Two goats steam. The second approach. "Velkopopovitsky goat": history, manufacturer and reviews about Czech beer

As soon as a licensed dark "Velkopopovitsky goat" appeared in Russia, I immediately spent. Before, just at that time came from the Czech Republic and brought with both the original "goat". I did not find any serious differences at that time, about everything with a great joy and reported. But more than two years have passed and more and more and more often hear that the Kaluga "goat" flew out. In fact, so always speak after some time, after the new brand of beer is coming. And often (but not always) people are right. So I decided to re-hold a comparative tasting.

I bought a Czech dark "goat", bought Kaluga, came to the kitchen to his wife and said:

- Tanya, here are two almost the same circles (different drawing). I pour me into one beer from this bottle, and to another of this.

Turned around and honestly left the kitchen. I waited for a call of my wife (nice when the wife calls to drink beer 🙂), returned.

I looked, I snapped, I tried and ... and I defined almost immediately. The Kaluga smells from Kaluga, and this is welded by caring Czech brewers. There is a difference!

Color - Czech dark and rich, our light.

Foam is an absolutely identical one.

Aroma - and there and there resembles broth from dried mushrooms. But the Czech mushroom fragrance is as stronger. In our same CO2 /

Taste - Czech is more rich and sweeter (caramel-iris). The domestic is strongly felt all the same CO2 and the taste is more blunt, watery and lemonade.

Postwalls - Kaluga, oddly enough, more hop and more bitter, while Czech is straightforwards. By the way, as part of Czech, the E954 sweetener (Sakharin) is indicated. It's to the quality of our and imported beer. Although they can simply indicate it on the label, because The law permits not to indicate in the ingredients less than a percentage. But nonetheless.

The difference is in alcohol. Our 3.2% at 9.55 density, and Czech 3.8%.

Summary. If you try the beer separately, then the difference is not so strong to notice (such as StaroPrame or Lösenbrey). In the comparative tasting, this difference is already felt and not in favor of our. But it says that the Kaluga "goat" and Czech is the sky and the earth - not correct.

Tanya, a lover of dark beer, previously bought the Kaluga "goat". I asked her why she no longer buys him (and even Czech was not to drink). She replied - "Yes, well, mushroom soup Some kind! "

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Beer Goat - Traditional Crumple Czech Drink

Beer Kozel, welded on all canons of Czech brewing, has gained popularity worldwide. This drink, made on the basis of high-quality hops and low fermentation, love for the classic velvet taste and variety of varieties.

For the first time beer from the Greaspopovitsy was cooked back in 1874. Previously, it was cooked manually, but over time the drink began to produce serially at the factory. At the same time, the technology and recipe did not change. The famous emblem of this beer was drawn back in the period of the first batch of drink.

It embodies the poorer and hospitality of the population to Velka Popovesche. The goat drawing turned into a certain mascot, which to this day stores the beer traditions of this edge.

Beer goat degrees and varieties

What is the goat beer today at the factory in the Czech Republic:

— light- The most popular and lightweight grade that prefers lovers of mustard, caramel taste. Features gives Zatatsky hops;

— medium - This is a young beer in its history with a mild taste without a mustard. At the factory it was done only since 2005;

— premium – good combination Hop, water and malt. This variety is slightly sweet and has a golden yellowish tint. Beer received a reward at the Beer Championship in Chicago;

— dark - It has a complex composition in which barley and yeast are added. Thanks to this, the mustard and velvet taste inherent in this variety.

Beer goat Manufacturer in the Czech Republic and other countries adhere to technology and varieties. BUT B. lately On the shelves you can find a beer the goat is unfiltered. It is distinguished by a pronounced yeast aroma and slightly acidic taste.

Taste Features Beer Goat

It can be noted that the beer goat produced in Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and other countries is different in taste. About where the beer was released, the corresponding labeling on the bank or a bottle says. There is a beer spilled directly in the Czech Republic and intended for export. It will undoubtedly differ from the spill in other factories. Detailed information You can learn on the label. In fact, the recipe is the same everywhere. Therefore, the beer goat always retains the original and unsurpassed taste. And it does not matter in which country it is acquired. But for lovers of the original beer directly from the factory, you can organize deliveries from the Czech Republic.

Slogan: For Those Who Got The Knack

Velkopopovitsky goat - the famous Czech brand of beer, which is produced by the British company Sabmiller.One of the largest brewing companies in the world. The name of his beer received from the name of a small Czech town Velka Popovice (Velké Popovice), where the main brewery producing this variety is located. Basic beer varieties: světlý, Černý, Premium and Medium.

Beer Velkopopovitsky goat It has been produced since 1874, although the first mention of urban breweries belong to the XVI century. Beginning of mine modern history The brewery is obliged to Frantisek Ringhoffer, the head of the city of Smichov, who acquired property in Popoves and built modern breweries, equipped with the last word of technology.

The legend's beer emblem was drawn by a French artist who drove by the city at the end of the XIX century, but delayed, conquered by hospitality and gorgeous reception. However, perhaps everything was not as poetic and the artist simply loved beer, but there was nothing to pay a lot except her work. For workers and owners of brewery Velkopopovitsky goat - this is not just a funny name, a goat really lives on the territory of the brewery. The live mascot of the brewery pleases tourists and cheerfully pinch the grass, the goat by tradition wears the name of Old. A few years ago, another goat was acquired, as he was called for a long time - he became Oldly second.

Brewery has developed a rapid pace, beer Velkopopovitsky goat It became one of the most popular Czech varieties of beer. Production survived and first and second world War, Some after significant recessions still resume work and achieve previous results. In 1945, the company proceeds to state ownership. In 1992, the brewery becomes a joint-stock company. Since 1995, she is owned by the company Radegast Brewery.which, in turn, after a few years merged with the plant PLZEňSKý PRAZDROJ.. In the same year, the owner of companies becomes South African Breweries.which in 2002 merges with Miller BrewingTo form today's brand owner, company Sabmiller..

Beer Goat - Traditional Crumple Czech Drink

Beer Kozel, welded on all canons of Czech brewing, has gained popularity worldwide. This drink, made on the basis of high-quality hops and low fermentation, love for the classic velvet taste and variety of varieties.

For the first time beer from the Greaspopovitsy was cooked back in 1874. Previously, it was cooked manually, but over time the drink began to produce serially at the factory. At the same time, the technology and recipe did not change. The famous emblem of this beer was drawn back in the period of the first batch of drink.

It embodies the poorer and hospitality of the population to Velka Popovesche. The goat drawing turned into a certain mascot, which to this day stores the beer traditions of this edge.

Beer goat degrees and varieties

What is the goat beer today at the factory in the Czech Republic:

— light- The most popular and lightweight grade that prefers lovers of mustard, caramel taste. Features gives Zatatsky hops;

— medium - This is a young beer in its history with a mild taste without a mustard. At the factory it was done only since 2005;

— premium - Successful combination of hops, water and malt. This variety is slightly sweet and has a golden yellowish tint. Beer received a reward at the Beer Championship in Chicago;

— dark - It has a complex composition in which barley and yeast are added. Thanks to this, the mustard and velvet taste inherent in this variety.

Beer goat Manufacturer in the Czech Republic and other countries adhere to technology and varieties. But recently, on the shelves, you can find the beer the goat is unfiltered. It is distinguished by a pronounced yeast aroma and slightly acidic taste.

Taste Features Beer Goat

It can be noted that the beer goat produced in Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and other countries is different in taste. About where the beer was released, the corresponding labeling on the bank or a bottle says. There is a beer spilled directly in the Czech Republic and intended for export. It will undoubtedly differ from the spill in other factories. Detailed information can be found on the label. In fact, the recipe is the same everywhere. Therefore, the beer goat always retains the original and unsurpassed taste. And it does not matter in which country it is acquired. But for lovers of the original beer directly from the factory, you can organize deliveries from the Czech Republic.