How to make a craft of a napkin for the new year. Tree from napkins with your own hands a step-by-step instruction. Creative decoration of "Chrysanthemum" from a napkin

On the eve of the holiday, everyone cotton down, and the real needlewomen is twice as many: it is necessary because it is not possible to come up with a festive menu and conduct general cleaning, but also tie napkins New Year's Or create a unique decor element using decoupage technique.

There are always many ideas in the head, and in December, when the time comes to embody them, it turns out, too little time, so you can worry about New Year's design "pieces" today. Especially if you like to knit crochet, then for you there are many ideas that require time to implement. Crochet-knitted napkin can become a unique gift for the best girlfriend. In addition, as soon as you connect one such round motive, then you probably want to try another scheme.

New Year's table decoration is one of the main moments of festive preparation. It is necessary not only to properly apply cooked salads, snacks, hot meals on dishes, but also take care of the correct table serving. In 2016, it is necessary to choose dishes with golden border, put glasses with gilding. The tablecloth can be white, but the napkins are better to take red. You can also decorate the table with golden candles.

Napkins New Year for decoupage

If you bought napkins New Year for decoupage, that is, several original options, how to use them. Since the new year is always associated with a large feast, the decorated bottles of champagne will necessarily come up by the way, they will take place in the center of the table, and if you go on a visit to friends, they will become simple and original presentation. To master the decoupage technique, it is not necessary to undergo special courses or for a long time to suffer, it is a very affordable and understandable technique, but if you have difficulty, then you will definitely look at the photo lesson or video master class.

Decoupage is the transfer of finished drawings to the surface and the additional coating of the base. His story has hundreds of years, and used in the Middle Ages, when there were no multi-colored paper napkins, which greatly facilitated the life of the needlewoman. In France, the items were decorated in this way, but in Russia they spoke about it only in the 21st century, but the technique quickly spread throughout the country and "infected" millions of needlewomen. Today, decoupage is used to create real works of art, allows you to breathe new life into old things.

If you decide to engage in seriously this technique, you will need an extensive set of materials - all of them are sold at any stationery store. Be sure to purchase several types of scissors: manicure, large and medium, which will help work with elements of different sizes: from tiny parts to large drawings. Brushes need to be taken separately for glue, for paints, blotting and varnish. To apply glue and varnish, the brush should be fine. May be needed sandpaper to handle the surface of the bottle. By the way, you can buy in the store for creativity a set for decoupage.

First, you will need a bottle of champagne with which it is necessary to remove the labels, it is very easy to do, if for a while leaves it in a cold water tank. Napkins Christmas paper You can buy on the market, but to find a truly bright large drawing, it is better to go to specialized shops "All for needlework", they have paper napkins for sale individually and there is an opportunity to choose the most beautiful winter landscape, the image of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

To work in the technique of decoupage, PVA glue is used, and for work it is necessary to highlight the space and cover the surface tablecloth so that there are no traces of glue. Materials are needed by nail sequins, white, blue and gold paint acrylic, crystal paste, silver or gold glitter, foam sponge, brush.

A clean bottle must be deguted, it can be treated with a soap solution for this, and then wipe with alcohol. An element that you will be glued to the surface must be carefully cut, you can make the edges a little ripped, so the drawing will look more natural. Surface should be carefully peeled with white paint (or other color, which will be to the tone to your image). When the surface dry, treat the PVE glue area. And on top of decomposing a napkin pattern, if a fold is formed, it is necessary to neatly dissolve.

When the pictures are glued, you need to leave the bottle to the complete drying of the PVA. By the way, you can arrange the image from one or both sides. Next you need to decorate. Semi-like foam rubber with paint should be walking along the edges of the picture so that it merges with the rest of the bottle, and the borders erased.

After that, decorate a bottle of glitter, for example, a silver can draw large and small snowflakes, and create a real snowy blizzard with silver sparkles.

New Year's napkins on the table

But not only a bottle of champagne in the center of the table should be decorated with your serving, you must prepare new Year's napkins on the table. Most likely, the desk annually has the same decoration, festive plates come from the servant, crystal glasses, stuffed forks and spoons, and to make the decoration in unique, it is enough to add only a few details. Do not worry, run to the market behind new tablecloths and fabric napkins do not have to do, because in the arsenal every hostess has its tricks.

Someone from the craftsmen prefers to sew several sets of napkins, for example, red, blue, yellow, so as to fall in almost all the color gamuts, but the easiest option is to buy white wipes and decorate them. To decorate, you need to take the gold ribbon quite wide, which you need to cut into segments and sew peculiar rings, this ring will be put on a folded tissue napkin. Next, you can use multiple techniques, for example, for each golden ring, put a sprig of ate or chopping cinnamon with a pine branch, or put a pine bump on each plate.

Napkins New Year's

The most original option as it can be folded new Year's napkin with your own hands - This is the shape of the Christmas tree. Do not worry, for this you do not need to pass special courses or to train a long time, everything will work out the first time. But it is advisable to take cloth tissue green, so that the Christmas tree turns out realistic and very beautiful. Your guests will appreciate this option for serving and certainly asked to spend a small master class.

On various holidays, you can make this serving special, for example, on March 8 you will succeed, and on February 14 - a red heart, so that, no doubt, decorate your romantic dinner with your loved one.

Napkin Christmas tree on video - This is a good master class on how beautiful you can fold a square piece of fabric so that it becomes the central element

There is another photo lesson that can help you:

1. Collapse the square in half, and then again in half. Now you have turned out the same square only smaller.
2. Napkin need to turn over and get the edges towards the center. Now you have a triangle. Top to put a small cargo so that the triangle is fixed and did not unfold.
3. After it, it is necessary to turn over and alternately bend all the layer up, refueling them under the previous lapse.

When you finish, you will see, you will see what the original Christmas tree you turned out, you can decorate it as beads or a star.

New Year's napkins crochet

The most original is new Year's napkins crochet. Schemes can be chosen according to your skill level, because someone owns a crochet perfectly and can perform intricate patterns, and someone is just learning, so the schemes are looking for simple and understandable.

It is best for the New Year's knitting to use green threads, they can be with Lurex, thanks to this thin shiny thread your knitting will look bright and festive. The most affordable option is the yaris of the Russian manufacturer, the store presents a wide selection of color scheme, you can also find cotton threads of the Turkish factory.

On the Internet you can find many options for knitting circular napkins, but the drawing "Christmas tree" can be repeated using a fillet knitting, this is a very simple and understandable technique that allows you to knit new Year's tablecloths and napkins. This scheme can be made independently, only for this you need to find a small Christmas tree, embroidered, for example, a cross. Now each square is to take for four columns with Nakud, and "emptiness" to be signed up so - a column with an attachment, two air loops and a column with Nakud.

Circular motifs are also diverse: in some patterns, the Christmas tree can be repeated in a circle. Many times, PI viscosay such bright patterns can be used beads that will be similar to multi-colored christmas balls, or to sew them already on the finished product.

New Year's tablecloths and napkins

Also can become a bright decoration for your home, and children's directness always contributes freshness to the interior. Remember that children are always engaged in "adults" by interest, so if you create any crafts, then the child will be happy to join the process.

For him, it is necessary to choose simple ideas so that he coped and not collided with insurmountable difficulties that can cause the fact that in the future the child will reject any kind of creativity.

For example, make it from the thread or using the papier-mache technique. Any children's crafts - holiday decoration. Girls of the younger school can be learning to crochet or give them to perform light steps in decoupage, for example, kids can cut large elements from a paper napkin.

You can prepare for the holiday all year and anyway in December you will have many unrealized ideas. You must attract all family members to creativity, as well as tell children about the customs of the New Year celebrations in your family.

1. If you buy immediately colorful napkins with New Year's plots, I don't need to do anything with them, all the beauty is in the picture. But if you have a skill and you can decorate objects in the style of these napkins, it will be just gorgeous ...

For example, these candles, christmas toys or bottles, decorated with the same napkins that you have on the table:

Monophonic paper napkins

In this case, you can imitate "counterparts" from fabric, fold and decorate their rings.

Very advise you to see my article. There is a video, how to make Christmas decorations for serving a table.

I can add another such scheme for the manufacture of a cardboard ring in the form of a Christmas tree. Print, cut out and circle on bright design cardboard, connect, as shown in the photo.

Print diagram (from Yandex disk)

If there are many children at the table, make them magic boots. In them, by the way, put small gifts. :

I still found two absolutely New Year's option! Here's how to fold a paper napkin in the form of a Christmas tree.

The idea took the "fabric", made paper. Is it worse? I like it! Around the edible confetti (sprinkling for Easter cakes).

Now we look at this master class (in English, but everything is clear), and we fold out of the paper napkin (below in the photo)!

I took two contrasting (the light napkin was immediately round with the wavy edges), and the dark I cut in a circle itself. The diameter should be 1 cm less than that of the first napkin.

Follow the master class, it turns out very festive!

Here are enough simple ways to design a New Year's table with napkins. A pretty Christmas tree is made of the wire, covered with colored cloth, which also serves as a clamp. And the fan, bonded with a small Christmas decoration looks pretty. Well, a festive table will not spoil the festive table. From the combination of red and green already becomes joyful!

This year I have a monophonic red tablecloth, white plates on which these napkins will lie. Very reversed bought by chance of christmas decorations in the form of gold metal bells, which are still elevated. I just twisted two types of napkins into the tube and trained in a loop on a toy. Everything! I personally really like ...

I always thought that the sweet tooth in the family is me, and now I am increasingly noting that I stay without sweet, and the wines of everything husband ...

Probably, the thing is that I love to experiment with different recipes of dishes, and this is basically confectionery: cakes, cakes and cupcakes that are surprisingly delicious.

It so happened that over time my hobby turned into an additional source of earnings - I became a furnace to order. And for a long time I was looking for a way to make my products beautifully, while I didn't hit my eyes paper openwork napkins. At first, I used them as a substrate for cakes and cupcakes, but soon realized that the napkins could be applied for the decor of the box.

Somehow I kept such a napkin in my hand, and several ideas were born in my head, thanks to which my house is now decorated with a new openwork lamp lap and a charming basket for delicacies. Yes, yes, all this I made using napkins.

Editorial "So simple!" Prepared for you 11 ideas crafts from paper openwork napkinswhich is commonly used to feed cakes and cupcakes. They are elegant, like lace, but at the same time quite inexpensive.

Crafts from paper napkins

  1. Openwork napkins look very stylish on packaging. Recently, decorators often use them in design of gifts Due to the elegance and simplicity of lace substrates.

  2. And with such napkins you can decorate paper bags with sweets for children, adult guests, or such as wedding bonbonnies.

  3. But one of those ideas that I personally embodied with the help of paper openwork napkins in just 2 hours. As you can see, you can decorate napkins and lampshade!

  4. Another way to use lace confectionery substrates is to re-establish ordinary jars. So you will have cute candlesticks that will decorate any wedding celebration, your apartment or country house.

  5. Great idea for preparing for the new year!

  6. First of all, confectionery lace napkins resemble paper snowflakes, which for sure everyone cut out in childhood before the New Year holidays.

    So with their help you can originally arrange a winter shop window or a window in the room, combining patterned coasters of different diameters. It turns out beautiful if you make a Christmas tree of them.

    Good idea to create elegant snowflakes.

  7. From openwork paper napkins, fascinating light garlands are obtained, which can be twisted in a restaurant or at home for a holiday. And most importantly, this garland is quite simple, you will definitely cope, even if nothing has ever decorate before.

    Very beautiful idea if you take the garland with light bulbs. Each light bulb extends through the center of the napkin. The light will be very nice to dissipate. The main thing is to take not warm lamps, otherwise this idea may be fire hazard!

  8. And also such a napkin can be used as template for home decor.

  9. Or create a cute lamb. I will definitely make such a new year to hang it on the Christmas tree.

  10. If you have a tender openwork wedding - boldly use this pastry paper in the design. She will give a magic appearance invitation.

    And every guest will be able to get a designer registered landing card in your holiday style.

  11. Such beauty can be created using a balloon, PVA glue, 20 paper openwork napkins and your inspiration.

And I suggest you a recipe is very tasty and at the same time a small-calorie

Nastya is engaged in yoga and adore travels. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - this is what the heart of the girl seeks! Anastasia is engaged in design interiors, and also makes unique decorations with floral topics. Dreams to live in France, teaches the language and vividly interested in the culture of this country. It believes that a person needs to learn a new one all his life. The favorite book of Anastasia - "Eat, Pray, Love" Elizabeth Gilbert.

Useful advice

To the festive New Year's table look brighter and more attractive, it can be decoratedsleeps By creating them in an unusual way or using interesting decorations for these napkins.

Here you will learn how beautiful and originally fold fabric and paper napkins for the new year, as well as create beautiful decorations for these napkins.

Christmas Napkins: Felt Decoration

You will need:

Scissors or stationery knife

Template (optional)

Hot glue

Pompons (optional).

Napkin Christmas tree

Origami technique will help you beautifully fold a paper or fabric napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree. There are several ways to do this, and here are the most interesting of them:

Christmas napkins do it yourself: candle

Napkins in the form of an Iris flower for the new year with their own hands

Crafts from napkins for the new year: Star

1. Put the napkin on a flat surface and turn it with a diagonal to yourself.

2. Bend the upper half so that the upper and lower ends come into contact.

3. Bend the left and right side to the middle.

4. Turn the napkin, keeping the folded pattern in the same position.

5. Bend the bottom up.

6. Lift the napkin from the bottom as if you are going to fold it in half.

That's how it should look. Lower two sections will play the role of two lower star rays.

7. The upper two sections are lowered up to the middle, thereby racing the remaining two stars rays.

* Correct the napkin so that its sections are more or less smooth, and put on a plate as a decoration of the table.

* You can use a paper napkin, and if you take several different colors, the New Year's table will look even brighter and more fun.

Rings for napkins for the new year

You will need:

Cardboard sleeves from toilet paper

Acrylic paints or gouache and brush


Sequins and rhinestones

PVA glue

Hot glue.

1. Cut along 10 cardboard bushings and paint each green color from the inside.

2. When the paint is driving, paint the bushings from the outside.

3. Cut (along) each of the colored sleeves on the strips, 5-6 mm wide.

4. To make the main twig of the future Christmas tree, prepare a few stripes and tighten one end of each strip around the tassel to create a turn. The lower the twig, the less you need to twist the strip.

5. With hot glue glue all twigs. Add a few more twigs on the sides and also glue them.

6. Boc of sprigs, fool the PVA glue and sprinkle with sparkles on top.

* You can glue small buttons and rhinestones to the Christmas tree.

7. Cut in half a few more cardboard bushings and paint into red every half. The number of halves depends on the number of napkins.

8. Stick your Christmas tree to the painted halve.

Now you can go through the ring napkin and decorate the holiday table with this cradle.

New Year's napkin in the form of lily (scheme)

1. Put the napkin on the table and fold it in half diagonally.

2. The resulting triangle put so that his top look at you.

3. Bend the lower part so that the vertex overlap the base of the triangle by about 2-3 cm.

4. Fold the harmonic napkin from left to right.

5. Take a napkin and insert it into a glass or ring to get a lily.

New Year's crafts from napkins: double Christmas tree

1. Prepare two napkins of different color, but approximately the same size. Put one on top of another. The basic napkin must lie below.

2. Fold the napkin in half once, and then one more time.

3. Turn the napkin so that all its free ends look at you.

4. Bend up the first layer.

5. Start bending up each new layer, leaving about 2 cm from the top.

6. Turn the napkin so that her Makushka looked from you. Now turn it over.

7. Bend the right-hand side of 2/3 and then also bend the left part (see image). The upper part of the bend should be parallel to the edge of your table. You have to get a small triangle.

8. To keep all the layers, secure them with a paper clip or a large paper clip, as shown in the image. Turn over the napkin again so that all the layers look at you.

9. Start bending every triangle inside the layer, which is higher.

* You can make some more similar Christmas trees and decorate with them the New Year's table.

Rings for napkins do it yourself: red flower

You will need:

Felt (green and red)

Beads (3 pieces)

Cardboard sleeve made of toilet paper or paper towel


PVA glue or hot glue.

1. Cut the cardboard sleeves to 2 or 4 parts.

2. From the felt, cut out such a piece that could be closed a piece of cardboard sleeve.

3. Wrap the felt pieces of cardboard bushings and secure glue. It is best to use hot glue, but you can try PVA glue. You got the ring to which you need to add a beautiful flower ..

4. Prepare a red felt and cut out several leaves from it (see image).

5. Stick first 5 leaves, and then stick to the top 5 more.

6. On top of the colors obtained, stick beads.

7. Now glue the flower to a green ring.

New Year serving napkins in rings with bumps

You will need:

A small spruce twig (better artificial)

* If the twig is too long, then you can trim it with plaques.