Wedding 30 years of living together. What to give parents to the pearl wedding (30 years)? What to give a husband

The article will tell you how correctly the pearl wedding should be celebrated and will help you choose beautiful Owl for congratulations to loved ones.

After 30 years of collaboration, the spouse celebrates the pearl anniversary of the wedding. Undoubtedly, this date is very important for family and spouses in particular. This date speaks about many things, and the main thing about that the husband and wife could have already been able to prove their feeling not only to society, but each other. A man and a woman celebrating a pearl wedding, have already learned to trust each other, "overgrown with love, happiness, understanding, to each other, like a pearl in the sink.

The "pearl" of marriage at this point began more, turned into a real value. That is why it is mandatory to celebrate the 30th anniversary. The date requires a big event in a rented cafe or restaurant. It is worth noting the same thing that the date is significant and the fact that this anniversary has several important traditions. Compliance with traditions and their execution will allow spouses to strengthen relationships and protect against all the negative.

The most interesting and main tradition offers the spouse early in the morning on the anniversary day to go to any reservoir. They should be omitted to the water on the pearl (of course, it may not be natural pearls, but only imitation in the form of beads). This action is very symbolic, because it is believed that pearls are formed and lives in water for about 50 years. Thus, the couple hopes to live together "soul in the soul" by at least 50 years (right to the "golden" anniversary of the wedding).

Interesting: You can lower in the reservoir you can a bead of any shade, because each color is symbolic and has its own definite value. If you do not want to lower the pearl into the water, you can replace it with a coin, at the same time guessing the desire.

After the spouses return home after lowering the pearl into the water, they should be opposite the mirror. Here they read each other's oaths of love and loyalty. This is done because the mirror is considered a special magic symbol that does not give a person to sit and always reflect the truth.

Many couples on the day of the pearl anniversary of the wedding prefer to go to church to put three candles there. One of them is made by the Virgin, who should protect and take care of his health "second half." The second candle is also put on the Virgin, but with the request to keep a family. Another candle is necessarily placed at the Crucifixion of Christ and this is done so that the marriage is attaching and wanted good spirits.

Interesting: Some couples who connect among themselves only official marriage, are decided to get married to be with each other forever, even in heaven.

What is a pearl anniversary and how should it be celebrated?

What to give to the pearl wedding of 30 years old family friends: Ideas gifts

Coming to celebrate 30 wedding anniversary should be sure to give your gift and your present should be special. It must be allocated, significance or importance. It can be, of course, money that is always necessary in the family. On the other hand, if you want to please spouses and please them, you should find a really relevant gift.

What you can give to the pearl wedding to friends:

  • Interior items.Of course, it can be the objects of a pearl shade, which is very relevant for the pearl anniversary, but this is not necessarily. The main thing is to choose quality, important, beautiful and necessary gift: wall paintings and panels, mirrors and photocollages, decorative masks and shapes, board shapes, books and albums, clock on the table and on the wall, stands.
  • Dishes and glass.These gifts will never lose relevance and always come in handy, especially if you choose expensive sets that will become the value of the family. What can be chosen: glasses, sets of crystal glasses, festive dishes and salad bowls, tea and dining rooms, vases and cannants, fruit and accessories for festive table setting.
  • High-quality expensive home textiles.When choosing such a gift, it is not necessary to cheap and acquire items from natural material: cotton, flax, silk and so on. Try to find things, whose shade can remind you of a pearl mother-in-law: linen sets, blankets and bedspreads, curtains and tulips, curtains, tablecloths and napkins, towels and much more.
  • Home furniture.Here it is necessary to ask about what exactly the perpetrators of the celebration and in the purchase of which they always limited themselves. Perhaps for a long time they cannot replace the old wardrobe on the wardrobe or a bedside dressing table.
  • Gifts for soul and body.Here we are talking about tickets, vouchers and subscriptions to wellness pensions, resorts or centers. Such pleasure can afford not all and therefore getting them very nice as a gift. What can I buy: a subscription to a spa zone for a month or year, tickets to a popular concert or exhibition, a journey to a sanatorium or abroad.
  • Icons.In this case, we are talking about high-quality and expensive products that can be a faithful for spouses. These products should be purchased and shy in the church. Some icons can be made of expensive materials.

How to congratulate friends in honor of the pearl anniversary of the wedding?

What to give to the pearl wedding for 30 years of your beloved wife: Ideas of gifts

To please your favorite valuable and pleasant gift in honor of the pearl anniversary of the wedding should every husband. If finance allows you, then you should acquire something really expensive, if you do not have much money, then even an affordable gift can express all your love and become a devoted sign of attention.

Gifts Ideas Women:

  • Ring with pearls.A very symbolic gift that is associated with the proposal "Hands and Heart", as well as the marriage ceremony, when the husband puts on the ring with his beloved to the finger. You can choose a ring yourself (knowing the size of the finger) or together. Do not be afraid of pearls, because many believe that pearls "brings tears." These are the costs of old believers and hardly such a saying "works" on the day of the pearl anniversary.
  • Earrings with pearls.Choose such a gift is much easier than the ring, because here you do not need to guess with the size. Depending on its taste and finance, you can buy modest small or large challenges "chandeliers", which your spouse can wear an event.
  • Suspension or chain with pendant.Of course, she must have one or more pearls, preferably natural. This decoration can be worn every day or dress on occasion. The pearl suspension is always very beautiful and modestly on the neck, emphasizes its elegance and refinement.
  • Brooch or pin with pearls.This accessory woman can be proud to wear, pouring on the dress, jacket or handkerchief. This decoration has become quite popular and fashionable lately, in addition, it always emphasizes the status and luxury of a woman.
  • Pearl clutch.The thing is of course extraordinary, but very beautiful. Such an accessory is embroidered and decorated with imitation of pearls, but it does not get less beautiful. This handbag will be happy to take with me on important events or cases.
  • Pearl bracelet.Such an accessory and decoration is far from every woman, but anyone would like to have it. Pearls very subtle emphasizes the beauty of female wrist and always talks about "good taste."
  • Pearl clock.Symbolic and very relevant gift. Such hours can be made, both with natural and imitation of pearls. Watching the watch is very gentle and beautiful.
  • Pearl beads.This is a classic decoration (both natural and bijouterie), which must be in the arsenal of any woman. It perfectly complements the classic dresses and costumes, makes the zone with the neckline sophisticated and attracts attention to the neck.

What to give your beloved wife on the anniversary of the pearl wedding?

What to give to the pearl wedding 30 years old dear husband: Ideas of gifts

To give my husband something really significant on the pearl wedding is much more complicated, because men do not wear pearls - the anniversary symbol. Therefore, it is important to choose a gift for him no less significance.

Gifts options:

  • Watches with engraving -a classic gift that always turns out to be "winning" and necessarily like men. In the choice, it is important to navigate the preferences and style of your husband: discreet, trendy, sporty, classic. Another advantage of this gift is a large range of choice, now in stores you can buy a clock of shooter, digital, with two types of hours, fitness bracelets, smart watches and much more.
  • Portrait (with engraving) -a gift is relevant for those men that smoke. The casket for cigars is also suitable. It can be wooden or metal, on a metal box it is easy to make engraving. Wooden product can be bought or asked to make an order by attaching one or more symbolic pearls.
  • Casket (with engraving) -this item can be used for storing money, personal belongings or written accessories. It can be custom-made according to its design or purchase a ready-made product.
  • Flask (with engraving) -such an accessory will like any man. If desired, this can be both a compact flask and a large hunting, it can also be decorated with engraving.
  • Wallet or Purse -it is important to acquire a high-quality product from genuine leather, which will not only like your man, but will also be attractive and "status".
  • Leather Briefcase (Bag) -only from natural materials. Such a product will definitely enjoy the man, it will use or go to work with this subject with pleasure, he will be able to raise his status in the eyes of others.
  • Bracelet -such decorations to taste not every man, but, nevertheless, you can pick up a gold or silver product, decorated with stones, patterns, thread or even engraving.
  • Ring -if your husband wears jewelry, sealing or a modest ring with engraving or a pebble, it will help him.
  • Cufflinks (with pearls) -they will come in handy to the man that often puts costumes and shirts. To order, you can ask to make cufflinks from silver, gold or jewelry alloy, decoring them to pebby or black pearl.
  • Pearl tie -a simple gift, but symbolic in honor of the wedding anniversary.

What gift can you make a husband in honor of the 30th anniversary of the wedding?

What to give to the pearl wedding for 30 years to parents: Ideas of gifts

Children should take care of the health of their parents and give the wedding for the 30th anniversary something useful, necessary and important in everyday life, use, treatment. As a rule, spouses celebrating the anniversary, about 50-55 years and therefore they often have problems with a musculoskeletal system, back, legs.

Ideas of gifts:

  • New bed- This thing is very necessary for healthy sleep and well-being, but a good quality bed is very expensive and often people aged save on the purchase of this item, trying to sleep on old mattresses and springs. The new bed will allow parents not only to relax, not tormented from the pain in the back, but also feel comfort and care from their children.
  • Orthopedic mattress -this is a high-quality product that adapts to the back of a person, allowing him to sleep comfortably and without harm to health. Such a mattress will be an alternative to a new bed.
  • New furniture -the choice of this gift depends on what is missing in the house and that it has become unusable: kitchen, wardrobe, dining table and so on.
  • Kitchen and household appliances -modern devices not only allow you to prepare delicious food, but also simplify the life of a person, saving his strength and time: blenders, electric meat grids, combines, TVs, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and so on.
  • Ride to the resort -a gift that your parents will give pleasant emotions and impressions, especially when they were not at sea for a long time or never went abroad.
  • Trip to Sanatorium -let your parents not only relax, but also to improve.

Interesting options for gifts on the pearl wedding to parents

Beautiful greetings with a pearl wedding for 30 years for friends in verse and prose

Our dear! Today, crossing the threshold of the 30-year-old wedding We want to praise you for the stubbornness and the courage with which you could survive every year. We wish you tremendous success in achieving the desired goals and let God protect your family!

Dear Celebration Centers! You collected us on this lush , bright and meaningful holiday and we are grateful to you for it. Thank you for your love to inspire us and gives hope about the happy future. I want to wish you good health that will extend your life for long and fiery love!

Pearl wedding lovely light
It is impossible to compare it with something.
Arrested peacefully all 30 years
Spouses okay and carefully.

Today there are many guests and flowers
And everyone wants to congratulate a couple
For that divine love
That inspiration gives, joy.

Today you have a very important day in life,
Gathered close and dear people
Nothing will throw you on the mood shadow,
All congratulate you on the anniversary will be!

Today is the main anniversary symbol
Sun pearls hanging light and beautiful.
Let your union be sewn from different troubles
And every day gives you a gentle light!

Honorable, you are greatly well done,
Not everyone is given such happiness.
Let your pearl immerse your love,
Let your every day will not be in vain.

Pearls of this anniversary
Everyone shines, the eye rejoices!
Still the same beautiful
You stayed like many years ago!

No, nothing compares with beautiful
Bright pearl of your love,
Take care of it is not in vain,
You could become an excellent example.

Thirty years of daily happiness
You could master today,
Three dozen lived in vain,
You gave each other dreams.

Love is not measured for years,
Love is not measured by bags,
It can be measured only by children
And grandchildren that children were given to you.

Today happens between you
Only the magic, which is associated with dreams.
You have already been able to achieve
And they became the most happy in the world!

Ringing glasses you hear loud
He sounds in your good honor.
The table is covered, he is huge today!
Wishes are wonderful not to read!

Let like a bird flies your happiness
Through years, bad weather and fear.
Let your path be safe
All you want will be in your hands!

Like a pearl from the bottom of the ocean
Your feeling stored for years
And over time it became
A strong marriage that is between you!

No other similar value
Like, friends, pearl -
The anniversary of your loyalty
For wife and husband!

You keep this symbol
Gently and affectionately
So that the year could be beautiful
Life to become your fairy tale!

In the shell carefully stored
You are marriage your exactly 30 years old
Look affectionately
Gave tenderness only in response!

You inspired love for us
And showed how easy
Lives great feeling strong
What raises high!

Inspire you let the children, your grandchildren,
Warms you family, friends warm,
I want not to know the separation,
So that you all were good!

Your anniversary is very important.
No, not leather, not paper.
You today reached the "pearls",
Showing his feeling and courage.

Beautiful and spiritual greetings with a pearl wedding

Toping greetings with a pearl wedding for 30 years for wives in verse and prose

Favorite, after 30 years of our sweet and strong marriage, i can say with full confidence that I am proud of you! You are a real example of business, tenderness and sensuality. Thank you, my wife, for beautiful children who gave me such beautiful grandchildren. Thanks for the warm house, which you warming your love and for not betraying this feeling for 30 years!

Thirty years of marriage, you are all the same pearl,
That one day I became needed.
Let all our solar marriage
We are only happy about the years in a row!

Compare the pearl my spouse,
She is gentle, beautiful, road!
She is faithful to any friend's heart,
I do not care without it!

How lucky to have such a friend -
Beautiful and faithful spouse.
Thank you for being 30 years old with me
Keep your wedding vow!

For 30 years of love, my treasure, thanks!
You live my life bright and beautiful,
Children presented me and comfort
Let the angels you, the native, shovel!

I want to notice my dear,
That you never changed a bit ...
No, you'd better become! You transformed
Since the oath failed to give!

Your eyes are treasures, pearls.
They shine me, they mounted me.
You gave you an oath30 years ago a married,
Since then, your kind thing has become my kind look.

You are cute, you are kind, beautiful
I love you a terrible wilderness,
For 30 years, we lived so much with you,
What to live us without a friend is impossible!

I will give the pearls to you beads,
You are not crying that wearing, they say, there are nowhere to ...
This is a symbol of love our courageous,
What can you live a whole eternity!

Today, pearls - love our symbol,
He looks like that of my feelings
Let your life be mild, beautiful
Let him fill her fag and peace!

Flickering pearls glare
And you, my spouse,
As the sun is multicaleous
Shining in the sky around!

Thank you my sunny,
That 30 years you please
What you shine in the window,
My souls!

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on a pearl wedding

Beautiful and touching greetings with a pearl wedding 30 years for her husband in verse and prose

Dear husband! You served my strong support exactly 30 years And today I want to tell you that you are very important to me. Without you - there is no me. Let God give you a huge health so that you can delight me for a very long time!

Such a support and strong back
In the world, probably, you will not delete.
Today in the pearl anniversary
Thank you to say my man.

Today is the birthday of the family,
That only together with you we created.
We built the house from the pebbles of love,
We read the stars every day of dreams every day.

All 30 years have passed, as 30 days, everyone was rushed.
Everything became quiet, so measured, calmly.
All 30 years later, a heart was burning from love mine on fire,
With you my soul is happy and free!

Today, sin does not raise me for a cute glass,
He is the embodiment of dreams, patience and power,
He is that in his youth I was looking for myself,
He is the one who made my life is beautiful!

I can say boldly "envy!",
I have the best man!
Thirty years we have lived gently
And today we have an anniversary!

Today there is no dresses nor Fata,
There is no beautiful, young beauty,
But I still worry hard
When with you, a cute husband, kissing!

You gave self-confidence,
Most happy done on Earth,
I love you for 30 years
And 30 years are still ready to be with you!

Anniversary - the merit of a man
He solemnly holds a glass,
He managed to protect the "half",
He did not stop her!

Let's congratulate everything together
My spouse
Managed to leave mine in my soul
He is a trace of his heart!

Like the light in the darkness of your love,
She warms me in the veins blood,
She puts in me faith,
She brings me to the sky!

Congratulations for a man in the pearl anniversary of the wedding

Beautiful and touching greetings with a pearl wedding for 30 years for parents in verse and prose

Dear Parents! Thirty years - a big date. It allows everyone Think of how great and noble are human feelings. Thank you, parents that they grow up in love and we will stick to your example forever!

Thank you, parents,
That you were able
We inspire us, let, not on the great,
But, the feats of love!

From now on we all know
How to live loving
And we want to achieve
Dreams that there is a family!

Such love like yours
Your parents are ours
We did not meet before
Now learned about her!

We want to hang on you
And feeling inspired
To live in a happy marriage
From the very first wedding!

We wish you not to know the troubles and separation,
So that the heart never disappeared
So that not only children, but also your grandchildren,
You allowed the feelings to warm up.

You gave us life once,
For that you, parents, thanks,
We - the continuation of the love of your beautiful,
Let it grow with a huge force!

Today is your anniversary weddings,
Guests were called and covered the table beautifully,
Today reason is from happiness to sing and cry,
After all, 30 years old happier!

Everyone seeks today
Congratulate "newlyweds",
Drink a glass of sparkling
And shout you loudly "bitterly"!

And we are your children with grandchildren
Side, enjoying you,
After all, you are 30 years old spouses
Loved and stayed!

Thank you very much parents
For the fact that they loved flames.
Union Your delicious
In the hearts of our mark left!

Congratulations from children on a pearl wedding

Funny congratulations for spouses with wedding day 30 years

Wife - Beauty,
Like a pearl bead
All 30 years she appreciated
And, of course, inspired her husband!

Let's go praise together
Spouses for heavy this work.
We and see you hard to imagine
Let the gods from separation shove you!

Like a berry juicy aimushka,
As a warrior in armor spouse,
Let him shine affectionate sunshine,
Let your marriage know the separation!

Here is a beautiful woman
With her happy man.
This is a wedding pearl -
Best anniversary!

Let's drink two times and drink two
So that the head is around!
For 30-ku sweet years
So that love is not Has your light!

Your love, like color movies,
You protect her, for a long time,
Let this film end,
He is needed by your loved ones!

How to love and be loved,
How to share well with others all feelings are strong.
Spouses you are happy and nice,
With the pearl anniversary of you, beautiful!

You, spouse, do not be angry,
That your husband is drunk today.
He is thirtieth times the bride
He drank on the joy to us!

Let all you succeed,
We wish you not to suffer
Let him go away in the midst of the clouds all, Scenario of the pearl wedding 30 years for Tamada

From which parts should be a scenario:

  • Greeting(In this part, Tamada picks up the most beautiful poems and songs about the 30th anniversary of the wedding to take the guests and nice to meet spouses).
  • Invitation to banquet(Beautiful speech Tamada invites all those present to take their places in the banquet hall).
  • Introductory(Tamada Blogo reports a list of entertainment events for the day and offers views of the video clip about spouses, listening to poems about spouses or watching their photos, "a story of dating", for example).
  • Solemn (greeting)(In this part of the holiday, Tamada gives the floor to every present guest to express his wishes to spouses and give gifts).
  • Thanks(Spouses or Tamada thank those present for the fact that they came).
  • Entertainment(In this part of the holiday, Tamada conducts various entertainment activities: contests, cartoons, scenes).
  • Dance(It can be ordinary or entertaining dances with contests).
  • Fareful(Tamada sums up the holiday and accompanies guests).

Video: "30 years - Pearl Wedding"

30 years old pearl wedding.

The pearl-precious mineral formed inside the shell when the foreign object is inserted into it, for example, the sand. For several years, the grains of the pearl with the pearl layers will not turn into a pea. In Russia, river pearls began to be produced in the 10th century. Used to decorate icons, hats, weapons, clothes.

Cultured pearls. In the modern jewelry market, its share is 99%. It is natural, only grown with a person. The implant is introduced into the body of the mollusk in the form of a ball. Then the sinks are fixed on special grids and lowered with water. The sink body reacts to the stimulus and begins to highlight the pearl composition. So over time, the pearl is formed. The timing of ripening depends on the conditions. This period may vary from 2 to 7 years. So you do not need to be afraid of the pearls of cultivated, you need to be afraid of plastic balls covered with enamel.

Pearl-symbol of happy marriage, love, well-being, purity and longevity.

Several signsfor which you can easily distinguish natural pearls from the fake:

Verified Dedovsky method: carefully carry out the pearl over the surface of the tooth. The real pearl will creak.

Drop the pearl on a smooth solid surface from a height of about 30-50 cm. The real will "bounce", and there is no fake.

Banally spend the nail over a pearl surface. Natural pearls will not be done, and traces will remain on the counterfeit. Or lose two pearls about each other: enamel will fall out with fake.

Traditions of a pearl wedding.

It is believed that this is an exceptionally family holiday, on which only closest people are present. Day of memories. Children and grandchildren ask, and the spouses tell about their past. It is on such days and the magic of unity of generations occurs. The most precious is a 30-year experience that parents in a relaxed atmosphere are transmitted to younger generation.

Husband presents his wife on this day a pearl necklace of 30 Beads, as gratitude for everybody for every year. The wife, in turn, gives her husband or a cufflink, or a pinch for a tie. Naturally, with pearls. Well, it's how it will work.

On the festive table must be seafood. Pearls and water are inseparable. Therefore, you need to try to make the menu of different varieties, and squid, and shrimp, and caviar. In general, that is enough fantasy.

Color. It is believed that the culprits of the celebration should be dressed in the clothes of the "pearl" color. And it can be white, turquoise, cream, pink, blue, green or black. In general, there are more than 120 different shades of pearls in the world, depending on the place of its origin.

An ideal option would be to celebrate the 30th anniversary "by the sea, in the blue sea ... with me, you are next to me ..." like in a song! Closer to the Marine Tsar and his indispensable pearl wealth.

History. It was! In these years, from 1985 to 1987, an active struggle against drunkenness began. Due to the sharp decrease in the production of wines and other alcohol, huge queues were built in stores. The party and the government argued that the "sobriety-norm of life" and drunkenness is not characteristic of citizens of the USSR. Komsomol Non-alcoholic weddings were actively introduced into the consciousness of Soviet people. Of course, once the party ordered, which means you need to perform. Indeed, the usual bottles with wine on the tables were not. Vodka, moonshine and wine bottled on teapots, masked under the morse or hid under the tables. With the external absence of alcohol, guests were merry and not very sober. This brought a certain proportion of adventurism into a wedding event. So, the jokes for the sake of the festive table can beat it and it!

If there is an opportunity, then, of course, pearls. Husband wife, wife husband, children parents. My husband, naturally, is much more options. It can be beads, necklaces, pendant, earrings, bracelet, ring with pearl and so on. Wife options are less than: Cufflinks either clamp for a tie. But, you need to keep in mind that most men to such things are very careful.

Cultivated pearls natural, grown with a person.

Rings with pearls.Quite affordable. Beautiful, for every taste. Even if a woman already has jewelry with pearls, one more ring will not be superfluous. Jewelry too much does not happen if, of course, not to wear them all at once. Choose, please the gifts of people close to you, especially since the reason to do it simply obliges.

Pearl pendants. Never leave fashion. In general, to give a woman decoration-option win-win. This is nature! Even in African tribes with a minimum of clothing, beads and suspension-an integral part of the wardrobe. Joke, of course.) And if seriously, on the pearl wedding, give pearls! Prices are quite acceptable.

Pearl bracelets.From the most inexpensive to elite. Type "Sort up upward" in the search bar and pearl bracelets will immediately open. Congratulate the closest person with the 30th anniversary of the wedding and give the decoration in the topic - a great idea. The bracelet is one of the most successful and inexpensive options, because it is the hands of a woman's hands attract the glance in the first place. Choose!

Pearls from Hong Kong, Malaysia. More than 150 products from 1000 rubles. Pearls white, black, beige, peach, pink.

But, fortunately, not everything rests on the pearls! Variants are a huge set. The main thing is to congratulate! 30 years old is just wonderful! So:

Awards to the 30th anniversary of the wedding

Medal "With the anniversary of the wedding of 30 years" in a gift case. 630 rub. And in this wonderful day, except for congratulations, gifts and colors, spouses must be submitted to the award. And there is something to reward them. It is love, respect, wisdom, patience and optimism, no matter what. And let this little symbolic medal be sincere award from children, relatives and loved ones.

The diploma is called "with a wedding anniversary of 30 years." 1190 rub. Not paper. A bright image with text is applied to a metal sheet. Base-wooden frame. Format A 4. Everything is very "seriously": the spouses ended the period of life in length in 30 years of living together and received a specialty "Happy Family". All items are handed over to "excellent." And this:

Basics of heartiness and mutual understanding

The beauty of relationships in their longevity

The course "The ability and ability not to annoy each other"

Theory and practice of perfect relationships

The ability to fall in love with each other as the first time

Ability to unmistakably choose gifts for each other

And a few more disciplines.

So, to create an exclusive diploma, you will need the names and surnames of the celebrations, the date of the wedding anniversary and the names of the members of the award commission. For the presentation of the diploma, some additional words will not need. It will be enough for a solemn voice to read the text. Everything! Thunder approving applause and happy faces are guaranteed.

Large cup to engraving to the anniversary of the wedding.Height 39 cm. Engraving will be performed on two venues. Namely, on the metal shield the size of a wooden base and on a round lid medallion. High-precision equipment, with which the inscriptions on metal surfaces are performed, guarantees the highest accuracy, beauty of lines and resistance to wear. The cup is almost half ameter-award, which will cause sincere surprise and joy at the perpetrators of the celebration.

Award figurine "The best pair on Earth." 1190 rubles. Figurine height -31 cm. Base-pressed marble, metallized plastic material. Instead of standard inscriptions on a metal plate you can order your own. For example, with names. It will stand slightly more expensive, but the statuette will immediately turn into a unique one. Hand award one pleasure. Ask spouses to dance slow dance. And immediately, after that, declare the winners with the presentation of personal award. It turns out a real surprise!

The newspaper "True". The room released on their wedding day. Photo and article about newlyweds. The basis of the archive number "Truth" will be based on. Centers Celebrations will be shocked by such a gift (according to donators' reviews). Newspaper, practically, indistinguishable from the original, because the color of the paper you will also pick up yourself. Everything will truly! You will need: the date of the wedding, the text of the article (your own or finished option) and the photo (better than several). Here, actually, and that's it. The rest of the professionals who will work with the order. All nuances are specified with the manager. Even if a little time remains to the celebration, do not worry: the newspaper can be a devastator urgently.

Star registered (stone) with a wedding anniversary. Weight: 700 g. Size: 18 x 18 cm. Stable stand. At your disposal 3 windows that will need to be filled out: 1) Surname, 2) Date of the wedding or its anniversary, 3) How many years together. Place the order and wait for the call. After clarifying parts, the billet will be given to engraving. The whole process takes several hours. Payment upon receipt of the order. Star looks great. Gift memorable and touching. Such things are always standing in the most prominent place. The store "Valley of Gifts" offers you many more original ideas on the anniversary of the wedding.

And other options on the 30th anniversary of the wedding:

Gift cup holders. From 1890 rubles. Engraving on the box at your request. Retro gift, which will probably have to do. Included with a cupboard go and a glass, and a teaspoon. A little story. The cup holders appeared in Russia on railways during the time when the director of the Railway Department was S.Yu. Witte. This "adaptation" for static stability in the conditions of vibration and shaking turned out to be very convenient and firmly included in our life. Melchior, silver, copper and brass are used for modern models. Beautiful gift cup holders with state symbolism - great gift of a gift on the anniversary of the wedding.

Gift pedigree books. From 3190 rubles.Each book is equipped with detailed and filling instructions. What is especially convenient: the discerning mechanism for fastening sheets. This makes it possible to change sheets in places and complement the book with your documents. All book pages are made on dense quality paper. Colorful drawings create a unique atmosphere of generations continuity. Pedigree book -Bed for the whole family. This thing will be carefully stored and transmitted from generation to generation.

Photo albums. From simple to elite.There are so many interesting albums. For example, "Our Children and Grandchildren", "My Dacha", "Love Story", "Family History", "My Fishing, My Hunting" and much more. Photos on paper, unfortunately, go back. Now the photo is stored In phones, flash drives, in computers and less frequently on CDs. But the older generation has all the photos only on paper. And this is black and white, sometimes already yellowed pictures, there is no price. And when grandchildren, putting a beautiful album with knees , I will carefully look at old pictures, it will be just great.

Gift sets for relaxing in nature. In the family everything should be beautiful: and rest, including. When the children rose the time of free time became more, more and more often you want a weekend to spend away from the fuss and in a good company. Comfortable vacation in nature is great: and a kebab under a cognac, and the ear under vodka. Beautiful set in the case will be very by the way. Such things like, but for themselves they are usually not bought. Therefore, it remains to wait that someone will give such beauty.

Samovar Tula. From 8890 rubles. Wood and electric. Samovar in Russia has always been considered a symbol of home and hospitality. All numerous family gathered around him. This is the so-called "tea ceremony in Russian." Modern Tula samovars are real works of art. They are manually described. Each self-separate unique plot. On the site you can buy a gift set, consisting of a samovar, a brewing kettle and a beautiful tray. For the wedding anniversary, the option is simply "in the top ten."

Comic gifts. Extensively to raise mood.

Jokes of paper. From 120 rubles.What will not come up with! Toilet paper with jokes, army jokes, crossword puzzles, English-Russian phrasebook, Kamasouter and monetary signs. Sit yourself in the toilet and learn English. If you remember that earlier, the toilet paper was a terrible deficit (and the spouses with a 30-year experience are perfectly remembered), then such surprises will be accepted on the "Hurray". In addition to paper, there are cool door plates and packs of money. All options for paper jokes will be met by friendly laughter.

Cool T-shirts. Paired for him and for it are 1150 rubles. Clothes for approving smiles, jokes and laughter. There are very interesting specimens with funny drawings and inscriptions. The fitting is obligatory immediately after delivery. And then the photo session for the cover of the glossy magazine is followed. This is, of course, jokes. But it is for this that unusual gifts are given for this occasion. In the circle of family and friends everything will be just cool.

Funny aprons. 960 rub. Paired. From the series "When we were young and slender". Please, from all presented, the most suitable, this is the "bride and groom". It is clear that a wedding dress and suit is hardly preserved. And how would you like to remember everything and try all these outfits in 30 years. And let it be apron! Do you imagine their reaction when they put them? All will laugh. And it's great! And maybe you will pick up other options. "Apolon" and "Aphrodite" is also cool.

Unusual clock. Pay attention to the antaches "Yes what difference", a giant alarm clock with a height of almost 30 cm., Watch for kitchen "Fork-spoon". The clock was and remain a classic genre among gifts. Of course, over 30 years they have accumulated more than enough. If you like the idea, he doubt, give. Some more less. And the copies are very interesting!

Mugs paired and cool. Any: With names, with comic inscriptions, by professions, hobbies, zodiac sign, with aphorisms and many, many things. You can order individual inscriptions. All you wish. Not more than 1 day will leave for your order. Everything will be done at best. Prepayment is not required. All on trust.

And many more interesting gifts:

Home Planetarium from 2500 rubles. What could be more beautiful to the cloudless nightstar sky? In a clear night, the look involuntarily rushes up, into the bottomless mysterious sky. Having a small ball at home, a diameter is only 20 cm. You can, in any weather, sitting in a chair, relax and relax from all problems and worries. The picture is so living and real that it is impossible to tear the admiring look. The planetarium set includes 3 disks with different programs. Also, the home planetarium is equipped with an interesting function "Falling Stars". It is incredibly beautiful: in chaotic order, from time to time you can see a falling star and make a desire. The stars are akin to pearls. Give a whole pearl sky!

Figurines and figures from 400 to 87000 rubles. Family, mother and child, beautiful couples, mushrooms, animals, birds, antiquity, profession, hobbies, etc. Ceramics, porcelain, wood, polystone (artificial stone). Russia, China, Italy. About polystone: This is a polymer stone consisting of crumbs of natural stone, acrylic resin, aluminum hydroxide and mineral pigments. Strained and plastic, well sufficiently staining. To date, this material is leading in the production of decor and interior items.

Home meteorological station from 3700 rubles. Thermometer, barometer, hygrometer. Three in one. There are models with a clock. Mechanics. The weather in the house is most importantly as they go to the famous song. But the weather is outside the house is also important. The barometer measures the atmospheric pressure, the hygrometer-humidity indoor, the thermometer is clear what. It is a barometer that predicts the weather for several days ahead. The arrow went down, - for the rain, up to sunny weather. Especially often it is interested in summer residents, travelers and fishermen. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe weather in the house on the anniversary of the wedding is very good.

Mini bars unusual from 5900 rubles. Globes are desktop and outdoor with maps of an ancient world, chests with a secret, leather binding books, exclusive clock and even fire extinguishers. A minibar accommodates 1, a maximum of 3 bottles. The place for dishes is also provided. What is good such a bar? First, it is an unusual decor, secondly, masking alcohol from prying eyes, thirdly, this is a great gift. We do not buy such things yourself. We will run somehow. But if someone gives it, it will be great.

Panel on the anniversary of the wedding."Recipe of happiness", "True Woman", "Real Man", "Recipe of a Happy Home", Guardian Angel "," Happiness to this House ", etc. Panel size: 20 x 26 cm., MDF and brass sheet with volumetric In texture and laser engraving. Beautiful gift box inside with an atlas. Excellent option for a couple with big family experience. They know the price of their happiness. The range is big. To find the right panel, you will have to study the names and texts.

Portrait by photo on canvas

A completely unexpected and very nice gift for spouses.
In different styles. You will need to decide in which image.

How does this happen:

You choose the image, load the photo.

Your personal designer comes to work, which will be ordered.

On your mail you get a preliminary layout of the future picture. Everyone to a single comment will be corrected by the designer until you finally like the layout.

The mock-approved layout is given to work. Occasion deadline 1 day.

Everything. The most unexpected gift is ready!

Paired and family figurines in a photo of 20 cm high. You load several photos of good quality, and then the sculptors and artists begin work. The most important thing in the statuette-maximum "similar", so the heads are made in large (4 cm). With a height of 20 cm. This is noticeable. The higher the statuette, the less disproportion is noticeable. Main material: Polymer clay, which is hardening at high temperatures. Metal framework allows you to achieve strength and stability. You can change or add your items. All nuances are coordinated. In general, it will be a gift not only to them, which lived together for 30 years, but also a family. As a relic, like memory.

Cheap gifts from Siberia. Altai region. Handmade. In Moscow and St. Petersburg offices are not. Without intermediaries. Sending TC and Mail. Artel "Radogast" and "Slavic shop offer:

Dishes. Handmade. Tree (cedar, linden, birch, pine), clay (fully manual method). Sets, plates, piles, solllers, spoons and blades, mugs, cups, kettles, chopping boards, bread minesses, closets and more. Decoration: Slavic ornament, Scandinavian runes, burning, wood carving. Unusual kitchen decor that can be used for direct purpose. You work for you real masters. Each product has its own "parent" whose name can be found in the description. Handmade dishes from Siberia is great! Look at her!

Alerts. More than 10 varieties: silver, wooden carved, brass and copper, ceramic, elk bone and deer, car, for children, for home and family. Each wubble carved, was picked up, flattered, sewn, woven with the hands of wonderful masters who love their business. The wizard name is in the description. Each drawing is one of the symbols of Slavic mythology, subject, plants, animal or the phenomenon of nature. On the anniversary of the wedding you can give both a common charm and for each separately. In general, the section is very interesting. Ploy.

Dream catchers made from natural materials: cedar, beads from cedar, bird feathers, twigs, twigs, bumps, penx rope, flaxes, calf thread. Small and big. Some information: the catches "flew" to us from North America. They were invented by indigenous Indians. They believed that bad dreams were confused in a web, and also not allowed in the dwelling of the disease and evil spirits. And we do not mind! An unusual piece of decor, which can be safe to hang in the bedroom. Look, you will like it!

Head.Altai honey (floral and dyagile), balms, oils, fees fees, tincture, herbal teas. Not bad. Only local manufacturers. Quality certificates. Indications for use in the description. The nature of Altai is unique: mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, meadows, everything has been preserved in pristine. In the purity and healing qualities of its gifts, you can not doubt. What do we want close and expensive people? Health first. It is desirable to add something material to the wishes. In its pure form. Agree?

Women's Clothing. Lucky and hawk, manual embroidery, trim and sewing. Skirts with adjusts, dresses, shirts, sundresses, shinks and anaras. Individual orders at will. Master always go to meet. Each Narada is a copy (or close to it) Museum Sample. Guide Artel is constantly looking for new historical materials. To revive lost handsellers and skills, a great job has been done. Inquinnient people work in the artel "Radogast". Thank you!

Men's clothing from 1990 rubles.Master Olesya and Catherine. Shirts, ports and spacemen. Only pure flax or coarse. Shirts with long and short sleeves. Convenient and durable. Nutya such a shirt, the man immediately turns out to be in the spotlight. Still would! Right as kind well done from Russian folk fairy tales! Such a gift will produce Furore! You can once again under the crown! In general, decide for yourself. It pleases what remained in Russia island, where you can get in touch with the pristine past. Prices are also pleasing. And surprised.

Belt (Cushai).Women's, male, common and brushes for belts. All belts are twisted manually. The price is proportional to the length. In Russia, the belt was one of the most important faces as a symbol of a closed circle. Without a belt, a person felt unprotected. By the way, the word "broke out" is directly related to the lack of a belt and means unauthorized behavior, the loss of shame. In general, if you ordered (or are going) a male shirt, then the belt for all canons is required. Master Miroslavn to help you!

What to give to parents, friends, husband, wife on a pearl wedding

Gift with engraving on the 30th anniversary of the wedding

Attention! The result is instant. That is, you type the text of the congratulations or load a photo, wait a few seconds and see that you have it out of all. Try it's interesting!

VIP star engraving.On the star itself you can write names or surname of spouses. Next, give the will of your fantasy. In the 6-following lines, you can make any congratulations. Change the template text on your discretion. Invent, compose, correct until it turns out this work of art! The process itself is very exciting. Size "Stars!" 20 x 30 cm. Such gifts for 30 years, no one has given no spouses! Emotions overwhelm people from surprise. Option for loved ones is the most touching. Give, you will not regret!

Phototache "30th anniversary of the wedding". When the house is a complete bowl, and it is difficult to decide with the gift is a good option. You can not doubt that such a plate will exist in one single copy. Only a suitable photo from you. Execution at the highest level. Reviews from customers only positive. Such a souvenir will stand in the most prominent place. For people who lived in marriage 30 years, similar things are very expensive, because they have love and appreciation to the most relatives in the world of people.

Name gift set honey "Sweet Couple". And let the "honeymoon" begin again, as and 30 years ago. It is not by chance that it was the honey that had previously been given to newlyweds. Whole barrel! And for the month, young spouses had to eat everything to strengthen their health and prepare for the birth of a child. Therefore, there will be 3 jars on the 30th anniversary of the wedding. It is clear that for other purposes! Children and grandchildren also require excellent health. Joke, of course. In general, the variant is cool. What is included in the set: 3 jars of different honey 130 grams each and beautiful wax candle called "cupcake". When presenting such a gift, laughter and good mood is guaranteed.

Family souvenir plate.A bright and beautiful ornament, the title venzelnaya letter of their surname and, in fact, the name itself. A gift from the "Memory" series. Never forget reason and donor, that is, you. Good inexpensive option from children, friends and relatives. Material: ceramics, diameter of a plate 21 cm., Plastic stand included. This is just a touching souvenir for a long memory. And even after many years there is no donor, that is, you. And the reason, the 30th anniversary of living together, especially since.

Named gift lamp "perfect pair" with the date of the 30th anniversary of the wedding and names. Two options are offered: large (height 16.5 cm) and small (height 13.3 cm). The battery is "hidden" in the stand, there is a switch. It is always difficult to decide with the gift for people who have everything. I want to prevent something very unusual and original. Lamp with names that beautifully glows warm light in the dark ideal option for the bedroom of spouses. In general, you won't lose.

Luminaire with their name "Family Forest".Practically, all the same. Also presented 2 options: small and more. The burning focus was always and remains a symbol of a friendly family, a cozy home, warmth and good. And let the fire of love never fade in the family you want to congratulate. The souvenir is very small, however, he carries only the most kind and positive feelings. Try it right now: type the surname of the spouses and see how cool everything turned out!

Named vase "30 years together." A bouquet of the most beautiful colors and a personal vase to it is simply excellent. Congratulate a pair of such an unexpected gift for them is one pleasure. You can not doubt that everyone likes. The classic vase shape allows you to perform high-quality laser engraving on the glass. Parameters: Volume of 3.8 liters, height 30 cm., Weight 1.1 kg. Even if there are many different VAZ in the house, this will be the most touching and unusual. If you like such an idea, try, write and look at the result.

Photoches "30 years together." A real surprise whom no one expected! Even people who are difficult to surprise something come into confusion from surprise. You only need a photo from you. A simple and understandable instruction will make it possible to create photoctions in a matter of minutes. Quartz silent mechanism, 5 years warranty. Dial size 240 mm x 350 mm. Impeccable quality. What can I wish for a presentation? In order for the figures of the years lived together, at least another 20 years, and maybe for 30. In general, try! The idea is good!

Oscar with engraving. Only good reviews. No complaints. Impeccable engraving quality and a fairly large text of congratulations. About statuette: height 27 cm., Weight 0.62 kg., Artificial stone, silver coating 999 samples. 30 years of collaboration really deserve such award in the nomination "The most beautiful and happy couple". Such a statuette is very easy to give: you just need to read the inscription on Schilde, and the applause of guests are guaranteed.

Oscar with engraving (ceramics).A budget option. Externally, practically, no different from the previous "uncle": height 28 cm. It only weighs a little less: 0.38 kg. On Schilde, you can make the same long inscription congratulations. On the 30-year anniversary of the wedding, when you are lost in guess, what to buy, the option is simply excellent. Honored reward for love and wisdom. The culprits of the celebration from surprise were hushed and overwhelmed with emotions, sometimes before tears. Try, write everything you want and admire the instant result

Paired T-shirts. The feast is common, therefore gifts should be equivalent. There are many interesting options. Seriously and with humor. And even many years later, for us parents "the moststs". If in childhood we expressed our love with drawings and clumsy doodles, now you can give such wonderful T-shirts. By the way, children draw no worse than Picasso. Joke, of course. With a share of truth. With dimensions to decide will not be difficult. There is a table for this. In general, decide!

Retail box for wine "Wedding anniversary"Unfortunately, without a bottle. In general, to give good alcohol is an option for all cases. But one gift packaging will not compare with such a personal wooden box. Frozen everything you want: names, date of anniversary, any text of congratulations. When placing an order, consider the size of the box: they are proposed standard and large. Wine will be sooner or later, and the memory of it will remain! And not only about him, but also about you! Darisians of such things are not forgotten.

Personal box for wine for 2 bottles "with an anniversary!". Unlike the previous version, this box is designed for two. For her you can buy a good wine, and for him that is stronger. Pearl wedding is also a wedding, only 30 years later. And how without "bitter?". So your gift will have absolutely the subject. And no one will rise the hand to throw such a beauty. And, be sure to empty the box will not. Good wine will be removed in it.

Calendar on 13 photos "Family", starting from any month.Gift super! Reviews only the best. Those who gave such calendars at the first moment were simply confused. They did not expect! But you have to work a little. Probably the most difficult, pick up the necessary photos and place them by months. The calendar format can be chosen any: A5, A4, A3. If you like the idea, spend a little time to create a calendar and will be all happiness! And if seriously, the option is just cool. Like 100%!

Poster (poster) on the wall self-adhesive "wedding anniversary". With your photo and inscriptions. 40 options for 390 rubles. Size 42 cm x 30 cm. Choose any: with your photo or without them. Posters are of great popularity, because this little surprise pleases everyone: and those who give, and those who give. The creation process occurs in real time. You can download any photos, write any names and slogans. Try it's interesting!

Piggy bank for wine plugs with engraving.Why not? After all, until the golden wedding is 20 years old! Copy yourself and copy! And the reasons are more and more: the birthdays of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Judging by the reviews, the piggy bank especially like men. The impressive dimensions (40 x 30 x 7 cm) suggest a long fill. In general, order for them a cool thing and wish all everything! Better, naturally. Copy traffic jams, gentlemen!

Glasses for champagne named "The best pair in the world." And they proved it! 30 years live, do not go to the field, where everything is smooth and smooth. Nowadays, married couples are becoming less and less, which reached the turn of 30 years. And if they did it, then they are the best. Find original gift is not a problem. Order personal glasses for champagne and imagine for a second the reaction of "pearl newly chains." Therefore, throw away all doubts and forward: make an order, write their names and wait a little bit. The order is performed within a few hours.

Kitchen sets with engraving. Symbolic memorable gift! Just! For example, a set of two-three items. Pay attention to the sets for cutting cheese. Everything is very extent and beautiful. The idea is not bad! You can add a piece of cheese and oil to the set. To be like in the saying. Not every hostess has a personal board in the kitchen. And you can also order a decanter with engraving. In general, any subject, if you wish, can somehow logically connect with pearls.

Money sets nominated on the anniversary of the wedding. 4 jars for 150 g. Floral, buckwheat, new cream honey with fruit additives. All delicious, fresher, and most importantly, useful. Try everything. If a festive table is supposed, it will also be "bitter!". Hand give immediately after a kiss to become sweet. It is very difficult to choose a gift to adults who have everything for a long time. But I want to be pleasantly surprised! Personal set of honey, what you need! The gift is unusual, useful and very soulful.

Decor for home and kitchen. A huge number of cute and original things that will decorate the interior. Everyone knows that even one small item can transform the room. Or kitchen. You know better what is in the house at the culprits of the upcoming celebration. Yes, simply because on the anniversary of weddings invites the closest people. Here you will find a lot of interesting things: decorative pillows, wall clocks, vases, paintings, unusual hangers, pots with autopolina, porridge, carpets and much more.

Towels nominal. Large terry. 140 x 70 cm. 100% cotton. The order will be completed for 1 day. Own production. Color can be chosen. Embroidery is performed on modern equipment, contrasting durable threads. Beautiful large font. It is very problematic to choose something with a pair that everything has everything. But I also want to surprise pleasantly! Personal gifts is what it is necessary. In addition to towels there are still many things. Many options. The main thing is that original and inexpensive.

Plaids Pillows Paired with Name Embroidery. Fleece. The pillow (35 x 35 cm.) With lightning over the contour folded into the plaid (130 x 150 cm.). For each plaid your box. Convenient, practical, gently, warm, cozy. And just beautiful! A good idea on the anniversary of the wedding. The store has its own sewing equipment. Work experience for more than 5 years. The masters make their work qualitatively and quickly. The delivery process is debugged to automatism. Pickup from the point of issue in Moscow. Prepayment is not charged. Calculation upon receipt.

Pillows are registered on the anniversary of the wedding. On the "Wedding Heart" you can write not only names, but also the date. The pad has medium sizes: 40 x 40 cm. Filler: Hollofiber, Pillowcase material: Atlas. There is another good option - "family coat of arms." This is a capital letter of the name. Looks very beautiful. If you still decided to give pearls, but have not yet decided how, -breeting it on a personal pillow! As in the best houses! This is, of course, a joke. On the site there are many other very interesting gifts on the anniversary of the wedding. Look for and find!

Named panels on the anniversary of the wedding. From natural stone or ceramics. The desktop panel has a square form: 20 x 20 cm., The stable stand is included in the kit. Looks very beautiful and attracts attention. Such souvenirs for memory are very carefully stored and transferred from generation to generation as family relics. In the "heart" you can enter not only names, but also the date. The older generation people are not difficult to surprise: there were almost no nominal gifts. By and large, the most expensive gift for them is the fact that the whole family will gather at the table. In general, see.

Wine glasses for mulled wine. Cool idea, although not pearls. What is it cool? Watch out for the logical chain: Glasses for mulled wine, hot wine with spices, winter evening, he and she in rocking chairs under the plaids, a burning fireplace in a cozy living room, a large country house, silence and peace. Romance? What a happy family does not dream about it? If all this is already there, then the honor of them and praise! The glasses will be more useful. And if not yet, it means there is something to strive for. The main thing is to start. From glasses.

Rose in the flask.Live. Not in vacuum. The flask is removed. The term of "freshness" is about 5 years. Rose can be touched and even sniff. The manufacturer promises natural fragrance. And how is that? And what is it? And this is a new conservation technology that has reached flowers. Just water in the plant is replaced with a gel. Accordingly, there is nothing to evaporate, therefore the rose and not faded. The height of the flasks 20/25 and 30 cm. Color Roses choose themselves. In addition to colors, the store offers cool bowls from roses and sets of original sweets.

And something else on the 30th anniversary of the wedding.Not pearls, but still a lot of interesting things. Namely: caskets, plates with engraving, wine glasses, stamp napkins, photo stakes, cool posters and more. When the parents have everything and "they don't need anything", the problem with gifts is rather sharp. New do not take, because they are accustomed to old things. So, choose something like that, something unusual and cute heart. For memory of children.

Back in the nineteenth century, a tradition originated to celebrate marriage anniversary. Almost every year, lived with spouses together, has its own name, their customs and signs. So how to celebrate 30 years and what is the wedding?

What is a pearl wedding

The wedding is the union of two loving hearts, on the path of which many tests, joy, sometimes disappointment, adversity. To remind spouses that together overcoming all these obstacles, the family becomes stronger every year, almost every year people celebrate the anniversary of the marriage.

The thirty-year-old anniversary of going life is called a pearl wedding. After all, a real pearl, like the marriage of the newlyweds, over the years is only stronger and becomes very strong.

Pearls - mineral, which is formed from the microscopic grapple of sand and is growing and stronger for a long time, becomes a real embodiment of purity and nobility.

Traditions of the pearl wedding

For 30 years of weddings, there are many traditions and rites that should be adhere to, as it is believed to live happily and to a golden wedding.

Ancient traditions

For thirty years, the weddings "Newlyweds" at dawn went to the river or to another reservoir existing nearby and threw into the water on one snow-white pearl. It was believed that the duration of pearls about fifty years old, and both he will grow and fix in the water and the joint life of the spouses will still be built, and they will live up to a fifty-year-old anniversary.

Spouses went to the church and put each three candles in front of three icons. The Most Holy Theotokos - she protects health, Jesus Christ - asked home well-being and calm and the Holy Trinity - asked for many years of living together.

Spouses were supposed to be in front of a mirror, which is a symbol of purity and sincerity, and swear to each other in love.

Modern traditions

Throw on the bottom of the glass with champagne on a snow-white bead or pearl and drink to the bottom. Then the "newlyweds" secure their union kiss until the guests will count to thirty.

The spouse presents a necklace of thirty white pearls as a gift to his wife, which symbolically indicate the number of years lived in a joint marriage.

It is customary to produce a couple of snow-white pigeons, as a symbol of gratitude and mutual love.

How to celebrate

Having lived for many years together, "young" celebrate in different ways to celebrate thirty years of wedding: who is only in the circle of relatives and loved ones, who arranges banquets for friends and acquaintances, and whoever wants to retire from the noisy fuss and enjoy the society only each other.

Therefore, everyone comes as it considers it necessary, focusing on its wealth, desires and preferences.

For those who prefer to celebrate the anniversary in the circle of relatives and loved ones, it should be aware that the pearl is a symbol of wealth and fertility, so the spouses who have grandchildren, then their presence behind the family table is required.

Spouses who preferred to retire from everyone, it is advisable to go somewhere to the sea. In order to comply with the tradition of celebrating the wedding, enjoy each other's society and remember the good moments of the years, to build plans for the future.

If you are used to being in a circle of universal attention, then thirty years of wedding should be celebrated in a cafe or restaurant so that all invited guests, relatives and friends can have fun, comfortably with you to celebrate this significant date.

Celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the wedding is solemnly: to sit on the table. Snow-white tablecloth, to serve a beautifully table, on the holiday desk the presence of seafood dishes is preferably. Mandatory dish is, of course, pies with fish, cook that can help daughter and daughter-in-law.

You can make a symbolic wedding ceremony: invite the registry office, make an exit ceremony, in some picturesque place, for example, on the banks of the river or other reservoir, to once again visit those places where I first met where there was a first date, you can also celebrate the wedding In the same place where and thirty years ago.

Before the upcoming triumph, you can arrange a "bridegroom" boyfriend, and the "bride" - a bachelorette party, so that with the most faithful friends and friends, who were with you for many years of married life to have fun, and maybe remember how it was the first time.

Everyone knows that pearls are not only pure white, there are many shades - green, pink, blue, gray, cream and even black. When preparing for a wedding, it is possible to study in detail what and what color indicates and spend the quiz on this subject.

How to congratulate and what to give

Many will see the question: what do you give 30 years of living together for a wedding? The options are many and this is not necessarily expensive jewelry of pearls.

There is a custom when the spouse gives his wife a pearl necklace. The number of pearls in the necklace is equal to the number of spilled tears of his wife over the years of russia and the husband will be bought off and promises that in the future there will no longer be tears and sorrow in their livelihood.

You can present a ring or earrings with small pearls to my wife, my husband is cufflinks for a jacket. But if all this is irrelevant or not for the pocket, then you can give something purely symbolic, not expensive and necessary in everyday life.

You can also give some thing that the sea is a beautiful sink, as an element of dwelling decor, fish in aquarium, a ticket to the sea, a fishing rod and tackle, a frame for family photos, decorated in the marine style, a jewelry casket and much more. Gift options on the pearl wedding are actually a lot.

Guests can give anything: from postcards with warm and sincere wishes to household appliances. This is who who is Garad. After all, the main thing is not a gift, but attention, support and care for expensive and native people. The main thing to congratulate the whole soul and sincerely wishing happiness.

List of anniversary after a pearl wedding

Not many know what a wedding after 30 years of living together. Jubilees are meaningful and not very large, since one year may not be alone, but two. Below is the list of the main anniversary of the wedding, so that you can prepare a gift or surprise in advance of the second half:
  • thirty-five years - this is a coral wedding
  • sorokhalette - Rubinovaya
  • forty Five Year - Sapphina
  • fiftieth anniversary - golden
  • fifty five years - emerald
  • seventy five years - diamond

30 years of living - a pearl wedding. This is a serious anniversary, proof that the family managed to carry his love through the years. Spouses have become truly close, native people, and their union is beautiful and strong. They are associated not only by marriage bonds, but also the heat of feelings, mutual respect and mutual understanding. And in order for the holiday to manage to know how to celebrate and what to give an anniversary.

What wedding

Thirty years of living together call the pearl wedding. Little gradation for many years turned out to be mother-in-law, strengthening and becoming a wonderful decoration. So the family, as if pearls, turned out love, warm, forming a beautiful necklace from a series happily lived years. Over time, such a marriage becomes only stronger, and feelings will not be fused in difficult moments.

Anniversary emphasizes the strength and sincerity of relationships tested. He proves that no adversity, misunderstanding can not fade feelings, but they only make them stronger.

On the day of the celebration, the spouses must wake up early in the morning and go to the reservoir to throw there on the pearl. It is believed that the couple who committed such a rite will live in marriage for another 50 years. After the ritual, her husband and wife return home and, standing in front of the mirror, give each other a vow of loyalty.


It became a popular tradition that came to us from Europe. At the beginning of the celebration, the spouses thrown into a glass with champagne on the pearl. Then they drink to Bridershaft and kiss until the guests take up to 30. Pearls from glasses. Husband and wife wear constantly with you - as a charm, a symbol of love and loyalty.

Believers on the day of the thirtieth anniversary of the wedding go to church on the morning service. Each of the spouses must acquire three candles, put them in the icons of the Virgin Mary and Crucifixion of Christ. It is believed that saints will help protect marriage from envious and adversity.

The main tradition of the celebration is the transfer of family happiness. On this day, already experienced husband and wife give instructions to their children, friends, talk about the importance of the family. They are divided by secrets that helped keep love.

How to celebrate

30 years of living - an important anniversary, therefore, it should be noted with a scope. The closest and native people are required at the festival: children, grandchildren, parents, loyal friends.

You can organize a celebration in a cafe or restaurant. Since the pearls are born and grows in the sea, then the choice of establishment with the maritime subject will be symbolic.

If only the closest people will gather on a pearl wedding, you can spend the celebration at home. All family members should take part in the preparation of the celebration, so as not to place all the troubles of his wife. This will allow a woman to relax a little, feel the holiday in full.

For the design of the room, use white, blue and turquoise shades. On the table must be seafood, fish dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables, pies. The decoration of the feast will be a beautiful cake, decorated with edible pearls. At the end of the holiday, the perpetrators of the celebration together cut the dessert and treat guests.

For 30 years from the day of the wedding, a festive table decorated in white and blue tones.

Choosing an outfit, the wife must take into account the theme and symbolism of the holiday. An ideal option will be a white, blue or blue dress. As decoration, you should use necklace, earrings and hairpins with natural or artificial pearls.

The suit of the husband must also correspond to the theme of the wedding anniversary. For the outfit, you can choose a white or cream suit. To complete the image, a beautiful tie of blue shades, clamp or cufflinks with pearls are suitable.

Some pairs prefer to celebrate the pearl wedding together in a quiet environment. The perfect option is a trip to the sea coast. If the sea is far and go to the Cote d'Azur is not possible, you can visit your favorite cafe or arrange a small picnic. This will allow the pair to surrender to the memories of happily lived years, discuss plans for the future.

Gift Male

Thematic gift for her husband for the thirtieth anniversary is pearl cufflinks or tie clamp, decorated with pearls. Romance can be given a beautiful frame with a joint photo or family photo album with pictures of the brightest, memorable moments.

Choosing a gift to a man, take into account his interests and hobbies. It can be the right and helpful goods for the hobby, the car - everything that joy will give:

  • fishing gear, sports equipment, sleeping bag, tent, hammock and other leisure goods;
  • accessories or useful gadgets for a car: new covers, video recorder, radio;
  • expensive perfume;
  • massage bath for feet;
  • ring or watches with engraving.

Gift wife

For 30 years, the wedding is customary to exchange gifts from pearls. For his wife, it can be a pearl necklace, ring, earrings or bracelet.

Mandatory anniversary gift is a chic bouquet of flowers. For compiling the composition, roses, chamomile, calla or white chrysanthemum are used.

If the chief of heart is a sweet tooth, you can present a sweet bouquet of candy. Such a gift will bring not only aesthetic, but also a gastronomic pleasure. In addition, the sweet bouquet will not fade and will last a reminder of the pearl wedding.

In addition to thematic gifts, the wife can be given to the present, which will be no less pleasant and welcome:

  • Ticket for a concert of your favorite artist, group or presentation.
  • Certificate for relaxing or wellness massage.
  • A ticket for two in a sanatorium or a recreation center.
  • Jewelry box, clutch or wallet.
  • Modern technique that will make it easier for life: mixer, blender, microwave, washing machine.

What gives guests

On the pearl wedding, it is customary to give touching or, on the contrary, practical gifts.

  • Composition from favorite colors, decorated with pearl thread.
  • Clock, paintings, candle holders, figurines, portrait of a couple on canvas and other interior decorations.
  • A set of wedding glasses decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday. They will be a worthy decoration of the festive table and will remain for a long memory.
  • Household appliances or kitchen utensils.
  • Bed linen, towels or warm plaid.
  • A ticket to the sea or in a sanatorium.
  • Icons that will be a faith for a family.


On the day of the wedding anniversary, beautiful congratulations sound to the anniversaries. Guests wish the spouses of love, health, wisdom, union strength. Husband and wife exchange confessions in their feelings, give promises to keep them up to the condation of the century.

As congratulations, beautiful words spoken from the heart, or poem:

Soul in the soul of thirty years!
There are no pairs of loyal!
You are before the wedding pearl
Rezhagali together together.
Congratulations on this date
We wish to live richly
Do not swear, do not bother
And love and have fun.
After all, no wonder my husband and his wife
Associated with the fate of one.
Joy, grief - all forces
If there is a loved one nearby.
Let there be a chagrin,
Disagreements and doubt.
We wish happiness only
And, of course, crying "bitter!".

Pearl painting of the year
Located your union family.
And where you are, - always love,
She is clean and unchanged.
Pearl wedding fragrance
You fill and chas,
Bride festive outfit
All also worries the groom.
Hand in hand ... All thirty years old.
For you happiness a star trail.
So let the bright light
And children, grandchildren shines the house.

30 years from the day of the wedding is a significant date, it is necessary to celebrate it noisily and fun in the circle of relatives. For guests, the holiday will be remembered as a bright and emotional event. For spouses, he will be a new step towards the Golden Anniversary of the Wedding.

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Liana Rimanova

After the thirty joint years, which spouses are married, the third anniversary date of the family is the pearl wedding anniversary. Spouses have a lot of time together, equipped their home, raised children, they already have grandchildren. After thirty years in marriage, the spouses learned to understand and appreciate each other, peace and mutual understanding reigns in their family. After all, live together so many years and meet a pearl wedding can only friendly and loving hearts. The closer the date of the anniversary, the faster the children, relatives and friends of the family need to decide what gifts they will be presented with anniversaries on the day of the celebration.

What to give to the pearl wedding? For example, brooch with pearls

Many people think that on the pearl wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gifts with pearls. But this option is more suitable for children of spouses or their relatives. In addition, the jewelry of pearls spouses can give each other. Therefore, a gift of friends on the 30th anniversary of the wedding should differ slightly from other presents. You can think about more useful things in the farm or find something completely unusual.

What can be given to a married couple on a pearl wedding, except pearls:

  • Modern gadgets or household electrical appliances. It is very universal giftwhich comes to any kind of holiday, including the pearl wedding. Household appliances, which facilitates the management of the economy is the perfect presentation for a couple of fifty years. The mistress in the kitchen does not have extra electrical appliances. You can buy spouses multicooker, electric meat grinder, coffee maker or microwave. Give what the anniversaries do not have, so that they will be happy to use your gift.
  • Order a portrait written by oil. Finding a suitable artist will not be much difficulty, the main thing carefully examine the portfolio of potential candidates and prices they offer for their services. If you are not sure that you can choose the right photo with which the portrait will be written, buy a certificate from the artist. According to him, the spouses themselves will be able to go to the workshop and participate in writing a picture.
  • Gifts from textiles. Despite the fact that it is not entirely original, textiles still does not lose its popularity. Textiles of good quality is the necessary thing in the farm. Spouses will be happy to get a good bed linen from friends, a beautiful tablecloth, silk bathrobes or plaid with the original embroidery. If you want to do emphasis on the name of the anniversary, Look for pearl textiles or things with a pearl image. Normal robes for spouses are now very popular. They can be terry or silk, and on the back you can order any inscription, for example, congratulations on the pearl wedding.

Textiles as a gift to friends on the pearl anniversary

  • Pet. Before you decide on such a present, think if the spouses of animals love and whether such an unusual gift will be glad. As a rule, people closer to fifty years spend a lot of time at home, which means that they will be able to give animal the desired amount of time. Spouses who love homemade Animals can give a purebred puppy or kitten, parrots, aquarium with fish, hamster, guinea pig.

Original Gift for Pearl Wedding: Pet

What can be given to the spouses to each other for 30 years of weddings?

By tradition, the spouses can start their day with the presentation of gifts to each other. Since the anniversary symbol is the pearl, then the gifts should be associated with it.

According to a long tradition, the spouse on the 30th anniversary should necklace of 30 pearls or any other decoration with pearls.

Together with the main gift chic bouquet Or a box of favorite candy. The spouse can on this day pearl cufflinks or tie clamp.

In addition to traditional gifts, spouses can please each other more practical things or antique objects. If you want to truly surprise your halm, acquire gift Certificate On a parachute jump, flying on a paramy or swimming tickets with dolphins. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time both.

By the 30th anniversary of the wedding, children of spouses are usually adult and self-sufficient personality. Most often they live separately from them with their family. Therefore, to buy a good holiday for their family will not be much difficult for them.

Gifts from children parents should be family and mental

It is best to choose things that will remind the anniversaries every day about this beautiful day. Therefore, to give a family for thirty years old wedding worth:

  • Frames for photo with flash drive. Digital frames with a special built-in screen for photos are a very interesting and unusual gift. Favorite family pictures are injected on the USB flash drive, and the photo frame itself begins to broadcast them, replacing the frame behind the scenes. You can download photos from your parents' wedding flash drive or other joint memorable pictures. Such an innovation will probably enjoy them and will delight them every day.

Parents as a gift for a pearl wedding: a photo frame with a flash drive

  • Can organize a banquet for celebration. It is best to engage in the organization of the holiday to the younger generation. Let these nice flakes you take on yourself, and your parents will rest at that time. After all, this is their holiday and they deserve it.

As a gift to parents at the 30th anniversary, banquet organization

  • Give the village seedling. This is a great gift for gardeners. You can buy any seedling that they do not have enough: apple, pear, plum treated or small oak. If the pearl wedding falls for the warm season, put seedlings together with the whole family.

This is a wonderful gift that will grow on your eyes and delight parents with your fruits.

Original gifts do it yourself on the 30 pearl anniversary wedding

There is nothing more beautiful gifts made with their own hands. You can easily find different ideas for gifts for anniversaries that are easy to do at home. You can come up with a suitable option alone, for example, if you already have some talents. For those who could not decide, there are training master classes, where it is described in detail and shows how to cook a gift with your own hands, for example, make a bouquet of sweets on a pearl wedding.

What gift can you do yourself?

  • Prepare special medals and certificates that will have the name "best parents", "the best married couple", etc. It all depends on your imagination. Memorial medals and certificates of spouses will then store in a prominent place, such a spiritual gift will remind them of a memorable date in their family life.

Gifts on the pearl wedding do it yourself

  • Make a family book. The study of the pedigree family is quite responsible and time consuming. You can create a book of the genus only to the fifth knee. To compile this unusual present it will take a lot of time, so start learning the pedigree long before the anniversary.

Gifts made by their own hands will be especially valuable for anniversaries. After all, the main thing is not the cost of a souvenir, but love and attention that you are given along with him.

March 26, 2018, 18:02