Outline of the lesson (group) on the topic: Thematic day "Air Day". Synopsis of the cognitive lesson “Wind, wind, you are mighty ...

wind day

Today is June 15th. It is a holiday today. And this is no ordinary holiday. June 15 marks its day ... Wind! Yes, dear guys, you heard right - it is the wind. There is Earth Day, there is Water Day. So why not celebrate WIND DAY? Moreover, there are reasons for this.

June 15 is celebrated as World Wind Day on planet Earth. This holiday was established at the initiative of the European Wind Energy Association and the World Wind Energy Council. The purpose of its holding is to attract the attention of the public (primarily, representatives of the energy complexes of different countries) to the huge potential of wind energy. According to experts, the development of wind energy will help solve a large number of problems not only in energy, but also in economic and environmental issues.

The first Wind Day was celebrated in Europe in 2007. Already in 2009, it acquired the status of a world festival, more than 30 countries joined the celebration. Every year their number is growing rapidly. True, Russia, unfortunately, is not yet among these countries: at the official level, no events dedicated to the Day of the Wind are held in our country.

You all know perfectly well that the wind has tremendous power, tremendous energy. At times, wind energy can be destructive and scary. The wind can break and tear trees out of the ground, lift heavy objects into the air and move them over considerable distances. Strong gusts of wind can knock a person off their feet. But from time immemorial, people have been able to turn wind energy to their advantage. Suffice it to recall that for a very long time the entire navy was sailing and moved thanks to wind energy. So, it is to the wind that we owe the development of civilization and those numerous geographical discoveries made by sea expeditions.

And windmills, along with watermills, were for a long time the only machines used by mankind. Therefore, the use of these mechanisms was different: as, for processing materials () and as a pumping or water-lifting station.

windmill- a mechanism that performs mechanical work due to wind energy captured by the wings of the mill. The best-known use of windmills is for grinding. (Based on Wikipedia)

Energy is the backbone of the economy. You can extract energy in different ways. There are a variety of power plants. What types of power plants do you know? (children's answers, discussion of information about where these stations are built and what they work on)

Yes, indeed, these are hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, solar panels and wind power plants. Most of these stations operate due to the processing of various natural resources.

By burning natural fuels (wood, oil, gas), we poison the air with combustion products. Nuclear power plants leave behind radioactive waste. In order for the hydroelectric power plant to work, it is necessary to build a huge dam. Wind energy, as well as solar energy, is absolutely environmentally friendly; no harmful waste is left during its production.Active work in this direction can lead to a reduction in the huge amounts that are annually invested in energy. As a result, the problem of limited fossil fuel resources will not be so acute..

Wind power plant - several wind generators collected in one or more places and combined into a single network. Large wind farms may consist of 100 or more .

Wind farms are built in places with a high average speed - from 4.5 m/s and above. Wind speed increases with height. Therefore, wind farms are built on the tops of hills or hills, and generators are installed on towers 30-60 meters high. Objects that can affect the wind are taken into account: trees, large buildings, etc.

Modern wind farms stop working during the seasonal migration of birds.

Today we are celebrating Wind Day. We learned something new about wind energy. Moreover, today we will try to test wind energy in practice.

We will make a special toy - a paper spinner or a paper weather vane (Appendix 1). We will try these toys by climbing the Sokolskaya mountain - the wind is strongest there, because it does not meet any obstacles on its way.

And let's try to fly a kite.

Attachment 1.

Paper pinwheel (or paper weather vane)

To make such a toy, we need:

A square of colored cardboard (do not make a large square);





A piece of wire (you can take a paper clip and unbend it);


A handle for a turntable (you can use an unnecessary pencil or make it yourself by folding a tube from an A4 sheet and sticking it around the edge);

In the square, you need to draw diagonals and make cuts along them, not reaching the center by 0.5-0.8 cm.

Bend alternately every second corner to the center, gluing them with a slight overlap.

Close the gluing place with a small circle (glue it). Let the glue dry.

Using an awl, make a hole of a suitable size (the essence is larger than the thickness of the wire). Insert the wire, bend one end.

Carefully, trying not to wrinkle the turntable, wind the long end of the wire to the handle.

The spinner is ready!

Natalia Fomenko

Summer outdoor entertainment

« breeze day» .

Target: Create a joyful mood in children.


Enrich children's knowledge of natural phenomena ( wind,

Enrich vocabulary.

develop attention and perception, emotional responsiveness

develop coordination of movements and spatial organization of movements.

Improve motor skills.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, interest in joint creativity.

Equipment: Costume breeze, two fans or sultans, home-made paper fans according to the number of children, a large basin of water, 2 paper boats, red and blue ribbons.

Entertainment progress:

Children are located in the open area.

Leading: Hello guys! We have gathered in this clearing to get acquainted with the Invisible. Who do you think the Invisible One is? (Invisible is the one whom we cannot see) . And who is our mysterious Invisible, you will know if you guess riddle:

Though armless, but it happens

Pears are cut off from the branches.

So sometimes he gets angry.

Just that he was everywhere

A moment and it is nowhere! (Wind)

Without arms, without legs, he roams the field, sings and whistles. Breaks trees, tilts grass to the ground. (Wind)

That's right guys wind. Wind is invisible, but although we do not see it, we can feel and hear it. Guys, what happens wind?

(Strong, Weak, Cold, Affectionate, Refreshing, Northern, Southern, Prickly, Warm)

By what signs can we find out what's on the street wind?

(Must look at window: if the branches of the trees sway, the leaves move, then there is wind. And if you open the window, wind will make the curtains swing, can blow the papers off the table)

Guys what do you think Wind“Invisible is already here?” (Yes, the leaves are moving).

Are you ready to get to know him? Look, here is this magic wand that will help us see Wind - Invisible. I'll wave my wand, magic words I will say: « Wind, wind, appear! Spin in front of us!

(An adult appears in a Wind costume, with fans in his hands)

Leading: Hi wind - breeze, our cheerful friend!

You're in a circle, get up and dance with us!

1. Dance with breeze

(You can repeat any dance familiar to children)

Leading: Wind how funny you are, we are very glad to see you see!

Wind: I am also very glad to meet you and I want to tell you more about myself ... For example, I really like to play with water. Let's go to our little sea. (Everyone approaches the table, on which there is a large basin of water).

Wind: Look, guys, our sea is calm now, the water is still. And I can make small waves appear on the water ( The wind blows on the water, or waving fans, are formed "waves").

Now try it. (Wind invites two children. Well done! You can do it too ... And I also really like to customize the boats that sail on the sea (lowers two paper boats into the water, blows on one of them) Do you want to try?

2 Game "Whose boat is faster?"

(two children from different sides blow on the boats, whose swim to the middle faster)

Leading: Yes, guys, it helps ships with sails move faster. But the winds are not only the friend of the navigator, if they blow very strong wind and the sea will begin a storm, the ship may capsize. Let's all play a game together called "Ocean is shaking".

3. Game "Ocean is shaking".

Leading: What beautiful figures you guys got! Wind you're just a good magician!

Wind: I am different. Sometimes good, sometimes evil, sometimes cold - northern and warm - southern! If you want me to teach you how to play the game...

4. Game "North and South wind» .

(Two drivers are chosen. A blue ribbon is tied to one hand (this is the northern wind, another red (this is southern). Children run around the playground. Northern the wind tries to freeze as many children as possible (touch with hand). “Frozen players freeze in place. Southern the wind thaws the children. Touching them with your hand. After a few minutes, at the command of the Leader, the game stops, the children count how many frozen players and how many others)

Leading: Very interesting game, Wind. Now let's dance with you!

5. Show dance or play, for example, "Crab", E. Zheleznova)

Hands are on the table, leaning on the elbows. The brushes are pressed against each other

bases, fingers spread out (crown of a palm tree). The kids are rocking

hands in different directions, trying not to raise your elbows.

The wind blows, blows,

Shakes the palm to the side.

The wind blows, blows,

Shakes the palm to the side.

The palms lie on the table, pressed against each other by the side parts. Fingers

arms bent, outstretched (pincers). They move them.

And under the palm tree the crab sits

and wiggles its claws,

And under the palm tree the crab sits

And he moves his claws.

Seagull flies over the water

The palms are connected with the thumbs, the other fingers are clenched, divorced

to the sides (wings). Children wave them in the air.

And dives for fish

The palms are closed and slightly rounded. Perform undulating movements.

Seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish.

And under the palm tree.

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

The palms are pressed against each other with the bases. fingers bent (teeth).

Lying on the back of one of the hands, "open and close the mouth" of the crocodile

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Turning the hands to the other side, repeat the movement.

And under the palm tree...

Wind: how fun it is with you guys, I'm very glad to meet you! But I have to go, I have important things to do! And so that you do not forget about me, I will give you gifts. It's a fan! (gives to children) If you want to call me, wave to them, and I will immediately be with you! (Runs away)

Leading: Well, guys, today we met with the Invisible Wind. You can invite him to your place not only by waving a fan, but also by simply blowing at each other or simply by waving your hand. Try it! Well, now let's all wave to the wind together, goodbye!

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Entertainment in kindergarten "Holiday of the breeze". mixed age group


- bring joy from playing with the wind;

- increase physical activity;

- to activate knowledge about the wind as a phenomenon of inanimate nature;

- cause satisfaction from the use of toys made by one's own hands.

Equipment: paper for boats, sailboats; the area is decorated with balloons (you can use an easy-to-fly kite), red and blue ribbons.

* * *

caregiver (in a wind costume made of cut strips of corrugated paper or foil, cellophane) asks children to guess riddles about the main character of the entertainment.

caregiver (reads a poem)

As a child, the wind was a breeze,

A restless child.

Along the roadsides

A brisk breeze blew.Mobile game "NORTH AND SOUTH WIND"

Purpose of the game:develop endurance and attention; improve your running skills.Game progress:Among the players, two drivers are selected (most likely with the help of a counter) - one is put on a blue ribbon - he is the north wind, and the other is red - he is the south wind. The “North wind”, according to the rules of the game, catches up with the players and “freezes” them, taunting them. A player who has been touched by the north wind must freeze in his tracks. The "southern" wind, on the contrary, unfreezes the players, touching the "frozen" ones. The one touched by the south wind continues to move around the site. The task of the north wind is to "freeze" as many players as possible and not let the south wind "unfreeze" the participants in the game.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the wind plays with flags and balloons. Invites children to play with balloons, to which long strings or ribbons are tied. Children are distributed throughout the playground so as not to interfere with each other. Watch the wind play with the balloons. Then the teacher collects all the balls in a large bundle and decorates the site with it. You can prepare several balloons filled with gas, release them into the sky and watch them.

The teacher invites the children to show what the wind is like. Reads a poem, and the children depict its content with movements.


The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is urging;

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

A. S. Pushkin Now let's make a boat! Each child is given a sheet of paper and each child makes a boat.

Invites children to arrange a competition of sailboats (paper boats) that they made themselves (you can take plastic light boats). Children become "winds". They must, with the help of the force of the air stream, transport the boat from one coast to the other in a container of water as quickly as possible. You can arrange team races. The one whose boat reaches the opposite shore the fastest wins.

Everyone played, everyone flew

Through the fields the breeze

And tired in the morning

And lay down on the grass.

May he always be on the road

And he can't sleep

But the wind needs

Silence for a moment.

The teacher invites the children to relax a bit in silence and listen to the sounds of nature.

What sounds did you hear when the breeze was sleeping?

At the end of the entertainment, it invites children to have fun with music, play with boats, balloons.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the municipality city of Krasnodar "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 228 "Dove"

(Junior preschool age 3-4 years)

Type of project: short-term, experimental. Authors - compilers: Antonova Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Khairulina Natalya Vasilievna, educators MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 228" 2016

Relevance of the chosen topic: At present, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a large place in working with preschoolers is given to experimental activities, as well as their cognitive development. This project has an experimental basis, which indicates its relevance.

Problem: Despite the fact that according to the plan, events are being held around the world in which the topic is affected "Wind - breeze" and the lack of systematized material and specially created conditions, it is necessary to widely highlight this issue with preschoolers, using an active approach based on their cognitive process.

Type of project: short-term, experimental - experimental.

Implementation period: one month.

Project participants: preschool teachers, children 3-4 years old.

The purpose of the project: To create conditions for the development of children, based on their cognitive interest, systematizing work on this topic.


  1. ) Create conditions for the formation of ideas about the properties of air.
  2. ) To develop children's cognitive interest, the desire to experiment.
  3. ) Replenish the subject-spatial development environment on this topic.

Methods of organizing experimental - experimental activities:

  1. ) Verbal - conversation, reading poetry.
  2. ) Visual - viewing illustrations, observations.
  3. ) Practical - games - experiments.

Expected Result:

Systematized material in the form of a methodological manual for educators, recommendations on the organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in the form of a booklet (memos).

Stages of project activity:

STAGE 1 - preparatory:

Definition of goals, objectives, study of literature, selection of optimal methods and techniques, drawing up an activity plan.

STAGE 2 - project implementation:

Joint conversation of children, teacher "What is Air" .

Conduct experimental activities: Game - experience: , "Floating, sailing boat" , "Let's play with the wind" , "The wind blows on the sea" , "Games with Straws" .

Make an observation: "What is Air" .

art word "Air Riddles" .

, E. Elova "Breeze" , I. Tokmakova "Windy" , Ya. Akim "Wind" .


Listening: "Wind Noise" .

Drawing on the topic: .

Outdoor games: "Wind" , "Bubble" , "Balloon" .

Working with parents.

  1. Draw together with the child a picture in which a strong wind, a weak wind, a windless wind are displayed.
  2. Recommend parents to watch the trees in windy weather.
  3. Playing a game at home with a child is an experience "The boat is sailing, the boat is sailing."
  4. Advice to parents on this topic.

3. STAGE - final:

Experimental - experimental activities on the topic: "Hide and seek - games with the breeze" .


Organizational Component


Game experience: "Games with fans and sultans" , "Floating, sailing boat" , "Let's play with the wind" , "The wind blows on the sea" , "Games with Straws" .

Reading fiction

art word "Air Mystery" .

Reading poems by S. Marshak "Blow, blow, winds, in the field" , E. Elova "Breeze" , I. Tokmakova "Windy" , Ya. Akim "Wind".

Memorizing an excerpt from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" .


Conversation "What is Air" .

Observations: "What is Air" .


Didactic games: "What first, what next?" .

Physical Culture

Outdoor games: "Wind" , "Bubble" , "Balloon" .

Artistic creativity

Drawing on the topic: "Multicolored Soap Bubbles" .

Application No. 1

Experimental activities

Game - experience "Playing with fans and sultans"

Purpose: to introduce children to one of the properties of air - movement; air movement is wind.

Equipment: a fan, sultans for each child.


The teacher invites each child to wave a fan near the face. The teacher asks how they feel. When fanning, you can feel the air. The teacher with the kids are playing with the sultans dancing over their heads.

Game is experience "Floating, sailing boat"

Equipment: basin (tray, boats and fans for each child.)


The teacher and the children launch the boats into the basin one by one, offer to blow, wave the fan so that they swim to the opposite edge. The teacher draws attention to the fact that if you wave or blow strongly with a fan, the boat will quickly sail to the opposite edge.


"You sail my boat,

And then come home."

Game is experience "Let's play with the wind"

Purpose: to give an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe movement of air.

Breathing exercise "Breeze" (they blow on the palm, trying to inhale through the nose, exhale noisily through the mouth with lips extended into a tube).

“We will blow high: - s - s - s (get up on toes).

We will blow low: - s - s - s (sit down).

We will blow low: - s - s - s (hands to mouth).

“We, the autumn leaves, were sitting on the twigs.

The wind blew - they flew.

They flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came up again and picked up all the leaves,

He turned them around, twisted them and lowered them to the ground.

“The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying. The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Game is experience "Games with Straws"

Purpose: to give an idea that people breathe air by inhaling it;

the air can be felt and seen.

Equipment: straw, cups for each child.


The teacher invites the children to blow into the tube, put their palm under the stream of air, and then ask what he felt. Then put a straw into a glass of water and blow into it. Bubbles appear on the surface of the water, which then disappear. When we stop blowing into the straw, the bubbles also disappear.

Game is experience "The wind blows on the sea"

Purpose: to introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as the wind, to teach them to distinguish its strength.

Equipment: a basin of water, a sailboat (a toy, paper boats for each child.


The teacher lowers the sailboat into the water, invites the children to blow on the sail with different strengths. Children watch the movement of the sailboat. Find out why the boat floats, what pushes it (breeze); where does wind come from (we breathe it out). Then there is a competition "Whose sailboat will swim to the edge faster" .

The teacher discusses with the children how to blow so that the sailboat sails faster or longer (take in more air and exhale strongly or longer).

Then the teacher asks the children why there are no air bubbles when we blow on the sail (bubbles form when "to blow in" air into water, and then it rises from the water to the surface).

Target: development of cognitive-research activity of children of senior preschool age.

Tasks: to support children's initiative, inquisitiveness, activity in cognitive-search and other activities for the development of the physical, personal and intellectual qualities of the child; to develop personal cognitive experience of children; educate children's interest and respect for nature; use a variety of forms of work with the family to maintain the interest of children.



Compiled by:

teacher Zaitseva E.N.

Target: development of cognitive-research activity of children of senior preschool age.

Tasks : to support children's initiative, inquisitiveness, activity in cognitive-search and other activities for the development of the physical, personal and intellectual qualities of the child; to develop personal cognitive experience of children; educate children's interest and respect for nature; use a variety of forms of work with the family to maintain the interest of children.

I half of the day.

  1. Reception of children in a group decorated with balloons.

Presentation on theme: "What is Air? Its meaning for man.

Independent activities of children:

  • consideration of illustrations on the topic: "Air ides of transport";
  • game "Inflate the balloon."
  1. Morning exercises + Breathing exercises:
  • Exercise "The wind blows in our face";
  • The mobile game "Airplanes to the airfield!".
  1. Breakfast.
  2. Preparation for classes: duty.
  3. Direct educational activities:

Lesson "Invisible Air".

Showing a presentation on the topic: "Invisible Air"

Conducting experiments with air.


  • to consolidate the concept of "air" as part of inanimate nature,
  • explain the properties of air and its role in human life, the relationship with wildlife.

Educator: Children, guess the riddle: Through the nose it passes into the chest,

And then on the way back.

He's invisible, but still

We cannot live without it. (Air)

Educator: That's right, it's air! Why is he invisible? (He is transparent.) How is he called for this quality? (Invisible.) And where is he? (Children's answers.) Yes, it is everywhere: in our group room, between the floor and the ceiling, between the furniture. He is on the street, in the field, in the forest and in ourselves. Why do we need air? That's right, people breathe air, animals, birds, plants - all life on Earth. What do you breathe in the air? (Nose.)

Experience #1

Educator: Inhale the air, and now put your hand in front of your nose and exhale. What did you feel? (Air comes out of the nose in a jet, a breeze is felt.) Now inhale and exhale harder. What do you hear? (Sound.) What can be said now about the air? (It can be felt and heard.)

Experience No. 2

The teacher distributes different bottles to the children, offers to put them on the lower lip and blow into the neck. Then blow into the whistle, into the pipe.

Educator: Do you get the same sound? (No, air can sound different.) How do we hear air in nature? (We hear the air rustling leaves, etc.) Now put your fingers to your throat and say different sounds: “r”, “k”, “o”, “a”, “u”. What do you feel with your fingers? (The throat trembles.) So we talk and hear each other thanks to the air that comes out of our throat.

Experience No. 3

There are perfume-soaked napkins on the children's tables.

Educator: Now breathe in through your mouth. What does it taste like? (No taste.) Breathe in through your nose. What smell does it have? (No smell.) Clean air - no taste or smell. Now take napkins and breathe with your nose near them, smell what it smells like. (Children's answers.) What can you say now? (Air dissolves odors.)

Educator: Air is an amazing shell around our Earth. If there were no air, all living things would die in the scorching rays of the Sun during the day, and at night from the cold. Wind is the movement of air. It distills cold air to the south, warm air to the north, disperses clouds or collects them into rain clouds. Without air, the Earth would be a dead desert. There is no air in space, so astronauts stock up on air from Earth. Air is necessary for all creatures on Earth in order to breathe and live. We breathe in clean air and breathe out bad air. And plants, on the contrary, inhale the bad leaves, and exhale the good. They purify the air. The wind helps plants: blows dust off the leaves, spreads the seeds of plants throughout the Earth. Air is inanimate nature, but it is closely related to living nature.

Physical education "The wind blows in our face"

Experience No. 4

Educator: Take pipettes. What are they made of? (Rubber cap and glass cylinder.) Squeeze the cap with the fingers of your right hand, and substitute any finger of your left hand to the end of the cylinder and open the cap. What did you feel? (A stream of air.) Now squeeze the cap again and open it near the feather. What happened? (The feather moved.) Remember where this property of air is used? (Ball, balloon, tire, vacuum cleaner.)

Educator: Riddles about air

1 . It is not known where he lives

It will fly - the trees are oppressed.

Whistling - trembling along the river,

Mischievous, but you won’t get away.

2. Without arms, without legs,

And the gate opens.

3. I ran along the meadow path -

Poppies nodded their heads.

Running along the blue river -

The river became rippled.

4. Breaks branches -

The dust rises.

Can you hear him

And you don't see him.

Educator: Now listen to the poem about air:

He is a transparent invisible

Light and colorless gas.

He envelops us with a weightless scarf.

He is thick, fragrant in the forest,

Like a healing potion.

It smells of resinous freshness,

Smells like oak and pine.

In summer it is warm

It blows cold in winter.

When the frost lay on the glass

Lush white fringe.

We don't notice it

We don't talk about him.

We just breathe it in

We do need him.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, what is air? What properties does it have? How is it related to wildlife? Why do balloons and soap bubbles fly? Well done! Learned and remembered a lot! And now let's play the game "Who will inflate the biggest soap bubble"!

The game "Soap Bubbles".


  1. Watching the wind while walking.
  2. Outdoor games with kites and soap bubbles, spinners.


Day dream.

II half of the day

Gradual rise of children:

  • Air baths;
  • Awakening gymnastics;
  • Breathing exercises.

afternoon tea.

Reading fiction:

N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (chapter "Traveling in a Balloon").