As you can get acquainted. How to meet a girl on the street. How is this real acquaintance

  1. And what are you busy tonight, after our date?
  2. What do you think, do I like you more than me?
  3. Hi, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick, try to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, and you will not tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very joyful nose!
  6. Will you tell me the recipe for jam from birch?
  7. Hey! Today is a stunning day, can I raise you the mood?
  8. Hey! Are you sitting in VK? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how we are like!
  9. Do you get acquainted with cute young people? Here I am!
  10. You have beautiful eyes, and what color are they?
  11. And we argue do not guess what your name is?
  12. You probably will not give me a chance to meet you ... But I came a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I am clearly not the first who wishes to meet you. But I am the best! Do you want to prove?
  14. Hey! I sell happiness! Do you want to give you free?
  15. Will you tell me where it is better to spend salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting until you make the first step. Hey!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we must meet!
  19. Tell me how many you sewed today? I'm four. Well, the arrogant girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to get acquainted. Hey!
  21. Do you believe in love from forty-eighth look? And then I look so long on your pictures that I fall in love!
  22. And how did you know that I am online?
  23. Let's change? You two hundred times of grams of sadness, and am I a kilogram of your joy?
  24. Maybe already talk or will we like to like each other?
  25. Remember me? I dreamed of you!
  26. Hi, I now read an interesting story. The guy met a girl, and they lived long and happily! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said: "Hi, I read an interesting story now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hey! I want to take your interview. Tell me, what is it, to be the most beautiful girl?
  30. Will you not help me learn to talk with girls?
  31. Hi, I spend the census of the population and want to start with you!
  32. Hi, remember, please, my free time for communication with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think I want to get acquainted with you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So they met two damn attractive people. Hey!
  35. No, well, if all the time is silent, no one will meet you. I will help hello!
  36. You know, I had a not very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you do not answer me?
  38. Do you have a young people near your feet? And at the hands?!
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would meet with me!
  40. And who do you meet with? And come with me!
  41. Hey! I am writing a book about what girls want. Will you tell me?
  42. Such a stunning girl like you should be a beautiful font!
  43. Hey! I got lost in life and barely found you, you will tell me from the dull world of loneliness?
  44. Can I felt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, butter and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Do you want to talk to a person you really liked?
  47. What do you think for what questions the guys get skils?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Or maybe better?
  49. Probably, are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Will you tell me what kind of breed it is better to start?
  51. What are your professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we go to "you"?
  53. Do you spend a lot of time, can you disperse?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you have a professional photographer in your friends?
  55. Imagine, wrote you a huge text, and then cut the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I also like this group! What song is your favorite?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially left!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right gorgeous doubly!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute breast! And there are also two more!
  62. Nice dress! Just know, the handbag is not very suitable.
  63. I heard the phrase that you would tell you? So, I like you, and I decided that I would like you!
  64. It was difficult, but I could write you! Will you get answered?
  65. Have you ever rolled on the escalator? Want to pump?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have already written to you!
  67. You do not have a chance of red thread? With her, we would have been able to tie a friendship.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever offered a hand and heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Sorry, can I correct your plans for the evening?
  71. And this is not why you just press "I like" on my photo? Not? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photo?
  73. Probably, it's bad to be your girlfriend, because you all overshadowed with your beauty!
  74. In life, I miss two things - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how well I have a single!
  76. You know, your hair is perfect for the color of my pillow.
  77. Probably it hurts, fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, and your mom does not need a son-in-law?
  79. We argue for ten thousand, that I invite you to a date, and you will refuse?
  80. Get married for me!
  81. Urgently, call an ambulance, I shot the arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness? I need it for experiments.
  83. Hey! You could not let me wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to sleep.
  84. Did you come from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love is at first sight? If not, I will write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my connected?
  87. Girl, you probably got tired of the question about the son-in-law?
  88. I bought Borjomi and Salami, come to eat!
  89. And I collect a harem. Not enough of you.
  90. When you already do your first step! I'm tired of waiting and do it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I saw you exactly somewhere, do not remind you where?
  92. Are you beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hey! Stunning places on your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love "...." Group. And you do not have their songs on the cassettes?
  95. Have you ever seen a really interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! You were not in the club yesterday?
  97. Do you know the saying "Listen to the woman and do the opposite"? So, I do not want you to answer me!
  98. I have an excellent vacancy! Male / girl for a trip to the movies with me. Do you want to try?
  99. Hello. The day is so good today. I want to raise someone's mood. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only our name and surname. And so I found you!
  101. You have such beautiful eyes. I have long been looking only in them, but I do not decide to write.

If you are increasingly asked by the question: "How to get acquainted with a girl on the Internet?" You definitely need to read this article. In it, we will tell about how to make new virtual dating, which will quite differ in real.

Today it is difficult to meet a person who would not hear about dating on the Internet. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, most people decide their questions daily, earn money, getting acquainted and communicating. It is about communication and acquaintances today and talk today. After all, as it turned out, many guys have problems with this. But the thing is that they do not know how to place a girl to themselves and tie a virtual conversation.

What to hook a girl on the Internet?

Dating sites, social networks are a great opportunity to find a friend or soul mate. At first glance it may seem to do it is not difficult. After all, the fact that the interlocutor is on the other side of the monitor, somewhat shakes and gives courage. But not everything is so simple. Only one phrase can persecute further communication.

Before you write "Hello. Let's meet "think about what time a girl reads a similar" banalcin. " Therefore, do not hurry and remember, the first impression is impossible for the second time. You have liked the lady you should charm from the first phrase.

In order to interest her, adhere to the following advice:

  • Be original;
  • Do not use standard phrases for dating or paved templates;
  • Take care that your questionnaire is interesting.

Let's talk about how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, where to start a conversation. To begin with, it is a little time to study her questionnaire if it comes to a dating site, or shifting a page on the social network. The information received may be quite enough to ensure the fascinating conversation.

Which phrase can begin to get acquainted:

  1. Original.

After examining her profile or page on the social network, pay attention to what the girl is interested in what is more priority for her. You can write a traveler girl: "I see, you also love Istanbul, like me. Did you see the blue mosque? There is divine. " In most cases, the representative of the fine floor will not be able to ignore the message from a person who is interested in the same as she.

If the girl loves animals and itself is a hostess of any living nature, this information can be used in their own interests: "Good afternoon. I also dream about Pincher. How do you like them? ".

  1. Clinging.

Make the right compliment. This is not about the figure or pleasant appearance of the lady. With confidence I can say that she herself knows how beautiful. Shone deeper. Write about what her needlewoman, a beautiful mistress or a cook, what is her impeccable taste.

  1. Humorous.

This is a great opportunity to check if she understands jokes. Yes, and self-confidence can be demonstrated in this way. For example, you can start with the phrase: "I urgently call the police, you stole my heart" or something like that.

If you want to make a good impression on the girl, do not be annoying and do not write ahine. Also bother about everything written by you readable and did not contain errors. On this girls also pay attention.

In order to know how to get acquainted in and the Internet with a girl, it is necessary to remember the phrases that, when you first get acquainted to write in no case:

"Hello. Let's get acquainted?"

Blessing complete. What the guys are counting with this approach is unknown. As a rule, such statements are immediately ignored, as well as all the next author.

Phrases: "What are you beautiful!", "Your mother is not needed?" And other of the same plan also includes.

"Good day. Sorry you are worried. Do you want to talk? " Or "hello. I looked through the profiles on the site, and decided to write you. I hope not disturbed? "

Already from the first phrase you give you to understand that confidence in yourself is not yours. And why a beautiful girl's mattress? That's right, there is no need. Therefore, it will read the message, closes and forget about it.

"Hello. Maybe we go to the club / Park / Cafe? "

It is unlikely that the girl will respond positively to such a replica and answer at all. A sharp representatives of the fine sex are perceived and attempts to meet when the guy asks her phone number in the first message.

If the girl liked the little and you can't wait to get acquainted with her, remember what was said at the beginning of the article - the first impression you can produce only once. Therefore, bother to spend a little time to learn more about it. It will give you more chances to conquer the girl in the correspondence.

How to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her, and from which replicas it is necessary to give up, you already know. If you learned it, you have all the chances to interest the interlocutor from the first message. But this may not be enough.

If the girl answered your message, you need to interest it, make such a long-awaited connection to fail. How to do it:

Do not ask questions that can put it in a dead end, cause unpleasant emotions.

You do not need to start familiarizing with complex questions or those that require a bulky deployed response. From the very first seconds to communicate with you, the girl should feel ease and ease, and not feel at the interrogation by the investigator. More jealous and flirtuy - weaker representatives like it.

Do not overdo it with questions.

Some guys allow a common mistake - literally fall into the girl with questions. The desire to learn about the interlocutor is more welcome, but it's not worth the excerpt. Let me learn something about yourself.

Do not answer immediately to its messages.

This will create the visibility of your employment, will make it clear that this correspondence is not the only joy in your life. In most cases, this approach causes the interlocutor to revere, she begins to think about you, waiting for at least some reaction to his message.

And even better - from time to time come out of the network without warning. Try less time to spend online. After all, probably, you have work, hobbies or any other important things.

Try the strategy "interested - not interested."

What does it mean? Not always the initiator of the correspondence should be only you. Yes, and excessive obsession can push the interlocutor. If you see her interest in communication, from time to time let me in the correspondence in correspondence - "good", "clear", "OK".

In addition, do not write her every day. Let the ladies also show the initiative. After all, the game in the same gate is not your final goal. Right?

Using all these tips, you will know how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet. And if you do everything right, soon a virtual acquaintance can turn into a real meeting.

How to understand what time has come, go to active actions and came up to offer an interlocutor meeting? Make it is very simple, it is enough to analyze her behavior. A girl who is interested in you:

  • Gives deployed and not dry answers to questions;
  • Quite often itself is the initiator of the dialogue;
  • Uses emoticons in the correspondence, to manifest emotions.

If you want to know how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, where to start, so start with the simplest - registration of the questionnaire. Yes, its filling may seem like a very boring process. But it is she who can play your hand.

Properly compiled questionnaire is a guarantee of success. After all, girls, unlike guys, pay attention to the information that a potential young man leaves in his profile. From it you can learn a lot of interesting and not always pleasant.

Some girls, studying the questionnaire, include ignore. After all, the fact that they read or saw, repels and creates a certain impression.

How to make a questionnaire correctly:

Lay out on a dating site or on a social network page your photos in good quality.

It is enough 3-5 photos. At least one should be visible by your face.

Before you upload a photo, think about it - if you are in a steep club with the sea of \u200b\u200balcohol, then you will not call interest in a modest and homemade girls. But the lover of the night rampant life will bend.

Therefore, selecting the interlocutor of interests, think over this moment, and choose the right photos.

Do not be vulgar and vulgar.

Talking with such copies of the representatives of the weak floor of the brief. If nature endowed you with the body of Apollo or this is the merit of the instructor of the gym, and you want to demonstrate it - please. But do it in an acceptable form.

No need to photograph your biceps in the mirror, or upload photos of male dignity. Take a picture of nature, on the background of the sea or mountains. Believe it, it will attract the attention of the girl much more than various vulgarities.

Fill out the questionnaire correctly, give as much information you need about yourself.

Tell me about your hobbies, as you like to spend time, what you want from life. Pointing the criteria for which you are looking for a girl, do not drive yourself into the frame - only blondes, only under 23 years old, only 90-60-90.

Be foreseen and indicate that you are looking for a positive and gentle girl with which you can create a homemade coin or have fun. Surely every second girl considers that it is suitable for this criterion.

Despite the fact that in the questionnaire you should tell as much as possible about yourself, still do not turn it into a resume. Not everyone is interesting to read where, when, who you worked and for what reason was dismissed.

Now you know exactly how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her for the first time and how to be an interesting interlocutor. And remember, no rush. Communication should be easily and easy. Only, it will be able to move to the level above and from a simple correspondence to turn into a meeting, and may also turn into something more.

Do not lower your hands if the first time it did not work out to start a familiarity with the beauty you like. It did not work this time - it will be necessary in the next one. After all, experience comes with practice. Therefore, do not be afraid, try and achieve your goals.

Discussion: 10 comments

    After reading the article, how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, I learned a lot of new things for myself. Perhaps not by all the advice will use, but at the expense of what needs to be original in communication, that's for sure. I do not think that some girl wants to communicate with those who will seem uninteresting with her from the very first minutes and will just write "Hi! How are you?".

    And I did not think for a long time, how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her. That the first step in mind, about Tom and said. I looked at the photo in her profile, seemed quite interesting. It turned out that we rested sometime in the same country. So it began to communicate with an interesting topic.

    Well done! Very sensible article turned out. It is written just for such as I, who are so crazy to write like a girl "Your mother you don't need"?) I decided to write for a long time, it's a pity that I didn't see the article before, I would not make a lot of mistakes.

    Regarding the rules of correspondence with girls. It seems to me not in our life to reduce some rules, duties. If I want to ask her what I am wondering, then why not talk about it? Just because the rules say so? Tacticity and caution our all, comrades!

    The author seems to be well and well wrote ... But he said that it was not necessary to immediately respond to her messages. What nonsense? Why make a person wait and play such children's games? It will not force the interlocutor to revere, but will give her to understand that she is not interested in the guy and the reason to drain from it than faster.

    I also did not like the author's words about what to make her wait. Who is this man, God himself? This is what, and she will find an interesting lesson very quickly and forget about the guy. Who initially needed to communicate, her or him?) Why do I don't understand so much, I do not understand.

    I have never thought about the fact that it also needs some kind of questionnaire. I don't think it is very important for the girl. If she likes communication with a man, then, in my opinion, she doesn't matter how his page in the social network is issued.

    And here I want to offer my version of the topic for conversation. The interlocutor will definitely interest non-standard questions that will require her kindness and desire to take her. You can see in what places it happens and ask "and where is the way, how to go there", of course, avoiding proposals to help you find the place with her)) then it will certainly run away.

    I was very lucky. The girl with whom I communicated was very humorous, so with ease I understood what I am now kidding and where you need to laugh) guys if the lady does not understand your sense of humor or does not want to continue to communicate on a certain topic, then you don't need to make it make it do ... Otherwise, very soon you will get it easy.

    I am very scary to write to her first. I read this article, I really liked some items. It's good that I did not write to her before. There were some ideas, but I am afraid that everything would spoil ... the author, please write how girls react to popular phrases guys not online, but in life)

First impression It makes up in appearance, according to the first words, further conclusions about the guy girl makes on its upbringing, etiquette and attitude towards it. But first things first.


It is known, any person adds his first impression of another person in just a few seconds. Perhaps, it is possible to obtain information for such a short period of time from visual and audible signals.

Therefore, the appearance and manner of speech are very important criteria for success with women at the initial stage. The appearance from these two parameters is more primary and think about it first.

Most of the appearance of a man makes up his clothes and, in general, girls are very carefully studying what the guy is dressed, who wants to meet. Tastes and preferences can be different, but there are universal canons, followed by a man will like most of the women.

Need to pay attention to Several private:

  1. Type of teeth. No need to strive for a hyperbolized ideal, but the teeth should be fine - even, everything is in place, without sticking slices of food, without a dark fly.
  2. View of nails. Here everything is quite simple - the nails must be neatly cut, do not resemble hardware.
  3. Hair and vegetation on the body. The rule here is approximately similar - accuracy, normal hair length. Very important moment - hairstyle. Before you choose a certain style of haircuts, you should discuss this moment with a hairdresser.
  4. Figure. From the pages of the posters on us are watching pumps athletes, hinting at the ideal of male beauty. In life, everything is somewhat easier. It is necessary to eliminate hanging from the abdomen, hips and buttocks fat, if it is, it is quite a bit to work on the relief of my body and a pleasant picture for picky female eyes will be provided.
  5. Footwear. Whatever shoes, always parameter No. 1, cleanliness will remain. Follow the cleanliness of the shoes you need to constantly make it your everyday occupation, akin to the cleaning of the teeth. Women always pay attention to shoes, even if it does not bother clearly into the eyes.
  6. Socks. Nothing fright - without drawings, monophonic, not too low and not too high.
  7. Pants or jeans. First of all, pants must be mapped, tidy and clean. In all the rest, you can trust your own taste, but there are several rules in choosing trousers common to all elegant men:
  • normal length (to boot heels);
  • without ornament (cage, stripes and so on);
  • not too narrow and not too broad;
  • mostly in the classic style or style of Casual.
  • Belt. The belt selection primarily should be due to the choice of shoes. The colors of these things must coincide. In addition, it is very important to achieve the combination of the color of the belt and the colors of the trousers. The optimal length of the belt can be calculated so - it should be fastened on the third hole. Huge buckles with label inscriptions - Movetona, from which you need to refuse.
  • Sweater, shirt or t-shirt. The choice of this detail depends on the situation, but by definition everything should be clean and neat. Huge brand inscriptions are not too decorated with a man, giving him banality and vulgarity.
  • Refusal of fakes. No need to seem - you need to be. High-quality medium-firm clothing always looks better for fakes under the dear thing. If there is no possibility to acquire the things of fashion flagships better abandon them. The fake can be calculated and it will very badly affect the reputation and the general impression of a man.
  • Blazer. This thing also should not look firmly, pockets should not be hung and put on trifles covered. The lower button should always be left unbuttoned.
  • Accessories. Headwear, scarves, gloves, ties - all this must be selected taking into account the style of basic clothes, since the accessories perform the function of adding an image.
  • Decoration. Most decorations do not make a man more. Pretty ridiculous earrings in the ears, piercing and bracelets. The best decoration is a clock. They should not be plastic and too massive.
  • Perfume. The choice of perfume is a strictly individual task. Do not need to be influenced by advertising, camping sites about fashion and take the most popular. The task of perfume is to make a man unique, so it is better to choose what you like.
  • Video about how to get acquainted with the girl, girls tips.

    How to impress the girl on the street?

    Street dating is not only the most exciting, but also the most effective. Street offers a huge selection of girls - a real man here is where to turn around.

    However, to impress the lady on the street, you need to know the specifics of such dating. In order not to make discorded errors, it is very important to follow certain rules.

    ? Tips for psychologist:

    • pay attention to the mood, it should not be bad, and the girl should not look sullen;
    • make an appropriate compliment, you do not need to praise the girl for missing qualities, it is worth noting only what the girl is really noteworthy;
    • do not hurry with your offer, you need to give the opportunity to see and interested in yourself;
    • try to support the conversation if the girl reacted to the compliment;
    • model the situation for acquaintance, namely, to involve in your problem (send SMS, slit back, etc.).

    Rules of male etiquette

    In order to produce an indelible impression on the girl, it is very important to be well brought up and knowing at least several rules of etiquette. Pupil - rare male quality in the modern world and from this it becomes very valuable.

    Basic rules of male etiquette In communication with the lady look like this:

    1. Greeting nod head. Ignore other people's nodes, even unfamiliar, it is impossible.
    2. No need to use many devices for lunch in a cafe or restaurant. It should be limited to traditional forks and spoons.
    3. For women, it is for about 15 minutes for women, you need to perceive it calmly.
    4. Accompany the lady follows the right hand. The top of courtesy will be an offer to take yourself by the hand bent in the elbow.
    5. You always need to skip the girl ahead, opening the door to the room.
    6. Before sitting at the table, you need to push the chair for the ladies, and then sit down opposite it. If a man's companion wants to take a brief force - you need to always get up because of the table with her.
    7. You can not be removed with your elbows into the surface of the table, if it is not a bar counter.
    8. It takes to smoke only with the permission of the lady.
    9. Using cologne needed regularly with the bare smell of perfume.
    10. Absolute taboo - leave a girl one at a party and join your friends.
    11. Traditional roses are customary to give only beloved women.
    12. You should always serve a girl at the exit of public transport.

    A gallant and educated man can conquer any woman, but very it is important not to overdo it with mannersnot to be on them looped. You can start with several rules and gradually bring the knowledge of etiquette to automatism.

    What if I can't get to know the girl? Psychologist tips for dating in different places:

    1. Events inside the social circle of a man. Parties, holidays organized by friends often collect many new, unfamiliar girls. There is no need to invent anything here, as the girl at such meetings will already be subconsciously to consider men with "his acquaintances" and will be happy to contact.
    2. Work or studies. Methods of communication are also very simple - colleagues or one-log bars will easily find a common topic and will open the conversation into something more.
    3. Dance and Sports Schools. There is an opportunity to get acquainted during joint activities - dance or sports exercise.
    4. Trainings and seminars. In such places, the girls are quite strongly located for acquaintance, as they want to quickly gain new connections among people with similar interests.
    5. Night clubs. In many ways, the purpose of women and men in these places coincide. Girls come to relax, they are in excellent mood and are located to communicate.

    1. The girl wants dating no less than a man, and a gallant and an unexpected approach will cause her genuine delight. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted even when there is no readiness, mooding or nothing to say. The very fact of manifestation of male courage is able to conquer the female heart.
    2. It is possible a non-trivial phrase - "I argued with each other ..." Or "what do you think ..." and others.
    3. There should be no restrictions on the site of dating. It needs to be done everywhere - in a cafe, on the street, in the shopping center, trolleybus, queues.
    4. You should not finish right away if the girl did not answer the offer agreement from the first time. Perhaps she just flies and waits from the man of original moves. For example, if a refusal is to meet it, it is possible to catch up for it and offer a girl to get acquainted in a cafe.
    5. Never miss girls. In the case of approach, the chances of a man at least make up 50%, in the case of a girl's pass - definitely 0%.

    The desire to get acquainted with women is the natural and most beautiful feature of male nature. However, the social behavior of men is filled with fear, urgency insecurity and leads to the abandonment of personal happiness next to the woman of his dreams.

    Another video with the tips to get acquainted with the girls.

    You can argue about the ways of exit from the state of Grozh, build dozens of theories and hypotheses. It's all quite useful, but a man must bear one most important thought out of the knowledge base - make your life better only he himself, through practice and daily development.

    It does not matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing fish places and showing elementary male initiative, goals can be set any. You to help - the experience of podnatal men and my constructive tips. Clean a little time to find out the answer to the question that every second man is asked - where to get acquainted with the girl. Enjoy reading!

    Statistics on acquaintances

    Three Lifehak for dating

    All women do it

    Where to meet for sex

    Selection site dating

    Habitat: Successful and not very space to meet a girl

    The question "where to meet" sounds hardly no more often with a topical "how." In fact, there is no right places and trouble-free phrases for dating. But there is the theory of the probability and practice of common sense, according to which the club, cafe and street are not the best families for dating.

    Where you do not need to meet girls

    Most guys are confident, club, cafe and street - fish places. I will say this - trite, boring and inefficient.

    • To get acquainted with a girl on the street, need eggs, and meanwhile, the street is low efficiency. People hurry, hurry, think about their own - it is difficult to snatch a person from context and focus on themselves.
    • In the cafe, people eat or occur in the case. Believe me, a rare girl like it, when in her plate or mouth looks around, where the worm came from. And ... such an awkward moment, who to pay at the expense.
    • Night club - a good place. His owners tried for you - caught up girls and introduced them into drunk condition. However, competition will be mad, investments - above average, and chances for long-term relationships are almost zero.

    Now let's talk about the geography of successful hunting - where it is easier to meet a girl.

    Top 5 places for effective dating

    Psychologists are called: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and sea.

    • Transport. It is convenient from the point of view of the closetness of space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tiras. The main thing is to quickly and carefully take the number. Her stop may be next. Your, by the way, too, even if it is not.
    • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall and other). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for both serious relationships and flirts without commitment. The main thing is that these girls (praise intellect) are quickly denoted, from where and where the wind blows. If only your IQ did not give up.
    • Fitness Hall (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing and so on). You are already united by something in common. This is general, multiplied by the pheromones of a semi-nailed sweaty body - an excellent springboard for unrestrained communication. In the end, it's just nice to know that your chosen one is watching the figure. By the way, if a girl likes, but I have questions, remember, she is on the way to perfection.
    • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you use this little female weakness. Record calorie product, ask for nuances of cooking. Do not forget to take a phone to get some more nutritional recommendations.
    • Sea. The atmosphere itself has a little immoral behavior. Moral - where house and work. Here - the sun, sand and flirt. And you get what you see, and not a cat in the bag. Flaws - evident. No makeup and clothing Oversisiz.

    I remind you where the girl met - there and get acquainted. Do not wait until the beauty goes to the transport, store or buy a ticket to the sea.

    For the future: where to get acquainted with a girl for a serious relationship

    Places for dating worth calibrating with a loan to the target. It is clear, behind the ladies of a family type should not hunt in the club, and the girl for separation does not need to be sought in the museum. Although life happens in life, and in the still waters of devils are found. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and probabilities of the first order. So, where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?

    Statistics by acquaintances

    Let us turn to the statistics on acquaintances with the final in the registry office ("without statistics is not at all a life and some kind of cortex", k / f "Service Roman").

    • 27% of married people got acquainted in public places like parks, cafes and cinema (a small percentage belongs to clubs);
    • 21% were connected by the bonds of marriage due to work - being colleagues or having become acquainted on the basis of professional activities;
    • 17% of spouses were familiar with school benches or student years, and some even what is called, from the sandbox;
    • 16% learned about the existence of each other thanks to friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of loved ones.

    The rest became acquainted in other circumstances. Conclusion We do the following - you can meet my "half" in principle everywhere, except for the sofa (if in the hands of a laptop is another matter).

    Three Lifehak for dating

    By the way, do you know what qualities a girl appreciate in a man most? Start acquaintance with this.

    • Girls love care. If you help bring the packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car or tribal to open the door and skip forward, consider, acquaintance took place.
    • Girls love confident. Confidence is sexuality. But to be sure - it does not mean to climb immediately into the panties. This means - enter the driver's condition before the start of dating and get a maximum pleasure in the process.
    • Girls love compliments. True, say compliments - art. And do not turn him into Arthaus like this: "You are so beautiful that I am ready to drag 15 kilometers with a clear glass on the broken glass in order to jerk in your shadow."

    For the night: where to get acquainted with the girl for sex

    All women do it

    Good sex appreciate everything. In the format "without obligations", many prefer to meet, and girls are not an exception. Each has its own reasons. Someone wants to try yourself in the role of a sophisticated Wamp woman, changing men, like gloves. The other was simply exhausted without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice the principles. Third ... Listen, what's the difference? Just write down the closet: Women want, and more than you think. And one-time sex prefers many of them. Question - where is this found?

    Where to meet for sex

    Professional Pickaper is easy to hover the girl in the bed even with the library. The rest of the joy go to the club or on dating sites. The efficiency is high and there, and there. With the list of best dating sites, read the link. And do not be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to ordinary speaking portals, there are thematic: do not lose time on Mamba, when there is "black" if you love robustly, and so on. Let's talk about web dating in more detail, since it is this method of gender communication that comes out today to leaders.

    Girls living on the net: where to get acquainted on the Internet

    It does not matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that the correspondence acquaintances existed in the days of her youth. Well, today everything is hanging out in the Internet space - they work, communicate and, of course, get acquainted.

    Advantages of online dating

    • You can meet and communicate without separation from current affairs. Very convenient in the conditions of total time deficit.
    • The choice is not limited to anything - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
    • Nakhodka for introverts - people "in themselves", which neither whip, nor a gingerbread in public places.
    • Easy to take the first step. If on the street of eggs to approach the girl sometimes not enough, on the Internet, go to contact - two fingers omit on the keyboard.
    • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think over your own words. In real life, we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

    If for you the Internet up to this point was the place where you can download music or watch pornography, it's time to expand the horizons.

    Social networks as an order resource

    Social networks are a find for a guy who wants to meet a girl. The account on the social network is the sea "hook", which are easy to turn into opens. Any photo, video or even like can be used with benefits for yourself. And do not forget to clean your page. Remove the posts that women are fools, and another compromising. Your account must be exemplary.

    Underwater stones of dating sites

    The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On the dating site, girls want, oddly enough, get acquainted. Take Pop Corn, choose a dating site - and kill. But do not count on easy prey and one hundred percent return, because ...

    • Many competitors. The Internet undertakes the cost of the guy and overestims the significance of the girl. Even the "scary" get a bundle of sentences per day. In order not to get lost in the masses, imagine the public from the best side. How to fill the questionnaire a guy to make an impression on the girl, we said - Click and read.
    • Many virtuals. A large number of women of different ages will never meet with you. They seduce, seduce and self-affirmation without personal contact. Someone is married, someone is afraid, and someone has nothing to do. Uyma you can merge a bit. Therefore, do not care. Slowly, but inevitably translated the conversation in the direction of the real meeting.
    • Many illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication predominantly with a virtual way. So the brain works: owning the minimum of information, the rest is thinking. Therefore, see the item above. As soon as possible, withdraw communication to another level.

    I'm not talking about scammers, darkens, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who will definitely meet on your way. But I will master the road going. Go!

    About Light Bulbs: The Secret of the Success of Thomas Edison

    I repeat like a mantra: where the girl will like it - there is a place for dating. Street, concert hall, dating site - no place determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And the misfires happen to everyone, even at the Guru Picap. Accept as a fact - will be intermitted. And this is not a reason to return to the comfort zone. This is a stimulus to take our site in bookmarks and read expert advice on how to increase personal communication skills.

    What is the light bulbs? Thus, Thomas Edison performed 10,000 unsuccessful experiments to create an electric incandescent lamp. Every failure, a great scientist perceived as an experience that promotes him closer to success. Take note. A stubborn and persistent assault can be any obstacle. Good luck!

    We offer to view the video in the subject of the article:

    This article is only 9% of men.

    My parents met when they studied at the Institute. At their time it was accepted. Grandma and grandfather met on dancing. And it is absolutely normal that young people are asked questions: how and where to meet a good girlfriend. And for each concept of "good girl" will be its own.

    Where to get acquainted correctly? We, Picapperes, answer this question like this: anywhere! On the street, in a cafe, in public transport, in a nightclub. Good girls are everywhere, and you do not guess where the next time you will meet the one you like.

    In general, the desire to get acquainted is normal. Every one thousand times saw the situation when men turned around the spectacular beauty. And, I am sure he also turned around, and there was a desire to talk with this girl inside. It is a fact.

    Another fact is that almost all men turn around, but pass by. They will be shy, they will discuss with their buddy, that "her legs are cryption" and come to the conclusion that it is necessary to approach and there. That is how the myth "I can get acquainted if I want."

    Almost all men - according to our calculations, about 90% - never fit and do not get acquainted on the street, in a cafe, in public transport. These men float over the flow, inert, and we can not reach them. One percent of our entire pickup is not needed in FIG. These are athletes, celebrities, handsome maggors. To them, girls are lipped themselves, they all have everything good with it (I'm talking about - when it comes to a relationship, they consult us). The article I want to write for the remaining 9% of young people who want to learn to meet and ready to do something for this.

    What men love girls?

    If we have on the forum you will ask the question: how can I get acquainted with the girl, with a probability of 99% you will get an answer: come and get acquainted. Those who are so responsible for you try to assert yourself, because at one time they answered the same question in the same way. They are absolutely correct, although not as I would like to ask. But while there is a couple of words about why it is important to be able to get acquainted with the girls.

    Most men are limited to their circle of communication. Odnoklassniki, classmates, colleagues from work, 2-3 companies acquaintances. And it turns out that they are in the position of "selected", since there are few girls in these companies, and those who like even less. And if a man falls into such a position, he initially loses a woman in a relationship. It will not be the leader, and they will lead them. This is due to the lack of alternatives, many men agree to the relationship, because: so more comfortable, there is a regular, though mediocre, sex, now there is no better option, and so on, add your reason.

    When you are interested in as a man only one or two girls, you become addicted to their opinions. If not they - then who? Such an unknown scares many, because you will need to do something, and you refuse more, pleaseing the smaller.

    If you don't care - close our site, you are not on the way with us.

    If you know how to get acquainted on the street, you do it regularly, do not hide your desires - you are sincere myself. Girls feel it, they love hunters, love winners. Yes, and most pleasant becomes. Whoever spoke to, but it is important for us to feel confident.

    But how to meet? How to take the first step, what to say how she will react. On the Internet you can find a bunch of answers to these questions, a huge number of first phrases, analysis of various situations, examples, but it is not easier. Having read the motivating articles, you run out of the house on the street, and begins. Girls are not the mood is not that, dressed bad, and indeed ...

    Understand. It is really hard. And here I have two news. Good - I will try to help you now. Bad - still it will be hard. And if in the trainings I would say: contact our conportans, they will help, in the article I will tell you like this: I remember, but do it. But first help.

    First and most important task

    Write on paper the first phrase that you say a girl. Find her on the Internet, invent myself - it does not matter. Personally, I like phrases compiled by structure

    <приветствие> <что ты тут делаешь> <что ты хочешь>

    EXAMPLE: Hey! I'm waiting for my friends here, I just liked you, let's talk. Like it We will get acquainted.

    So, this phrase learn by heart and 20 times to prophete in front of the mirror. Pay attention to your posture, on a smile, on gestures. Just that the phrase sounds good. This task you will probably miss, but it is extremely important. Do you want to feel comfortable when you meet? Then do not be lazy, rehearse. You should like how you pronounce it.

    Now on the street. Scary? I will not write about fears here. I do not know exactly how you reach yourself: maybe you will argue with yourself or call a friend to help. I dont know. But if you want to meet - start acting. Do not bring these training to the absurd, but try to get acquainted regularly.

    Einstein still defined the madness as the performance of the same actions in the hope of various results. So change, try to try differently, do at least something. And remember - keeping the familiar lifestyle to you, without going beyond the limits of their comfort framework and only reading articles on the Internet, you will not find your love. Need to act!

    In the ability to get acquainted there are two components: motivation and technology. We talked about motivation, and if you reread this article not the first time and already have the experience of approaching unfamiliar girls on the street, then let's talk about technology. What is important?

    It is important to understand that you are not a hundred dollar bills to like each. This is a favorite phrase of our coach Mikhail width. Mikhail trains mainly individually, he brings a bunch of money to learn to communicate with girls (in particular, get acquainted). And even he does not have drying. I myself personally saw Mikhail stitch. But, first of all, it happens rarely. Secondly, he does not experience because of this much and continues to meet regularly. Now about you. If you get acquainted, you will be sewn. Just accept it. It may be such that 20 times in a row will be departed, the normal acquaintance will be only 21 times. And if you stop for 5 times, then there will be no successful acquaintance.

    5 rules that will increase your effectiveness at times

    Here are the basic rules of the approach, observing which you will be easier to get a positive reaction from the girl:

    • When you approach the girl, do not get into her personal space - you are at its border. This border is easy to find: ahead of man - an elongated hand, on the sides - palm, rear - growth. Therefore, if you come to the girl in front, stop at the distance of an elongated hand. And even better approach the side. At the same time, come from the other side where the girl has no handbag.
    • Before talking, try to draw attention to yourself. Take a pause, look into her eyes. If she is in the player - show you something you want to say something. The fact is that if you appear nowhere and immediately begin to speak, you just get it up. You can fix everything, but why create yourself unnecessary problems? It is difficult to change the first impression, so try to do right away right away.
    • When you approach, pay attention to your posture: the back should be straight.
    • Smile, look into her eyes. Smile - demonstrates your good nature, and the eyes in the eyes are confidence.
    • Gesticulating. Do not hide your hands, subconsciously will be afraid. The pockets are also bad. If you feel that the hands will "weigh the whip" and you are not comfortable, there is a bottle with a bottle with a mineral church or a girl's hand.
    • Speak quite loud. If the girl is forced to ask you - it's bad for acquaintance, and for you as for a man.

    Now about your goal. Acquaintance is considered successful if she agreed to meet you again. Usually at the same time you exchange phones. Simple "shooting phone numbers" we will leave other projects. Therefore, when you meet, it is important to create interest and the desire to meet, which means you need not to "press the number and dump", but to communicate. Although there are exceptions: if you are in a hurry somewhere, you can approach and say that you are in a hurry, but I saw it and could not pass by. What would be great to meet again, when no one is in a hurry for a cup of coffee, quietly meet again. This Direct Style (direct method) is one of the types of dating.

    EXAMPLE: Hi, wait. I'm here with friends and we are already wildly late, but I don't want to miss you, let's meet with you in the week, drink tea and get acquainted normally what you say?

    The last and most important advice

    Only after any girlfriend answer, give the phone and start recording the number 8 ... 9 ...

    Everything is simple. In the literal style you immediately open the cards and you get the answer: either yes, or not.

    Psychologically, it is easier, but there is practically no opportunity to interest. Here it is extremely important to perform 5 signs of man's behavior, I will not dwell on them in detail, this is the topic of another article. While use those rules that I wrote above.

    What to communicate? Yes about anything. It is important that you spoke emotionally, told, asked her opinion. After you touch the conversation, if you like it, offer to meet again, exchange contacts.

    Pay attention to what you can approach as a directive - immediately designate your intentions and suggest to meet again - and contextually: to tie a conversation about anything, and then translate to the question about the next meeting (it is longer, it is usually more efficient ).

    But the most important thing is the action. That is why the Council from the Forum "To come to commemorate" is so faithful. Knowing all this theory is an empty garbage in your head without its use.

    As you can see, everything is simple enough. In fact it will be sick, but with this you can also cope, there would be a desire.

    My work ended, yours began. You have to go and do it all. If it does not work yourself, I can offer you our trainings. Minus them for you in the fact that trainings are worth money. The advantages are that inverted years, and we will not leave you until you, until you learn, or you will not go to us and leave those 90% of which I wrote at the beginning of the article (this also happens, but rarely) .

    If you want to find a girl of your dreams - start acting. "How" is not so important, it is important - "when". Personal life is not what should be postponed for later.