast. After brewing and fermentation, the beer is bottled and matured in refrigerators at a certain temperature for a month and one week.

Now it's up to fermentation, which can last for one to two weeks. The finished beer remains to be pumped into kegs and add a little sugar for re-fermentation.

After five days, the beer can be placed in a cold place, where the drink will finally reach the finished state. This takes 2 to 4 weeks. Experts say that the longer the beer settles, the better.

Raw material and costs

To produce 50 liters of beer at a microfactory, it is necessary to purchase about 2 kilograms of yeast, two cans of concentrate and 14-15 grams of yeast. With an increase in production up to 200 liters, 16-20 kg of concentrate, 70 grams of yeast and about 12 kilograms of sugar are needed.

To open such a business, you will have to spend from four to seven thousand euros. Profitability is about 40%. The beer production business pays off within 2-3 months.

The production of beer, a low-alcohol drink loved by many, is now available to almost anyone. Meanwhile, about 30 years ago, when our state still had a different name, the secrets of making alcohol at home were kept literally “with seven seals”. They were furtively shared with each other, because there was a criminal liability for such activities.

Brief analysis business:
Business setup costs: 5-7 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:production can be located anywhere
Situation in the industry:the production sector is developed
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1.5-2 years

The business of making and selling alcohol, along with the production of cigarettes, has been, is, and most likely will be one of the most profitable areas. Partly for this reason, and perhaps also because Russia is one of the most "drinking" countries in the world, the production and sale of strong alcoholic beverages is strictly regulated and controlled by the state.

If you purchased alcohol at least once after the New Year, you should have noticed that now any bottle is punched at the checkout with a special scanner that transmits information about the purchase to a single centralized center called EGAIS (but more on that later).

According to the Union of Russian Brewers, in 2015 Russia produced 782 billion liters of beer (not counting how much was imported). And although this is 5.1% less than in the same period of 2014, there was no drop in demand for beer. Firstly, domestic brewers have lost the Ukrainian market, and secondly, those companies that could not withstand competition in the current crisis simply “weeded out”.

Of course, a private brewery will hardly be able to withstand tax increases, tougher rules for the circulation of alcohol-containing products, and other “innovations” that, as many entrepreneurs believe, the state “strangles” small businesses. But nevertheless, the production of beer as a business is still popular, and the question "How to open a brewery?" is of interest to many aspiring entrepreneurs who are in search of a relevant business idea.

How to choose a beer production room

First of all, it should be noted that the area of ​​the production facility will depend on the type of equipment installed and the volume of products produced. However, a novice entrepreneur is unlikely to start “bombing” the market with his drink, unless, of course, he has the funds for a large-scale advertising campaign. But even the risk is not always justified, and it is best to win the taste of the buyer gradually.

A private brewery may well be located in:

  • basement
  • basement
  • multistory building

In the elite restaurants of large cities with a corresponding "beer" bias, or in well-known beer bars, many owners organize their own mini-factories for the production of beer. By the way, often the container for fermentation or even the equipment itself is exhibited in the hall of the institution, so to speak, to give a special flavor to the room. A similar introduction is often practiced by patisseries.

Directly to the workshop for production, certain requirements are imposed, as to the premises in which the manufacture of food products is carried out:

  • walls must be finished with ceramic tiles to a height of at least 2 meters
  • ceilings to be painted water-based paint or whitewashed
  • to floor covering special requirements no, however, most entrepreneurs use for this purpose either the same ceramic tiles as for walls, or they make a self-leveling cement floor
  • heating is allowed air, water, steam, or combined

As practice shows, to open a brewery with a capacity of 100 to 300 liters per day, you need a room with an area of ​​​​42 to 48 square meters. meters, including:

  • production area
  • storage room for raw materials
  • washing department
  • and sanitary room (toilet)

The area for a mini-workshop with a capacity of 500 to 1000 liters per day should be from 75 to 80 square meters. meters.

IN without fail before opening the premises will be checked by the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor. And although very often the question of signing all the necessary acts in Lately is solved with the help of “magic” papers of red color with the image of the city of Khabarovsk, you should not neglect the rules - “God saves the safe”.

A prerequisite for the production of beer is the presence of:

  • electrical network at 380 V
  • hot and cold water supply
  • hoods

Necessary equipment for a brewery

The simplest, and perhaps best option is to purchase a mini-factory for the production of beer, which includes. Each set of equipment from different manufacturers may differ from others. As an example, I will give the components of a mini-beer workshop from Braumeister.

Equipment for the production of beer Braumeister:

  • 200 liter brewery
  • malt mill
  • fermentation tank (capacity) of 240 liters
  • platform on which the fermentation vessel is placed
  • coolant hose
  • drain tap
  • hydraulic seal
  • liquid density instrument kit
  • set for disinfection and washing of equipment

The cost of such a mini-factory at the beginning of 2016 was 23 thousand euros. Productivity is 200 liters.

The equipment for the brewery of German and Czech production is the most popular among brewers. Domestic and Chinese technological lines located in one price category, not at all cheaper (and sometimes even more expensive!), but in terms of workmanship they cannot be compared with European ones, which are much better. For example, a Chinese brewery from EMPZ LLC with a capacity of 200 liters will cost the buyer almost 54 thousand dollars, with turnkey installation - a little more than 67 thousand dollars. What kind of equipment for the production of beer to buy is up to you.

What raw materials are needed for the production of beer, and how to organize its supply

With raw materials for beer it is much easier than with equipment. The manufacturer will need:

  • malt
  • hop
  • Brewer's yeast

The only caveat: the beer production scheme provides for the use of “soft” water for a foamy drink. To achieve the required properties of water, you can purchase special equipment for cleaning and softening.

Raw materials for the production of beer can be purchased at wholesale depots, from an equipment supplier, or at large breweries both by delivery and pickup, whichever is more profitable and convenient for you.

How beer is brewed

In general, beer is not produced or manufactured. It just boils. But since most people, including the brewers themselves, are used to saying “beer production”, then I will not “be smart”, standing out from the crowd.

The beer production process is a whole science. No wonder brewers have always been respected people for their knowledge and skills. To prepare a truly delicious drink that can win the respect of the consumer, there is a special technological scheme for the production of beer. It is not enough to open a brewery, you will need specialists who can organize the production process.

The technological scheme of beer production looks like this:

  • malt is first prepared - under special conditions, grains of various cereals are germinated (usually barley). Dried and then cleaned of sprouts.
  • preparation of mash and wort. The malt is crushed in a mill to form a mash (crushed grain products) and mixed with water to form a wort.
  • at the next stage, the mash is filtered, separating into barley residues that have not dissolved, and beer wort, which will be used in the process further.
  • after - the wort with the addition of hops and other ingredients is boiled for 1-2 hours, evaporating from it the flavor components that negatively affect the taste of the drink.
  • then the wort is clarified in a hydrocyclone operating on the principle of a centrifuge, after which it is settled for 20-30 minutes and filtered.
  • the next stage is cooling the wort in the fermentation tank and saturating it with oxygen.
  • after beer yeast is put into the wort, the solution is left to ferment for several weeks, after which the resulting drink, which does not yet look like beer, is sent for aging (fermentation), which is carried out in closed containers under a slight pressure of carbon dioxide.
  • at the penultimate stage, the beer is filtered from the remaining particles of brewer's yeast. However, some manufacturers do not use this process. You have probably heard that there are lovers of unfiltered beer. It's just the one that "missed" this stage.
  • and finally - pasteurization, which is not subjected to all types of beer, but only those that need it according to the recipe. This is heating the drink to 60-80 ° C. Although this procedure increases the shelf life of the beer, many brewers believe that pasteurization impairs the taste of the drink.

As you can see, the production of beer is indeed a rather complicated process that requires certain knowledge and adherence to technology.

Documentation of your business

Before I talk about the design of a beer production business, I want to warn you that any entrepreneur who is going to start manufacturing and selling alcoholic beverages how "Our Father" should know the law "On state regulation of production ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products.

It should immediately be noted that individual entrepreneur does not have the right to engage in this type of business activity, so you must register an LLC (here - you can read an article on how to liquidate an LLC, just in case).

Next comes licensing. In general, it is not provided federal laws for the production of beer. But in many regions of the country, the subjects of the federation are guided by their own decrees, according to which such a license is necessary. Therefore, you should find out how things are with this case exactly where you live.

The next step is to obtain a hygienic certificate for the manufactured products. This can be done at the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, after examining the product, checking all required documents, and compliance inspections hygiene requirements in production.

In addition to Rospotrebnadzor, you will also have to “talk” with fire department, energy supervision, local water utility, and environmental control service environment. However, such procedures are mandatory for most food industries, whether it be beer brewing, milk powder production, or sunflower oil.

Connection to EGAIS

A few more words should be said about the EGAIS program - a unified state automated information system that regulates the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages in Russia since the beginning of 2016. Connection to EGAIS is mandatory for alcohol producers and those outlets that sell alcoholic beverages.

To connect to EGAIS, you must:

  1. purchase a JaCarta cryptographic key to encrypt data transmitted to the system
  2. install a free module on a personal computer, which can be downloaded from the EGAIS website
  3. purchase a special 2D scanner that reads the barcodes of alcoholic beverages

At first glance, the project to open a private brewery involves a lot of trouble and huge investments. It really is. But this is also necessary for many other areas of entrepreneurial activity that do not have the main advantage of the "beer" business - it is practically a win-win. This makes those who are not accustomed to take risks think and calculate everything to the smallest detail. I wish you success!

- an unusually profitable business, because it is easy to see that in our country the intoxicating drink surpasses even vodka in its popularity (let alone wine and other elite drinks such as whiskey). So we are devoting this article to the main points of organizing this business, but in more detail we will dwell on the question of how to choose the right equipment for beer production.


The first thing to do is to create entity. Then you can already go to the SES, the fire inspection and the state energy supervision for special permits. At this stage, there is nothing difficult. Next, we go to the tax office and leave there a request for a license, which has recently been mandatory for enterprises engaged in the production of beer.

The STI is obliged to issue a permit after no more than three months from the date of application. The end of organizational issues will come when you have a hygienic certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision in your hands. But you can get it only after experts evaluate the quality of the product you offer, and it can take almost two months.


Before purchasing equipment for the production of beer, you should evaluate your real capabilities and determine the scale of future production. Depending on this criterion, you can choose three options for organizing your business:

  • Microplant. Such a brewery will be enough for the initial pores, since it allows you to get up to 500 liters finished product per day. This will require about 50 square meters of working area.
  • A mini-factory that allows you to produce up to 15 thousand liters of intoxicating drink per day. Accordingly, the area will need to be slightly larger (at least 70 square meters).
  • A complete brewery. The scale will depend on the range of finished products and the productivity that your chosen equipment for the production of beer allows you to get.

Thousands of liters of beer per day will even be quite enough for a start, and only two people will be enough to run such a business.

The brewing process in a nutshell

So, it all starts with crushing the malt, which is mainly sold in 50-kilogram bags (they can be quite easily stored in a warehouse for three months). The quality of the final product directly depends on the malt crusher - it must grind the raw materials well into flour, but at the same time leave a certain part of the malt grain shell, thanks to which the wort will be filtered in the future.

Usually for small breweries, a two-roll crusher is enough. Crushed malt is added to the prepared water, then the wort is brewed from this mixture. This process is the most complex, as it requires repeated separation of parts of the mash, a certain exposure, temperature and filtration.

Yeast is added to the finished wort, and then this prepared mixture is distilled into the fermentation department, where it remains for a certain period (it all depends on the type of end product). As a result of fermentation and after-fermentation, the so-called unfiltered beer is obtained, if desired, it can be refined and a clear light beer is obtained.

Material and technical base

So we come close to the issue of equipment for your brewery. Of course, we will not list all the equipment for the production of beer needed for a giant plant, since the list is unusually extensive. But for a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a microbrewery, it will be enough to purchase:

  • tank for the first fermentation;
  • laboratory equipment, which is most often sold as a set;
  • technological capacity;
  • fluid transfusion system.

But in the case of opening a mini-factory, the equipment will be slightly different. Here you need:

  • malt crusher;
  • apparatus for filtering malt;
  • wort system;
  • mash pumps;
  • steam generator;
  • water heating system;
  • hydrocyclone device;
  • heat exchanger;
  • dispensing containers;
  • yeast vats;
  • control system.

Such a seemingly large list of devices can usually be bought in one set.

Average equipment cost

Remember that in the brewing business, the high cost of the installation is far from indicative of its high quality. So do not try to choose the most expensive (German or Austrian) technical base - domestic, Czech or even Chinese manufacturers often offer quite good quality for a democratic price. If a complete set of Czech equipment for brewing, pouring and packaging beer will cost you 50 million rubles, then the line Russian production will cost half as much. The quality does not suffer much.

Beer fermentation tanks

In order to choose the right equipment for the production of beer, you should pay attention to some of its components. Let's focus on the beer fermentation tanks, since it is here that the key stage in the production of an intoxicating drink takes place.

This special containers, which are installed in the camp basement, underground or ground. They can be made of metal, aluminum or reinforced concrete, while they look like large cylinders, reaching a diameter of 1.2 to 3.5 meters. The height of such a structure in mini-factories generally does not exceed 3 meters.

But at large enterprises, the dimensions can be completely different - the length of each of the tanks can be up to 12 meters. Although the dimensions of these containers are adjusted to the height of your camp cellar. For the convenience of buyers, manufacturers offer two options for the location of tanks: vertical and horizontal. But the difference between them is only in the method of mounting the hatch and fittings.

When choosing tanks, pay attention to their inner surface, it should not have any gaps and roughness, otherwise the yeast residues will be washed off poorly. Please also note that if you have chosen an iron container, then from time to time it will have to be covered with a layer of resin or varnish from the inside. The front bottom of the tank is equipped with a test tap and a tongue and groove.

This special device is used to maintain the pressure you need inside the tank and can be lever or bellows. At the top of the tank there is a special air outlet that removes excess oxygen while the tank is being filled with beer.

You need to pay attention to the raw materials for the production of beer. Of the imported ones, you need to stock up only with malt and hops, but water, sugar and yeast can be of domestic production. The purchase can be made from companies that sell equipment, or from large breweries.