Appliances. How household appliances appeared

At present, the world of home appliances is so diverse that a simple listing of the names of household appliances and machines used in everyday life by a person will take a lot of time.

Refrigerator, washing machine, TV, gas or electric stove, iron, vacuum cleaner - this range of appliances is in every family.

Many families, in addition to the above list, have such helpers as: a dishwasher, a microwave oven, a slow cooker, a juicer, an electric hair dryer.

And I also didn’t name the devices for creating a microclimate: air conditioners, electric fans, convectors, electric radiators, air humidifiers and, probably, it’s enough to list, I’m afraid to bore you.

I deliberately did not name computer and telephone equipment now - this is a separate issue.

It wasn't always like that. Some 100 years ago, household appliances for the home were completely absent, people did not hear about many such machines and devices at all, and they could not even imagine that this was possible.

I say, “some 100 years”, because for the history of 100 years this is a very small amount, it is an instant, an instant.

The development of household appliances fell at the beginning of the last century, it was during these years that inventors and manufacturers began to take the first steps in the development and mass production of household appliances.

How household appliances developed, what is the history of household appliances - this is the topic of today's article.

Today we will consider two types of the most popular household appliances so as not to distract you for a long time from your daily affairs, household chores.

Washing machine - stages of development

Prior to the creation of the first washing machine, linen had to be washed by hand using simple appliances. The most perfect device of that time was the washboard.


Depending on the weather and time of year, the washing process itself was carried out either indoors (in winter), or on the banks of a river or any other body of water. Rinsing clothes, as a rule, both in summer and winter, took place on the shore of a reservoir.

Heavily soiled laundry was pre-soaked. Another method of processing linen before washing, such as boiling, was also used.

Drying clothes in those days, both in winter and summer, as a rule, was carried out on the street. In the summer, the sun and wind dried the linen, and in the winter it was frosty.

Laundry is not an easy job, especially since women have traditionally done the laundry.

The invention of the washing machine made it easier for women to work, they had more time to do other, more interesting things.

The first washing machine looked like a wooden barrel with a crosspiece inside, which has the ability to rotate around its vertical axis. The linen was loaded into the barrel, poured with hot water and soapy water, the barrel was closed with a lid, and with the help of a handle, the crosspiece manually rotated inside the barrel.

This is a manual washing machine. In Russia, such washing machines have found an unexpected application. They have been successfully used to churn butter. This was the first stage in the development of the washing machine.

The second stage is the creation in 1910 by the American Fisher of an electric washing machine. The rotation of the activator disk is carried out by an electric motor, the manual rotation of the crosspiece is a thing of the past.

After some time, a manual squeezing device appears in the configuration of the machine. After the end of the wash cycle and the machine stops, the laundry is passed between two rubber rollers, thereby squeezing it out and the squeezed water flows back into the washing machine tank. The rotation of the rollers is carried out manually using a special handle.

Washing machines of activator type with manual spin

The third stage in the development of washing machines, in my opinion, was the creation of washing machines with a built-in centrifuge. The linen after the end of the washing regime was reloaded from the washing tank into the centrifuge tank.

Washing machine with centrifuge

The centrifuge tank had many holes and had to rotate at high speed. After closing the centrifuge tank with a lid, the centrifuge turned on, and due to the centrifugal force, the process of squeezing the laundry took place. At this stage, both washing and spinning are mechanized.

Well, the last, fourth and today's stage was the creation of automatic washing machines. All washing is carried out automatically according to a previously set program. The program is set by the hostess, depending on the type of laundry and its contamination, using the buttons and knobs located on the front panel of the machine.

Washing machine - automatic

The laundry is loaded into the drum of the washing machine, the required amount of powder is poured into a special compartment. The “Start” button is pressed and then the entire washing process is carried out in automatic mode, including rinsing and spinning the laundry.

After turning on the machine, the hostess can calmly do other things or just relax.

The past and present of refrigerators

Nowadays, almost every family has a refrigerator. The percentage of such families is very high and approaches one hundred percent. But it was not always so.

In the days before the refrigerator was invented, people also refrigerate food to extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage.

For cooling, natural sources of cold were used - ice or snow.

At the end of winter, pieces of ice were cut down on frozen rivers and other reservoirs and cellars were tightly stuffed with them, which were built in the ground at a depth of several meters. In such cellars, food could be stored almost all summer, until the ice melted.

Glacier Cellar

And winter is already here. In those places where there was nowhere to get ice, snow was used instead of ice. Snow melted faster, so cellars with snow were considered less reliable.

Hot countries also had their own ways of cooling food, but, of course, these methods were noticeably inferior to ice cellars.

In different countries, engineers and inventors have been tirelessly thinking about creating better ways to store food using cold.

William Cullen, a Scottish professor of chemistry and medicine, pioneered the principles of obtaining artificial cold.

In 1756, in Edinburgh, for the first time in the history of world science, he demonstrated the process of artificial cooling. A vessel with medical ether was placed in a low pressure zone. This caused the ether to boil, which caused the space around the vessel to cool.

As a result of the demonstration of this experiment, a small piece of ice was obtained. Despite the importance of this discovery, it did not find practical application at that time.

The prototype of the first refrigerator was a wooden box, in which a metal container was placed, made of metal sheets and lined with rabbit fur.

Wood and fur in this case played the role of a heat insulator. Products were loaded into the container, the container was tightly closed with a lid. Ice was on top.

It is clear that such a "refrigerator" was imperfect, the ice gradually melted, and it had to be replaced periodically.

Despite the imperfection of this design of the refrigeration apparatus, home glaciers found use in the 19th century. Outwardly, they resembled a kitchen cabinet.

As thermal insulation, instead of fur skins, cheaper materials were used - dry sawdust, cork. The ice container had a faucet for draining melt water and, in different models, could be located at the bottom of the cabinet under the food container or at the top - above the container.

Further searches and research by inventors and scientists in the second half of the 19th century led to serious discoveries and the practical creation of devices and machines for creating artificial ice and artificial cooling of rooms.

For the first time, refrigerated wagons, refrigerating chambers, and large-area warehouses with artificial cooling were manufactured.

The creation of the first household electric refrigerator took place in 1913.

Consider the path of development of household refrigerators from their creation to the present day.

In 1926, Albert Einstein, together with Leo Szilard, proposed the design of an absorption refrigerator, called the Einstein refrigerator.

In the same 1926, the American company General Electric acquires a patent for the invention of the Danish engineer Christian Steenstrup, who developed the design of a home refrigerator. This refrigerator was almost silent, durable and harmless. The electric motor and compressor of the refrigerator were closed with a hermetic casing.

Refrigerator early 20th century

Since 1927, General Electric has begun mass production of Monitor-Top refrigerators. In total, this company sold over one million Monitor-Top refrigerators.

Since 1932, the less harmful refrigerant Freon-12 has been widely used in the production of household refrigerators.

In the forties of the twentieth century, refrigerators with freezer compartments (“freezers”) appeared, as well as separate freezers or chests for freezing and storing food with temperatures only below zero.

Refrigerator with freezer

In the fifties of the last century, refrigerators with automatic defrosting appeared, two-chamber refrigerators with a low-temperature chamber and a refrigerating chamber with forced circulation.

Two-chamber refrigerator


At the end of the last century, refrigerators with gasoline engines and solar energy refrigerators were developed.

Modern refrigerators, refrigerators of the 21st century are characterized by the placement of controls on the instrument panel located outside, they have built-in electronic diagnostics and color indication of operating modes.

Without opening the refrigerator door, you can set the required temperatures in the chambers, which are automatically maintained with sufficient accuracy.

The choice of refrigerators is now truly enormous. You can choose a device of any required size and with the necessary set of functions, suitable for the price.

"People, I'm not rubber!" ....

Here, using the example of a washing machine and a refrigerator, we traced the evolutionary path of their development, the path from the first prototypes to modern technology of the 21st century.

Mochalova Svetlana
Abstract of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: "Household appliances".

GCD progress:

An upset Dunno comes to the children.

Dunno: Hello guys!

caregiver: Hello, Dunno, what happened? You almost cry. Someone offended you?

Dunno: Yes, everyone offends me! My shirt got dirty, put it in the fridge to wash! She, as she was dirty, remained the same, only she became cold! I bought ice cream and, so that it would not melt, I put it in the oven. So from him one milk remained! And so every day, I want to do something good, but it turns out the opposite!

caregiver: Everything is clear, Dunno! You don't know how to use household appliances. But our guys will help you figure it out. They know about a lot of technology. Guys, let's tell Dunno everything we know about home helpers?

Children look at illustrations household appliances.

caregiver: Look at the picture, what is shown on it?

Children: This is a washing machine.

caregiver: Describe its purpose.

Children: The washing machine is an invention that made life easier for people. Now automatic washing machines have appeared, in which you only need to load the laundry, pour in the powder, and the machine will do the rest.

caregiver: Guys, tell us how the washing machine works. Who knows?

Children: Washes the machine by mixing the laundry with soapy water. In the machine - the machine you only need to lay the linen and set the program of work for it. She will pour water into the tank herself, add washing powder and start washing. After washing, the machine drains the washing solution, pours clean water and rinses the laundry. Then he squeezes it. Then you can hang your clothes out to dry.

caregiver: Name the precautions for using the washing machine.

Children: In order for the machine to work properly, it must be installed only on a hard floor or a thin rubber mat.

In the event of a malfunction, the machine must be disconnected from the power supply and water supply.

Do not play with the machine, put extraneous things into it, overload or underload the machine.

caregiver: Indicates a refrigerator. Tell me, guys, what is the name of this device?

Children: The picture shows a refrigerator.

caregiver: Tell us about its purpose.

Children: This shiny white cabinet is usually found in the kitchen. It is used for food storage.

caregiver: Does anyone know how a refrigerator works? Where does the ice in the refrigerator come from?

Children: The refrigerator is powered by electricity and has a special substance in it that does the job of cooling the freezer. From the freezer and cold in the entire refrigerator.

caregiver: Name the precautions for working with the refrigerator.

Children: If any malfunction is found, unplug the refrigerator from the mains by unplugging the cord from the outlet. Unplug the socket only with dry hands. Do not stand on the base, drawers or doors.

caregiver: Well done boys! Let's play with you.


What a big fire! (raise hands up)

Just don't touch him. (to wave hands)

You run away from him (stomp)

Call the grown-ups (to wave hands)

If a small light (sit down)

Throw sand on it (twisting with fingers)

caregiver: Let's continue our lesson and answer the quiz questions. How can you call all these devices - a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner, a TV, an iron, an electric kettle?

Children: Appliances, Appliances, electrical appliances.

caregiver: What kind household appliances used for cooking and heating water?

Children: Microwave oven, electric oven, electric kettle.

caregiver: Which Appliances used for entertainment?

Children: TV, music center, computer.

caregiver: What is necessary for the operation of any household appliances?

Children: Electricity.

caregiver: Which domestic Does the device help people store perishable food for a long time?

Children: Fridge.

caregiver: Why do I need an iron and an electric heater? Can these devices replace each other?

Children: The iron is used to smooth wrinkled clothes and other fabrics, and the electric heater heats the air in the room. They cannot replace each other.

caregiver: Which Appliances used to make cleaning easier?

Children: Vacuum cleaner.

caregiver: What device is used to receive and display TV programs?

Children: TV set.

Dunno: Thank you guys! Now I know exactly where to store ice cream and what will help me cope with the laundry. And now let's play a game with the ball "Helpers".


Iron - ironing clothes.

Mixer - whip the cream.

Hairdryer - dry hair.

Lamp - illuminate the book.

Vacuum cleaner - vacuum carpets.

Fan - cool the air.

In the refrigerator - store food.

In the microwave, food is heated.

In a kettle, water is boiled.

On the electric stove they cook food.

On the phone, they call.

On the tape recorder - listen to music.

caregiver: let's play a game guys "The Fourth Extra".

There are four pictures on the board.:

Hairdryer, chair, refrigerator, TV;

Microwave, razor, mixer, stool;

Vacuum cleaner, iron, bread, fan;

Computer, stove, telephone, plate;

Phone, sewing machine, stereo, sofa.

Children choose three correct objects from four objects.

caregiver: All the guys, well done! But actually invent any household appliance, is not so simple. In addition to a good imagination, you need to have a lot of knowledge and skills. For production technology there are large factories where many people work, creating such helpers that are needed in any family. Therefore, treat household instruments must be handled with great care. Make sure they are used correctly and do not break. After all, a breakdown household appliances can not only upset, but also do a lot of trouble, such as fires, floods, electricity short circuits.

Dunno: It's good that now I know everything about household appliances! And he did not manage to spoil anything due to his ignorance. I'll run and tell my friends what I've learned. Thank you! Goodbye!

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Technical devices have firmly entered the lives of modern people who can no longer imagine solving their everyday problems and their lives without them. The realities of our lives are silent vacuum cleaners, refrigerators with built-in TVs, steam generators instead of irons, and microwaves.

These household appliances are no longer a dream or fantasy, they are present in the life of any person. Let's plunge into the past and ask how these inventions were created and what they looked like in the past.

In 1870, the first whisk was developed, which was equipped with a mechanism. It took about 50 years for this invention to take the form of a mixer, which went on mass sale in America in 1910. Like any technical novelty, its cost was very high - about $ 3,000. It is for this reason that he was not in special demand, and his weight was about 30 kilograms.

In 1782, the first manual washing machine was developed. She worked with the help of a special handle, and the electric washing machines that we are so used to appeared in 1906. If you need to repair your washing machine, then you can contact the company, which has proven itself in the field of repairing household appliances.

In 1922, another miracle of technology was developed, which was called a blender. With its help, it was initially possible to combine water and syrup with carbon dioxide crystals. 13 years later, in 1935, the world saw blenders that could mash, chop and chop.

The first coffee maker was invented in 1806. It was even equipped with filters. The basic principle of the coffee maker was as follows: a little ground coffee was laid out in a metal sieve, and boiled water was poured into it.

Percy Spencer is the creator of the well-known microwave oven. Spencer worked all his life in the laboratory and one day drew attention to one interesting fact. When one of the laboratory assistants approached the magnetron, then all metal objects on his clothes began to heat up, and if there was a chocolate candy in his pocket, then it began to melt. After a huge number of complex experiments, a metal box was developed in which the magnetron was mounted. The main purpose of this box was to heat food. In 1945, Percy Spencer received a patent for his invention, and already in 1947, the first models of this device went on sale. In those days, the weight of the "microwave" was 340 kilograms, and it was 175 cm high.

Using modern household appliances, we do not think about what they were at the dawn of their appearance. Sometimes we don’t notice that when we get up in the morning, we turn on any of the home devices, without which our life is not possible, and if for a moment we imagine that there is no TV, refrigerator, microwave oven or iron, one involuntarily thinks about how modern humanity depends on from electronic devices that make life easier and save a lot of time. Some hundred years ago, all this did not exist, and what awaits us in a century is very difficult to say, one can only speculate. So, how did home appliances appear and what do they represent today?

TV set

The idea of ​​transmitting an image over distances comes from ancient times, remember the Russian fairy tale about the “saucer with a pouring apple”, which also showed an image. The first incarnation of this idea began at the end of the 19th century, and only in 1907, the inventor Max Dieckmann demonstrated the first similarity of a mechanical type television with a twenty-line 3 by 3 cm screen and a frequency of 10 frames / s. The principle of electronic television broadcasting was patented in 1923 by our compatriot Vladimir Zworykin, who emigrated to the states.

And in 1927, the United States began the first television broadcast, then in 1928 the UK also began broadcasting, followed by Germany in 1929. The VHF band for mass television broadcasting was introduced by Germany in 1935. From that moment on, the rapid development of televisions began, which were owned by 180 thousand American families in 1947, and by 1953 this figure had grown to 28 million. The modern television has not changed its purpose, only the functionality and screen size have undergone changes that allow you to feel what is happening on the screen in full force.


Residents of temperate and northern latitudes were able to store food with the help of cold, in southern countries they did not even imagine that ice could be useful for domestic needs, and only rich southerners could order snow from mountain peaks. Our ancestors made cellars. Which are not much different from the current underground refrigerators that our grandparents still use. The first artificial ice was made in 1850 by John Gorey, who used a compression cycle in his device, a similar design is still used today.

In 1879, ammonia began to be used in the compressor, and many meat industries and others began to purchase ice-making devices. The first household electric refrigerator was made in 1913 and used quite toxic substances in its design. In 1927, General Electric mass-produced the Monitor-Top refrigerator, which was very popular and sales reached 1 million units. Freon began to be used in 1930, and is used today. A modern refrigerator is an attribute of every family, which has intelligent control that allows you to store food for a long time.


American military engineer Percy Spencer, while conducting experiments with microwave radiation, noticed the property of heating food and patented his invention in 1946. The world's first microwave was released by the American company Raytheon in 1947 and was called Radarange. At first, it was used exclusively by the military for defrosting food in soldiers' canteens and was the size of a human being.

The first household microwave oven was introduced by the Tappan Company in 1955. And only in 1962, the Japanese company Sharp released the first production model to the mass market, which at first was not in great demand. A modern microwave is a device that includes a grill, convection, microwaves and has a lot of automatic modes for preparing a variety of dishes. This device has firmly entered our everyday life, thanks to
the speed with which tasks are completed.

Washing machine

Until the 19th century, things were washed by hand, and there was such a profession as a laundress, which required hard physical labor. To facilitate washing, primitive tools such as mallets with notches were used to better erase the dirt. In 1874, William Blackstone put into mass production the first washing machine with a manual mechanical drive, which greatly facilitated this hard work.

The electric washer appeared in 1908, and the fully automatic in 1949 in the United States. At the present stage of development, devices can wash, rinse and wring out, as well as do it with a given temperature regime and intensity, which allows you to wash any type of fabric and you only need to put the laundry in the unit and press the button.

Vacuum cleaner

Huber Cecil Booth, a British by birth, was the first to think of sucking up dust when cleaning the premises, who patented his invention in 1901. The inventor realized that the device would be in demand, and designed the Puffing Billy, a bulky wagon-driven unit that ran first on fuel and then on electricity. The device had a 30-meter hose and was brought as close as possible to the door of the house for cleaning the premises.

The first household electric vacuum cleaner was patented by P. A. Fisker in 1910, it weighed more than 17 kilograms and could well be used by one person. In 1919, the Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers Association was formed. The first bagless vacuum cleaner was patented by Amway in 1959. Now vacuum cleaners have more powerful parameters with special brushes and air purification filters, as well as light weight and compact dimensions.


This household appliance has a very ancient history, the principle of hot ironing was used in the time of the ancient Greeks, and looked like an iron rod in the form of a rolling pin, which was heated on fire. In the Middle Ages, "woofs" were used, metal mugs filled with hot water. In the 18th century, an iron with hot coals appeared, but heating irons were the most popular. The first electric iron was created by Earl Richardson in 1903. The latest models of irons have a wide temperature range, as well as a steam function that makes ironing easier.

The washing machine is a great modern invention. Check the laundry and drum before every wash. They should not contain foreign objects (keys, metal money, lighters, hairpins, etc.). During washing, foreign objects can damage the surface of the drum, clog the drain pump, or damage the laundry itself. Follow the filter. It needs to be cleaned from time to time. To correctly carry out this procedure, read the sequence of actions for your model of washing machine in the instructions. It is recommended to add a water softener if your area/city has hard water. This agent is poured into the container along with the powder. An alternative is washing powder with water softening ingredients included. Use a washing powder marked "Automatic" with reduced foaming. Never use hand wash detergent. Abundant foam can damage electrical components. Keep track of the drum load. Do not wash one item at a time or completely clog the drum with each wash. Sort laundry by fabric type and color. You can completely fill the volume of the drum only with cotton products, synthetics - half, woolen things - a third. Do not use the high spin program too often. At the end of the wash, do not leave the laundry in the drum. After removing the laundry from the top-loading washing machine, wipe the drum, rubber seal and hatch cuffs dry. Don't close the hatch. The machine must dry well. Otherwise, the fungus will start.

Curling irons are the perfect tool for creating big, airy curls and waves. The ceramic coating of the curling iron eliminates static electricity, which gives a smooth shine to your hair, while curls will last much longer. The straighteners are equipped with a temperature control function, thanks to which you can choose the temperature mode that is most optimal for your hair type. For dyed, bleached, fine hair, lower temperatures are preferred; for normal hair - medium temperatures, and the highest temperatures should be set for coarse, thick and unruly hair.

A DVR is a video surveillance camera that saves frames that are tied to the time they were created. Most often it is installed in a car in order to film what is happening around you. This device allows the traffic police inspector or the judge to look at the situation from the car, with your eyes. Such statements cannot be challenged. Almost anyone is able to install a car DVR by themselves: the power comes from the cigarette lighter in the car. There are also models that connect to the car's electrical wiring and turn on with ignition, but they are installed in car services. Very reliable connectors can guarantee you trouble-free operation even in a critical situation. A car DVR, like an inexpensive video surveillance system, has other options for use: in a country house, in an apartment or office, or at a retail outlet. You can connect a USB flash drive, a hard drive to it, and you can also make it so that the recording starts when the sensors are triggered. Car windows will not fog up if they are wiped with wet salt wrapped in gauze.

IRON. The first mention of an iron in Russia is found in the book of records of Tsarina Evdokia, wife of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, in 1636: "On January 31, the blacksmith Ivanka Trofimov got 5 altyns, and for that money he made an iron iron in the Tsaritsyno chamber .."

In Russia, there was a rubel device - a thick wooden block with a handle and a corrugated edge. Linen was wound on a rolling pin, and irregularities were rolled out with a ribbed piece. Remember Aksinya from "Quiet Don". The fabrics were then made by hand and were so rough that after washing they stood with a stake. This "ironing" not only removed the creases, but also made them softer.

Today about the history of the development of the iron, the stages of evolution. The very word "iron" appeared no later than the 7th century, borrowed from the Tatar language and means "slide", "stroke", literally - "what is ironed with." Archaeologists consider the very first iron to be a heavy flat stone. Wet clothes were spread on the surface of one such stone, and pressed down on top by another, so it was left until it was completely dry. In this way, some of the folds were smoothed out. The ancient Greeks invented their own way of pleating spacious clothes, they resorted to using a red-hot metal rod that looked like a rolling pin. And the Romans knocked out wrinkles from clothes with a metal hammer. In Russia there were wooden ironing implements, which in each locality were called differently: “ruble”, “pryalnik”, “rolling out”.

Antique dealers are also not far behind, so there are such masterpieces as the Baccara crystal iron, which belonged to Charles X. So the iron is a small masterpiece of mankind, art. But the history of the iron is far from over.

In the 19th century, gas irons began to be produced. A metal tube was inserted into the body of these devices, the other end attached to a gas cylinder, and a pump was placed on the cover of the iron. Through it, the gas was driven inside, where, being burned, it heated the sole. Such an iron was very dangerous - the slightest gas leak and explosions and fires could not do without victims. Later, the housewives liked the alcohol irons, which were invented in Germany. A metal cone was attached to the irons, alcohol was poured into it, which got inside through the tubes, and burned there, creating the necessary amount of heat. They were safe, but very expensive, not everyone could afford them. For one such device, several pigs or a cow could be exchanged. In Novgorod, a craftsman invented an iron on the water, in fact - a kettle-iron. June 6, 1882 is considered the birthday of the electric iron. The world's first such device had an electric arc, it was located between the carbon electrodes, and a current was supplied to them. Early models of irons were not safe - they shocked a lot. Later, they began to use a heating coil hidden inside the case in front of the soleplate of the iron. But the real history of the creation of the iron began after the invention of electricity. The first iron, which was heated by electricity, appeared only in 1903.

Wireless iron. The principle of operation is simple: you need to fix the iron stand on the ironing board, insert the iron into it and plug the stand into the socket. On the control panel, on the back of the stand, a green indicator immediately starts flashing, indicating that the iron has begun to heat up. As soon as the indicator stops flashing and lights up in a steady green color, you can take the iron in your hands and iron it. But not for 30 seconds. After this time, the red indicator starts flashing, urging you to put the iron back on the stand and recharge. The iron is ready for use again in a few seconds. The crease on the trousers lasts longer if it is wiped from the inside with dry soap, then ironed.

First of all, let's decide where to put the computer and how to sit at it correctly. The table on which the monitor and keyboard will be placed must be wide enough so that the screen is at least half a meter (cm is optimal) and the keyboard is cm from the user. There should not be a pile of papers, office and computer equipment on the table, but at the same time, everything you need should be within direct reach, as they say, at hand. For the workplace, the most suitable would be a corner table with a rounded inner corner - with almost any arrangement of the monitor and computer peripherals on it, ergonomic requirements will be met.

I Computer for work or hobby to work with office suites (Word test editor, Excel spreadsheets, Power Point presentations, Access databases, etc.); create graphics, drawings; edit digital photos; create a website; make up a book, magazine, newspaper, business cards, advertising brochure, catalog, art album; create music; create and edit videos; design, construct, draw; do all sorts of mathematical calculations; to program; work on the Internet and have a main or additional income. II Computer for information retrieval With its help you will find a treasure trove of information via the Internet: dictionaries, reference books; abstracts, reports; schedule of trains, planes; interesting materials about your hobby; to download or listen/watch music, movies, graphics; a lot of other useful things. III Computer for storage and systematization of information You can organize an information bank: store archives of data (collections of films, music, books, graphics, your own home video); create a personal collection of any information using the Internet; work with databases, for example 1C; create your own database, for example, for a home library, a personal telephone directory, etc.

IV Computer for learning to engage in self-education, studying e-books, video courses, video lessons for mastering various professions, as well as for obtaining the necessary knowledge; improve your skills by participating in online seminars, webinars, web conferences in real time. V Computer for leisure, entertainment For leisure and for changing activities, you can use options such as: watch movies and TV shows in any language; listen to music; read or listen to books (you can access the archives of famous libraries in the world); play a variety of games: shooting, wandering, simulation, arcade and strategy; listen to radio stations; admire the paintings of great masters in the best museums of the world. VI Computer for communication To exchange written and oral information, you can practice all kinds of communication methods, namely: correspond with friends by e-mail; talk via Skype, video calling is possible; send SMS messages to a mobile phone; make calls using IP-telephony and significantly save on international and long-distance calls; communicate in real-time chats to two or more users by exchanging messages typed on the keyboard; send information by fax (fax); communicate on forums, leave comments on websites, keep online diaries. VII Computer for purchases via the Internet On the relevant sites you can purchase with delivery to your home or office: air tickets, train tickets, concert tickets; clothes, shoes, watches; household appliances, furniture; perfumery, cosmetics; food, medicines; books, CDs with music or films; stock. VIII Computer for payments With the help of electronic payment systems, you can pay for: mobile phone; communal payments; Internet connection, provider services; taxes;

Telephone. Since ancient times, people, being at a certain distance from each other, felt the need to communicate or transmit any messages. There have been many different ways to do this at different times. The most reliable way, for quite a long time, were messengers and mail birds. Smoke, a fire, specially trained heralds were also used as means of communication. In the 16th century, the Italian scientist Giovanni della Porta proposed the creation of a system of communication pipes laid throughout Italy. However, his idea did not find support and was not implemented. In 1837, the American inventor Samuel Morse invented a transmitting apparatus - an electric telegraph and came up with a system of codes - telegraphic alphabet (Morse code). In 1861, the German scientist Philipp Rice invented a device capable of transmitting sounds over a distance via wires. In fact, this was the first telephone. However, the laurels of the discoverer of the telephone went to the American inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who patented his telephone on February 14, 1876. At the same time, another American inventor, Elish Gray, filed an application for a similar device. But since his application was filed 2 hours late, the patent was granted to Graham Bell. Gray later filed a lawsuit against an opponent, but lost it. But, despite the inconsistency of this discovery, it marked the beginning of a new era in the field of communications - the era of telephony. In 1878, Thomas Edison improved the telephone by introducing an induction coil and a carbon microphone into the circuit. This allowed to significantly increase the distance between subscribers. In the same year, the first telephone exchange was put into operation in the small American city of New Chaven. In 1887, the Russian inventor K.A.Mostsitsky created a self-acting switch, which foreshadowed the creation of automatic telephone exchanges.

On June 2, 1875, Alexander Graham Bell conducted an experiment in Boston, trying to simultaneously transmit several telegraph messages on the same wire. In doing so, he used a set of steel bars. Bell worked with the receiver in one room, and his assistant Thomas Watson with the transmitter in another. Watson pulled the steel bar in such a way as to cause it to vibrate, and this created a ringing sound. A steel rod, vibrating over a magnet, caused an alternating current that rushed through the wire. This caused the rod in Bell's room to vibrate and created a similar ringing sound. The next day the first telephone was made. And the following year, the first phrase was spoken on a real, working telephone: "Mr. Watson, come here, I need you!"

When you speak, the air causes your vocal cords to vibrate. These vibrations are transmitted to the air molecules, i.e. sound waves coming out of your mouth vibrate the air. When they reach the aluminum disc, the membrane in your phone's microphone, they make it vibrate in exactly the same way as the molecules of the air itself. These vibrations send undulating currents down the telephone line, which cause the membrane in the handset at the other end of the line to vibrate exactly the same as in the microphone of the transmitter telephone. In turn, the membrane creates waves in the air, similar to those sent into the microphone. When these air waves reach the ear of the person on the other end of the telephone line, they act as if they were coming from your mouth!

How does a microwave oven work? Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, just like light waves or radio waves. These are very short electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light (299.79 km per second). In modern technology, microwaves are used in a microwave oven, for long-distance and international telephone communications, the transmission of television programs, the operation of the Internet on Earth and via satellites. Microwaves "bomb" the water molecules in food, causing them to spin at millions of times per second, creating molecular friction that heats the food. This friction causes significant damage to food molecules, tearing or deforming them.

Who Invented Microwave Ovens? The Nazis invented the "radiomissor" microwave cooker for their military operations. The time spent on cooking in this case was sharply reduced, which made it possible to focus on other tasks. After the war, the Allies discovered medical research being done by the Germans with microwave ovens. These documents, as well as some working models, were transferred to the United States for "further scientific research." The Russians also received a number of such models and conducted a thorough study of their biological effects. As a result, the use of microwave ovens in the USSR was banned for some time. The Councils have issued an international warning on substances harmful to health, biological and environmental, produced by exposure to microwaves.

10 reasons to throw away the microwave: 1) Continuous consumption of food cooked in a microwave causes irreversible brain changes due to the "shortening" of the brain's electrical impulses (depolarization or demagnetization of brain tissue). 2) The human body is unable to metabolize (break down) unknown by-products from microwaved food. 3) The production of male and female hormones stops or changes with the constant consumption of foods after the microwave. 4) The consequences of eating by-products from microwaved food are irreversible. 5) Minerals, vitamins and nutrients in foods are reduced or altered in such a way that the body no longer benefits or consumes altered proteins that cannot be broken down. 6) Minerals in vegetables are converted into carcinogenic free radicals when cooked in microwaves. 7) Foods from the microwave cause the growth of cancer cells in the stomach and intestines. This explains the rate at which cases of colon cancer are spreading in America. 8) Frequent consumption of such food causes the growth of cancerous blood cells. 9) The constant consumption of such food causes malfunctions of the immune system through changes in the lymph glands and blood serum. 10) The consumption of such food leads to loss of memory, attention, causes emotional instability and a decrease in intelligence.

A blender is a modern compact kitchen appliance, with the help of which cooking turns into an exciting creative process and ceases to be an everyday exhausting duty. The smooth curved body of the Braun MR 6550 blender is ergonomically designed for maximum comfort, fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip. The use of modern technologies in the stationary blender Braun MX 2050 made it easier to cook food, make it convenient to operate the device, as well as simplify cleaning and washing. The Braun MX 2050 blender is a model of the PowerBlend series. It combines a powerful motor and smooth adjustment of the speed of rotation of the knives, through the use of 5 speed modes, in addition, a special pulsation mode is provided with short breaks in the rotation of the knives, for more efficient crushing of ice and mixing ingredients.

Use of a dishwasher. Usually, when using a dishwasher, the following programs are launched: normal, short and intensive. Before turning it on, you should always make sure that the machine is outwardly working, check for salt, detergents and rinse aids, and only when everything is in order, supply water to it. The dishes in the cassettes in compartments must be folded after removing all large food residues from them. If the dishes are dry or heavily soiled, then they must first be soaked for several hours. After the cassette with dishes is placed in the dishwasher, start the desired washing program. Most modern machines are equipped with a self-cleaning function. After washing, all water is removed by the pump automatically and after that the washing chamber is rinsed with clean water. Then you can turn off the machine or it will turn off automatically. And then the valve that supplies water closes and the machine is turned off from the power supply. In order for the dishwasher to serve longer and better, according to the operating rules, you need to monitor not only the machine itself, but also the accessories: wash not only the machine inside, but also the outside, as well as filters, cartridges, remove food debris, debris and splinters. And be sure to use special detergents.

A slow cooker is a truly versatile kitchen unit. It allows you to fry, boil, stew, bake food and even steam. In this case, all that is required of you is simply to load products into it and set the desired program. Usually, multicookers have six standard cooking programs, but if you wish, you can choose a multicooker with a large number of programs, about 10. The multicooker is controlled and the desired program is selected using the touch screen. You put in food, select a program and close the lid tightly. For cooking legumes and cereals, most multicookers have a pre-soak mode. The multicooker is powered by electricity, so its base is a body with a heating element. A cooking container (in other words, a saucepan) with a non-stick coating is installed on the body. Each multicooker is equipped with a built-in microprocessor to control the cooking process. It also has a steam valve to remove excess steam and a hermetic lid closure system.

RECIPES. Beans in a slow cooker with pork Beans are an amazing product that retains most of its beneficial properties even after cooking. Everyone can cook delicious beans in a slow cooker if you follow this recipe. Ingredients Pork 500 gr Onion 100 gr Balsamic vinegar 20 ml Carrots 100 gr Soy sauce 20 ml Beans 500 gr Olive oil 50 gr

Honey cake in a slow cooker This recipe for honey cake in a slow cooker is very simple and is designed for a large family (5 people). You can cut the ingredients in half for a family of 2-3. Ingredients: Eggs - 5 pcs. Honey - 4.5 tbsp Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. Soda-0.75 tsp Flour 3 cups For cream: Sour cream 0.5 liters Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

The slow cooker allows you to cook food in the modes recommended by nutritionists, along with the maximum preservation of vitamins and microelements. Moreover, food from a multicooker is not only healthy, but in terms of its taste it is superior to that cooked in the usual way. The natural moisture contained in the products does not evaporate during cooking in a multicooker, does not take all the vitamins and natural flavors of the product into the hood, but creates an ideal environment for cooking. The slight overpressure that is formed at the expense of the steam valve inside the multicooker allows the product to cook more evenly and retain useful substances, ideal consistency and appetizing appearance. The microcomputer of the multicooker constantly monitors the cooking process and regulates the temperature, preventing the dish from burning, protecting food from the formation of carcinogens. With the multicooker, NO NEED TO REFUSE FAVORITE DISHES NO LONGER! For their preparation, there is no longer a need to add excess fats and excessive heat treatment. Your favorite dishes will now be not only healthy, but also even more delicious. And instead of standing at the stove (while the multicooker does the cooking for you), you can spend your free time with even greater health and mood benefits, doing outdoor activities!

In order to keep the surface of the kitchen countertop clean and not damage it with a knife during cooking and slicing food, a cutting board is needed in the kitchen. and buy the one that you just like in color, shape or even price. Meanwhile, you need to choose the right cutting board and not only to make its use convenient, but also to ensure that it is safe. How many cutting boards should be in the kitchen?

In most homes, there is only one cutting board in the kitchen, which is used for all products at once. This is fundamentally wrong, because according to sanitary standards, a separate cutting board should be used for each type of product. So, in the kitchens of professional chefs, the number of cutting boards can reach up to pieces, but an ordinary housewife needs to have at least 3-4 boards: - for cutting fresh meat; - for cutting fish; - for vegetables and fruits; - for bread. Kitchen cutting boards can be made of several types of material: - wood; - plastic; - glass;
Wooden boards must be made of hardwood (oak, beech or ash). Boards of their exotic woods - hevea and acacia are considered strong enough. Boards made of pine and birch, but these types of wood have a high moisture content of wood, which will certainly affect the life of the board. After a few months, such a board may be slightly deformed. Bamboo boards are very durable and, if properly maintained, can last up to 10 years. Oak cutting boards are the most durable and most expensive.

Plastic boards are the cheapest. Plastic is less prone to the formation of "cuts" on the body of the board, a plastic board is easier to wash than a wooden one (including in a dishwasher). In addition, they almost do not blunt knives, wash well and easily, are light and quite durable. The disadvantage of such cutting boards is that microbes accumulate in scratches, cracks and depressions, and the microflora of raw foods and detergents lingers much longer than in wooden ones. Therefore, it is better to get rid of scratched plastic boards without regret. Plastic boards should be bought only from certified material in order to have a guarantee of safety and to know for sure that the plastic from which the board is made does not contain harmful impurities. In the absence of such a certificate, it is wiser to refrain from buying and not taking risks. And yet, the plastic board should be with a corrugated surface and a groove for draining.

Glass cutting boards look dressy with bright pictures and ornaments. When cutting products on such boards, there are no scratches, they do not absorb odors and are easy to clean. The truth about the glass board quickly blunt knives, products slide off, and the sound that comes from the contact of the knife and glass. When buying a glass cutting board, pay attention to the presence of rubber "feet" so that the board does not slide on the table. Choose the right place to store such a board so as not to accidentally break it and cut yourself. Small pieces of broken glass are quite difficult to collect. Make a "sausage" out of plasticine and roll it over the place where the glass broke. Plasticine will absorb even fragments invisible to the eye.

RECIPES! CHARLOTTE. 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 3 eggs (apples, plums. Any fruit) Lubricate the form with margarine, put cut fruits on the bottom, pour the dough. FAST PIE, 1 can of condensed milk, 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 0.5 cup flour, 0.5 cup starch. Bake 30 minutes in the oven. MANNA. Pour 1 glass of semolina with 1 glass of kefir for 20 minutes, 3 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, melt 0.5 packs of margarine, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 glass of flour. Mix everything, bake. BISCUIT. 250 g mayonnaise, 1 cup sugar, 200 g margarine, 1 egg, 3.5 cups flour. Knead the dough, roll out, make figures and bake. SALTY FISH. For 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, spices for fish. LECH. 1 kg of bell pepper, 2 kg of tomato, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of 70% vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil everything for 5 minutes, except for the tomato, add them and boil for another 2 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up. SALT LAT. For 1 liter of water 1 glass of salt. Cut the salo into pieces, add spices and pour over the solution. SALAD. Radish, bell pepper, crab sticks, season with mayonnaise. SALAD. A can of corn, fresh cucumber, onion, smoked ham, 2 eggs, fry cut into strips, season with mayonnaise.

We want to give you advice on how to run a household properly.. Biscuit dough should be kneaded very carefully and not for long, as it will settle and the biscuit will turn out to be heavy.. If homemade cookies are burnt, let them cool, and then carefully pass over them several times with a fine grater and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. After removing the cake from the oven, put it in a rag moistened with cold water, cool. After that, it can be easily removed.. Hold a new broom for 2-3 hours in hot salty water, and it will last two to three times longer than its counterparts who did not take such a bath in a timely manner.. Dry sterile jars are required for home canning. We wash a lot of cans, put them in several rows in the oven of a gas or electric stove, turn on the stove and keep the cans at a temperature of 120 degrees for 5-10 minutes. There they dry and are reliably sterilized. Cool the jars slowly. Without removing from the oven .. To remove plaque from the walls of a thermos, take rosehip berries, grind them and put them in a thermos. Thermos is poured with boiling water for two days. If the thermos is not cleared, the treatment is repeated.

If you bake an open pie with fruit or berry filling, the juice escapes during baking and burns on a baking sheet. But there is a way out: stick several pasta with a hole vertically into the filling. Boiling juice rises through these tubes, but does not pour out of the pie. Remove pasta from the finished pie. Bitter cucumbers can be dipped in milk for a while by adding a little sugar. The bitterness will go away .. So that bugs do not start in the rice groats, put a few metal bottle caps in it .. If you like crumbly porridge, then you need to take 2 glasses of liquid per glass of groats. You can cook crumbly cereals in broth or water, the cereal should be poured into boiling water .. A slice of onion put in the refrigerator will help eliminate all unpleasant odors .. If you add a little dry mustard to the brine with pickles, they will become tastier and last longer .. Harmful for spices: light, high temperature, high humidity. It is necessary to store in tightly closed opaque ceramic, porcelain or dark glass jars, each spice in a separate container away from the stove. its quality .. Banana skins help to boil the meat. Put the banana skin into the pot with the meat. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result. The meat will be soft, juicy and fragrant.. Put cherry sprigs in a bowl with meat for stewing for smell, aroma and indescribable taste. Always add sugar to the minced meat (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of minced meat). Your meatballs, belyashi, pasties and other meat products will always be very juicy. Put in minced meat, plus dry celery to the main spices (salt, pepper) - it improves the taste of meat .. If you bake pancakes, then add a little cognac, they will be tender and spicy. And so that the oil in the pan does not turn black, add 10 peas to it.

Rust stains from bathtubs and sinks can be removed with a 5% solution of oxalic acid, hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia, or hot vinegar, in which a little sodium chloride is dissolved. In order to get rid of dirt and mold in the bathroom, you need to: pour a glass of hot water into a bowl and make a strong soda solution (two tablespoons with a slide), and a tablespoon of washing powder there. Then take a toothbrush (or any other) brush and wash the seams. This can also be done with a dish sponge, using its hard side. After several treatments, the mold will no longer return. The smell of oil paint, which is kept in the apartment after the repair, will quickly disappear if you put plates of salt in several places. The scissors are dull - it is enough to cut the sandpaper with them. Do not throw away the water in which the vegetables have been boiled. Cool and pour indoor flowers with this decoction.