The mating season. Reproduction and development. Elk breeding

The mating season for birds is the perfect time to watch them. Knowing when birds are mating will help them timing and take appropriate steps to attract as many nesting birds as possible to their yard. People will be able to help the birds, and just enjoy the beauty and all aspects of their mating season. What do we need to know about birds in order to promote their reproduction and the appearance of healthy offspring in every possible way?

Breeding season

Birds don't mate just for fun, they only mate to reproduce, and many males are rendered sterile outside the breeding season. The exact time when pairs of birds come together for successful mating varies, as each species has its own suitable period. There are certain factors that affect the mating period in birds. Which of them are the most significant?


The further north, the better the bird will breed, the later mating will begin. These individuals can migrate earlier, since the journey itself takes a lot of time, and the distances are rather big, but only in this way they will be able to get to ideal breeding grounds.


It is very important for birds to have easily accessible food nearby so that they can safely feed their chicks. This is why they migrate before the start of the breeding season. A flight to another area, where food is in abundance, helps to reproduce calmly, because there are many chances to raise strong and healthy chicks.


In arid deserts or other similar habitats, the sudden appearance of water, often associated with seasonal storms or floods, can trigger mating. In these habitats, when water suddenly appears, the plants begin to bloom quickly, thereby providing the birds with all the most necessary food for feeding their chicks. As a result, individuals that live in deserts do not have mating season at the same time.

Chick care period

Some chicks grow very quickly, while others require longer care from their parents. It may take several weeks or even months before they can feed and protect themselves. The more care a little chick requires, or the longer the egg incubation period lasts, the earlier the mating season begins. This gives the parents enough time to get their chicks back on their feet before the weather conditions change.

Number of broods

If the birds raise several broods of babies every year, then the mating season begins earlier. So there is enough the time it will take for the eggs to ripen and the chicks to grow. The conditions in which birds nest are not always favorable for the survival of chicks.

Nesting place

Where a bird builds its nest can affect the timing of the mating process itself. Individuals that build new nests each year may start nesting later, so they will have ample time to collect materials to create a nest. Birds that reuse their old nests each year may mate earlier as they already have a suitable place to raise their babies.

Signs of the beginning of the mating season

Most birds start mating season in spring. At this time, food sources appear, the snow begins to melt, and the spring rainy season opens. This all portends the birds with a large amount of water, and subsequently they will have a long period to put their chicks on their feet before the onset of winter.

But just as spring migration varies in different areas and for different species, so the weather in spring is sometimes completely unpredictable. However, birders can watch for signs of mating season in birds to find out when local individuals are experiencing so-called reproductive urges.

To determine when mating occurs, birders need to keep an eye on some iconic moments. These include:

  • Warming and blooming plants, which often indicate the changing seasons.
  • Birds claim territory and become more aggressive towards "intruders", especially males.
  • The appearance of a bright breeding plumage with fresh, new, distinct markings.
  • The singing of birds is intensifying, which will help to determine the territories for mating games, and also by their singing females attract males.
  • The behavior they exhibit during mating games includes complicated flights and other strange activities.
  • Collecting materials for creating a nest and starting construction activities.
  • The nesting season can last for several weeks, with each species these moments are different, since they claim territory, attract a male and raise one or more broods of babies. However, the actual mating season in birds may last as little as a week or two, and mating itself may only last a few seconds or minutes.

Birds during the breeding season

Mating season is one of the most colorful periods for birds, because when they defend their territories and attract the attention of males with their singing, they are very colorful and impossible to miss.

Birders who know all the signs of the mating season can also observe the behavior of local individuals. People with birds in their backyards who are aware of the mating season approaching can plan ahead of time when to set up birdhouses. They will try in every possible way to attract the attention of birds so that they fly to the nests, they will simply watch the appearance of the chicks. At the same time, caring people should ennoble and protect the territory where birds live. It is also advisable not to make noise or make harsh sounds, so as not to frighten and not interfere with the idyll of birds. Try to keep your pets away from the bird houses.

When the birds feel calm, they are in the mood for mating. The more chicks survive, the better all subsequent breeding seasons will be, as more individuals will take advantage of the excellent conditions for rearing each new generation.

During the rut, the moose does not strive to conquer many females - one is enough for him. Except for those cases when a male elk walked with a couple of females and drove away all possible rivals.

It is known that females dominate in herds of moose farms and hunting grounds, so (which is not entirely normal) the male has to fertilize up to seven moose cows. In the predawn and evening hours of August and September, the groan of males is heard through the forest, similar to the quiet sounds of a muffled moo. During the mating season, the excitement of males reaches the limit, and they can break branches, tree tops with their horns, and knock out fossa with powerful hooves. Having found a female, the elk begins to pursue her, while driving away young males that are attempting to attack the moose.

After the female, several males mate, which sometimes enter into fierce fights. The mating season makes females, and especially males, to forget about caution, so they can be found on the roads, near people. At this time, it may seem that moose have simply flooded the forest, so there are many of them. Rut lasts approximately two months, and the last mating occurs in October, less often in November.

The ability to bear offspring appears in females in the second or third year of life, and in males a year later. The gestation period lasts from 225 to 240 days, and calving begins around April, continuing until May. In northern conditions, cubs appear in early June. There may be one or two calf calves in calving, but the second calf often dies in the very first days and months of life. The terrain and natural conditions affect the number of moose calves in the droppings.

Cubs are born of a light red color, there are no spots on their monochromatic skin.
During the first week, the calf does not move from its place and in case of danger it can only snuggle to the ground under the canopy of bushes and tall grass. A week will pass, and the calf is already confidently holding on to thin legs, walking after the moose and eating the young foliage of birches and aspens. He can learn to break and bend trees only with the arrival of autumn. Long, fragile legs do not allow the cub to bend to reach the grass. And only a month after birth or a little later, the calf will begin to crawl “on its knees” to nibble on pasture.

A newborn calf weighs 6-16 kg, and due to its rapid development by the beginning of autumn, its weight reaches 120-130 kg, sometimes even 200 kg.
Moose calves suck milk for about 4 months, however, non-rutting females can feed until the very beginning of winter.

From May to June, the fat content of moose cow's milk is from 8 to 13%, which makes it 3-4 times fatter compared to cow's milk, and the protein content in it reaches 16%, while in cow's milk it is 5 times less.

According to the observation of moose farm workers in the Pechora-Ilychsky nature reserve, during the entire lactation period, the moose cow produces 150-430 liters of milk.
In late spring of the first year of life, horns are already flaunting on the head of males, which already harden with the arrival of July-August. These horns are still without signs of processes, and a pronounced shovel appears only after four years. The shedding of horns in males occurs from November to December, and the growth of new horns begins in late spring. The still soft horns are very sensitive to damage and even insect bites, and after they harden in July, males get rid of the skin covering the horns.

The life span of a moose is on average 20-25 years, however, in the wild, animals die much earlier. For example, in the northern regions, starving bears that came out of their dens with the arrival of spring often pick up moose. Pregnant moose cows are pursued for many, many kilometers. Newborn moose calves are easy prey for a bear. But the moose, carried away by the maternal instinct, fiercely protects the cub, and it happens that she succeeds. In a desperate fight, a moose cow can not only severely injure the bear with blows of its front legs, but even kill it. Such a bleak prospect forces the clubfoot to watch or drive the elk into impassable jungle, where the ungulate cannot fight back with the blows of its front legs.

From an early age budgerigars try to find a mate, but the relationship between both sexes in a pair is monogamous. Finding a partner is not so easy, because, unlike many other birds, sympathy is important for parrots.

The mating season in parrots begins at 4-5 months, the ability to reproduce appears at 5-7 months, but full maturity occurs only at 1-1.5 years. It is important to know that weak and thin birds are much less likely to raise healthy offspring, in contrast to their moderately well-fed relatives. When preparing for breeding, you should not neglect the age, as a too young female may not be able to survive at the first laying of eggs. Fertility lasts up to 8-9 years, but its peak falls on 2-4 years of bird life. Provided the necessary conditions are maintained, parrots can remain fertile even at an older age than 8-9 years.

Budgerigar behavior and mating games

The behavior of parrots during the mating season is accompanied by a number of rituals, the so-called mating games, which include poses and sounds made by birds. After showing sympathy, the male and the female begin to clean each other's feathers, kiss, and pinch their tails. Mating games of budgerigars continue until the breeding period begins - hatching of chicks.

The behavior of budgies during the mating season can differ significantly from the usual behavior, this is normal.

During the mating season, only the male should feed the female, so he can show jealousy, noticing the care or simple feeding from the owner. Because of this, parrots can become much more aggressive than before.

The female can also begin to show aggression after laying the first egg. At this time, experts do not advise keeping more than one pair of parrots in a cage, as females can fight or peck at a male out of jealousy.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a video demonstrating mating games of parrots.

Preparing for the mating season

The season is an important factor in preparation for breeding. Warm weather and the presence of sunlight reaching the birds promotes more successful breeding than cold and lack of sun. The best periods for breeding offspring are summer and late spring, since it is not so easy to achieve successful breeding in the cold season. Therefore, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Compliance with the optimum room temperature - 18-20 degrees Celsius.
  • Sun and artificial light for 16 hours a day.
  • The presence of greenery, rowan branches and many other trees in the cage.

The offspring that appeared in the cold season can grow more slowly and more painfully, since the received amount of sun and vitamins, even if all conditions are met, may not be enough for them.

Conditions for breeding

To obtain a full-fledged healthy offspring, you should not allow breeding.

Reproduction of almost all snakes occurs sexually. Only some species have the ability to parthenogenesis. Reproduction in them is carried out without the participation of a male. Hermaphrodite snakes are a rare exception. These individuals, in some cases, act as males, and in others, as females. The existence of such snakes in nature is quite effective for the species as a whole. In most species, it is quite difficult to distinguish a female from a male. Among the visible differences are body size. Male snakes are usually larger than females.

Mating season

It starts in the spring. Courtship of males for females, due to the external characteristics of snakes, is quite simple. The female during the mating season secretes a specific secretwhose scent attracts males. The male crawls along her trail, catches up and tries to stop her, blocking her path. Sometimes snakes have behavior that is somewhat reminiscent of a weasel. The male begins to cuddle up to the female, crawl with her, repeating all her bends. Some even stroke it with their head. Males of some snake species are aggressive. They can bite the female on the back or neck. Before mating, mating tournaments can be observed. "Clarification of the relationship" between males performs two functions:

  1. The individual that will mate with the female is determined.
  2. The distribution of males in the population is regulated.

The numerical superiority of males guarantees fertilization of each female in a short period. This is especially important for those snakes that inhabit northern latitudes. Mating tournaments can take place in the presence of a female. She outwardly indifferently watches the fight. But the main purpose of the snake ritual is not to show its power to the female. The male's task is to drive away the rival. The presence of a female is not necessary at all. Snake tournaments occur not because she is nearby, but at each meeting of males in the mating season.

Negative sides of mating games

As a rule, males do not injure each other. However, representatives of some species experience severe stress after such tournaments. For example, this happens during the fights of moccasin maces. The competition of these snakes is not dangerous for them in the physical sense, despite the fact that they are poisonous. But the losing males of these snakes experience defeat so badly that their interest in mating is significantly reduced.


In nature, during the mating season, you can find two snakes. with a high front part... They wrap their bodies around and sway rhythmically, looking at each other. This behavior is common, for example, among vipers. Each male tries to rise above the other. Intertwining, snakes can push each other, trying to knock over. Eventually, the intertwined bodies fall to the ground. It is not completely clear how the winner is determined, but one of the rivals crawls away. For other snakes, this ritual takes place on the water. The largest individual is usually the winner.

Snake ball

Many people associate a large concentration of snakes in one place with something terrible and witchcraft. But in fact, such "tangles" are found in nature only in the midst of mating seasonwhen the snakes start to mate. The female snake, ready to mate, attracts about 20 males. They do not fight with each other, do not show aggression. But at the same time, each male tries to prevent the female from mating with any of the rivals. Sometimes several hundred males gather around her. There is a real struggle inside the snake ball.

How do snakes mate?

The genitals are found in snakes in the tail of the body, on either side of the spine. With their channels, they open into the cloaca. Mating of snakes is usually in groups. Males leave their shelters earlier. Females usually crawl out one at a time. On the surface, more than a hundred fans can wait for it. The female is ready to mate pretty quickly is in the center of the ball... Each male seeks to "seal" its cloaca with a plug. This is the essence of mating. As soon as one of the males succeeds, no one else will be able to fertilize it in this season. After mating, the female ceases to secrete a secret. The rest of the rivals scatter in search of new partners.

Breeding features

Snakes can be:

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Mating games budgerigars

The relationship in a pair of budgies of both sexes is monogamous. Males and females ready for breeding form a stable union, which serves as the beginning of the mating season. Parrots from an early age try to find a pair.

If everything goes well, then the mating season in budgies alternates with the time of the appearance of chicks and the recovery stage. At the same time, the male continues to care for the female, feeds her.

When parrots are ready to breed

In budgies, the mating season begins at five months from birth, sometimes earlier. At the same time, birds should not be allowed to breed, since sexual maturity in parrots occurs at the age of one and a half years. If breeding is allowed earlier, then the female may die during the laying of the first offspring.

The peak of fertility occurs in the second or fourth year of life. Budgerigars retain an active ability to reproduce up to eight to nine years. With good care and infrequent hatching, a couple can breed at a more mature age.

We also have:

Preparing for the mating season

For successful reproduction, budgies need to find a partner.

These parrots differ from most other birds in that sympathy is important to them.

Some artificially created couples may not start brooding for several years, as antipathy is present. Therefore, it is worth selecting individuals from the young that have already independently formed into a union.

They will make good producers.

The season is also important. A favorable period for breeding is warm and sunny weather, that is, healthy offspring grows in late spring, summer and early autumn. Winter and late autumn require additional conditions.

These include:

  • the amount of light up to 16 hours a day due to lighting with electricity;
  • the room temperature is positive, optimally 18-20 ° С;
  • the cage should contain fresh greens, twigs of rowan, linden and other trees.

Even if these conditions are met, the offspring obtained in early spring or winter may not receive enough light and vitamins, which makes their growth painful.

Couple behavior

Budgerigar behavior during mating season consists of a number of rituals and ceremonies. In each specific situation, parrots take appropriate poses, and also make sounds. What happens during sympathy?

The birds feed each other, the female and the male clean their partner's feathers, clean the plumage on the head, pinch the legs and tail, and kiss. Mating games of budgerigars continue until the breeding period, that is, incubation of chicks.

Budgerigars are considered temperamental birds, owners should take this into account when communicating with a couple. For example, a male may be jealous of a female, he does not allow her to be fed, since only he should feed her during the mating season. At this time, formerly peaceful budgerigars are able to bite if you stick your hand into the cage.

After laying the first egg, the female may show aggression towards others. She can defend her house, be jealous of her partner, peck at it. There are fights between females. For this reason, experts advise keeping one pair of parrots in a cage.

Breeding conditions

Before the beginning of the mating season, budgerigars must be of age-appropriate age and in good health.

In order for the offspring to turn out to be full-fledged, the following representatives should not be allowed for breeding:

  • obese parrots, emaciated, lethargic;
  • birds that are related to each other;
  • females that hatched offspring less than 5-6 months ago;
  • individuals with hereditary diseases.

When mating has taken place, then after a while the female will actively look for a place for herself in order to equip the nest. At this time, you need to hang the house.

This is a nesting place, which is made like a birdhouse. You can buy it at a regular pet store or make it yourself. For nesting, natural wood houses are best suited.

Another prerequisite for a pair to start breeding is feeding.

Birds should be provided with enough vitamin E, herbs, fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains.

Budgerigars should get enough protein.

If the conditions are met, then the first clutch may appear within two or three weeks after hanging the nesting house.

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