Blind how to clean windows. Folk remedies for washing glasses. Chemical detergents for plastic windows

Cleaning windows is a process that can be quite difficult and time-consuming, especially if they are located in a high-rise building, wide enough or difficult to access in some places. It is difficult to find a person who may like this process, and if you add to this the stains formed after washing, it is sometimes difficult to take it easy. But there are ways to keep windows sparkling clean. You can choose homemade methods and those offered by detergent manufacturers.

The better to wash windows at home - tools and useful tips

Any home remedies for window cleaning are cheap and reliable. They have many followers who praise their reliability.

For some people, even the most technologically advanced cleaning products are not suitable, as advice that has been passed down from generation to generation is more to their liking.

And often they really deserve attention, the most popular of them are:

  • lemon,
  • vinegar,
  • glycerol,
  • newspapers and nylon tights.

How to wash windows at home, which home remedies are most effective, we will consider below

Wash windows with vinegar

One of the most famous ways to clean windows is to add vinegar to the water. Vinegar perfectly removes dirt, grease, dust and polishes glass. In order to wash windows with vinegar, you need to pour a little vinegar into ordinary water with a cleaning solution. To make the glasses shine, it is recommended to clean them with a hard black-and-white newspaper. The rigidity of paper and ink work wonders. If you smell vinegar and it's too irritating, you can use dishwashing liquid instead. The foaming liquid works well on greasy stains, so it can also deal with dirty glasses.

Lemon Window Cleaner

It often turns out that food products are ideal for cleaning. Lemon will also help in cleaning windows. Lemon juice squeezed into the water will provide a solution to help clean dirty windows. Lemon has bleaching properties, it cleans and refreshes. Windows washed with this solution are sparkling clean and have a fresh smell.

Such a solution is preferably poured into a special spray bottle, which will allow you to evenly distribute a suitable amount of liquid on the glass. In the end, so that there are no streaks on the windows, you need to wash everything off with an ordinary white paper towel that does not leave unsightly streaks.


When cleaning, you can add fabric softener or glycerin to the water. Thus, a coating is formed on the glass, which prevents dust from settling. In addition, the window smells good.

How to clean windows without streaks?

How to wash glass without streaks? Below you will find some helpful tips.

  1. Do not clean glass in the sun - then the water with detergent dries quickly and it is difficult to polish the surface of the glass. It is best to do this early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun does not dry out the detergent too much.
  2. To make the job easier, clean one side of the glass vertically and the other horizontally. Then, looking at the light, it is easy to determine which side of the window has stains.
  3. Old nylon pantyhose are ideal for glass polishing. Nylon, due to its structure, perfectly removes all stains from the glass.

Manufacturers offer us a whole host of window cleaners without streaks. Each of them provides that the glasses will shine like new, there will be no stains on them, and they will be clean and transparent. Most of them are sold in special spray bottles. Such a liquid is a very concentrated solution, which is a mixture of water, alcohol, detergents and perfume, which gives a pleasant smell. The advantage of the liquid is its high performance and glass cleaning efficiency. The consumption of such a liquid is not large, but it cannot be compared with home remedies for environmental friendliness; such products are not suitable for allergy sufferers.


An alternative to liquids are special foams. They differ primarily in texture. The foam is applied to the glass, does not flow, soaks and dissolves dirt. Window foam is more expensive, but it's nothing compared to the convenience and superior effects. A small amount is enough to wash all the glass.

Wet wipes

Another way to clean glass is with wet glass wipes. Such napkins work on the principle of napkins for children. They are impregnated with detergents that remove dirt from windows. They are not as effective as liquids, they run out quickly, but they are convenient to use. For convenience, however, you will have to pay a little more.

Using napkins, you do not need to wipe the glass dry with paper or newspaper, this is another advantage. In case of liquids and foam this operation is necessary. For this, paper towels are most often used.

This solution is relatively cheap, but you need several sheets of these towels to thoroughly clean and dry the glass. It is also recommended to use reusable wipes. The best are microfiber cloths, which can cope with minor dirt even when dry.

Thus, window cleaning is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance. However, clean windows are the pride of every home, and all the sunlight enters the house through them, thereby compensating us for our labors and costs. Glasses can be washed with detergents, but you can also use the ways of our grandmothers, which will cost us much less. In addition, home remedies do not cause allergies and are not harmful to health. Although, of course, modern chemicals make this procedure easier and faster. As a compromise between old traditions and new technologies, microfiber cloths should be used with home remedies. These wipes are very effective.

When you see photos of men and women washing windows with a smile on their face, it seems that there can be no more pleasant housework. The understanding that this is a colossal work comes at the moment when you pick up a rag, a product and start trying to wash the windows so that there are no stains left. How to wash windows correctly and with what, so that there are no streaks, and the process itself is fast and efficient?

What you need to buy to wash windows without streaks

Washing windows without special tools quickly and efficiently, so that there are no streaks, definitely will not work. Therefore, it is worth buying a manual window cleaning brush - you may not need it if you have a 3 in 1 mop that can also clean windows. You also need absorbent glass wipes, window cleaner, a bucket of warm water, and rubber gloves to keep your hands from drying out.

How to wash windows: the main rules

1. It is advisable to wash the windows when it is cloudy outside, because the sun rays cause the detergent to dry instantly and streaks appear.

2. First, use a cloth with warm water to wash off the dirt and dust from the glass, do not worry if there are stains - this problem needs to be dealt with later. After that, change the water and thoroughly wash the window frames and window sills, they usually collect the bulk of the dust.

3. Spray the detergent evenly over the glass. With a scrubbing brush or a mop with a window cleaning function, grind and remove the remnants of the product, and then wipe the windows with a dry window cloth.

4. To avoid smudges and streaks, start washing windows from the bottom up. When you wipe the glass dry - wipe one side horizontally, the other - vertical movements.

Folk remedies for washing windows without streaks

A special window cleaner can be replaced with self-prepared solutions or other detergents:

Mix ammonia with warm water (for 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of alcohol)

Grate laundry soap, pour shavings with cold water and mix thoroughly

Make a solution of vinegar or salt with water

You can use dishwashing liquid.

Solutions should be applied to the glass with a sponge, then rinsed with clean water and rubbed to a shine with a dry cloth, napkin or newspaper.

It is worth noting that with the help of these solutions you can wash ordinary windows, if you have metal-plastic windows, it is better to buy a special tool, otherwise the snow-white frame may turn yellow. Do not wash windows with products containing abrasive substances, so as not to scratch the glass.

If you have all the necessary tools at hand and follow simple rules, washing windows will not take much time and will not spoil your mood. The result will surely please, because it is better to look at the world from home through clean windows without streaks.


What is a window in a room for each of us? This is a piece of the outside world to which we belong, this is the light of the sun every morning, this is the measured knock of raindrops on glass, under which it is so comfortable to think. In fact, the window means a lot to us, but not all of us understand it.

Every housewife, with the appearance of the first rays of the sun in spring, tends to wash the windows as soon as possible in order to let more light and joy into the house. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly so that there are no streaks and stains. Therefore, use effective and simple means that our mothers and grandmothers used to clean windows.

How to clean dusty windows?

For those who live in the city on the first floors, or in houses near busy highways, this problem is especially relevant. As well as light, your windows are subject to "attacks" of a large amount of dust. Doctors will tell you what to do with the lungs, but you will have to wipe the windows often. At the same time, for this work you do not need to make special efforts.

Windows should be washed one at a time. Only after you have completed the full range of procedures with one, proceed to the next.

Start working from the inside of the windows, only then clean them from the outside. The order of work is as follows:

  • Take a bucket or basin with a flat bottom and high sides. Pour into a container, a little more than half of warm water;
  • Products with a neutral pH balance are best suited for work. For example, you can use soap chips. To do this, take a piece of white soap (or laundry), and rub it on a grater. For a bucket of water, you need approximately 2-3 tablespoons of chips. Dilute the product in water, and let it brew. After that, strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Instead of soap, you can use laundry detergent or;
  • Soak a soft cloth in this solution, and wipe the window from dirt, flies, etc. Do not forget to rinse between the wings, process the handles and the window sill;
  • Pour cool water into a separate basin, and take a rag. Dip the cloth in water and wring out. Wipe all surfaces treated with soap;
  • After that, take a piece of newspaper, crumple it, and wipe the glass to a shine. Wipe the frames with a dry cloth.

This option for washing windows was used by our grandmothers. It is still relevant today. Be sure to use newspaper to give the glass shine.

To eliminate dust on the windows, you can buy special wipes in stores. Read the instructions before using them.

For quick cleaning of windows, you can use a mop with a foam nozzle, which you can buy at any store. On the reverse side of the crossbar, a rubber (silicone) scraper is fixed to it. With it, you quickly remove excess moisture and foam.

How to wash very dirty windows?

Housewives who keep order do not bring the surface of windows to severe pollution. First of all, it is not hygienic. And then, with a large amount of dirt, the window loses its appearance, it takes several times more time to clean it, and the use of agents aggressive in chemical composition.

In winter, no one washes the outside of the window. Frequent rainfall, frost, will make your work meaningless. During this period of time, glass and the windows themselves will have time to become covered with a large amount of dust, dirt and smog residues.

So, to clean dirty windows, use the following tips:

  • First wash the frames, hinges, and window handles. For this procedure, water with a detergent is used. Wash all surfaces with a wet piece of foam rubber. The second time they are wiped with a soft cloth moistened with water and wrung out.
  • To treat glass, take water and pour detergent into it. Dishwashing liquid or liquid soap works great. The solution is foamed and applied to glass. Leave the substance on the surface for five minutes to react. To apply the liquid, use a plastic bottle in which you burn a few holes in the cap. This device quickly sprays the substance on the surface of the glass. Only lay on a window sill with absorbent material to avoid spills onto the floor.

As a glass cleaner, use products intended for this purpose, which are sold in stores. Spray the substance on the surface and leave to soak for five minutes.

  • Next, wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth dampened with water. You can use the rubber side of a window cleaning squeegee. Rinse off any foam and dirt.
  • After that, glass and frames should be wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

There are several great products and recipes that will help you clean windows without leaving streaks:

  • Do not wash windows on a sunny and hot day. The solutions will dry quickly, forming streaks and stains on the windows;
  • To make the surface of the glasses shiny, rinse them a second time with clean water with the addition of an ammonia solution. This substance will help wash windows from grease and dirt and allow the glass to sparkle with cleanliness;
  • To thoroughly wash a painted wood frame, use laundry soap shavings or liquid soap as a detergent;
  • The correct use of a glass mop means moving it from top to bottom so that each subsequent section of the glass is completely cleaned;
  • In order to keep flies away from windows and frames for a long time, wipe them with a 9% solution;
  • To prevent the glass surface from freezing in frost, wash them with a solution of coarse salt diluted in water (2 tbsp / 1 stack, respectively);

  • Chips and cracks on glass can be treated with transparent;
  • To keep the windows clean and fresh, a composition of soda, glycerin and ammonia (1 tablespoon / 2 tablespoons / 2 drops, respectively) will help. Polish the glass with this product and let it dry. As a result, you will get a thin, transparent film that will prevent the surface from getting dirty quickly and give it a shine.

Unusual window cleaning methods

In addition to the traditional way of cleaning windows, there are several unusual methods:

  • Take white student chalk, grind it into powder, and mix with vodka in such proportions to get a substance resembling sour cream in consistency. Apply this mixture to a soft cloth and wipe the glass thoroughly. Wipe the surface again with a dry soft cloth to a shine.
  • Fly stains are easily removed with onions. To do this, cut a fresh onion into two halves, and wipe the surface that needs processing with a cut. After this type of cleaning, glass and frames are washed with water.
  • Adding starch to the water for washing glasses guarantees their shine and cleanliness. For half a liter of water, you need to put 1 teaspoon of the product.
  • To completely wash the detergent from the surface of the window, put 9% table vinegar into the washing water. In addition, this composition will help to cope with traces of flies.

Features of washing plastic windows

To choose the right way to wash plastic windows, you should pay attention to the features of the products:

  1. Feel free to wash plastic windows, the manufacturing features of which provide for a special coating that is applied to the inner surface of the product;
  2. Focus on metal and rubber components:
  • Lubricate all moving parts of the window structure after washing with machine oil;
  • To preserve and prolong the life of rubber gaskets, apply silicone paste to them. It will prevent the occurrence of cracks in the surface of the product and drying out.
  1. To avoid clogging the drainage tubules, buy a plastic window care kit and follow the instructions for its use.

How to choose the right window cleaner?

The correct choice of means directly depends on the material from which the windows are made. For the treatment of wooden windows covered with paint, it is advisable to use a solution of soap and water, to which ammonia is added. A tablespoon of the product per liter of liquid will be enough. Soda in this case is better not to use. The surface of the paint under the action of this abrasive breaks with micro-scratches and fades.

For plastic windows, fine and coarse abrasive substances and devices are absolutely contraindicated. Powdered mixtures and washcloths with hard bristles should be completely excluded. Using such products, you will damage the plastic surface of the frames and window sills. In this case, substances that have a neutral acid-base balance in liquid and gel form are better suited.

Modern industry produces a fairly large number of substances that are designed for washing glasses and caring for frames and window sills.

All presented substances meet the requirements of the hostesses to them. They are safe, easy to cope with various kinds of pollution, easy to use. These substances are produced in the form of sprays, gels, powders and pastes.

January 14, 2014, 11:28

Washing windows is not a joyful procedure. But, the end result (snow-white window sills, shiny glass, fresh windows) is worth the effort. After cleaning the glass from dirt, the room will become much lighter, the air will acquire the aroma of freshness, the frames and window sills will shine with cleanliness.

Only divorce can spoil this beautiful view. Their unsightliness, tendency to quickly dust, poor transmission of sunlight can exacerbate the cleaning process, making washing longer and more difficult.

I decided to wash the windows clean - said no to stains and started!

When to clean windows?

We carry out basic window cleaning in spring and autumn. Additionally, wash windows as they get dirty. In autumn, I usually do this in October or early November, just before the frost, so that constant rains do not spoil my work. But for example, I washed it early.

Advice! Cloudy, calm weather is ideal for cleaning glass. If we wash the windows on a sunny day, the glass will dry quickly and it will not be possible to clean it without streaks.

How to wash windows quickly and efficiently?

tools, required for glass cleaning are:

  • double-sided sponge , one side of which is of medium hardness for rubbing off dirt;
  • windshield wiper with retractable handle to eliminate divorce. Very handy windscreen wipers with shirring on one side and a soft sponge on the other;
  • cleaning;
  • dry cloth , preferably cotton, to absorb moisture. If there is none, non-woven material, microfiber, natural suede will do;
  • container for diluting detergent with water and rinsing glasses.

Which window cleaner should you choose?

Currently, the choice of glass cleaners is huge. All of them are designed for different budgets. The composition of detergents, regardless of the price category, is in most cases the same. Differences are only in the presence / absence of alcohols to dissolve dirt.

To save on cleaners, I sometimes use improvised means, for example, vinegar, ammonia solution, laundry soap. I take into account the fact that they are not bad for wooden and metal-plastic frames, because when in contact with alkali and acid, wooden frames warp, crack, darken, and plastic ones become yellow.

Ideal cleaners for plastic windows special fine-grained powders, gels, liquids are considered. If required, we buy them in any supermarket.

Important! Never use baking soda to clean wooden windows. This is fraught with fading of the paint.

For wooden frames and window sills I use a liquid detergent, an alcohol solution prepared in a ratio of 2: 1, or a soap solution.

In order to avoid mechanical damage to plastic, I never clean metal-plastic windows with coarse washcloths and abrasive powders. Perfect for washing a special liquid detergent.

In order to save money, we can use chalk. Grind and dissolve it in a glass of water (2 tablespoons). We will wipe all the glasses with the prepared solution, after which we wait a bit until they dry, and rub newspapers to a shine.

Modern detergents (gels, solutions, pastes) will cope with severe pollution in a matter of minutes, saving us from the laborious process of work.

Advice! When choosing a window cleaner, we carefully study its composition, since many components can provoke allergies. The ideal detergent composition is surfactant, water, ammonia alcohol, auxiliary dirt-dissolving components in the form of alcohols and acids.

Preliminary preparation

Before cleaning windows:

  1. I free the window sill from unnecessary items.
  2. Thinking about possible options for washing the outside.
  3. I have improvised tools in an accessible area.
  4. I pour water into a container and choose a window cleaner.
  5. I proceed directly to the washing process.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning windows without streaks

I have metal blinds on the windows, so I wash them first of all, so as not to stain the glass later. I just wipe it thoroughly with a soapy sponge.

Then I wipe it dry with a rag.

Initially, I remove dust, dirt, cobwebs from the window frame with a dry cloth.

My frame with detergent using a sponge. To do this, I pour pre-heated water into the container, dilute the cleaner in it. Having put on latex gloves (it is more convenient for me without them), I take a sponge in my hands, moisten it in the prepared solution and wipe off the dirt.

I rinse the frame with clean water, after which I wipe it dry with a dry cloth. I do not forget that the frame is always washed first, then the glass.

I'm going to clean the glass. I change the water. Gently my inner side, because it is less polluted. I wash off the dirt from top to bottom with any cleaning solution, rinse the glass with clean water, wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth, crumpled newspaper or squint. I repeat similar actions for the outer side of the glass, not forgetting to change the water.

Now that the window looks clean, there are no smudges of dirt, I remove the stains. We remember how our great-grandmothers rubbed glass to a shine with a newspaper. That is exactly what I will do. I crumple up an old newspaper, rub a slightly damp window until the newspaper gets wet. I repeat 2-3 times depending on the result of cleaning. Glass shine is guaranteed.

Do not forget that dirt accumulates most at the joints of the frame with glass. To remove dirt, we clean the glass with a sponge around the perimeter, slightly increasing the pressure.

To wash the glass from the outside, we use a special brush with a retractable handle. So you don’t have to climb out onto the windowsill or stand on a stool to wash hard-to-reach places.

If you want to keep up with the progress and decide to use a microfiber cloth or glass cleaner, spray a little detergent on the glass, then wipe the window with a cloth or squeegee. Upon completion of the work, we move a little to the side and see if all the stains have been removed.

Using a streak to remove streaks, I wipe the glass with it in a horizontal direction, starting from the top and going down, each time blocking the wiped area of ​​​​the glass by a few centimeters. Wipe the wiper blade dry after each pass.

Then I wipe the windows either with a dry cloth or, again, with a newspaper. And here is the result of my efforts, you can compare in the photo.

Which method of washing windows to choose, we decide individually. We weigh our own preferences and the advantages of specific methods.

Secrets of cleaning plastic windows

In order to properly wash metal-plastic windows and preserve their functionality and original appearance for a long time, follow the following tips.

  • If windows with special sputtering or coating I wash them as usual. All decorations are applied to the glass from the inside, so they cannot be damaged.
  • mosquito net It is more convenient to wash under the shower in the bathroom.

  • To avoid damage to hardware , after cleaning and drying, I lubricate it with any machine oil.
  • Protect rubber seal from cracking and drying out by applying a special silicone lubricant.
  • Avoid clogging drains can be thoroughly cleaned. So you can solve the problem with fogging and freezing. Drainage cleaners are sold in supermarkets and hardware stores.

Hello dear readers! With the advent of spring, the housewives have more trouble in connection with washing windows. Everyone wants to know how to wash windows without streaks. In this article you will find useful tips that will make your work easier.

It's not spring yet, but it's not winter anymore

Winter this year does not want to give up its positions, but the housewives have already started cleaning windows. Now there are a lot of tools to clean windows quickly and without any hassle, but the trouble is that stains remain.

First tip: it is best to wash windows in cloudy weather. Let's try to do without chemistry: soap the glass with a solution of chalk, after drying, polish it with a dry cloth, then with a newspaper. Clean the glass with half a raw potato, then polish it as well.

Another way:

  • Let's make soap foam, moisten a rag.
  • We clean windows along with window frames. To be clean, wipe with a dry cloth.
  • Prepare a solution - for 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. vinegar.
  • We wash the glass, wipe it with a crumpled newspaper.

At home, you can prepare the remedy:

  • Starch - 2 tablespoons
  • blue
  • ammonia - 50 ml.
  • water - 2 l

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, spray on the window, rinse with water, wipe with a paper towel.

Make a solution with ammonia, soak a fine-fiber cloth in it, wash the dirty areas, then wipe dry with a dry cloth.

How to wash high windows in an apartment?

On sale there are special devices with a scraper. First, wash off the dirt with the rubber side of the mop, then walk vertically over the surface with a scraper.

High windows can be washed with an ordinary mop: wrap a rag around it, moisten it in vinegar solution, rinse well, then wipe dry.

To prevent the windows from sweating, they can be wiped with alcohol and glycerin (10:1).

Many housewives are interested in whether it is necessary to wash windows in winter? Cleanliness never hurts, so in winter you also need to clean up. In frost, it is not necessary to wash, but after waiting for warming, the shutters should be washed well.

To do this, prepare a saline solution: 1 liter. add 10 tbsp. salt. Wash the inside first, then the outside. Wipe first vertically and then horizontally. Salt will dissolve the frost and give the surface a beautiful sheen.

Many have adapted to vacuuming windows, especially between the sashes. They put on a nozzle that is easy to get dirt out of any cracks and work! If the outside temperature is below 5, then the steam generator can be adjusted.

At what temperature are windows washed in winter? It is best when the temperature approaches zero. In severe frost, you should not risk your health, wash the double-glazed windows only from the inside.

Cleaning up in the spring

Never wash shutters in bright sun and wind. The products have time to create a film on the glass, which gives ugly stains. Toward evening, when the sun leaves your window, start cleaning. Never use washing powder, as it is difficult to wash off and leaves very noticeable stains.

Folk ways of washing windows

Try the best folk remedies

  1. A good remedy: pour vinegar or ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) into lightly salted water, rinse the glass, then walk with clean water. Then wipe with a microfiber cloth, polish with a newspaper or used pantyhose. Dazzling shine guaranteed!
  2. Some housewives add a little blue or blue vitriol to the water. In these cases, the shutters take on a bluish or greenish tint.
  3. For 1 liter of water, pour 1 tbsp. starch, rinse, then polish with a microbibra cloth or crumpled newspaper.
  4. In 1 glass of water, pour 3 tbsp. l. chalk, treat the glass, leave for a few minutes, then wipe to a shine with a napkin.
  5. Dilute 200 g of tooth powder in a bucket of cold water. Wash the windows, then rinse them with clean water, dry them well, and polish them with newspapers.
  6. Persistent grease on the glass will wash the dishwashing detergent solution well. Try not to get them on plastic frames.
  7. Automotive glass and mirror cleaners can help wash away dirt and grease.

How to clean wooden frames?

For these purposes, a soap solution is suitable. Cut a piece of laundry soap, beat the foam and wash. Then rinse with clean water, wipe dry.

How to wash white plastic on windows?

White plastic will turn yellow if washed with dishwashing or window cleaners. Therefore, use an ordinary soap solution: cut a piece of soap into warm water, “shake it up” well, the solution is ready!

By the way, to get the dirt from the corners of the double-glazed window, use cotton swabs or toothpicks. To make the dust from the outside sit less on the plastic frames, you can use an antistatic agent. Subsequent cleaning will be faster and easier.

If you still decide to buy ready-made products, then avoid buying with abrasive substances, such as talc, marble powder, clay, pumice. They clean well, but can leave scratches where dust will accumulate much faster.

For novice housewives, it’s good to know the sequence of work.

  • Wear gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands.
  • Pour clean water into a bucket, moisten a napkin.
  • Remove accumulations of dirt from the glass.
  • Replace dirty water with clean water, rinse the window frame and window sill.
  • Apply cleaner to the glass, wipe with a napkin.
  • Grate with newspapers.

Another tip: after washing the glass, wipe it with a mixture of water and glycerin so that they stay clean and shiny for a long time.

To make your glass shutters shine, buy a manual window cleaning brush. First rinse the surfaces with any of the above products, then with fresh water, then remove the water with a scraper.

How to wash windows on a balcony or loggia

If you have sliding shutters on your balcony, then cleaning them is easier than ever. Just take it off, wash it and put it back on. Don't know how to remove the frame?

  1. Use a small screwdriver to pry out the plugs next to the rollers.
  2. Remove the window from the rails, that is, take the sashes by the edges, lift them slightly, pull the bottom edge towards you, then lower it.
  3. Use a brush to clean the rails.
  4. Put the shutters in place.

Using this technique, you will not have to rack your brains on how to wash the loggias from the outside. To remove the shutters less often, wipe the double-glazed windows with a solution of glycerin.

If your balcony has hinged shutters, then your problem is solved very quickly - choose one of the products and wash it.

If there are no shutters on the balcony, that is, it is packed tightly, then buy a mop with rubber tips. Dampen the soft part of the mop in any solution, remove dirt from the glass.

Moisten in clean water, once again walk with clean water on the glass surface. Then collect the water with the rubber side of the squeegee, moving from top to bottom. With a mop, you will quickly wash even high openings.

How to wash windows if you can't get it?

If the windows are too high off the ground and the mop can't reach them, you'll have to take them down and wash them. But experts have developed a simple and very convenient device - a brush with magnets. This device consists of two brushes equipped with a magnet. They are placed on both sides of the window.

Each brush is equipped with soft inserts that spread the detergent over the glass surface. Along the edge of the brush there is a scraper for removing liquid residue.

The advantage of this device: they wash the shutters from both sides at once. Thanks to this assistant, you can clean windows on high floors, even in hard-to-reach places. Put the string on your hand and start washing from the top edges to the center. The job will only take a few minutes!

How to wash a rubber band

When cleaning double-glazed windows, many people forget to wash the rubber gasket. And the durability of the shutters depends on its condition. Dirt, getting between the sealant dries up, which leads to cracking of the material.

When you wash the shutters with soapy water, rinse the rubber bands without fear, then lubricate them with glycerin or silicone oil.

The hardware also needs to be cleaned. Before applying lubricating oil, wipe the fittings with alcohol or nail polish remover, then apply WD-40 anti-corrosion spray. To clean the glass from the outside, you can use a magnetic brush.

Microfiber to keep clean

To get streak-free glasses, take two microfiber cloths and detergent.

  • Soak one rag in water, wipe the glass.
  • Then irrigate the surface with detergent.
  • Then wipe dry with a second cloth.

If you use microfiber only for this process, you will have enough of it for several years.