The best milk formula from birth. The best blend to taste. Why is the child not eating enough?

What mixture is better to choose for a baby for good nutrition - complete information about the product, opinions of doctors and reviews of mothers on the forums will help to decide.

In addition to standard mixtures, baby food based on goat milk, soy and sour milk is considered popular. The selection of the mixture for the full growth of the baby from the moment of birth is strictly individual.

The best infant formula for newborns adapted (as close as possible to breast milk)

Starter mixtures that are fed to an infant from the first days of life must meet many criteria.

The main points that parents should pay attention to when choosing an alternative food are as follows:

  1. Composition.
  2. Taste.
  3. Availability.
  4. Price.


As a basis for adapted (closest to mother's milk) baby food, most manufacturers take cow's milk or whey, transforming their chemical composition according to the ratio of protein as the main component. The optimal figure is 1.2 g of protein per 100 g of product.

Given that cow's milk protein is absorbed by a child worse than maternal, many manufacturers determine the amount of protein only up to 1.4, and this is recognized by pediatricians as the most acceptable figure.

Casein in breast milk is in the proportion of 80-60:20-40. For the first mixtures, this indicator should be maintained, mixtures with the closest ratio of casein to whey proteins are called whey and are classified as "highly adapted".

The mixture should have an optimal content of taurine, an amino acid which allows the baby to absorb fats well. The content is determined within 4-5 mg per 100 ml of food.

The fats contained in the mixtures are recommended and approved by the Russian and European Institutes of Pediatrics. This applies to the presence of palm (rarely rapeseed) oil in baby food. An exception is American-made food for children - Similak, Nanny. American healthy nutrition technologies exclude the use of these fats.

Linoleic and linolenic acids should be in a ratio of 7:1. Such a balance of these acids is considered optimal for the good development of all the internal organs of the baby. Arachidonic and docosogxaenoic acids in the parameter 1:1 or 2:1 are the closest composition to the acids of mother's milk.

All trace elements are included in the adapted mixtures, but they differ in the quantitative ratio in the nutrition from different manufacturers. The basic ones are the presence of all B vitamins, vitamins A, C, etc., the minerals zinc, potassium, calcium, lithium, iron, etc. The pediatrician and the child himself will help you choose the best mixture if you carefully observe his behavior.


The mixtures of Bellakt, Friso, Hipp most correspond to mother's milk in taste, but this is the opinion of experts. Babies often prefer other formulas that are right for them. The superiority belongs to the Bellakt mixture, its babies take in 85%, although after feeding the child often burps.


Nutrilon is a popular infant formula for newborns. Which of the varieties is better for the full development of the baby’s internal organs (“Pre” or “Plus”) must be determined individually.

The development of European pediatricians, Nutrilon 1 formula for feeding babies from birth to 1 year, includes an optimally selected Pronutra + mineral complex.

The vitamin complex can reduce the risk of infectious diseases. A responsible manufacturer always warns parents to carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body after the first feeding to exclude possible allergies.

The food is made in packages of 200 g, which is convenient for parents when choosing the right mixture. The reviews are mostly positive, as an alternative to the expensive Nutrilon, mothers advise the mixture Malyutka the same manufacturer - NUTRICIA.


The Nan mixture has a feature associated with a reduced protein content, which is closest to the composition of human milk protein. The manufacturer includes additional bifidogenic complexes in the mixture, thanks to which food is better absorbed by a small organism. All mixtures of Nan are classified as hypoallergenic, sour-milk.

The product line has age restrictions. When choosing an adapted diet, consultations with a pediatrician are required. According to mothers, the mixture is quickly absorbed, well suited as complementary foods, and as the main food for only 80% of babies.

Nestogen (Nestogen)

The Swiss manufacturer offers baby food for children from birth to 2 years old, which are distinguished by the absence of palm fat in the composition and are maximally adapted for the full feeding of a baby from birth.

For the full formation of the child's gastrointestinal tract, as part of the infant formula for newborns, in addition to the main elements, there are: a complex of probiotics- Prebio and lactobacillus L. Reuteri, which are best suited for an unformed stomach.

Mixtures for feeding children after 1 year include a balanced complex of vitamins. Feedback from parents is positive, especially soft, regular stools in newborns and good digestion, without regurgitation after feeding.

Humana Expert

Humana Expert is an adapted mixture that has proven itself as the main food for 80% of babies up to 6 months old and as supplementary food. The composition of the product includes all vitamin complexes for optimally high development of the child's brain. Nutrition Humana supports the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.

In each package of the mixture there is a weekly nutrition table for children and cooking rules. The German manufacturer pays special attention to the possibility of developing caries in children after teething in the process of frequent contact with carbohydrate mixtures.

Best Inexpensive Infant Formula

Almost every manufacturer has a line of infant formulas by age.

There are several options to consider when choosing:

  1. Mixes as the main food.
  2. For premature babies with possible gastrointestinal problems.
  3. How to feed.

The most popular and high-quality mixtures of such manufacturers are considered:

  • Friso.
  • Baby.
  • Bellakt.
  • Agusha.

Inexpensive infant formula for newborns - which is better, reviews of doctors and parents will help you decide

The price for a pack or a jar of the mixture is from 200 rubles. (400 g).

Among the more expensive manufacturers are:

  • humana;
  • Nutrilon;
  • HiPP;
  • Similac;
  • Milupa;
  • baby;
  • Heinz.

The price varies from 400 rubles. for a standard jar.

Infant formula for newborns - which is better according to parents: among dry ones - Nutrilon (Nutricia), among liquid ones - NAN (Netsle), among - NAN, Nutrilon, Semper.


If you need a budget choice of a high quality formula, the Dutch company Nutricia offers an adapted formula Malyutka.

Main quality indicator:

  • 90% of infants readily accept the mixture.
  • Nutrition brings a stable weight gain.
  • There is no diathesis, gas formation, colic.
  • The composition of the food includes cow's skimmed milk, demineralized whey, vegetable oils, fish oil, lactose, all the necessary trace elements, acids and vitamins.
  • The content of the amino acids tryptophan and taurine in the mixture for babies ensures the full development of the baby's brain.
  • The line contains mixtures for babies up to 6 months, up to a year, up to one and a half years.

Disputes about the dangers of palm fat for the child's body, which is included in the composition of Malyutka, continue, although the nutrition institutes of the Russian Federation and Europe allow the use of this product. In addition, there are expert reviews about the benefits of saturated fats for the body.


Reviews about this mixture are positive by about 50%. Parents note negative aspects during feeding and in the process of assimilation. There are cases of diathesis, colic, weak weight gain.

Those parents, whose kids liked Agusha, note a stable increase in the weight of the child, good digestibility, and the absence of negative manifestations. In particular, it is noted that when a child has a tendency to be allergic to mixtures such as Nitrozhen, Nan and Similak, after switching to Agusha, all skin rashes quickly disappeared.

The mixture is rich in bifidobacteria, they keep the intestinal microflora of the child at a high level. The balance of vitamins and microelements has a positive effect on the development of the baby's internal systems.

Best goat milk mix

Goat's milk-based infant formulas are presented in a small assortment and are recommended for children prone to allergies to cow's milk. Goat milk protein is easier to digest in the gastrointestinal tract of an infant, in structure it is most similar to the protein of mother's milk.

In mixtures, the amount of microelements and vitamins is adapted for feeding children from birth to 6 months and a year. The price of a goat's milk mixture is usually higher than that based on cow's milk. The range is represented by brands: Goat, Mamako, Kabrita and Nanny.

The New Zealand manufacturer produces a mixture for good nutrition and supplementary feeding for children from birth to a year or more. The mixture does not cause diathesis and is well suited for babies with low weight, with intolerance to cow's milk protein, with dysbacteriosis.

The product does not contain whey, belongs to the casein group. Depending on feeding, there are mixtures with prebiotics that are recommended for premature and weak babies.

Nenny is characterized by contraindications. If the baby has frequent constipation, intolerance to milk, pediatricians do not recommend using it. Prices in pharmacies are about 1100 rubles.


To prevent anemia (iron deficiency), iodine deficiency and the development of rickets, it is recommended to use Mamako mixtures on goat's milk. According to parents, the mixture is ideal for those babies who are allergic to cow's milk protein.

The composition of the food has a non-standard balance of casein and whey 1: 1 for dry mixes and the absence of prebiotics. The high content of nucleotides contributes to the rapid development of the baby's immunity.


According to moms, the mixture is optimal in the price-quality group, negative reviews are less than 8%. The complex of pre- and probiotics promotes good digestion, babies have a stable stool, good weight gain.

Swiss infant formula is available in three versions, from birth to one and a half to two years. Belongs to the category of whey, the balance of proteins is close to the structure of the protein in mother's milk.

In terms of protein to salt ratio (osmolarity), this is the only mixture that has a recommended value., the rest of the baby food has marginally high osmolarity.

Best infant formula for premature babies

When feeding premature babies, the main criterion is a consistently high weight gain. Infant formulas for premature babies have an enriched energy composition within 80 kcal per 100 ml of product, an increased amount of protein, fats and an optimal amount of acids for the rapid development of internal organs.

The best nutrition for "fast" kids include: Nutrilon Pre, Friso Pre, Similak Neoshur, Bellakt, Humana 0.

It is important to remember that the transfer of a child to a standard mixture is possible only after weight gain up to 3 kg.


Infant formula for newborns whose birth weight is over 1800 grams. The ratio of all the necessary components provide the best possible and full development and growth of a small organism. The line contains mixtures of Pre 0 and Pre 1, after gaining weight up to 2 kg. You can switch to a mixture of Pre 1.

According to parents, Nutrilon is well accepted by babies without lactase deficiency, does not cause allergies, and is well absorbed. The child should be fed according to the schedule individually drawn up by the pediatrician.

The composition of the mixture does not contain palm oil, when feeding premature babies, there is a decrease in colic and constipation by 50% compared to similar nutrition. Recommended for feeding children weighing more than 1800 gr.

The composition includes prebiotics for the good development of microflora, the amount of proteins, trace elements and vitamin for good growth is increased. The ratio of casein and whey, acids and nucleotides is balanced.

A special mixture for feeding premature babies has an energy content of 501 kcal per 100 g. Provides a small body with all the elements for good weight gain and full development.

Made from cow's milk, has all the necessary acids and good osmolarity. Contraindications for use: if the baby has intolerance to cow protein, glucose-galactose intolerance, galactosemia.

An opened can is stored at room temperature for up to 21 days. This mixture has the longest shelf life among baby food.

The best fermented milk mixtures

Sour-milk mixtures are recommended for children with digestive problems: frequent constipation, colic. If the child took antibiotics to restore intestinal function during dysbacteriosis. Fermented milk mixtures are medicinal, and the best are: Nan, Nutrilon fermented milk, they can be taken on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

However, it should be remembered that they are not suitable for long-term and daily feeding. The fermented milk mixture is introduced into the baby's diet simultaneously with the main feeding, alternating. Mixtures are designed in accordance with the age of the child: up to 6 months and up to a year.

Nutrilon fermented milk

The mixture is designed for babies from birth to 6 months who are prone to intestinal disorders.

It is most adapted to breast milk, since it contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and a natural Ph level. The mixture is enriched with vitamins and minerals for the full formation of healthy microflora.

With systematic constipation and colic, Nutrilak Premium is used to feed 80% of babies who do not take other foods. The composition of the mixture includes all the components necessary for the full development of the child. Additional elements: complex of probiotics, composition of fat without palm and rapeseed oil, natural milk fat is used.

NAN Sour Milk

The product was developed for feeding premature babies, and with little weight gain. The composition includes a high content of proteins that are easily digestible, fats and trace elements. The mixture has a high energy value.

The mixture includes a high content of phosphorus and calcium, for bone development. It has contraindications: lactose intolerance, galactosemia, allergy to bovine milk protein.

The Best Hypoallergenic Blends

Diathesis is a sign that the child does not tolerate any component in his diet. In 90% of cases, this is an allergy to milk protein, less often to trace elements and vitamins. With artificial feeding, mixtures containing hydrolyzed (split) protein should be chosen. The best hypoallergenic mixtures include: Humana GA, Nutrilon hypoallergenic, Bellakt.

The product was developed as an anti-allergic mixture for the full feeding of children from birth to 6 months.

Thanks to a unique complex, a balance of fats, protein and vitamins, Nutrilon Pepti quickly relieves the child of diathesis, normalizes stool, strengthens the immune system. Patented probiotics allow you to quickly normalize the microflora of the children's intestines and increase the body's resistance to infections.

Dry formula is used as the main feeding and for supplementary feeding of the child, it was developed as a prophylactic against allergies in premature babies.

A balanced composition provides the body with all the substances for full development. The OPTIPRO complex includes "live" bacteria obtained as a result of a special technology that restore and maintain the intestinal microflora at a high level.

  • By age.
  • The general health of the child.

When choosing food for premature and allergy-prone babies, you should carefully monitor the reaction of his body. Not a single pediatrician undertakes to name a specific brand and manufacturer. When choosing a basic formula for healthy children, the recommendations are the same.

Doctors point out that mixed nutrition (breast and mixture) is much more preferable than only artificial.

  • Standard mixtures are suitable for babies who do not have problems with the digestive tract. It is recommended to use after a year.
  • Adapted. For healthy babies from birth to one year old, with good weight and stable gastrointestinal function.
  • Lactose-free. Formulas for children prone to and suffering from milk protein intolerance.
  • Sour-milk. Mixtures are recommended for children with disorders in the digestive tract.
  • Antireflux. A variety of mixtures for children who spit up profusely after feeding.
  • For premature babies. A special product line with an increased concentration of essential components.

How to choose a formula for a baby

When the parents have decided which categories of mixtures are suitable for the baby, the child's body will choose a specific manufacturer. Observations will help determine how suitable a product is.

The mixture is suitable if:

  1. The baby has regular soft stools.
  2. Stable weight gain.
  3. There are no colic. After feeding, the baby does not cry, not restless.
  4. Minimal regurgitation.
  5. No diathesis.
  6. The kid is eating.

How to understand that the mixture is not suitable

If, after feeding, the child is restless, there are redness of the cheeks, frequent constipation, the baby is crying, these are the first signs that the formula is not suitable for feeding.

It is important for parents to remember that the mixture should be introduced into the diet gradually. It is not uncommon for a child to eat a lot of a new mixture during the transition to a new diet, and its poor digestibility occurs.

The fact that mother's milk is the best food for a baby is talked about so much and so often that when breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, the poor mother earns a real inferiority complex. Meanwhile, modern mixtures satisfy all the needs of the baby, and the “insufficient contact”, which aggressive adherents of breastfeeding rest on, is perfectly compensated if the mother holds the baby in her arms during feeding and actively communicates with him.

Yes, unlike breast milk, which immediately suits the baby, it is not always possible to choose the mixture the first time. As trite as it sounds, all babies are different, and the best milk formula for one baby may not be the best for another, causing colic or provoking allergies. Having changed the mixture, you need to remember that it will take some period of adaptation, so it is premature to conclude whether a new product is suitable or not suitable for the baby after the first feeding.

Fortunately, in our time there are plenty to choose from, and to make the choice easier, we offer a rating of the best milk formulas for newborns.

The Best Milk Formulas for Premature Babies

Babies who were born prematurely require special care. Doctors help with the issue of nutrition. They recommend feeding infants breast milk, but if this is not possible, they offer adapted milk formulas. The products are high in calories and high in protein.

4 Nutrilak Pre

The best combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 285 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Compared to the rest, Nutrilak provides the most high-calorie nutrition, so it is recommended for underweight or premature babies. The structure does not contain palm and rapeseed oils, which allows the product to be easily absorbed and protect the child from constipation and colic. For active development and growth, Nutrilak contains natural milk fat, which is a real source of energy. Russian manufacturers really took care of the competent composition, which will only benefit the newborn.

Judging by the assessments of pediatricians, Nutrilak Pre is good enough. In addition, the inexpensive price pleases young mothers. The mixture is made strictly according to international quality standards and fully complies with them. Buyers note that by giving such a product to a baby, he quickly “catches up” with his peers in terms of weight and development. In addition, it is well bred, dissolving in water without lumps. Almost all reviews are positive, parents do not single out shortcomings.

3 Humans 0-VLB

Ease of use
Country: Germany
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Humana 0-VLB will have a gentle effect on the baby's digestive system. It contains maltodextin, which contributes to rapid weight gain. The mixture is sold already in ready-to-use liquid form and accurate dosage, which is very convenient. It was created in accordance with the physiological and metabolic characteristics of a child with a small mass. Milk is perfectly digested, contributing to the development of food tolerance.

The composition of Humana 0-VLB is close to the composition of breast milk. Its use on an ongoing basis will help to form a normal intestinal microflora. In addition, it will contribute to the harmonious development of the baby and the correct formation of the nervous system. Thanks to Humana 0-VLB, the absorption of beneficial trace elements is fast. Substances such as calcium, magnesium, manganese and others have a beneficial effect on a small organism and help develop strong immunity. Mothers are well acquainted with this product and recommend feeding it to prematurely born babies.


Based on vegetable oils
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 739 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The advantage of this mixture is that most of the lactose in it is replaced by maltodextrin. This preserves the sweet taste and energy value, but reduces the load on the immature enzyme systems of the baby's digestive tract, making the formula the best food for children prone to gas and colic. A special mixture of vegetable oils should make the baby's stool soft, preventing the problem of constipation, which all formula-fed babies are prone to. Contains ARA and DHA, alpha-linoleic acid.

The mixture does not contain palm oil, which may please parents who are wary of this product, and does not contain galactooligosaccharides, which just cannot please, since these compounds are used as prebiotics.

How to choose the right mixture for a newborn baby?

  • The best option is to consult a pediatrician.
  • Feed such babies only with adapted mixtures intended for children of their age.
  • The ratio between whey proteins and casein should be at least 50/50: the more proteins in the whey fraction, the easier the mixture is digested.
  • Pay attention to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. ARA and DHA will help your baby's brain and vision develop.
  • It is good if the mixture contains probiotics - beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics are even more necessary - substances that stimulate the reproduction of beneficial flora.
  • It is desirable that the mixture contains nucleotides.


The highest amount of protein
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 804 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

A mixture in which maltodextrin is used as a sweetener, and the amount of lactose is minimal. It has the highest content of whey (easily digestible) protein among similar products. The composition also includes vitamins, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In general, the composition can be said that it is good.

For the fragile body of small children, Pre Nan is the best fit. The gentle composition allows the baby to get enough and get the necessary nutrients for the proper formation of intellectual abilities. It is absorbed perfectly, without causing colic and other problems with the tummy. In addition, the mixture will allow you to quickly gain weight due to the content of a large number of calories. Buyers appreciate the product for its competent composition and economical use. But compared to some other blends, Pre Nan is a relatively expensive commodity.

The best milk formulas for newborns up to six months

From birth, babies need nutritious mother's milk. But due to various circumstances, a newborn may need additional feeding or a complete replacement of breast milk. To this end, the best mixtures for children from 0 to 6 months with the indicated number "1" are presented on the modern market.

4 Agusha

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 35 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The popular brand is famous for its excellent products and reasonable pricing. This is no coincidence, all products are checked by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia and members of the Academy of Medical Sciences. They carefully monitor the quality of mixtures and other baby food produced at the factory. According to the producers, using Agusha as the main product, the child will have strong immunity. In addition, milk will contribute to the harmonious development.

Sealed foil packaging allows mothers to be sure of the absolute purity of the powder. The special composition, which includes probiotics and prebiotics, contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive tract and helps to minimize the risk of colic and bloating, which parents are pleasantly surprised at. They speak positively about milk, noticing only the pluses: no allergies and low cost for a high-quality and rather tasty product that can be used for other purposes - added to some culinary dish.


Most Economical
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 280 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

It is produced by the same Nestle company as the winner of our rating, but in a more economical price category - and in paper packaging, which is not very convenient for storing an already opened product, this is immediately noticeable. Of course, the savings could not but affect the composition: it does not contain fish oil, which provides the growing nervous system of the child with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, the mixture contains vitamins and microelements, prebiotics (Not to be confused with probiotics: probiotics are a culture of beneficial bacteria, prebiotics are substances that provide normal flora with nutrition and create conditions for its development), lactobacilli.

The mixture does not contain palm oil. Despite the fact that palm oil in the West is considered an indispensable source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, for many of our parents this is more of a plus than a minus.

2 Frisolak

Helps build strong immunity
Country: Holland
Average price: 810 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

One of the most famous mixtures, which is preferred by young mothers. FrieslandCampina, a company specializing in the production of baby food, has long been delighting customers with high-quality and healthy products. At all stages of the manufacture of the Frisolak mixture, manufacturers conduct careful control. Thanks to this, milk will not cause allergies, as well as colic and constipation. Many kids "appreciated" the taste of the mixture at its true worth - mothers write about this in reviews. They describe with what pleasure the child eats.

The components that are present in the product contribute to the healthy formation of the newborn. It contains various vitamins, as well as useful substances such as calcium phosphate, ferrous sulfate, folic acid and other ingredients that help a little person grow up healthy. The main advantage of Frisolak is that there are nucleotides in its structure. They contribute to the formation of good immunity. Buyers mostly praise the mixture. And the disadvantages include the presence of oils (palm and rapeseed).

1 Hipp

Best Cast
Country: Germany
Average price: 999 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The Hipp mixture will help to form a normal microflora and ensure healthy digestion for the newborn. It is sold in bright jars of 350 and 750 grams. All parents love the ease of use. Using a measuring spoon, pour the right amount of powder into warm water. Manufacturers have taken care of the hygienic process of packaging the mixture and have presented strict requirements for this, which each employee must comply with.

The product does not contain gluten and emulsifiers, and it does not contain any preservatives and dyes. The basis is certified organic milk. Fatty acids will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the brain and vision. All these advantages make Hipp one of the best mixtures for a newborn baby. Thanks to a competent structure, the likelihood of constipation is minimized. The only thing that may not suit many buyers is the rather high cost.

The best milk formulas for newborns in the second half of life

The mixtures presented in this category are marked by the manufacturer with the number "2". This means that they are designed specifically for children aged 6 months and over. The structure of this product is adapted for six-month-old babies who need food rich in vitamins and useful microelements.

3 Nuppies 2

Harmonious combination of substances
Country: Estonia
Average price: 320 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Although Nuppi is not as well-known as Agusha or NAN, for example, it is nutritious and beneficial due to its composition. Manufacturers carefully and carefully treat the manufacturing process, which allows us to produce high-quality products. Baby milk is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk, due to which the baby will receive the necessary substances for normal development. Its taste is liked by most peanuts. They eat a portion with great pleasure.

Feeding with Nuppi will provide the child with strong immunity and help in the development of intelligence. The composition of the mixture is fully adapted. It contains the following components: calcium, phosphorus, taurine and others. The correct ratio of substances contributes to harmonious development. In addition, this fact allows you to save the baby from constipation and other unpleasant problems associated with the work of the intestines. Moms with many years of experience recommend Nuppi for purchase. Only the presence of vegetable oils in the composition can confuse.

2 Heinz Infanta 2

Contains many vitamins and minerals
Country: Spain
Average price: 310 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A popular manufacturer of baby food, which for many years confirms its status as one of the best. Heinz Infanta has a whole complex of vitamins and minerals in its composition, which helps to ensure a healthy development for a small person without digestive problems. The wide bank adds convenience in the course of preparation. The measuring spoon is attached to the bottom of the lid, which makes the procedure sterile. Reviews about Heinz Infanta are enough to analyze its usefulness and usefulness. They are mostly positive and recommendatory.

The name Infanta attracts many buyers. After all, that was the name of the princesses in Portugal and Spain. Therefore, many mothers of girls prefer this product. They note that after feeding, children are full of food. Babies like the pleasant taste of milk, and the composition completely suits parents. The only drawback is the difficulty of finding a product for sale - you can only order it in online stores.

1 Goat 2

Better absorption
Country: Spain
Average price: 781 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The speaking name of the product allows you to immediately understand that the special advantage of the mixture is its base - goat's milk. This kind of preventive nutrition is suitable for babies prone to allergies to cow protein, as well as children with atopic dermatitis. Goat 2 is available in the form of a powder, which is in a tin. An indisputable plus is that milk can rarely cause allergic reactions. This is confirmed by the reviews of mothers who prefer this mixture.

Goat's milk is absorbed by the body much easier than cow's. Thanks to this, the little one will not have problems with the stool, and his tummy will not bother him. Omega 3 and 6 contribute to the proper development of the child's brain. For some, the absence of such a component as maltodextrin in the composition will be a significant plus, since it does not carry useful properties, however, it is used in the production of almost all milk formulas. Pediatricians approve of the choice of mothers who feed the newborn Goat. Buyers are not satisfied with the not very convenient measuring spoon and the presence of palm and rapeseed oils in the composition, which are not recommended for young children.

The best milk formulas for children over a year old

It is also important for older children to eat well. Despite the fact that they eat most of the products from the common table, they need to receive additional micronutrients for the most harmonious development. Mixtures marked "3" are great for this purpose.

4 Baby 3

Balanced composition
Country Russia
Average price: 441 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Russian manufacturer of baby food, which won the trust of consumers many years ago, produces a quality formula called Malyutka. She is chosen by a huge number of mothers, as she is suitable for babies who need artificial feeding. The yellow powder quickly dissolves in water and turns into a useful product. Before being sent for production, cow's milk undergoes a rigorous veterinary check. This allows you to have no doubts about the sterility and food safety.

Feeding the product will help the child to develop properly. It improves the intestinal microflora, so the gastrointestinal tract will work like clockwork. A balanced composition promotes healthy growth and strengthens the immune system. Millions of mothers have a positive attitude towards the mixture and recommend it as an additional food for little children who have reached the age of 1 year. Only an inconvenient box is a minus, since it is difficult to get the powder with a spoon.

3 Nutrilon 3

Dissolves quickly. Has no smell
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 859 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A faithful companion for millions of moms and a tasty nutritional product for older babies, Nutrilon 3 is a healthy product that most babies love. Fish oil in the composition allows the child to develop intelligence. The white powder is practically odorless, which is a plus. In addition, it is perfectly bred in a few seconds, dissolving in 40-degree water. Nutrilon 3 does not cause problems with stool - the child will consistently empty the intestines. A competent ratio of proteins and casein allows you to bring the composition of milk as close as possible to the natural one.

In general, Nutrilon 3 deserves only positive comments. Moms note the appropriate composition and efficiency in cooking. The mixture will provide a beneficial effect on bowel function. It strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Manufacturers take responsibility for the quality of the product. Chosen by many parents and using Nutrilon 3 on an ongoing basis. Feeding this milk will be the best option for a good mood of the child - he will be full and satisfied. The disadvantages include not the cheapest price and the presence of palm oil in the composition.

2 Nanny 3

Best Benefits
Country: New Zealand
Average price: 2,299 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The optimal nutrition for children aged 1 to 1.5 years is Nanny marked on the bank "3". The basis of the mixture is goat's milk, which is easily absorbed by the child's body and shows the best properties - it lacks some types of protein that can cause an allergic reaction in babies, it is nutritious and contains the necessary trace elements. All vitamins in the composition are perfectly absorbed and benefit the body. This is due to the correct ratio of substances.

Prebiotics and probiotics normalize the functioning of the digestive system, eliminating the appearance of constipation and bloating. For the development of intelligence, the composition contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the eyesight of the baby. Feeding Nanny will allow you to gain the right weight and develop harmoniously. Buyers highly appreciate the composition of the product and taste. The very high cost can scare off most moms. This fact prevents them from acquiring the mixture on an ongoing basis, especially since its consumption is not entirely economical.

1 Kabrita 3 GOLD

The best quality
Country: Holland
Average price: 1,799 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

One of the most expensive and high-quality mixtures on the market today. The company has about 55 farms on its account. On each of them, goats are bred, which feed exclusively on fresh grass. Actually, Kabrita 3 is made from the milk of these animals. It has a delicate and pleasant taste, and also has incredibly useful properties. The mixture meets the quality requirements of the Qualigate system, which sets the bar high for keeping and feeding goats. Regular testing of this product contributes to the release of only the best mixtures.

The DigestX fat complex in the composition makes infant formula stand out from all the others. It allows you to bring the benefits of artificial feeding as close as possible to breastfeeding. The advantages of Kabrita 3 are also the absence of maltodextrin, GMOs, dyes and a pleasant taste without a pronounced smell. The downside is the cost - not everyone will be able to purchase goods on an ongoing basis.

Many young mothers, for a number of reasons, have to switch from breastfeeding a baby to a mixed one.

Most often this happens due to a lack of milk in the mother's body, which can be caused by factors such as:

  • individual body response to postpartum stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • chronic diseases.

The lack of milk is the reason for the transition to mixed feeding.

The danger of the wrong mixture

In this case, in order for the baby to receive in abundance all the substances necessary for development, it is necessary to feed him not only with breast milk, but also with special infant formulas.

An incorrectly selected mixture can provoke an allergy in a child.

At the same time, it is very important that the product chosen for feeding the baby is suitable for him in terms of age and composition. An improperly selected mixture can cause many complications, including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • weight loss;
  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep disorders;
  • appetite problems.

For mothers experiencing problems with the amount of breast milk, many mixtures have been developed from different manufacturers.

What are dry formulas for feeding babies

The adapted milk formula is as close as possible in composition to breast milk.

All formulas for feeding newborns that exist today are divided into several groups:

  1. Adapted . These are dry formulas, which in their composition and properties are as close as possible to breast milk. They are optimally suited for babies who, from birth, cannot get enough milk from their mother.
  2. Partially adapted . They also almost repeat the composition and quality of breast milk, and the casein included in them completely replaces lactose. Such mixtures are suitable for babies with milk protein intolerance.
  3. transitional. This type of mixture is used to transfer a baby from a mixed or. They may contain various components, including grated pieces of vegetables or fruits, meat, chicken. The use of such mixtures is allowed when feeding a baby older than six months.
  4. Standard . The composition of such products contains all the substances and vitamins necessary for a small child. They are suitable for healthy babies who are not allergic to certain components.
  5. Specialized . This group of mixtures is divided into products for children with allergies, for premature babies, for babies with congenital health problems and chronic diseases.
  6. Fresh formulas are used for newborns who, for one reason or another, cannot eat fermented milk products. Most often, the reason for such a ban is individual intolerance to sour milk or age up to three months.
  7. Sour-milk . Regular use of such mixtures allows you to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Most often, standard, sour-milk and adapted formulas are used to feed healthy newborns.

How to choose the right brand of mixture?

Young mothers, choosing this or that mixture for their baby, are usually guided by criteria such as:

  • composition safety;
  • the cost of one package. Expensive advertised mixtures from well-known world brands can not be afforded by all couples;
  • individual tolerance of the baby;
  • dry mix group.

The mixture for the baby should have a safe composition.

Regardless of what kind of mixture you are going to feed the newborn, its choice should be approached with the utmost responsibility.

In no case should you choose a product for mixed feeding of a child, based on the reviews of other mothers with children of the same age. It should be remembered that the body of each baby is individual, and the mixture that is perfect for one baby may not be suitable for another.

  • composition. An optimal mixture for mixed feeding should contain vitamins, minerals and many other useful substances, which will be discussed in more detail below;
  • baby preference . If the child refuses to eat a particular mixture, then it is better to change it to a product of another brand that the baby will like;
  • child's age . To determine for what age this or that mixture is suitable, the manufacturer's marking on the product packaging will help.

If the newborn refuses the mixture, then you should change it to a product of a different brand.

Having picked up one mixture that the child likes, you should not change it to products of a different brand, as the baby may refuse to eat unfamiliar food.

Substances that should be included in a quality dry formula for mixed feeding:

  • fatty acid;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics;
  • lactose (if the baby does not have an individual intolerance to this component);
  • nucleotides.

Also, mothers should pay attention to vitamin and mineral complex , which is part of the mixture. For the harmonious development of the newborn, it is necessary:

  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • iron.

Supplementary products

In some cities, in addition to dry formulas from well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers, there are ready-made products for supplementary feeding of babies.

Most often they are issued to young parents in the dairy kitchen.

Advantages of ready-made mixtures for mixed or artificial feeding:

  • saving time for product preparation;
  • clearly calculated dosage;
  • the presence in the composition of all the trace elements, vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby.

But it should be borne in mind that babies very quickly get used to a certain type of feeding, and therefore it is best to use ready-made mixtures from dairy cuisine regularly. Otherwise, frequent changes in nutrition can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhea.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a child can occur with frequent changes in nutrition.

How to transfer the baby to supplementary formula feeding

Having chosen the appropriate mixture for the baby, mommy needs to accustom the child to this type of food. For a more comfortable course of this process, pediatricians have developed several recommendations:

  • the first two days it is recommended to give the newborn no more than 2/3 of the daily portion of the mixture . During this period, the child's body adapts to a new type of nutrition and the tolerability of the mixture is checked. So that the child does not lose weight, the missing amount of food is replenished with a liquid, for example, tea or boiled water;
  • on the following days, if the child tolerates the formula well, it amount gradually increases to normal . Usually it takes no more than a week;
  • very important correct calculate daily dosage taking into account the age and weight of the baby.

If you are having difficulty calculating the dosage of the mixture or do not know how to properly accustom your baby to a new product, then you should consult a pediatrician. The specialist will develop a suitable technique based on the individual characteristics of your baby.

It is worth contacting a pediatrician if it is difficult to calculate the dosage of the mixture yourself.

How to determine if the mixture is not suitable for the child

The first mixture chosen is usually very rarely suitable for a newborn right away. Most often, parents have to try different options until they find a product that is completely suitable for their baby.

To determine that a particular mixture is definitely not worth giving to a baby, you should study the main symptoms of intolerance. These include events such as:

  • occurrence of allergic reactions . Most often, in newborns, allergies are manifested by rashes on the skin, dryness of the skin, the appearance of red spots on the face or body;
  • stool problems . If, after the introduction of the mixture as a supplement, the baby has constipation or, conversely, the number of bowel movements has increased, then the mixture is probably not suitable for him;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy, lack of activity;
  • sleep disorders.

Frequent spitting up indicates that the mixture is not suitable for the child.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is not necessary to immediately change the mixture to another. First you need to make sure that it was this product that caused the allergy. To do this, all potential allergens are removed from the room where the newborn is kept, and hazardous foods that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction are removed from the diet of the baby and mother.


If you can’t find the right mixture for mixed feeding on your own, then it’s better to consult a pediatrician. He will tell you how to choose a brand of nutrition, based on the physiological characteristics of a particular baby.

You should responsibly approach the choice of a mixture for a newborn.

The right choice of mixture for mixed feeding is one of the main conditions for the harmonious and proper development of newborns.

Video about mixed feeding of a child

Some mothers are forced to supplement their baby with formula milk. This can be caused by underweight babies and lack of breast milk. In addition, a woman may not be able to breastfeed her baby regularly.

Supplementary feeding is necessary for premature and underweight babies. In this case, it is important to choose the right mixture and draw up a diet for babies. Otherwise, the child may have problems with the tummy, a rash, redness and itching may appear. Let's look at which mixture to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding.

Types of mixtures

Before choosing a formula for a child, it is important to consult a pediatrician and consider the types of baby food. When choosing, it is important to rely on the characteristics of the development of the crumbs. So, there are special milk formulas for small and premature babies, for children with digestive problems, food for allergy sufferers and other types.

Milk mixtures are divided into the following types:

  • Adapted and highly adapted species are distinguished by a composition that is as close as possible to a woman's breast milk. Such infant formula is suitable for the smallest babies, it is easily and quickly absorbed;
  • Casein or partially adapted are suitable for children 3-6 months, they are absorbed longer, but at the same time more satisfying. Such nutrition satisfies the needs of a slightly grown baby;
  • The transitional type is chosen for children older than six months. At this age, the nutrition and needs of the child change greatly, because the first complementary foods are introduced;
  • Mixtures are divided into standard for healthy babies and therapeutic. They produce hypoallergenic nutrition, products for premature babies, fermented milk mixtures for constipation, for colic and problems with the tummy, mixtures based on soy and goat milk, low-lactose and lactose-free species, anti-reflux mixtures for profuse regurgitation of the child.

In addition, food is divided by age. Products marked “0” or “Pre” are suitable for newborns and premature babies, “1” - for crumbs up to six months, “2” is chosen for a child aged 6-12 months, “3” - for infants older than a year. It is important to choose the right food. An improperly selected mixture can lead to serious problems, including an allergic reaction, indigestion, and even poisoning.

How to choose a formula for mixed feeding

Read the ingredients carefully before buying. High-quality nutrition should contain iodine, taurine, nucleotides, fatty polyunsaturated acids. It is desirable that the composition includes a variety of vitamins and beneficial minerals, pro- and prebiotics. A good mixture should not include palm oil, large amounts of sugar and starch. When choosing, be sure to consider the age of the child.

For a newborn with constipation, choose fermented milk mixtures; for a child with an acute intestinal infection, products with a low lactose content are suitable. Lactose-free nutrition is chosen if the baby has lactase deficiency. With prolonged and abundant regurgitation, antireflux products with high viscosity are chosen. For premature and small babies, choose the appropriate mixture.

If the baby has a risk of an allergic reaction or is already allergic to something, you need to take a hypoallergenic mixture marked “HA” or “HA” and the content of hydrolyzed protein. Before introducing such a diet, be sure to consult a pediatrician! Remember that only a doctor can prescribe medicinal products. Read more about therapeutic nutrition in the article “Hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns”. And then we will consider which mixture is the best for infants on mixed feeding.

The best mixtures for mixed feeding

  1. Friso (Friso) - the optimal mixture for mixed feeding, which is suitable for premature and low birth weight babies. The product includes a unique amino acid composition, a high level of iodine. This ensures the proper formation of the nervous system and the development of digestion. But the product includes palm oil, insufficient zinc and iron. It has a high cost, which reaches 800-900 rubles per 400 grams;
  2. Baby is an affordable, inexpensive formula that contains probiotics, iodine, and healthy fatty acids, without sugar. Easily diluted, but includes palm oil and soy lecithin, which may cause an allergic reaction. The average price is 250 rubles per 350 grams;
  3. Nutrilak is a Russian product with a high content of nutrients without palm and rapeseed oil. Increases immunity and improves digestion, contributes to the proper development of the child;
  4. Agusha is another popular Russian brand that includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals, nucleotides and taurine. However, in the composition there is an insufficient content of iodine and palm oil. Helps babies with constipation, can cause allergies;
  5. Similac (Similac) - adapted nutrition without palm oil, helps with colic and constipation, normalizes digestion and promotes the development of mental abilities, but it is difficult and long to dissolve. In addition, many note a bitter taste;
  6. Nestogen (Nestogen) with prebiotics and lactobacilli improves and restores the child's digestion. It acts gently, has an affordable price and a pleasant taste. However, it contains soy lecithin, which can cause allergies;
  7. Nannie based on goat milk should be selected for children with an allergy to cow protein. It is easily digested and does not cause allergies, but it is quite expensive from a thousand rubles per 400 grams;
  8. Nan (NAN) contains nucleotides and bifidobacteria, iron and iodine, phosphorus, fish oil, vitamin C. It dissolves well and quickly, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. May cause allergies due to the content of soy lecithin and palm oil;
  9. Humana (Humana) contains fatty acids and contributes to the development of the child's intelligence. The product has a rich vitamin composition, mild action. Closest to mother's milk. Minimal risk of allergies. High price, which is 500-600 rubles per 350 grams;
  10. Hipp (Hipp) includes prebiotics, taurine, iron and lactobacilli, but it also contains palm oil and potato starch. Starch swells in the baby's tummy, which can increase colic in a newborn. The mixture is of high quality and expensive cost. The average price of the product is 400 rubles for a package of 400 grams;
  11. Nutrilon is an adapted mixture for newborns, which reduces colic and flatulence, and improves digestion. Differs in the balanced structure which is easily acquired and digested. Strengthens the immune system, but the composition includes soy lecithin and palm oil. May cause allergies.

How to properly feed your baby

Be sure to consult your doctor before introducing supplementary feeding and when switching to mixed feeding. At the same time, try to keep breastfeeding and be sure to maintain lactation. If the switch to formula milk is temporary, you can switch back to breastfeeding. It is important that the newborn receives mother's milk. After all, only it has the necessary and most adapted composition for the full growth and development of the crumbs.

To maintain breastfeeding, supplementary feeding with a mixture should be no more than half of the daily amount of nutrition for the baby. At the same time, pediatricians do not recommend using a pacifier bottle. Despite the ease of use of this device, it is a direct threat to GW. Babies who are used to a nipple and bottle rarely return to the breast.

For newborns, a special feeding system is often used, which consists of a tube. It is inserted into the feeding bottle and leads to the nipple. Thus, the baby receives both supplementary feeding and breast milk. How to choose the right baby bottle, read.

Alternatively, you can use a teaspoon and a small cup to supplement. By the way, today they produce convenient bottles with a nozzle in the form of a cup with a spout or a drinking bowl. For newborns who still need a small dose of formula, a syringe or pipette will do. This is a rather lengthy, but at the same time safe process for GA.

Supplement the baby after he has eaten breast milk. And be sure to breastfeed your baby at every meal! The optimum food temperature is 37-38 degrees. When preparing, use clean, filtered or special baby water. Each time prepare a new portion, it is not advisable to store cooked food. For more information on how to prepare and store formula milk, read this article.

How to calculate formula to milk ratio

With mixed feeding, it is important to monitor the weight of the baby, since with this diet it is very easy to overfeed the baby. In this case, it is important to observe the norms and dosage of nutrition:

  • From the first days of life to four weeks, the daily volume of the milk mixture is 30-55 ml;
  • In one month, it increases to 85-120 ml;
  • From two to six months, it is 130-175 ml;
  • In six months - from 180 to 230 ml. After six months, complementary foods begin to be introduced, and the volumes of formula and breast milk are gradually reduced.

Which mixture is better to choose depends on the age, characteristics of health and development, as well as on the taste preferences of the child. If one food is perfect for one baby, it may not be right for another. When you try a new formula, give your baby half a teaspoon to try for the first time. Observe the reaction of the baby for two days.

The need to introduce ready-made mixtures into the diet of a newborn is dictated by objective reasons. Lactation problems, kidney disease, lung disease, anemia and heart problems, and medication limit a mother's ability to breastfeed her baby.

Choosing the right formula for your newborn is easier with proven tips and helpful information.

What mixture is better to feed a newborn baby, and how safe are the products of Russian and foreign manufacturers for the child's body? Let's figure it out.

Types of prepared food for an infant

Going to buy a finished product, a young mother should pay attention to the type of mixture so as not to harm the baby.

When choosing food for a child, it is important not to choose options that are obviously useless or harmful. All mixtures for newborns can be divided into 4 types:

  • highly adapted- nutritional compositions that have minimal differences with human milk (due to the presence of additional substances - taurine, choline, lecithin);
  • moderately adapted- dry or ready-made formulations relatively close to breast milk (casein formulas with cow protein);
  • partially adapted- milk components that remotely imitate mother's milk (do not contain additives);
  • unadapted- mixtures of cow's milk that require additional processing, not suitable for infants under 1 year old.

What formula is best for a newborn baby? For babies up to 6 months, products with maximum adaptation must be used.. For older age, others are also suitable, with less identity in relation to women's milk.

All breastfeeding substitutes are also divided into more expensive liquid formulas for newborns, which allow you to get completely ready-made nutrition, and cheaper dry forms that require dilution.

Fact. According to statistics, liquid forms of the total number of mixtures presented in the store take only 10%.

Therapeutic compositions

Most mixtures are prescribed for nutritional purposes., however, there are versions of targeted therapeutic effects.

Self-purchase of such funds is not recommended.: only a pediatrician (based on the tests of a newborn) is able to choose a safe remedy.

Medication products:

  • Lactose free and soy. Useful for lactose intolerance.
  • with iron. Solve the problem of insufficient blood circulation and relieve anemia.
  • Antidysbacteriosis. They are prescribed for frequent intestinal disorders.
  • Antireflux. Reduce the number of regurgitation, recommended for vomiting.
  • Gluten Free. They are prescribed for celiac disease (a hereditary disease that makes it difficult to break down proteins).

Products enriched with whey protein hydrolyzate are prescribed for serious allergic conditions, cystic fibrosis and severe prematurity of the infant. Dietary - for patients with phenylketonuria, help restore the correct metabolism.

Read on our website! We will tell you how the drug works in the treatment of throat diseases.

Rating of popular brands in the Russian Federation and CIS countries

Domestic products are of good quality, inexpensive. Many manufacturers use foreign equipment to prepare baby food, so its quality may not be inferior to foreign equipment.

The top best mixtures for newborns are as follows:

Find out on our website! The composition and pharmacological properties of this antibiotic are in our review.