Robot for coloring for children. Coloring robots to print for free or download. Amazing facts from the history of the life of robots

You are in the robots coloring page. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of Coloring pages online. You can download robots coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of robots develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Here you will meet with robots Grumpy, Athlete, Antenna, Veselchak, Manager, robot TV and even robot Girl.

Amazing facts from the history of the life of robots.

  • Did you know that the term "robot" was coined in 1920 by the writer Karel Capek? It was he who called the mechanical creatures doing hard work "robots". In Czech, the word "robota" means hard work, or hard labor.
  • The scientist-writer A. Azimov formulated the laws of robotics, the first of which forbids the robot to harm people.
  • The first mechanical robot knight was modeled by Leonardo da Vinci himself in 1495. Drawings of the brilliant Italian were found showing a detailed diagram of a robot knight that could move its head and arms, as well as sit, stand up and operate a visor.
  • And in 1738, a mechanical duck-robot was designed by the French inventor Vaucanson. Consisting of four hundred parts, she knew how to swim, quacked, pecked grains, flapped her wings, cleaned her feathers with her beak and ... digested food!
  • The smallest robot was designed in 1992 by the Japanese company Seiko Epson - with a length of only one centimeter, it weighs one and a half grams.
  • The talking robot of the inventor D. Wexley was first demonstrated to a wide audience in New York in 1927.
  • A traditional RoboCup football tournament is held, featuring mechanical athletes.
  • The Deep Blue robot was able to win a chess tournament against Garry Kasparov himself, the world champion in this sport.

Coloring robots will give the kids an amazing journey - you can print any picture for free and go to the country of artificial intelligence right now!!!

Remember your childhood. The very first years of life, when you were too young to master complex toys and mechanisms. Remember what your parents most often gave you when they wanted to distract or occupy for some time. Of course it's a coloring book! The youngest children, having just learned to hold pencils in their hands, enthusiastically colored various pictures, creating their own unique drawing. And now, pay attention, we want to offer you a new level of this wonderful game - coloring transformers online for free!

These coloring pages are perfect for boys. What boy doesn't love robots! And transformers from sensational films will appeal to any child, even a girl. Each of these robots has a huge variety of different parts to paint! Online coloring pages for boys transformers are a great way to interest a child and immerse him in the creative process.

Choose a coloring option!

Inventing a unique robot, the boy will be able to feel like the creator of these incredible machines, which he used to admire only on the screen. With the help of a coloring book with transformers, which can be colored directly online and completely free, the child will enter the world of transformers, so loved by many children.

Coloring robots transformers online for free - it's easy and simple. Even the smallest child can handle the controls. In order to start coloring, you just need to choose the picture you like. Then you can print it out to turn it into an ordinary familiar coloring book, with which the child can have fun in his room at the table, intently crawling over the sheet with pencils. But this is not at all necessary - the child can immediately start playing! Colors are selected by clicking the mouse button. To decorate the area with the selected color, even the slightest movements and actions are enough. Everything is very simple and intuitive!

Transforming robots coloring online will definitely become one of your child's favorite entertainment. They will never get bored - after all, there are so many transformers, and each of them can be painted in completely different ways! Such a game will be useful for the child. She will develop his creative abilities, attentiveness, perseverance. And you can calmly go about your business, knowing that the child is immersed in the game!

In addition to famous films, and maybe even more, children love the animated series "Transformers: Prime". These cartoon characters sink into children's souls so much that they will be insanely happy for the opportunity to get transformers prime coloring pages online. The advantageous difference between these coloring pages and those that we talked about earlier is that these transformers in the pictures look exactly the same as in cartoons. And kids can bring their favorite characters to life by coloring them in vibrant colors!

Recently, special coloring pages containing elements of the game have become popular. They allow you to completely create your robot from the proposed parts, and then paint it. This option will be even more interesting for your child! It is also very simple to do this - you just need to click on the blue circles located in the structural nodes and select the desired part from the catalog that opens. Legs, arms, weapons, protection - all this you can choose and create a completely new, your own robot! Such coloring pages transformers prime online for free will surely please your child and you!

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