Supply of imported beer. Mexican beer Corona Extra can be used in our company. What is Cape

Among the varieties that are born on the famous Belgian brewer of Debrasseriedubocq, Beer Blanche de Namur (Blanche de Namour) is considered one of the most popular.
The brewery began its activities in 1858, when the farmer Martin Bellot began to boil beer on his farm. At first, beer was cooked only in winter due to the absence of agricultural work. Low later, brewing has become the main occupation of the farmer. The brewery grew, the range increased, and the beer began to enjoy tremendous success.
The non-filtered and unpasteurized white beer Blanchedenamur is boiled using two types of malt "Pilzen", in addition, it passes secondary fermentation after packaging. This wheat fastening beer has a persistent tight foam, interesting nice smell With an explicit note of lemon and a special characteristic fruit taste due to the addition of orange zest, coriander and other spices. Beer perfectly quenches thirst, and if it is served to eat, it is best combined with fish or white poultry meat.
Alcohol - 4.5% density - 10%
Optimal temperature Serving - 2 - 40c
Blanchedenamur is called smooth and cloudy beer. Smooth it feeling because it drinks easily and perfectly refreshes even on a hot summer day. Cloud Blanchedenamur reminds appearance. This visual effect is manifested due to the fact that it is cooked at low temperatures. The so-called cloudy disappears when the beer becomes slightly warmer. To Blanchedenamur keep her valuable qualities, taste and fragrance passed the best wayIt is recommended to use almost icy.

Disputes about the benefits and the dangers of the most popular drink in the world do not subside for several decades. Unambiguously can be said: it is necessary to drink extremely living beer sold to the spill. It contains easily durable proteins and amino acids. Maltose, fructose and glucose, with an excess present in the composition, give beer high energy value and even a few sips are capable of restoring lost forces.

Multiple medical research proved living beer improves performance blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attack and improves metabolism.

What is the spill better than the bottle?

With the onset of heat at every step you can see the sign "Beer to spill". Such outlets are enormous. They can even stand in line, despite the absolute lack of a shortage of such proposals.

What are the main advantages of beer to spill?

  • it is not subjected to heat treatment (pasteurization);
  • it has no preservatives and other harmful chemicals;
  • it preserves a live yeast culture;
  • it is always done with the use of barley malt;
  • in the production process is not lost original taste Drink.

Imported beer.

Each type of beer has its own fans. And, despite all the well-known cons, even bottle-canteen analogs have a large number of Adherents. Of course, due to heat treatment and other technological features, they cannot maintain the original taste of the drink. Worship him for the opportunity to try the products of famous imported brewers. After all, talking about the magnificent taste qualities of beer boiled in the Czech Republic, Belgium, England or Germany can be infinitely long. And visit the country-manufacturer to make a couple of foam sips in a pan on bottling, unfortunately may not all.

For a long time for our compatriots, only a few options for "draft" were available. In most cases, they were limited to products exclusively local producers and several advanced domestic brands. The main reason This served as limited dates for the storage of the drink transported in the barrels.

Progress does not stand still and the spill beer of European manufacturers began to import into our country in Keg. This method of packaging allows you to maintain the original taste of living beer and in its hometown You can have a sip of the same foam as in Munich, Brussels or Prague.

What is Cape

Translated from the Swedish "Keg" means "barrel". His full copy, only from of stainless steelIn 1929, manufactured in Germany in Germany. Of course, the first versions of the keg did not differ much from their wooden analogues and, accordingly, had quite a few advantages. However, due to the efforts of the leading brewers of Europe, the steel container turned into ideal containers for transporting beer without losing taste.

The main advantage of modern kega can be called its complete tightness. It allows you to maintain all the initial qualities of the drink for a period of 30 days or more. At the same time, beer does not need pasteurization and the addition of harmful chemicals.

Thanks to technical progress, we got a great opportunity to drink a glass of your favorite cooled drink, being at any point in the world.

Beer is the most popular drink in the history of beverages. Popularity is on a par with antiquity. Beer appeared long before our era, it is assumed that it applies to the time of neolithic (Novocamena Century). It was found out by excavation, as a result of which the vessels were revealed with trains of grain crops. At that time, the manufacture could vary at the primitive level: perhaps the grains were lagged and mixed with water, after which they stood in the sun and wandered.

The time has improved the drink, bringing to mind, it was cooked, yeast added, invented various methods His ferments and played tastes. Now we can taste hundreds of different tastes Foam and all thanks to the infinite progression of cooking and, of course, the desire of master-brewers contribute to the life of the drink.

Imported beer is ready to please us with your diversity. From all over the world, a variety of varieties gathered, from a dark almost black stout to a pale yellow wheat, from bright playful fruit notes to extraordinary softness and freshness. Imported beer gave in due time and Russia to engage in such craft.

The diversity of imported beer is also due to the diversity of kitchens of countries representing it. For Germany, beer should be taping with bread notes and explicitly in the same aftertaste. Such beer is usually more satisfying and fastening. Actually, like bread itself. And why not sausages suitable this product. So snacks Germany provides its imported beer in the form of so-called Bavarian sausages, or a pork knuckle in honey sauce, or even stewed cabbage. Yes, Germany loves satiety.

Imported mexico beer is ready to surprise with its softness. It is perfectly quenched thirst and absolutely not imposing. Hot climate, acute food gives a push. Mexico before the beer has always been the most the main task - make beer as easier as possible. And buying imported Sol or Corona beer (as well as many other "children" of Mexico) can be said with confidence that it will be that beer that you can drink infinitely.

England country of conservatives. And there is nothing sophisticated with imported beer type Pilsner. A bitter chimney twisters us far to green meadows and coniferous forests. In England, to be honest, it is believed that beer do not need to eat. They will rather drop the tube than they pamper themselves fish or the same sausages. But they will make it gracefully, so satiety will come even from the process itself.

Imported beer is ready to please us even bright tastes How beer with cherry. Such is the native of the Czech Republic beer type cry. In Russia, on one of the tasting marathons, such a variety of beer was dismissed "Compotient". They applied not as an ordinary foam, a lot of fruits were presented to snacks, as well as chocolate, and the ice cube was put in the beer.

The multi-faceted beer in such an unusual plan shows Mexico. We talked about her above, Mexico beer is very soft. However, the dust and the heat of the country are ready to surprise truly unusual beer mixes. That is from beer, they make a real cocktail. That, adding Lyme juice there, salt and pepper, and then tomato with salt. Experts say it is worth trying.

That is how richly imported beer is how ready to surprise us. It remains only to find yourself in taste.

With us you can buy a retail beer in Kegha!

Delivery in Moscow and the region. The price and quality will pleasantly surprise you!

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Imported beer wholesale Moscow, buy imported beer wholesale in Moscow

You can buy imported beer wholesale in our company.

You are implementing imported beer in Moscow Or in the regions of the Russian Federation? Prefer to sell imported beer. ? Our company in Moscow, offers a wide range beer imported production. Beer comes out England, Armenia, Mexico, Holland, Germany, Dani., Ireland, Italy, Czech Republic and Scotland.. There is even beerBrewery Japan, China and Thailand. Accordingly, every buy imported beer wholesale in Moscow One way to find here what will have to taste. Although the range imported beer And it seems great, in fact he is just huge. In the categories of products, only those names that are available in stock are presented. For review S. full list beer.implemented by the company, you must order a price list. It is logical that it contains imported beer. The most famous global brands. Imported beer wholesale in Moscow It is realized both large and small batches. Our company is constantly updating the range beer.. New appears in the appropriate section of the site. There are all sorts of seasonal discounts and promotions. For convenience of customers, products can be sorted by several parameters. First of all, we are talking about country from where beer Tosses. If you wish, you can narrow the search for the manufacturer beer. . Even the color of the beverage (light, dark, sexual) can be installed as a parameter of displaying products. Thanks to this, you will be much more convenient to view exactly the options that you really interest you.

Beer suppliers With which we work imported only original, high-quality beer.

By ordering from us imported beer from delivery to the house, you can be sure that you could buy imported beer with home delivery and acquire the real product - we can buy only original imported beer., our online store beer S. does not work russian analogues issued under license. Delivery of beer at home in Moscow and region carried out by its own delivery service.


Imported beer wholesale in MoscowThere are no products in this category.

  • Austrian beer to buy

    Austria's beer Style Austrian beer with her obviousness indicates that this country is next to Germany. Austria's beer market is represented by an impressive number of small regional brewing and a couple of large national companies. Among the varieties prevailing a traditional light lager, close in style to the German and Czech analogue.

  • French beer buy

    France Beer Of course, primarily France is associated with wine. French wine is famous for the whole world, and wine and beer - antagonists: where popular wine is. Drink less beer, and vice versa. Once in France there were many little brewing, but with the onset of industrialization most of them disappeared, only those who played in large were survived. Now the brewing in France is no more than forty, they are concentrated in the north of the country and in Alsace. It cannot be said that in France, there are little beer, on the contrary, in terms of sales, the French beer market is equal to Dutch and Belgian combined. The middle Frenchman, however, drinks only 40 in the year with a small liter of beer, but the French is 60 million! In France, they sell mostly their beer - except for the unchanged Kronenburg on the shelves, only Heineken and some Belgian varieties can be found. Of course, numerous foreign tourists contribute their share in the consumption of beer in France. Now in the country there was a tendency to cook special beer; Mount went to the mountain of small brewers, producing beer in the Belgian style or the so-called Bierre de Gard. The heart of the French beer market, can definitely be called Alsace. For a long time, by this region, the capital of which is the city of Strasbourg, the Germans owned, and their cultural influence is still significantly in Alsace. It would seem that it is strange to see in French labels such names like Fisher, Adelshofen or Schiszzerger, however, you will meet them in Alsace. For the most part, Elsass Brewers produce Pilsner, and it is boiled in accordance with the law on the purity of beer borrowed by Alzatse at the Eastern neighbors-Germans. Typically French beer style-BIRIE DI Gard, literally "beer designed for exposure." In the north of France, the Belgian border, there was no time a lot of small brewing, which in the spring cooked a pretty beer reserve for the summer, because brewing in summer months It was impossible because of hot weather. With the advent of laggers and industrialization of brewing, this style practically departed into the past, but several brewers retained him and even managed to breathe new life into him.

  • English beer buy

    English beer buy

    Buy English beer wholesale in our company.

    English beer. has the traditional name " el."That in ancient English means" magic, magic ". And it is not surprising, because even the difficult taste of this beer. Creates a sense of witchcraft around, not to mention the relaxed state of the body. In England rarely drink bottled beerSince here people are accustomed to insist him in barrels. After making in brewery, english beer. yet for a long time Stored and ripen in bars in the cellars before going out. Earlier element called any worried drink, but after hop was delivered to England, the proud title of Ela got beermanufactured by special recipe. Local pubs are accustomed to traditional thick taste elaBut for bold tourists, it may seem strange. The thing is that light English beer Does not contain carbon dioxide and seems exhausted. Buy English beer you can in our store, it is only worth evaluating the provided choice and decide which of beer drinks you would like to try.

    Here is I. fullers Beer - Fullerswhich will enjoy individuals with rough character and male habits, and beer John Smith - John Smith , for sensual natures living in art.

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    Price of English beer

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  • Belgian beer to buy

    Belgian beer to buy

    Buy Belgian beer wholesale in our company.

    Belgium - a small country known as a manufacturer of excellent beer.: belgian Ela, such as beer Leffe - Leffe. which can be buy in our online store, abbatsky and trappist beer, ey Lambik and white Wheat Beer Hugarden - Hoegaarden . The attitude of the Belgians to their beer Unique, at the same time they are not alcoholics. Distinctive feature belgian beer Compared to neighboring countries - this is a huge variety ela. Belgian El. does not give up its position, despite the domination pilsnerwhich led to the closure of most small brewers who could not withstand competition. Defined styles of beer can be considered only belgian, eg white beer. Hugard - Hoegaarden that reminds german wheat- these varieties of beer Contains barley, wheat, hops and are not subjected to filtering or pasteurization. Quality belgian white beer Different with sourness, in connection with which it is especially popular in the cold and perfectly quenching thirst. Other belgian style is an lambik, taking history from the Belgian village Lembek, not far from Brussels. Distinctive features belgian beer Lambik - sour taste and complete absence bubbles. If in belgian beer.lambik add sugar, then you will get another kind belgian beerfaro.. When used instead of sugar fruits, it turns out fruit Belgian Lambik . Before use is beer A few months are withstanding. Sufficiently common in Belgium trappist beer. Only monks - Trappists can use the name for their products " trappist beer" Almost all belgian beer varieties wear the names of abbey, but only a few of them are in fact connected with Abbati brewery or produced belgian beer. by their license.

  • Dutch beer buy

    Dutch beer buy

    Buy Dutch beer wholesale in our company.

    Holland - small country, your style beer. She has no, but nevertheless, she successfully uses the whole best experience Warka beer. neighboring countries. Beer style Pilsner is the most common in Holland. On South Holland has a border with Belgium, so some Belgian recipes beer. were used during cooking dutch beer, and some brands of Dutch beer produced in Belgium, in demand from the Dutch . For example, in Holland buy beer Styles creek (cherry Lambik), Which is boiled in Belgium. According to statistics, each dutchman Drinks per year on average about 80 liters. beer.. In the shops Holland and bars can be buy more than six hundred grades of exquisite beer..

    The most famous brand beer Which cooks in Holland is bavaria Beer - Bavaria, grolsh Beer - Grolsh, beer Khainiken Hainken - Heineken. You can buy Dutch beer in our online store of imported beer.

    Price of Dutch beer corresponds to the quality of this drink.

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  • Irish beer buy ...

    Irish beer to buy

    Buy Irish beer wholesale in our company.

    IN Ireland the most popular sort of beer - this is stout. Irish Stout - this is dark El. With a strong crumpled taste. Irish Stout Guinness - Guinness or beer Merfis - Murphys Prepared from malt and strongly roasted barley. Widespread irish beer.which can be buy in our company, definitely beer Guinness - Guinness. Irish beer Guinness - This is the legend of Irish brewers, beer Guinness It is a symbol of the Holiday Patricks Holiday. Similar Guinness beer There was never, no now. Beer Guinness - Guinnessit has at least fifteen varieties. It, guinness Beer Draft Stout , Guinness Extra Gold Draft Stout, Guinness Bitter. etc .. still famous variety irish beer - this is beer kilkenni- kilkenny Sweet red, ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. It is also possible buy wholesale we have. For cooking beer Kilkenni Use a mixture of ordinary and roasted malt. Price for Buy Guinness - Guinness , beer Merfis - Murphys , kilkenny Beer - Kilkenny corresponds to the quality of these beverages.

  • Italian beer to buy

    Italian beer, according to recent published data, is recognized as the best beer in the world. As a rule, Italian brewers apply only the best way Beer production is high fermentation in which absolutely no preservatives are added to the graduation raw materials. The ingredients use pure spring water, malt, hops and yeast. Local brewers love to experiment with mixing and dosages of components, which makes it possible to obtain a more sophisticated and unusual taste of Italian beer.

  • Chiny beer to buy

    Beer in China began to produce, practically, of all the types of grain crops for the time. And the main types of raw materials for its production were still: rice, rye and millet. Chinese beer is very different from the one that is produced now in other countries. It is much stronger, even despite the complete absence modern methods His sacrifice, and has a light, transparent colorAnd also has a somewhat unusual taste. Recently, in China began to produce beer, according to european standards. The basis for such a production is still traditionally served by hops and malt. Today, beer in China is simply unprecedented popular among all sectors of the country's population. It is produced in the form of a set famous markswho conquered a civilized world. Mostly, they are grades of light beer with a very small amount of alcohol or even its complete absence.

  • Mexican Beer to buy

    Mexican beer Corona Extra buy

    Mexican beer Corona Extra can be used in our company.

    Mexican beer.. For the US, Mexico with its 90 million people is a huge export market lying to the same threshold, but from the point of view of cultural traditions, this Hispanic-language country is very different from its northern neighbor. It is curious that by style mexican beer Corona Extra More reminds German lags, but even more surprisingly, the laggers in classical Vienna traditions are common here. On the Mexican market, two breweries giants are dominated - "Coutemok" and "Model".

    Buy beer Corona Extra . Price for Mexican Corona Beer - Corona Extra Buy corresponds to the quality of this wonderful drink.

  • German beer to buy
  • Slocked beer buy

    In Slovakia, they joke that beer is for Chekhov, and here you prefer wine. And indeed, Czech beer is known to the whole world, but something is not heard about Slovak. But this does not mean that it does not exist. Yes, Slovak brewers lost in the competitive struggle of Czech. Most foam foam manufacturers now belong to international Heineken and Miller corporations. For example, the most popular beer of Slovakia is "Zlaty Bazant" ("Golden Pheasant") - a typical EUROolager with a clean, full and hop taste. Pivzavod - Property Haineken. By the way, here you make a beautiful premium beer - "Kelt" ("Celt") in the original bottle-flask. Excellent souvenir for friends and a gift to the boss that let go on vacation. But small brewers with original products are preserved. In the city of Banska-Shtyavnitsa, another oldest Slovak Brewery - Staiger works since 1473. The process of cooking beer was interrupted only once, when the brewery was destroyed by German troops. But on September 3, 1945, the beer arrived on sale. Beer is famous high quality and excellent taste. Povers of beer experiments will enjoy the products of the small brewery "Caltenecher" from the roznava. Here is boiled a huge set of beer, but gradually. Some specialists are preparing exclusively seasonally. "Kras" - a light and pleasant beer, "Brochat" - dark beer with a rich taste, "Atlantis" and "White Shadow" - a beer of the type "Indian Pale El" with a rich taste and characteristic spicy shades. "Christmas" - just time for a holiday with an interesting taste. In short, the Slovak beer will not disappoint anyone. You only need to want to taste it, and its number of fans will immediately increase.

  • Thai beer to buy

    Thai beer.

    Buy Thai beer wholesale in our company.

    In Thailand beer Very popular, despite the religion of Thailand, Buddhism, which believes alcoholic beveragesbut the development of tourism corrected the situation. In the heat of cold beer. I want to be quite strong, so thai beer. Often drinking with ice, which will seem new for someone. Thai cuisine also pushes to drink cold singha Beer - Singha or leo Beer - Leo Local dishes, as practically all spicy and sharp dishes, although actually beer is not very extinguished heat in the mouth. Sale of beer Thailand is about 100 million baht per year. In Thailand beer Excellent taste and in its style resembles German lag gears. Brewing B. Thailand begins in 1933, but since that time thai beer. Enjoys popular in Thailand and abroad.

    Most popular brands thai beer Singha Beer - Singha and leo Beer - Leo You can buy in our internet-shop imported beer .

    Price of Thai beer corresponds to the quality of this drink.

    To order thai beer at home You can on our site. Delivery of beer to the house Exercised on working days.

  • Czech beer buy

    Czech beer buy

    Buy Czech beer wholesale in our company.

    From a long time Czech beer Refers to the most popular drinks worldwide. Beer boiled on all continents. One of the countries where the beer traditions are very strong considered Czech Republic. Beer in the Czech Republic cook from the eleventh century, and beer from the Czech Republic It is the leader in its taste and quality. Our company in Moscow Provides a unique opportunity buy Czech beer wholesale And enjoy a magnificent drink, immersed in the atmosphere of small bars and traditional beers located on the cozy, colorful streets of old Prague. Czech beer For ten centuries, it may be proud of a unique and unique taste, saturated and bright aroma, and our company always offers buy wholesale natural fresh and alive czech beer Moscowabsolutely free from pasteurization. Any connoisseur of noble drinks, once having tried a real Pilsner , all his life is penetrated with love and respect for this great beer. And it is not surprising, because pilsner invariably manufactured from high-quality, exclusively natural ingredients in ancient czech recipes that are most carefully complied with new technologies production borrowed from the best czech Brewers. Czech bright beer - Authentic, golden Tint pilsner with sophisticated bitterness and rightly referred to as alive beer.. These are the varieties like premium Pilsner Budweezer - Budweiser., beer Krushovice., prazhechka beerwhich can be buy in our company. Price on that pilsner Corresponds to quality. Light unfiltered beer It has an incredibly thin hop taste and a pleasant, gentle yeast fragrance. Ourselves cheri. about that beer They say: "truly liquid bread." " Czech red"- legendary living beermanufactured by original secret technology that gives the drink exclusive reddish tint And inimitable malt fragrance. " Red unfiltered»Cooked according to special recipes, has a reddish-brown color with residual yeast and is distinguished by an unusually high and thick foam. " Dark velvet»- Live drink by original recipeaccording to which a well-fried malt gives beer Saturated taste and pronounced malt fragrance. The true connoisseurs know that truly alive and rich is unpasteurized beer..