What does a compromise attitude to alcohol mean - an explanation. What does compromise on alcohol mean?

Any doctor will say that alcohol, even in small doses, is harmful to human health, but this knowledge cannot always make people completely stop drinking. It should be borne in mind that not everyone becomes a drunkard at the same time. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that some people choose a compromise attitude towards alcohol and adhere to this strategy throughout their lives.

Interpretation of the term

Alcohol can be treated differently. Some people categorically refuse it and lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle.

Some of them do not accept the use of alcohol even by their relatives and friends, believing that alcoholic drinks only cause harm. Others, on the contrary, do not refuse to drink and often encourage others to do so. However, there is a third option - the so-called compromise attitude towards alcohol.

To understand the essence of the term, you need to understand what the word “compromise” itself means. It is assumed that this is one of the ways out of the controversial situation. In psychology, this concept refers to the case when each of the parties makes mutual concessions in favor of the opponent. But is it possible to apply this term to alcoholic beverages?

Doctors and psychologists are convinced that if the attitude towards alcohol is a compromise, then this is the best option. A person does not completely refuse drinks and can afford to relax at the table and in the company of friends, but at the same time he never drinks alcohol in doses that are dangerous to health.

Features of a compromise relationship

Explaining what “compromise” means in relation to alcohol, it should be noted that this is the position held by the vast majority of people. This has many advantages, the value of which is difficult to overestimate:

In fact, a compromise attitude towards any alcohol is as if a person perceived the intake of alcohol as an opponent in a dispute and made concessions in order to reach a consensus. He does not give up alcohol completely, but he knows that at some point he needs to stop.

Harm of alcohol

A compromise attitude is much better than persistent alcohol abuse. If a person does not know the measure, then a large amount of ethanol accumulates in his body, which leads to undesirable consequences.

Intoxication passes after a few hours, when all alcohol is converted into other compounds - acetaldehyde and acetic acid, which are products of its oxidation. Their accumulation causes all the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover:

This will not happen if a person follows the rules for drinking alcohol. It is important to choose only high-quality products and not exceed the permitted dose, which will depend not only on the strength, but also on the sex, age and physique of the person.

Potential benefits

There is nothing wrong with compromise. Some experts are convinced that in small doses, alcoholic beverages can be beneficial. So, dry red wine has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood pressure. Such a benefit is considered relative, since this does not exclude a negative effect on the liver and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The vast majority of people take alcohol not to improve their health, but to relax and relieve excessive psycho-emotional stress. A glass of good cognac or whiskey in combination with a hearty dinner will not cause significant harm to health, so you can not be afraid for the general condition of the body. This is the essence of compromise.

Compromise and alcohol ... Is there a relationship between these concepts?

A compromise is such a solution to the issue of two or more parties, which in the end suits everyone. It is possible that all interested parties made certain concessions in the process of agreements, but as a result they avoided confrontation, defended their opinion and retained their freedom of choice to one degree or another.

But how to connect alcohol and compromise? What does compromise on alcohol mean?

This is the only correct balance of scales, on one side of which lies a loyal attitude towards alcoholic beverages, and on the other - a firm conviction that alcohol is evil, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages cannot lead to anything good.

What does a neutral attitude towards alcohol mean and how is it better than its complete denial or reckless drinking? With this attitude, people remain adequate, do not go to extremes, and always know their dose.

With compromise views on the problem of drinking, a person, depending on the circumstances, can independently make a choice that will not contradict his life principles. He can calmly drink a little cognac in the company of his friends, but in no case is he a passionate admirer of alcohol and does not follow the prevailing circumstances and the opinions of others.

To be able to maintain a neutral compromise, one must be able to see, understand and accept the situation from the point of view of the opponent.

Way out in compromise

Alcoholic beverages for a person with a compromise attitude to alcohol are never a subject for self-affirmation or a reason to make comments to the drinking environment.

With a compromise attitude to drinking, a person argues something like this: “I am not a fan of drunkenness, but any of my companions is completely free to drink as much as he sees fit. Tell me that I am the only teetotaler in the drinking group, and I will always peacefully show him my filled glass. I do not fall into negative and dangerous extremes, even if the alcohol consumed today was more than the usual norm.

There are other nuances of a compromise position: “It is much easier for me to find a common language with those people who have completely abandoned alcohol. Tell me that alcohol is the most dangerous poison and does not lead to good, I can argue that I can never get poisoned by drinking - my rate is always minimal. I do not depend on alcohol and do not get sick without alcohol.

What is my compromise position? This is a loyal attitude towards those people who drink, and to those who have a negative attitude towards alcohol.

A compromise attitude towards alcohol and other substances that intoxicate the mind is like the ability to configure and analyze the problem of “to drink or not to drink” from different angles. But alcohol is one of the burning problems of modern society.

How to achieve understanding and harmony

If you look at it, then most of the inhabitants of the planet have just compromise beliefs when looking at the problem of drinking. In fact, this is the worldview of normal people who do not have a strong alcohol addiction. They are clearly aware that the systematic use of alcohol can lead to terrible diseases, the bench, or even death.

Only people can say a resounding “no” to alcohol because of their religious beliefs or because of poor health.

In fairness, it should be noted that the compromise attitude towards alcoholic beverages among some people is an unstable value and can easily change in a negative direction or in a direction favorable to alcoholism.

After all, what are compromise views on alcohol?

Say “yes” to alcohol at just one party and you have already partly turned towards negative destruction, and it often happens that it is impossible to return to a neutral program on your own. Even if you are under pressure, never make concessions under pressure, it is your position that is correct and a compromise will always help you get out of a difficult situation with small losses.

Tell your mind that the ability to find and maintain compromise drinking beliefs is the surest path to health, inner harmony and the ability to control your destiny.

Indeed, in the world there are a huge number of amazing places, events and things that do not even need one glass of alcohol. This includes relationships between people, the birth of a healthy child and a career. Do not dilute them with alcohol. But if it so happens that the choice is between a compromise attitude and alcoholism, then it is reasonable to choose the first.

Smoking is an addiction that affects not only the smoker himself, but also his immediate environment - family members, colleagues and just strangers. However, people who smoke may have different attitudes towards their habit.

In many cases, they do not pay any attention to their addiction. A person smokes completely freely, regardless of the opinions and interests of others, and does not see anything wrong with that. Smokers consider their bad habit a way of life and cannot imagine their existence without it.

If you look, this behavior is most often the result of bad manners and selfishness.

Another part of smokers is often burdened by this addiction and is aware of the harmfulness of these actions both for their own health and for the well-being of others. Sometimes it happens that close people of a smoker are diagnosed with an allergy to nicotine smoke or small children live in the house. It often happens that a non-smoker categorically cannot stand the presence of a smoker next to him. That is why people who are addicted to nicotine agree to make certain compromises with their own desires in the name of the well-being of loved ones and the interests of non-smoking colleagues.

Compromise of a smoking person with others

How to understand the term "compromise" in relation to smoking? Compromise in Latin means the mutual agreement of two or more parties in exchange for any mutual concessions.

That is, it means that all involved or interested parties - the smoker and the outside world - achieve the desired result if they agree to mutual concessions to each other.

A compromise attitude to smoking is an opportunity to keep your desire to take a few puffs without creating any conflict situations, and also taking into account the needs of non-smokers. For example, go out to smoke on the street, balcony or stairwell. At the same time, a non-smoker is outside the zone of tobacco smoke, and a smoker calmly satisfies his need for nicotine.

Compromise with self-interest

What does it mean to compromise with oneself regarding nicotine addiction? A person thinks like this: “Yes, I smoke and I realize that it is harmful to me and others. What is smoking? This is a habit that can be abandoned. However, at the moment I am not ready to part with a cigarette. Therefore, I agree to compromise and right now I will buy light cigarettes or instead of 10 cigarettes a day I will smoke 5 pieces.

Often the desire to compromise with oneself in matters of nicotine can be caused by the need to:

  • men most often go to some restrictions because of their health and illness;
  • women - in connection with pregnancy or also diseases;
  • sometimes a person who smokes very rarely and does not suffer from nicotine addiction at all, being in the company of smokers, smokes on an equal basis with everyone else. This is easily explained - a person does not want to stand out and wants to be with everyone. In such a situation, a compromise with oneself only helps to feel like a full-fledged member of the team and have a normal time.

Compromise with oneself is an analysis of the current situation, consideration of all the positive and negative sides and making the best decision for oneself.

Compromise - a successful start to complete nicotine withdrawal

It takes a lot of willpower to quit smoking. Many smokers do not find the strength to quit cigarettes. And a compromise in relation to a cigarette - conscious or forced - is like the first step of a person on a difficult, but such a necessary way to get rid of smoking.

Even smokers themselves have very different attitudes towards smoking. Some smoke and see absolutely nothing wrong with it: they do not agree that it is harmful, they do not try to fight and do not take into account the interests of others (they smoke where it is convenient for them, and when they want to). Other smokers are willing to compromise with themselves and others. This compromise attitude can manifest itself in different things, but it always lies in the fact that there is a certain balance between the bad habit, the desires of the smoker and the people around him.

Compromise with yourself

A compromise attitude towards anything is always manifested in some concessions and partial satisfaction of the interests of each side. For example, a person can make concessions in relation to himself. Yes, he smokes, but at the same time he realizes that smoking is harmful, but at the moment he is not ready or simply does not want to give up his habit. In this case, he can find a compromise solution, which will be to smoke lighter cigarettes or limit the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The desire to find a compromise in matters of smoking can be caused not only by the understanding of self-harm, but also by necessity. In some cases, for health reasons, a person should stop smoking or at least smoke less. In men, the reason for finding a compromise is most often heart and lung diseases, in women - the same diseases or pregnancy. It is believed that pregnant women should not abruptly quit smoking, as this is a big stress for the body. At the same time, smoking for expectant mothers is still very harmful. In such a situation, a woman will be satisfied with a compromise solution: to smoke, but cigarettes with a low nicotine content and less often than it was before.

Sometimes non-smokers compromise on smoking. Everyone knows cases when in everyday life a person does not smoke, never buys cigarettes for himself and does not suffer from addiction in general. However, when he finds himself in a smoking company, he can smoke on an equal basis with everyone else. The meaning of these actions is to feel as fully as possible a part of the team, or to be included in a certain community (smokers often gather on the balcony, in the kitchen or in the entrance, poison stories and have sincere conversations over cigarettes). At the same time, in general, a person’s attitude towards smoking can be negative, and a compromise with this habit only helps to have a good time.

Compromise with others

Smokers sometimes have to find a compromise solution not with themselves, but with people around them. It happens that someone from a close circle is allergic to tobacco smoke, or just close people do not smoke and do not support this habit. The smoker himself, under the influence of these circumstances, has to adapt and look for options that will be convenient for him and for his environment. A person can switch to electronic cigarettes, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, smoke only in a certain place, learn to endure long breaks between smoking.