Classification of age categories. Age categories of the population. Age categories of people by years

AGE CLASSIFICATION, age grouping, the distribution of the ages of people into more or less large groups that unite them on the basis of the similarity of any social or demographic functions. It is usually applied to the entire population or large populations of people. Age classification is based on the idea of ​​age periodization. Age classification allows you to separate certain age contingents. Age classification criteria depend on the purpose of the study. In demography, it is preferable to classify age into 1-year or 5-year groups; in the latter case, often (for example, when calculating brief tables of mortality), the first 5-year group is subdivided into 1-year groups due to its particular importance. When studying marriage and fertility, marriageable ages and the reproductive age of women are distinguished. From an economic point of view, ages are divided into 3 groups - pre-working, working and post-working (pre-working able-bodied and post-working), the boundaries of which are different. years and older or 0-14, 15-64, 65 years and older). This classification of age is accepted in international practice. In the USSR, in planning practice, the grouping is used 0-15, 16-54, 55 years and older - for women 0-15, 16-59, 60 years and older - for men. The classification of age, which is important for the analysis of the structure of labor resources, was developed by B. Ts. Urlanis. At the same time, the population is divided into groups: working - up to 15 years (including toddlers - up to 2, school-3-6 and school - 7-15 years) working - 16-59 years (including youth - 16-24, maturity - 25-44 and late maturity - 45-59 years), post-working - 60 years and older (including old age - 60-69, early old age - 70-79, deep old age - 80 years and more).

Based on the analysis of age-related changes in various organs and tissues, as well as an assessment of the body's performance, the decision of the Leningrad Conference on Gerontology (1962) and the WHO seminar on social and clinical problems in the USSR adopted the so-called working classification of the age limits of the second half of a person's life. Age 45-59 is defined as middle, 60-74 - elderly, over 75 - senile, in which long-livers stand out - people aged 90 years and older.

Attempts to propose a universal classification of age have been made for a long time. So the Russian statistician and demographer of the 1st half of the 19th century A.P. Roschavsky-Petrovsky singled out the younger generation - up to 15 years old (including minors - up to 5 years old and children - 5-15), the flowering generation - 16-60 years (including young - 16-30, mature - 30-45, elderly - 45-60 years), fading generation - 61-100 years and older (including old - 61 - 75, durable - 75-100 and older). The age classification proposed in 1939 by the Demographic Statistics Section of the American Health Association is consistent with the classifications accepted in modern international comparisons. It has 8 periods: infancy - up to 1 year, preschool age - from 1 to 4 years, school years - 5-14, youth - 15-24, years of greatest activity - 15-44, average age - 45-64, early the period of old age - 65-74, old age - from 75 years. Other universal classifications of age are known, but none of them has now become generally accepted (see also Age).

I.V. Kalinyuk.

Demographic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief editor D.I. Valentey. 1985.

Topic: making Christmas decorations from waste material. Purpose: Making a toy using waste material.


Educational: To teach how to work with waste material;

Developing: to promote the formation of knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop creative abilities, artistic, aesthetic taste, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills;

Educational: to cultivate diligence, accuracy, the desire to create useful things with your own hands.

Health saving: strengthen the small muscles of the fingers

Preliminary work: consideration of various works from junk material. Equipment: plastic bottle, braid, scissors, self-adhesive film, Kinder surprise capsule.

Lesson progress

Introductory part - Hello dear guests.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands say:

The sun woke up in the sky
We guys smiled.
We close our eyes quietly
We raise our hands to the sky.
Take the rays of the sun
And let's take it to the heart.

What day of the week is today? (Wednesday)

What do we do on Wednesdays? (labor)

But what are we going to do?

Main part

Knock on the door. “Sorry kids, someone is knocking on our door. What's this? We were given some strange bag, and with it a letter.

Let's read. “Hello dear guys! We are turning to you: Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin, and the dog Sharik. Recently we went to the forest to look for a treasure, and found this bag. Please help us, we don't know what to do with it, where to put it all. With respect to you, the heroes of the cartoon "Prostokvashino".

Let's see what's there. (the bag contains waste material: plastic bottles, boxes, napkins, cans, etc.)

Who could have left this in the forest? (people on vacation)

What do you do with the garbage you collect?

And why do you need to remove garbage from the forest? (This litters nature, harms it, there will be a lot of landfills)

That's right, guys, there will be a lot of landfills, our cities and villages will turn into a garbage container. Did you know that the paper you throw away will lie for more than 2 years, a tin can for 30 years, a plastic bag for more than 200 years, and glass for 1000 years.

What else can be done with this garbage? (crafts)

Correct crafts, but not simple crafts, we will make New Year's toys, because the new year is coming soon, and our Christmas tree should be the most beautiful.
Now you have to solve the riddle

Bears, cubes, cars

And the designers are big

And balls and trinkets

These are all mine ... (toys)

What is the topic of our lesson?

Why do we need to be able to make toys? (play, give)

Right. Well done! Today we will learn how to make just such a toy (I show a toy, I suggest playing with it). It's called "Happy Frog".

Of course, you can buy a toy, but it's better to make it yourself. After all, we are able to work with many materials (paper, fabric, natural material). And today we will work with waste material

Do you want to make such a toy?

Then tell me what you need to make it? (children list: plastic bottle, ribbon, ball, self-adhesive film)

And what tools during work will be useful to us? (scissors)

- Let's remember the rules of TB with scissors:

1. Pass rings forward

2. Do not hold scissors with the tip up

3. Cut material in plain sight.

Collect the proverb and explain its meaning

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Measure a hundred times, cut once.

It is not the face that makes a person, but work

Right. And now consider the technological map (algorithm) of the work and tell what you will do first, then, then and finally.

1. First in take a plastic bottle, cut off the top;

2. Then we take colored pieces of self-adhesive film, apply the prepared flower patterns, circle with a pencil and cut out;

3. Then in glue the cut flowers to the toy blank.

4. We unscrew the cap from the plastic bottle, attach the braid and twist the cap. We fix the second end of the braid in the container from the Kinder Surprise.

5. Finally, our toy is ready.

I encourage the children to get to work. I remind you that we are working on an algorithm. I help those who are in difficulty.

At the end of the lesson, I ask you to put your workspaces in order.

Here is the end of the job
We need to clear everything in time.
Pick up trash quickly
And put things in order.

Final part

-Take your "Funny Frog", look how beautiful they are.

So our lesson has come to an end, let's remember what we talked about in class, how did you make this toy?

-What interesting things did you find out?

– What was difficult in the work?

– What did you like and what did you not like?

What will you do with these toys? (give to first graders )

You guys were active, attentive and quick-witted today. Thank you for your good work.

I would like to end with these words:

Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests.
It's time for parting.
Goodbye! Goodbye!

Month: December

Theme of the day:"Hello Winter"

Target: tell the children about winter signs, about the fact that winter is a lot of fun. There are many holidays in winter.
Educational areas:

social and communicative development;

· cognitive development;

Speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development;

· physical development.

Regime moments Regime moments Direction development
morning reception Parental consultation (conversation) “Caution on the ice. Tips from the Snow Queen Purpose: To remind parents about the precautionary measures of children's behavior on the ice. Socio-communicative. Physical culture Cognitive culture Artistic and aesthetic
1. Morning exercises Goal: creating conditions for improving the health of children Physical development
2.Cultural and hygienic skills Purpose: the formation of personal hygiene skills Physical development
3. Breakfast Physical development
OOD 1. Occupation on labor activity. Manual labor Making Christmas decorations from waste material. Purpose: Making a toy using waste material. Tasks: Educational: To teach how to work with waste material; Developing: to promote the formation of knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop creative abilities, artistic, aesthetic taste, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills; Educational: to cultivate diligence, accuracy, the desire to create useful things with your own hands. Socio-communicative development. Physical development. Speech development. cognitive development. Artistic and aesthetic development.
Didactic game “Finish the word” Purpose: To develop the ability of children to divide words into syllables. Socio-communicative cognition
3.Music lesson "Winter" Musical activity. ACCORDING TO THE PLAN OF THE MUSIC DIRECTOR Artistic and aesthetic knowledge
Walk 1. Observation of the weather 2. "Snow removal on the site." 3.Mobile game Purpose: to continue to teach children to independently determine the weather. Purpose: To draw the attention of children to the beauty of nature. To accustom to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts. To develop the ability to use the “Frost - Red Nose” shovel Purpose: development of dexterity, education of endurance and patience. cognitive development. Physical development.
Dinner Work activity - self-service Purpose: to continue to teach how to use cutlery, a napkin. Develop healthy eating habits. Physical development
Quiet time 1. Invigorating gymnastics after sleep « The sun is waking up." " The sun is rising."). « The sun paints the rays.. « The sun is charging. " The sun is rising." Physical development
2. Hardening procedures Goal: health promotion
  • Air baths
  • Washing with cool water before eating
afternoon tea Labor activity - self-service, duty Purpose: to continue to teach how to use cutlery, a napkin. Develop healthy eating habits. Physical development
Conversation "Wintering and migratory birds" Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about changes in the lifestyle of birds in different seasons of the year, to arouse in children a careful and caring attitude towards birds Individual work. Tell Sasha, Artyom and Liza about the birds that fly south. cognitive development
Board game "Our Street" Purpose: 1. To expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior for a pedestrian and driver in the street. 2. Consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light. 3. Teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibition, prescriptive, informational and indicative) intended for drivers and pedestrians. Cognitive development Social and communicative
Walk 1. Observation of the time of day Outdoor game Purpose: to continue to form the concept of time. Day Evening « owl » Purpose: To develop observation in children, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Get kids to run. "Airplanes" Purpose: Development of physical activity of children. Individual work. Explain to Vitya and Ksyusha about the time of day. In the afternoon the sun rises, wakes us up. In the evening the sun accompanies the sleep and we see the moon Cognitive cognition Social and communicative
Advice for parents. "SDA. A traffic light will show you the way!” Purpose: to acquaint and clarify the knowledge of parents about the rules of the road.

Plan - summary of labor activity

Age group:
2 youngest

Topic:"Let's help Masha get ready for a walk"

Target: help children remember the names of items of winter clothing, the sequence of dressing;

Educational: consolidate children's knowledge: about clothes; sequence of actions when dressing;
Developing: develop attention, speech; recall the poem by S. Kaputikyan “Masha put on a mitten”; learn to classify and group objects by color.
Educational: cultivate respect for clothing.

Health saving: strengthen the small muscles of the fingers.
Preliminary work: takes part in the game situation "Dressing the doll", actively answers the questions of the educator, takes part in the game "Colorful clothes".
Equipment: dolls, doll winter clothes, children's mittens, hats, scarves and mittens for dolls in three colors.

Course of the lesson: Introductory part

Doll Masha comes to visit the children.

Educator. Look who came to visit us! Let's get acquainted, her name is Masha.

Main part.

Educator. Masha wants to invite you for a walk. Do you agree? But it seems to me that the Masha doll is dressed completely out of season! (The doll is wearing a dress and shoes). Masha, do you know what season it is now? (Turns to the doll). What about you guys? What season is it now? That's right, winter. And why? Sure enough, it got cold outside and it snowed.

Game technology. Age characteristic

The method of teaching games begins, first of all, with safety measures related to the life and health of children. In the context of the toy library, this is the observance of the norms of the physical and mental processes of the child, in accordance with his age group.

It is necessary to distinguish three age groups that are characteristic of the system of a temporary children's team in the conditions of summer and year-round recreation:

1. Younger age group (9-11 years old). nine

2. Average age group (11-13 years old) 10

3. Senior age group (13-16 years old) 12

Knowing the main age characteristics, this will help you not only determine the physical and emotional state of the participant, but also competently organize and conduct any game without harming the child’s health, but only strengthening it.

Junior age group (9-11 years old).

Physical features:

The cardiovascular system lags behind in its development from other organs and systems, which leads to rapid fatigue, especially from monotonous movements;

a small margin of safety of the supporting apparatus, weak muscles, especially of the back and abdominals, which increases the possibility of various injuries during games (sprain, consequences of falls, etc.)

Main Feature:

"hyper" mobility and activity;

inability to concentrate on one thing for a long time (“hyper” inattention);

inconsistency of movements;

complete acceptance of the judgments and assessments of adults.

1. Outdoor games with running and jumping should be limited in time, accompanied by frequent breaks and a change in the nature of movements.

2. Games associated with large power loads and prolonged immobile sitting are unacceptable.

3. If, according to the rules of the game, the child must leave it, then only for a short time, otherwise he will break the rules by entering the game on his own, without permission.

4. Children of this age love games in which they have to "freeze" in place. Such games contribute to the development of the necessary function of inhibition at this age.

5. All young children love to drive in the game. The choice of the driver must be justified each time: “he has never driven with us”, “he was very brave in the previous game”, “he followed the rules very honestly”. The driver can be chosen by counting (fair ranking*) or the winner of the previous game can be assigned to them.

6. Children should be taught to play, teaching them to act on a signal, for example, "freeze, die" or "where are our arms and legs." Such an effective attraction of general attention will always help you in maintaining the required discipline, which is problematic at this age, as well as developing quick reactions when building a squad, establishing silence, etc.

7. Finishing the game, it is necessary to mark the best, enterprising players.

8. Useful simple plot-role-playing games with the performance of the roles of animals ("Instant Theater") and, of course, a variety of outdoor games.

10. Conduct more games to develop attention.

And remember! Constantly playing with the "hyper" active and inattentive children of this group, counselors, first of all, teach them to listen carefully and always be near them.

Middle age group (11-13 years old)

Physical features:

the process of puberty begins, (girls are ahead of boys);

heartbeat quickens, the development of the skeleton, arms, legs accelerates;

frequent headache appears;

At the same time, the child's nervous system is actively developing, characterized by increased excitability.

Main Feature:

a violent manifestation of emotions;

Increased desire for disputes, intransigence;

a tendency to conflict with peers and adults, but easy contact;

desire for active practical activity (test yourself);

Passion for joint collective activity;

willing to carry out assignments, but already with an assessment of the role that falls to them, in contrast to the younger age;

success causes an emotional rise, failure causes a sharp loss of interest in business;

Girls are calm and obedient, boys are more energetic and emotional, shy away from public affairs, persistently looking for an example to follow.

1. It is necessary to choose games that do not contain large emotional loads.

2. Play more outdoor games.

3. The rules of the game and the game itself must be carried out and "judged" at a pace (figurativeness is optional).

4. More often to conduct team games associated with the creation of mixed "instant" groups.

5. Collective creative activity to announce and invent as a game.

6. Create a "success situation" for an individual child, group.

7. Conduct more energizing and attention games aimed at the emotional mobilization of the group.

And remember! With the necessary assessment in the game (behavior, performance, result, readiness), a teenager already at this age needs the validity of your comment, and this comment should be directed in one way or another to the “success situation”. Be careful even, in your opinion, with "harmless criticism."

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Even in the last century, a woman of 30 years old was considered elderly. Upon admission to the maternity ward, the expectant mother was classified as an old-bearer and was given disapproving glances. Today the situation has changed radically. Now a 40-year-old pregnant woman surprises few people. This is due to the increase in human life expectancy and other criteria.

The trend has forced the world community to reconsider the existing age limits. In particular, the WHO classification of ages has changed.

When compiling the table, doctors were guided by improving the health and appearance of a person, increasing the ability to bear children, maintaining working capacity for many years, and other factors.

Gradation remotely resembles the division into certain groups and periods of life that existed in ancient Rome. At the time of Hippocrates, the age of up to 14 years old was considered youth, 15-42 years old maturity, 43-63 years old age, above that - longevity.

The change in periodization, according to scientists, is due to an increase in the intellectual level of mankind. Thanks to this, the body independently slows down the aging process, pushing back withering and the inevitable end. The peak of the intellectual development of a modern person falls on 42-45 years. This provides wisdom and, as a result, high adaptability.

According to statistics, over the years, the number of the population, whose age is 60-90 years old, increases 4-5 times faster than the general figures.

This and other criteria determine the gradual increase in the retirement age in a number of countries around the world.

The influence of age on a person

However, the age classification of the World Health Organization is not able to change the consciousness of a person. In remote settlements, people still consider 45 years and more to be practically the pre-retirement age.

Women who have overcome the forty-year threshold are ready to give up on themselves. Many older ladies abuse alcohol and smoking, stop caring for themselves. As a result, a woman loses her attractiveness, quickly ages. Subsequently, psychological problems arise that aggravate the situation. If a woman or a man feels really old, then no adjustments in the classification of a person's age according to WHO are able to change the situation.

In this case, the patient needs high-quality timely assistance from a professional psychologist. Experts recommend reconsidering life and finding a new meaning in it. It can be a hobby, work, caring for loved ones, travel. A change of scenery, positive emotions, a healthy lifestyle contribute to an improvement in the emotional state and, as a result, an increase in life expectancy.

As for the male part of the population, it is also prone to depression. As a result, representatives of the strong half of humanity in middle age destroy families, creating new ones with young girls. According to psychologists, in this way men try to keep the passing years.

Now the midlife crisis on average occurs about 50 years, increasing from year to year. A few decades ago, its peak was 35 years.

It is worth noting that the country of residence, economic and environmental situation, mentality and other factors affect the psycho-emotional state.

According to previous studies, the real age gradation and periodization is different. Residents of European countries consider the end of youth at 50 +/-2 years. In Asian countries, many 55-year-olds feel young and not ready to retire. The same applies to residents of a number of states in America.

The classification of ages adopted by the World Health Organization is a generalized indicator that changes with a certain interval. Based on them, you can prepare the body for subsequent senile changes, reorient yourself in time, find a hobby, etc.

In each case, the gradation should take into account the individual characteristics of a person. Modern medical equipment and technologies make it possible to keep the body in good shape for many years.


Balzac, describing the appearance of the heroine of his novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman", spoke of "yellow skin of the face with age." This is thirty years old! Even if we make allowances for some credulity of the writer, who actually accepted for truth the figures that the young secular ladies considered possible to voice, it is still obvious: in the old days, people began to feel old much earlier. Hippocrates numbered ten periods of human life, which he associated with the restructuring of the body. He combined these periods into four phases: childhood (up to 14 years); maturity (15-42 years); old age (43-63 years); longevity (over 63 years). In ancient Rome, apparently, they lived longer. The periods of life there were distinguished in accordance with the change in the social status of the individual: adolescence (up to 17 years old, receiving an adult toga); youth (up to 46 years old, dismissal from military service and transition to the senior rank of centuries); advanced age (up to 60 years, cessation of social activities); old age. But even at the beginning of the last century, life was considered practically finished at the age of forty. In Gorky's novel Mother, a forty-year-old woman is called an old woman.

Not those times now. The world is changing very quickly. Back in 2005, the majority of respondents considered 50 years old as the time of old age. Literally over the past seven years, there have been changes in the definition of biological age. The World Health Organization has developed a new age classification: from 25 to 44 years old - young age, 44 - 60 years old - middle age, 60 - 75 years old - old age, 75 - 90 years old - old age, after 90 - centenarians. Maybe it's the rapid aging of the planet's population that is forcing artificially increase the limits of working capacity?

No. For the new age limits fit into the worldview of modern man. According to a sociological survey conducted this year, every fourth European is sure that old age comes at 64 years old, almost every fifth - that at 74 years old. Sociological surveys were conducted in 31 countries, more than 40 thousand people were interviewed, the results were summarized by British professor Dominic Abrams. It turned out that in the West, 80-year-old people feel the departure of youth at 52 years old, and the advent of old age - at 69 years old. Women push back the beginning of their decline even further. Changed age limits and midlife crisis. Fifty years ago, he attacked at 36 years old, today - at 55.

Some scientists are convinced that the evolution of mankind has taken this path, at the present stage it is no longer interested only in the quantitative increase in the population, as it was before, but in the development of intellectual properties, the self-improvement of people. Today, nature slows down biological aging, the death of an organism is slower, because now the progress of mankind requires a developed brain and experience inherent in representatives of the older age group. People reach the highest intellectual development after 40 years, then wisdom comes. By the age of seventy, the life, professional and intellectual base has been fully formed, which can be used for the further development of mankind in the biosphere. The population from 60 to 90 years of age is increasing four to five times faster than the total population.

The voice of the people

Do Dzerzhinsk residents fit into the world statistics? How old do you feel? Here are the answers of some residents of our city.

Nadezhda Fedorovna, 60 years old:

For 60 years and I feel. Up to 55, I felt younger than my age, but as my health deteriorated, everything became equal. And that now people age later - both physically and psychologically, I think it's true.

Pavel Nikolaevich Chernenko:

At sixty, I regret that I'm not twenty-five. The soul, unlike the body, can remain young for a long time. My soul, probably, is twenty-five years old. This is because I always saw the future, led an active lifestyle. He worked for 37 years in tunneling, sixteen of them after retirement, and at the same time he kept a farm. You have to live tomorrow, as soon as you start living today one day, life will stop.

Nadezhda Emelyanovna:

I am 59, my health is failing, and there is no time to grow old - my husband is sick, my mother is old. She is already ninety, but she knows better than me that the feeling of her age does not have to coincide with her passport data: she worked until the age of 78, now she is trying to be in good shape, doing what she can.

Maria Yakovlevna, 69 years old:

Well, I feel like I'm 65 years old. Younger feel the disease do not give. They piled on as soon as she quit her job. And she worked for 52 years as a cutter in KBO. She loved her work and was happy to interact with people. Work activity makes you feel younger and prolongs life.

Determine your chances

This test, developed by foreign scientists, will help you determine with statistical certainty how great your chances of living a long time are.

1. Cardiological diseases.

a) Which of your parents, grandparents suffered a premature heart attack or heart attack (up to 60 years old): none - 10 points; one or two - 5 points; three or more - 0 points.

b) The last time I had a cholesterol level (if this is not known, you will probably have to rely on eating habits): excellent (less than 200 mg) - 10 points; medium (220 mg) - 5 points; bad (over 240 mg) - 0 points.

c) The last time I had blood pressure:

excellent (120/70) - 10 points; good (130/90) - 5 points; bad (140/95) - 0 points. (For greater accuracy, the pressure must be measured three times during the day)

2. Job satisfaction.

Going to work in the morning, I feel: ready for new exploits - 10 points; ready to work, but without much enthusiasm - 5 points; not interested - after all, it's just a job - 0 points.

3. Smoking.

Over the past five years I have: not smoked at all - 10 points; smoked from time to time - 5 points; smoked constantly - 0 points

4. Physical condition.

To determine the physical condition, there are many indicators, such as coordination of movements, the effectiveness of respiratory functions, the speed of reactions, the activity of the circulatory system, etc. For self-assessment, compare your current physical form with the one you had 10 years ago.

I feel: almost the same - 10 points; something worsened - 5 points; I had a need to resort to treatment - 0 points.

5. Satisfaction with life.

In general, lately my life has been developing: very successfully - 10 points; not bad - 5 points; no better than others - 0 points.

6. Self-assessment of the state of health.

This year my state of health: excellent - 10 points; good - 5 points; average or bad - 0 points.

7. The level of intelligence.

In my opinion, intelligence has not changed over the past year - 10 points; changed slightly - 5 points; memory and intelligence have become worse - 0 points.

Let's summarize:

An "excellent" score (90 points) indicates that you will live longer than any average citizen (approximately 78 years for women and 72 years for men).

An above average score (65 to 90 points) indicates that you can live 3 years longer than the average statistical figure or more if you took the test at an older age.

The average score (45-65 points) indicates the average life expectancy.

A score below average (40 points) indicates that you need to pay more attention to your health.

In order to get a more accurate health assessment, you need to take into account the following factors:

Age. Your age should be taken into account when taking the test. If you are over 50 years old, then an indicator of 75-90 points indicates a very high probability that you are a long-liver. The same figure at age 30 is less significant.

Your lifestyle and habits. Ceteris paribus, a regular lifestyle correlates with longevity. We are talking about regular three meals a day, about eight hours of sleep every day - at the same time, etc. Married people, as a rule, live longer than single people. Alcohol consumption should be minimal, if not zero - alcoholism shortens life span.

Weight. It is best to have an ideal weight, although an extra 4-6 kilograms of the body is not a threat. Obesity shortens life, and 15 percent overweight is a dangerous level. Sharp fluctuations in weight over several years should also be of concern.

Prepared by Irina LAZARENKO.

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Age periodization- this is the periodization of human development from the moment of conception (or from the moment of birth) to the moment of death, and the corresponding definitions of the age boundaries of the stages in a person's life, the system of age stratification adopted in society. In some cases, the boundaries of age periods in a person's life have legal significance (for example, the maximum gestational age at which abortion is legally allowed for social reasons in the absence of medical indications, or the age of majority, the age of criminal responsibility, retirement age, etc.).

Periodization problem

Age exists both as an absolute, quantitative concept (calendar age, life time from birth or from the moment of conception) and as a stage in the process of physical and psychological development (conditional age). Conditional age is determined by the degree of development, the current stage in the development process and depends on the adopted system of periodization, on the principles of delimitation of stages of development.

The division of the human life cycle into age categories has changed over time, it is culturally dependent, and is determined by the approach to setting age limits. As I. S. Kon pointed out, in order to understand the content of the age category, it is first of all necessary to distinguish between the main reference systems in which science describes human age, and outside of which age categories do not make sense at all.

The first frame of reference is individual development (ontogenesis, "life cycle"). This reference system sets such units of division as “stages of development”, “ages of life”, and concentrates on age properties.

The second frame of reference is age-related social processes and the social structure of society. This reference system sets such units of division as “age strata”, “age groups”, “generations”, one of the directions of research given to it is cohort differences.

The third frame of reference is the concept of age in culture, how age-related changes and properties are perceived by representatives of socio-economic and ethnic groups, one of the directions of research given to it are age stereotypes, etc. "rites of age"

Principles of periodization

"Steps of the Human Age", 1st half of the 19th century

Vygotsky distinguished three groups of periodizations (relative to the periodization of childhood and adolescence): according to an external criterion, according to one or several signs of child development.

The first group of periodizations is based on external criteria, without connection with the physical and mental development of a person. For example, periodization was derived from the principle "ontogeny repeats phylogeny", placing each stage of life in accordance with the stages of biological evolution and the historical development of mankind. Until now, periodization has been preserved according to the levels of the system of education and training, operating with such concepts as “preschool age”, “primary school age”, etc. Since the structure of education has developed taking into account developmental psychology, such periodization is indirectly related to turning points in child development.

The second group of periodizations is based on one internal criterion. The choice of criterion that underlies the classification is subjective and occurs for a variety of reasons. Thus, within the framework of psychoanalysis, Freud developed a periodization of the development of childhood sexuality (oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital stages). P. P. Blonsky’s periodization was based on such an objective and simple physiological sign as the appearance and change of teeth. In the resulting classification, childhood is divided into three periods: toothless childhood, childhood of milk teeth and childhood of permanent teeth; With the advent of wisdom teeth, adulthood begins.

The third group of periodizations is based on several significant features of development and can take into account the change in the importance of criteria over time. An example of such periodizations are the systems developed by Vygotsky and Elkonin.

There are many periods of age development. The detail of the study of periodization is not the same for different ages; the periodization of childhood and adolescence, as a rule, attracted more attention from psychologists than the periodization of maturity, since development in maturity does not bring qualitative changes and meaningful periodization of maturity is difficult.

Within the framework of developmental psychology, dogmatic periodizations based on speculative principles were replaced by periodizations based on a preliminary study of the development of children, including longitudinal (long-term) studies of the same children developed by Arnold Gesell.


Some historical and currently used periodization systems for age periods in a person's life:

Vygotsky's periodization

L. S. Vygotsky imagined the process of child development as a transition between age levels, at which smooth development occurs, through periods of crises. Periods of stable and crisis development according to Vygotsky:

  • neonatal crisis (up to 2 months)
  • infancy (up to 1 year old)
  • crisis 1 year
  • early childhood (1-3 years)
  • crisis 3 years
  • preschool age (3-7 years)
  • crisis 7 years
  • school age (7-13 years old)
  • crisis 13 years
  • pubertal age (13-17 years)
  • crisis 17 years

Periodization of Elkonin

The periodization of D. B. Elkonin, which is an integration of the concepts of L. S. Vygotsky and A. N. Leontiev, distinguishes the following periods:

  • Early childhood
    • Infancy (0-1 year old)
    • Early age (1-3 years)
  • Childhood
    • Preschool age (3-7 years old)
    • Junior school age (7-11/12 years old)
  • adolescence
    • Adolescence (11/12-15 years old)
    • Early youth (from 15 years old)

Elkonin's periodization is the most generally accepted in Russian developmental psychology.

Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory

E. Erickson distinguishes eight phases in the psychosocial development of a person. Each of these phases, like the phases in psychosexual development according to Freud, has its own tasks and can be resolved favorably or unfavorably for the future development of the individual. Approximate correspondence of these phases to age:

  • Infancy (birth to 1 year)
  • Early childhood (1 - 3 years)
  • Playing age, preschool (4 - 6-7 years old)
  • School age (7-8 - 12 years old)
  • Youth (13 - 19 years old)
  • Youth (19-35 years) - beginning of adulthood, courtship and early years of family life, years before middle age
  • Adulthood (35-60 years) - the period when a person firmly associates himself with a certain occupation, and his children become teenagers
  • Old age (from 60 years old) - the period when the main work of life is over

USSR APN classification (1965)

In 1965, at the symposium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, the following age periodization was adopted:

  • Newborns - from 1 to 10 days
  • Infant - from 10 days to 1 year
  • Early childhood - 1 to 2 years
  • The first period of childhood - from 3 to 7 years
  • The second period of childhood - from 8 to 12 years (male); 8 to 11 years old (female)
  • Adolescence - from 13 to 16 years (male); 12 to 15 years old (female)
  • Youth age - from 17 to 21 years (male); 16 to 20 years old (female)
  • Average age
    • the first period - from 22 to 35 years (male); 21 to 35 years old (female)
    • the second period - from 36 to 60 years (male); 36 to 55 years old (female)
  • Elderly people - from 61 to 75 years (male); 56 to 75 years old (female)
  • Senile age - from 76 to 90 years
  • Long-livers - over 90 years old

biological age

Age periodization in medicine is based on age-appropriate anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body. For the periodization of childhood, the degree of adaptation to environmental conditions is taken into account, with which the specifics of the care and upbringing of the child are associated. Conditional periods of biological age:

Age periods in children

  • Neonatal period (neonatal period) - first 4 weeks
  • Breast period: from 4 weeks to 1 year
  • Early childhood: 1-3 years
  • Preschool age: 3 years - 6-7 years
  • Junior school age: 6-7 - 10/12 years old
  • Teenage years:
    • girls: 10 - 17-18 years old
    • boys: 12 - 17-18 years old

Age periods of an adult

  • Youth period
    • boys: 17 - 21 years old
    • girls: 16 - 20 years old
  • Mature age (1 period)
    • men: 21 - 35 years
    • women: 20 - 35 years
  • Mature age (2nd period)
    • men: 35 - 60 years
    • women: 35 - 55 years
  • Old age: 55/60 - 75 years
  • Senile age: 75 - 90 years
  • Long-livers - 90 years and more

see also

  • Age
  • Developmental psychology
  • Yakudoshi - unhappy years of life in traditional Japanese representations.



  • The child and family life under the Old Order. Ch. Ages of life Philip Aries // Yekaterinburg: Publishing House Ural. university, 1999
  • Psychology of human development. Sapogova E. E. // M.: Aspect press, 2001, 460 pages.
  • Psychology of development. Youth, maturity, old age. O. V. Khukhlaeva // Academy, 2006, 208 pages; ISBN 5-7695-2635-1;


  • The problem of age and age periodization

Figure types are defined regardless of age, since almost all of them occur with greater or lesser frequency in all age groups. However, when designing clothes, age must be taken into account, since it affects the perception of the volume of the figure and the compositional solution of the product model depends on it.

Rice. 8.1. Variants of combined body types of female figures

Rice. 8.2. Variants of combined body types of female figures

Rice. 8.3. Variants of combined body types of female figures

Rice. 8.4. Combined body type of the customer's figure

The influence of the volume of clothing on the perception of the volume of the figure is reflected in the following. If the figure of younger women can be considered a figure of normal volume with chest girth
88-92 cm, then the same cannot be said about a woman of middle and, especially, older age with the same chest girth, since it is quite natural that with age a person grows fat and a more voluminous figure can be considered normal. Observations of experts show that the figure of a middle-aged woman with a chest circumference of 92-96 cm is perceived as normal in volume, and of an older woman with a chest circumference of 100-104 cm.

Based on this, depending on the size of the chest circumference and age, the figures of women are grouped into groups of small, medium and large volumes. The sizes of the figures included in these volumetric groups for each age group are indicated in Table. 8.2. The age groups in this table correspond to the generally accepted:

the youngest - 18-19 years old;

medium - 30-44 years;

the eldest is over 45 years old.

Table 8.2

The size of the chest girths of women, taking into account age


for age groups, cm

volume groups

96 and over

100 or more

108 and over

Age directly affects the solution of the model. Clothing for a young woman is different from clothing for middle-aged and older women, even if they are of the same body type. Thus, the dress code for older women is much more moderate than for younger women of the same body type. The freedom of fit in products for older women is closer to the minimum necessary, while when designing clothes for younger women, even large volumes, the decorative factor is more taken into account.

The same applies to the color scheme of products. For younger women, regardless of the volume of the figures, clothes are brighter than for women of middle and older ages.

Structurally, the product is also decided taking into account the age of women. The designs of models, which, in their shaped expression, can be offered to women of younger and older age, in the first case are provided in a more fashionable version, in the second - more calm.

The general style decision of clothes also depends on age. So, in clothes for women of younger age, sports, romantic and folk styles are characteristic; for the middle age group - sports-business, feminine-romantic and folklore; for the older age - classic and feminine-elegant.