A simple effective money conspiracy to read. Strong conspiracies for money and wealth. Rituals from lack of money. Cash flow opening. Conspiracy option to get money for the right business

Would you like to become rich and successful? "A funny question, asked by a strange author!" - you might think. Who in our time is not eager to throw money left and right? Of course, everyone wants it! Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky in this sense. Some "green papers" simply stick, and they hardly make any corresponding efforts, unlike the others, who, due to their diligence, swiftness, efficiency, craving for knowledge, regularly observe how money "floats" by, demonstratively jumping into the pocket of a colleague for work. "Well, why such injustice?" - you ask. The answer is simple. Perhaps you have “moneyless damage”, which simply does not give you the opportunity to get rich and enjoy a measured life, or maybe you handle money inappropriately, throwing unnecessary coins into the trash bin or, crumpling, put bills in your pocket ... So what to do in that case? Of course, turn to magic, do not sit back and watch how wealth "flies" past you into your neighbor's pocket. Before reading various spells and performing rituals for money, familiarize yourself with some of the necessary rules that apply to handling cash.

What to do in case of a material shortage?

  1. Borrow money only for a young month, and repay debts for a flawed one.
  2. Do not borrow money in the evening and at night, otherwise they will never be found.
  3. Do not lend on Sunday, otherwise there is a possibility that the cash will simply not be returned.
  4. Do not borrow or repay on Monday.
  5. If you borrow on Tuesday, you won't end up in debt for the rest of your life.
  6. Give money only with your right hand, and take with your left.
  7. When the dog in the house is whelping, and the cat is lambing, give the fluffy to the neighbors, and at the same time say: "They are having fun for you, but they will give us more money."
  8. Never give up on change in a store or market.
  9. If you have a lot of small change in your wallet, give it to the beggars on Sunday.
  10. Do not store crumpled bills in your pocket.
  11. Never throw away small change, it is better to give it to the poor.
  12. The assertion that a broom with its throwing side up brings wealth is actually wrong.
  13. Do not keep empty bottles and jars in your home.
  14. Do not leave your wallet empty, put at least some banknote there.
  15. Start sweeping the floors from the threshold.
  16. Do not pass money from hand to hand, place it on the surface.
  17. Engage in self-hypnosis, never be apologetic, act like you are a rich person.

So that is all! Now let's look at how money magic can contribute to business success and enrichment. Read and apply in life.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala will help you become rich

This ritual is power. In order to carry it out, you should buy a chicken, preferably homemade. Next, you need to wrap it in a headscarf and tie it in a knot. A prerequisite is that the scarf must be yours. So, dip the tied chicken in boiling water and say the following words:

  • "Whoever tastes this chicken will give me happiness, luck, wealth and strength."

Stay away from the stove until the bird is cooked. How much it will be cooked, everyone probably knows, so there should not be any special difficulties here. After it reaches full readiness, turn off the stove and leave the chicken to simmer until morning, do not remove it from the pan. And in the morning, take it out, take it to the church and give it to nuns or beggars. Remember that you should not eat, drink, or talk until you pass the chicken. After the magic ritual for good luck has been completed, 3 days after that you cannot lend to anyone.

How will aspen help?

In autumn, when the leaves begin to fall from the trees, go to the forest and find an aspen there, on which there are still many leaves. Walk up to her, hug a tree and, closing your eyes, read this conspiracy:

  • “As the words are true that Judas hanged himself on the aspen and how many leaves fall at my feet, so may I have a lot of money as well and true. Amen".

Wait a few more seconds, mentally imagining how your "money" dream comes true.

How to raise money on the eve of the wedding?

White magic will help in this, the conspiracies and rituals of which were still valued by our ancestors. The newlyweds on the eve of their wedding should recite the following spell:

  • “Money, money, flow like a river,
    Always be in the pocket of the servant of God (name of the bride) and the servant of God (name of the groom),
    So that until the end of their days they have them
    And they lived their whole lives in abundance.
    To my word a key and a lock. Amen".

How to lure money with bird feathers?

In order not to remain in complete poverty all your life, never throw away feathers after plucking a chicken, goose, turkey or any other bird, they, as has long been known, can bring wealth. To do this, collect them in a rag, take them out into the field and, shaking them out, say the following words:

  • “How many feathers, so much money. As the feathers of this bird will not grow, so I will never be poor. Amen".

How to get money by begging?

When giving alms, say: "Let the hand of the giver not be scanty." If you want you to always have money, never refuse alms to the poor, otherwise you will not see wealth.

How to start a business?

In order for the buyer to purchase your product, before going to the store or to the market, read the following conspiracy:

  • “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The church is anchored by faith, the earth is anchored by heaven, teeth are anchored by gums, winters meet with springs, buyers with my product. To my words a key and a lock. Amen".

If you are a waiter and want more tips, wait until the full moon comes (rituals for money at this time are considered very effective). Get a new white handkerchief, which must be peeking out of the pocket while you work. Say the following words over him:

  • “God's Pleasants! Apply your cares and entreaties to me, God's Servant (name). So that everyone who is next to me will reward me with generous mercy. Put gold and silver on my hand, Lord. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

If your loved ones are wasting money

Money magic in this case advises to carry out the ritual with the help of a guard dog. To do this, prepare food and speak it with these words:

  • “As the dog protects and guards the master's good, so you, the servant of God, be thrifty of money. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, give the spender to eat, and what remains, give to the guard dog.

How to attract good luck?

White magic, conspiracies and rituals of which are carried out with the help of a chicken egg, was considered by our ancestors to be very strong and effective in attracting wealth and good luck. To do this, take the first laid egg on Easter, break it in an earthenware dish and say:

  • “Be the egg in me, and luck is on me. Amen".

Then drink it right away - and good luck will not leave you for a whole year.

Raising money and good luck: a ritual with 13 coins

This ritual will especially help those who have “money taint”. To carry it out, you should take 13 kopecks, place them in a handkerchief and tie them in a knot. This knot must be taken to the forest and left at the intersection of four paths. After that, you should immediately leave the forest, without looking back, not talking to anyone along the way. Above the knot, you should read the following conspiracy:

  • "My dear, poverty,
    Get off my ridge
    Get off me, get on the little change.
    Who will take my penny
    He will take it from my ridge.
    Damn, damn, come, take my pennies
    Free me from poverty.

Conspiracy for a young month

New moon rituals for money are also considered to be very effective. To carry out one of them, you should buy a scarf, then go out and start waving it for a young month. At the same time, sentence:

  • “Elisha and Moses are prophets,
    Over there the young month is growing
    He brings glory to God,
    Let me, the servant of God (name),
    Profit grows, brings prosperity. Amen".

For grain

Cash rituals are also often performed when feeding poultry or wild birds. To do this, scatter grain (or anything you can feed the birds with) and say:

  • “How many birds will peck,
    So much the Lord will be kind to me.

    Now and forever and ever. Amen".

You will soon notice how life is changing.

How to get wealth? White magic will help

The spell for money is read on Krasnaya Gorka (the first Sunday after Easter). To do this, get any icon in the church, wash yourself with water, with which you first washed it. And at this time, say:

  • “7 temples have 7 pillars, in one of the temples there is a Giving to God. To Supply God is the true word. Delivered by God Solomon. Whoever touches the God-given will wash with these phrases after the holy icon, a rich destiny will be revealed to him, and the treasures will be exposed. Gold, silver will be sealed according to the servant of God (name). Truly now, truly will always be, God's servants (name) God's supply will never forget. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Under no circumstances and under any circumstances tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise you can scare off the money.

How to break the poverty spell?

Magic for money is considered very strong if one of the main attributes of the rite is a church candle. To implement one of them, you will need: a personalized icon, money and three candles bought in the church. Wait 3 am and light them up. Place your right hand on banknotes, and your left hand on your icon. Read the conspiracy:

  • "Hello, dark night,
    I am your adopted daughter.
    The vegetable garden is my wallet.
    No one will take my fruits.
    Who took my wealth
    Who took my luck
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    I gave it back through the candles.
    Took a shovel on Monday
    The land was plowed on Tuesday
    I bought grain on Wednesday
    I planted the grain on Thursday
    Poured it on Friday
    Harvested grain on Saturday
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    How many grains are in the field, and how not to count,
    And how not to eat them at one time,
    So there would be many and many,
    Money in my wallet.
    Key. Castle. Tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell the spell in an undertone. Look at this time only in front of you, do not be distracted by anything. After reading, extinguish all the candles and place them in your wallet along with the money, hide it away from prying eyes. The candles must be in your wallet for at least three days. After this period, twist them together, light them and let them burn out until the end. Open the window and position the burning candles so that the smoke goes towards the sky.

What to do if you urgently need a large amount of money?

There are also rituals for money, which are performed when a large amount is urgently needed. One of them is this: buy five candles in the church, light them with a match and read the spell:

  • “Jesus the Savior, support and hope, the Most Holy Theotokos, the support of Jesus, walked across the sky, carried many bags of money, the bags were torn, the money fell. I, (name), walked along the ground, picked up the money and carried it home to me, lit candles and distributed it to my loved ones. Candles, burn out, money in my house come! Till the end of time. Amen".

After reading, wait until all the candles have burned out to the end, the remaining wax should be collected and molded into a cake from it, which must be placed in the wallet. This will be your valuable one should appear very soon.

If you need conspiracies and rituals for money to get a specific amount, you can try the following option. Buy a green candle with your name and amount written on it. After that, grease the candle with vegetable oil and sprinkle it with basil powder, then light it and say the following words:

  • "Money grows, they come and find their way into my pocket."

It is more advisable to carry out these rituals on a full moon, then the result will be immediate.

How to attract money in the New Year?

In order not to know about failures all year and to be always in abundance, read a few recommendations and tips that will help you not to think about poverty and meet the upcoming New Year appropriately.

So let's get started!

  1. During the chimes, take a gold coin and hold it in your hand.
  2. To have abundance in the New Year, on December 31, write yourself a greeting card with wishes, then send it to yourself by mail.
  3. Do not celebrate the holiday with an empty wallet and pockets.
  4. Dress up in something bright and pretty, and place fancy dishes on the table.
  5. Before the New Year, open the door and sweep out all the trash. This is necessary so that all problems go away from your home.
  6. Place a bag of coins in the refrigerator on New Year's Eve and keep them there for at least 12 days.
  7. Do not take out the trash or clean up on January 1st to avoid financial problems in the New Year.

Features of rituals for money

All rituals for money require strict adherence to all the necessary recommendations. Otherwise, the expected result may not be achieved.

  1. Do not tell anyone that you have ever performed rituals for money in your life.
  2. If the main attribute in the implementation of the monetary ceremony is a candle, it is more expedient to acquire a church candle, and it is better to set it on fire with a match.
  3. It is very important to be completely alone during the ritual so that you can properly concentrate and not be distracted by strangers.
  4. Treat the rituals with special care and concentration; in this case, never rush.
  5. and on the advice of our ancestors, they are considered the most effective. This is explained by the fact that it is the sacraments performed at this time that will bring prosperity.
  6. The best days of the week for monetary rituals are Wednesday and Thursday.

Remember that magic for money will only work if you truly believe in it. Therefore, conducting a ceremony or reading a conspiracy, wish yourself with all your heart wealth and good luck in business. Do not perform several different rituals at once, this will not make any sense, moreover, money will simply turn away from you. Remember, money requires neatness and respect.

Each of us has repeatedly faced financial difficulties and difficult periods in life, when Fortune sneered by and turned away. In such cases, a money conspiracy, which you can read yourself, may well help. We have collected for you various options for such rituals, as well as reviews on their use. Finding a strong money conspiracy is not easy. Many sites offer various variations of these or those rituals for water, 7 coins, fire and wheat. But their effectiveness has not been confirmed by anything, and it is dangerous to experiment with spells without proper testing.

The use of white money magic is quite effective, provided that the person accurately fulfills all the conditions of the ceremony.

Like attracts like, so wealth conspiracies are often read over precious objects.

Incorrectly formulated slander can seriously harm not only your energy, but also the energy of your entire environment (family, colleagues, friends). And at best, nothing will happen.

Any conspiracy or spell is necessarily accompanied by any magical actions, movements and manipulations. Their observance is also mandatory, otherwise the conspiracy will simply lose its power.

The most powerful conspiracies for money differ not only in the "verbal component" but also in the energy. They usually require several stages of implementation and a symbolic sacrifice. Such ceremonies will provide not only a quick addition of money, but also career advancement with a subsequent increase in earnings.

A strong conspiracy for money that cannot be removed is problematic to find in books or on primitive magic sites. Such spells belong to ancient magic and are incredibly rare.

To ensure that such a slander works effectively throughout your life, fully adhere to the instructions provided. Remember, this conspiracy for money is very strong, and is used only once in a lifetime and the correctness of its implementation plays a truly fateful role. If you do everything right, you will be assured of the rest of your life in wealth and luxury.

Instructions for conducting a strong money conspiracy

The order of the ritual

Take some time to prepare for the ritual:

  • You need to collect several symbols of wealth. This will require the largest banknote in the currency in which you want to see your income,
  • Five red candles made from natural wax.
  • The most difficult component for this conspiracy is the rod of wealth. It can be obtained from specialty stores that have other magic items. You may spend a lot of time looking for it, but it will be worth it.
  • When all the attributes are collected, you need to calculate a certain day of the moon's growth. The conspiracy must be carried out strictly on the SECOND DAY of the NEW MOON day. This is very important, check with it before moving on.

When everything is ready, you can start the ritual:

  1. Take a large sheet of paper (A1 size "Whatman") and draw on it a pentagram symbol - an ordinary five-pointed star. This pentagram was used by philosophers and magicians of the era of Pythagoras. This is a sign that symbolizes harmony, wealth and health, and is a kind of aggregator of the power of the growing moon.
  2. On the desired night, place the leaf on the floor in front of the window where the moon should be visible. In other words, you need to see all the magic symbols and the heavenly body when reading the conspiracy.
  3. Place one candle in each corner of the drawn pentagram, and place the wand of wealth and a banknote in the center.
  4. Stand with your gaze on the waxing moon and light red candles.
  5. Concentrate, drop all thoughts, join your arms across your chest, close your eyes and mentally imagine your life of wealth and luxury. Spell the spell of wealth with confidence and with great faith:

The moon is growing in breadth, it will bring a lot of money.

The month is updated - money appears.

Let the energy of the moon turn into monetary energy.

Fills every corner of my life.

I am increasing my wealth.

Endless moonlight - endless wealth and cash flow!

Put the charted bill in your wallet, and never change it. But the wand must be hidden somewhere at home, in such a place that it does not come across strangers in the eye. Candles, a leaf with a pentagram must be burned or buried.

Author's conspiracies for money

Wanga's conspiracy for money

The Bulgarian clairvoyant gained well-deserved fame thanks to her ability to predict the future, see the past, heal, and also provide all possible help to people in their troubles. In our article, we present to your attention a strong conspiracy for money from Vanga. Since the money issue is always associated with solving other more serious problems, for example, health problems, she took it very seriously as children.

Therefore, it is very important that you take your serious attitude towards the goals for which you are asking for money. give the effect almost instantly. You may be offered a promotion at work or unexpectedly paid a bonus. Be ready to fulfill your promise, that is, spend the money you receive in a good way.

By the way, if you send part of the money received as a result of the conspiracy to provide gratuitous assistance to a person in need, then this money will return to you threefold.

But if you break your promise and spend money with evil or dishonest intentions, then you will lose tenfold from you. Therefore, be careful with your desires and actions, because the result of the most powerful conspiracy of the great Vanga is completely in your hands!

Pay attention to the effective conspiracy proposed by Wanga, he is considered one of the most powerful in money magic.

How to carry out the ritual correctly?

This ritual is for women and is not recommended for men. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The plot is read strictly on Friday at sunset.
  2. You will need to wear a white shirt that has not yet been worn,
  3. Let your hair down and sit facing the east corner of your room.
  4. Take a pen and draw any of the money symbols on the inside of your ring finger, or just write the name of the currency.
  5. Then put this finger on the corner and start a plot for good luck and money read from Vanga:

I call upon me to bow to the forces of light and of the dark.

Angelic beings from the light heavens and devils from the fiery hyena.

I ask that terrible force to attract a bag of money into my home,

And also a success-benefactor.

Angelic beings, I will ask you to learn to act correctly and judiciously,

So that my goodness always remains with me.

And may they help me to overcome what has been laid on my shoulders with a heavy and unbearable burden.

Key, lock, tongue.

When you complete this ritual, immediately go to bed. Don't wash your hands until the next morning.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova for money

The magical conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Magic conspiracies that contribute to increasing financial well-being have been popular since ancient times. One of the most effective and efficient spells for money can be called. At the same time, you can start talking to yourself not only about success in the financial sphere, but also in work, study, love and other fields of activity.

Debt relief conspiracy option

  1. Wait until the first Thursday of the new month,
  2. On this day, at night, go to the crossroads (try to find the most deserted place where there is no transport).
  3. Throw a previously prepared ball of red thread on the ground and say the following words three times:

My poverty, uninvited by me, Guests who came to me uninvited, Descend poverty on this red thread, From now on you will not be with me, will not live. So it is said, so it is done and it will be so. Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy option to get money for the right business

So, for this ritual, you need to go outside before sunrise, turn your face to the East and wait for the first rays of the sun to appear. As soon as the earth is illuminated by sunlight, start reading the conspiracy:

I woke up early in the morning to greet the red sun and fulfill my cherished desire.

On the east side, there are three wise men: the first of them knows what I must receive,

The second one knows where to find this desired, and the third will tell you how you can get it.

I will reveal my secret to those wise men: I will tell about the desires of my cherished ones (you should name what you want to receive)

I ask them to give me wisdom to get what I want. Key, lock, tongue.

After receiving the money, you need to spend it only on what you planned. In the same case, if you spend money not for its intended purpose, you will lose everything acquired. Money and wealth do not tolerate deception and next time no conspiracy can help you.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Conspiracies for various purposes

To get money quickly for milk

It happens that money is needed as soon as possible, but you have no idea where you can get the required amount. Some will advise you to rely on fate, others will advise you to take a loan from a bank And you can use a quick conspiracy to raise money, which will help you find the right amount.

  1. In the early morning, go to the market and buy fresh "homemade" milk, about 10-12 liters.
  2. Buy the most expensive thing on the market, preferably from a not too young woman or grandmother.
  3. Don't take the change, leave it to the saleswoman.
  4. Pour it into 12 small jars at home.
  5. Pouring milk, utter a conspiracy to get money quickly.

There is a hill in the field, a high mountain right on the hill, a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.

The bull had huge horns right up to the sun, the cow had an udder half the size of the Earth.

I will go out into the field, climb the hill, find that meadow, cut off the horns of that bull and milk the cow.

A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.

And in my house the profit will grow, the wealth will increase.

Let it be so!

Continue as follows:

  • Repeat the plot continuously until you have spilled all the milk.
  • Now the hardest part: you need to come up with and make 12 different dishes in each of which you use 1 can of milk. Any recipe is suitable.
  • The resulting dishes must be eaten no later than three days in advance.
  • Most of it needs to be distributed to friends, neighbors and, of course, colleagues.
  • Everyone you treat will bring you money within three months.

A conspiracy, if money is urgently needed, must be read in high spirits. If the mood is spoiled, and thoughts are clouded by something, then the ceremony may not work or aggravate the situation. In other words, if you are depressed, there can be no talk of any magic.

Sunflower debt repayment conspiracies

White magic will help you pay back your debt

  • On a full moon, place your empty wallet on the windowsill.
  • It is best to choose a large purse of bright color (yellow, red, green).
  • Remember bright colors attract money.
  • While looking at the moon, repeat the following spell:

So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!

Help the Moon, Lady of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent prosperity

And fill my purse to overflowing! I conjure you! Let it be so!

  • When casting a spell on the third day, put in your wallet all the funds that you find in the house.
  • After that, tie it with a red thread and leave it next to the white wax candle.
  • Wait until it burns down completely.
  • After that, the wallet can be opened and money can be used.

Loaf of bread conspiracy

Dawn Money Conspiracy

An effective conspiracy for luck and money

The next version of the conspiracy should be read early in the morning, at dawn. In order for the result of the ritual to be as pronounced as possible, wait for the arrival of the young moon. Prepare a new, unused basin or large container. In the morning before dawn, get up and with the appearance of the first sunbeam on the horizon, wash yourself with clean running water over the basin, while reading the plot for luck and money:

As clear water pours out of the basin,

Also, let money be attracted to me,

They stay with me and never run out.

Let it be so.

The above, the words of the conspiracy must be memorized and pronounced twelve times. Then wipe yourself off with a clean handkerchief and keep it with you at all times for 30 calendar days.

Advice: The most important point that should not be overlooked is that under no circumstances give this scarf to strangers, it is desirable that it is not visible to prying eyes at all. Otherwise, the power of the conspiracy will pass to another person.

New moon money conspiracies

In order to carry out conspiracies on the new moon for money and wealth, you will need 12 coins, it is desirable that they are all different (of different denominations, different countries or different sizes). Determine the date of the new moon according to the lunar calendar and start the ritual:

First option

Go outside this night, face the moon. It is important that on this day the moon is not hidden behind the clouds. Stretch out your palm with coins towards the moonlight and say three times:

As under the sun every creature of God grows and multiplies,

So my money will grow and multiply under the moon.

Let it be so!"

Then make a fist with your palm and go home. On the way, don't talk to anyone or look anyone in the eye. At home, put the money under your pillow and go to bed. After waking up, carry these coins with you until the full moon, as soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to get rid of some of the money, for example, spend on purchases. After three cycles of the moon, you can again read the conspiracy for money on the new moon.

Second option

The result will be a significant increase in your monetary wealth! How can this be manifested? As practice shows, most often money comes without any additional effort. That is, you can completely accidentally find bills or coins on the street, or you can be provided with gratuitous financial assistance, you can receive a cash gift and more. Isn't it so much more pleasant to receive money without making any effort?

To complete the second rice conspiracy for money, you will need a handful of white round grain rice. It is very important to take a handful of rice from a new pack purchased the day before. On a clear cloudless night of the new moon, turn off the light in the room and go to the window, preferably if possible, open it, or at least make a small gap. Gently pour the rice from the right palm to the left palm and vice versa, saying the following words three times:

As rice grows on the water, so the moon grows in the yard,

As much rice in the field, so much money in the house.

May it be so forever! "

  • After the ritual, sprinkle the rice in the places where you keep your money: pockets, bag sections, wallets, and other places.
  • Please note that not a single spelled grain should be lost or fall on the floor.
  • When you fall to the floor, the wealth orientation immediately ends. Therefore, carefully monitor the safety of all grains.
  • It is also impossible for strangers to see these grains. As soon as the full moon comes, the scattered grains must be collected and thrown into any natural body of water, saying:

"I answer good with good, answer good with good, answer good with good."

With this action, you thank mother nature for the result, feeding her small creatures.

Consequences of conspiracies for money

Any action taken, even not magical, affects our life.

The consequences of reading conspiracies for luck and money can be very different. Before reading money conspiracies, reviews and the consequences of their use should also be carefully studied.

White magic, like black magic, gives its own warnings about what can happen to a person in the future.

Each person should remember that after casting even an insignificant spell, he completely changes inside. His aura not only changes its original color, but also begins to carry a completely different energy.

If the conspiracy was read in the wrong way and the person was skeptical from the very beginning, then the ceremony may not work. In some cases, it negatively affects the state of the individual and her later life, namely, the following are possible:

  1. Deterioration of health, the appearance of chronic diseases;
  2. Problems at work, demotion;
  3. Quarrels with relatives, friends;
  4. Loss of a large amount of money;
  5. Weakness, tiredness;
  6. Feelings of the constant presence of someone nearby.

Conspiracies focused on attracting luck and money can work positively and set a person on the right wave. After a successful ceremony, a person gets what he wants in full.

Conspiracies can operate throughout life, if every few years repeat the course of the ceremony.

A well-chosen conspiracy for luck and money will help solve a specific financial issue, get rid of poverty, or make money luck a constant companion. Below you will find conspiracies and prayers to attract money and good luck, useful tips regarding the energy of prosperity and wealth.

In the article:

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money

Even a skeptic will not dare to deny the magical power of words and thoughts today. The energy present in everything makes ordinary phrases a kind of instrument capable of creating and destroying. One word that carries negative or limiting information can block the path to well-being, while another, which is a conspiracy for luck and money, can fill with the energy of prosperity.

In order for the word to gain strength, capable and good luck, it is necessary to put all your desire into it. Visualization will be a great helper in this: drawing pictures in your own imagination, symbolizing wealth. This technique gives extra, very powerful energy to any ritual.

The rituals should be performed with a pure heart and a light soul: you need to forgive those around you voluntary or involuntary offenses, apologize to everyone for your mistakes. It is enough to do it before your conscience, honestly and sincerely. A feeling of inner harmony, belief in the power of words and imagination turn even the most incredible conspiracy or prayer into magic.

How many fish are in the water, so let a lot of money for me,
as there are many trees in the forest, so let there be a lot of money for me,
grow, night, grow and give me the servant of God (name), riches!

The text is pronounced three times, after which the coin or bill must be hidden in the right (if facing east) eastern corner of the apartment for twelve days. After the expiration of the period, the money you have been talking about must be spent.

On every even day of the calendar, a prayer that is read on a penny before burying it under an aspen acquires special power:

God be with you, my soot.
Grow by sprout, live by harvest.
How does not a mouse gnaw you,
The worm does not exude
So that no one wasting my money either.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The warmth of the energy of luck can be felt if three church candles are lit in the room, the room is fumigated with incense, continuously reading:

I opened the doors
Called good luck
I will live beautifully
Have fun, happily

New moon conspiracies for money

Our ancestors also called for help, and each phase of this planet was used for certain rituals. To add wealth, increase what has already been acquired, to obtain the desired result in business, the ideal time is recognized as a new moon or a young, growing month. During this period, the processes falling under the influence of the Moon are actively growing, so any conspiracy for luck and money will be effective.

Lord come, Mother of God help. The month was born thin and thin, Mother Night feeds it, every day adds. Was thin, and became a full moon. So I had bad money, but it will become full of money, like the moon is full. Amen.

To increase profits, you need to dissolve three pinches of salt in spring water, sprinkle three copper coins with this solution, go out into the yard under a young month, sorting out the money in your hands and say three times:

Month young! How many stars are in the sky, how much water is in the sea - there will be so much money in my wallet!

Then wrap the coins in a scarf and carry them with you until the next new moon, the material condition will noticeably improve. It is useful to carry out the ritual every time a thin crescent moon appears in the sky.
The gypsies knew well how to attract luck and money. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, they were far from poor. complex, but work wonders.

If, on the first day of the new moon, you bring moss, three white stones and seven acorns from the forest, you can perform a ceremony that attracts money very quickly. Acorns and stones are wrapped in moss, tied with a gray thread, placed near the bed, on which they go to sleep. You will have to lie in bed for a whole day - from midnight to midnight. At the next midnight, you should get up and bury the bunch under a thorny bush - rose hips, roses, gooseberries, walk around the plant three times with the words:

Mi brought the oppral, dictated to the definition.

This phrase is translated from gypsy as follows:

My God is upstairs, look down at me.

It is difficult to spend 24 hours in bed, but it is the best conspiracy if money is urgently needed.

Strong full moon money conspiracies

The full moon is a strange time - especially sensitive people can experience emotional and physical instability, mental disorders, visual hallucinations. However, money has a powerful effect. An indispensable condition for such rituals is clear, unclouded moonlight pouring onto coins or bills.

Take twelve coins, show them to the full moon, say seven times:

Everything living and growing multiplies and increases from the sunlight, and money multiplies from the moon. Money, grow, multiply, add and do not shy away from me. Enrich me (name) and come to me already. May it be so forever!

Mix the conspiracy coins with other money in your wallet.
It is useful to make a money amulet that is stored in a wallet and invites abundance there. An amulet can be a coin, a purse mouse or an image of expensive things that you dream of. The text is pronounced on the selected subject:

The moon is growing, and with it my income is growing. As water pulls water behind it, so money is drawn to me. Amen!

White magic advises to repeat spells for money monthly, then prosperity and wealth will never leave the house and wallet.

Black magic - spells for money

The abundance of rituals of white magic allows you to solve material problems with the help of the creative energies of nature, Cosmos, and the Universe. Therefore, turning to black magic is practiced extremely rarely, its rituals do not pass without complications in other spheres of life. The use of magic spells for money is very dangerous for mental health, it is associated with contact with the dark world.

The speed of achieving results is incomparable when money and success are invoked by witchcraft. But its cost, from the point of view of the Universal laws, is incomparably high. When accepting, you will have to pay with your health and your loved ones, with the purity of your soul.

Nevertheless, such witchcraft is in demand. Thirteen is considered a ritual number in such rituals; this is the number of candles, coins and days necessary for a successful action. At sunset, with lit candles, thirteen coins are placed one by one in a wooden box prepared in advance, face down. After each coin, a spell is read:

From top to bottom, there is a sonorous string, a dark thread. It takes night time to itself, gives way to daylight. I put it on the bottom carefully, collect it in a clump quickly, call for weakness soon. As dew drops in the morning gather, so my coins will gather others together. I call from night to morning, I will bring it out from evening to afternoon. Swapping the sun, collecting handfuls of money at the bottom.

Now you need to close the lid, drip a drop of wax from each of the 13 candles on top and put two of your own hairs crosswise on the wax. This entire set must be hidden in the house until the next sunset, then the box is opened with the words:

I took it, I took it, I took it. I won't let it out, I won't give up my words!

On the thirteenth day from the moment the ritual was performed, the box, along with its contents, must be burned. It is forbidden to touch the ashes and coins - this is a financial disaster. Take them with a cloth or use gloves. A person should touch them, from whom you will take away wealth. Usually they are thrown to enemies who differ in a good financial situation. You can also take away wealth from a random person, whose income is given, for example, by expensive things. This ritual is a way to take what the magician needs from another person.

Money conspiracy rules

In order for money conspiracies to work, it is necessary to observe a number of rules inherent in this type of ritual:

  1. Money conspiracies can only be done by those who really need funds. It is unacceptable to spend out of curiosity or guided by the principle "there is never a lot of money."
  2. The magic of money will not work if the person performing the ceremony is in a state of physical satiety. The spirits simply will not believe in his need! Three days before the ritual, one must fast, and from the dawn of the agreed day it is better not to eat anything at all.
  3. You cannot read the plot from a sheet, however, changing the order of words or distorting them is also impermissible - you should learn the spell by heart.
  4. Money magic is one of the strongest, so it is absolutely impossible to engage in magic to attract money to pregnant women, so as not to harm the unborn baby. Even at the planning stage of pregnancy, it is not recommended to resort to monetary rituals.
  5. Rituals require strict adherence to the timing. Some are tied to the days of the week, others to the phases of the moon. If you break the rules, magic will not work at best, at worst it will harm.
  6. Anyone who orders a money ritual for a professional magician must pay for the service, otherwise the soul of the customer will become the fee. Money is not suitable as payment. Since ancient times, rural healers accepted payment with food (but not with alcohol!).

Each conspiracy for good luck and money begins its action from the subconscious of the person performing the ritual. Belief in a miracle, which is inherent in everyone, allows you to feel your own strength and the ability to be successful and

Topic: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new things for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

  1. Light the candles and place them along the edges of the mirror. There should be exactly six of them.
  2. Make a corridor out of candles, as long as the room is. That is, place it in two rows on either side of the mirror, perpendicular to its plane.
  3. Stand against the mirror, gather yourself internally.
  4. Put your fears of lack of funds out of your head. It is necessary to come close to the feeling of complete wealth.

Some find it more convenient to imagine themselves very rich, others - happy treasure hunters. Choose your own thought-form. The main thing is that it is convincing.

  1. Having tuned in for complete success, enter the corridor. Remember to wear red clothes.
  2. Go to your reflection.
  3. Speak the formula loudly and clearly.
  4. You should move slowly in order to have time to cast a spell until you come to the mirror.
  5. Read the conspiracy with these words:

"Amidos me degotos determinies doto thunderous delatus Veseles krego pityenus Lal!"

This conspiracy will have to be learned. Make accents on each syllable. So, you can't go wrong.

  1. When you come to the mirror with the last word, look your reflection in the eyes and clearly say the expected amount.
  2. Turn your back and walk back out. Do not linger in front of the mirror.
  3. Extinguish the candles on the way.
  4. Immediately go to the courtyard and throw a coin on the road (you can from the balcony). It is important not to look where it falls.
  5. Then go to bed.

Another rite of passage at dawn

It uses a different principle of expanding the boundaries of material perception. It is performed at dawn.

  1. You need to stand in an open space facing east.
    • Have a tape or tape with you.
  2. As the rays of the sun touch your face, tie your waist (under your clothes) with the provided thread.
  3. Put it this way:

“I put on a chastity belt, I call for wealth. I tear off the shackles of poverty, I melt them in the light of the sun! As the rays freely go along the earth, so money will come to me! Amen!"

Only the thread cannot be removed for a week. During this time, the situation should be straightened out. More often, it happens faster.

But you will tolerate such "shackles" at the waist. Do not remove this belt for seven days. This is a kind of protection against the troubles mentioned above.

However, it should be noted that the first rite works much more efficiently.

  1. You should go to the churchyard on Friday evening.
  2. Take a commemoration (sweets) with you.
  3. Find the old grave.
  4. Bow down to the spirit of the deceased.
  5. Leave a mention.
  6. Dig a small hole near the cross.
  7. You should put a small coin in it.
  8. So say:

“To the deceased in a coffin, in slavery to a slave. Do not walk on earth, do not receive money. You, spirit, take my poverty to you. Let her soul go to Paradise. To me, wealth came to the land so that all my money would come at once! Amen!"

Turn around and walk away without stopping.

Typically, there will be something scary in the back. Hear voices, rustles, or worse.

Walk your way firmly, ignoring these sounds. If it's really scary, read the prayer.

Nothing bad will happen.

This is a challenge. Pass it, in the morning you will get what you want, even if you have no idea how it can actually happen.

But remember: using the described rituals is extremely harmful. You can conjure fate.

Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present not only black rituals, but also white conspiracies to receive money. Working on the personal power of the performer and with an appeal to the Forces of the Christian egregor - simple conspiracies of white magic to attract money. Although, I will not hide, there will be a black ritual for a large amount of money.

In effective business magic, there are simple home rituals, and there are also very strong conspiracies for money, which must be used with caution. In general, all magic rituals for money related to black magic must be done with the agreed ones, because work in this tradition of witchcraft is carried out with Forces, which are by no means always loyal to a person.

Magic conspiracies to attract big money - the meaning of financial spells

If you have never worked with black magic to attract good luck before, and you feel a lack of knowledge, try daily spells with earned money, the so-called whispers. Don't underestimate such monetary rituals; with constant practice, you will feel their positive impact. And immediately an example of a simple free conspiracy to make money. Having received cash in hand, for example, a salary or a repaid debt, read the words of a simple monetary conspiracy to yourself:

“I go with the money, I hold it in my hands. Not for the hands of others, but for their own hands. Amen".

What do free conspiracies give to attract money into your life?

Gradual filling of the money channel. So that's it, no more, no less. The money that you are ready to accept into your life today will definitely come. New financial sources will open up, and the money that you have will stop slipping away like sand through your fingers. Even if your income level remains the same, the circumstances are so that you can start investing. As you know, even a small investment protected by money magic is the first step to wealth.

Practicing money magic, not immediately, but inevitably, you will come to the conclusion about the need for strong conspiracies for quick money. This is normal practice. When magic becomes a way of your life, you will know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the results of incorrectly performed rituals to attract good luck in money matters - kickbacks and backslides, how to choose and carry out a ceremony, how to work correctly in a complex, how to hide yourself and put locks on your job. And much more, without which a conjuring person cannot take place as a magician.

There is in the rituals of black magic very ancient conspiracies for money, which in the old days were used every day. Whoever was not afraid to know the devil was lucky in life. There were times when it took a lot of courage to be a witch or a sorcerer. It is worth recalling the infamous witch-hunt, which in Russia under Christian oppression began much earlier than in Western Europe, although it did not take on such a scale as in Europe.

If there were fires burning at the end of the 15th century, then on Russian soil the most severe persecutions of people suspected of witchcraft, under the leadership of the church, began in the 11th century. Sorcerers, sorcerers and wizards were ordered to "beat, rob and expel", and witches "dashing women" everywhere in the squares with a large crowd of people burned in log cabins.

Proven conspiracy for money - how best to carry out the ceremony and get the result

If the money conspiracy has indeed been repeatedly tested by you, and there have been good results, you know how to carry out such an impact and you will not make a mistake. I remind you, learn to keep your mouth shut, do not tell anyone about your magical successes. Especially when a witchcraft ritual for quickly attracting money was made recently and is being promoted. With your incontinence, you can interrupt all witchcraft work. And it also happens that proven magic conspiracies to attract big money simply stop working when the operator talks about his successes.

What can be done to get money quickly if the need arises?

You can independently read the conspiracy to get money quickly.

Such effective conspiracies can be of a different nature, for example, an easy quick pick of money luck. If you see someone has a lot of goodness, or money, put a fig in your pocket, and say the words of the spell to yourself:

“You don’t care, but I’m full of boxes, and I’m full of bins and barns, a house of good, purses with money, gold and silver. I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen".

There is a very simple conspiracy sink that can be used at least every day, paying for purchases. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that this is an effective conspiracy for money when buying, because it works very well. Having received change in the store, take the money with your left hand and say the text of the conspiracy to yourself:

“Your money is in our pocket, your treasury is my treasury. Let it be so".

Instant conspiracy for money - a ritual of black magic

Or such a money ritual - a conspiracy at the crossroads. This is not a cracker, but a conspiracy to receive long-awaited money, or a good profit from trade. Take a handful of wheat and after midnight go to the pedestrian intersection. Face West, read the words aloud black magic conspiracy for money for their instant arrival:

“Fly, birds, to my wheat, bring money with you, but give it all to me. As birds flock for grain, so money would fly into my wallet. Amen".

Throw grain over your shoulder at the intersection. And then an odd number of coins was bought out. Before a free magic rite, you can read the call of Forces. Practicing magicians do not always do this, often it is simply not necessary. And it is advisable for a beginner to read out the call, since you are going to the intersection.

Simple white magic conspiracies to raise money

Make a talisman for yourself, a magical decoy that will attract money, filling and increasing cash flow. To make a money talisman yourself, you need:

  • small pouch made of natural fabric
  • coins of different denominations
  • eucalyptus oil
  • peppermint oil

Eucalyptus oil increases concentration, clears the mind, removes negativity, weakens the power of evil. Peppermint oil attracts money. Put some coins in a bag, greased each one with oil, and hide the money talisman in the northern part of your house. An independent conspiracy to quickly get a large amount of money, is not needed, but visualization of the result that you expect and expect to receive is necessary.

Which house makes a conspiracy for big money

But what can be done with the first large bill that came from trade or one-time. Take the bill and fold the corner on the right side. Then, fold the corner on the other side of the bill in the same way. You will get an isosceles triangle. Fold the bill along the vertical axis of the short side. Take it around any corner with your left hand, and read the words of a magical conspiracy to attract big money:

“As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as night attracts day, and day - night, so you would attract your own kind. It will be as I said. Amen".

Put the charted banknote in your wallet. This money magnet must be there for at least 3 months. You can put pieces of paper of the same denomination next to it. And this must be done in order to set in motion the principle that money attracts money.

This white conspiracy for the first money can attract quite large sums into your life. But even if a little money comes in, this is also a result. Whatever amount of money comes to you, accept it with gratitude, for thanks to magic, your money channel is being filled.

How to make a conspiracy to attract money - for prosperity in the house for coins

The ceremony is simple. For him you will need:

  • 30 coins
  • wax candle

Coins must be of the same denomination. Put them in even rows on the table, place them nearby and light a candle. You need an ordinary candle made of wax, it is advisable to make it yourself just for a proven rite to attract good luck in business.

For each coin, slander the words of a conspiracy to raise money:

“Thirty ravens flew to me, (name), from heaven, and brought thirty gold money. I will put them around the house so that they will not disappear forever. The word is a stone, you cannot turn it away. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn to the end. If something remains, the cinder should be buried under a sapling tree. Place the coins in different ones so that none of the inhabitants of the house can see them. Repeat the magic ritual to attract money to your home once a year, you can a little more often, for the same coins.

Ancient conspiracy for a large sum of money - on pine resin

This money spell is done in the forest. On the growing moon, go to the forest, find a pine tree, on the bark of which there are abundant streaks of resin. This resin must be collected, rolled into a ball, while reading a strong conspiracy for a large amount of money. Carry a ball of resin with you.

“The pine maiden was crying, she is strong, her tears are molded. As the resin is attached to the bark, so let the money stick to me. Let them cry, weep for me money, silver, gold, and thousands. As long as I (name) live, money will love me fiercely. My word is a castle. Amen".

Self White Sunday Money Plot

On Sundays on the growing moon, waking up, read such a conspiracy for monetary prosperity and great wealth:

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“I will get up early, I will go, blessing, I will reach the church of God, I will enter, crossing myself, I will pray to the Lord God and all His angels and Archangels. O holy Heavenly Beginnings, pray our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to start a good beginning! I pray to the Great Archangel Barachiel: Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings blessing from the Lord to us, bless me to put a good beginning, the correction of the negligent, may I please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen. Holy Baraahiel, if it is God's will, make sure that the gold flows into my bins, flows, does not dry out. Be all my words in full with reservations and negotiations, and do not attack my words either on land, or at sea, or on dark forests, or on violent winds, but attack my words on a golden man, on a golden sword, on a golden tree. Just as a fish cannot live without water and a child without a mother, so gold from that tree cannot exist without my bins. To all my words in the sea there is a key, a lock in my mouth - I lock it, I lock it forever. Amen".

How to read a conspiracy for bread - how to attract money with a word

To make your income grow, apply a white safe conspiracy for good luck in business. Read on a slice of rye bread, after which the bread must be eaten.

Read the textbook of a conspiracy to raise money for bread three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, gilded with a spikelet, dropped a loaf of bread. As there is plenty of bread in the field, so I have money to heaven. As the grain grows, the ears grow, so the wealth grows and increases. Amen".

Free conspiracy to rain for money - bring wealth to the house

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you another simple conspiracy of white magic to raise money. An effective conspiracy to get rid of poverty should be read while looking at the rain. Once the rainy weather is over, magic. It is not necessary to go outside in bad weather, it is quite simple, standing by the window, to look at the pouring rain and in a whisper read the words of the conspiracy to urgently raise money:

“There are three sisters, three powers, three waters, heavenly rainwater, terrestrial sea water, underground spring water. And there is also the water of God, holy. The rain collects all the waters together, (name) gives me gold, silver, but run money to me, and wealth as an adjunct to me. My word is stronger than flint. Amen".