Makeup base is the secret of perfect skin. Choosing a makeup base - an overview of the best on the market

Foundation for foundation is a basic product for smoothing skin relief. With skillful use, it emphasizes the individual features of the face, increases the stability of the make-up, and eliminates oily sheen. The foundation is recommended for all skin types, but each product has its own characteristics.

In our country, the technique for the correct application of makeup is at the stage of implementation. About 10 years ago, foundation for makeup was called foundation. When a new product appeared in the world of cosmetics - a base, women wondered why it was necessary, what functions it performed. Many people still deliberately ignore the fashionable base, using a nourishing cream or moisturizer as a base.

Healthy, even skin is the key to perfect, beautiful makeup. But it is difficult to find a girl with a perfect epidermis. Red spots, traces of acne, irregularities, depressions, small pimples, age spots and other minor imperfections force you to apply foundation in several layers to achieve the desired result. As a result, the face looks unnatural, the layer of cream is visible to the naked eye, and the skin simply suffocates under a cosmetic mask.

A make-up base easily tackles problems such as:

  1. Irregularities of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  2. Uneven tone;
  3. Enlarged pores;
  4. Strengthened pigmentation spots;
  5. Greasy shine.

The base base for the foundation prepares the face for make-up, protects against aggressive components, moisturizes, eliminates flaking. Creates the perfect texture for long-lasting makeup.

Varieties of the base

The tool is available in several variations. When choosing, one should start from problems, defects of one's own skin.

Features of the color base:

  • Green. Masks red color - burst capillaries, inflamed acne, spots, insect bites, allergic rashes.
  • Pink. Needed for pale skin. Adds freshness, health.
  • Purple. Eliminates yellowness. Masks age spots, freckles. Recommended for women who smoke.
  • Yellow. Masks all blue defects. Circles under the eyes, bruises, scratches.
  • White. Refreshes the face, adds health and youth.

Any base masks small wrinkles, visually tightens the contour of the face. Any defects can be masked with a professional base. It can be liquid, cream, gel, dry.

How to choose a foundation for foundation

To choose an effective cosmetic product for the skin, you need to determine the type. This is the first rule of good choice. The rest are based on the problems that need to be eliminated, the desired result.

  1. To make the makeup look as natural as possible, without feeling the effect of a mask, it is necessary to use a base and foundation of the same brand.
  2. For dry, dehydrated skin, a creamy base is more suitable. It will create a protective barrier and prevent flaking. The foundation will not collect in separate, clearly visible particles.
  3. Do not use the matting foundation on dry skin. This product is intended only for oily, combined type.
  4. The composition plays an important role. It is necessary to give preference to products with a light texture, even if the base is creamy. Otherwise, the use of a low-quality, unsuitable product will cause clogging of pores, inflammation of acne, and other undesirable effects.
  5. A special foundation with a lightweight texture is applied to the skin around the eyes.
  6. Age recommendations are indicated on each product, you should pay attention to this.

Consistency Tips:

The health of the skin, durability, and naturalness of the make-up depend on the correct choice of the base base.

Foundation for dry skin

Preference should be given to a creamy base. The color is selected based on individual characteristics. Recommended:

  1. Moisturizing;
  2. Silicone;
  3. Transparent;
  4. Tonal;
  5. Colored;
  6. Smoothing for aging dry skin.

For daily use, transparent, moisturizing, tonal, colored is more suitable. The silicone shimmery should be used on special occasions. Their constituent components can clog pores and cause inflammation.

Foundation for oily skin

The matting base is ideal. You can use it at any time of the year. However, it is worth taking a break. The consistency of the base is such that its particles penetrate deeply into the pores and are difficult to clean even with the most effective means. The color base should be dense in texture, as oily skin is often problematic. There is a need to mask acne, redness. It is not recommended to use a shine foundation if it does not have a mattifying effect. Combined with oily sheen, faces
o will look very ineffective.

Foundation for combination skin

A mattifying cosmetic is suitable. All recommendations regarding the oily type of the epidermis refer to the combined one. In the presence of dry areas on the skin, you will have to combine several products with a moisturizing, matting effect.

The basis for problem skin

Preference should be given to funds with a dense structure, with a tonal effect. To eliminate various defects, use a multi-colored base. It is not recommended to use silicone, shining. In general, for problem skin, it is recommended to use a minimum of cosmetics, not to mask, but to treat problems.

Homemade base at home

For women, girls who are distrustful of cosmetics, you can prepare a tonal foundation yourself. For perfect make-up, moisturizing, eliminating oily sheen, evening tone. More suitable for oily, combination skin.

Prepare 2 bases separately, then mix.

To stir thoroughly. After cooling, add a vitamin E capsule. You can store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. According to the reviews of women, it increases the makeup durability The face does not float even at the end of the day.

A foundation for foundation is as important a cosmetic product as other cosmetics. Without it, it is impossible to make perfect makeup, no matter what expensive products are used.

Currently, stars are watching us from the covers of glossy magazines and frames from movies. with perfect makeup.

There are many videos and tutorials with makeup tutorials available now.

But, unfortunately, not many write about the products used, and only a few magazines provide makeup samples... What to do when choosing cosmetics?

We decided to help you and compiled a rating of the best makeup bases... Why this particular product? The whole image depends on the quality of the makeup base, because if it is of poor quality, you can get into an awkward situation. Let's get down to choosing the best product.

You can learn about what a face highlighter is and how to use it from ours.

Types of funds

Now, numerous cosmetic companies offer us various types of bases that perform certain functions.

How to choose a makeup base? Before proceeding with the choice, you must know the purpose of each of them.

Therefore, consider the types of makeup bases:

The bases are also divided at the place of application: for lips, eyes, eyelashes, etc.

How to choose a bronzer for your face? find out right now.

What's the best makeup base?

Top most popular

Given the fact that many cosmetic brands offer various bases that can solve many problems, when choosing, you need to refer to the opinions of those who has already used with these products.

Therefore, we analyzed many reviews and compiled our own rating of the best makeup bases:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Budget stamps

Often, budget options are able to outperform expensive products in terms of properties.

The most budgetary options are the bases presented in the mass market. Which is the best inexpensive? Let's take a look at some of them:

Which one to choose for yourself?

How to choose a makeup base? Before you start buying, you should think and answer some questions:

  • what effect is required? If you need to hide redness or age spots after acne, then choose one that contains a green pigment in the composition, which neutralizes the red color. A yellow base can also mask bruises. Therefore, choose a base shade depending on the problem;
  • If you want to do evening make-up, give preference to light structures. If this is a studio shooting, then you can use dense bases that will look good only under the aim of cameras.

  • if you are an elderly lady or a bride, then get base with shining particles... They rejuvenate the skin beautifully and give a beautiful glow.

There are a lot of criteria, the main thing is to choose a base depending on the situation.

What to focus on when buying?

When shopping, read product reviews.

Exactly real customer reviews will allow you to make the right choice.

Also give preference to those products that are represented by brands that have been on the market for several years and have only positive reviews.

If you are health conscious, take a look at the composition of the product. The best are those that contain natural ingredients.

Any girl strives to be beautiful and perfect in any situation. In order to create the perfect makeup that will last for several hours, girls use a base.

Now on the market they are presented in different types and in different price categories. Want to have beautiful makeup? Go to the store for a makeup base.

You will find specialists in taking Polisorb for acne on our website.

About, how to choose a base for makeup, you can find out from the video:

The make-up base is multifunctional, it allows you to avoid blemishes when shading eyeshadows, blush or bronzer, facilitates the process of applying cosmetics, and also significantly improves the overall look of the make-up.

There are several types of bases:

  • A liquid sheer base provides light coverage for a matte, even complexion. Designed for the fair sex with minor skin imperfections.
  • The gel base is a salvation for oily and porous skin, as it does not allow powder and foundations to accumulate in enlarged pores.
  • The creamy product is characterized by the presence of a large amount of pigments and powder. This base allows you to hide age spots, rosacea, bruises under the eyes, etc.
  • The shimmery emulsion makes the skin look more radiant and refreshed thanks to the content of pearlescent and shimmery particles.
  • A solid base provides a solid coverage and helps to mask blemishes and scars.

Matting base

Mattifying base is designed to give the skin a well-groomed look. This product is not so easy to select, since when choosing it, the color type of the face, the desired effect, the presence of skin imperfections and other nuances are taken into account.

There are several options for matting foundations, among them:

  1. Liquid base. This product is sold in many cosmetic stores and is suitable for all women and girls with healthy skin. The base adheres well to the face during the day, is easy to apply and may contain moisturizing ingredients or those aimed at absorbing excess skin fat.
  2. Compact base. Helps to mask fine wrinkles, spider veins, freckles and other minor skin imperfections. Some manufacturers produce such a makeup base in the form of a correcting pencil. The compact base is suitable for dry to normal skin and has good durability.
  3. Foundation... It is considered a universal remedy, as it combines the properties of decorative cosmetics and cream. It is especially suitable for dry skin, because it contains natural oils that are able to care for the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. The foundation, being a base for makeup, allows you to hide skin imperfections as much as possible.

Silicone makeup base

The silicone base is multifunctional, it can be used as a stand-alone makeup product, and as an additive to foundation. In the second version, the foundation will be easier to apply to the skin. Silicones also look good on the lips.

If you see a small tube of silicone makeup base for a relatively large amount of money, don't be intimidated by the price, in fact, it will last for a long time. Even a small pea of \u200b\u200belastic structure is able to stretch evenly over the face, hiding irregularities.

Cyclomethicone and dimethicone are often added to silicone bases. The first component gives a smooth surface and also creates a light shine effect from the inside. The second ingredient prevents moisture loss. To achieve the desired skin smoothing effect, you can apply one layer on top of another.

Moisturizing base

The main task of any makeup base is to visually smooth out wrinkles, make pores less visible, and make the skin surface smoother and more even. There is also a moisturizing base that actively fights against dryness and flaking of the skin, protects the face from the negative effects of the environment. Such a remedy is often made with the addition of vitamins A and E, mineral salts, green tea extract, and silk.

Although a moisturizer base contains many ingredients that are aimed at softening the stratum corneum, it cannot completely replace the use of a regular daytime moisturizer. It is also worth noting that the make-up base will still not fit beautifully on unkempt skin, therefore exfoliation, cleansing, toning are mandatory stages of facial care.

The best makeup base

A good make-up base makes the face look more well-groomed, and the make-up is more durable. Among the large abundance of funds presented in stores, the following products can be distinguished:
  1. Base with reflective particles NEGLIGE - the base of a gel-like texture of a wide range of colors, visually hiding skin irregularities, mimic wrinkles, as well as redness, giving the skin a natural tone with an unobtrusive highlighting effect. The base can be used as a stand-alone product or using a foundation. Volume - 20 ml, price - 524 rubles.
  2. GIVENCHY Actimine - a make-up base that gives the skin a smooth, radiant and even surface. The tool is presented in several color palettes. If it is necessary to hide the redness, the shade of the Kiwi product is suitable, the yellowness - Plum. The Peach product has a neutral shade, Milk will help to whiten the skin a little, Strawberry will give the skin a slight glow, and for tanned skin, a base with a Mango shade is intended. Volume - 30 ml, price - 1656 rubles.
  3. GIVENCHY MISTER MAT - a mattifying make-up base containing minerals, vitamins and herbal extracts. The product gives the face a light glow, as well as evens skin tone and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Volume - 25 ml, cost - 1626 rubles.
  4. ARTDECO Skin Perfecting Make-up Base - a smoothing makeup base that gives the skin a smooth surface, tightens pores, improves skin color, visually reducing expression lines. The product contains vitamin E and a complex of minerals. Volume - 15 ml, cost - 580 rubles.
  5. Maybelline New York Baby Skin Makeup Base - a creamy base that conceals pores. The base can be used both as a stand-alone product and under make-up. Volume - 22 ml, price - 455 rubles.

How to choose the right base

In order to choose a base and not make a mistake in choosing, the purchased product must correspond to the type of skin, complexion, and also lie evenly on the skin. For dry skin, a creamy structure enriched with various vegetable oils and vitamins is suitable, which is very beneficial for the skin. As for the foundations with a matting effect, they will be more needed by representatives of an oily face.

If your skin looks healthy to you, you can purchase a base of liquid texture, special gels or mousses, which will slightly refresh your face, while still looking quite natural on the skin.

There is an eye makeup base that targets the absorption of oil produced by the skin. With such a tool, the shadows will not roll, thereby preserving the overall look of the makeup. Some foundations are capable of masking dark circles under the eyes.

Do not rush to buy a base if you are in doubt whether it is right for you. The best option is to apply a sample of the product available at a cosmetic store to your face and check how well the product looks on your skin throughout the day. Give the base time to react to the sebum. Her tone should match the tone of your face.

The corrective base allows you to mask red pimples, pronounced rosacea, allergies in the form of red spots, freckles, age spots, bruises and other skin defects. The main thing is to correctly choose not only a high-quality cosmetic product, but also its shade. Purple makeup base helps to cope with yellowness, green helps to hide redness of the skin, yellow masks areas with a bluish tint, as for the peach base, it is perfect for representatives of dark skin. For pale-faced women, you can opt for a pink shade to give your skin a blush. Those who overdone self-tanning should consider buying a blue base. There is also a lightening version of the product, in which the skin can be compared to porcelain, and reflective.

Using a make-up base

Having a good foundation doesn't mean your makeup will look flawless. It is necessary to learn how to properly apply the base for decorative cosmetics, only then it will be possible to talk about any changes for the better. Not only that, the overall look of your makeup depends a lot on your skills, tastes and how regularly you take care of your skin.

Base makeup rules

A visually smoothing skin surface can be applied in two ways. Some representatives of the fair sex mix the base with foundation in equal parts, thereby avoiding the mask effect, in which a line is visible between the face covered with foundation and the neck. But most often the base is used as an independent tool.

Before applying the make-up mat, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizing day cream. Start taking the base only 20 minutes after applying the cream. It is not necessary to take too much base to achieve the set tasks, one or two "peas" are enough. A large amount of product applied can make your makeup look messy, clog pores, and cause acne and blackheads.

The base is applied with a special brush or fingertips, which saves money. Distribute the cosmetic product evenly and wait literally 10 minutes for the emulsion to adhere well to the skin, otherwise the makeup will "float". Keep in mind that products of different composition and consistency can have adverse effects when mixed. With enlarged pores, the base is not rubbed in, but applied with light patting movements. Decided to use a sponge as a base application tool? Then it is better to give preference to a silicone rubber sponge. Do not forget to moisten the sponge a little before using the base, otherwise a lot of the product will be absorbed into it.

If you have any kind of inflammation in the form of red spots, use a green corrector and wait until it dries. After applying the base, you can proceed to applying foundation, powder, blush or other decorative cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use foundations every day, as such products can clog pores. And even if the base contains vitamin complexes, it does not replace facial care.

What are the functions of the make-up base?

The make-up base fills in the unevenness of the skin, visually smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin more well-groomed and silky. The foundation corrects the complexion by masking inflammation, pimples, spider veins, acne, freckles, age spots, bruises and other imperfections. Makeup bases can refresh and illuminate the face, especially if they contain shiny pearlescent particles in their composition.

The base for decorative cosmetics is suitable for women and girls who want their skin to look smoother in structure, as well as fresh and healthy. Such a tool perfectly hides enlarged pores.

Video tips on how to choose and apply a foundation:

Every girl strives to look beautiful and well-groomed. During pregnancy, women think about these questions, perhaps even more often than usual, because hormonal changes that accompany the body during this period can provoke problems such as dry or oily skin, changes in the structure, the appearance of rashes or age spots. And quite rightly during pregnancy, many fear the excessive use of cosmetics, as well as its negative effects on the skin.

why a makeup base can become an important part of a daily look, because it can not only even out the complexion and improve the structure of the skin, but also protect it from adverse environmental influences. Do not be afraid to use such funds, because in the modern world they are becoming better quality, more natural and safer.

An important factor is also a special desire of women to capture this wonderful period of life in a photo session, in this case, the makeup should be perfect. A make-up base will help to achieve the effect of flawless skin. Of course, pregnant women should pay special attention to the composition of cosmetics and check their skin for allergies. In case of irritation, you can always use a hypoallergenic makeup base.

It is the base that is the ideal makeup tool for expectant mothers, because it will allow you not to overload the face with a large amount of cosmetics - tonal means, correctors, powder and various modeling agents, because it solves many problems with just one layer.

Basic makeup products

What is a makeup base? This is a cosmetic product that visually gives the skin a smooth, matte effect, evens out the skin, fills in irregularities, eliminates, and in some cases can also correct the complexion. Foundations applied over a thin layer of base spread more evenly and last much longer.

There are various names for such funds: base, base, primer, concealer. They can differ in composition, density, pigment concentration, pigment color, degree of sun protection, as well as the problems they solve and the area of \u200b\u200bapplication. Some foundations contain reflective particles for an additional leveling effect. There are even foundations with particles of gold and pearls.

Each skin type has its own base for Mayikzh

It is necessary to decide which base should be chosen for yourself, based on the characteristics of the skin, because each base has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when making a choice.

If the foundation has a tinted effect, then it should match in color with your natural skin tone. It is necessary to pick it up in daylight, applying the product to the neck, and letting it dry a little.

It is also worth choosing a basis based on the situation: during a photo shoot, preference should be given to more persistent, dense and rich products, while in everyday life you should still choose lighter textures.

The modern beauty industry offers a fairly wide selection of such products. Let's consider each type in more detail.

* Make-up base cream.The most versatile product, provides a stable reliable masking of imperfections, is applied with a layer of medium density. Produced separately for each skin type, which is usually indicated on the package. Creamy bases are also available in shades. They contain particles of powder and due to this they can even out the skin tone, which transparent bases cannot do.

* Mousse make-up base.It is denser, gives maximum effect, eliminating most imperfections, and is also very easy to apply. Ideal for problematic and bumpy skin. It is not recommended to use such a foundation on a daily basis, as it puts a significant load on the skin. But in situations where you need one hundred percent effect, it will help you look stunning.

∗ Liquid emulsions and fluids. Their advantage is that they have a light texture, fit perfectly and are almost invisible, while nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Best suited for skin with minor blemishes, as a liquid product cannot solve serious problems.

* Gel base.Good for oily skin with large pores. Such bases are very light, airy, have a good matting effect and remove grease for a long time. Such a base does not interfere with oxygen exchange and does not clog pores.

* Pressed and loose make-up bases in the form of powder.Provides natural, invisible coverage, does not clog pores, and corrects problems such as breakouts and inflammations. The advantage of this makeup base is easy application and weightless coverage. But it should be borne in mind that such a product dries out the skin and can emphasize peeling, so it should not be used by owners of dry skin.

* Moisturizing cream with a light toning effect.It contains a small amount of pigments. Such a cream is used in the summer, as it is the lightest option for a make-up base. On the face, it is completely invisible, but at the same time it allows you to slightly even out the skin color. In addition, the cream can be used as an additional source of hydration for dry skin at any time of the year.

* Foundation with a shimmery effect should be used with extreme caution. If applied incorrectly, it can significantly spoil the appearance, giving the skin not radiance and freshness, but a sloppy look of a dirty face. In addition, such a foundation is too noticeable in natural light. It must be used in a minimum amount, carefully distributing it on the skin.

* Solid makeup base.Not recommended for use in everyday life, as it requires precision and accuracy to apply. More suitable for professional makeup professionals. True, such a base perfectly masks all skin irregularities, and even scars.

How to properly apply makeup base

Do not forget about preparing the skin for applying makeup, including the foundation. With proper use, any product will only benefit, and the makeup will look natural and last throughout the day.

  • First, we cleanse the face and tone the skin.
  • We apply a regular day cream, and let it absorb well, for this wait about 20 minutes, and if there is no time, then be sure to blot the skin with a paper towel. It is worth remembering that the cream should be selected in accordance with your skin type.
  • If the base contains shiny particles, then shake it before applying it so that the particles are evenly distributed.
  • Apply the base in a thin layer, carefully spreading over the skin. This can be done with special sponges, a synthetic brush or fingertips. For the best result, you do not need to spare time - let the product absorb well, apply an additional layer if necessary.
  • The makeup base should be distributed along the massage lines, starting from the forehead, while not touching the skin around the eyes. If the pores are enlarged, then you do not need to rub the product into them, but apply with patting movements.
  • In those places where there are wrinkles, the base must be applied especially carefully. Surplus funds can only emphasize this disadvantage. You can remove excess with a damp sponge.
  • Do not apply foundation over the border of the chin and on the neck. Better to carefully blend the transitions along the hairline and on the border of the oval of the face in a circular motion.
  • After the foundation, use any foundation or regular powder as desired. If the shortcomings are minor and are sufficiently well eliminated by the base, you can use only a light transparent powder, this will be quite enough. And if the base has a tinted effect, then you can do without additional funds.

  1. An important indicator of product quality is the degree of sun protection, which should be at least 15 SPF, which will help withstand the negative effects of the sun and prevent the appearance of age spots.
  2. You should not skimp on such an important product as a makeup base, use only high-quality and most natural cosmetics.
  3. If your makeup base is causing you an allergic reaction, try changing it to a hypoallergenic one.
  4. You should not experiment with the brand of cosmetics during pregnancy. It is best to continue to use the familiar products of a familiar manufacturer.
  5. You can purchase several different foundations and use them depending on the situation: for example, for a natural daytime or more solid evening make-up, going out or for a photo shoot.
  6. It is not recommended to use the make-up base in extremely low or high temperatures.
  7. Choosing a makeup foundation that's right for your skin type is usually straightforward. The main thing is to decide what kind of effect you need and what kind of shortcomings you want to correct, and then it will become much easier to decide. And if up to this point you have not resorted to using such funds, be sure to try, and the result will not leave you indifferent, since the foundation will easily help you look perfect. During pregnancy, this will be especially appropriate, because the beauty of a pregnant woman lies in naturalness and simplicity, and delicacy is the main feature of makeup for a pregnant woman.

Each problem has its own color

Cosmetics manufacturers offer makeup bases in various colors. They look very unusual, but, of course, you will not see the same color on your face as in the bottle. The product adjusts to the color of the skin, eliminating one or another drawback:

Pink base- improves the general indicators of skin condition, gives a healthy tone to dull skin, refreshes the complexion.

Peach base- gives the same effect as pink, but at the same time it is more suitable for the owners of dark skin, perfectly accentuates the tan, gives shine.

Purple base - fights against yellowness of the skin, gives the face a healthier look.

Yellow base- neutralizes the blue tint, which means it will help in the fight against bruises under the eyes and on the eyelids.

Green base - masks redness. Use it for spider veins, pimples, allergies and various rashes.

White base - a universal remedy for leveling the complexion, delicately masks all the main skin imperfections.

Applying a make-up base is a necessary step in preparing the skin for make-up. It is the primers that hide problem areas and imperfections even before applying the foundation, matting, “erasing” the pores, and some can even become a full replacement for anti-aging care. Look for the best in our rating!

Light cream gel with radiance effect Prep + Prime Natural Radiance, M.A.C (2880 RUB.)

Prep + Prime Natural Radiance, M.A.C, is a gel emulsion that not only prepares skin for makeup application, but also adds radiance to the skin. The product is saturated with natural ingredients that moisturize and control sebum secretion, so you won't have to worry about the appearance of oily sheen on your face. Vitamins E and C contained in the formula protect the skin, while the caffeine extract soothes and helps to reduce redness. There are enough pearlescent particles in the product to use the strobing cream gel.

Foundation for makeup Fresh Glow Luminous Fluid Base, Burberry (1800 RUB.)

Fresh Glow Luminous Fluid Base, Burberry, is suitable for girls who are looking for a light, comfortable makeup base, but do not need to matte their skin, but want to give their face a delicate glow. The product consists of 55% water, which provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect. Reflective pearls formulated to help create an even, natural tone for a fresh, radiant complexion. The product can be applied both on clean skin and over foundation: for example, on the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, lip arch and chin to enhance the natural beauty of the face. There are 2 colors in the palette: for light and normal skin (Nude Radiance 01) and for dark skin (Golden Radiance 02).

Smoothing makeup base with hyaluronic acid My Payot Super Base, Payot (2099 RUB)

The My Payot line is specially designed for dull and tired skin. The experts of the Payot brand suggest to restore her radiance and healthy appearance with the help of herbal extracts of goji and acai berries, which have powerful protective and tonic properties. The makeup base from this collection was also created on the basis of these ingredients, only hyaluronic acid was added to them, which smoothes the skin's relief and fills in fine wrinkles. Also in the composition of the product is a cocktail of vitamins C and E, which neutralizes free radicals and has an antioxidant effect.

Matting base for makeup Matifying & Pore Minimizing Primer, Lumene (670 rubles)

The base Matifying & Pore Minimizing Primer, Lumene, is ideal for oily to combination skin because it leaves it matte all day and visually tightens pores. The main component of the product is arctic cloudberry. This unique berry has anti-aging properties and is rich in fatty acids that protect and strengthen the skin. Cloudberries are twice as rich in vitamin C as oranges, so the nectar from their berries cleanses the cells of toxins and gives the skin a glow. Despite the fact that the base is presented in a rather small tube (20 ml), it is consumed economically, so you can be sure that the funds will last for a long time.