Delicious but healthy meals. Ravioli with pumpkin. Creamy mushroom soup

Food can be not only tasty, but also healthy. We will tell you how to prepare delicious and healthy meals.

Strawberry dessert "Tenderness"


500 g large strawberries

180 g sugar

1 sprig of rosemary


Peel the strawberries from the pedicels, rinse thoroughly with running water, cut the berries into 4 parts.

Wash the lemon, cut it in half, squeeze the juice from 1 half into a separate cup. Dissolve sugar - sand in 70 ml warm water in an enamel bowl, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, put a sprig of rosemary, pour in lemon juice, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 7-10 minutes.

Then remove from heat, cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator. Pour the thickened syrup into portioned sockets, add strawberries, decorate the edges of the dishes with granulated sugar and refrigerate for 1.5 hours. Serve chilled.

Stew "Eastern". Recipe


8 chicken eggs,

3 small blue heads onions,

3 large cloves of garlic

6 large tomatoes,

70 ml olive oil

18 pitted olives,

5 bell peppers,

1 eggplant,

Sugar, ground black pepper, white pepper, salt.


Wash the bell peppers with running water, remove the seeds, wrap in food foil and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. At this time, wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and remove the skin. Finely chop the tomatoes.

Peel, wash and chop the onion and garlic. Wash the eggplants thoroughly, peel and cut into small cubes.

Remove the baked peppers, cool and cut into rings of medium thickness.

Heat a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan over low heat, put chopped onions and eggplants and simmer under a closed lid for 20 minutes, adding water as needed. Then add chopped tomatoes, garlic and bell peppers, salt, sugar, ground and white peppers. Stirring constantly, simmer the vegetable mixture for 2 minutes, then cover, add water and simmer over low heat under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

During this time, boil the eggs, cool them, peel them, cut them in half and arrange them on plates (1 egg per serving). Place the cooked stew on plates and garnish with olive halves. Serve hot.

Chicken "Chef's Secret" in sauce


500 g chicken fillet,

250 ml creamy yogurt,

Juice of 1 lemon,

1 tsp turmeric,

0.5 tsp dill seeds,

0.5 tbsp. l. white ginger,

White pepper,


Wash the fillets with running water and put in a small bowl.

Prepare the marinade. Why add spices to yoghurt, mix thoroughly, salt and pepper.

Fill chicken fillet marinade and put under a press in a cold place for 10 hours. After that, put the chicken on a greased baking sheet, pour the marinade and pour lemon juice on top.

Place in the oven and bake over medium heat until the chicken is browned.

Chicken casserole with vegetables. Recipe


500 g chicken fillet,

2 medium eggplants

4 potato tubers,

5 large tomatoes,

2 medium sized onions,

250 ml low-fat cream,

1 tbsp. l. olive oil,

Bay leaf, oregano, thyme, allspice peas, salt.


Wash potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes with running water and cut into slices average size... Peel the onion and cut into rings.

Lubricate the form olive oil, put chicken fillet on it in an even layer, put a layer of eggplant on top, grease with cream.

The next layer is potatoes, then tomatoes, on top - onions in rings. Pour cream over the dish, add spices, salt and pepper. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 50-60 minutes, bake over medium heat. Serve hot.

Salmon in spices. Recipe


500 g salmon fillet,

Juice of 1 lemon,

100 ml of dry white wine,

50 ml olive oil

0.5 tsp thyme,

1 bunch coriander

White pepper,


Wash the fillet with running water and cut into portions 1.5 cm thick.

Put fillet in a deep saucepan, pour olive oil, pour lemon juice on top, add spices, salt and pepper.

Simmer over low heat under a closed lid for 20 minutes, adding water if necessary. 7 minutes before being ready, add wine and continue simmering over low heat.

Serve hot with boiled potatoes.

Veal in honey. Recipe


2 kg of veal,

50 ml olive oil

1 tbsp. l. linden honey,

0.5 l of dry red wine,

4 large heads of onions,

1 large orange

3 cloves of garlic

0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon, white peppercorns, thyme and rosemary,

0.25 tsp carnations.

Cooking veal

Wash the veal with running water, cut into 2 cm thick portions, put in a bowl.

Peel the onion, cut into rings, put in an even layer over the veal.

Peel the garlic, squeeze out using a special press and put on the veal.

Heat the wine in an enamel bowl, add honey, mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved and add a mixture of spices. Remove from heat, cool, pour veal with this sauce and put it under a press in a cold place for 10 hours.

Then grease the bottom of the saucepan with olive oil, lay out the veal, pour the marinade over it, add the orange cut into large cubes, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours, adding water if necessary.

Serve the finished dish with a garnish of vegetables.

Gourmet's Dream casserole. Recipe


1 kg of medium-sized potatoes,

3 large onions,

6 medium sized tomatoes,

100 ml cream

200 g of hard cheese

150 ml olive oil

0.5 tsp. thyme, oregano and dill seeds, allspice peas, salt.


Peel the potatoes, wash with running water and cook until half cooked, cool and cut into 1 cm thick slices.

Peel the onion and cut into thin rings.

Wash the tomatoes, scald with boiling water, then carefully remove the skin and cut into thick rings. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and lay out onions, potatoes and tomatoes alternately.

Grate cheese on a coarse grater, mix with cream, add spices. Pour the sauce over the casserole. Place in a preheated oven and bake until the vegetables are browned.

Serve as a hot side dish to meat and fish dishes.

Almost everyone strives to look slim, fit. After all excess weight - it is not only not beautiful, but also big problems with health, excessive stress on organs, legs, spine. If you are determined to reset overweight, then first of all you will have to change the diet. Next, we will find out what dietary products you need to eat in order to be always young.

Dishes made from healthy products

It's hard to list the list useful products, because there are many of them. It's easier to tell which food is worth giving up. Try to minimize the consumption of fatty foods, fast foods, dishes cooked in a pan in a large number oil or fat. Eat less sweets, pastries, and give up alcohol. Use still water as a drink, do not drink sugary carbonated drinks. It is good if your diet contains: cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, cereals, vegetables, lean fish and eggs, hard varieties pasta, seafood, etc.

Healthy recipes

Curd pate

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 2 small spoons of flour;
  • greens, two eggplants.

Cut the eggplants into sandals, put in a bowl, salt. Let it stand like this for 25 minutes. Steam them. Mix the sour cream, egg with flour and salt separately, then add the mass to the curd. Mix thoroughly. Gently put the filling on the eggplant, wrap it in tubes and send it to the microwave (convection mode, 180 degrees). Bake for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before meals.

Ravioli with pumpkin


  • two yolks, flour 225 grams, salt;
  • water (3 large spoons), lean oil (3 tablespoons);
  • pumpkin pulp - 120 grams;
  • cheese - 55 grams;
  • rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons

Knead the dough from yolks, flour, water, lean oil. Boil peeled pumpkin from seeds and peel until soft. Then mash it, add cheese to the resulting mass. Roll out the dough, make ravioli. Cook them in boiling water. Pour oil into a frying pan, add rosemary, lightly fry the branch. Pour ready aromatic composition ravioli. Serve for dinner.

Here you will find tasty, affordable and original recipes home cooking, lovingly prepared.

Can't you cook ?! Don't let this upset you! It is very simple to fix it - come visit us more often and you will not only learn, but also love to cook! Most main secret delicious dish is good mood and the confidence that you will succeed! Love what you do! Love to cook! Cook with joy and you will succeed!

Let your life become joyful and interesting!

Delicious and simple first course recipes

Creamy mushroom soup


200 grams of champignons

potatoes - 3 pcs.

500 ml cream



Peel, chop and boil the potatoes, pouring water one centimeter above the tubers.

Chop the onion and fry.

Add finely chopped mushrooms, fry until the liquid evaporates.

Crush boiled potatoes, mix with mushrooms.

Pour cream, salt, stir, boil.

Garlic croutons go very well with this soup. To prepare them, you need to melt butter and fry the coarsely chopped garlic.

Put slices of white bread in butter, fry on both sides.

Serve the soup with croutons.

Bean soup with pork

This soup is very tasty and easy to prepare, use a piece of pork head as meat.


Beans - 100g.

Carrots - 3 pcs.

Potatoes - 3 pcs.

Meat - 200g.

Salt pepper, bay leaf - taste.


Pour the meat cold water and cook for at least 1.5 hours.

Put the soaked beans to boil.

When the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan, change the water, add the chopped potatoes, almost boiled beans, chopped carrots, salt.

After 25 minutes, the soup is ready, serve hot, add the herbs.

Mashed potato soup with tongue

Simple and very tasty potato and tongue soup. The listed ingredients are sufficient for two servings.


pork tongue - 1 pc. (200-300 gr),

potatoes - 5-6 pcs.


Put the pork tongue in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook for 1.5-2 hours, periodically adding water. Then hold for 2-3 minutes under cold water and remove the skin from it.

Peel the potatoes, put in a saucepan, add water so that it slightly covers it, lightly salt and boil until tender. Do not drain the water after cooking!

With a blender with a nozzle, puree the potatoes together with the water in which they were boiled until smooth, if necessary add a little water until the desired consistency is obtained.

Cut the tongue in half, cut one part into small cubes, the other into large flat pieces 1-1.5 cm thick.

Put the diced tongue in the mashed potato soup, stir, add salt if necessary. You can fill with sour cream or kefir. Pour the puree soup into the bowls and put in several pieces of tongue. Garnish with herbs when serving.

Delicious and simple second course recipes

Pasta with creamy sauce


Pasta - 100g.

Cream - 50g.

Oil - 30g.

Cheese - 50g.

Pepper, salt, nutmeg to taste.


Pour pasta into boiling, salted water, heat butter and cream in a frying pan.

When the butter and cream are hot, add the grated cheese to them, salt, and grate the nutmeg.

Add cooked pasta, stir.

Before serving, sprinkle with ground pepper already directly on a plate.

Eggplant with minced pork


Eggplant - 6 pcs.

Pork (pulp) - 600g

Flour - 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons

Tomatoes - 5 pcs.

Dry wine, salt, sugar, ground black pepper, parsley, garlic - to taste

How to cook

Cut the eggplants into slices, season with salt and leave for 20 minutes, then squeeze out the bitterness and, breaded in flour, fry the slices on both sides. Pass the pork pulp through a meat grinder, salt and pepper to taste and fry the resulting minced pork, adding flour during the frying process. In a greased saucepan with a thick bottom, lay eggplants and minced meat in layers (3-4 layers), pour over mashed tomatoes, add dry wine, salt, spices and sugar to taste, add upper layer casseroles of chopped parsley. Simmer covered over low heat for about an hour. Add chopped garlic at the end of cooking. Serving on the table, pour the eggplants with meat in portions with the sauce obtained during the stewing and sprinkle generously with chopped herbs.

Chops in German


Pork (ham pulp) - 700g

Lard - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Smoked bacon - 2-3 pieces

Parsley and celery root - 1 pc.

Carrots - 1 pc.

Onion - 1 onion

Broth - 1 glass

Apple - 1 pc.

Tomato puree - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Flour - 1 tsp.

Wine - 1 tbsp. l.

Table vinegar or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Ground black pepper, allspice, salt - to taste

How to cook

Form cutlets (on the bone), beat off, salt and fry until golden brown. In the remaining fat, stew finely chopped roots, onion and apple, tomato puree. Put pieces of bacon on the bottom of the stewpan, on them - half of the vegetable mixture, cutlets, the rest of the vegetable mixture, sprinkle with flour and simmer for about an hour; then add wine, broth, vinegar, spices and simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve with sauce, fried potatoes and salad.

Stewed chicken fillet with gooseberries


Chicken fillet (breast) - 800 gr.

Gooseberry - 1 glass

1 medium onion

2 teaspoons sour cream

Butter - 1 tsp

Vegetable oil for frying

Salt, pepper - to taste


Gooseberries can be taken both fresh and frozen. If the berry variety is very sour, you can add a little sugar to the sauce to taste.

Remove the tails from the gooseberries. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Dissolve the butter in a thick-walled saucepan or saucepan, in which cook the onion until transparent. Then add the gooseberries and simmer for a few more minutes. While the gooseberries and onions are cooking, let's start with the meat.

Cut the chicken into portions, grate with pepper, salt. Fry in a small amount vegetable oil each piece, then put the fried pieces into a saucepan. Before dipping the meat into a stewpan, the gooseberries can be kneaded or left as they are.

Pour a glass of water into the pan in which the meat was fried, add sour cream. Stir for a while, warm up the liquid, then add it to the saucepan. Bring the meat to readiness by covering the saucepan with a lid.

The stew goes well with any side dishes and salads, it can be cooked for future use for a couple of days, which will significantly save time for busy housewives. To reduce the number of calories, butter can be replaced with vegetable oil, and instead of sour cream, use low-fat cream or half a cup of zero-fat milk.

Hedgehogs with rice


minced pork + beef (in half) - 500 gr,

rice - 1 glass,

egg - 2 pcs.,

tomato - 1 pc.,

onions - 2 pcs.,

garlic - 1/2 head,

ketchup - 2 tablespoons (you can do without it),

milk - 1 glass,

ground black pepper, salt


Both adults and children love these meatballs with rice! Each housewife prepares hedgehogs in her own way.

I use long grain parboiled rice to cook hedgehogs.

Rinse the rice with cold water, put in a saucepan and pour 1.5 cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer with the lid ajar until all the water is absorbed into the rice.

Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic.

Add half of the garlic and onion mass to the minced meat, mix.

Salt and pepper the minced meat to taste, add two eggs, mix.

Add half the boiled rice and mix.

Chop or grate the tomato very finely. Add to it the second half of the onion and garlic, a glass of milk, a pinch of salt, ketchup and mix thoroughly.

Pour a few tablespoons of this sauce into the bottom of a baking dish.

Roll small balls from minced meat.

Roll each ball on all sides in the remains of boiled rice.

Place the balls into the mold.

And pour over the remaining sauce: first, pour over each ball with a spoon, then pour all the sauce into the mold. Cover the dish with a lid or foil, bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees, then open the lid (remove the foil) and bake for another 10-15 minutes at maximum temperature

Simple and delicious salad recipes

Russian salad with pickled mushrooms


pickled mushrooms - 1 can,

pickled cucumbers - 1 can,

potatoes 5-6 pcs.,

red onion - 1-2 pcs.,

vegetable oil.

How to cook

Russian salad is so named because it contains boiled potatoes, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers. For this salad, you can use your stocks of home canning: cucumbers and honey mushrooms.

1. Wash the potatoes, boil them in their skins until tender, let them cool.

2. Cut the cucumbers into slices, if too large - cut the slices in half.

3. Drain the liquid from honey agarics.

4. Peel the potatoes, cut them into flat wedges or cubes, mix them with honey mushrooms and chopped cucumbers.

5. Peel the onion, cut into rings. Season the salad with oil.

Tip: instead of oil for dressing Russian salad with pickled mushrooms, you can use mushroom liquid.

Crab puff salad


crab sticks - 200 gr (1 pack),

potatoes - 5 pcs.,

carrots - 3-4 pcs.,

egg - 5 pcs.,

How to cook:

The crab stick puff salad is very similar to the traditional mimosa, but the fish is replaced with crab sticks and the cheese is eliminated.

Wash potatoes and carrots, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water, put eggs in the same place. Boil. Boil the eggs for 8-10 minutes, then put them on a plate, cover with cold water. Cook the potatoes and carrots until cooked (if a fork or knife easily pierces the vegetables, then it's done).

Allow vegetables and eggs to cool, peel them.

Grate potatoes and carrots on a fine grater, separate the egg white from the yolk from the eggs and grate finely.

Defrost crab sticks and chop finely.

Lay out the first layer from half of the resulting grated potatoes, lubricate it small amount mayonnaise.

Then lay out a layer of crab sticks.

The next layer of lettuce is formed from grated egg whites, which are smeared with mayonnaise.

The remaining potatoes are laid out on the proteins, then a layer of carrots, which is also smeared with mayonnaise.

Then the salad is carefully sprinkled with grated egg yolks.

Diet seafood salad


seafood cocktail (shrimp, squid, mussels, octopus) - 700-800 gr,

bell pepper - 2 pcs.,

green apple - 2 pcs.,

egg - 2 pcs.,


Diet Seafood Salad - Delicious low calorie salad with bell pepper, apple and boiled egg. In order not to gain weight and keep the figure in order, we need to know the composition and calorie content of our diet, not to eat harmful, unnatural and fatty foods. This salad is suitable for such purposes.

Defrost the seafood cocktail and boil it in salted water until tender (5-7 minutes after boiling). Put on a plate and let cool.

Wash the bell peppers and peel them of seeds and stalks. Cut the pepper into thin slices.

Wash the apples, peel and cut into strips.

Boil the eggs "hard boiled" (8-10 minutes after boiling), let cool, peel and cut into cubes.

Mix seafood, peppers, apples and eggs, salt if necessary.

Heart salad


pork or beef heart - 600 gr,

champignons (fresh, canned or frozen) - 400 gr,

potatoes - 3-4 pcs.,

pickled cucumber - 2-3 pcs.,


Heart salad is an unusual delicate salad. It is liked even by those who do not like offal.

Rinse pork or beef heart in cold water, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to a boil on high fire... Then reduce the heat to low and cook for 2 hours, periodically skimming off the foam. 30 minutes before salt is ready.

Put the boiled heart on a plate and let cool.

Then cut into cubes.

While the heart is boiling, you need to prepare the rest of the ingredients for the salad.

Finely chop the mushrooms and fry over medium heat in vegetable oil.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, let them cool down and also cut into cubes.

Then you can start shaping the salad.

Put half of the whole volume of the chopped heart on the bottom of the cup, brush with mayonnaise.

Then lay out a layer of half the mushrooms.

Then lay out a layer of half the potatoes and brush again with mayonnaise. Place a layer of chopped pickles on top of the potatoes.

Repeat the layer of the heart, the layer of mushrooms and the layer of potatoes, grease the salad with mayonnaise on top. Letting the salad stand makes it softer.

Enjoy your meal!

Taking care of your health, you need to understand, what healthy eating this is just an addition. All problems with health, energy, fate, karma, relationships, etc. have their roots on several levels at once - physical, psychological and mental. Many diets, exercise, and medicine only help temporarily. do not work with the causes of imbalance, troubles, poor health... There is a technique that works not only with the root causes and roots of all problems, but also works at all levels. You can read more about the technique in this article .

Are there any dishes that would combine all these qualities? There is! And the best part is that they are available to everyone. You can cook them at home, the search for the products that make up them will not bring any trouble, they have no contraindications to use, but you can eat them at least every day.

What are these healthiest dishes? Let's get to know them better.

5 healthiest meals according to nutritionists

    A unique mix of healthy vegetablesprepared by one of the most useful ways - in the oven. The dish may include: tomatoes, several types of sweet peppers, eggplants, onions, garlic, olive oil. This is an incredible cocktail of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other health-promoting substances.

    Ratatouille prepared by traditional recipe, contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex, necessary for the body... That is, there is no such organ that would not be positively influenced by its use. Yes, food can be enjoyable and healthy at the same time! This is proved by the next four nominees in the TOP.

    Do you think that pork is harmful product? Perhaps it is. But only if it is improperly prepared, and even abused. If this dish is cooked by stewing, then it will bring exceptional benefits.

    Selenium - here essential element, which is full in pork. In fact, it is an antioxidant and an active anticancer agent. The combination of pork meat with Brussels sprouts, which simply contains in huge quantities another, no less valuable component - sulforaphane, increases the activity of selenium by almost 15 times, and also endows the dish with antifungal, antimicrobial properties.

    Pork with Brussels sprouts is an irreplaceable source of amino acids (lysine, threonine, methionine), which are involved in the growth and regeneration of many body tissues. They are no less important for the health of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland.

  1. Scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes.
    These vegetables are also rich in selenium, the properties of which have already been described above. In combination with the very rare vitamin E, which is found in abundance in eggs, it has a very positive effect on the entire body as a whole, and on reproductive function in particular.

    This is a fairly simple, uncomplicated dish to prepare, but very healthy. Eggs contain a lot of zinc, potassium and calcium, and other minerals. Onions are a source of vitamins C, group B and U. Tomatoes are pectin, iodine, iron, vitamin D.

  2. This is a low-calorie dish, valuable for its useful properties... It can be used alone or as a supplement to other dishes. We traditionally have pounded potatoes, buckwheat porridge, pasta. Such cabbage is also used as fillings for pies, pies and dumplings.

    What is its main value? The low calorie content has already been mentioned. But one should not ignore the unique composition of stewed cabbage. It contains vitamin B2. It is a natural regulator of metabolism and energy balance... Vitamin C, which is also abundant in stewed cabbage, is a natural immunomodulator and antioxidant. Fiber normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the intestines from toxins.

    This dish was left for dessert. And as you might guess, not all desserts are bad. Oatmeal, combined with apples, are strong, clean vessels, healthy heart, intestines free from slagging. Flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants - this is an incomplete list of the most important substances that your body will replenish with if you consume oatmeal with apples at least 1-2 times a week.

    It is both dietary and extremely tasty dish... Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating them whenever possible!

As you can see, even the most simple products you can cook unique nutritional value dishes, and from the simplest dishes - extract maximum benefit for the body. Be healthy!