Very different, but very snowy - snowmen in various techniques! MK compilation. What crafts to do for the New Year: Christmas trees, snowmen, Christmas balls

They help to plunge deeper into the charming atmosphere of this fabulous winter holiday, to make the boundaries between magic and reality less noticeable.

This is a great opportunity to show or unleash your creativity and experience lifelong moments of working together with your child.

New Year's crafts can become a decoration for an apartment, a class, a Christmas tree, or can be used as a gift. The main thing is to approach the process of its manufacture with all my heart, giving maximum freedom to your imagination.

Do-it-yourself plasticine snowman

One of the main winter characters and heroes of the New Year holiday is a snowman. It can be made not only for the New Year, but just like that, as a symbol of winter. We will make the first snowman from plasticine. We sculpt the body, head and legs.

We make handles, eyes and a nose.

We dress the snowman with a green scarf.

We put a gray bucket on our heads. Plasticine snowman - ready!

DIY salt dough snowman

We make the base of the foil, rolling it in the form of a snowman (the base in the form of a triangle is made for the Christmas tree).

Cover with a layer of salt dough. We glue the nose, with the help of a thin stick we make eyes and a mouth with holes.

From thin test strips weave a cap.

Making a snowman scarf.

We roll up handles and legs-balls for the snowman.

We are waiting for the dough to dry and paint the snowman. The salt dough snowman is ready. You can give him holiday gifts and a cane.

Application snowman from cotton pads

Even kids can make a snowman from cotton pads. It is very easy to make. In order to make a snowman applique, you will need cotton pads, thick blue paper for the background, white paper, glue, small pompoms and colored sequins.

On a blue background, glue a white layer of snowdrifts at the bottom of the sheet. We glue cotton pads one above the other - we should get snowmen. We glue the factory eyes, pompom nose and sequin buttons to the snowmen. Application "snowmen from cotton pads" is ready! You can place the craft in a frame and decorate the children's room with it.

Snowman made of cotton and egg trays

From cotton wool and transparent lots from under the testicles, you can make a very spectacular snowman. To do this, we cut out three cells in each from the blank tray.

We glue two blanks from the tray together. Glue cotton wool between them. We will get a snowman of three sections. Glue sticks to the snowman.

From paper or fabric we make a hat, a scarf and a nose for a snowman. From the buttons we make eyes for the snowman and decorate the body.

Here we have such a beautiful snowman! You can decorate a kindergarten room with it or use it as a character in a winter fairy tale.

How to make a snowman applique from cotton balls?

A very simple and effective application "snowman" is obtained from cotton balls. Cut out the outline of a snowman from paper. We put glue on it.

Glue the cotton balls one by one.

We glue a scarf, eyes and nose to the snowman. We decorate it with buttons - pompoms.

We glue the snowman's hat-cylinder, and twigs-handles. We place the craft on blue cardboard. Application "snowman made of cotton balls" - ready!

Application "snowman" from cotton balls

A cotton snowman can be glued onto a paper circle and decorated as a Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree decoration - cotton snowman

How to make a snowman out of a sock?

Do you still have unpaired white socks? Don't worry, you can make beautiful snowmen out of them. For crafts you will need: white and colored socks, rice, glue gun, rubber bands, buttons, felt-tip pen, scissors, ribbon. Pour rice into the sock. It is more convenient to pour through a paper funnel.

Tie a sock with rice at the top with an elastic band. We tie the middle part of the sock with an elastic band, forming a head. Using a glue gun, glue the bright buttons.

We twist the spout from a small piece of fabric. With a felt-tip pen we draw eyes and a mouth.

Cut off the top of the sock. We cut off a small piece of ribbon and wrap the snowman around the neck, fixing it with glue. We will have an elegant scarf.

We cut off the upper part from the blue sock and tie it with an elastic band. We will get a cap that we put on the snowman's head.

A wonderful snowman from a sock is ready!

We have a wonderful handmade winter souvenir! You can plant a snowman under the Christmas tree or decorate a kindergarten room with it.

Look at the video for another way to make a snowman from a sock:

How to make a snowman out of pieces of paper?

You can make an application "snowman" from pieces of paper. Cut thin paper into small squares.

Cut out the silhouette of a snowman from cardboard.

Fixing a piece of paper on a pencil, dip it in glue.

Using a pencil, glue a piece of paper to the base.

Using the same technology, we glue the remaining pieces one by one, filling the entire base.

Glue the nose and eyes on the snowman.

Glue the buttons. Snowman is ready!

How to make a snowman out of felt?

A very beautiful snowman will turn out. Cut out two identical outlines of the snowman.

We glue a carrot nose, a scarf and buttons to one of the cut-out blanks.

Glue on the eyes.

We sew the snowman around the edges, leaving a small hole.

We sew, leaving room for the handle of the snowman. We apply glue on it and insert it into the hole.

We take cotton.

We fill her with a snowman and sew up the hole.

The craft is ready!

Snowmen from improvised materials

Christmas tree decorations are made from plastic bottle caps. You just need to stick them on a wide tape and paint.

An interesting decoration for a kindergarten or home can be a snowman made of boxes.

You can even make a snowman from one box if you wrap it with white paper and decorate it.

from a disposable spoon

foam balls,

You can also make crafts from plastic cups or popcorn cups. We paint with white paint. We fix the ball on top. Decorate with a hat and scarf.

We turn each finger into a snowman: we glue a nose, a scarf made of colored fabric or braid, and various decorations. We drape the lower part of the picture, including the cut edge of the gloves, with cotton wool, like snow.

Application "snowmen" from a glove

An amazing New Year's decoration is obtained from plastic cans, which were given a resemblance to a snowman and a luminous garland was placed in them.

How to make a snowman out of a light bulb?

A very effective Christmas decoration "snowman" can be made from an ordinary light bulb.

We wrap the top of the light bulb with white duct tape. We apply white spray paint to the light bulb. For the convenience of applying paint, you can use a clothespin.

After the paint dries, draw on the bulbs the face of a snowman - eyes and a nose.

We draw a snowman's mouth and buttons. The adhesive tape on the top of the bulb can be removed. Glue thin sticks to the snowman.

We decorate the snowman with a red ribbon bow. Craft snowman from a light bulb is ready. It remains to fasten the rope at the top of the light bulb and you can hang the snowman on the Christmas tree!

How to make a snowman from a disposable plate?

A very cute snowman is made from two disposable plates and colored paper. From one plate we make the head, and from the other - the body.

Cut out handles, legs and a scarf from colored paper.

A paper snowman can be mounted on a disposable plate, then it will serve as a wonderful stand.

paper snowmen

If a circle of paper is cut in a spiral, a very beautiful three-dimensional pendant is obtained.

You can cut out a real garland of snowmen from paper.

From a disposable bag, a funny snowman head is obtained.

Application is the most classic version of crafts. For such crafts, it is better to use a blue or purple background.

You can add your own touches to each idea, which will bring unique features to the resulting image.

See how you can make an original gift in the form of a snowman out of chocolate:

The New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig is approaching, and each of us is preparing for this wonderful holiday. Someone plans to celebrate the holiday at home, with family, and someone, on the contrary, in a noisy company of friends, on the street. In both cases, I would like to decorate the New Year's meeting place beautifully. Usually, the New Year's decoration of the dwelling consists of a Christmas tree, all kinds of garlands and beautiful festive compositions from Christmas tree branches and tinsel. On the street, traditionally, a snowman is made from snow and decorated with various funny accessories. But what if you want to have such a funny snowman in your apartment, or it so happened that there is little or no snow on the street? For such cases, we offer some great ideas on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from improvised materials.

Snowman from plastic cups

In order to make such a rather unusual snowman, you should not work for a long time, because creating such a miracle is as easy as shelling pears!

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic cups - 300 pcs.;
  • PVA glue or stapler;
  • plasticine.

Working process:

  1. 30 glasses should be laid out in a circle and fastened together with a stapler or glue. The first row is ready. According to the same principle, we make the second and all subsequent rows. For each next row, fewer and fewer glasses will be required, since they are conical in shape. Thus, the first lump should turn out.
  2. The next lump should be more round and smaller. We take 22 plastic cups and form the second ball in the same way as the first. After that, turn it over and lay out the missing rows. If desired, you can make a third lump, however, in this case, it may be too unstable.
  3. Connect both lumps and make sure that everything turned out correctly and evenly.
  4. Let's start decorating. Make eyes out of black plasticine, and a nose out of orange. Put on a hat or cap. You can also use a scarf, ribbons, fabric and other elements for decoration.
  5. You can put a New Year's garland under the snowman, in which case it will also glow. The main thing: show your imagination! Such decoration can be installed in the house or on the street.

Master class on making a snowman from plastic cups

Snowman from threads

One of the easiest options on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands is with the help of ordinary threads. It looks original and is done, surprisingly, quickly and simply.

  • skein of white thread,
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloons - 5 pcs.,
  • cotton wool,
  • Needle.

Working process:

  1. First of all, you need to inflate the balloons, they will be the body. 3 - different sizes and 2 - the same (for hands).
  2. Use a needle and thread to pierce a jar of PVA glue. The thread must be saturated with glue. We remove the needle, and wrap the inflated balls with a thread, previously smeared with a small amount of vegetable oil (so that the thread does not stick to the ball). Try to wrap the balls as carefully as possible so that there are no gaps at all. Once all balloons are wrapped, place them in a warm place to dry completely (at least 24 hours).
  3. After that, pierce each ball with a needle and remove its remains by the tail.
  4. We sew all the parts with white threads. For maximum effect, you can coat the stitching points with glue. Leave it until completely dry.
  5. Eyes can be made from buttons or beads, nose and mouth - from colored paper. Put on a hat and scarf. Our snowman is ready for the New Year!

Master class on making a snowman from threads

beer cap snowman

A snowman made from beer caps for its manufacture does not require great creative skills. Even a child can easily build such a New Year's craft with his own hands. And since a snowman from ancient times is considered a good helper in the fulfillment of cherished desires, such a craft will not only serve as an element of decor for you, but also attract good luck and luck to your home.

To make you will need:

  • bottle caps;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, orange, red;
  • brushes;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue;
  • Buttons;
  • Scissors;
  • Glitter (optional).

Working process:

  1. Take three caps from the bottle and paint them white, and then glue them with hot glue.
  2. Glue a red ribbon on the back of the future snowman, making a loop at the top.
  3. Using a thin brush, paint the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons on the snowman.
  4. We tie a thin ribbon that will serve us as a scarf between the first and second covers. To make it more beautiful, you should glue a button or other decorative element that you like.

Our cheerful snowman is ready for the New Year!

Christmas craft "Chocolate - snowman"

New Year holidays in every family, of course, are not complete without sweets. But, given the fact that the New Year is a time of magic and the fulfillment of all cherished desires, you should definitely turn an ordinary chocolate bar into a rather cute snowman, thereby intriguing your children with beautiful hand-made packaging.

You will need:

  • white or blue paper;
  • Scissors,
  • black marker,
  • PVA glue,
  • Orange corrugated paper;
  • Scarf and hat (can be made from a sock or from corrugated paper);
  • Spruce branch with beads or other decorative elements.

Working process:

  1. We take a clean sheet of paper and wrap a chocolate bar in it, and so that it does not unfold, we glue it with PVA glue.
  2. On the finished snow-white tile, draw the eyes of a snowman with a black felt-tip pen, and form a nose from a small rectangular piece of orange corrugated paper, wrapping it tightly in a cone and gluing it with glue.
  3. We draw a smile with a black or red felt-tip pen, and create a blush on the cheeks with a red pencil, with which we make shading on a small piece of white paper, and then lightly rub the cheeks with it.
  4. From the sock we make a hat and a scarf: cut it in half and sew one part, where the heel remains, with a needle and thread. From the top of the cap, pulling it with a thread, we create a bubo. To make the hat seem mischievous, sit slightly obliquely, we tighten one side of it with a thread.
  5. We cut the scarf in a semicircle from the second half of the remaining sock and tie it around the neck of the snowman. So that the ends of the scarf do not stick out in different directions, we fix them to the tile itself with double-sided tape. We decorate the scarf with spruce twigs and beads or something to your taste. Ready!

Master - class for making chocolate - a snowman

Candy snowman

You can creatively enough make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with the help of sweets, it will fit perfectly on your holiday table or near the Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Sweets "Raffaello";
  • Styrofoam balls (one small, and the second - a little more) - 2 pcs;
  • White paper;
  • Glue is hot;
  • Toothpicks - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Scissors;
  • Foil;
  • Chenille wire (fluffy, flexible);
  • Silver cardboard;
  • Rain.

Working process:

  1. We take two foam balls and glue them with white paper.
  2. We connect the finished glued balls together, put them on top of each other (a small ball on a large one), put them on toothpicks, and fix them with hot glue.
  3. We make mittens: cut out mittens from foil and insert a small candy into them and glue it inside with hot glue.
  4. With the help of chenille wire, wrap both mittens around the edges, making them fluffy and twist it at the base of the mittens.
  5. We glue the resulting snowman with sweets: we glue the bottom ball in three rows, at a short distance, and on the top - three candies.
  6. We wrap the entire snowman with rain, securing it with hot glue. We put a cap made of silver cardboard on our head and put it on glue as well.
  7. On the face we glue eyes taken from an old soft toy, a nose from gold foil, a mouth from red rain or other material.
  8. We glue the mittens, and then the legs, made using silver cardboard in an oval shape. Well, that's it!

Cotton snowman

Such a craft will certainly interest the guests of your house, and for sure, none of them will immediately guess what this beautiful snowman is made of.

We will need:

  • A bottle of deodorant
  • PVA glue,
  • cotton wool,
  • buttons,
  • beads,
  • Ribbon,
  • Crepe paper.

Working process

  1. Carefully paste over the bottle with cotton wool using PVA glue and put it in a warm place to dry. Attach a scarf (ribbon) with glue.
  2. Sew a few small buttons on the body. From beads make eyes, from crepe paper - mouth, eyebrows and nose. It will be very fluffy and soft.

Master class on making a snowman from cotton wool

balloon snowman

This is probably the simplest New Year's craft, which even a schoolboy can do with his own hands.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.
  • modeling ball - 1 pc.,
  • white balloons - 2 pcs.

Working process:

  1. We inflate white balloons of different sizes and tie them together using threads or ponytails.
  2. We inflate the balloon for modeling and fix it in the form of a scarf where the white balloons are connected. Draw the eyes with a black marker, a nose with an orange marker, and a mouth with a red marker.

Master class on making a snowman from balls

sock snowman

It will take quite a bit of time and effort to make such a snowman for the New Year.


  • white socks,
  • Two buttons
  • Scissors,
  • Rubber.

Working process:

  1. Cut off the elastic from the sock.
  2. From the wrong side, secure it with an elastic band and turn it inside out.
  3. Now fill the sock with rice and cotton.
  4. Give the snowman shape using an elastic band: secure it in the middle.
  5. Make eyes out of buttons, put on a hat and scarf. It will be a great souvenir or Christmas tree decoration.

Master class on making a snowman from a sock

fabric snowman

From fabric, you can make with your own hands not only a unique snowman, but also an excellent soft toy for your child.

We will need:

  • white cloth,
  • threads,
  • Needle,
  • buttons,
  • Sintepon,
  • Ribbon,
  • beads,
  • Cardboard.

Working process:

  1. Sew a small bag out of white fabric, then fill it with padding polyester.
  2. With thread, tie it tightly in two places to form the head and torso. Sew a ribbon on the ends of which fasten the beads.
  3. Make a nose out of red cardboard, and eyes out of buttons. You can tie a checkered scarf around your neck.

Master class on making a snowman from fabric

Light bulb snowman

Did you know that an original Christmas decoration can be made from an old light bulb? It's very easy and simple!

You will need:

Pair of long white socks



Thread and needle or PVA glue

Beads, pins with a round handle or buttons

A small piece of cloth.

1. Cut off the top of one sock, starting at the heel.

2. Turn the cut piece of the sock (top) inside out and attach an elastic band to one end.

3. Turn the sock inside out again and fill it with rice. Make it so that the bottom of the sock has a round shape, and at the top there is still some rice.

4. Secure the top end of the sock with another elastic band.

4. Now, just above the middle, put on another elastic band. Make it so that two balls are formed - one large at the bottom and a small one at the top.

5. It remains to decorate the snowman:

* Use a piece of fabric to add a scarf to the snowman.

*Use beads, round-handled pins, or buttons to make the eyes and nose.

* Use the remaining piece of the sock as a snowman hat. To fix it, you can use a thread and a needle or PVA glue.

* Sew a medium and large button to the snowman.

* You can sew a piece of fabric cut out in the shape of a flower to the cap.

DIY snowman made of cardboard and white thread

You will need:

White thick thread

Cymbals or compasses (to draw a large circle)

Thick cardboard or foam


Orange cardboard or fake carrot (for making a snowman nose)

Scissors or utility knife

Piece of fabric for a scarf

Wire and twine

1. Using a compass or plates of different diameters, draw three circles of different sizes on cardboard or foam.

2. Cut out the drawn circles - if you have cardboard, then use scissors for cutting, and if foam plastic, then a clerical knife.

3. From pieces of cotton wool, crumple many balls and place them evenly on each cut out circle.

4. Now you need to wrap each circle with cotton balls with white thread. To do this, first glue one end of the thread to one circle with glue. Start winding the thread around.

Repeat the same with the rest of the circles.

5. Connect the circles. Lay one circle partially on top of the other and use glue to connect the big circle to the middle one and the middle one to the small one.

6. We prepare a hat and hands of a snowman. For hands, you can use wire wrapped in twine, or thin branches attached to the circle with glue.

To make a hat, use wire or cut a hat out of black cardboard and glue it to a small circle.

7. Glue the buttons to the middle circle. You can also glue buttons on the top circle to act as eyes.

8. Cut out a carrot from orange cardboard and glue it to a small circle. If there is an artificial carrot, then you can simply stick it in the center of a small circle.

Craft "Chocolate snowman" do it yourself

You will need:

White chocolate

Some dark chocolate


Melted chocolate container

Baking paper

1. Inflate a small balloon.

2. Melt the white chocolate in a bowl. This can be done both in the microwave (read the instructions for the microwave oven carefully) and on the stove.

3. Spread the ball with butter (a little more than half) so that it does not stick to the chocolate.

4. Dip the ball into a bowl of melted white chocolate. If necessary, dip the ball several times to form a thick layer.

5. Quickly remove the ball and place it on baking paper. Let some chocolate drip down - this will be a stand for a snowman vase.

6. To make the eyes and mouth, you can melt just a little bit of dark chocolate, dip a match in it and dot a few dots on a white chocolate vase.

If you want to add a nose, you can cut a small triangle out of an apple or orange peel, dip it in white chocolate, and glue it on.

* You can also use edible paints to decorate the snowman and his face.

7. The balloon can be deflated to make an edible chocolate vase for candies and marshmallows.

Snowmen from light bulbs for the new year

You will need:


PVA glue

Super glue


A small branch from a tree

Fabric paints, gouache or markers

1. Apply glue to the light bulb.

2. Cover the light bulb with glitter. Wait for the glue to dry.

* You can find glitter glue in stores - then you do not need a separate glue, and you can apply glitter directly from the tube.

3. Tie the light bulb with a rope or braid so that you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

4. Divide the branch into two parts and use superglue to attach to the light bulb so that they look like snowman handles.

5. Using paints or markers, draw the snowman's eyes, mouth, buttons, and nose.

How to make a snowman: bottle caps

You will need:

Bottle caps (one snowman needs 3 caps)

Acrylic paint (white, black, orange and red)


Glue stick or hot glue



Glitter (optional)

1. Paint the entire inside of each lid white. You may need to apply several layers. You can paint the outer part if you wish, but this is not necessary. Wait for the paint to dry.

2. Prepare a small piece of ribbon and glue 3 colored covers to it. Apply some glue between the caps to hold them together.

3. Make a loop at the end of the braid and secure it with glue.

4. Gently draw the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons of the snowman with a thin brush.

5. When the paint is dry, you can add some glitter.

6. To make a scarf, tie a braid or thin string around the snowman. You can glue a small button to the scarf.

DIY Christmas snowmen from wooden spoons

You will need:

Wooden spoon

acrylic paint


A small piece of fabric (to create a snowman scarf)

1. Paint a wooden spoon with white paint. Leave to dry.

2. Use markers to draw the snowman's face.

3. Tie a scarf from any piece of fabric.

You can put such a snowman in a vase or tie it to a Christmas tree or to a specific gift as a decoration.

Try to make several of these snowmen with different faces.

Do-it-yourself snowman from a can (master class)

You will need:

Any glass jar

PVA glue


Salt or artificial snow

Plasticine or colored clay

A small candle with batteries

Fine brushes (white and red) and pompoms if you want to make headphones for your snowman (optional).

1. First, glue two buttons to the jar - the eyes of a snowman, then fix the nose from plasticine or clay. If necessary, the nose can be fixed with superglue.

2. Apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the jar.

3. Sprinkle the jar with salt or artificial snow and leave to dry.

The snowman is ready, but it can be decorated. In this example, it is decorated with headphones.

To make headphones:

4. Prepare a red and white fine brush and interlace them as shown in the image. After that, bend them into an arch so that the ends touch the edges of the jar or jar lid and do not fall off.

5. Glue the red pom poms to the ends of the brushes.

6. Put the headphones on the snowman.

7. Add a battery operated candle to the jar and you're done!

DIY big snowman

You will need:

Circles made of thick cardboard, plywood or chipboard

Scissors or saw

PVA glue

White acrylic paint


Salt or artificial snow

Brush (if needed)

1. Cut out three circles of different diameters from a sheet of cardboard or plywood.

2. Paint each circle white and leave to dry. If necessary, cover the circles with a second coat of paint.

5. Using colored markers draw the eyes, mouth, nose and buttons of the snowman.

6. Apply glue to the snowman with a brush and sprinkle it with salt or artificial snow.

3. Glue the circles together as shown in the image.

4. Prepare the braid and glue it on the back of the future snowman.

Wait for the glue to dry and you can hang your blank on the wall or place it next to the Christmas tree.

Snowman from plastic cups

You will need:

Plastic cups


Colored paper or pom-poms in black and red

Scarf or fabric for a snowman scarf

Super glue (if needed)

1. Start stacking the cups in a circle as shown in the image, securing them with a stapler. You will have a big circle.

* Do everything on a level surface.

2. Start making the second round by placing one cup on top of the other and staple everything together.

* Decide on the size of the future snowman and, based on this, choose the size of the circles and continue to put them one on top of the other until you get a hemisphere.

3. Turn the hemisphere over and make circles to get an almost full sphere - leave a small hole so the snowman can stand better and also so that you can put a small lamp inside.

4. As you know, the snowman is made of several balls, which means that you will need to make another smaller sphere - for the snowman's head.

5. With a stapler, connect the head to the body of the snowman.

6. Wrap a scarf around the junction of the two spheres.

7. To make the eyes and buttons of a snowman, you can insert sheets of black paper or pompoms crumpled into a ball into cups.

* In the center of the balls that play the role of eyes, you can glue small white circles - pupils.

* You can also just cut out a few circles from paper and glue them to the cups.

* For the nose, you can make a small cone out of orange or red paper.

If you wish, you can put a cap or a simple hat on the snowman.

Do-it-yourself snowman from threads

You will need:

PVA glue

Cotton threads

Colored paper or plastic (toy) eyes

Scotch tape (if necessary).

1. Inflate three balloons of different sizes - for the torso and head.

2. Prepare the thread and soak it with PVA glue. There are two ways to do this - pour glue into a container and put a thread in it, or thread a needle, pierce a tube of glue with a needle and stretch it until all the thread is saturated with it.

3. Start wrapping the balloons with thread. Try to make sure that there are no large empty spaces on the ball.

4. Leave all the balls in a warm place for the glue to dry. This may take a day.

5. When the glue has dried, the balls can be burst and carefully pulled out.

6. Now you need to glue the balls to each other. If there is no or not enough glue, the balls can be connected with a thread.

7. If you wish, you can make snowman handles. They are made in the same way as the body, only balls of even smaller size are used.

8. To make a snowman smile, just glue a thick thread.

Also glue plastic (toy) eyes or cut them out of paper.

For the nose, you can use a fake carrot or make a cone out of orange paper and glue it (or secure it with tape).

9. Add a scarf to the snowman.

If desired, you can cut out circles from colored paper and glue them as buttons.

* You can make a broom out of branches, and put a plastic bucket or a cap made of fabric or paper on your head.

Hello dear readers and guests of the blog. We continue to prepare for the New Year, and today we will analyze the question of how you can create your favorite winter character, the Snowman, with your own hands.

Of course, you will immediately say that the most popular way to make a snow hero is to sculpt it from snow. But it can be very cold outside, and besides, such work cannot be brought into the house, because it will melt.

Therefore, I want to offer you creativity exclusively at home. Let's try to sew, knit, glue snowmen from various improvised materials. And you can use ready-made crafts as a decoration for your home, or a festive table, as well as for your loved ones or participate in various exhibitions in kindergartens and schools.

And be sure to involve your kids in the process, because this is a very exciting and developing activity.

A super-issue has been prepared for you with detailed master classes on making funny Snowmen. So get ready, it's going to be hot! 😀

We will start our needlework from ordinary plastic cups. They are very suitable for creating a snow character. Especially if you take white cups as a basis.

Here is a very simple, and most importantly fast way to make. At the same time, such souvenirs are perfect in quality.

You will need:

  • Plastic cups;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper or cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Colored laces;
  • Wire.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a cup and turn it upside down. This will be the body-head of the future craft.

Or you can simply draw these elements with a felt-tip pen or mold them from plasticine.

3. Glue the parts onto the base. Using wire and colored laces, make a headphone handle. Glue it on. Additionally, decorate the product as you wish.

And drawing options.

Or the cup can only be used as a body, but the head can be cut out of thick paper.

And now the most popular way to make a winter character from a large number of cups. The work is not difficult and even the kids can handle it. But disposable cups need to be prepared more.

You will need:

  • Plastic cups;
  • stapler;
  • Hot glue;
  • Thin fabric for a scarf or scarf;
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Fasten the cups to each other with a stapler in the form of a circle with the bottoms inward. Choose the diameter at your discretion, depending on what size crafts you need.

2. Add cups to the resulting circle next next, fastening everything with a stapler. Continue this work, while the first round sphere should be with a hole so that the souvenir stands steadily.

3. As a result, you should get a large ball with a hole at the bottom. Make another ball using the same technology, but of a smaller diameter than the previous one.

4. Glue both balls.

5. Tie a scarf or a wide ribbon around your neck, you can also sew a scarf yourself from fabric.

6. Now make a hat out of colored paper or cardboard, following the photo instructions. Cut out eyes, buttons and twist a carrot cone out of orange cardboard.

7. Glue the prepared parts.

8. Your work is ready. And put a garland inside, then the snowman will also glow.

Thanks to this technology, you can make funny and mischievous characters. Turn on your imagination and create!

I hope you enjoy this kind of creativity and inspire you to create new crafts.

How to make a snowman with your own hands from a sock

Next in line is the manufacture of souvenirs from ordinary socks. You can also take terry ones, it all depends on your imagination. In general, I really like these products. They are soft, gentle and attract attention.

This year my daughter and I will make a Snowman from a sock. It will perfectly complement our composition on the window.

You will need:

  • Sock;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Rice for filling;
  • Buttons;
  • piece of cloth;
  • Needles with a bead at the end.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a clean sock and cut it into two pieces.

2. Take the top of the sock.

3. And fix its bottom with a thread.

4. Hide the resulting knot inside.

5. Now fill the workpiece with rice, or synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

6. Form the body and head with your hands.

7. Fix the base of the head with a thread. Tie the top too.

8. Sew a scarf from a piece of fabric and tie it around your neck. Form a hat from the rest of the sock, just fold the edges.

9. Insert black eyes, orange nose and sew on buttons. Put on a hat. Voila, the souvenir is ready!

As a matter of fact, everything here is simple and clear. The only thing is that you can make the body from three balls, and not from two.

And here are the finished products for your sock needlework. 😀

Craft "Snowman" from papier-mâché. Step by step instructions for beginners

Remember, in childhood, papier-mâché technology was a fashionable technique for the manufacture of various products ?! She is still in trend. After all, the most elementary materials are needed for execution, and the whole process will not take much time.

Well, the souvenirs are amazing, you can’t even immediately determine what they are made of. Just a miracle! For the New Year, papier-mache-style crafts are just right!

If you are ready, then let's get started as soon as possible.

You will need:

  • Toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Paints;
  • Cardboard;
  • A flap of fabric;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Prepare all materials. Cut out the legs from the cardboard.

2. Tear the toilet paper into pieces.

3. Add glue, stir the contents.

4. From the resulting mass, mold three balls of different diameters. Glue the first ball to the cardboard base, the second to the first, the third to the second.

5. Now pinch off pieces of cotton wool and grease them with glue. Glue the workpiece in pieces.

Additionally, cotton wool can be smeared with glue already on the product to smooth out all the bumps.

6. Dry the workpiece. In the meantime, cut out handles and a spout from paper or cardboard. The spout, by the way, can also be made using the papier-mâché technique.

7. Once the product is dry, it can be painted with white paint. Or don't do it. If you choose painting, then first paint and dry the souvenir again. And only then draw the eyes, mouth, eyebrows, smile and buttons. Glue the handles and tie a piece of fabric (this is a scarf). If you choose the second option, then do absolutely everything except painting.

The craft turned out to be very bright, and the snowman looks like a living one.

You can also make souvenirs in the following images.

Knitted snowmen crochet and knitting patterns

And now, lovers of knitwear, sit closer to your monitor screens. Especially for you, ideas for crocheting and knitting amigo toys are put together). Save the diagrams and description, well, get to work. You will also have time to knit a couple of soft souvenirs.

Such a huge selection of knitted products, as many eyes run wide!

Master class on making a volumetric paper snowman

Now we will create from a material accessible to all - from paper. I’ll make a reservation right away that there are a lot of paper crafts in the form of a Snowman, so we won’t be able to make out everything. This should be written in a separate article. Therefore, here and now we will consider the most popular manufacturing methods.

First, I propose to make a winter character from ordinary crumpled paper. Kids will love this activity very much. It's so easy to crumple paper).

You will need:

  • White paper (A4 format) - 1 whole sheet and 1 cut in half;
  • White paper (A3 format) - 3 pcs.;
  • Orange paper in the shape of a square - 8 by 8 cm;
  • Red paper in the shape of a rectangle - 4 by 15 cm;
  • Blue paper in the form of a strip - 1 by 18 cm;
  • PVA glue;
  • Markers.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a whole white sheet of paper and crumple it into a ball.

2. Now unfold it and smooth it out with your hand. After this procedure, wrinkle the paper again. Repeat the smoothing and wrinkling steps until the paper is completely soft. Do the same with sheets of A3 paper.

Such lumps can be made from several crumpled leaves. Just wrap each lump with another sheet.

4. Crumple the orange paper too and form a cone. This is a carrot nose.

5. Now glue the resulting parts together.

7. Stick it on the head. Make a scarf from a blue strip, fix it around your neck.

8. Draw eyes, mouth, hair and buttons for the winter hero.

Now the technology is more complicated, namely quilling. Although there is nothing complicated here, just train your hands a little and everything will work out.

You will need:

  • Quilling paper (different colors);
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut sheets of white paper into strips 5 mm wide. Next, twist them into two large spirals. This will be the head and torso.

2. Glue them together.

3. Now cut strips for the hat from different colors. Twist them and lay them in the form of a pyramid. Glue the details. On top, you can arrange a pom-pom.

But from corrugated paper, you can make an option in the likeness of the first master class with crumpled paper. And take and hide a gift in the product. Cool idea!

And here is a diagram for its manufacture.

Of course, do not forget that snow heroes can decorate not only the interior, but also. Therefore, make different applications from colored paper.

Or pendants from ordinary wide stripes look very good. And there is nothing complicated here. I cut out wide strips of different sizes, glued them together and decorated them. Here is the finished souvenir.

You can also use only one wide strip, and take small chocolates as a basis. It turns out a sweet gift.

Or think about products from ordinary circles when you bend them and glue them together. Thanks to this technology, you can make a Christmas tree toy.

You can take ready-made stencils and add cool little men out of them. Or use the origami technique.

By the way, it’s great if you take not ordinary paper for making crafts, but for scrapbooking. Look, the work is very bright.

An ordinary "accordion" made of paper is also suitable for creating such characters.

Or such striped Snowmen.

And this is the technology for making paper strip balls.

But for teamwork, use your palms. From them we can glue our character.

And of course, a snow hero can simply be cut out of paper and decorated with window glass. That is, do it. Here are some stencils for you. Save, print and cut!

You can also search for finished products yourself. Everything that concerns paper, everything is done not difficult and understandable.

Snowmen for the New Year from cotton wool and cotton pads

You will need:

  • Cotton wool;
  • Soap;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush for drawing;
  • Orange paint;
  • Black beads;
  • sequins;
  • Toothpick;
  • Thin branches.

Manufacturing process:

1. Tear off small pieces of cotton.

3. In a container, dilute the PVA glue in a small amount of water and add sparkles. Apply this mixture to dried cotton balls.

4. Now wind a small piece of cotton wool around the tip of the toothpick. Paint the blank with orange paint with the addition of PVA glue. Dry the part and remove from the toothpick.

5. Take a clean toothpick and grease it with glue. Place two cotton balls on it, starting with the largest.

6. Glue bead eyes, button beads, orange nose. Insert the branches in place of the handles.

7. Make an additional hat out of paper, and a scarf out of fabric.

Or choose the simple option. Make lumps of cotton wool and glue them together.

Here are some beauties!

And now a step-by-step description of crafts from cotton pads. Look what beauty I found.

You will need:

  • Cotton pads;
  • Glue;
  • Eyes;
  • Small bump;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Knitted hat and scarf;
  • Paper;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Toothpicks;
  • A can of paint.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut cotton pads in a spiral, and then twist.

2. Make a lot of these blanks.

3. Make a large lump out of paper, fix it with tape. And then glue it with blanks from cotton pads. Then make a smaller lump and glue it with cotton elements too.

5. For the legs, you also need twisted cotton pads, but stick them on two intact disks.

6. Glue all the pieces together. Cut out ski parts from the bottle.

7. Glue the ski parts and paint with spray paint. Dry them.

8. Put on a hat and tie a scarf. Glue the eyes, nose bump and fix the snow hero on the skis.

From cotton pads and felt, you can simply sew your favorite character.

Or, like from cotton wool, roll up and sew balls, and then glue them together.

Interesting and next idea. When cotton pads need to be glued on an ice cream stick. It turns out a great decoration for the New Year's table.

Naturally, do not forget about the application. Make postcards or pictures.

Making a snowman out of thread, balloon and glue

And beloved by many creativity from threads and glue. Snow characters made from such materials are airy and very beautiful.

Let me briefly remind you of the manufacturing process. First, inflate the balloon in the shape you want. Then wrap it with threads that pass through the glue. Dry the workpiece. Gently pop and pull out the balloon. The base is ready. Then fantasize and do anything and anyone!

And I picked up a video plot for such creativity. We look.

DIY snowman made of cardboard and napkins

I also have an interesting master class on creating a snowman from ordinary napkins and cardboard for you. The product deserves your attention, definitely. So read carefully.

Let me remind you that I did not personally make all the work myself, everything was taken from the Internet.

You will need:

  • Napkins;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Sintepon.

Manufacturing process:

1. Make balls of different diameters from cardboard. Glue them with napkins and connect them to each other.

2. To make arms and legs, crumple napkins and wrap them with thread, give them the desired shape. Glue to balls.

3. Using a synthetic winterizer, make our balls with arms and legs fluffy. Just glue them on our snowman.

Of course, here you can still consider crafts from napkin "roses". It also looks very impressive.

Or take beautiful round-shaped paper napkins and simply glue them, complement them with any decorations.

Video story on how to make a snowman from a bottle

We approached the issue of making souvenirs from plastic bottles.

I propose to make a funny snowman with your child according to the following plot. Or use the creative ideas below.

Here, pieces of cotton wool and a transparent bottle come to life and turn into funny characters.

Or take sweets instead of cotton. Then you can drink tea with refreshments.

Or sew a bottle suit to match the theme of the craft.

The bottles can also be painted.

Or use large containers as flashlights. Just put it inside.

And here is a street decoration from a large number of bottles. Looks original and effective.

Big pom-pom snowman for the New Year 2019

Another way to make snowmen is pompom needlework. Real soft toys are obtained. If you are interested in such a creative direction, then take into account the following instructions.

You will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Yarn;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Scarf, hat;
  • Eyes, nose.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out two pairs of identical rings in four sizes from cardboard. Break the rings into pairs and wrap the pairs with white yarn. At the end, pull the thread through the middle, and cut the yarn along the outer edge. Spread the rings a little, wrap the middle with a thread and tie in a knot. Next, carefully remove the rings and shake the pom-pom.

1 size - outer diameter 130 mm, inner - 40 mm; 2 size - 100 and 30 mm; 3 size - 55 and 17 mm; 4 size - 36 and 17 mm.

2. Make the body and head out of pompoms, using a pair of rings of the largest and two medium sizes. The pom poms should be ball shaped. Make hands from rings of the smallest size.

And more samples of finished work.

At the same time, the sizes of such toys can be any: from small to large.

Snowmen from felt with patterns

I can’t get past and sewn crafts. Let me remind you that most often they take felt for sewing. You can take absolutely any fabric.

Therefore, first select a product, print out patterns and start sewing. As a filler, you can use a synthetic winterizer or ordinary cotton wool, and even cereals.

How to make a street snowman out of tires

And I want to briefly go over the street decoration in the form of my favorite New Year's characters. I recommend using unnecessary tires as a material.

They make cool, and most importantly, great crafts. In this case, all that is required of you is the painting of tires. And of course adding the necessary attributes.

Now I will show you the finished work on creating snowmen from tires. And you decide for yourself whether you will make such products or not.

I believe that such crafts will decorate any yard and cheer you up even on the coldest and snowless day.

DIY snowmen from improvised materials to kindergarten and school

In conclusion, I prepared for you a whole photo gallery with ready-made snowmen from different materials for children's creativity. I will not describe in detail what and how, I think from the pictures and so everything is clear. Of course, if you have any questions, ask, I will answer everyone!

And if this year you have a competition of works in educational institutions, then be sure to participate. And a nice little snowman can just act as a product.

It's time to take stock. In today's issue, we have successfully covered a lot of different and interesting ways to make snowmen from improvised materials. And if you still didn’t know how to make a snow character or from what, then now, I think, you have no questions left, but ideas have only increased. So rather choose from the proposed options and create, otherwise the New Year is just around the corner!

All excellent mood! Bye Bye.

The New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig is approaching, and each of us is preparing for this wonderful holiday. Someone plans to celebrate the holiday at home, with family, and someone, on the contrary, in a noisy company of friends, on the street. In both cases, I would like to decorate the New Year's meeting place beautifully. Usually, the New Year's decoration of the dwelling consists of a Christmas tree, all kinds of garlands and beautiful festive compositions from Christmas tree branches and tinsel. On the street, traditionally, a snowman is made from snow and decorated with various funny accessories. But what if you want to have such a funny snowman in your apartment, or it so happened that there is little or no snow on the street? For such cases, we offer some great ideas on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from improvised materials.

Snowman from plastic cups

In order to make such a rather unusual snowman, you should not work for a long time, because creating such a miracle is as easy as shelling pears!

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic cups - 300 pcs.;
  • PVA glue or stapler;
  • plasticine.

Working process:

  1. 30 glasses should be laid out in a circle and fastened together with a stapler or glue. The first row is ready. According to the same principle, we make the second and all subsequent rows. For each next row, fewer and fewer glasses will be required, since they are conical in shape. Thus, the first lump should turn out.
  2. The next lump should be more round and smaller. We take 22 plastic cups and form the second ball in the same way as the first. After that, turn it over and lay out the missing rows. If desired, you can make a third lump, however, in this case, it may be too unstable.
  3. Connect both lumps and make sure that everything turned out correctly and evenly.
  4. Let's start decorating. Make eyes out of black plasticine, and a nose out of orange. Put on a hat or cap. You can also use a scarf, ribbons, fabric and other elements for decoration.
  5. You can put a New Year's garland under the snowman, in which case it will also glow. The main thing: show your imagination! Such decoration can be installed in the house or on the street.

Master class on making a snowman from plastic cups

Snowman from threads

One of the easiest options on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands is with the help of ordinary threads. It looks original and is done, surprisingly, quickly and simply.

  • skein of white thread,
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloons - 5 pcs.,
  • cotton wool,
  • Needle.

Working process:

  1. First of all, you need to inflate the balloons, they will be the body. 3 - different sizes and 2 - the same (for hands).
  2. Use a needle and thread to pierce a jar of PVA glue. The thread must be saturated with glue. We remove the needle, and wrap the inflated balls with a thread, previously smeared with a small amount of vegetable oil (so that the thread does not stick to the ball). Try to wrap the balls as carefully as possible so that there are no gaps at all. Once all balloons are wrapped, place them in a warm place to dry completely (at least 24 hours).
  3. After that, pierce each ball with a needle and remove its remains by the tail.
  4. We sew all the parts with white threads. For maximum effect, you can coat the stitching points with glue. Leave it until completely dry.
  5. Eyes can be made from buttons or beads, nose and mouth - from colored paper. Put on a hat and scarf. Our snowman is ready for the New Year!

Master class on making a snowman from threads

beer cap snowman

A snowman made from beer caps for its manufacture does not require great creative skills. Even a child can easily build such a New Year's craft with his own hands. And since a snowman from ancient times is considered a good helper in the fulfillment of cherished desires, such a craft will not only serve as an element of decor for you, but also attract good luck and luck to your home.

To make you will need:

  • bottle caps;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, orange, red;
  • brushes;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue;
  • Buttons;
  • Scissors;
  • Glitter (optional).

Working process:

  1. Take three caps from the bottle and paint them white, and then glue them with hot glue.
  2. Glue a red ribbon on the back of the future snowman, making a loop at the top.
  3. Using a thin brush, paint the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons on the snowman.
  4. We tie a thin ribbon that will serve us as a scarf between the first and second covers. To make it more beautiful, you should glue a button or other decorative element that you like.

Our cheerful snowman is ready for the New Year!

Christmas craft "Chocolate - snowman"

New Year holidays in every family, of course, are not complete without sweets. But, given the fact that the New Year is a time of magic and the fulfillment of all cherished desires, you should definitely turn an ordinary chocolate bar into a rather cute snowman, thereby intriguing your children with beautiful hand-made packaging.

You will need:

  • white or blue paper;
  • Scissors,
  • black marker,
  • PVA glue,
  • Orange corrugated paper;
  • Scarf and hat (can be made from a sock or from corrugated paper);
  • Spruce branch with beads or other decorative elements.

Working process:

  1. We take a clean sheet of paper and wrap a chocolate bar in it, and so that it does not unfold, we glue it with PVA glue.
  2. On the finished snow-white tile, draw the eyes of a snowman with a black felt-tip pen, and form a nose from a small rectangular piece of orange corrugated paper, wrapping it tightly in a cone and gluing it with glue.
  3. We draw a smile with a black or red felt-tip pen, and create a blush on the cheeks with a red pencil, with which we make shading on a small piece of white paper, and then lightly rub the cheeks with it.
  4. From the sock we make a hat and a scarf: cut it in half and sew one part, where the heel remains, with a needle and thread. From the top of the cap, pulling it with a thread, we create a bubo. To make the hat seem mischievous, sit slightly obliquely, we tighten one side of it with a thread.
  5. We cut the scarf in a semicircle from the second half of the remaining sock and tie it around the neck of the snowman. So that the ends of the scarf do not stick out in different directions, we fix them to the tile itself with double-sided tape. We decorate the scarf with spruce twigs and beads or something to your taste. Ready!

Master - class for making chocolate - a snowman

Candy snowman

You can creatively enough make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with the help of sweets, it will fit perfectly on your holiday table or near the Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Sweets "Raffaello";
  • Styrofoam balls (one small, and the second - a little more) - 2 pcs;
  • White paper;
  • Glue is hot;
  • Toothpicks - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Scissors;
  • Foil;
  • Chenille wire (fluffy, flexible);
  • Silver cardboard;
  • Rain.

Working process:

  1. We take two foam balls and glue them with white paper.
  2. We connect the finished glued balls together, put them on top of each other (a small ball on a large one), put them on toothpicks, and fix them with hot glue.
  3. We make mittens: cut out mittens from foil and insert a small candy into them and glue it inside with hot glue.
  4. With the help of chenille wire, wrap both mittens around the edges, making them fluffy and twist it at the base of the mittens.
  5. We glue the resulting snowman with sweets: we glue the bottom ball in three rows, at a short distance, and on the top - three candies.
  6. We wrap the entire snowman with rain, securing it with hot glue. We put a cap made of silver cardboard on our head and put it on glue as well.
  7. On the face we glue eyes taken from an old soft toy, a nose from gold foil, a mouth from red rain or other material.
  8. We glue the mittens, and then the legs, made using silver cardboard in an oval shape. Well, that's it!

Cotton snowman

Such a craft will certainly interest the guests of your house, and for sure, none of them will immediately guess what this beautiful snowman is made of.

We will need:

  • A bottle of deodorant
  • PVA glue,
  • cotton wool,
  • buttons,
  • beads,
  • Ribbon,
  • Crepe paper.

Working process

  1. Carefully paste over the bottle with cotton wool using PVA glue and put it in a warm place to dry. Attach a scarf (ribbon) with glue.
  2. Sew a few small buttons on the body. From beads make eyes, from crepe paper - mouth, eyebrows and nose. It will be very fluffy and soft.

Master class on making a snowman from cotton wool

balloon snowman

This is probably the simplest New Year's craft, which even a schoolboy can do with his own hands.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.
  • modeling ball - 1 pc.,
  • white balloons - 2 pcs.

Working process:

  1. We inflate white balloons of different sizes and tie them together using threads or ponytails.
  2. We inflate the balloon for modeling and fix it in the form of a scarf where the white balloons are connected. Draw the eyes with a black marker, a nose with an orange marker, and a mouth with a red marker.

Master class on making a snowman from balls

sock snowman

It will take quite a bit of time and effort to make such a snowman for the New Year.


  • white socks,
  • Two buttons
  • Scissors,
  • Rubber.

Working process:

  1. Cut off the elastic from the sock.
  2. From the wrong side, secure it with an elastic band and turn it inside out.
  3. Now fill the sock with rice and cotton.
  4. Give the snowman shape using an elastic band: secure it in the middle.
  5. Make eyes out of buttons, put on a hat and scarf. It will be a great souvenir or Christmas tree decoration.

Master class on making a snowman from a sock

fabric snowman

From fabric, you can make with your own hands not only a unique snowman, but also an excellent soft toy for your child.

We will need:

  • white cloth,
  • threads,
  • Needle,
  • buttons,
  • Sintepon,
  • Ribbon,
  • beads,
  • Cardboard.

Working process:

  1. Sew a small bag out of white fabric, then fill it with padding polyester.
  2. With thread, tie it tightly in two places to form the head and torso. Sew a ribbon on the ends of which fasten the beads.
  3. Make a nose out of red cardboard, and eyes out of buttons. You can tie a checkered scarf around your neck.

Master class on making a snowman from fabric

Light bulb snowman

Did you know that an original Christmas decoration can be made from an old light bulb? It's very easy and simple!