Wine conspiracy. Rituals for church holidays. How to discourage an alcoholic from wine

Alcoholism is a scourge not only of the present, but also of the last century. It is quite difficult to get rid of this problem, especially if a person does not have the willpower and desire for this. Today, there are many ways to treat alcohol dependence. But not all of them give the expected result that doctors and healers promise.

Today we will talk about an unusual way to eliminate this problem - a conspiracy from alcoholism. For many it seems that this is complete nonsense. But the reviews of the performers indicate the opposite - the result is there and it is positive. Therefore, let's consider what prayers and conspiracies from alcoholism can be read at home.

What is the effectiveness of such rituals

Considering that in our country almost every 4 or 5 men suffer from this disease, an arduous struggle is being waged against alcohol, and in all possible ways. Conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness are salvation for many. They help eradicate this addiction and addiction to alcohol once and for all.

It is quite rare to find a situation when an alcoholic copes with his problem himself without resorting to the help of drug therapy. Remember, in such a situation there is no time to think. After all, prolonged alcoholism can lead to irreversible consequences.

During conspiracies from drunkenness, you have the opportunity to influence the subconscious of a person without knowledge, and thereby make him stop drinking on his own.

Strong alcohol lapel

What methods can be used to ward off an alcoholic from alcohol? To read the conspiracy against alcoholism at home, in order to cure an addicted person once and for all, you need to in the morning and without strangers. Only you and the person suffering from alcoholism should be in the room. Before reading the conspiracy words, you need to tune in as much as possible to the idea of \u200b\u200bhow much you want to help the patient.

Sit in front of him and speak the following:

“Forces of heaven - hear me! My good deeds are aimed at healing the servant of God (name of the object). The young moon, the sun is clear, the water is clean, drive out all the thoughts of the patient and relieve him of the desire to drink. A lock with a key is hidden far from human eyes in a deep sea abyss. No one can find this lock and open it, as well as the servant of God (name of the object) no longer look for wine. Amen".

After reading this conspiracy, believe me, the drunkard will no longer have a craving for alcohol. It is very important that the drunkard believes in the power of such an act.

How to help a drunken husband

Such conspiracies from the husband's alcoholism can be read to get rid of dependence on any alcoholic beverage. Also, such a ritual is suitable for those who, from drunkenness, fall into strong binges.

Place your husband or son next to you, place next to a glass of alcohol, which he prefers to drink most of all, and read the words of the healing prayer while looking at him:

“The hegumen met with the priest to create a powerful prayer against drunkenness. Jesus Christ - you are omnipotent, save my man (name of husband or son) from the desire to drink. May he no longer toil until the very last days in this world. He will not be able to drink any more and will raise his hand a glass of intoxicating drink. Amen".

Give the patient a drink to drink to help him get rid of addiction. Within a few days, you will notice how your husband or son will develop an aversion to alcohol and completely disappear from the craving for it. Such a ritual can be read not only for the husband and son. With the help of it, you can heal friends, ward off acquaintances from alcohol at home.

The potion will help drive out drunkenness

The most effective magical rites are carried out at home with the use of a potion. It is these rituals that allow you to get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and forever. It is much more difficult to commit such conspiracies than just reading a prayer or doing a ritual with water, salt. This is because to implement them you will need a wide variety of components, which are not always possible to get. Nevertheless, if you managed to find them, then such a collection will help you drive out drunkenness and solve this problem once and for all.

What potion can be used

So, the necessary attributes for the preparation of a witchcraft substance:

  1. In the evening, when it gets dark on a full moon, you need to go to the river and catch the crayfish. Then dry it in an oven and grind it into powder.
  2. Obtain a plakun-grass root system. It also needs to be dried dry in the oven and crushed into powder.
  3. Several branches of grass that were knocked over by birds from the nest. Rinse it thoroughly under running water and dry it.
  4. The ground grass roots are overpowered.
  5. Chopped thyme.
  6. Ground leaves and seeds of wormwood.
  7. Dried snowdrop flowers.

After collecting and grinding all these components by hand, you need to wait for the sick person's birthday. Brew half a liter of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes. Water must be taken from three houses. At the same time, the owners of state housing should not guess about your deed. The prepared broth should be used to wash the alcoholic's face. Then give him ten small sips.

If the patient begins to chill, trembles on the skin after drinking the drug, then this remedy helped him. He will no longer have a craving for alcohol, which means that alcohol dependence will go away.

When you prepare a healing broth, you need to clearly and clearly read the words of the prayer:

“I ask the powers of heaven to cast my strong desire and spell on a person suffering from alcohol. Let his blood, body, muscles, organs and joints get rid of the hops once and for all. And no triumph will break his spirit and willpower before alcohol. Let his soul and body calm down and get rid of intoxicating addiction. Amen".

Such conspiracies from alcoholism at home can be used for a husband, both legal and civil. If your friend also has an alcohol addiction problem, you can help him by using this powerful and effective ritual.

Water will help to get rid of addiction

Since the dawn of centuries, it was believed that water has strong magical powers and stores the information that you charge it with. Therefore, sorcerers and magicians used folk remedies against drunkenness using holy water.

For this ritual, you can use not only holy, but also spring water, since it is considered pure and transparent.

Pour water into a glass, sit the alcoholic next to it and read the words of the prayer:

“A worldly man was born, they christened him, he lived his life worthily and rested in peace. As he passed away (your wish), he stopped drinking alcohol. Nobody pours him anything, and he cannot ask for a drink. I will baptize him with a cross, I will pray for him. May all the saints help him get rid of wine, drunkenness and hangovers. My words will all be fulfilled as one. To be just my way. Amen".

Rituals of Natalia Stepanova

What other means can be used to save a husband, son or friend so that he does not drink, the conspiracies of a famous Siberian healer will help. Natalia Stepanova offers several rituals in this regard. Let's consider each in detail.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

To perform this rite of black magic, you need to collect your thoughts and go to the cemetery. Take a handful of dirt at the intersection of the roads near the cemetery. Bring to the grave a person whose name is the same as that of an alcoholic. Sprinkle earth or ashes on the grave and at the same time read the words of the conspiracy:

“You are lying dead in the cemetery, deep in the grave, you cannot stand up or say anything. So let the servant of God (the patient's name) no longer take a drop of alcohol in his mouth. Let him not grieve and not grieve over hops and alcohol. Keep his mouth, lips and teeth under lock and key if temptation comes again. Amen".

This treatment will help you get rid of alcohol addiction quickly and effectively.

How to discourage an alcoholic from wine

“The moon is bright, you illuminate us all, surrounded by stars. I ask you to remove the cursed power from my (person's name). Let the intoxicated passion detach from him, attach to the cross on the grave forever. Let the dead now become my friends intoxicated. From now on, my words will be strong, reliable and will soon fulfill my request. Amen".

Believe me, such a ritual will work instantly - in just a couple of days.

Waning moon ceremony

The Siberian healer has another rite that helps to eradicate drunkenness. Such a ritual should be performed on Thursday, and the month should be decreasing.

To wean a person from alcohol addiction, he must perform such a ritual for himself. The patient needs to go to the wall, find a branch on it, and poke his finger into it, read the words of the prayer:

“As this bitch does not grow, does not bloom and stands still, so let me, the servant of God (his name), forever give up alcohol. I strongly believe in these words and want them to come true. Amen".

You need to read the words of the spell for yourself nine times. After that, neither the patient nor his relatives can tolerate or borrow bread and salt for a year. If you violate this charter, repeated drunkenness cannot be avoided.

Alcoholic shortening

Who is this conspiracy suitable for? The rite of drunkenness is suitable for everyone who already suffers from alcohol addiction, and also falls into strong binges.

To perform such a ritual, you need to seat the patient in a chair. Cut off a piece of cloth from his outer garment. Then cut off a clump of hair from the head and wrap it in a cut off flap.

“This hair will never grow to the patient's head again, which means that he will not drink again for ever. He will no longer need alcohol, but only one disgust. Let his hands never raise a glass again. Amen".

The hair bag should be safely hidden under the roof of the house. After a while, you will notice the positive effects of the magic ritual.

Rite of passage from Vanga

What other methods can be used to cure alcoholism? Effective popular conspiracies from Vanga helped many get rid of alcoholism, even at a distance. Let's look at how one of the powerful and effective prayer rituals is performed.

This female conspiracy from a photograph will help save your husband, son from drinking, make them stop drinking forever.

To conduct it, you need a photo of a person with his good image and without strangers in the picture. You need to read a conspiracy from a photo daily. Only in this way, according to Vanga, it is possible to disaccustom a husband or son to drink.

In addition to the photo, you will need three church candles and holy water. Light candles, place them in a triangle on the table. Place the patient's photo next to it and sprinkle it with holy water. Then put the water in the vessel on the photo and read the words of the conspiracy:

“A goat will never have a stone, a stone will never sprout hair, just as the servant of God (the name of the object) will never again take a drunk in his mouth. These words are strong and effective. Amen".

After reading such a conspiracy from a photograph, you can no doubt be sure that you have saved a loved one from alcoholism, and forever.

Soap ritual

This rather strong and fast-acting rite must be read on ordinary toilet soap. Subsequently, it should be used by someone who suffers from alcoholism.

Ritual for alcoholism. Drunkenness ritual.

Rite of drunkenness for Easter

Such a ceremony is done on Easter or Palm Sunday. Go to church, consecrate the Easter cake, cut it into twelve even pieces and go to the cemetery. Find the same number of graves by the number of sliced \u200b\u200bEaster cake, and always with the name of the drunkard. Put a slice of Easter cake at each grave and start talking drunkenness with prayers:

“Just as you are now dead, you cannot get up, take a glass and drink alcohol, so may the servant of God never again be inclined to this pernicious act. Don't let my (name of husband, son or friend) ruin myself with intoxication and addiction to it. May my will be done. Amen".

It is possible to treat a patient on Easter annually, but not more than three years in a row, since the consequences of such an act can turn against the patient himself. It doesn't matter what the moon is in the sky. This is a very strong encoding so that the husband does not drink will really work.

Rite of passage for Maundy Thursday

Since ancient times, Maundy Thursday was considered a great day of cleansing from everything evil, evil and hateful. Experienced magicians spend on this day various magic conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness.

Treatment for drunkenness over the sick is carried out on Maundy Thursday using holy water and salt. First you need to fill the bathroom with warm water, then read the prayer words:

“The water is holy, pure and transparent, wash the body of the one who suffers from alcoholism. May his soul and body be clean all days of the week and throughout the year. Drive away all bad thoughts and addiction to alcohol from him so that he does not drink at all. Give him lightness and eternal sobriety. Amen".

After these words, pour salt into the bathroom and read the following text over it:

“Cleanse the salt water from all uncleanness, heal it. Having bathed in it, the servant of God will become pure and get rid of his addictions and addictions. Amen".

Muslim prayer

This female ritual, the consequences of which from the experience of many were only positive, will help you save your husband from drunkenness without coding, pills and other methods.

For this ceremony, you will need a church candle and holy water. Sit a drunkard at the table, light a candle, put holy water next to it and ask the patient to read the Muslim prayer words for himself over the water:

“We are all close to Allah and belong to him. And in difficult times we return to him for help. I want to overcome my misfortune and give an account to You, Lord. Give me a reward for my repentance, deliver me from addiction. Replace my troubles with purity and freedom. Amen".

After that, the patient needs to wash his face with charmed water, and empty the glass to the bottom. The same conspiracy can be read on food, only before that it must be sprinkled with holy water. And after the ritual, the patient needs to eat healing food.


Remember, any actions of black magic have consequences. Therefore, before proceeding with one of the above rituals, you need to talk to the patient. Perhaps you will be able to solve the problem against alcoholism in a more loyal way.

Let us consider in detail a safe conspiracy to a husband from drinking - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A conspiracy from drunkenness is needed in many families, because it often happens that the cause of quarrels is not at all problems in the relationship of the spouses, but banal alcoholism. Most alcoholics do not recognize themselves as such, refusing treatment. If you want to save your family and turn your loved one away from an addiction, you can turn to magic for this.

Drunkenness conspiracies and their features

A conspiracy from drunkenness on a man should be read on a man's day of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women are reprimanded for alcohol on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There are no such rituals on Sunday, and exceptions to this rule are always specially stipulated. Likewise - church holidays and fasting times.

All rituals, the purpose of which is to get rid of something, are performed on the waning moon, as well as on the full moon. Conspiracies and prayers from alcoholism are no exception to this rule.

Except in cases of talking to himself, the patient should not be aware that rituals are being performed for him. You cannot tell anyone about them, even after the problem is in the past. The only person who will know the true cause of the cure for alcoholism is the one who read the conspiracies described below.

Before performing such rituals, fasting is required for three days. If you are going to talk a loved one out of drunkenness, temporarily exclude animal products from your diet - meat, milk, eggs. In addition, a person who is planning such a ceremony must not drink alcohol during the same period. Until the ritual is complete, start each morning with a sip of holy water.

During the ritual, the one who will treat alcoholism should not be adorned. The only thing that can be is a pectoral cross. For women, there is an additional rule - the head should be covered with a scarf.

This sorcery works best if it is read by the patient's mother or father. The wife or husband can also speak, there are even separate conspiracies for the treatment of spouses. You can’t start talking because of alcoholism of your parents - this is the law, children cannot heal a mother, father, grandmother or grandfather. If trouble befell your parents, ask for help from older relatives or friends.

The consequences of binge conspiracies can be encouraging. Usually a person himself does not understand why he decided to stop drinking. But it should be remembered that an incorrectly performed ritual can make you drink even more and more often. Therefore, you should follow all the rules and strictly adhere to the texts of the conspiracies, without replacing words with synonyms and not confusing them.

A conspiracy from drinking to water

Such a conspiracy can be done on a person who does not accept any coding or other methods of treatment. Alcoholics often do not give their consent to magical treatment of their addiction. In such cases, water has long been slandered without the knowledge of the drinker. The person will not understand why he has stopped drinking. You can read this conspiracy both for another person and for yourself.

The conspiracy is read over a glass of water 3 times, and a good option would be to read when an alcohol addict suffers from a hangover and asks for a drink. You can prepare a drink in advance and serve it to an alcohol addict. Text:

Hop, prince, your little head is a riot! Don't flutter your hair down, but pour your hair down. I am not familiar to you, I have never been to your house. Climb to the sovereign on top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not the dashing words and your evil deeds fall on the person (name). Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Khmele, prince, sit at your place, like a tsar sits on his kingdom, but don't go to my house!

Conspiracy from alcoholism to hops

You need hops, a plant that is easy to buy at any drug store or market. It was added several hundred years ago to some heady drinks, which is why hops are considered the most effective magical plant in the fight against drunkenness. The plant should not be chopped. You don't need a lot of it - about a tablespoon.

You will also need to take vodka or other alcoholic drink that has not been drunk by the patient. The hops need to be soaked in the remaining alcohol and then dried.

Wait for the full moon, at night, take the cooked intoxicated cones and speak on them three times:

Well, wicked drunk, go away from God's servant (spouse's name)!

Go out into the dark forests:

The bird is not found there,

The snake will not be born

The beast does not roam

The man does not walk!

Get out on fast water

The fish does not splash there,

A person does not bathe

The moon does not look in the reflection,

The sun clearly does not warm.

To the wind, hop, go away!

Walk in distant countries

Abyss in the quicksand sands!

Turn away from God's servant (spouse's name),

Be fascinated by a bad person.

His thoughts are black

Follow him!

I lock the word, I finish the job!

Forever and ever, goy!

Chop these hops into smaller pieces. It should be added to tea daily for three days. Tea is brewed in the usual way, after which hops are added and "Our Father" is read nine times, at the same time the tea is crossed with the sign of the cross.

You need to speak from drunkenness three times, that is, you will spend three full moons on it. However, after this, the person can be considered completely free from addiction.

Strong conspiracy from drunkenness on yourself

Can't stop drinking on your own, have you tried to gather strength, but need magical help? Try to talk yourself out of drunkenness. Before that, go to the bathhouse and put on clean clothes. If you don't have a bath, you can go to a public bath or take a bath. It's good if the bath is hot, with herbs and essential oils of your choice.

After cleansing, take not drunk water. Take it with a view to drink at a time. What is non-drinking water? This is the one that no one drank that day. To get it, you need to get up early and collect it from the well first. You can also type in the spring, also before someone else does it. If you live in an apartment and will draw water from the tap, then there is no guarantee that it will not be drunk - your neighbors may well have got up earlier and turned on the tap. Then unpopulated water is collected from 3 to 5 in the morning and so that no one can see you.

Three times a conspiracy is read over unpolished water:

In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Hops and braga! Before the grave board, for all ages from me, the servant of God, leave! Any craving for wine and hop go away! Rampant wind, take my dashing passion! Booze in the forest, get away from me, to the black birds, and the fierce beasts to be torn apart. Let the dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I do not know grief. For all time, step back dashingly from my belly! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Drink the water immediately completely, without residue. This strong conspiracy is made from drunkenness on the waning moon.

Conspiracy against husband's drunkenness

This conspiracy is read daily over the sleeping husband. If he sleeps during the day, then read during the day. If he sleeps only at night, then read at night. Try not to wake up your husband while reading the conspiracy, do it in a whisper:

Nebushko is clear, hear, the sky is light (dark - if you read at night), behold what I wish to create over God's servant (name). The sun rises in my courtyard, and there is neither man nor beast. The red moon is descending into my cage, and there is no door, no floor with a ceiling in it. Clear stars come to the bowl as a spouse, and there the water is purer than white snow. Sunny, slave (name) from the wine, turn it over. Month, slave (name) from wine, calm down. Asterisks, subdue the slave (name) from wine. I conjure with a clear field, a light share, a blue sea. Key. Castle. Tongue.

Strong conspiracy from booze

This conspiracy from drunkenness is very effective, but it should be done only during any Orthodox holiday. In the church you can buy a calendar of all holidays for the whole year. You can use it for your business.

Move the table to the center of the largest room in your house. Cover it with a plain white tablecloth. A large mirror is placed in the center of the table, and in front of the mirror, place three candles that were bought in the church.

You should also put a jar of clean, fresh water on the table. Water can be drawn at home, even from the tap, but it is better that it is natural - from a well or spring. Still need 3 glasses, any. You don't need to pour anything into them yet, let them be empty. You also need to buy a bottle of booze in advance that the person you are treating for booze likes to drink. Keep any saucepan or other large container nearby.

You need to put a dark scarf on your head and choose the darkest clothes you have. Stand near the table, take a bottle of alcohol in your hands and read the prayer "Our Father". After prayer, read the conspiracy three times:

I will stand, God's servant (name), I will bless myself with the Trinity,

I will cross myself, but I will leave the house by the doors,

For the courtyard I will run away with the gate.

I'll go to the east side,

I will look into the ocean-sea.

There is a large stone in the sea.

Near the stone is a pike whose eye is on fire.

Her cheeks are of gold, her teeth are of damask steel.

She will come to the servant of God (name),

The drunkenness will take away in the teeth of the damask.

Her intoxicated passion will not return from her cheeks,

More than ever the servant of God (name) can not get drunk!

And now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After reading, take a glass and fill it with alcohol. Close the bottle, read the prayer again and three times - the conspiracy, pour alcohol into the second glass. Also repeat all the manipulations in order to pour from the bottle into the third glass.

Pour the water from the jar into a saucepan or any other large enough and suitable container for storing your drinking potion and mix it with alcohol, which is poured into three glasses. This you will add to drinks and food for someone who needs to recover from alcohol addiction. A sign of successful treatment will be an illness (usually nothing serious, something like a cold) of the person who drinks a drink or eats food with an anti-alcoholic potion, but it will go away rather quickly. It just means that you did everything right.

Holy water conspiracy from alcoholism

You need not just holy water, but the one they call epiphany water - consecrated on January 19, the day of Epiphany. And this conspiracy is done on the 19th, but the month does not matter. In Epiphany, you can also be treated for alcoholism. Water needs about one half-liter can, rarely more is required. But sometimes you have to slander water 1-2 times more, especially if the case is very neglected.

When speaking a plot of holy water, bend over it so that the breath touches the surface. Read three times, each repetition in one breath:

But our Lord, Jesus Christ did not know hop, did not drink, did not suffer without it, like His Mother theotokos, but the holy saints of the dashing braga did not know, they did not tolerate without her, so you, the servant of God, will refuse wine and never again do not touch him. Amen.

Seal the jar of water immediately. You can open it only if you are going to use the water for its intended purpose. And the purpose is to add to food and drink, but to a person suffering from alcoholism. Add only to ready-made drinks and dishes, because you cannot boil and heat this water.

Fish Conspiracy Against Drinking

To heal a loved one from craving for alcohol, you will have to go fishing. The hex is read on fish that was not bought in the store, but caught by you personally in fresh water. You must bring her home alive. Pour wine into any container and put the fish in it. Then start cooking preparations, during which the hex is read:

As this fish flutters in wine, so does the soul of God's servant (name) rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take care not to be disturbed in the process. Fried fish is treated to those suffering from alcohol cravings.

Alcohol conspiracy

Remember that you cannot drink underdrink - they are often used to spoil alcoholism, but they can also get rid of drunkenness. When the bottle is full, go to the cemetery. Each cemetery has a fence that separates the world of the dead from the world of the living. Dig it in the corner so that no one can see it. At the same time, sentence:

Aki new neighbors do not need you,

They don't drink in the morning, they don't suffer without you

They sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open,

So the servant of God (name) will not think about you,

Not with a young month, not with a golden moon,

Not in the rain or in the sun

My deed is smooth, my word is strong.

Key. Castle. Tongue.

Alcoholism and omens

There are many causes of alcoholism that doctors talk about. But few people know that sometimes this problem appears as a result of induced damage or love spell. If this is your case, the conspiracies described above will not help. The negative program must be eliminated first.

In addition, there are signs that predict the future of the drunkard. For example, do not pour leftover liquor from glasses into a bottle. The one who drinks it will get drunk. Often, such residues are used to spoil alcoholism. For the same reasons, they do not drink leftovers from other people's glasses - this is drunkenness.

Another sign prohibits getting drunk at a wake. The one who violates it will lose the ability to control the desire to drink. In some regions, it is believed that drinkers at commemoration and holy holidays doom their children to addiction to booze.

Remember drunkenness is a serious problem. , and sitting back when you or your loved one is suffering from a terminal illness is extremely dangerous. Try to help him and yourself as quickly as possible and the Universe will certainly help you and reward you for your efforts.

Strong conspiracy against drunkenness without the participation of a drunkard

Conspiracies against alcoholism are considered the most effective against drunkenness. If your son, husband or other close person is overtaken by the disease of alcoholism, do the following ritual on your own, which is directed against alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. During the ceremony, the mother or wife must read on her monthly blood the most powerful conspiracy for water and blood that is used against drunkenness and is able to almost instantly save a person from craving for alcohol.

How to make a slander on water and blood and what kind of conspiracy will help save a person from alcoholism and constant drunkenness. When your period begins, stain your rag with it. Next, you need to rinse it in a basin with plain water and read water conspiracy pour it under any aspen, bury the rag in the same place. The conspiracy against drunkenness following:

How you wash and drive out

So that in the name of God Christ

Kicked out and washed out

Intoxicating passion from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

This conspiracy helps to cure drunkenness in a person without his presence. ... Looking at the rising sun, whisper forty times conspiracy against drunkenness after which a person will not tolerate alcohol and will feel sick at the sight of alcohol. Conspiracy words to whisper drunkenness :

Angels, do not hunger torment you,

Thirst does not torment you,

You are fast and fast moving.

Neither walls nor locks hold you back.

There are no days and nights in your kingdom,

There are no vices and passions in your kingdom,

There is an eternal, endless Easter for you.

So would the servant of God (name)

There were no vices too,

She would not drink drunk,

I did not take table cups in my hands.

Angels, take her soul, wean her womb

From intoxicated mash and wine.

In the name of the Father and the Creator,

In the name of the Holy Cross,

In the name of Jesus Christ.

Using the magic of prayer to make a person stop drinking and completely get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, do the following. Take a check and after reading a prayer on it, the words of which will later go with alcohol to the church to defend the service there. In the same church, order a magpie for the health of the person from whom you want to remove the craving for alcohol. The words of the conspiracy of a prayer that relieves

The conspiracy from hard drinking is read into the water that is given to a person suffering from alcoholism. Having drunk the water conspired against hard drinking, a person who does not stop drinking for several days will feel aversion to alcohol and will voluntarily get out of the hard drinking. The conspiracies will now tell you how to use magic and prayer to get a person out of a long drinking binge. Pour cold water into a mug, throwing a small piece of ice into the water, read the plot, cool from

The conspiracy will help independently cure a person from drunkenness and alcoholism. Read the conspiracy for any alcohol: beer, vodka or wine is needed at the cemetery. Take a bottle of alcohol and, having found a grave in the cemetery with the name of an alcoholic patient, pour him a glass from the bottle brought and put it on the grave ground (next to the grave mound) say a strong conspiracy from bitter

Is it possible to defeat alcoholism on your own and get rid of alcohol addiction forever - YES, IT IS POSSIBLE, and Maginya will gladly share my story of how I was able to cure drunkenness in my husband in an accessible way - with the help of white magic, namely prayer from alcoholism and faith in necessarily good result. I think many of you have heard about the miraculous prayer before the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" which helps people get rid of alcoholism and drive out of themselves "alcoholic

Magic will help you to cure alcoholism on your own, namely, church magic will help you quickly quit drinking. A person who decided on a ritual from drunkenness in order to stop drinking once and for all needs to serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with blessing of water. Store the resulting consecrated water in a closed jar and, diluting the conjured water 1: 1 with holy water, drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach. For a full home course of treatment for alcohol addiction with the help of church magic, you need to serve in the church at least 3 prayers to get rid of drunkenness, performing the following as soon as water read from drunkenness

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help bring out of the binge any person who is at a distance from you. Against drunkenness, conspiracies from alcoholism made on a new padlock are considered effective. It is this ancient and effective method of self-removal from heavy drinking at home that has been helping wives and mothers for centuries! To carry out the conspiracy, buy a new padlock, when you come home, close it with a key. To make a conspiracy to get out of the binge, heat the key over a fire and throw it into cold water prepared in advance. As soon as it hisses, quickly tell the conspiracy against

A strong conspiracy on the ice will cool the craving for drunkenness and, as a result, the lapel from alcoholism made on the ice, the conspiratorial person, grabbing a glass, will experience a strong aversion to alcohol. You can read the conspiracy on ice for three months in a row on the waning moon. Put a piece of ice or icicle in a cup on the windowsill, so that it melts overnight and sees the moon. Getting up early in the morning at sunrise when the ice icicle melts into the resulting melt water, read three times within seven days (a week) a conspiracy to get rid of

The prayer to John of Kronstadt, healing from drunkenness, is very popular and helped several thousand people get rid of alcohol addiction. In order to independently get rid of alcoholism and addiction to alcohol, together with prayer, chapter 15 of the Gospel of John is read together, they contribute to healing from drunkenness in a very short time. The text of the prayer: Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the womb and carnal joy. Grant him (name), to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit that flow from it. Amen. To get rid of the passion of drunkenness, it is also recommended to read daily chapter 15 of the Gospel of John, the text of which

There is a good prayer for drunkenness and alcoholism that you need to read on yourself. The Church claims that alcohol addiction is a corruption induced by demons on a person. That is why you need to pray in church in order to stop drinking and read a prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Cup". This prayer has already helped many to relieve alcohol addiction, and many, having read a prayer that heals themselves from drunkenness only once, got rid of the craving for alcohol forever. If you have a desire and faith in the result, go to church and read a prayer to heal yourself from the habit of alcoholism. Text

Wives who read a prayer for the drunkenness and alcoholism of their husband Matrona Moskovskaya helped her husband get rid of alcohol addiction and completely stop drinking alcohol. Matrona of Moscow is considered the patron saint who helps people get rid of the harmful effects of alcoholism. Before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, people pray for everything that disturbs their souls, and very often ask for the deliverance of themselves, husbands, children, brothers, sisters from drunkenness and the healing of alcoholism. Millions of people, having turned in prayer to Saint Matronushka, write reviews about the help they received! Believe me, the prayer to Matrona of Moscow from drunkenness is unusually strong, and very effective, she helped many, will help and

The most powerful and effective conspiracy against alcoholism as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol addiction and relieve his craving for alcohol can be read at least every day, but in practice a week is enough to make a person a complete aversion to alcohol. A conspiracy from alcoholism should be read over a sleeping person by a sober person standing at the head of a drunk sleeping man or woman. It is best if you read the conspiracy from alcoholism will be the wife to the husband or the husband to the wife, in this case the action of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can ward off cravings for alcohol in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever. When the person returns from a booze and goes to bed, get up in

Vanga taught how to wean a husband from alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy from alcoholism that needs to be read every day in a photo of a drinking husband. Having carried out this ceremony, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Vanga's conspiracy from drunkenness is done on a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 church candles of yellow wax. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives, at sunset light all 3 candles by placing them on a saucer in the middle of the table. Put a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with the previously prepared holy water and put a glass on the photo of your husband and say the text

This is a very old and effective rite of passage for weaning. After it is held, any person suffering from alcoholism and cravings for alcohol will stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and quickly get out of the binge. The conspiracy from alcoholism is read during a booze, for this they quietly take a glass from an alcoholic patient and pour vodka into a village toilet with a cesspool while saying the words

Conspiracies and prayers help to cure alcoholism in a person and bring him out of a long binge. The icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" has shown itself especially well in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness. Even the church recognizes a person's alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. If there is no icon, print it from the Internet or buy it in a church, where you also need to purchase a church candle. Before reading the conspiracy from alcoholism, cook any jelly, near the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", light a candle and put a glass with hot jelly. Before the conspiracy, you need to read the prayer Our Father three times, and after it, the conspiracy itself heals from alcoholism and

If you urgently need to discourage a person from alcohol, read the old conspiracy on alcohol after drinking which the drunkard will stop drinking once and for all and every time he takes up alcohol he will be very "twisted". A strong conspiracy from drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on a full moon. Effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism are read in cases where persuasion and threats do not work and in order to save the family, the wife or mother, secretly from the alcoholic patient, read this strong conspiracy for any alcohol that is given to an alcoholic addict. At midnight of the full moon, leave the house and walk to the nearest intersection or

safe conspiracy to her husband from drunkenness

Such rituals are carried out without the knowledge of the target, affect its subconscious and can convince an alcoholic to quit drinking on his own. It looks like a miracle, and therefore the effectiveness of magic is questioned by many, however, when there are no other options left, even skeptics turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

According to official statistics, in Russia every fifth man suffers from alcoholism, while many are already at the first stage of this disease, but still refuse to admit their own problems. Rampant drunkenness leads to the development of serious diseases, destroys families and the fate of people of all ages.

Alcohol must be fought with all available means, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy from drunkenness. This is a special magic ritual aimed at eradicating the addiction.

In this Article: Curing Binge drinking.

In this Article: Magic Words vs.

If such a misfortune has come to your house, you cannot wait long and hope that a man will be able to get rid of the bad habit on his own, you need to try to convince him to break up with alcohol, help him get on the right path, help stop drinking. But this is not always possible, since alcoholics do not recognize their problem, and any hints lead to hostility, and sometimes even aggression. We live in a society where it is impossible to treat a person for alcoholism without his consent, and therefore, the hands of relatives, most often, are tied.

In such a situation, a conspiracy from drunkenness is almost the only way to combat alcohol.

It looks like a miracle, and therefore the effectiveness of magic is questioned by many, however, when there are no other options left, even skeptics turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

Effectiveness of anti-drinking rituals

Practice shows that magic rituals are very powerful and have a very positive effect on alcoholics, however, not a single, even the most effective and proven ritual can guarantee a 100% result. There are a large number of factors that can both increase the strength of the ceremony and reduce its effect to nothing.

The most terrible enemy of rituals is the company of a person - the people who surround him.

In this case, without the desire of the alcoholic himself and his will, it is difficult to achieve deliverance.

And yet, do not despair, even if some people drag your husband or son to the bottom. With the help of powerful, time-tested rituals, for example, using a photo ritual, you can reduce the rate of development of alcoholism or awaken in the person himself the desire to give up alcohol.

Strong conspiracy option

This ritual should be performed all alone every morning. Before reading the word of the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire to help a loved one, and also believe that you will succeed in achieving what you want. Conspiracy Words:

“Let the sky hear, let the sky see. What do I want to do over the body and mind of the servant of God (target name).

The sun is bright, the sun is free, come to my yard. There are neither people nor animals in my yard. The month is young, the month is red, you go down into my cage, where there are no doors or bottom.

The stars are distant, the stars are clear, descend into my bowl, where the water is clear, cold. The sun is bright, turn away the servant of God (name) from the wine.

The month is red, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine. The stars are clear, turn away and you are a servant of God (name) from wine. In an open field, in a deep blue sea, the key and lock lie. No one can open that lock, no one can find that key. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Husband's alcohol conspiracy

This conspiracy, which must be pronounced on any alcohol that later drinks the target, has already managed to prove its effectiveness. It is perfect to relieve a person from constant drinking. The words:

“The priest abbot called to him and they made a prayer together. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a foul passion, from an intoxicated misfortune. Let him not know how drunken from this day to the grave board. As a fat pig alone cannot swim across the ocean, so the servant of God (name) does not drink alcohol from this day, does not hold it in his mouth, and does not wish at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the alcoholic drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he must stop drinking.

Drinking Potion

Making an alcoholic lapel potion is a difficult task even for experienced practitioners, since it will not be easy to get all the necessary components, however, if everything you need is collected, then the potion guarantees a persistent dislike for alcohol at the target.

  • The first component is crayfish, which was caught on a full moon so that the appearance of the full moon coincides with the last calendar day of the month. Cancer must be dried in a Russian oven and then crushed into powder.
  • The second component is the root of plakun grass. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried.
  • The third is grass from a nest abandoned by birds. It is also washed and dried.
  • The fourth is the root of the herb-beating root, it is washed and dried.
  • Fifth - seeds and flowers of wormwood.
  • The sixth is thyme herb.
  • Seventh - white snowdrop flowers.

All ingredients must be ground into powder by hand using a mortar and pestle.

When the day corresponding to the alcoholic's birthday comes, you need to boil all the ingredients with water, which was taken from three different houses. Hosts do not need to know how you will use this water. After that, you need to cool the broth, wash the person with it and give him 12 sips at a time. If a person begins to shake, or he experiences itching, then all the infection leaves his body. During the preparation of the broth, you need to read the conspiracy:

“I (name) conjure saliva and blood, brain, mouth, joints and liver, breath and semi-joints, veins and sinuses, and heart. I conjure the entire human skeleton from any hops, from daytime, lunchtime, nighttime and morning hops, from daily and semi-daily hops. At home, at a party, in the authorities, in oak chambers, in stone chambers, he should not drink. The Lord created the Universe in seven days, and the seven parts of my body in this house will create peace and quiet for the servant of God (name of the goal) from all intoxicated passion. Now and ever. Amen".

Unfortunately, alcoholism is a problem for many families. Husbands drink, wives drink, and sometimes children. Sometimes drunkenness occurs as a result of damage. However, in most cases, addiction to alcohol is a consequence of the fact that a person has completely lost interest in life, and thoughts about his own worthlessness visit his head every day. Being in this state for a long time, a person as if imposes damage on himself. Its energy takes on a dark brown color, characteristic of low frequencies. Troubles begin in life, and sometimes only strong conspiracies from alcoholism can help. Below are three tips on how to get rid of alcoholism, from the point of view of a medicine man, sorcerer and parapsychologist.

Witchcraft conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism

This ritual will save your wife or husband from drinking, return their interest in life. Time for the ritual: the last three days of the waning moon. Everything needs to be done in the morning before the sun rises.

So, we light 9 candles taken from the church, buy a bottle of vodka in the store and pour it into a deep bowl. Next to this bowl we place a photo of your husband. In addition, for this ritual, you will need new cutlery: ladle, spoon, fork, knife and glass.

We take a ladle and begin to stir the vodka in a counterclockwise direction. Use a scoop to scoop up the "flammable potion" as if you were pouring soup. All the time you say the words of such a conspiracy: “Drink you, servant of God, (name), go much, pour a ladle - you are glad! I took the scoop, took away the bitter potion and poured it out forever "


Next, stir the vodka with a spoon. The words now are: “I could not use a ladle, I am ready to scoop the fuel out of the snake with a spoon. You, servant of God (name), will only need a spoon for the soup, a smelly potion cannot be caught with a spoon! "

With a knife, "cut" the vodka, say the words of the conspiracy: "With a knife I tried to pick the potion, destroy myself, but it didn't work out! The knife cut the bonds of drunkenness, set you free, equipped you on the right path! "

Next, take a glass in your hands and say a conspiracy: “You, servant of God (name), remembered about a glass, grabbed it - you decided to get drunk. The glass slipped out of his hands, shattered to smithereens on the floor and it never worked for you again! " Drop the glass and really break it.

Pour the "flammable potion" out the window towards the west. Kitchen items that were used in this ritual should be thrown in the trash bin outside the house. The photo must be hidden in a secluded place. This is a very strong conspiracy from alcoholism - the husband will stop drinking almost immediately.

Medicinal herbs against alcoholism

The preparation of infusions of medicinal herbs can also be attributed to the healers' methods of dealing with the "green serpent". To do this, you need to take one spoonful of dry ram ram, put the grass in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water (one glass is enough). When the herb is infused and the broth has cooled, it must be filtered. The third part of the glass should be drunk by an alcoholic. After a while, let him "treat" himself to half a glass of vodka. Give vodka every 15 minutes until the "patient" starts vomiting. Several such "procedures" - and the painful addiction to alcohol will disappear forever!

Witchcraft conspiracies from alcoholism

Read this conspiracy from her husband's alcoholism over him when he is drunk and asleep. You need to say the following words: “As Judas denied Christ, so let the servant of God (name) renounce wine, vodka in any weather and remember me, the servant of God (name), and forever and ever. Amen".

To get rid of a bad habit, you can also speak water. In this case, you only need to pronounce 3 words: "AMATKHI, URUSVATI, AMBITO". Pour the water spoken in this way to your spouse three times a day, but in such a way that the husband drank one and a half liters of this water in a week. Store this water in a cool, dark place.

If the husband is violent in a drunkenness, a strong conspiracy from alcoholism will help. Take the bread, spread it with butter, and write the words on top of the butter: "SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS"... This magic bread "sick" should eat three days in a row, in the morning and in the evening, after sunset.

Voodoo ritual for alcoholism

To get rid of a person from alcoholism and other bad habits that pollute the body and spirit, there is a proven ritual called the "firmament". Even a person far from magic can perform the ritual. So, you need to take 8 medium-sized potatoes, peel them and cook mashed potatoes from them. Next, add vegetable broth powder (like "Mivina", 1 teaspoon) to this puree, and also grate 4-5 tablespoons of coconut. From such a homemade dough, you need to build 8 identical balls. Next, these balls need to be folded up on white lace.

Leaning over the balls, we read any conspiracy from alcoholism, given in this article. At the same time, we imagine how the problem is transmitted to the ball with cold breath. Tie the lace in a knot. Next Sunday you need to go to the park and leave your knot under any bush as a sacrifice to God.

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness to alcoholic panties

The advantage of this ritual is that it can be used even without the knowledge of the drinking person. The alcoholic's wife (or girlfriend) should do it. It is necessary to remove the panties from the man and wash in two waters - cold and hot. When you wash in cold water, say the words of such a conspiracy: "Cool down, come to your senses, take hold of your wits. My word is strong and spoken." For hot water, the words will be different: "(Husband's name), wake up, take your mind and mind. Take a walk - and settle down. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so."

When the panties are dry, you can give them to your husband - let him wear them. With other underwear of the alcoholic, you also need to do the above manipulations.

And yet - do not joke with this ritual, it is very powerful. The recommended time for its execution is 3 pm, the day is Sunday.

Conspiracies from husband's alcoholism (advice from a parapsychologist)

If the alcoholic realizes the need to be treated, then give him this conspiracy - he will help to cope with the problem without resorting to the services of sorcerers and healers. For the conspiracy from drunkenness to succeed, you need to fast for several days in a row, and then go to the bathhouse.

Get water from a spring or stream, and say the following plot to it three times. Drink water, while figuratively imagine how your body leaves this bad habit. The words of the conspiracy are: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Wine and hops! Get away from me, servant of God (name). For all times, to the grave. Get away from me, all desire for wine and spirits. Get away from me, drunkenness, into a dense forest, where fierce animals and black birds live. Take you, violent wind, desire from me, a pernicious passion for wine, and take it over the blue sea. Get off and leave me forever, for all the times of my belly. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Addiction to alcohol can completely destroy a person's life. And the main thing is that the Green Serpent brings suffering not only

addicted, but also to all those close to him. Today, one of the common ailments of modern society has destroyed millions of families. Relatives are ready to take the most extreme measures, in despair to turn to medication and non-traditional treatment in order to save a loved one from the harmful effects of alcohol.

Drunkenness conspiracies are read in the waning moon phase, so that the addiction will subside

A bit of history

Drunkenness conspiracies came to us from distant times. In most cases, men suffered from this ailment. Wives and mothers, in order to preserve the family and protect the health of a stumbled son or husband, begged for help from the Almighty and resorted to magical rituals. In our time, conspiracies from alcoholism are no less popular than several centuries ago. The variety of alcoholic beverages and the availability of alcohol more and more often draws beautiful ladies into this pool.

Secrets and simple rules for conducting rituals

Most often, the ceremony has to be performed without the consent of the drinker. Not everyone can designate himself as an alcoholic, which means admit his weakness and lack of willpower, as well as independently get out of a long binge. People who are not indifferent to his fate have to pull the patient out of the web of drunkenness.

However, you should not chop off the shoulder, starting the ritual without reading the rules and recommendations. Any mistake or wrong action, in the future, can cause bad consequences and troubles for both the healer and the person being healed.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: "To escape from lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear a simple one .."Read the article \u003e\u003e

Males are treated on men's days (Mon, Tue, Thu), females - on women's (Wed, Fri, Sat); you can't do it on Sundays

  1. Female alcoholism is talked about on Friday, Wednesday and Saturday;
  2. It is better to get rid of male addiction on Thursday, Tuesday and Monday;
  3. You can not perform rituals for alcohol addiction on Sunday;
  4. The most effective will be ceremonies performed on the waning moon;
  5. To read a conspiracy for drunkenness, like any other, you need to confidently and clearly pronounce every word;
  6. You should not tell anyone that you asked for help from the highest powers, even after the spell has worked;
  7. The most powerful conspiracy whispered to a sleeping drunk.

Five most powerful conspiracies from drunkenness

Into the moonlight

If you are a little more fortunate than others, the patient agrees to treatment and realizes the full power of the harmful influence of alcohol in his life, then the lunar ritual is what you need. It is worth carrying out the procedure in the last phase of the waning moon. Let the addicted to alcohol go out into the street or speak the text, looking at the night star through an open window.

The moon is waning - my ailment takes with it.

In the morning the moon will go away, and there will be no trace of my addiction.

A new month will be born - a new life will begin.

God help me. Amen.

It is useful to bring the Inexhaustible Chalice icon into the house: both the drunkard himself and his relatives who wish him well can pray to it


If a loved one does not recognize his dependence, you should not swear and blame him for this, and even more so, try to prove something. The simplest but most effective way will be a conspiracy from drunkenness without the knowledge of the patient. Pour holy water into a glass or glass, and looking through the vessel at the photo read the conspiracy:

Water cleanses the body and spirit, water relieves drunkenness. Just as the righteous did not eat alcohol, so the servant of God (name) will forget the taste of the potion, and water for him will be sweeter than wine. The trouble will go away, the Lord will help. Amen."

After reading the text, sprinkle the photo with the spoken water three times. The liquid remaining in the glass should be drunk by the one for whose healing the ceremony was performed. The photo must be removed to a secluded place and not touched with your hands until the conspiracy works.

Important!!! In no case should you add charmed water to alcohol, since the effect will be completely opposite to the expected one.

In the diet of an alcoholic, holy water must be present: you need to drink it in the morning, or add a little to any drinks and dishes

On soap

Take a bar of soap that a drinking husband or son uses and say these words over him:

You will wash yourself with soap, you will forget the taste of alcohol. As the soap will melt, your addiction will melt. Just as the soap will not increase back, so you will not return to drunkenness. Amen.

Getting rid of drunkenness on Maundy Thursday

This powerful ritual is intended for a mother whose son is captured by alcohol. On Thursday, on the eve of Holy Easter, early in the morning, you need to fill a bucket of clean water and read a prayer over it:

As I gave birth to you, fed you with milk, so you (name) would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine into your mouth. As the windows were washed, so will you. Amen!

Then the woman needs to wash all the windows in the house with this water, wake up her son and invite him to wash in honor of the holiday. To complete the ceremony, the mother needs to pour water from the bucket onto the back of her son. After that, it will not be superfluous for a woman to go to church and ask for the help of the Lord.

You cannot tell anyone about the ritual done, even if you managed to get the required result

Easter conspiracy

The ritual for alcoholism, performed on a bright Orthodox holiday, is considered one of the most powerful. To carry it out, you need to take an Easter cake, consecrated in the church, and divide it into 12 parts. Then go to the cemetery and find 12 graves where the deceased are buried, who are theses of the patient. A piece of cake is supplied to each grave with the words:

Christ is risen! You, deceased, do not get up, do not drink alcohol.

So in the whole century, never get up, do not drink alcohol and do not give the slave (name of the addict) to drink either.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

When all 12 pieces are laid out on the graves, go home without turning around. The ritual can be performed for three years in a row, but no more.

Using conspiracies of white magic is absolutely harmless

Magic spells from a modern healer

Natalya Stepanova, the famous sorceress who was able to pull thousands of sons and husbands, wives and daughters out of the clutches of the Green Serpent, willingly shares the words of the conspiracy. The spell does not need any inventory other than water. Take enough liquid so that you can use it for drinking and preparing food for the patient.

As the Lord God Jesus Christ, alcoholic beverages did not know and never tasted, as the Holy Mother of God and all the apostles did not drink alcohol, so that the Servant (s) of God (s) (name) never drank. So that only spring water, cold and clean, was sweet for the Slave (s) of God (s) (name). And vodka, wine, and other alcoholic beverages ceased to exist for him forever, so that he did not drink them, he did not know, he lived happily without them. My words are strong and righteous, so they will come true. Amen.

Drinking water is added to food and drink throughout the week. The Siberian healer recommends reading the conspiracy on the 12th of any month of the year.

To consolidate the result, and also if the ceremony did not allow to reach the intended goal the first time, it is repeated after a few weeks

Two prayers for drunkenness

Go to church and light a candle for the patient's health. You can read a prayer right in the church or at home near the icon of the Saint to whom you are addressing. The most powerful are the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker (the wife reads to heal her husband) and Jesus (the mother heals the son from the illness).

  1. Nicholas the Wonderworker, I appeal to you with a prayer. Have mercy on your mercy, save my spouse from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, found disgust, and devastate his craving for drunken libation. He will not sip, not swallow or pour a drink, he vile without shuddering. And if he takes a sip, he will pour the holy property into the womb of water. Let it be so. Amen!
  2. Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son. I beg You, spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For evil allowances and for all humiliation - you forgive me. Exterminate the vile addiction and bring the daring will to the child. Let him not touch the drink again, and his craving will calm down. May the water be glorified by them, and faith will remain with him forever. Let it be so. Amen!

Both prayers are recited every day until the addict disappears. All this time, holy water should be added to the food of the healed.

You can start talking from drinking, and you can get out of the binge even at home. Treat with understanding the problem of a loved one, because alcoholism can be not only a consequence of promiscuity and carelessness. The cause of unrestrained drunkenness can be damage or the evil eye. Read the conspiracy with pure thoughts and faith in your soul and in no case be angry with the patient.

Conjure money in a very simple way Tatiana Globa: "To break out of lack of money forever, make it a rule ..."

Many people wonder how to help an alcoholic if he does not want to get rid of his craving for alcohol. A drunken husband will always find an excuse for a bad habit. A conspiracy from drunkenness will help you to pull your husband or a drinking son-in-law out of the quagmire on your own. White magic works wonders, and a caring spouse may well benefit from the experience of ancestors.

People resort to conspiracies from drunkenness in different cases. Sometimes the heart hurts in a caring mother who wants to save her son from drunkenness. Your husband can suffer from alcohol, and sometimes you need to pull a woman out of the bottle. A powerful magic spell on vodka will be effective in any case. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Healers have developed a set of rules to make an alcoholism conspiracy effective. Even if a man does not want to remove a bad habit, you can permanently wean him from wine. Reading conspiracies from alcoholism at home is easy. Here are some basic guidelines:

  • the woman casting the spell must keep her actions secret from strangers;
  • successful drunken conspiracy prayers are not read every day;
  • women talk on Saturdays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
  • you can treat your husband on Tuesday, Monday or Thursday;
  • it is strictly forbidden to read conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness on Sunday;
  • the most powerful anti-alcohol ritual is happening over a sleeping person;
  • days of the waning moon are considered a good time to whisper a conspiracy from binge.

Secretly rid your husband or other relative of the addiction. Usually a person does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, although he returns home drunk every day. Conspiracies from alcohol addiction work well, read on the 19th. Whisper prayers in the photo, ice and spring water - these objects are considered powerful magical conductors.

Water spell

Conspiracy water helps against alcoholism - it is drunk once before bedtime. Get some holy water and light a church candle. In order for a person to be guaranteed to quit drinking, do magic at night. Baptize the glass and pronounce the conspiracy from alcohol:

“Strong candle, baptized water, help God's servant (name) free himself from vice. Remove the glass from him, make sure that the grief leaves the house. A person drinks holy water, and the addiction leaves his body. The fire will go out, sin will be dispelled in the daytime. Amen".

Hops conspiracy

An effective conspiracy for alcohol is whispered to hops - you can get this plant at any pharmacy. Crushed hops are not suitable for alcohol ritual. A tablespoon of this herb is enough to save the adherent of the "green serpent". Algorithm of actions:

  1. Get vodka or any other drink that the drunkard did not have time to consume.
  2. Soak the hops in this liquid.
  3. Dry the plant.
  4. Wait for the full moon, take intoxicated cones in your hand and whisper a conspiracy against drunkenness (three times).
  5. Grind the hops.
  6. Start adding the plant to the alcoholic regularly in your tea.

When brewing a drink, whisper "Our Father", but do so that your husband does not notice it. The ritual stretches for three days, and the prayer must be read 9 times. Make sure the drunkard drinks the tea. The text of the conspiracy, so as not to drink men, is:

“Go away, wicked hop, from my relative (the name is mentioned) into the dense forest with your feet. Snakes and birds are not found there, fierce wolves do not roam. Get out on fast water, where there is no washing, no fish and no other living creatures. A person does not bathe, the sun does not warm, a clear month does not shine. Go away, hoppy, to the winds, quicksand, distant countries, foreign shores. They don't want you there, they don't wait for you, they won't say a good word. Be attracted to a bad person, whose thoughts are black, his eyes are empty, there is no truth in his deeds. Amen".

Learning to speak to ourselves

If you start having alcohol problems, you can read one of the drunkenness conspiracies on yourself. Take a steam bath for a start, put on all clean clothes and get some unpolished water. To quit drinking, wake up before everyone else, take well water or melt a piece of ice.

This is a powerful drinking conspiracy that many mothers use for their sons. Only they change the words of the conspiracy, and the liquid is mixed into tea or coffee. When casting a drinking spell yourself, you must drink the water immediately and completely. The text is like this:

“Braga and hops, go to the grave board. Begone, craving for wine and alcohol! Rampant wind, calm down dashing passion, don't let me disappear in the bottle. I read the conspiracy so that the black birds take the attack, so that the fierce beasts will tear it to pieces. Tell me, Lord, what to do, how to get my old life back. Famously, leave me alone, go over to bad people. Amen".

Powerful ritual with soap

Among the conspiracies from female alcoholism, those in which cosmetics are used are considered the best. Feeling painful cravings for the bottle? When you read the soap slander, the disease will go away safely. You need to wash with enchanted soap for three weeks, and throw away the remnant at the intersection. You can talk yourself out of drunkenness with these words:

“Hear me, heaven, bring your mind back, heal your soul. Help God's servant (your name) return from the dark pit. Above, the moon is young and the sun is bright, but there are no doors in my bottom pit. Distant stars will illuminate my cup, the Mother of God will whisper the coveted word. The stars spoke with a month of soap, they did not tell me to drink any more. A key with a lock, the sea is deep and the field is clear. Amen".

How to create a lapel potion

The conspiracies from drinking to water are quite simple, but has anyone thought about the lapel potion? A conspiracy from drinking in combination with the preparation of an elixir is a complicated thing. You will need 7 ingredients:

  • crayfish caught in a full moon (dried, ground into powder);
  • plakun-grass root (after cleaning it is washed and dried thoroughly);
  • grass taken from a bird's nest (birds must abandon their dwelling);
  • inflorescences and seeds of wormwood;
  • overpower-herb (dried root);
  • white snowdrop flowers;
  • thyme.

The ingredients for treating alcoholism are ground to a powder by hand. The ritual itself is performed on the day corresponding in numerical value to the day when the drunkard was born. Get water from three different dwellings and start preparing a decoction.

Potion spell

All components are free, but the water will have to be obtained secretly. While the person is sleeping, the broth must be cooled (if you are preparing the elixir at night). In the morning, wash the drunkard with the prepared liquid and make him drink 12 full sips.

Your relative will stop drinking alcohol if he is thrashed from the elixir he has drunk. Some patients complain of itching and tingling. And here is a powerful conspiracy that will enchant your potion:

“I conjure the blood and saliva of God's servant (name of the object), I save his body from trouble. I enchant joints and brain, breath and blood, heart and veins. The son drinks (or the husband), but his mother will save him. I banish daytime, nighttime, and lunchtime hops. Do not drink to you (name) at a party and at home, in foreign lands and oak chambers. The Lord created the universe in a week, and I will save all your seven bodily parts from drunken stupidity. Let it be so. Amen".

Rituals of Siberian healers

The conspiracies of a Siberian healer from drunkenness are especially popular. We are talking about the healer Natalya Stepanova, who saved a lot of people from alcoholism. The best time to read the classic binge conspiracy is at night. Sneak up to a sleeping alcoholic and quietly whisper a magical text:

“Mother queen, dawn lightning, take off the cursed force from God's slave (name), do not ruin him with drinking. Untie the intoxicated passion, tie it to the tombstone. Intoxicating girlfriends and friends, leave this house, forget the road here. Strong is my word. Amen".

Graveyard dust versus glass

Novice sorcerers think that ice spells are the most effective. However, there is a more powerful thing - graveyard dust. Go to four different cemeteries and collect some dust at the intersections there. Find the grave in which a dead man with the name of an alcoholic rests. Place the collected dust on the tombstone and cast the spell:

“The dead man does not rise, he does not know how to wander through the crossroads. And you (called the name) can no longer raise the glass. You can't take hops in your mouth, you won't miss it. Let it be so. Amen".

Working with photography

  1. Place the photo behind a glass.
  2. Looking at the image through the water, read the conspiracy.
  3. Sprinkle some charmed water on the shot.
  4. Cross your loved one.

Cast spells are best kept secret from the object. Take the photo away - random people shouldn't be holding it. The water remaining after the ritual should be given to the addicted sufferer. Hex text:

“The spirit is cleansed, God's servant (name) gets rid of the evil habit. The holy saints have not tasted alcohol, and you must forget this taste. Let holy water be sweeter than aged wine. The Lord will help, the attack will perish. Amen".

Let's talk fish

A very exotic ritual, since you first have to go fishing (you cannot buy fish in the supermarket). Two more important conditions - the fish must be freshwater and live. At home, pour wine into a saucepan, dip the fish there and read the plot. After the ceremony, the fish will have to be fried and fed to the alcoholic. The text is like this.