How to use a manicure apparatus. Hardware manicure. Hardware manicure step by step: what nozzles apply

Any girl knows the basics of manicure craft: all nails should be smooth, cut-screen dispenses, varnish without cracks and chips. The classic hardware manicure and pedicure will help ensure all these items, in addition, it is easily performed at home.


Description of the hardware manicure is very similar to the dry European. Only if in the second case for removing dead skin, cells and grunges of the nail, special hand tools are used, then in the first - device. The device for this nail processing can be represented as a small milling machine. It consists of a handle, a motor and a shaft that can be installed a variety of nozzles. Models are represented by Vitek (Vitek), Scarlett.

Photo - hardware manicure

Due to the complete absence of cutting tools, this type of handicap is used for the owners of very gentle skin and the vessels close to it. To remove the cuticle uses a special rough nozzle, which repeatedly removes the upper dead layer of the skin. This makes this technology not only the safest, but also practical, because if there is an instrument for the hardware manicure, it will be able to do absolutely any.

Review cutter for hardware manicure

Depending on a certain operation, you need to select special cutters, so the machine for hardware manicure and pedicure can be equipped with the following species, depending on the material:

Also there types of cutter on purpose. You could see that the sets present a variety of nozzles: cylindrical, conical, trapezoidal, rounded. Consider some of them:

  1. . It is used to handle margins in front of the French manicure. Allows you to get a flat tip of the plate, without jar and height drops;
    Photo - Reverse Cone
  2. . This is a special manicure device to get rid of small cracks and growths. If a strip of coarse skin was formed around the nail, then such a ball is simply indispensable. It will help completely rush to the problem of the epidermis, while not the assigning plate;
    Photo - Singite Bor
  3. Tools with cylindrical shape (Thin, wide) apply to shortening nails, creating design, removal of gel varnish and numerous other manicure operations. This is the widest range of cutters;
    Photo - Cylindrical Form Nozzles
  4. - the only type of cylinder, which has a narrower purpose than complete processing. With it, it is removed by dead cells from the dried sections of the hands and legs, thick nails are cut, align their growth line. Without it, no hardware extension or staining with shellac is carried out;
    Photo - drum
  5. . All of them have the form of a rounded cone. Made solely of soft materials: silicone, plastic. Sometimes additionally treated with a polymer coating (to give a larger shine to plates). Any professional manicure wizard has several polishers: soft, medium stiffness and hard. Each of them provides shine and no roughness on a certain plate. For example, soft suitable for natural nails, while the scorched or painted in biogel is treated with rigid or medium-rigid.
    Photo - Polisher

Reviews argue that even for home hardware manicure you need to buy a minimum of 4 types of nozzles.

Step-by-step instruction

If you have already acquired the device and cutters, we recommend learn the tips on how to do hardware unedged manicure at home:

  • The procedure is carried out only on a dry plate. Otherwise, the plate will begin to heat up, which will cause some discomfort. In addition, the plots will be worse to processed;
  • If a combined or customizable device is used (for example, Strong), then you need to set the frequency of revolutions to the speed up to 10,000. If you stand above - then you simply erase the nails due to the lack of due experience;
  • You can not press the typewriter close to the nail or, moreover, put pressure on it during operation;
  • The first few times first need to be trained on silicone nozzles. Then when working with rough mills, you will already know how to keep them right, at what angle and how long.

Instructions and technology for performing hardware manicure step by step:

  1. The cuticle needs to move closer to the nail hole with a special wooden stick. Try to act gently not to damage it;
    Photo - Wooden wand
  2. On it and side rollers on the sides of the plate allowed the use of drums with medium rigidity. Follow your own sensations, if it seems that cutters are not enough, you can take tools with greater abrasiveness;
    Photo - drum processing
  3. On palms and fingers, it is necessary to clean the dead cells with the help of soft abrasive spherical bors;
    Photo - Application of spherical boron
  4. Cylindrical or trapezidal mills give the plate the desired shape. Be careful - the rules of the right manicure require even short nails to leave more than 2 mm above the pillow level of the fingers;
    Photo - Treatment of a trapezoid cutter
  5. After that, polishing begins. The technique of this stage is quite complex for beginners. First, it is impossible to put the edge of the polisher to the marigold - it scratches the plate, secondly, it is impossible to delay the polyrolol in one place longer than 1 second;
    Photo - Nail Polisher
  6. It remains only to clean the space from dust and nail residues, lubricate it with oil and paint.
    Photo - varnish

Video training for beginners how to make hardware manicure

Pros and cons

Naturally, each cosmetic procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages It should be noted:

  • Session speed. You do not need to spend time on soaking the cuticle, removal of the skin with the help of cutters, etc.;
  • Complete lack of probability to be chopped or enclosed. Nozzles for the machine completely exclude such an opportunity. In addition, they help ensure a durable result;
  • The edged manicure forced the cuticle to grow in an unnatural direction, the hardware simply adjusts its appearance. It is very important for those who visit the beauty salons no more than once a month;
  • It is not as dangerous in terms of damping infection or fungi.

But the technology of hardware manicure is not as good as it seems. First, much depends on the master, his experience and care. For the right and high-quality result, you need to change the nozzles several times, carefully inspect the processed areas.

Photo - machine for hardware manicure

Secondly, the sequence is extremely important. It is impossible to polish the nail first, and after considering the cuticle - it can adversely affect its structure or even damage the epidermis. And the most important point - the tool you need to either regularly process or use one-time. When processing cutters after each use, they are faster than destroying, and this entails additional costs.

Choosing, what manicure is better hardware or edged, you need to compare all the minutes and advantages. Of course, pruning scissors looks more efficient and characterized by a great effect. But, the hardware version of the service guarantees protection against injuries and cuts, infection of blood infections and many other factors.

What it is?

As it becomes clear from the name, the hardware manicure (as well as a pedicure) is the procedure for removing the cuticle and processing of near-gas rollers, performed using a special machine with replaceable cutters, each of which has a certain form and size and is intended for processing a particular area. Externally, he resembles a little medical device used by dentists for drilling teeth. However, he has completely different functions. The cutters that are equipped with a device have a diamond cut of varying degrees of abrasiveness. Rotating, they remove particles of dead skin, nail flakes, cut the cuticle and grind areas around the nails.

Also, with this device, you can cut out the extensive nails and adjust their shape. Some machines are equipped with even a device for drying varnish.

Features and advantages

The most important feature of the hardware manicure is dry skin and nail processing. That is why he is recommended to do those who have problem nails:

  • Loose;
  • With an uneven surface;
  • With rapidly increasing cuticle;
  • With very thick cuticle;
  • When peeling the skin of the hands.

Any bEAUTY-Procedure has supporters and opponents. Did not escape this fate and hardware manicure. Satisfied customers who have made a choice in its favor, the following advantages note:

  • Lack of cuts and traumatization of the skin;
  • This is a safe procedure from the point of view of hygiene. Infection, like fungus, is impossible during her;
  • With regular processing of the cuticle and near-gas field areas, the skin begins to grow slower, the cuticle is thinned and no longer rushing into the eyes. Correction is enough to fulfill every 1-1.5 months;
  • The device does not injure the nail, prevents the appearance of volatility and bundle;
  • When performing a pedicure, the milling is well coped with the calls, hopes, removes dead skin particles and grind it.

Minuses of hardware manicure are:

  • It is not suitable for treating too launched nails - with thick cuticle, rigid and fracture steel rollers. Only Moceractions and the subsequent cutoff of the skin with tweezers or scissors will be able to cope with such issues;
  • If the nail plate is from nature thin, hardware manicure is contraindicated.

So, now let's talk about what, in fact, you should expect from the procedure and how to prepare for it. First, since skin treatment is made only "on dry", you should not pre-be in the pool, bath or sauna; You can not do washing, wet cleaning or washing dishes. It is advisable not to contact with water at all.

Secondly, let you do not surprise the variety of cutters and the fact that the master in the course of action will be repeatedly changed, and also adjust the speed of rotation. During the procedure, a good specialist uses 3 or more nozzles. Each of them has its own function: one is well coped with the removal of the cuticle, the other is struggling with sovereigns for the smoothness of the near-gas zone; The third removes artificial material from the surface of the nail and so on.

Very often, during the first procedure, it is proposed to perform a combined manicure. This is explained by the fact that some areas of the skin are too rude to process them with a milling mill and better cut them with scissors. In this case, everything is done only "on dry". Most of the work goes the machine. After 2-3 sessions of the combined manicure, it will be possible to stop only on the hardware, since the skin will not increase so intensively.

By the way, Male manicure most often happens to combined. The cuticles and the near-gas areas they have rigid, with solid steel skin, there are corns on the fingers, especially those of those men who are engaged in manual labor. Therefore, they need a preliminary softening with water or special Remurver. If water is used for these purposes, the treatment with the apparatus is contraindicated, if the rehemor can be cut off the particularly coarse skin with scissors, and after grinding the nails with a machine. The same applies to the implementation of the combined pedicure.

The mills can not always cope with large areas of the flap skin cover, then special pedicure peels with a large working surface come to the rescue, as well as sharpened tweezers and scissors. But no other device will be able to process areas between fingers.

How to choose a device?

In order not to get confused in the diversity of the proposed devices and make the optimal choice in the price / quality ratio, you must clarify several nuances:

  • Do you need a machine only for manicure or you are going to do with it and pedicure.The device intended for both procedures is more functions and it is more powerful, but its value is much higher than the usual manicure. If you are not going to do a pedicure, choose an option only for hand processing;
  • In what conditions will you exploit the mill: in the home or in the salon. For home it is better to purchase the device less powerful, within 5000 revolutions per minute. The same advice is relevant for beginner masters. Such machines are incapable of injury to the skin, even if you still do not know how to contact them too deft. They have low weight and compact sizes. Among such devices can be recommended to purchase products companies. Vitek. and Avon.- Cheap and convenient home-use sets.

If you intend to work in the beauty salon, the milling machine must choose a more professional working at high speeds. It is advisable to purchase a device equipped with a vacuum cleaner for assembling nail chips and dust. Among the additional options also encounters built-in backlight and the ability to switch the direction of rotation of the cutter.

Professional equipment produce such companies as Marathon, Runail, Planet Nails, Nail Master. However, before purchasing one of these devices, you should hone your professionalism as a master, since these milling mills have a very greater speed of rotation and in inept hands are able to harm the client:

  • Will you also do a pedicure and work with artificial marigolds. Very important question. If you wish to provide customers with a complete list of Neil-Services, it means that you will need a multifunctional machine, especially powerful, with lots of different cutters and a pedal for a foot control. One of the best such cars - "Orbita 50" from Planet Nails.
  • Will you go to the house. If you are not going to work inpatient, renting a place in the cabin, and intend to provide our services at the client's home, you need to think about the fact that the machine for manicure should be light and compact, so that it can be without any problems to carry in a suitcase. It also makes sense to look for a typewriter with a battery that can not work from the electrical outlet, but offline.
  • How long do you intend to exploit the device. Of course, no one wants to spend money on a device that breaks in a month. Therefore, buy it only in proven stores providing warranty (at least 12 months) and post-warranty service. A good bonus is the presence of brush to clean the engine and the protection function from excessive heating.
  • Ease of operation.It is advisable to check whether the machine will personally suit you even before you start working on it. Include, feel its weight, hold in your hands. When buying via the Internet, you miss this opportunity. Therefore, do not be lazy and visit 2-3 stores with such a technique. Perhaps you pay a little more, but you will be sure that they did not buy a beautiful and functional, but uncomfortable device.

How to do it?

In principle, there is nothing difficult in mastering the equipment of the hardware manicure. Now there are many learning courses and video tutorials. Also for a fairly acceptable fee, you can go to any school of manicure art and for a couple of lessons to learn to paint the mill. It all depends on what level you will apply your knowledge - home or professional.

Technology performing hardware manicure step by step:

  • Treat hands Spray antiseptic. If there is a varnish on the nails, remove it using the Remurver without acetone;
  • Next, you can do as follows: a fluster or an orange stick gently push the dry cuticle on all fingers and proceed to processing. And you can apply a special means for softening, it is often used when performing a European manicure. Wait a few minutes and also start processing. And the one and another way is correct. You can only choose which you like more;
  • Take a manicure typewriter in the working hand and keep it as usually hold the handle when writing. Start working with speed not higher than 1,500 revolutions per minuteAs professionalism acquired, increase the speed of rotation. Do not press the device too much, do not press it to the finger to avoid the risk of injury;
  • Install the needle cutter.Treat the cuticle on the sides; Then the tip of the cutter neatly lift it, not nearing the surface of the nail;
  • When the skin around the nails is ready, start polishing nails.Use the cutter in the form of a rigid washcloth. Polish neatly, touch the tip of the cutter;
  • Processing is completed. Apply special nutrient oil on the skin and nail, it will moisturize the skin and satisfies the nail plate with useful trace elements;
  • If you wish to cover your nail marks, declaring them and apply a transparent baseto align them. After covering them with color varnish in 2 layers;
  • The final stage will be hand treatmentmoisturizing cream.

  • As you can see, nothing is complicated. You can easily make a hardware manicure on your own at home. Just consider the level of your preparation: if you are new to this case, buy a simple starting set for a hardware manicure, learn to use them, and then go to more serious machines.

    Secrets of specialists

    Never neglect the tips of the masters who have long and successfully fulfill the hardware manicure to their customers. The beauty industry does not stand still, new cosmetics, facilitating the work and the latest devices with improved functionality appear. The technology of processing of marigolds is also improved. For more successful work, follow these non-hard rules:

    • If you, in addition to manicure, also make a pedicure, use cutters with higher abrasiveness;
    • Pick cut size in accordance with the size the area you are going to process;
    • Novice wizer is better to start with minimal speeds, gradually increasing them. Otherwise, you can injure the client;
    • Interrupt work every 5-7 minutes in order to avoid overheating and damage to the device;
    • Move the cutter from the center to the edge Nogot, do it smoothly, do not delay long in one place;
    • Do not take water procedures before a manicure session;
    • When you start polishing the surface of the nail plate, do not press it, only slightly spend on it the most soft cutter;
    • Processing the cuticle and the incomplete areas, keep cutter at an angle of 45 degrees; I need to grind the nail, holding the device parallel to it;
    • Move Hand opposite to the movement of the cutter. Then you will get the best result.

    Soft, gentle and well-groomed female hands have always been the subject of admiration for others, especially men. The image of an elegant, modern, successful and attractive woman cannot be imagined without a manicure. Currently, the classic manicure loses its position. His place was rightfully taken by a hardware manicure, which saves time and brilliantly approaches the decision to care for hands and nails.

    The main advantages of such a manicure is safety and long-term effect.

    Essence of the procedure

    The hardware manicure is carried out by a special milling machine. To perform various operations there are a number of nozzles. This procedure, gentle and careful, hands and nails do not need contact with water, as it is performed on dry hands. At the same time, only dead parts of the cuticle are removed, and not it itself.


    High-quality milling machine and its nozzles - a pledge of perfectly performed manicure. The difference of nozzles is in their value and form, as a material from which they are made, its abrasives. They serve to adjust the ingrown nails, processing the nail plate and leather.

    Types of nozzles:

    • diamond
    • ceramic
    • silicone.

    What is the difference between nozzles?

    Diamond nozzles handle the free edge of the nail plate and coarse skin. They are different diameters and, in connection with this, are used for different purposes. Nozzles with a large diameter are designed to remove various skin defects, such as corn, natopstysh, etc. The small size of the nozzle allows you to high quality processing the cuticle and side rollers. The rigidity cutters can be determined by special notches. The lighter color of the notch, the softer milling cutter (yellow). Black color denotes greater stiffness, especially if the strips are two.

    Ceramic nozzles, this is exactly the version of the cutter with which it will be nice to work the beginning master, as they are considered softer and safer the rest. They also have a different form and size, but they are less than the other cutters, for example diamonds. Natopeshi, drilled skin, treatment of lateral rollers - all these manipulations perfectly performs a ceramic nozzle. With nails, it is better not to work with such nozzles, but only with the skin. The color of the nozzle indicates the graininess. They are often required to clean, as they have a property to be clogged, due to the deepends located on them. They are blue, pink, white and black (artificial pumice).

    Silicone nozzles are well polished nails. They can be made of silicone or silicone - carbide. The degree of their abrasiveness is also different: from very soft to rude and tough.

    Nozzles are available in free sale separately from the machine and, knowing it, you can purchase additional or, if necessary, replace existing ones.

    After studying what the cutters and what the principle of their action are needed, you can proceed to the execution of manicure, paying attention to the basic rules.

    Main rules of hardware manicure

    • all actions are carried out on a dry nail plate, in order to avoid heating;
    • control of the speed regime, especially at the initial stage, since there is a risk of erase the nail plate and damage the nail;
    • when working with the machine, do not put pressure on it, pressing to the nail;
    • first, manipulations are made with rigid nozzles, gradually replacing softer;
    • do not make any manipulations with inflamed and unhealthy leather and nail plates;
    • select enough time to the procedure, especially if the master is a newcomer in this case, do not rush anywhere, and perform all the steps neatly.

    Stages of manicure

    At home, such a manicure is easy enough, if there is a machine, nozzles and theoretical knowledge.

    You can select the steps for beginner masters that will help them comply with the sequence of actions:

    • prepare the cuticle, namely, to treat a special softening agent;
    • move the cuticle with a wooden wand;
    • process side rollers and cuticle (use the middle rigidity nozzle);
    • clean the palms and fingers from dead skin cells with a soft spherical boron;
    • give the nail plate form (cylindrical nozzle);
    • polishing (carried out not close to the nail to avoid scratches and no more than a second in one place);
    • remove dust from the surface of the nail plate, lubricate with oil, apply varnish.

    The video below step by step shows step by step all the steps of the hardware manicure.

    Video materials are more likely an addition to basic knowledge than an alternative courses. Learning hardware manicure includes a practical and theoretical part and it is important that the experienced master controlled the newcomer, fixed his shortcomings, suggested and directed.

    How to make a proper hardware manicure will tell the following video:

    Traditional edged manicure gradually gives his position. Almost all women mastered the technique, and its effectiveness did not increase. A safe and extremely simple design comes to replace the cutting of nails, according to reviews and video, hardware manicure. In our article, this technique will be described in detail.

    Features of hardware technology

    Having looked at the video, which captures the procedure for holding a hardware manicure, you will understand that in fact it is the treated variety of classical European equipment for neur-processing. Unlike its prototype, the innovative procedure is carried out on special equipment. To learn them to use, you can go through courses or just watch video recording at home.

    There is another significant difference between the hardware manicure, which is immediately noticeable in step-by-step video. It lies in the absence of the need to use cosmetics. All processing is carried out by mechanically using the apparatus nozzles. The result of the procedure can be enjoyed immediately:

    • Surveated skin particles will be carefully removed.
    • Nail will get a beautiful shape, its surface will become smooth and matte.
    • The cuticle will be removed without injury to the delicate skin of the fingers.
    • Nails and fingers will acquire a well-kept and healthy look.

    In the video that girls use hardware manicure to teach, they rarely suggest that this technique provides absolute sterility. This parameter should be considered as basic dignity. When using the device with nozzles to the body, no microbe can penetrate. In addition, the device provides high-quality processing of nail plates and skin, and the need for a re-procedure arises not soon.

    Methods of conducting hardware processing nails for beginners

    Thanks to the video, every girl will be able to master the art of the performance of the hardware manicure at home. There is nothing complicated in this efficient and interesting procedure. Consider it in stages:

    1. From the surface of the nail, the old coating is removed. To do this, use the recommended agent (lacquer removal fluid, a means for dissolving a gel varnish, a servinglet for the cooler of the gel).
    2. Then you need to free it from a dense cuticle using a round-shaped nozzle.
    3. To remove pieces of dry peels, nozzles are suitable with an average rotation speed.
    4. Corn can be eliminated by a finely abrasive nozzle.
    5. The surface and free edge of the nail plate is treated with polishing and grinding nozzles. At the same time it is allowed to touch the nail only the edge of the device, because His tip can leave scratches.

    After the procedure, you need to remove the dust from the nails and fingers, apply the cream and process the cuticle with special oil. The plates will still look well-groomed and healthy, and the peel will cease to grow as quickly as she has been typical before manicure.

    How to avoid mistakes to avoid mistakes?

    There is nothing complicated in the performance of the hardware manicure at home, this is evidenced by video and reviews of practitioners of masters and just amateurs to pamper their hands with good care. Precedents arise only in exceptional cases. We list possible problems and consider ways to solve them:

    • Scratches and scratching appear on the nail surface. Do not apply the nozzle too tightly, it should only touch the plate slightly.
    • There is pain. Keep the machine as a pencil or pen for writing, at an angle of 45 degrees. Constantly move the nozzle, it should not be in one place.
    • No effect or applying the device is difficult. In video lessons, always warn that the hardware manicure is carried out only on dry skin. No need to unleash your fingers and nails, as well as apply cosmetics on them.
    • The machine does not work. Do not forget to recharge the device before use. So that he served for a long time, take a break in work every 15 minutes.

    Wizards recommend novice at first to use the device, choosing a low rotation speed. This approach will allow you to get used to the nozzles and learn how to manipulate them correctly. For clarity, we suggest watching a video with a step-by-step description and demonstration of technology of hardware processing of nails.

    Looking video, you will definitely learn how to make a hardware manicure at home. It will only be left to buy a comfortable quality device. In the comments, we offer practicing specialists to leave their recommendations for the acquisition of this device: Tell the beginners about the best brands and orient at prices!


    Neat and well-groomed nails are a prerequisite for successful image. It is this detail that is striking and affects the impression that a person produces on others. Fortunately, a beautiful manicure today has become affordable almost to everyone: there are many techniques for both professional and home use. Hardware manicure is particularly popular - one of the safest and most convenient ways of nail care.

    The mechanism of exposure to the manicure apparatus is similar to the saw: the rough surface of the nozzle is erases the upper dead layer of the skin. Since it does not remain open cut, then microcracks and burrs are not formed.

    The main advantages of the hardware manicure is a gentle effect on the skin, versatility and a long effect. This technique is suitable for varnish or problem nails coated, as well as for scorched, since it does not injure the nail plate and the skin around it. It is also allowed with corns, dry skin, ingrown nails.

    From the contraindications of hardware manicure it should be noted:

    • fungal diseases
    • skin inflammation around the nail
    • sleeping nail plate

    Manicure Machine Makes Only on Dry Hands. In no case cannot be discontinued or moisturized before work. In addition, it is important to comply with sterility: disinfect tools and hands. In front of the manicure, carefully read his technique and rules for working with the device.

    What is needed for manicure

    For the manicure procedure, the following tools will be needed:

  • manicure apparatus;
  • cutters - nozzles for the device;
  • brush for scolding cut skin;
  • wooden wand for cuticle.
  • Kits for hardware manicure contain the device itself and several basic nozzles

    As a rule, complete with a manicure apparatus is attached by a minimum cut mill of different shapes: spherical, cylindrical, fissurated and needed. Each nozzle is used at different stages of manicure:

  • a spatial nozzle is used to remove the problem epidermis around the nail;
  • the disk nozzle is used to remove the length and correction of the nail shape;
  • the cylindrical milling cutter is necessary to remove damage, correction of the nail form and removal of the coating;
  • cone-shaped milling cutter for use is similar to cylindrical;
  • the fuseum mill is needed for processing and polishing of nail rollers;
  • a needed nozzle is used to remove the cuticle in hard-to-reach places.
  • Nozzles There are different forms, each of which has its own scope

    Also nozzles differ in the material from which they are made:

  • Diamonds are characterized by rigidity and long service life - up to one year. They are convenient to remove corn and small skin defects.
  • Ceramic - less wear-resistant than diamond. The service life is 30-50 days. However, these nozzles are softer and safe, which is why they are recommended to use beginners.
  • Silicone and cotton - used for polishing nails and nail rollers.
  • There are several materials of nozzles, various properties and deadlines.

    Sterilization of tools

    The easiest way to sterilize the tools is to wipe them with a special solution that you can buy in a pharmacy. For example, the disinfectant of the sterillium or vertacept is suitable. This method is applied if the nozzles are used only by one person.

    WellOSEpt is used to sterilize manicure tools

    More efficient is the sterilization of nozzles by heat treatment, but it is suitable only for metal tools. It is enough to rolling them in the oven at a maximum temperature for 15-20 minutes or boiling during the same time. After processing, it is important to dry and remove tools into a case or package so that they do not contaminate again.

    How to do hardware manicure at home: 9 simple steps

    To make a hardware manicure correctly, follow the following procedure:

  • Clean the nail plate from the varnish and wipe the hands with a disinfectant.
  • Press the nicks the necessary form using a cone-shaped nozzle.

    To create a form use a special nozzle

  • To move the cuticle with an orange stick or a flounder to the bottom of the nail.

    It is necessary to lift the cuticle and separate it from the nail, so that it was convenient to cut the skin machine

  • Remove the removable skin of the nail rollers at no more than 5 thousand revolutions. It is best to use a cylindrical or cone-shaped milling mill.

    The cylindrical nozzle is removed the top burned layer of the skin

  • If necessary, remove the corn of the middle rigging nozzle.
  • Remove the cuticle by the middle rigging plant: a cone-shaped, needed or cylindrical cutter with a sharp edge. Clean skin periodically remove the brush.

    Cuticle can be removed by various high-level rigidity nozzles

  • Spin skin residues under side rollers and in hard-to-reach places with a needle nozzle.
  • Police nail and nail roller with silicone nozzle or bug.

    Soft cylindrical or fissure nozzles are used to polish the nail

  • Wipe your hands with a disinfectant and moisturize the skin with cream or oil for the cuticle.
  • Video tutorial of hardware manicure

    How to use a manicure machine

    Making a manicure with the help of the device is easier than it seems at first glance. The main thing is to follow the rules for working with the machine:

  • Insert the nozzle into the apparatus. Depending on the model, it may be necessary to rotate the mount or simply screw the mill.
  • To begin with, set a small speed to get used to the work technique, and then increase, but not more than 10 thousand revolutions.
  • Holding the device as a fountain pen, position the nozzle at an angle of 45 ° and spend the skin with a small pressure from left to right if you are right-handed, and right left if left-handed.

    The angle between the nail and the nozzle should be approximately 45 °

  • Do not keep the nozzle for a long time in one place so as not to damage the skin.
  • Adhere to the steps of the work described in the step-by-step instruction.
  • If you use an amateur apparatus, make small breaks every 10-15 minutes. Information on the permissible duration of the machine can be viewed in the instructions attached to it.
  • Manicure of one cutter

    Working with one nozzle, it is important to fulfill all the steps alternately, as well as with a manicure of several mills. To do this, you can use tools for ordinary manicure, combining hardware and edged equipment. At the same time, the main purpose cutter does not change:

    • So, using a spire nozzle, with the help of the apparatus, the dead skin around the nail and a small upper layer of the cuticle, and the rest is cut off with nipples as usual.
    • Cutting a truncated cylinder can be removed by the damaged sections of the printed rollers, applying the nozzle over the entire surface, and remove the cuticle to the edge of the cylinder. After that, it will only be left to correct small irregularities, with which the pliers will cope.
    • A needed nozzle need to raise the cuticle and separate it from the nail. To do this, it is necessary to very accurately carry a cutter under the cuticle and nail rollers, but not too deep. After that it will be convenient to cut off with manicure scissors or nippers.

    When using any cutter at the end, polished is needed, which in the absence of the appropriate nozzle is carried out with Buff.

    Manicure video tutorial one cutter

    Manicure Two and three mills

    If there are several nozzles, then each is used according to its destination. As in the previous case, it is necessary to perform all stages of work, replacing the missing cutters with other milling machines or edged manicure tools.

    For example, a spherical nozzle, cuticles - cylindrical or fissurated, and remnants and irregularities are removed to remove rough skin.

    It should be understood that several nozzles work easier, especially if the experience is small. Therefore, it is better to have at least a minimum set of main cutters.

    Deep manicure

    In order for the cuticle slower slower, and the manicure was preserved longer, it is necessary to cut off not only the top layer of organized skin, but also remove the site under the cuticle. To do this, use a needed nozzle.

    Thanks to the deep manicure, you can put lacquer closer to the bottom of the nail, which will extend the term of its socks.

    How to make manicure without cutting tools

    High-quality hardware manicure without cutting tools can be made if there are at least two cutters, including a needle and cylindrical or fissure. If there is a basic set of nozzles, in the nippers and scissors there is no need.

    How not to harm the cuticle

    In the hardware manicure, it is most often drunk in the event that the cuticle is poorly separated from the nail. Then, trying to move it away, you can make an unsuccessful movement and damage to the flanner of nail or skin. That is why it is necessary to separate the cuticle before working with the device. For a better effect, it is advised to apply a rehemor - a means of softening cuticle and slowing its growth.

    Removers are acidic and alkaline. The first are characterized by a more aggressive composition and rapid exposure time - 1-2 minutes. The second act slowly - 15-20 minutes. This means both at home and in the salons. The Remurover should be applied to the cuticle on the time specified in the instruction, and then with the help of an orange stick to move it down to the base of the nail. After that, you need to dry the skin with a napkin and remove the device.

    The use of Remurver greatly facilitates the process of hardware manicure

    How to make a hardware manicure yourself

    Making a manicure is independently easier if before that there was such an experience in the cabin. So the technique of its execution will become clearer and, based on step-by-step instructions, it will be possible to repeat the same at home.

    It is also useful before starting work to try how the device works using a soft nozzle at low speed. After that, it will be much easier to repeat the same movement of the rigid mill.

    Perhaps most importantly, making manicure to yourself, find a comfortable support for the hand, which you keep the device so that it does not jump during use. To do this, it is convenient to sit down and free your free space on the table. Under the arm you can put a stand or some solid horizontal object.

    In general, making a manicure is not more difficult than anyone. Even on the contrary, the device will be easier to control, based on its feelings. So, faster it will get used to the technique.

    How often do

    The hardware manicure will help save a lot of time: first, with sufficient experience it can be done in 15-30 minutes, and secondly, due to the possibility of deep cuticle cutting, the manicure can hold much longer than the edged. Depending on the growth rate of the cuticle, a neat type of hands is saved for 2-4 weeks. You can increase this period using a rehemor.

    Features of male hardware manicure

    In general, female and male manicures are very similar. Technique of work with all its stages absolutely identical.

    The main difference is the used nozzles. The cuticle of men is denser feminine and is more prone to the formation of burrs, so it is necessary to use more hard cutters for it and pay more attention to working with problem areas. Also, the nail plate of men is thicker, but it is easily injured with irregular spilling. This feature must be considered when correction of the shape and polishing of the nails.

    Male manicure is not very different from female, but still has some features