Bepanten under the diaper. Children's hypoallergenic cream Umka. The best diaper cream

Even if you put on a diaper for your child at night or for a walk, and do not use it all the time, the baby may have diaper rash, redness and irritation on the skin. The skin of newborns is very delicate and sensitive, they die in a diaper, which leads to such problems. Allergies may occur due to the material. In addition, the diaper can chafe and squeeze the skin. Then the parents resort to using various cosmetics.

Newborn skin care

It is important to avoid skin problems. A good diaper should be made from high quality, natural and breathable materials. It should be suitable for the baby, absorb moisture well and protect clothing from leaks. The elastic bands of the panties should not be tight, so as not to squeeze or chafe the skin.

Don't keep your baby in a diaper all the time! The skin needs to breathe. Be sure to monitor the hygiene of the newborn and change the diaper regularly. Before putting on a diaper, and after water procedures, many parents use various means to moisturize the skin of their babies.

Modern children's cosmetics prevents the appearance of diaper rash, rash, redness, irritation and allergic reactions. These products improve the moisture balance of the skin, nourish and moisturize the epithelial cells, eliminate discomfort, soothe and enhance the protective properties.

When you need a diaper cream:

  • Diaper rash;
  • Rash;
  • Redness;
  • Prickly heat;
  • Eczema;
  • Peeling and rough spots;
  • Dryness and lack of moisture;
  • Allergy;
  • Atopic and diaper dermatitis;
  • Diathesis;
  • Psoriasis.

The most common remedies are diaper powder or cream for newborns. Among the well-known and affordable brands of creams for babies, Sudokrem and Desitin, Bepanten and Drapolen, Mustela are distinguished. Some funds are used not only as a prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of various skin diseases. By the way, Bepanten is versatile. It is perfect during and after breastfeeding, for treating burns and skin problems in children and adults.

Regardless of the type and brand, cosmetics must be safe, contain natural ingredients and not cause allergies, suitable for babies by age and skin type. Remember that every baby is different, so one cream that works for one can cause a negative reaction in another.

Cream or powder

Many parents prefer powder. It is a powder or powder with zinc, talc, starch and herbal ingredients. With this tool, crumbs are powdered on the skin, which quickly and effectively eliminates diaper rash. Powder, first of all, eliminates this problem. It cools the skin and reduces friction, soothes and relieves itching.

Diaper rash in infants occurs due to an excess of moisture in the places of formation of skin folds in the groin and axillary regions, on the legs, buttocks and neck. This condition brings discomfort and worsens the condition of the baby, and can lead to a bacterial infection. For the prevention and elimination of small diaper rash, powder, decoctions of chamomile and string are used.

Powder is not recommended for regular use, as it dries out the skin, which can cause flaking, dryness and lack of moisture. But such a tool is optimal for use in the heat, as it cools and tones.

The cream is primarily designed to eliminate rashes and redness. It is more nutritious and versatile than powder. In addition, the moisturizing cream for newborns saturates the skin with moisture and relieves excess dryness, helps with sunburn, frostbite and chapping. If you do decide to use a diaper rash cream for newborns, Desitin or Bepanten will do.

Pediatricians recommend using both powder and cream. Powder is taken to eliminate diaper rash, cream - for redness, irritation and dryness. But you cannot use both tools at the same time! What kind of powder to choose for a baby, see. And then we will learn how to choose the best cream.

How to choose a cream for a diaper

  • The cosmetic product must contain only natural and safe ingredients. Choose formulations that are free of silicones, fragrances, dyes, chemical and artificial additives;
  • Most of these products include panthenol and vitamin E, zinc, chamomile or calendula supplements, and some oils. These substances have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, heal and nourish, and restore. It is good if the composition includes vitamin A and B vitamins, lanolin;
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the cream and select a product that is suitable for the child by age;
  • For babies from the first days of life, choose products marked "from birth", "for newborns", etc.;
  • For allergy sufferers and children prone to allergies, choose cosmetics marked “hypoallergenic” or “non-allergenic”;
  • Choose preventive products for babies who have not yet encountered the problem of diaper rash or skin irritation, or only mild redness appears. Such creams protect the epithelium and prevent the occurrence of negative consequences after bathing or wearing a diaper;
  • Medical cosmetics are designed to eliminate serious skin problems and diseases. It heals and repairs damaged skin, soothes and relieves irritation;
  • For sensitive and problem skin, choose formulations with antibacterial, softening, drying and regenerating effects;
  • For normal skin without any problems, choose the classic protective baby cream for newborns with zinc and panthenol;
  • Before choosing and applying a cream, consult a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist. The specialist will determine the type of skin, help you choose the right product;
  • For the first time, apply a small amount of the cream to the skin area and wait for half an hour. If there is no negative reaction, and the condition of the skin has only improved, the product is suitable for the child;
  • Before choosing, study the experience and feedback of other parents. To make the choice easier, we offer a rating of the best diaper creams.

The best diaper cream

Means Description and benefits Flaws Price
Mustela (Mustela) Heals diaper rash and relieves severe irritation, soothes and nourishes, dries the skin, acts quickly and removes harmful bacteria Dense consistency is poorly absorbed and difficult to wash off, high price 450-600 rubles (50 ml)
Bubchen A classic protective cream for babies from the first days of life, provides gentle care and is suitable for sensitive skin, heals wounds, eliminates diaper rash and irritation, is well applied Can sometimes cause an allergic reaction 260 rubles (75 yl)
Babyline (Babeline) Eliminates diaper rash and has a positive effect on skin condition, economical consumption and affordable price, relieves inflammation and performs protective functions Thick and oily mass, difficult to apply, difficult to absorb 180-250 rubles (150 ml)
Weleda Suitable for sensitive skin and from the first days of life, contains calendula, relieves inflammation and heals wounds, high-quality composition and light pleasant aroma, well applied Oily and dense mass is slowly absorbed 400-480 rubles
Sanosan Includes olive oil, nourishes, heals and soothes the skin, eliminates and prevents diaper rash, redness and irritation, forms a protective layer Thick consistency is difficult to apply and absorbs for a long time 200-400 rubles (100 ml)
Eared nanny Affordable protective cream for the prevention of diaper rash and irritation, odorless, natural composition, suitable for daily use, relieves redness, nourishes and protects the skin, suitable for babies from birth Washes off quickly, not suitable for the treatment of skin diseases and severe diaper rash, for skin prone to diseases 100-140 rubles (100 ml)
My Sunshine A budget option containing natural ingredients and various oils, moisturizes and softens the skin, prevents diaper rash and protects against irritations The skin may turn red, pimples and an allergic reaction may appear. 55 rubles (50 ml)
our mother Contains herbal extracts and sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A, quickly acts and protects against diaper rash, redness, soothes the skin Does not cope with severe diaper rash and skin diseases, does not contain zinc 100-150 rubles (100 ml)
cream 5% An effective and safe remedy for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash, eliminating burns and irritations. Universal cream for adults and children, heals quickly and includes vitamin B5 Not recommended for everyday use, wasteful consumption and inconvenient packaging, high price 450 rubles (30 g)
Sudokrem A therapeutic agent and an analogue of Bepanten cream, relieves pain and inflammation, eliminates microbes and fungus, helps with burns, skin diseases Not suitable for prophylaxis and daily use 300-400 rubles (50 gr)
Desitin Healing cream, dries and disinfects the skin, eliminates itching and inflammation, treats pus and various skin diseases, protects and restores Used for treatment, not suitable for prevention 250-300 rubles (50 ml)

How to apply the cream

Before using medicinal products, be sure to consult your doctor! Self-treatment can only aggravate and worsen the situation. Before use, read the instructions and follow the recommendations. The cream is applied two to four times a day to clean and dry skin. Manufacturers recommend treating your baby's skin with every diaper change and after water treatments.

Before applying the cream, rinse your baby's skin or use wet wipes. Dry the baby and let the skin breathe, then apply the cream. Gently massage the product into the desired area using massage movements and carefully distribute the composition over the surface of the skin.

Every parent uses diapers. Someone dresses the baby only at night or for walks, someone uses diapers all the time. In any case, diaper rash, redness and an allergic reaction may appear on the baby's skin. To avoid this, doctors advise using a diaper cream. In this article, we will look at which tool is better to choose. And we will learn how to properly use the cream for newborns and babies.

Do I need a diaper cream

Some parents prefer not to use cream or lotion, but instead put a diaper on the baby's dry skin or apply a small amount of powder. This is acceptable if the child does not have skin problems. However, babies often develop rashes and redness, irritation, diaper rash, peeling and dermatitis due to poor breathing diapers.

For skin problems, experts recommend applying a special protective cream that relieves inflammation and soothes the skin, provides proper care and prevents the appearance of various skin problems. You can choose a prophylactic, therapeutic or universal remedy.

Sometimes moms and dads prefer to use baby powder for diaper rash. It relieves inflammation and itching, soothes and prevents the appearance of diaper rash, keeps the skin breathing and reduces friction, and has a cooling effect. A big plus is that it absorbs sweat, urine, feces and residues of other secretions that can get on the baby's skin.

The powder dries out the skin, which can cause flaking and irritation. Therefore, for dry skin, it is better to choose an emollient and moisturizer. The choice of the right remedy depends on the problems the baby is facing, as well as on the effectiveness and speed of action. If powder helps, use a powder. If cream, choose this remedy. For more information on the properties and action of baby powder, see.

How to apply the cream correctly

  • Rinse and dry the skin with soft tissues before applying the product. It must be clean and dry;
  • Allow your skin to breathe for ten minutes before applying the product. Then the skin is completely dry and rested;
  • A small amount of the product should be smeared on the area around the priests and on the newborn's buttocks. Pay special attention to the skin folds and groin in girls or boys;
  • Apply the cream with light and gentle movements, do not squeeze or press on the skin;
  • Spread the composition well so that it does not roll. Wait until it is completely absorbed, and only then put on the diaper;
  • It is not necessary to apply the cream after every diaper change. Sometimes you can use a powder or put on a diaper on dry, clean skin without the use of additional products;
  • If you are using the product for the first time, apply a small amount of the composition to the baby's skin and wait for half an hour. If there is a negative reaction, you will have to select another drug. If there are no allergic consequences, and the skin condition has only improved, the cream is suitable for the baby;
  • Choose your cream carefully. It is important that it contains safe ingredients and does not cause an allergic reaction. Before choosing, it is better to consult a doctor;
  • Do not use medicated cosmetics unless your child has serious skin problems. In this case, a prophylactic cream is suitable;
  • Choose special products that are designed for newborns, for delicate and sensitive skin. It is important that the cream is suitable for the age of the child;
  • Before buying, be sure to check the composition, date of manufacture and expiration date.

The best baby diaper cream

Cream Characteristic Price
High-quality classic diaper cream, suitable for boys and girls from the first days of life; contains zinc, chamomile and panthenol, which increases the anti-inflammatory effect; quickly removes redness, softens and protects; convenient packaging and economical consumption, delicate pleasant aroma

280 rubles (150 ml)

MUSTELA An effective hypoallergenic composition is suitable for constant use, with severe irritation and diaper rash, with regular skin problems; relieves inflammation and dries slightly, eliminates harmful bacteria; does not leave a greasy film, is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, odorless

400 rubles (50 ml)

Natural composition with zinc, oils, extracts and vitamins; quickly absorbed and spread over the surface, creates a protective barrier; universal classic cream for every day at an affordable price; not suitable for treatment and may cause allergies due to natural ingredients

180 rubles (75 ml)

Pharmacy product containing vitamin B5 to relieve irritations, delicate and pleasant composition, heals and does not dry the skin; easy to apply and spread, absorbs quickly, does not cause allergies and prevents diaper dermatitis. It is also useful for a nursing mother, because heals cracked nipples during breastfeeding, but uneconomical consumption and inconvenient packaging

460 rubles (30 grams)

Eared nanny

Affordable hypoallergenic product containing zinc, calendula and peach oils; odorless, protects against diaper rash and redness, suitable for daily use as a prophylaxis and for skin that is not prone to irritation; rinses off quickly

140 rubles (100 ml)

Johnson's Baby Hypoallergenic cream for newborns, soothes and relieves irritation, heals the skin, contains vitamin E and zinc; , fights infection; plastic and soft consistency, easy to apply and prevents diaper dermatitis

140 rubles (50 ml)

our mother

An affordable product containing extracts of chamomile and calendula, sea buckthorn oil and vitamins A and E; eliminates diaper rash and redness, relieves inflammation, but can cause allergies; easy application and pleasant aroma

100 rubles (100 ml)

Hypoallergenic cream containing panthenol, zinc and talc; relieves irritation and soothes, has a protective effect, helps with diaper rash; suitable for delicate and sensitive skin 260 rubles (150 ml)

We've covered how to apply the cream under the diaper, but it's important to choose the right product for your baby. Choose only safe formulations without dyes, fragrances and silicones, chemical and artificial additives, preferably odorless or with a weak, not very pronounced aroma.

For newborns and children from birth, use cosmetics with the appropriate label. For allergies, choose hypoallergenic creams. Classic formulations contain zinc and vitamin E, which restore and heal the skin, cope with diaper rash.

In addition, preparations may include extracts of chamomile and calendula, vitamins A and B, lanolin. Such components have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, restore and soften the skin, have an antibacterial effect and soothe.

In addition, the cream should have a light texture and be well absorbed without leaving a film on the skin. It is good if the product is distinguished by an economical consumption, and it lasts a long time. Regardless of the choice, it is important to remember that the child does not have to be in a diaper all the time!

- redness in the folds caused by sweating. More often they form under the diaper, with untimely treatment, pustules and ulcers may appear. The baby feels pain and burning, especially when the affected areas are exposed to moisture. For treatment and prevention, it is necessary to use a remedy for diaper rash in newborns. The ones on the market differ slightly in composition and price.

Desitin cream

Creates a protective layer, preventing the irritating effect of urine, sweat during diaper rash. Contains zinc oxide to dry the skin, cod liver oil, lanolin and petroleum jelly to form a protective film. The barrier lasts for several hours, making it convenient to apply before nighttime, longer sleep. Helps with minor skin damage, eczema, burns.

The tool effectively relieves inflammation, prevents the further development of diaper rash, the result is noticeable within a few hours. It is used only for treatment, not suitable for prophylaxis.

Differs in a thick consistency, has a mild fish smell, comes in the form of a cream and ointment, which is thicker and more effective in severe forms of diaper rash. Pediatricians recommend using the ointment with caution for children under one year old, since it can dry out the skin.

Protective cream, prevents skin irritation, fights inflammation, redness. The composition contains panthenol for healing the epidermis, zinc oxide, which has astringent, drying properties. Olive oil softens the skin, promotes regeneration and hydration. It is a good barrier against the adverse effects of a wet diaper. Has an antiseptic effect, prevents inflammation, soothes the skin.

It contains no preservatives, no parabens, no artificial flavors or silicones. Sanosan is hypoallergenic and suitable for regular use. Some parents note that the cream has a very dense consistency, does not apply well and is almost not absorbed. This is due to the main function of the cream - to create a protective layer on the skin in order to avoid the negative effects of urine and feces.

The cream does not contain preservatives and dyes, it contains mignonette extract, wheat grain oil. Chamomile in the cream softens the skin and has an antibacterial effect. Vitamins A, E and C promote quick healing. Fish oil improves condition, deeply nourishes the skin. Panthenol provides regeneration, accelerates healing. Heliotropin helps to protect the skin, shea butter helps to soften.

There is a tube with a dispenser, which provides an economical consumption, it is convenient to use, it does not smell. When applied, it is not very well absorbed, has a greasy structure, while creating a protective film that prevents the aggressive effect of urine on the baby's skin. When applied in thick layers, it is difficult to rinse off. More suitable as a prophylaxis, a more effective remedy is needed to treat severe diaper rash.

Hypoallergenic cream, has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of extracts and. To soften and saturate with vitamins, the composition contains sesame and almond oil. Natural wax helps protect the skin from dehydration, lanolin makes it elastic. The composition contains volcanic clay - it helps to relieve inflammation and normalize the fat balance of the skin.

Weleda cream prevents irritation, relieves itching and redness, heals microcracks. Normalizes water balance - dries wet areas and moisturizes dry skin. Allows skin to breathe without clogging pores. It can be used for babies from birth. Thick, does not feel "sticky", has a pleasant smell.


Suitable for use from birth. Contains strong antiseptics - cetrimide, benzalkonium chloride, which have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The composition of lanolin softens the skin and maintains an optimal level of hydration.

Drapolen has a thick consistency, helps with various damage to the skin, relieves itching. It is consumed sparingly, a fairly quick effect. Has a specific smell that some parents do not like. It is not recommended to apply more than once a day if used for prophylaxis.

Johnson's Baby

A soothing cream, can be used on a newborn, is considered hypoallergenic. Contains zinc oxide, glycerin to moisturize and protect the skin. The cream contains lanolin - it softens the skin, promotes sufficient hydration.

Possesses a viscous dense consistency, can leave white marks on the skin and hands after application. Economical consumption, there is a weak floral aroma. Suitable as daily care, soothes slight redness, is effective for prevention. There are reviews that the cream is poorly distributed on the skin, in some cases it causes the opposite effect - increased redness and irritation during diaper rash.

"Our mother"

Contains herbal extracts with antiseptic properties (chamomile, calendula). It softens the skin and helps with minor redness thanks to the content of sea buckthorn oil. Does not have a drying effect.

Not suitable for the treatment of diaper rash, is a good moisturizer, fights dry skin. Helps prevent diaper rash with regular use. There are many negative reviews about the consistency of the cream - too oily. The consistency is dense, but absorbs if carefully spread over the skin. Many babies are allergic, and when applied during sleep, redness under the diaper may appear.

"Eared nanny"

The cream belongs to cosmetic, more suitable for normal daily care. Contains calendula oil as an antiseptic component. Zinc stearate has a drying effect, peach oil softens and nourishes the skin.

Differs in a specific not pungent odor, thick consistency, easy to apply, but quickly washed off. Relieves slight redness, ineffective for severe diaper rash. The disadvantages include the possibility of allergic reactions, the content of parabens.


The cream is suitable for newborns, is used for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of diaper rash, prickly heat, chafing. Effective for abrasions and dermatitis due to vitamin B5 in the composition, which promotes cell regeneration. It regulates cellular metabolism, strengthens and tones the skin. Helps with weeping diaper rash

Upon contact with the skin, it is easily distributed, quickly absorbed, forms pantothenic acid, penetrating into the blood, and excreted by the body with waste products in an unchanged form.

The inconvenience lies in the tin packaging, it is consumed uneconomically, some note its "stickiness". To prevent diaper rash, apply to clean, dry skin on folds and under a diaper. Treatment with a remedy must be agreed with a pediatrician.

The cream fights symptoms, eliminates the causes of diaper rash. Contains caprylyl glycol, which is antimicrobial and mild preservative. Lupine extract in the cream activates metabolic processes at the cellular level, fights microbes. Vitamin F promotes cell renewal, D-panthenol heals the skin, zinc oxide has a drying effect.

Convenient to apply under a diaper, does not form a greasy film on the skin, does not roll, absorbs quickly, odorless. May be difficult to wash off when applied in thick layers. The result is noticeable after a few hours - the redness of the irritated skin decreases. It is effective for the treatment of diaper rash, it is not advised to use it for prevention.


Available in the form of a gel, it is suitable for children from birth. Has a combined effect, helps prevent infection of damaged skin. Contains panthenol for skin regeneration and miramistin, which has an antiseptic effect. The tool fights microbes, improves local immunity, relieves inflammation. The composition includes synthetic substances that can enter the bloodstream through the skin and are excreted through the kidneys. It is effective for treatment, it is undesirable to use it for prophylaxis under a diaper - there is alcohol in the composition.

Which is better?

Name Volume Price Country of Origin Active substances Peculiarities
Desitin cream 50 ml 223 r France zinc oxide, cod liver oil effective in the treatment of diaper rash, gives a quick result
Drapolen 55 g 330 RUB Poland Cetrimide, lanolin, benzalkonium chloride suitable for quick treatment of diaper rash
Pantestin 15 g 205 RUB Ukraine Panthenol, Miramistin Helps heal diaper rash, not suitable for continuous use
Weleda 75 ml 340 RUB Germany Zinc, lanolin effective in the treatment of diaper rash
Mustela 50 ml 450 RUB France zinc oxide, D-panthenol, vitamin F, lupine extract Promotes healing of diaper rash
Bepanten cream 30 g 480 rbl Switzerland, Germany chamomile, lanolin, provitamin B5 helps with irritations, is a good prophylactic agent, is effective in the treatment of diaper rash
Bubchen 150 ml RUB 230 Germany plant extracts, panthenol, zinc oxide protective cream, more suitable for prevention
Sanosan 150 ml 249 r Germany Panthenol, Zinc Oxide, Olive Oil anti-inflammatory protective agent
Eared nanny 100 ml RUB 115 Russia Zinc stearate, calendula and peach oil protective diaper cream, not suitable for treatment
Johnsons baby 50 g 142 r France zinc oxide, lanolin, glycerin protective, softens the skin, not suitable for the treatment of diaper rash
our mother 100 ml 182 r Russia chamomile, calendula, sea buckthorn oil more suitable for moisturizing

It is difficult to determine the best cream for diaper rash in newborns: all products have negative reviews, much depends on the child's personal tolerance and proper use. You can only understand which diaper cream is best for your baby after application.

Ointments for diaper rash

Ointments are an alternative to diaper rash cream.

Zinc paste

Relieves inflammation, has antiseptic properties. In addition to the active substance, the composition contains petroleum jelly, rarely even paraffin. The absence of preservatives, aggressive chemicals, fragrances makes the drug hypoallergenic, from contraindications - intolerance to the components. Has a pronounced drying effect, with frequent use can cause flaking. It is recommended to use it simultaneously with baby cream, it can be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

Nystatin ointment

It is used for the fungal origin of diaper rash, prescribed by a doctor.

Synthomycin ointment

It is used for severe diaper rash - the third, when the baby's skin becomes covered with pustules and sores. It promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation. After application, it is necessary to apply a bandage to the affected areas, so the child feels uncomfortable.

Ointment for diaper rash in newborns is cheaper than creams - up to 80 rubles. per tube 30g. May be more aggressive.

How to apply?

If the baby is allergic to herbal extracts, other substances, you need to pay attention to the composition of the diaper cream. If it contains allergens, do not use it. Before using, you need to apply a little product on the child's skin, wait a few hours. In the absence of an allergic reaction, it can be used. For effective exposure, you need to correctly apply the selected baby cream:

  • Pre-bathe the baby, dry the skin by blotting with a towel;
  • Leave the baby naked for a few minutes to dry the skin better;
  • Apply the product with light movements to the affected areas, or folds in the groin, buttocks, armpits, neck;
  • Allow the cream to absorb before putting on the diaper.

At the first application, you need to look at the baby's reaction, if a rash and redness occurs, intolerance to one of the components of the cream is possible. Discontinue use and consult a pediatrician. After finding out the cause of the allergy, you can choose another remedy.

With the advent of diapers, many parents have forgotten about the problem of wet diapers and rompers. Definitely one of the best and most useful inventions for parents and little ones. But the skin of babies is so delicate and sensitive that diaper rash, redness, and dermatitis can occur. To prevent this, it needs to be moisturized. To do this, you should apply a cream under the diaper. Which one is better to choose, what to look for, how to apply correctly? We will try to answer these questions in the article.

Choosing the right cream

When choosing a diaper cream, you need to know what to look for. Experienced parents recommend the following.

    Buy a cosmetic product based on its composition, and not on the brand, commercials.

    Pay attention to the composition of the cream. It is important that it contains vitamins A, D, E. The presence of an extract of chamomile, string, calendula is encouraged. They help relieve itching, diaper rash, soothe and soften baby's skin.

    If a cosmetic product contains zinc, you need to know that it dries out the skin. It can be used when diaper rash, severe irritation, and dermatitis have developed on the child's bottom.

    The baby's skin is so delicate that not only irritation, but even wounds can appear from the products of feces. In this case, a cream containing panthenol will help. It promotes rapid healing and prevents new erosion.

When choosing a baby diaper cream, be sure to study the composition and carefully look at the production time. In no case can an expired product be used.

What substances should not be present in the cream for children

When choosing a cream for a diaper, carefully study the composition. It should be missing the following components:

    parabens - these hormonal substances negatively affect the delicate baby skin;

    paraffin - closes the pores;

    petroleum products - form a thin film, which negatively affects the skin.

The main rule is that baby diaper cream should be of natural production, without synthetic substances.

We study popular diaper creams

To prevent the baby's bottom from being overwhelmed, it is necessary to use a cream under the diaper. "Which one is better to choose?" - perhaps this is one of the most popular questions.

    Bubchen. This cream is of German production, it contains useful components: panthenol, chamomile extract, zinc. They help to cope with redness, diaper rash, small wounds. In Russia, perhaps, this is one of the most popular manufacturing firms. You can use the cream from birth.

    Bepanten. This cream is recommended by leading pediatricians. It is suitable not only for the child, but will also be indispensable for the mother of the baby. It copes well with mild dermatitis. Removes cracks and promotes early healing of the nipples of a woman who is breastfeeding.

    Johnsons Baby. This brand is quite popular and well-advertised all over the world. Unfortunately, the products are not suitable for all babies. Before buying, you should carefully read the composition. In many cases, children have allergic reactions.

    "Eared nanny". Russian-made cream. It is relatively inexpensive. The composition includes peach and calendula oil, as well as zinc, which is an undoubted advantage.

    Mustela. Quite a popular remedy among mothers whose children are prone to diaper dermatitis of varying severity. The composition is unique. The cream restores, nourishes the skin of the crumbs well, makes it tender and soft. It is not recommended to constantly use this cosmetic product. The average price is about 600 rubles.

    "Our mother". The composition includes only natural, natural ingredients: chamomile, sea buckthorn oil, calendula. It relieves inflammation well, soothes, softens the skin. The price of this product will pleasantly surprise you (175 ml - 200 rubles).

    Weleda. The cream of German production can be used from the first days of a baby's life. Has positive reviews and reasonable price. Softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin.

    When choosing the best diaper cream, it is advisable to read the reviews of experts, experienced parents and then make the right choice. There are situations when a cosmetic product is not suitable, in which case you need to immediately finish applying it and try another brand.

    Checking the cream

    With the birth of a baby, parents often have a question about which brand of diaper cream is better to buy? To answer it, experts test cosmetics of various brands every year. They determine whether the composition contains silicone, synthetic fragrances, dyes, and chemical elements. Quality certificates and licenses are checked separately. Based on these tests, conclusions are drawn.

    Which cream is best?

    Recent estimates have shown the following results.

    • The Weleda brand received an excellent mark. There are no suspicious ingredients in the composition of these products, while the price is good. German quality once again proves its superiority.

      The products of Bubchen and Mustela can be rated as "good"; they contain mineral oil, which is a product of oil production. There is nothing too critical in this, but it is still better to exclude this component.

      The Johnsons Baby diaper cream received an unsatisfactory rating. The product, which is declared as "the tenderness of nature", actually contains substances of synthetic, unnatural origin. Among them are parabens and preservatives. The creams of domestic manufacturers also contain fragrances, hormonal elements that can contribute to the development of allergic reactions.

    When purchasing cosmetics for children, do not blindly believe in commercials.

    Apply the cream correctly

    In order for the diaper cream to give the desired effect, it must be applied correctly:

      Be sure to wipe with a damp cloth or rinse your baby's bottom with running water.

      Blot with a soft towel.

      Let the skin dry completely by leaving the baby without a diaper for 5-10 minutes.

      Gently apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the priests and around the anus.

      Let the cosmetic absorb well.

    Follow these guidelines and your baby's skin will always be soft and hydrated.

    Often, young parents have a question, what criteria should a cream under a diaper meet? Pay attention to the following metrics.

In this article:

The range of creams that protect the delicate skin of babies from redness and diaper rash is very large. Sometimes the chosen remedy does not live up to expectations, and the parents are unhappy.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice, you should carefully read the information on the packaging: composition, purpose, method of application, recommendations for use. If a child is prone to allergies, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Functions of a diaper cream

Pediatricians note the need to use a diaper for babies in order to avoid such problems:

  1. Redness on the buttocks and in the folds of the baby's skin.
  2. Rash.
  3. Irritated and inflamed skin around the groin and buttocks.
  4. Peeling of the skin.
  5. Diaper rash.

These troubles occur because the skin does not breathe in the diaper, excessive moisture forms, and irritation appears. In order not to aggravate the problem, you need to know how to use diaper cream correctly.

Good products create a protective film on the skin, which prevents contact with feces and urine, soothes, relieves inflammation, and delicately cares for the delicate areas of babies. These products can play a preventive and curative role.

Correct use of diaper cream

How to apply the cream under a diaper will be described in the "Method of application" section on the package. Manufacturers advise you to apply the product every time you change the diaper. Sequencing:

  1. Clean the skin after removing the diaper - wash the baby, get wet with a soft towel.
  2. Wait a while for the child to rest, massage his feet to relax.
  3. Apply the cream to the buttocks, folds, groin area with a light glide over the skin. Until it is absorbed, you cannot put on a diaper.

What to look for when choosing a cream?

The main selection criteria will help to determine which diaper cream is best:

  1. Compound. A good cream should contain natural ingredients. It is great if the cream contains zinc oxide, healthy oils and extracts. The presence of parabens, silicones, paraffin, questionable substances that can cause allergic reactions and changes in hormonal levels are unacceptable.
  2. Functionality. The best diaper cream should do two things: keep your baby's skin from irritating and treat redness that has already appeared.
  3. Consistency... It should be pleasant, not spreading, moderately dense, well absorbed.

When choosing a product for a diaper, you need to focus on the individual characteristics of the baby's skin. If she is prone to allergic reactions, be wary of organic cosmetics that contain natural ingredients. It is better to conduct an allergy test: apply a product on the inner side of the elbow, check after half an hour if there is any redness, if not, you can safely use this product.

For crumbs prone to allergies, a zinc diaper cream is more suitable. It is effective in the fight against diaper rash, as it has a drying effect. Conversely, if the skin is too dry, it is better to use a product with natural moisturizing oils. A cream that is perfect for one may not be suitable for another child.

Advantages and disadvantages of popular diaper products

Among the most famous creams, there are several brands.

Creams from Bubchen

High quality cosmetic products are produced under the German brand Bubchen. Bubchen cream for a diaper for premature and low birth weight babies contains zinc oxide and panthenol. They contribute to the disappearance of redness, heal wounds, and soothe inflamed skin. Shea butter is also part of the composition, performing the function of softening and protecting. The tool is suitable for use from the first days of life.

Another Bubchen product is a protective diaper cream with zinc oxide, chamomile extract and beeswax. The last component contributes to the formation of a film on the skin that protects against secretions. Both the one and the other cream can be bought for an average of 250 rubles.


  • a form with a dispenser allows you to economically use the product;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • absorbs quickly, protects and softens the skin well;
  • affordable price.


  • baby diaper cream "Bubchen" can cause allergies;
  • the cost for forms with a dispenser is higher than for similar creams that do not have it;
  • propylene glycol in the cream.

The remedy from Mustela

The Mustela diaper cream very quickly relieves irritation on the skin (in 2–4 hours), has a drying and antibacterial effect. The country of the brand is France. The manufacturer claims 3 of its functions: the cream protects, soothes and regenerates the skin. Judging by the reviews, he does an excellent job with all these actions.

The composition includes zinc oxide, vitamin F, panthenol, lupine extract. But it also contains substances that are questionable for natural cosmetics: a preservative (Disodium Edta), a solvent (Propylene carbonate) and an oil derivative (mineral oil). The consistency of the cream is thick, but it is applied without problems. The average cost of a cream for a Mustela diaper is 700 rubles.


  • has no smell;
  • acts quickly.


  • high price;
  • not entirely natural composition;
  • some mothers note that the cream is absorbed for a long time and is not easily washed off.

Product from Weleda with chamomile and calendula

This product well protects the diaper area from irritation, relieves inflammation, and quickly heals already damaged skin. Weleda is an organic brand of diaper cream, which is confirmed by the presence of extracts of calendula and chamomile, natural almond and sesame oils in its composition. The product can be used from the first days of a baby's life. The cream is produced in Germany. You can buy it in Russia for an average of 450 rubles.


  • natural composition;
  • nice smell;
  • easy application;
  • fast absorption;
  • perfectly protects the skin, quickly eliminates inflammation, heals wounds.


  • high price.

Cream "Bepanten"

This product has established itself as a time-tested diaper pad. The main active ingredient is D-panthenol, which is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies. It has a healing effect, soothes irritations of the skin. Also, the cream "Bepanten" under the diaper prevents diaper dermatitis, has a simple composition and delicate texture. The product is manufactured in Germany. On average, you can buy it for 300 rubles.


  • easy distribution and absorption of the cream;
  • well relieves minor irritations, effectively heals small wounds;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • wasteful spending;
  • inconvenient shape (tin tube);
  • does not have antibacterial and drying properties.

Means for the diaper "Our mom"

The main function of this domestic cream is protective. The manufacturer claims that sea buckthorn oil, extracts of calendula, chamomile and vitamin A are used in the composition. These components soothe irritations on the skin of babies. Diaper cream "Our Mom" ​​can be purchased for an average of 150 rubles.


  • good composition;
  • relatively low cost.


  • lack of zinc oxide in the composition;
  • too oily consistency;
  • inconvenient packaging - a jar, not a tube, which is not entirely hygienic.

Sanosan cream "From diaper rash"

This German remedy can be used from the first days of a baby's life. The composition of the product contains olive oil and zinc oxide. These components help to eliminate, soothe irritations on the skin, prevent the secondary appearance of redness and diaper rash. Sanosan diaper cream can be purchased in Russia for about 250 rubles.

The tool has proven itself well among consumers. Only some mothers note its shortcomings - too dense consistency, uncomfortable application and poor absorption. However, these properties cannot be called disadvantages, since products with zinc usually have a thick consistency. Their role is not to moisturize the skin, but to protect it by forming a special layer.


  • compound;
  • affordable price.


  • unhygienic packaging (can).

Means for the diaper "My sun"

This product contains zinc oxide, jojoba oil, lactic acid, dexpanthenol. Domestic diaper cream "My Sun" protects, moisturizes, softens the skin. The remedy is suitable for most babies, but some parents note the occurrence of allergic reactions in their children after using it due to the presence of paraben (Methylparaben) in the composition of fragrances. The cost of the product is relatively low - within 50 rubles.


  • copes well with its functions;
  • low cost.


  • content in the composition of substances that can cause allergic reactions.

Babyline product

Babyline diaper cream contains zinc oxide, which fights diaper rash, and chamomile extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The country of the brand is Germany. You can buy a product in Russia for about 200 rubles.


  • performs the declared functions;
  • pleasant unobtrusive smell.


  • too thick;
  • poorly distributed over the skin;
  • inconvenient and unhygienic packaging (can).

What to choose - powder or cream?

Powder is a powder with talc, zinc and starch in the composition. It effectively fights diaper rash, has a drying, protective effect. You cannot use the powder for a long time, you can dry the skin. Therefore, both means should be in the mother's arsenal.

When choosing a product, you need to focus on the individual characteristics of the child's skin. If, in the fight against diaper rash, a powder helps a particular baby better than a cream, give preference to this remedy.

Regardless of product value and brand awareness, each parent-specific diaper cream has its own strengths and weaknesses. When choosing, you should focus on the skin of a particular baby. If it is sensitive, irritation and diaper rash appear often, preference should be given to a highly effective cream with many properties (antibacterial, drying, emollient, regenerating). Skin prone to allergies may not be suitable for organic products. When choosing such products, it is necessary to conduct a test.

For most children, a regular protective cream containing zinc, dexpanthenol is suitable. It is important to carefully observe the hygiene of the baby's skin. Severe diaper rash and irritation that does not go away for a long time is a reason for consulting a specialist.

Video on how to deal with diaper dermatitis