Bridal anniversary 45 years old name. What to give to the sapphire anniversary (45 years old wedding). Choose a gift for joint forty-feather

45 years of living after the wedding.

Holiday symbol - sapphire. This is the second value of the stone after the diamond, the so-called "fellow" ruby. In addition, sapphire is one of the most durable stones. It symbolizes the stability of family relationships. It is believed that after this anniversary, nothing can destroy the love of spouses. Saturated blue Sapphire color indicates a calm and peaceful pair relationship.

Sapphire is also a symbol of purification. Therefore, on this day, it is customary to "clean" the body and soul. By tradition on the eve of the holiday, the husband and wife visit the bath (if there is no contraindications for this). To clear the soul, the spouses express our old resentment, the missing and mutually forgive them.

Traditionally, the closest people are present on the sapphire wedding: children, grandchildren, close relatives, witnesses and friends. Celebration spend in the home circle. In nature, usually do not go away. The color of the holiday is blue. Therefore, it is desirable that this color is present in the table serving and dress outfits.

Gifts for forty fifth anniversary of the wedding

At 45, after the wedding, the spouses handed presents in blue color or on the "marine" topic. Any gift can be made "thematic" using the color of the anniversary in the design of its packaging. Ideas of gifts for a sapphire wedding:

  • bathroom and bath products: Set of towels, unusual soap, aromatic oil, terry bathrobes;
  • interior elements: boxes, curtains, figurines, table lamp, painting (for example, depicting the sea);
  • life objects: small household appliances, bed linen, plaid.

Gift husband / wife

Spouses on this day are traditionally exchanged rings with sapphire. If the couple already has rhetis with rubbing, then the stone in them can be temporarily replaced by sapphire. Such rings spouses wear one year. In addition, you can give each other any decorations with sapphire. The spouse will appreciate the set of earrings and quench, and her husband will delight with cufflinks, with this stone.

Children's gift to parents

The anniversaries will appreciate the gifts from their children who will remind them of the lucky moments of their marriage: a collage of family photos, a presentation with musical accompaniment, etc.

A good gift will be an aquarium or a decorative fountain for the house (if parents love fish and live in their home).

Gift from guests spouses

Guests are handing spouses any household items or interior decorations. The original addition to the gift will be a blue flower in a pot or bouquet of blue colors in a vase of the same color. An interesting idea for a gift - cognac with an excerpt of 45 years.

Congratulations and toasts

At the table, guests pronounce congratulatory speech. At this point, it is advisable to get ready in advance and make it at home. Ideas for congratulations:

Our dear ...!
Today we are going to congratulate you from the forty-fifth anniversary of the wedding. Anniversary symbol - Sapphire. He multiplies your wisdom, calm and depth of your union. Let your home always be full of joy and cheerful children's laughter! Be happy together many more many years!
Cute spouses!
Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! We wish your relationships to be the same bright, fascinating and strong as this stone. Continue to swim hand in hand in the life of the sea. Excellent health to you and your whole big family!


A competitive program is useful for the "revival" of the holiday. Game options:

1. "Surprise"
"Requisites" is prepared in advance before coming to visit. A gift for spouses wrapped in the package, to which the note "for the anniversaries" is fixed. The further layer of other wrapping paper with a note from above the "highest guest" is superimposed. Further - another layer with the inscription "Kryllaya Guest", etc. It is necessary to use several layers of paper with notes. In the midst of the celebration, such a gift is handed over the first "addressee". It can only deploy one layer of paper, after which it transmits the present further - the next guest specified in the note. The last gift "unexpectedly" receive anniversaries and finally unfold it.

2. "LOVE IS ..."
Competition for the best continuation of the famous phrase "Love is ...". Jubilees send notes with options. At the end of the evening, they choose the best wording. Its author handed a mini-prize (for example, a box of chewing gum "Love IS ...").

What an important day, the wedding anniversary after 45 years of living together. They are preparing in advance, and prepare thoroughly as married couple and her children and friends. The wedding portal team will help properly prepare for the sapphire anniversary.

Wedding anniversary: \u200b\u200b45 years symbol

45 years from the wedding is a significant, important date. The couple lived a long and worthy life. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire. This name of the sapphire wedding received not by chance: the blue shade of this stone gives a large content of titanium and iron in it. And as is known - it is incredibly durable and persistent materials - just like the love and dedication of the feelings of spouses after 45 years from the day of the celebration. Sapphire himself has a high hardness, like a family foundation, built in 45 years of living together.

Where to celebrate 45 years since the wedding day?

This date, of course, should be celebrated in the restaurant. You can triple the feast, collecting all friends and relatives, and you can postpone it on the anniversary of the wedding of 50 years, inviting only the closest. 45 The wedding anniversary is associated with blue, so it will be great if the venue is made in blue shades. If the celebration fell to the warm season, then the wonderful option will mark it on the water: a boat or floating restaurant.

The image of sapphire newlyweds

For men. In such cases, the classic of black or dark blue and blue shirt is always relevant. For a summer wedding, a light suit of cornflower or sky-blue color will be appropriate.

W. women The choice of outfit on the 45th anniversary of the wedding is a little more. It may be evening or cocktail dress in blue shades. Also suitable suit with trousers or skirt. A blue light dress or sundress is suitable for the summer wedding. On the hairstyle and makeup it is better to sign up for a professional. For a more completed image, the hair can be stiletto with blue stins, and in makeup eye apply sapphire shadows.

Without a doubt, in the modern world the best gift is the money amount, even a small one. But agree, it is silly to give her husband with whom you have a common budget, money.

Gift for spouse

That's what usually gives her husband for 45 years weddings:

  • male jewelry with sapphire: seal, cross, etc.,
  • cufflinks and tie clamp with blue stones or ornaments,
  • shirt and tie,
  • perfume in a beautiful blue bottle,
  • ball pen with engraving.

However, it is not at all to be attached to the symbol of the celebration. If your husband is fishing fan, give a fishing rod or spinning, football fan - a football beer glass, loves to do everything with your own hands, digging at the cottage - a set of good tools. Well, if the spouse keeps up with the times, present him a smartphone with unlimited Internet so that you can always see your favorite movie or call the video of children.

It often happens that men are large hunters to sweet. In this case, select a cake for my husband on an anniversary with a special inscription.

Gift wife

It would seem that a woman to choose a gift is easier than simple, because She will like any beautiful thing, decoration or interior item. But men always enter a deadlock with a choice. A good gift for a sapphire wedding is a constant set, which will have to taste almost every lady: a bouquet of flowers and a jewelry (ring, earrings or suspension inlaid by sapphires, natural or artificial). Blue flowers should prevail in the bouquet: irises, cornflowers, chrysanthemums, asters, hydrangea, orchid. White gypsophiles or roses, yellow alstromeria or calla, as well as many greens can complement them.

If you want to give a special gift, then you need to know exactly her taste and size to choose a sophisticated and elegant, designer evening dress of cornflower or sapphire. But remember that these shades are not going to all, in this case, pick up the color gamut, which is your chief of your chosen - the wife will appreciate your efforts to dignify.

An excellent option will be a certificate in the spa, beauty salon, clothing store, swimming pool, bath or sauna. In the latter case, expect that the wife wants to go there with you, so the certificate is purchased immediately for two persons.

Gift parents

What to give to the sapphire wedding to parents? If you wondered, then here's the list of options:

  • certificate for a paired horse on horseback, yacht or helicopter flight,
  • family portrait,
  • rings with engraving,
  • tree seedling or large pot plant, type of decorative lemon,
  • new TV.

If you want your gift to be symbolic, then here is another list:

  • figurines decorated with sapphires or other stones of the desired color,
  • fish in aquarium,
  • little fountain in an apartment or garden,
  • blue towels, bathrobes and other home accessories,
  • vasilkovye or blue curtains.

Do not forget that you can do not be one common, but two personal gifts. For example, collector's weapons and electric sewing machine, gold seal and earrings, a set of cosmetics with marine minerals and a good cognac with an exposure.

In this article:

Stones in our life occupy a special place, because they serve as a support for building a house, and a real decoration in precious products, they make talismans to protect the house, relationship and family hearth. That is why a lot of wedding anniversary were named after some stones that magical power transfer their strength and significance for family relationships.

What a wedding is celebrated in 45 years old and what stone it is dedicated, because this is a relationship with the years, which managed to go through all misunderstandings and difficulties, managed to protect their feelings, strengthen them and build a real family on the foundation. 45 years of living - this is a sapphire wedding, which is necessarily recommended to celebrate and on this day to remember all the happiest moments from family life. Why and what is the magic so a 45-year-old wedding anniversary?

Sapphire Wedding - Protection of the whole family and kind

At all times and the peoples of Sapphire was recognized as a stone-faithful family, love and a real defender from evil, envy and unkind eyes.

When the family celebrates a sapphire wedding, this is a direct confirmation that children and grandchildren in such a family will be happy that their parents have learned their relationships and their example to love and appreciate loved ones, taught to create, be kind and all-friendly.

It is precisely such qualities that the sapphire is endowed, and the name of the 45th anniversary of the wedding has already gone from it.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

The anniversary of the wedding is 45 years old it is desirable to celebrate in a circle of loved ones and relatives, it is necessary to invite friends, and it is also desirable that all children and grandchildren, and in the presence, and great-grandchildren, came to this celebration and held it fun and friendly in a family circle.

It will be very relevant to invite their witnesses from the wedding, which, most likely, by this time, somehow came together with a married couple, for example, they became kums or relationships struggled in such a way that they could be safely considered with full-fledged family members.

The wedding anniversary of 45 years can be organized in the color of the stone of this wedding. It is bright turquoise, blue and sky-blue colors, which are also associated with many people with hope and peace above their heads. Registration of the venue of the celebration is desirable to organize in this color, especially since in the nobility of the blue can not doubt for a minute. A cake decorated with white flowers and confectionery decorations will look just gorgeous on the wedding table.

Highchairs can be covered with white capes and tied with turquoise bows from the fate, and the table is covered with turquoise tablecloths and lay out the same color of the napkin. The dishes are also encouraged to pick up, especially since it looks very bohemogically and beautiful in such colors.

On this day, the spouses can exchange wedding rings with sapphires, which are a present evidence of the purity and loyalty of the relationship of spouses over the years.
45 wedding anniversary will become a real holiday and for newlyweds with experience, and for all their children, relatives and loved ones. The main thing is only just correctly organize and remember that at this stage of the relationship of impressions and memory are very important, so such moments need to be memorized in life, organize and enjoy them.

The celebration of each year of the wedding is a pretty tradition and every year is characterized by any symbol. And the longer the couple live together, the stronger and noble character.

Spouses who lived 45 years together, can celebrate marriage day, which is called a sapphire wedding. Sapphire is an exquisite and noble stone, it symbolizes the purity, devoted love strength of the relationship.

Spouses have long proved their love and demonstrated their strong relationships. Now they can only rejoice and live for each other. Such an anniversary of the wedding can not be a unjoyed event.

Traditions of sapphire wedding

For a long time, certain traditions of the celebration of the sapphire wedding were formed. Not to say that the joint life was light, but still a married couple withstood all the trials sent by the fate and retained the good attitude.

45 years of living - the date is round, which means it is necessary to arrange a holiday and invite children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends to him.

Well, if there will be witnesses on the holiday, which were at the wedding 45 years ago. But in 45 years it could change a lot and if there is no possibility to invite witnesses, it is not worth upset. Still, 45 anniversary should know a significant event.

Symbolic ceremonies can be repeated and exchanged rings. But only rings should be new and of course with sapphires. Spouses should pronounce oaths, as many years ago, only the words of the oath can be changed. Such an oath will be stronger, because the husband and wife already know each other well.

In India, the sapphire is considered a symbol of purification, so the spouses must pass the ceremony of purification. You can clean the body in different ways: by visiting the sauna or bath or with the help of medicinal power.

This will help not only clean the body from slags and toxins, but also the mind from negative thoughts. It is equally important to clean the souls and tell your second half about all your experiences and anxieties. This tradition contributes to the strengthening of family relations and reach them on a high level.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

Forty fifth anniversary of the wedding - the date is serious, so it is better to come to her celebration thoroughly. This date is best noted with a scope, so you need to get ready for it in advance.

It is necessary to choose the most acceptable location, the age of the pair. At the same time, you need to take into account the couple living together for 45 years already, there is already an eloctal, so they should be chosen, a comfortable room. Ideally, organize a sapphire wedding in the place where a wedding celebration took place 45 years ago.

Spouses should observe a certain dress code, focusing on the character of the holiday. It is best for clothes in blue and blue tones, because exactly such a color has a sapphire stone. But this means that the whole outfit should be one color, it is enough to make some one element corresponding to a symbolism in your image. For example, a wife can dress a blue blouse, and the husband is a tie of this color.

To guests and spouses it is convenient to have fun, you need to rent a spacious banquet room. The decoration of the room also needs to pay attention, there must be sapphire shades in large numbers.

Blue curtains, tablecloths, napkins will create the necessary entourage. You can put appliances with blue handles on the table, napkins, arrange vases with blue colors. The cake with the number 45 will be an excellent solution to allocate the anniversary.

The organization of the holiday should be well thought out so that guests and spouses are interested, and that he remains for a long time in their memory. At the beginning of the holiday, much attention is paid to the perpetrators of the celebration, rites and traditions.

They can exchange rings at this time, say oath. After that, the perpetrators of the celebration can turn in the wedding waltz, who threw all the years and felt young again.

After that, guests can hand their gifts for 45 years weddings, say their congratulations on a sapphire wedding. The last part of the holiday is particularly fun, as various contests are arranged, concerts with the participation of artists or the guests themselves. It is advisable to invite a photographer for a celebration to make interesting and mental pictures. Guests and culprits of the celebration will remember this holiday, looking at these photos.

If the weather allows, you can celebrate the sapphire wedding in the open air, somewhere in the forest, on the banks of the river. It is only necessary to find a good quiet place where you can not only sit, but also run. It is desirable to have a reservoir so that you can swim. Sitting on nature with kebabs are always pleasant and leave good memories. But here you need a thorough organization so that the guests feel comfortable.

Some couples do not want loud fun, despite the fact that 45 years of wedding is the date round and prefer to celebrate their anniversary together. Therefore, if there is no desire to collect a huge set of guests and fuss, then it is better to spend the evening somewhere in a cozy cafe. And it is better to go anywhere in a rest - in a sanatorium or to the sea resort.

What to give for 45 wedding anniversary

If you proceed from the symbolism of the celebration, then you need to give gifts for a wedding from sapphire. From this stone you can find a variety of decorations, souvenirs, products.

A man can present his wife any sapphire decoration - Earrings, Ring, Necklace. In addition, it will be possible to prevent a bouquet of blue colors.

For a man, there are also decorations from sapphire - cufflinks. You can also prevent the lighter decorated with sapphire. If a man is indifferent to baubles, then it is better to give him any practical gifts for a sapphire wedding, such as a blue scarf, sweater or plaid. It will be better than the thing that the spouse will not use.

Sapphire products can cost expensive, so you can give any gifts in blue tones. You can present everything that the spouses in the house are useful: household appliances, napkins, bedding, cutlery and other things.

Noble alcoholic beverages will also become a pleasant gift, especially if it is a cognac, a resistant as many years old, how many years have lived together. Together with alcohol, various sweets are well, especially chocolate candies.

You can give anything, even impressions. If you do not know what to give to the wedding boldly present tickets to exhibitions, concerts, certificates for visiting courses, if you know that it will delight the spouses.

Congratulations on sapphire wedding

Together with the original and right gift, guests pick up congratulations - words affecting the soul. But sometimes it happens that feelings are overwhelmed, and I want to express the whole depth of your love and respect, but it's hard to pick up the words. This is not a trouble, you can take advantage of ready-made congratulations that contain the necessary words.

You need to know that the forty fifth anniversary can not do without attention. It is worthy of collecting a lot of guests and celebrate fun. In the extreme case, you can collect on one roof the whole family. Children can organize a holiday to their parent to respect them and express their love. It will probably be nice to realize that close people remember them about them and care.

SMS - congratulations

You have an anniversary today.
Not just the date - forty five!
What a wonderful picture -
Bride with the bride you again.

You are this wedding from sapphire
Do not limit your age.
We sincerely wish you
Live to the wedding golden!


From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of living together, with a sapphire wedding. Sapphire - the personification of wisdom, depth and peace - all that comes only over the years. Let your fruitful union bonded by strong love lasts as much as much. We wish excellent health and simple human happiness.


Everything in the world is not by chance
You are together - forty five!
Open your secrecy -
How to keep happiness?

We wish you peace
And happiness do not sigh.
Let the bright color of the sapphire
You light the way.


Tell someone, no one will believe,
That it is possible to love so much
That each of you is a different confidence,
Almost that half a century is side to live.

Children raised, adult grandchildren,
An example for them should always be
Maybe so long, without squabbles and boredom,
Love save despite the year.

The higher the statistics of divorces in modern society, the more respects cause people who managed to keep marriage for 45 years. But on the 9th five years of living together today, few people know what kind of wedding is and what is given to her familiar, friends or parents.

Title history and common traditions

Each date, denoting a certain milestone on a jointly traveled path, has its own name, melting deep symbolism. Some of them due to the limitation of the name and the changed device of life and everyday realities became incomprehensible for the modern person.

Round anniversary dates denoting several decades of living together are usually called in honor of precious stones or metals - they have special properties of reliability and strength, fascinating beauty, very high cost. A quarter of a century and half a century - silver and gold, 40 and 45 years old - ruby \u200b\u200band sapphire weddings.

Both precious stone belongs to hypogenic minerals found in magmatic rocks. Both are counted for methacrystals detected in the places of empty magmatic rock. Transparent red ruby \u200b\u200bcan cost more diamonds. Sapphire is highly appreciated only bright blue, and dark or too light - cheaper Rubin.

Stones from the Corundum category were limited and used in deep antiquity. Perhaps it is precisely in their price, quality and rarity and lies the mystery of the names of weddings: which one with a symbol is more valuable, that is on the crest of a round date.

At the same time, what is given - is determined by the symbolism. Sapphire, in honor of which is named, is a unique stone, the symbol of the royal power, from which, according to legend, was made to print the most wise from the kings - Solomon. Most likely, he was chosen in his physical qualities - after all, it is known that after the diamond of the blue gem is the most durable and hard.

It is not surprising that at 45 years old, the anniversaries exchange rings with sapphire, and gifts give them by analogy or association with this mineral. Therefore, for their choice, you need to know which date is celebrated.

Holiday design and symbolism

Traditionally, the sapphire wedding is drawn up in blue color: Thus, tribute to the precious stone, the hardness and beauty of which symbolize the relationship of spouses, who lived together for 45 years. Once it was considered. That the land is on the sapphire, and the sky gets blue from the reflection from the stone.

Hence the etymology of the symbol of honesty, dedication and reliability, and the tradition of sharing the sampling decorations on this date of living, but let inexpensive, but sapphires, and the hall where the celebration passes, decorate in the shades of blue.

    Have you noted the anniversary of the wedding 45 years?

It is possible to decide what to give, it is possible and not focusing on stereotypes, but simply adhering to the blue gamma. Everything that is relevant to the blue sky and the Blue Sea, the stability of married relations and the departure of life, durable love and irrelevant loyalty - all this deserves honor to be presented in a gala day to two people who carried their love through adversity and joy.

The main thing is not the price of a gift, the main purpose of choice is to show the anniversaries that guests are perfectly remembered which date is celebrated, and which wedding is.

Blue shades diluted for beauty and diversity prevail in the design of the hall and a festive table.

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • traditionally wedding color - white.

For bouquets, blue flowers are chosen - cornflowers, forget-me-not, hyacinths, roses. Vasilka, ultramarin or blue color is present in traditionally elegant clothes.

If we are talking about parents, relevant and expensive heart gift will be a jewelry - an accessory-addition to the festive alongside. It can be:

  • bracelet or earrings;
  • tie-pin;
  • good clock with blue dial.

At this age, almost all parents are already retired and have significant means. It will be appropriate to buy an elegant dress for mom and a beautiful shirt for the Father, pay the mother hairdressing services - manicure, pedicure and hairstyle, take care of beautiful shoes, accessories and wedding bouquet.

Classic gift option to loved ones - jewelry with sapphire or elite jewelry with good imitation of gemstone.

But such presents are presented only to relatives or very long-time friends, because you need to know the size of the ring, and in other cases - to understand the relevance. A tie pin is suitable for a classic style adherent in clothes, and to someone who prefers sports style, she is nothing.

Good hours are not cheaper than rings, but may not like the jubilee because of the rim, dial or strap. Earrings are best done in a pair with a ring, and guess with them is also not easy. Therefore, they give jewels and jewelery only in cases where it is possible to confidently say that the gift will fit and enjoy it. Rings that are exchanged newlyweds with a 45-year-old experience, according to tradition, should buy a happy spouse, as it was and four and a half decades ago with wedding.

Gifts for a couple

The anniversary of the wedding, especially when marriage with such an experience, implies a holiday for two, and a gift is also chosen by both.

You can give two gifts, but equivalent:

  • figures for the fireplace with a touching subtext or a beautiful statuette on the theme of love and loyalty;
  • two beautiful woolen blankets for joint winter evenings, similar, but not the same, and certainly with blue splashes;
  • an early photo album, where much place is left for further anniversaries, lovingly decorated with her own hands - it can be decorated with macrame dried flowers, beaded baubles - so that it is clear that it is spent not one day;
  • beautiful dishes for a kitchen for two - tea set, dining plates, a teapot for welding and other necessary things - especially if people do everything always together, will be very topic;
  • often, they are advised to give an aquarium with fish or a plant for a house with bluish leaves, certainly large size is an item for caring and care and at the same time - the decoration and addition of the interior to which the habit and attachment are also produced over time;
  • it is always appropriate to give the picture on which the anniversaries are depicted, even if it is just a watercolor painted by a street artist in photography;
  • a good gift for 45 years of married life is a vase or a large ceramic dish, and certainly blue - if it is an expensive thing - perfect, and if modest, but the selected loving, supplemented with flowers or ownly baked cake, - This is even better.

But the chief gift for the anniversaries will always be a festive table, close and relatives, the most expensive friends and relatives, a fun and festive atmosphere, love, a sea of \u200b\u200bcongratulations, sincere feelings and smiles.

You should never forget that love and excellent family relationships are the conditions that allowed to come on hand to the sapphire wedding.