Aragonite is a family amulet. Aragonite - useful and magical properties of the stone

Aragonite is a stone that is rightfully recognized by esotericists as strong. This seemingly unremarkable mineral has useful functions, including not only the rehabilitation of relationships, but also all kinds of healing properties.

It is difficult to understand all the subtleties on your own. But this is not necessary. Our article will help you understand what aragonite is, teach you how to handle jewelry made from this stone and help you conduct home treatment sessions with it.

The aragonite stone got its name in a very classical way. It was first discovered in the Spanish city of Molina de Aragon. And, as is often the case, the name of the deposit was taken as the name for the mineral.

With aragonite, which has a highly beneficial properties, sadness and sadness do not fit in any way. But the legend that tells about the origin of the mineral can make even a non-romantic nature feel empathetic.

According to this legend, once in Molina de Aragon, a young man was passionately in love with a girl. The beauty reciprocated, but her parents were against the relationship of lovers. They married off their daughter to a rich man, thus concluding a marriage that was beneficial for the family. The bride grieved for a long time over her lost happiness, and her tears, falling to the ground, turned into precious stones. Subsequently, they acquired the status of a family amulet.

Where is aragonite mined?

For the first time, the mineral aragonite was found in Spain. This country is still actively extracting stone, providing the necessary raw materials for jewelry makers around the world.

The leader in the extraction of aragonite is Spain.

At the moment, the best samples are mined in several areas of Spain at once.

Among them:

  • Aragon;
  • Navarre;
  • Castile-la-Mancha;
  • Valencia;

Deposits of aragonite are also found in other countries of Europe and Asia, in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

Varieties of the mineral

The most common shade of this gem in nature is white. But aragonite crystals can also acquire other tones - orange, red, blue, green and even purple. The resulting color and its saturation depend on third-party impurities.

Mineralogical experts classify the mineral as follows:

  • Needle
    . Outwardly, it resembles a cross between spruce branches powdered with snow and straw. Small translucent white needles are located on a plate that looks like a piece of earth. Another name for the mineral "sparkling stone".

  • . This is a blue-white aragonite, similar to corals. Unlike the previous one, this species has a more rounded shape of crystals.

  • . Many people know how pearls grow, from which beautiful beads and earrings are then made. But the information that aragonite is present in the mother-of-pearl of seashells did not reach the ears of the general public. Apparently, the reason for this is that this type of mineral is rarely used anywhere.

  • "Iron Flowers".
    In fact, this species has very little to do with flowers. It rather resembles a dense interweaving of mushroom roots, gathered into a kind of white dense bush.

  • . The shape of this species is similarly rounded, as in helictites. However, they have little in common with corals - they are more like champignon caps fused into one lump. Due to the small size and location of the deposits in the caves, the pisoliths were nicknamed "cave pearl".

The magical properties of aragonite

The magical properties of aragonite are completely concentrated on one task - the creation of family well-being.

In this regard, experts do not recommend using it for those who do not have a pair. Unfortunately, the stone is not able, like some love talismans, to help in finding a partner. The amulet can bring its benefits only in already established relationships. That is why it is often purchased by couples.

A talisman with aragonite will help an already established couple to strengthen mutual understanding and create a happy family.

Aragonite is a real magnet for happiness in a family nest. This will be its effect on the married couple and on the rest of the family:

  • the number of quarrels and scandals will decrease in the house, the atmosphere will be filled with mutual understanding;
  • old values ​​will be transformed - work and money will fade into the background, giving way to a truly important thing - the family;
  • people who are related to each other by blood will become closer in spirit - they will learn to understand others and accept other people's shortcomings;
  • in the absence of a stable cash flow, the amulet will bring money to the house and even provide new housing;
  • not only family ties will improve, but also relations between lovers - there will be tolerance for the shortcomings of the chosen one, faded passion, the need for romance will resume.

According to the rules, in order to improve the atmosphere in the house and increase income, you need to place a gem in the common room. Thus, the attracted positive energy will begin to affect the whole family. If the couple needs to solve their intimate problems, then you will have to move the mineral to the bedroom.

The healing properties of the stone

Previously, aragonite was considered a healing stone. Modern medicine rejects the possibility of stone treatment. Nevertheless, representatives of one of the methods of alternative medicine - lithotherapists, are confident that stones can alleviate the suffering of patients, in addition, completely healing them on a spiritual level.

Followed by alternative medicine confident in the healing properties of aragonite.

Healing properties of aragonite stone:

  • The mineral helps to cope with disorders of the nervous system: relieves fatigue, soothes, relieves insomnia and fights depression.
  • It improves the condition of the skin and hair, helps to recover from rashes and other allergic manifestations. In this case, the stone should not be worn on the body, but should be taken in baths - crushed into powder and dissolved in water.
  • The gem improves the condition with flu and fever for other reasons. A pendant around your neck will help bring down the temperature and get rid of the fever.
  • Another useful property is an increase in libido. This feature manifests itself regardless of the gender of the owner of the amulet. The stone helps women overcome frigidity, and saves men from impotence. In addition, the talisman is able to overcome gynecological diseases. Of course, not independently, but with an integrated approach.
  • The amulet will also benefit the elderly. It will improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, solve problems with pressure, and easily cope with nervous conditions characteristic of the elderly.

When using jewelry for medicinal purposes, do not forget to carry out energy cleansing with salt. If this is not done, over time your talisman will weaken and stop working.

Caring for aragonite products

Take special care of your aragonite products.

Aragonite jewelry requires careful handling. This is a fragile stone, and therefore it is easy to damage. In order not to regret the broken amulet and the money spent, handle aragonite with care:

  • Try to protect the jewelry from accidental impacts on the street. If this is a ring or, remove it before entering the transport so as not to click on the handrails. At home, too, do not lose vigilance. Do not hang the pendant on a hook in the bathroom, but put it on a special stand or hide it in a shelf - this will protect the pendant from falling to the floor.
  • Aragonite scratches very easily, so it's best not to store it with other jewelry. Look for another box for the talisman, or at least a bag made of dense fabric. By the way, by hiding the stone in an additional case, you can keep it in a common box, because this way it will be protected from accidental mechanical impact.
  • When cleaning dirt, do not use harsh chemicals. Some chemicals contain hydrochloric acid in their composition, and it is detrimental to the mineral. Salt solution makes it almost literally boil.

The mineral has found the widest application in the jewelry industry. But they also use it when decorating rooms. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the gem should not be placed near heaters and other heat sources. Such an impact will harm the stone.

Aragonite stone and signs of the zodiac

Astrologers claim that an amulet with aragonite will have a positive effect on the personalities of all zodiac signs.

For many of us, checking the compatibility of a stone and our zodiac sign before buying is a common thing. However, aragonite does not fit into the general canon. This mineral, amazing in its properties, is equally favorable to all zodiac symbols.

But do not rush to go to the jewelry store for an aragonite talisman! Saying that the stone has no zodiac preferences, experts also mention a very important nuance.

The fact is that aragonite has a special energy. It will have a beneficial effect on those who are in a couple, and will make singles even more unhappy. For this reason, jewelry made from this gem will benefit only couples in love and married.

The mineral aragonite is an inorganic chemical compound, calcium carbonate. It originates near the surface of the earth, when exposed to high temperatures. Places of formation can be stalactite caves. In chemical composition, it is similar to calcite, only it is not the same in structure and is many times stronger than it. Aragonite can be visually distinguished by prismatic hexagonal tees.

The mineral aragonite is an inorganic chemical compound, calcium carbonate

The stone is rare. It has a varied color, which is acquired due to impurities: white or gray, pale yellow, green, blue and purple, black. Usually colorless or whitish. Solid and dense. It may be clear, cloudy or transparent in the type of water. It has a glassy, ​​silky luster, a half shell-shaped bend, imperfect cleavage, rhombic similarity.

In the composition - 56% calcium oxide, a small amount of impurities. The crystals are long, similar to needles, the end of which is either spear-shaped or chiselled. Blue-green aragonite is called needle, blue - zeirengite.

Properties of the mineral aragonite (video)

There are several types of aragonite:

  1. Needle-shaped crystals are elongated, transparent polyhedra or needles.
  2. Helictites can be found in karst caves. They look like coral-like crystals growing in different directions. They voluntarily bend and diverge.
  3. Pisolites - also called cave pearls, rounded aragonite bodies, slightly more than 2 mm in diameter. They are classified as oolites.
  4. "Iron flowers" are of extraordinary beauty, tangled-branched and radially-branched stones. Very much appreciated by collectors.
  5. Peculiar and unique "White Sea flyers" are a pseudomorphosis of aragonite after celestite in the form of a star with four rays.
  6. Sea pearls and shells get their nacre through the formation of a thin layer of aragonite - conchite and organic matter.

Galeya: mineral aragonite (50 photos)

mineral deposits

Underground deposits of the mineral were found in the Russian Federation, in the Urals - the Bakalsky "storehouse" and in Taimyr - the Kayerkansky and Daldykansky "storehouses". Collectible and rare specimens come across these deposits. Also, some regions of Spain, Sicily, Morocco (oolites) are a source of stone. Pisolites are found in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary. Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan are rich in aragonites.

Collections usually include specimens formed in a sintered manner, with intricate intergrowths of needle-like and separated crystals. Such specimens are very interesting and attractive. Often among them you can find stalactites with zones of concentration of calcite and aragonite.

Medicinal use

The healing properties of aragonite are extensive. This stone is called the crystal of healing. And if the mineral is used for therapy, then it must be stored from the effects of negative reactions. In order for aragonite to help, it must be placed in the room where the patient is constantly located, or always carried with you. The crystal can help reduce fever and inflammation, and reduce fever.

Lithotherapists assure that Aragonite helps with sexual dysfunction: increases sexual activity, treats impotence, various diseases of the reproductive organs and frigidity in both sexes. Also, the mineral has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to fall asleep, relieves unreasonable fears, reduces irritation, anger, and fatigue.

Improves hair growth and stops hair loss. Normalizes blood circulation in the limbs, warms them, stops muscle spasms and twitches. Aragonite perfectly helps in the treatment of skin diseases - allergic, infectious, nervous.

The magical influence of aragonite

In astrology, it is recommended to use amulets with this mineral only for married couples. A lonely person, when wearing such a talisman, will feel lost, unhappy. Aragonite, like an amulet, protects the home and family. It does not allow quarrels to develop, brings peace, understanding between spouses and even between parents and children. For adolescents, aragonite stone will help to survive puberty, and for adults, a “mid-life crisis.”

Aragonite directs all thoughts in the right direction, to real values ​​- this is care and love for the family, for the house. A person begins to understand that close and dear people are more important to him. Increases patience and willpower. Decisions are made with a clear head and a firm hand. The mineral radiates powerful sexual energy. Therefore, it is recommended that couples who want to conceive a child, but it doesn’t work out for them, put such a stone in the bedroom.

People who never part with the mineral retain their memory and clarity of mind until old age. You can purchase a figurine from this crystal and put it in a prominent place. This will help in the acquisition of housing, in the undertakings of a new business. Aragonite brings peace and tranquility. That is why meditation is done with him.

How to distinguish natural stones from a fake (video)

The 6 sides of this stone mean the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon. Many magicians, fortune-tellers and sorcerers use it to restore strength. Aragonite is associated with the soul of man, which reaches out to the universe. Its rays diverge to the sides. So the soul, which grows and develops, copes with all life's obstacles and difficulties, grows stronger. With this stone, a person engages in self-discipline and self-improvement.

Attention, only TODAY!

For many hundreds of years, stones have attracted the attention of man. They fascinate with their unique beauty, which has absorbed the power from the very heart of the Earth. Unraveling the mysterious properties of stones, people began to endow them with magical properties, using them as talismans and amulets.

Each mineral is unique and unrepeatable, each carries a riddle and mystery. The magic stone aragonite is a bright representative of a placer of gems.

History and origins

The first mention of this stone dates back to 1797. Then in Spain, the city of Aragon, deposits of a mineral were discovered, which later received its sonorous name in honor of the place of discovery.

Legend has it that aragonite is the tears of a Spanish girl in love, whose parents opposed her chosen one. Being imprisoned, separated from her beloved, the young Spaniard cried a lot. Her bitter tears, congealing, turned to stone.

The stone is of low-temperature hydrothermal sedimentary origin, often formed in basalt voids, deposited in hot hydrocarbonate springs. Refers to the polymorphic modification of calcium carbonate.

Place of Birth

Mining of the mineral is carried out mainly in karst caves. Crystals are distinguished by a variety of shapes: star-shaped, spherical, pyramidal and needle-shaped.

The deposits are widely distributed geographically. Large deposits of aragonite are found in Europe - Germany, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, and, of course, in Spain. Mining is also carried out in the USA, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan. In Russia, stone is mined in the South Urals and Taimyr. Large reserves of aragonite are stored at the bottom of the ocean.

It is interesting! "Aragonite roses" serve as a symbol of Karlovy Vary. A sediment of calcium aragonite is formed on the surface of the water of local thermal springs. Parchment roses or vases are dipped into water, and after a while the souvenirs sparkle with a mother-of-pearl surface.

Physical properties

Aragonite is a mineral with sufficient density and hardness. The color of the gem is famous for its variety of shades. Natural stone is transparent and glassy. Despite the similar composition with calcite, it is much less common in nature.

Density2.93 g/cm³
SyngonyRhombic (planaxial).
CleavageImperfect by (010).
TransparencyTransparent and translucent.
ColourColorless, white, grey, yellowish and reddish.

Color varieties

The color of aragonite depends on chemical impurities in the composition and natural form:

The variety of gem shapes is impressive. Rounded small ingots are called "cave pearls". Stones of bizarre shapes resembling plants were called "iron flowers". Acicular crystals are found in nature. Helictites outwardly resemble.

In the form of a thin mother-of-pearl layer, it is present on the valves of the shells, is part of.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, it has been believed that stones can affect human health. After all, minerals absorb the power and energy of the earth and water. Lithotherapy successfully uses knowledge about the bioenergetics of stones for the treatment and healing of a person.

Each gem has special healing qualities. It is believed that the vibration of stones is consonant with the vibration of the human body and quickly adjusts to the required wave, you just need to choose the right mineral.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that aragonite is a healing stone. Practitioners of alternative medicine endow the mineral with the following healing properties:

  • It calms the human nervous system, helps to cope with anger and irritation, fights the manifestations of stress, eliminates insomnia, overwork.
  • It has an effect on the human reproductive system: restores male potency and tone, cures female frigidity.
  • It treats skin diseases - psoriasis, lichen, various skin allergic reactions.
  • It helps to improve the condition with problems with the joints, strengthens the spine, the skeletal system.
  • Reduces inflammation, fever, helps the body recover faster after illness, strengthens the immune system.
  • Blocks muscle spasms and cramps.
  • Stops hair loss, accelerates their growth.
  • It has a positive effect on the elderly, facilitates the manifestations of menopause.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, aragonite is applied to certain points, jewelry with this gem is worn, water is passed through aragonite chips. By the way, water saturated with aragonite makes the springs of Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden healing.

magical properties

Aragonite is a constant companion of magicians and sorcerers, helping with spiritualism sessions, communicating with otherworldly forces, since it is believed that it perfectly grounds and concentrates energy. Able to increase the effect of prayer or magic spells.

  • Magic crystals bring harmony, peace and peace of mind, promote meditation, balance various energies in the human body.
  • Aragonite is considered a true guardian of the marital hearth, spreading its magic only to family people. Figurines or crafts from it are recommended to be kept in the house to attract prosperity, comfort and well-being to the family.
  • The mysterious mineral will help the spouses maintain mutual feelings, breathe passion into a cooling relationship, neutralize quarrels and evil thoughts, and make them more tolerant of each other.
  • Aragonite also helps to find mutual understanding between the older and younger generations, nullifies conflicts in the family, restoring peace and tranquility.
  • Contributes to the growth of the material wealth of the family, relieves need.
  • It relieves careless owners from laziness, helping to manage the household, fills the house with warmth and comfort.
  • Helps to comprehend moral and family values.
  • Aragonite amulets are able to keep from drunkenness, adultery and other vices.

Compatibility with other stones

All minerals have magical properties. To enhance their impact on a person and not harm the body, you need to correctly combine gems. Properly selected stones enhance the effect of each other, and incongruous ones nullify all the magical and healing properties.

Aragonite belongs to two elements - Earth and Water (yin energy). Therefore, it is ideally combined with similar minerals.

There is a color combination of stones. So, blue crystals are recommended to be combined with white and green stones, and black - with red and blue.

Noble metals - gold, silver, platinum - are ideal as frames.

Jewelry with a mineral

Aragonite is a precious gem mineral. Luxurious jewelry with a stone serve as proof of the excellent taste and respectability of their owner. Blue crystals resemble turquoises, and white ones are even turned into pearls. Various ornaments are made from the gem - pendants, beads, rosaries, earrings, brooches and rings are encrusted.

You can buy jewelry in a jewelry store or store specializing in products made of natural stone, as well as on the Internet. The price of the product depends on the quality and deposit of the mineral, the frame material.
Approximate prices for jewelry:

  • Ordinary aragonite earrings - from 200 rubles;
  • White aragonite beads (Mexico), 48 cm - from 2900 rubles;
  • Silver ring with aragonite - 790-2000 rubles;
  • Silver ring with a stone weighing 20 carats, Germany - 18800-22900 rubles.

The use of the gem is not limited to jewelry. Caskets, vases, figurines, and various souvenirs are traditionally made from it.

In addition, the gem serves as an interesting collectible material. “Iron flowers” ​​and “White Sea fliers” are especially valued.

Important! Don't buy jewelry that has already been used. After all, a stone can carry the negative energy of the former owner.

How to distinguish a real stone from an artificial fake

There are several proven ways to distinguish a natural stone from a fake:

  • Warmth. Natural stone is always somewhat cold. If you apply it to your lips for a few seconds, natural aragonite will remain cool, but glass or plastic will be warmed by the warmth of your breath;
  • Aurally. If you knock on glass with a natural stone, you get a characteristic sound, which is easy to identify a fake;
  • By weight. Natural stone is always heavier than plastic, ceramic and glass of the same size.
  • Photoluminescence. When irradiated with ultraviolet light, aragonite emits an orange-red glow.

The best way to protect yourself from fakes is to buy a gem from a reliable seller who has the appropriate documents and certificates.

Product Care Rules

Proper care of jewelry helps to preserve the original brilliance and radiance of gems for a long time.

As a rule, stones do not like bright sunlight, they become dull. Therefore, you need to store products made of aragonite in a dark place, separately from other jewelry. The ideal option is a box or box, upholstered inside with a soft cloth. The storage location should be away from heat sources. Do not forget that high temperatures are detrimental to aragonite.

Aragonite is afraid of mechanical damage, so it is better to remove products from it before going to the gym, when you have to do some work related to physical activity.

The sea, swimming pool, bath and sauna also have a detrimental effect on the mineral. Rings, rings, bracelets with aragonite It is recommended to remove before washing dishes to avoid the aggressive effects of detergents. Keep away from interaction with creams, varnishes and other cosmetics.

If there is dust on the jewelry, you need to wipe it with dry soft suede or flannel. In case of heavy soiling, dip in soapy water, then rinse well with clean water.

To clean the frame and make it shine, it is better to use special cleaners. In order not to damage the crystal, you need to carefully apply them directly to the frame with a cotton swab. Another option is to have it cleaned by a professional.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Who suits aragonite, astrologers know. They consider it universal. Of great importance for a person is the ability of a stone to fill with positive energy, to store and increase peace and tranquility in the family.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

The astrological properties of aragonite make it especially favorable for people born under the signs of Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn.

Astrologers do not find contraindications to any signs of the zodiac, the main condition is a married man or a married woman. For lonely people, the gem will not reveal magical properties, it will burden a person.

The mysterious magic of the stone will be fully revealed if it matches the name of the person.

Women's names:

  • Ludmila;
  • Svetlana.

Male names:

  • Arthur;
  • Vladimir
  • Makar.

But in general, the gem is suitable for any name, the main thing is that the person be family.

Important! When choosing a stone, you should first of all be guided by your own intuition. Hold in your hand, run over the skin, listen to your inner feelings and emotions. "Your" stone will cause only positive emotions, a sense of harmony and peace.

Aragonite - guardians of family ties and a miraculous healer

5 (100%) 2 votes

The name of the mineral aragonite is reminiscent of one of the provinces of Spain. So it is, because for the first time the stone was discovered near the city of Molina de Aragon, which belongs to Castile. In the 15th century, this area united with Aragon and became known as Spain. The legend says that the tears of a girl separated from her loved one turned into aragonite stones.

The stone belongs to the calcite group, having the most solid structure. The popular name of aragonite - cave calcite, suggests that the main deposits are found in dolomite and gypsum caves, in places most prone to weathering. This is explained by the fact that the stone belongs to the low-temperature group.

This mineral is considered "young", as after tens of millions of years it will be converted into calcite.

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite dust. Due to such a "short" life, aragonite is a rare mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is CaCO3.

Aragonite is a component of pearls. Each pebble consists of the thinnest layer of aragonite and a transparent interlayer of solid organic matter.

Variety of colors…

Aragonite, mined in karst caves, forms needle-like or radial incrustations. There are spherulites.

Natural specimens are colorless or white. Depending on impurities, aragonite can be cloudy, transparent and translucent. The color of the mineral has a wide range, which is added by the presence of other minerals:

  • White, formed in dehydrated voids of the earth's crust, mined in Mexico;
  • Orange, cave pearls are mined in Morocco;
  • Blue specimens are mined in China.

Also in nature there are yellow, blue, purple, green, gray. The blue-green ones are called needles, and the blue ones are called zeiringites.


There are several natural forms of aragonite formation:

  • Tarnovicite (admixture of lead) has hexagonal crystals. Color purple-brown, warm.
  • Nikolsovit contains zinc. Depending on the location, it changes color from colorless to black, it can be red-brown with an admixture of purple.
  • Sprudelstein otherwise, pea or caviar. This species is formed during the precipitation of calcium rocks from natural solutions. Differs in a variety of the sizes and forms. Sprudelstein is also called cave pearls, the deposits of which are located in Morocco. Its polished peas are used to make beads and as inserts in jewelry.
  • An iron flower is a very interesting interweaving of a bizarre form of mineral "outgrowths". There are instances resembling coral twigs.
  • Unusual crystals, in the form of needles, form transparent elongated shapes. Pisolite or cave pearls have a round shape with a size of 2 mm.
  • Spherical specimens are called oolites. Some marine mollusks have an aragonite coating that gives them a pearlescent sheen.

Locations of the mineral

The main deposits of aragonite are located in Europe: the best specimens are mined in Spain, Sicily and Morocco. Pisolites are found in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary). In Russia, there are deposits in Taimyr and the Urals.

Crystals found in South Dakota (USA), in Sicily, are of particular beauty.

Large deposits are located in the shelves at the bottom of the ocean. In the surf zone, aragonite occurs in the form of oolites (polished oval pebbles).

The magical power of the stone

Aragonite is considered a family stone. He protects home peace, smoothes out conflicts between spouses. Lonely people will be burdened by aragonite, catching up with melancholy. You can decorate your home with twigs, a box, or any aragonite craft.

For family

According to Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine attracts good luck and prosperity to the house. To do this, it is recommended to put the mineral in a prominent place. Its energy helps in acquiring a home or starting your own business.

The stone must “settle down” in the house so that the magical forces begin to work. You can arrange souvenirs in all rooms. If the stone is in the bedroom, then it helps to conceive a child and strengthen sexual relationships.

For people young and old

A pendant or amulet with aragonite will help a teenager overcome the difficulties of adolescence. For older people, it helps to preserve memory and a sober mind until old age.

The presence of a stone helps to focus attention and make the right decision with a clear head.

A good gift for newlyweds would be a talisman with a blue mineral.

Healing properties

The well-known spa in Karlovy Vary owes its usefulness, among other things, to the aragonite stone.

For skin

The springs located in this area flow through rocks enriched with this mineral. Baths relieve skin diseases, local water, passed through aragonite chips, is considered healing. The therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea also contains aragonite.

This unique quality is also used in lithotherapy (stone treatment). The stone is crushed into crumbs through which water is driven. Lotions with this liquid treat skin diseases. The stone helps to normalize increased age-related pressure, the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The energy of the mineral effectively affects the genitourinary system, helps to endure the symptoms of menopause, and restores an erection.

For sleep

Aragonite is considered a healing stone. It helps to relieve the inflammatory process, fever. As an additional tool, it will help relieve stress.

Aragonite is a good helper for insomnia.

The mineral must be protected from the effects of negative energy. For a positive impact, it is necessary to put aragonite in the room where the patient is, or wear it as an amulet.

The ratio of the mineral to the horoscope

Aragonite does not belong to any particular zodiac sign. The positive power of the mineral affects only married couples. A talisman made of aragonite will help maintain the strength of family ties for a long time. Everything that destroys marriage: passion on the side, addiction to alcohol, gambling loses its meaning from the impact of the stone.


Due to the variety of shapes and colors, aragonite is successfully used in the manufacture of jewelry. Any metal is suitable for framing, but gold, silver, platinum are more often used. Coral aragonite or iron flower is especially valued.

It is processed very little and inserted into earrings, rings, as decoration in jewelry boxes.

Beautiful beads are made from a translucent mineral. A very unusual blue aragonite, which is mined in China, is considered the most expensive. Such a mineral inspires confidence in its owner. It is inserted into rings, earrings. In China, local craftsmen carve ashtrays and caskets from zeyringite. Blue aragonite resembles turquoise in appearance, but softer.

There is another kind of stone - these are the White Sea fliers. They are valued for their unusual shape: an asterisk with 4 rays. Such specimens attract collectors as a finished souvenir.

Proper storage

A product made of aragonite will serve for a long time if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Jewelry should be stored in a box with soft walls;
  • Aragonite should not be allowed to come into contact with perfumes, cosmetics, chemicals;
  • Remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool;
  • If dark spots appear, wipe with a soft cloth.


Aragonite stone cannot be faked, because when heated, it turns into dust. Its price is small, since the mineral deposits are extensive and located in many parts of the world. The main magical power of aragonite is aimed at strengthening the family.

Aragonite - gemstone

Calcium carbonate is present in nature in the form of three varieties:

  • Calcite
  • Aragonite
  • Vaterite

They differ from each other in the shape of the crystal lattice. In nature, aragonite forms prismatic, columnar and spear-shaped crystals. It is an unstable phase of calcite. That is, for a certain period of time, ranging from 10 to 100 million years, it is converted into calcite.

Such a modification occurs with an increase in volume. Fast transition occurs under the influence of temperature, which is more than 400 degrees. The presence of strontium in the composition makes it more stable. That is, the greater the percentage of this impurity, the more stable the stone will be.

The first description of the mineral was made by the German geologist A. G. Werner. This calcium carbonate has many other names. Among them are pearl spar, Carlsbad stone, alabaster, river, oolite, ozerskite.

The mineral aragonite has a fairly strong refraction of the light flux. This is due to the structural features of its crystal lattice. Some samples that have a pink or blue color are characterized by fluorescence. It is associated with the presence of organic impurities in the composition.

Forms and varieties

The crystals that calcium carbonate forms are thin and elongated. Even in the photo, the combination of such thin crystals into one aggregate looks quite impressive. In some cases, the mineral aragonite takes on a shape resembling an accumulation of small beads, stalactites and fibrous masses.

Crystals can form spherical shapes. It was these forms that gave him another name - pea or caviar stone. The mineral aragonite is found in many shells of marine mollusks. It is the main part of the mother-of-pearl layer.

The mineral aragonite dissolves in acids. Such a reaction is accompanied by energy boiling. Despite its similarity to calcite, aragonite is considered a more expensive gemstone. This is due to its richer color range, as well as the fact that it forms more spectacular crystals, which can be of various shapes, including spherical ones.

The color of the crystals is given by impurities of strontium, magnesium and iron. This calcium carbonate is part of such organogenic minerals as mother-of-pearl and pearls. The inner part of the shells of most mollusks consists of the thinnest plates of the mineral aragonite. Interestingly, these plates do not touch each other, they are separated by organic matter.

Deposits and jewelry value

The main color is from snow white to green and blue. Stone deposits are found in Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bolivia and Austria. Since the mineral aragonite has an unstable phase, there are no ancient deposits in nature that are characteristic of other gemstones.

It is much less common than its variety calcite. Collectible and jewelry items made of aragonite stone are highly valued.

Jewelers widely use thin plates of a mineral called marble onyx. Naturally, it has nothing to do with the real onyx mineral.

Since calcium and its carbonates make up a fairly large part of the earth's crust, aragonite can be present together with gypsum and celestite in clays, marls, pisoliths, and calcareous tuffs. Layers of the fine-grained mineral aragonite can be found in so-called cave pearls.

The mechanism of formation of such pearls is identical to the formation of pearls in mollusk shells. The only difference is that the formation of cave variants occurs without the participation of living organisms. Interestingly, the human body contains only four minerals. These are aragonite, calcite, apatite and cristobalite.

The healing properties of the stone

Experts believe that aragonite helps to strengthen the nervous system. It is used as a healing stone, which helps to get rid of frigidity and impotence. In addition, the stone is credited with such healing properties as relieving fatigue and irritation.

The magic of the stone lies in its ability to bring comfort and goodwill to family relationships. It is believed that talismans and amulets with a stone can not only improve family relationships, but can also help its owner get rid of bad habits.

Since calcium carbonate is the main chemical composition of the mineral aragonite, and calcium is considered beneficial to the body, it is credited, and not without reason, with the healing properties of minerals. Many water sources that come to the surface through layers of aragonite stone are considered healing.