Congratulations to all preschool workers. Congratulations on the day of the teacher to colleagues. Warm congratulations on the Educator Day for the disciples of kindergarten - the texts of poems and exemptions

Putin congratulates Happy Educator Day

Russian folk chastushki for the day of the educator

Song tutor from children

On the day of the teacher, take
My heart congratulations.
I wish you health, strength
And tremendous patience.

Let the laugh of you ring surround
Kids give let warm
I wish you to call your
Big happiness led. © ©

On the day of the educator, let
Congratulate you from the soul.
Let the joy give, they paint
Always funny kids.

Your work is Maison, very important,
Thank you for kindness,
For giving you to children
Love, care, warmth.

Let a nice gift
You will be a sonorous, children's laughter.
Let in the work of noble
Success is always accompanied. © ©

Happy teacher day today
Salmon congratulations to you.
Work - your house, and kids -
Big, friendly family.

Soul let sing from happiness
And nerves will be like a rope
Let you be interested
Always in the circle of native guys. © ©

Who prepared preschool children
To adult future years?
Who will hug, will calm down
Will explain not worse than moms?

This is a wonderful educator,
Congratulations on him!
Both teacher and buddy.
Only the best thing!

Dear ours (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on the day of the teacher! We want to tell you "Thank you" for learning us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and appliqués. We love when you read fairy tales, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you always remain the same good, caring and patient.

Happy preschool worker!

All kindergarten workers
Children give warm and love,
And today your holiday is beautiful -
Wonderful, kind and clear!

Educators are waiting for congratulations
Muz.Revatnikov, Nannies - without a doubt,
From the heart we will congratulate today
Chefs, nurses will not leave

We wish you all health and happiness,
Life is bright, beautiful, shiny,
In the personal life of love, understanding,
At work, success is recognized!

greeting card

Dear teachers, childcare facilities and pre-school veterans!
September 27 - the national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers." The idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday is to help society to pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general.
The pre-school education system is the first link in universal education, it retained its best traditions and is constantly evolving taking into account the real needs of the inhabitants.
The tutor is not only a profession, the essence of which to give knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of a person, the approval of a person in man.

Happy preschool worker in your own words

Today, on the day of the educator and all preschool workers, I am very glad to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you are: and educators, and assistants of educators, cooks, and musical workers, and nurses, and castellaysh, and everyone else is working for the benefit of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You make an invaluable contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, give them the opportunity to grow smart, capable, healthy, physically advanced people. Thank you very much for your disinterested work, for your love for children, for patience, for the desire for work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

For your concern for your patience
And to children a big love,
We are on the autumn holiday and the most wonderful,
Thank you want to say again!

From the pure heart you will send wishes
Keep your family hearth
And with the day of the teacher, you congratulate you,
Good, positive, all the best!

Happy educators' wonderful
You congratulates from me!
Let every day like a ray clear
Comes, joy of ringing.

Let parents and children
You respect your hard work.
Let the Sun of Happiness shine brightly,
Successes new name!

Happy preschool worker you
Congratulations I'm with all my heart!
Be healthy, take care of yourself!
Let the days of life be good.

Let the work bring joy to bring
Children are always happy
In the heart, let your love live,
Happiness will never leave!

All kindergarten workers
We have a hurry to congratulate today,
You wish you love and colors!
And we want to add:

You are beautiful, kind and smart,
Children give tenderness and affection.
Be happy, forever Yuna,
Turn the life into a good fairy tale!

Hard work went to you -
He requires a lot of attention,
After all, everyone understands himself,
Children means raising.

While stretched the day worker -
You replaced the children to children.
And today everyone wants
For all thanks to you to say!

Who is capable of replacing relatives
Giving a baby ray of light?
Who is able to read a child to teach?
Educator, of course, it!

Yes, your profession is worthy of
So that people always understood:
The teacher creates your baby,
He will assign all sorrow from him!

Educator Day - Wonderful Holiday
Bright, rich and interesting!
Now all toasts, poems, congratulations,
In honor of the best people, without a doubt!

Children you give the sea attention
Many care, warmth, understanding!
In your main holiday, we congratulate you -
Happiness immeasieled you wish!

The best educator
Your day has come today!
Atmospheric you are the creator,
So that the child missed.

But not only entertain -
Children give knowledge
You never miss
Never get tired.

Happy Education Day Congratulations!
Happy the most kind, hearts.
Faith, hope, I wish you love
Light and sunny, gentle days.

Let you please kids smiles,
The melody of happiness flies a ringing laughter.
Let you fate not pegs, but fers
Welcome joy, health, success!

You are an educator.
This is proud!
An expiratory prospector
You smile.

We wish happiness
Fun to live
Children, native,
Joy to give!

You, on the fruits of efforts,
Must be a proud!
And years on the kids spending
You value your own way!

Touching you and understanding
After all, the tutor is the one
Who, applying your stales,
The road to children gives life!

On this day I want to exalt
And congratulate times up to one hundred
Those who learn to kakak - kiss
Only in the right places.

Who is to school from today
Tutor and friend
Who on the Christmas tree of New Year
Bunny, cat, chipmunk.

We will sing to you choir glory,
And I have funny, I will say:
- Oh, guys, you are wrong,
La la la and zhu-zhu!

Let smiles always illuminate
Warm light any day in life
Our children are playing happily
It does not concern their sadness shadow.

And in the morning you are always at work,
Be heat, or cold, Ile rain,
Our children are careful
And the misfortunes bypass them away.

You do not just follow them
Developing, giving them the game,
Tutors our relatives,
You devoted our life to them.

Let it be difficult
Flourishes the medium of children's hearts,
And play as if on notes
You love, kindness and success.

Childhood is the most amazing time in the life of every person. Indeed, the kids will have a lot to learn and learn a lot in such a huge and interesting world. Of course, in the early years of the life of the kids are not unable to make protection and care. However, time goes unnoticed - and here "yesterday" Karapuz goes to the kindergarten. Many, even as adulchers, remember their educator and other preschool workers. After all, these people laid the first "bricks" in the formation of the personality and the nature of the child. The profession of the teacher and the children's caregiver requires tremendous patience, love for children and wisdom. Therefore, the day of the educator is considered a national holiday, which we annually celebrate on September 27. On this autumn day, educators and other preschool workers receive congratulations on colleagues, parents and children. We offer a variety of greetings on the day of the educator - beautiful "official", funny, in prose and in verses, in pictures. Let's cordially congratulate our educators with their professional holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers

For the first time the day of the educator and all preschool workers was established by the Government of Russia in 2004. After all, the pre-school education of a child is considered the basis for its further development and upbringing. Therefore, on such a day, teachers rightly receive sincere words of gratitude from their parents for their sometimes difficult, but such important work. We picked up the most beautiful congratulations on the educators' day, who, together with a bouquet of autumn colors, will become an excellent gift of teachers and other pre-school employees. Happy holiday!

Who leads at the beginning of life

The very first is our lesson?

Well, of course, the teacher,

He is our first teacher!

We all want to congratulate you

On this holiday from the soul,

Thank you greater thanks

On this day we will declare!

Twenty-seventh of September,

We are glad to this date!

After all, a red calendar day -

Congratulations, teacher!

Your work is not easy, well, let him!

We have enough sadness!

Let it be a joyful way,

Thank you, teacher!

Today I want to wish all the educators and pre-school workers not just patience, but deep wisdom, because in your hands - our future! It is such a fragile, gullible and young, and so needs your love! So let the fruits of your work and upbringing be perfect, unique and beautiful!

Original greetings on the day of the teacher - from parents and children

Working with children is a real vocation and talent from God. As a rule, there is important kindness, patience and sincere love for children for such a profession. So let's congratulate our expensive educators for their endless work, wishing forces and inspiration in further work. Here you will find original congratulations on the day of the teacher from parents and children - each of them will affect the soul and will remember our expensive "culprits" of celebrations for a long time.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! We want to wish that the warmth and care that you invest in our children returned to you strong health, love, financial well-being. Nobody as much as you are not worthy that everything in your life is all stably and happily.

These we were taught these poems

To congratulate you now,

Educators and nanny

Very love, appreciate you!

We wish we success,

With you very good

Interesting to us, not scary,

Everyone is glad that he went to the garden.

Educators to congratulate

With this holiday we want

On this day, we sincerely

Thank you talk!

For care, upbringing,

And for a good one look,

For love and understanding

Our little guys!

Cool greetings on the Educator Day - Work Colleagues

According to the established tradition, on the day of the educator, they celebrate their professional festival, educators, educators, murrants, nannies and other employees of pre-school institutions. Each of them will be pleased to get a congratulation on the holiday from their little pupils and their parents. In addition, with the day of the teacher, a colleague of work congratulates each other - such cool congratulations raise the mood and create an atmosphere of a holiday and fun.

Predictors-colleagues, congratulations!

And on the holiday, our professional wish:

Smiles of children, from parents praise,

And that everyone loved you and respected!

Donate warm kids continue

And do not forget about your vocation!

Do not shout, do not scold, and love

And your pupils you take care!

After all, kindergarten is one family.

Remember it always!

There is no more beautiful profession

Although woe all white light!

All caregivers - Hurray!

Successes, joy in full!

Let the children love us and honor,

Flowers are grateful,

And moms, dad, let them not sleep,

We sincerely thank you!

Huge experience kneading

And there is your whole life ahead

Let it bring only joy,

Accomplishments of all hopes of giving.

So be happy, healthy,

And never lose

And of course, the vigor of the Spirit,

Our colleague, not losing!

Educator Day - Merry Congratulations in Pictures

The educator of a preschool institution is the very first teacher, friend and mentor of a small man. And if we celebrate the teacher's day with great solemnity and pre-prepare the teachers of congratulations in advance, the profession of the caregiver often remains "in the shade." But after all, we trust our babies every day every day, their upbringing and leisure. As congratulations to the day of the teacher, you can send beautiful bright pictures with warm heart wishes. Dear caregivers, good mood and happiness!

Congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers in prose and verse

Every day, teachers in kindergarten spend a significant part of the time with children - they teach them to know the world, develop talents and skills, instill labor and socialization skills. But for this you need so much patience and sincere love for the kids. So our expensive educators and all preschool workers are bowing and respect for warmth, affection, kindness and spiritual participation! We picked up the most beautiful congratulations in verses and prose, which on the day of the educator can be pronounced in a circle of colleagues and friends or send by mail.

Thank you for your noble work and for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you help our babies grow real people. On the day of your holiday, I sincerely, I wish you happiness, good luck and all the best that you can wish!

Happy Educator's Day to congratulate you

And wish health and success

Smiles of children's, joyful laughter

How gratitude for good and light of the soul!

Good day! In 2004, the day of the educator and all preschool workers was established in Russia. The initiative of the appearance of this day in the calendar of professional holidays belonged to a number of Russian pedagogical publications. She was supported by the authors of preschool programs, educators and children's gardens, as well as parents. The holiday is not official, but on this day the solemn events are held, during which the educators and workers of kindergartens congratulate.

On the day of the teacher of congratulations, caregivers sound primarily from the mouth of parents and children, relatives and colleagues. On our site you will find beautiful, spiritual, touching, funny and cool congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers in verses, in prose and in pictures.

Congratulations to colleagues with the day of the teacher in verse

You happy career
Colleagues, congratulations,
Child love
Let us do not leave us.

Preschool workers we,
So with the defore
Trust threads
We are associated with fate.

I wish it
Threads do not break
And never, colleagues, us
With children do not part.

Who, if not we, preschoolers teach

Will make only good features in them?
Not every title get
"Educator", like, colleagues, we got!

Congratulations to all of you with this date,
Wish I want labor success,
New impressions, new knowledge
More wards - where we do without them!

Responsibility for you is a big:

You need to replace mom.
Raise kids all playing
And as relatives to all of them.

On the day of the educator today -
Thank you for the soul we want to say!
Be a prestigious teacher, fashionable
All the lot of earthly wish you!

Dear teachers

With our holiday all of you,
I wish you not to spend
Time in vain you, every time

Explaining that preschoolers
You can do that it is impossible
Better get you fan
That system as i -

Love all children, indulge,
And they will love you
Well, if there are pranks,
Well this is in childhood just right!

We have trust, you, your defense,

Because you are the best teacher in the garden!
Happiness to you in life, success in work,
Live daily only in comfort.

All children be loved,
Always good-natured, unique
Happiness let him be friends with you always
To tear you did not know at all never!

Beautiful poems for the day of the preschool worker to work colleagues

In the morning with a smile of light to work, we go,
To please the kids, they warmly, love to give.
And today is a wonderful holiday. You, colleagues, with our day!
I wish you and gifts and recognized to get.
Let the energy reserves do not end with you.
And everything is enough forces, unrealistic kindness,
To enjoy life, keep the shiny eyes!
Educators and nanny, you - health, beauty!

Colleagues expensive, with the day of the teacher of all of you!
Let it be happy and good every hour.
Let the kids give a smile and warm
So that you were younger, and more often you lucky!
Let the voice laugh and children's mischief
From now on, your cozy house will be filled.
Let your loved ones appreciate your kind, honest work,
Always keep everyone and correctly understand!

Happy teacher, colleague, congratulations!
And I wish the awards every month.
We are very valuable by your profession,
Guarding childhood carefree stand.
We are a concern for carelessly surround
And before bedtime, they are quietly immersed in a fairy tale.
We are all the wizards little, friends!
And I believe that we are almost a family for them.

They are still only crumbs, kids,
But we will have to work with you:
Put the heart and soul particle
To achieve any respect from them.
And today everyone, colleagues, congratulations
Happy educator! Celebrate soon!
Happiness and health sincerely wish!
But the main thing is obedient, gentle children!

Teachers Dear, educators from God,
Today, quite a lot gathered in a glorious holiday today.
I wish you mood, only a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive,
And health, and patience, and in creative work.
Let the salary grows, the vacation is also two times,
So that you can afford the sea, palm trees, islands.
You, colleagues, congratulations! Educators, Hurray!
And now you have come to have fun.

We are with you children from my mother's hands
To the regime, we teach in kindergarten in kindergarten.
For breakfast, lunch - Poems we read guys,
We dance, and play fun with them!
Colleagues, we set up the whole garden charge,
Today, on our holiday, you wish everyone from the soul:
So that joy is a strong stream was unfortunate, beless.
Himself with love for children. Education will send!

Congratulations to colleagues with the day of the teacher in prose

My dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the day of the preschool worker. I wish you all good health and respect, vitality and optimism, good mood and good luck. Let the children please us with their successes and give us an incentive for our activities. Happiness to us all and ringing laughter.

Colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the day of the preschool worker! Our appointment is the upbringing of the younger generation. After all, as you know, you will launch from the small years in a person, it will reflect in his personality in the future. So, let's put in our babies good, humans, justice and courage. And they will thank us with their radiant smiles. Let all we have, as you dream. And long happiness and passionate love, and interesting life, full of exciting moments.

My dear colleagues, congratulations on our professional day, which we waited so long. It is difficult to educate children, learning - three times more difficult, because each child requires increased attention and an individual approach to which we must provide it. Today I want to congratulate all the educators and preschool workers, wishing us all the patience, health and happiness! Let all of our "want" will receive their implementation, and all days will be bright and favorable.

Dear and expensive colleagues, congratulations to all with the Day of the educator and preschool workers. I wish everyone some sensitivity and patience, an easy approach to kids and understanding, joy and sincere children's smiles, personal happiness and family well-being, wealth and respect.

Dear and expensive colleagues, I congratulate you on a professional holiday - with the day of the educator and all preschool workers. Take sincere congratulations and wishes of kind health and well-being, respect and understanding, joyful mood and intertirous children, obedience and funny fun, high success and wonderful mood.

The profession of an employee of a preschool institution requires a specialist complete self-dedication. Investing the soul in his work should literally all: from kindergartens and nurses to physical education teachers and music of the head. But the biggest responsibility to go on the shoulders of educators. Only they are the owners of limitless patience and love for their work - are able to lay a reliable foundation in the psychological, physical and communicative development of kids. The educator is the second mother, the educator - the first teacher, the educator - a reliable friend and assistant guys. Do not forget about it in the professional holiday of all preschool workers. After all, sincere congratulations on the 2017 teacher Day from children, parents, colleagues and other kindergarten workers are nothing but gratitude for the future of babies, expressed in beautiful verses, spiritual prose or bright festive pictures.

Beautiful congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers 2017

The day of the educator and all preschool workers is an official festival dedicated to the opening of the first institution of kindergarten type in Russia. Back in 1863, an enterprising humanist and the wife of the St. Petersburg philologist Sophia Lugerbil worked on the basis of the optimal children's educational institution, and judging by today's popularization of those, her idea was successful. In 2017, the holiday of educators and all preschool workers falls on September 27, it is on this day that it is customary to give the perpetrators of the celebration of bright flower bouquets, cute gifts and good greetings in verses, prose, pictures or short SMS.

Beautiful congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers 2017 are looking for in the next section.

Examples of the most beautiful congratulations on the day of the educator and other preschool workers 2017

We have known the world with a children's fairy tale.
And fabulous days
When for the first time we, with caution,
In children's kindergarten, moms led.
We were discovered
And the new world, and the new light.
They were taught us letters
Gave the life advice.

There is a day in September of very gentle people,
Pre-school workers of good.
You love sincerely our children,
Naive guys are unmatched.
Thank you, relatives, for wisdom, warm,
For your attention and affection.
Let your hearter all skill
The world of children will enhance in a fairy tale!
We wish you decent salaries,
Smaller moral losses.
Not modest houses - presidential chambers,
And strong, hot drinks.

You are always friendly, attentive
So miles, concern always!
Happy holiday caregivers!
Happiness to you for many years!
You are your big and kind heart
Warmed children's hearts
Teacher to be - this is a calling,
After all, children are like to be like!

Touching greetings in verse from parents and children with the day of the teacher

The educator of a kindergarten is the first experienced man who occurs to the kids on their fabulous path to the unknown "big world". Its role in the development of a child is invaluable, because the teacher becomes an important link with a wide, and sometimes aggressive environment. The competent worker of the preschool institution is not just a nanny, who follows the safety of children and supporting on each step. This is a teacher who knows how to find a common language with each ward, painlessly solve any conflict, it is interesting and accessible to explain the origin and appointment of all the surrounding items and phenomena inspired or unnecessary. In touching congratulations in verses from parents and children with the day of the educator, it is necessary to express the teacher not only thanks, but also admiration for his difficult everyday labor. It is worth wishing the preschool worker of patience, tranquility, self-confidence, success in any endeavors, fulfillment of all desires. Choose ready-made congratulations to the day of upbringing in verses from parents and children, add a couple of your personal wishes and travel by heart for even greater persuasiveness.

A selection of most touching congratulations in verses from children and parents to the day of the teacher

Who is capable of replacing relatives
Giving a baby ray of light?
Who is able to read a child to teach?
Educator, of course, it!

Yes, your profession is worthy of
So that people always understood:
The teacher creates your baby,
He will assign all sorrow from him!

We do not often think about it
But there are people whose difficult work
Responded in the life of an adult echo,
Therefore, we gathered here.
Workers gathered to congratulate
Those institutions that later
With the onset of our adult life,
Simply call.

Educator of everyone is smart
All more expensive and more important!
And the kinder of all in the world
Children know everything!
All kindergarten workers
Waiting for an excellent reward:
It's the happiness of all kids
Nastya, Dash, Bogdanov, Bears!
Do not get sick,
Better just young!
Congratulations we cordially
We wish the happiness!

Funny congratulations in prose with the day of the teacher to colleagues

The pre-school period is one of the most important and responsible guys. At this age, the boys and girls begin to instill love for nature, respect for the elders, pride and patriotism towards their homeland. Such a period is the beginning not only the foundations of the health and worldview of children, but also the formation of personality, morality, feelings of their own "I". And all these important tasks for the most part fall on the shoulders of educators. Fortunately, for serious affairs, real teachers can find time for jokes, fun, joy and carefree pastime with kids. The same applies to congratulations to the day of the tutor: you should not overdo the official and excessive lyricality, it is better to choose funny rhymes and present to the colleagues in kindergarten. Simple quatrains for a cheerful manner will probably raise the mood of teachers and worshiper in their professional holiday. And the most cool congratulations in prose with the day of the teacher of colleagues you can always choose from us.

Examples of cool congratulations to colleagues to the day of the educator and other preschool workers

What is kindergarten? Vataga friends, dairy porridge, common toys, a quiet hour and, of course, good caregivers, almost relatives ... Congratulations on the teacher Day! Let you always have enough strength to work in which there is a big award - the attachment of children and good rates of education that will remain with them! Let you have bright happiness!

Children are easy to love! "Oh, what baby!". But try, look behind Vatagi Karapuzov-Fidget! You are the salvation of employed parents and those people with whom children not only in security, but with whom they recognize so much - as the flower is called, how to fold words from cubes, how to be friends and dress yourself ... sincere congratulations on the Day of the Educator and the best wishes!

Our favorite educator is a golden man! Rigor to the measure, and attentive caringness - immensely! On the day of the educator - congratulations to you from the guys and their parents, as well as the wishes that mental work was with you for a long time! Believe me, children will not forget you, and maybe one day lead to you and your kids.

Short Sms-Congratulations on the Day of Children's Garden

Are there many people who have a friend or relative (mom, aunt, godfather, girlfriend, neighbor, etc.) - an employee of the field of pre-school education? Not much, but they are! And not always these people live in walking distance to their parents-educators. In this time, it is worth congratulating a close man with the Day of the Children's Garden Educator through a short SMS greeting. The postcard is too long, the email does not cause live emotions. And short SMS-congratulations on the day of the teacher of a kindergarten - it is always fun and very nice.

A selection of short SMS congratulations to the educator of a kindergarten for a professional holiday

I want you i wish
In working with the defore
Hands never omit
And always like this:

Beautiful, tender, for guys
Through kindness!
They proudly say -
You are my teacher!

Be the tutor is not easy!
Sometimes because father and mother -
Native people, two adults,
Unable to cope with the tea!

We wish you patience
In your work difficult,
We congratulate you from the heart
You always have a young soul!

Cool congratulations on humor with the day of the teacher

The first kindergarten in Russia opened the doors for children from 3 to 8 years. The children were under guardianship and nurse to half the day, and during this period they studied the basics of hygiene and communicative skills, received their first knowledge about nature, the environment and other things. But from the moment it was a bough of 150 years, and today's kindergarten formation of fat is more diverse, and the kindergartens have changed dramatically. The same applies to congratulations on the Educator Day: instead of three bright carnations with paper postcards, children and parents will present the teachers of cool greetings, prosaic texts "in their own words" or funny pictures with notes of humor. And the closer the feast of preschool workers is coming, the diligent and more actively children and parents pick up cool congratulations on humor with the day of the teacher.

Examples of cool congratulations on the day of preschool workers

How much eyes need and hands
To keep track around
Behind your Tyventants -
Golden Lollipops.
There - laughs, here - pay,
And the other on the stick jumps ...
Not everyone here with this business
Quickly cope, skillfully.
The teacher will all have time:
He will punish, regret,
Kisses and feed
Before bedtime, he will remember a fairy tale.
The garden teacher is needed
Without him, he is not so friendly.
Helmet you joy wagon
From colleagues - big bow!

Moms are different,
Moms are different important!
And when all at work,
Only aunt will help here.
All are ready to replace
And we have pranks to forgive.
Educators - give you
Congratulations to the soul of Ov
Games, contests, riddles
Everything becomes you need.
Life is empty and lonely
So, probably cruel.
Only here we will protect us
And the care is surrounded.

At the teacher, work -
This is still concern!
It is necessary to wipe snot
Song singing and dancing.
Comb, kiss
Feed and specify.
He laughs hersing
This stick is chasing all.
Try, cutting,
In the purpose of all saved.
Here with one thing oh how hard it is
And you do not find them.
How much eye do you need?
And the hands, well, exactly six.
We are calm for children
For his pencils.
You congratulations from the soul
And bow to you to the earth!

Interesting congratulations on the day of the teacher in pictures

If parents and employees have the opportunity to plan the day of the educator in advance, it is worth preparing a small matinee with children's speeches, thanks to parents, interesting congratulations to colleagues. On such a holiday, there are exhibitions of thematic drawings and crafts, photocollages with favorite teachers, vocal dance rooms and a light buffet. But if there is neither time or forces on such global preparation for the celebration, it is possible to give interesting congratulations on the teacher in the pictures of the kindergarten. We have collected the most successful options below.

A selection of bright greeting pictures on the day of the caregiver 2017

All young parents know for sure: congratulations on the 2017 teacher Day in verses, prose or pictures are the important and necessary part of the holiday program. After all, thank and respect the worker of a kindergarten, which invested the part of the soul in your child is a holy deal. Do not skimp on praise, choose the most sincere and original greetings from children, parents, garde colleagues.

Choose the name of the birthday

Congratulations on the Educator Day and all preschool workers in verse

"Congratulations to educators"

Pre-school worker
Our friend, teacher.
Sometimes dissatisfied,
Kids buddy.

But more often - smiling,
Kind, cheerful,
Beautiful, responsive,
Although labor and heavy.

"Congratulations to educators in verses"

On the day of the preschool worker always
We honor nanny and educators -
Patient, kind and caring,
First for children of teachers.

Many falls in the garden worries,
And often they do not care
The more valuable their concern, kindness
And decrease smile Imaging the trouble!

"Poems to the Day of the Educator"

Happy Nannies, educators
I hurry, I congratulate you!
You are a kind fairy for kids
I tell you without embellish!

With a smile, care and caress
By group parity you
And games, classes, fairy tales
All interesting, new!

I wish you inspiration
Happiness in fate and good
Let it be obedient, cheerful
In the garden you have a defector!

"New congratulations on the Educator Day"

Educator, undoubtedly -
This work is difficult.
Praise you are worthy -
Your work is important!

We wish good luck,
Emit good!
After all, it is impossible to live otherwise
So that in life is lucky!

"Poems to the Day of Preschool Employee"

And the head of our beauty
And with all matters copes.
And her work is volumetric,
And thanks to her, let's say a huge
For the ability to compete
And effort to finance
Fresh food
And the kindergarten prosperity!

"Poems on the day of all preschool workers"

You, on the fruits of efforts,
Must be a proud!
And years on the kids spending
You value your own way!

Touching you and understanding
After all, the tutor is the one
Who, applying your stales,
The road to children gives life!

"Congratulations on the Day of Preschool Employee"

How much eyes need and hands
To keep track around
Behind your Tyventants -
Golden Lollipops.

There - laughs, here - pay,
And the other on the stick jumps ...
Not everyone here with this business
Quickly cope, skillfully.

The teacher will all have time:
He will punish, regret,
Kisses and feed
Before bedtime, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden teacher is needed
Without him, he is not so friendly.
Helmet you joy wagon
From parents - bow!