Dembel uniform of the signal troops. The form of the Airborne Forces of the old and new sample: demobilization and parade. Dembel uniform of the Marine Corps

Transfer to the reserve is the most important event for any soldier, and even more important is the demobilization uniform. A lot of films have been shot on this topic (which is only worth the wonderful film "DMB" with stories about the "black demobilization"), and on the Internet you can find a sufficient amount of material on the demobilization of military personnel.

Dembel uniform from max-dressing gown

They are preparing for the transfer to the reserve, they dream about it long before the appointed day. It is for this reason that many people want to meet the dismissal solemnly, and so that the dress uniform emphasizes the mood that is inherent in a soldier leaving for the reserve.

Basic rules for sewing uniforms

"Demobilization Outfit" is not an ordinary everyday uniform of a serviceman, but individually designed unique clothes. Of course, you can’t wear such a uniform for the parade, but it fits perfectly for dismissal. From the outside it seems, what's the point? Why decorate yourself with chevrons, aiguillettes or badge patches? It is much easier to quickly change into civilian clothes and return home that way. But the soldiers prefer the demobilization uniform to everything else. I want to come home dressed up so that others can see that the soldier has served and returned! They make out a “demobilization outfit” with imagination and with the help of improvised means.

As it turns out, there are certain rules here:

  • Insignia must be placed in accordance with accepted standards;
  • Excessive pretentiousness only harms the cause, it is necessary to show taste;
  • The work must be neat, all decorations must be located in the right places.

A bit of complexity

The manufacture of a special form for transfer to the reserve is a tradition that came to us from the Soviet past. Our fathers prepared the demobilization uniform in the same way and decorated it with chevrons, aiguillettes and stripes in the same way. Then it becomes incomprehensible why this tradition has not yet been taken under state control, and a special form has not been issued on the eve of dismissal? If a soldier wants to impress relatives, neighbors or a girl, then why not give him such an opportunity officially? Why shouldn't the recognized military couturier - Yudashkin - develop such a uniform? Or arrange an all-Russian competition with the light hand of one of the leading television programs? And why in general to forbid demobilized people to make such a uniform?

Sewing a "demobilization outfit", it turns out, is not the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to keep the form until the transfer to the reserve, because commanders can withdraw it at any time. And how in this case it will be a shame, because so much work and imagination has been invested in decorating the form!

Paradoxically, only the most diligent and diligent guys who know how to work, who are able to master the difficult manipulations with a needle, fall out of favor with the commanders - and all because they dared to create a real work of art with their own hands. Is it fair? Any demobilization uniform in the photo looks stunning! So why deprive a soldier of such perfection?

Traditions must be preserved!

But what about the statements of experienced army "wolves" who observe a direct relationship between the attitude of soldiers to the army and to their own uniforms? What to do with the facts showing that in the 90s, with their negative attitude towards everything military, soldiers returned home in civilian clothes? Then the soul of a soldier did not sing, did not strive for beauty! And now? After all, we see positive moments, but we don’t want to believe in them!

Any undertaking that benefits the army, its rehabilitation in the eyes of young people, strengthens the system as a whole. If the soldiers like the “demobilization outfit” so much, strengthening their spirit, then this helps to strengthen the army itself as a whole. I would like to believe that the initiative of the “lower classes” will finally reach the “top”, that they will release an excellent demobilization uniform, which the soldiers can be proud of. That all these chevrons, aiguillettes and stripes will become an integral part of the dress uniform, and the outfit will be an excellent indicator of the soldier's attitude to the service.

On November 2, 1930, during the exercises of the Moscow military district, twelve people were parachuted from the air as part of a special unit. It is this moment that is taken as the starting point for the history of our Airborne Troops. Throughout its existence, not only the status of paratroopers, but also their uniforms have changed more than once.

The uniform of our Airborne Forces received its current form relatively recently and has become a kind of hallmark of one of the elite units of the Russian army.

The first form of paratroopers

Until the 40s of the last century, the uniform of the airborne detachment differed little from the uniform of the Red Army soldiers serving in the aviation troops. It consisted of a padded leather or linen helmet and overalls made of moleskin or avisent. The blue buttonholes sewn to the collar of the overalls spoke of the detachment's belonging to aviation.

The edging of the buttonhole indicated the official position of the serviceman: for the command staff, the edging had a golden color, in turn, political workers, sergeants and privates wore uniforms with black edging buttonholes, which was considered an everyday (or as it is now called - office) option. At the beginning of World War II, the overalls were replaced with pants with large patch pockets and a jacket.

The equipment of a paratrooper in the pre-war years, in addition to the uniform, consisted of the following elements:

  1. main parachute. Before the war of 1941 and for some time after it began, the airborne troops used the PD-6 parachute, which is essentially a licensed analogue of the American Irvin. Before establishing their own production of parachutes, the Soviet military performed jumps with American parachutes.
  2. Reserve parachute, or sling cutter.

The full equipment of an employee of the Airborne Forces was:

  • two parachutes (main on the back, spare in the lower abdomen);
  • duffel bag;
  • an automatic machine with an extended magazine, which was mounted vertically with the barrel down over the left shoulder.

In winter, a large fur collar was fastened to the overalls with buttons or zippers in dark blue, brown or khaki sheepskin. When raised, the collar was pulled together by internal straps. Often, the style of the winter uniform of the Airborne Forces directly depended on the manufacturer's factory.

After the failed Finnish campaign, the servicemen were dressed in quilted jackets, sheepskin coats, felt boots, wadded pants, and a hat with earflaps. At the same time, the winter version is completed with a camouflage white robe with a hood.

Headgear paratroopers paratroopers

The headdress was another way to show the serviceman's official affiliation. For commanders after 1938, a dark blue cap was officially approved as a headdress.

After 1941, her color was changed to a protective shade of green.

The upper part, rim and band of the cap were decorated with blue piping. She also wore a cockade with a red star, surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves. During the parachute jump, the command staff used special caps, which were fastened under the chin with straps.

Ordinary paratroopers wore dark blue caps with a blue piping and cloth stars, on top of which red stars were attached.

By the beginning of the war, the Airborne Forces had several typical clothing options, which depended on the time of year and official position:

Average commanding staffAverage commanding staff
Summer:on top of everyday uniforms, camouflage overalls of reconnaissance military groups, cap, chrome boots, traffic rules machine gun, commander's equipment.Over the everyday uniform, camouflage overalls, a cotton or cloth cap, tarpaulin boots, a rifle (after the autumn of 1941, a PPSh assault rifle), equipment.
Winter:over a casual uniform, a jacket with a fur collar, equipment and weapons, a hat with earflaps and high boots.a white camouflage robe over an overcoat, weapons and equipment.

Since the helmet could fly off the paratrooper during the jump, this headgear was used exclusively during ground battles.

The evolution of the headdress of the Airborne Forces

The business card of a modern paratrooper can be safely called a blue beret, but it became part of the uniform only after 1969. On June 30, 1967, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Margelov V.S. a new model of the form was approved, created according to the sketches of the artist A.B. Beetle.

The artist proposed two options for the appearance of the Airborne Forces:

  • The daily uniform of the Airborne Forces included a khaki beret and a red star. This coloring of the headdress remained on paper.
  • The second option involved wearing a crimson beret, it was he who was accepted.

The right side of the beret was decorated with a blue flag with the symbols of the Airborne Forces, the so-called "corner", and on the front side of the beret there was a star surrounded by a wreath of ears of corn.

For the officers, a beret with a cockade of the 1955 model and a star with wings were provided.

During the military parade on November 7, 1967, paratroopers in crimson berets marched across Red Square. And already in 1969, an order was issued, where the uniform for the employees of the Airborne Forces of a new model with a blue beret was officially approved.

The tradition of wearing a beret is different for paratroopers and scouts of the Airborne Forces. The first ones wear berets bent to the right, while the special forces of the air forces have an unspoken rule to bend the beret to the left.

The editors of the site site hope that readers do not shy away from military service. How to punish for evading the army you can read on this site.

The airborne troops were separated into a separate branch of the military only in 1991. Until that moment, the paratroopers belonged to the ground forces, the Navy, the Air Force, and since 1946 they were included in the reserve composition of the Supreme Command and were directly subordinate to the Supreme Commander.

In this regard, the color scheme of the uniform and the insignia of the senior and junior command staff of the Airborne Forces were associated with the branch of the military to which they belonged at the moment.

In addition, the type of uniform of the Soviet paratrooper depended on the climatic conditions of the landing site and the position of the employee. It is customary to distinguish four groups of military clothing of the Soviet Airborne Forces:

  • everyday summer uniform for sergeants and privates;
  • summer uniform for sergeants, privates and cadets of the air force;
  • everyday summer set with shoulder straps and buttonholes for cadets;
  • winter version of the uniform with sleeve insignia for sergeants, military builders and cadets of the Airborne Forces.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a dark blue overcoat was included in the equipment of paratroopers, a little later its color was changed to combined arms. Also, the equipment of the special forces of the Airborne Forces included the so-called camouflage robes: white for winter and protective spotted colors for summer. Exactly the same robes were worn by scouts and riflemen of the assault group.

For the duration of the special mission, the landing group was additionally equipped with special uniforms. This included overalls, a helmet, boots, goggles.

After the introduction of shoulder straps, aviation insignia appeared. The famous emblem with a parachute and two planes on the sides was introduced in 1955. It is this badge that today is a symbol of the unity and brotherhood of those serving in the air forces.

In 1979, a limited contingent of troops was introduced into Afghanistan, including a special group of airborne forces. In view of the climatic conditions of the territory of presence, a special airborne force was developed. The prototype was the uniform of the army of the President of the Congo.

Features of the parade uniform of the old-style airborne forces

For ceremonial events, the air infantry was provided with a parade set of uniforms, presented in summer and winter versions. In 1988, it underwent a number of changes.

Summer dress uniform of the old sample:

  • a cap with a band;
  • loose trousers;
  • open uniform;
  • White shirt;
  • black tie;
  • White gloves;
  • black low shoes or boots.

The ceremonial set of the summer uniform had a blue (sea) wave color.

Parade winter uniform of a soldier of the Airborne Forces of the old model:

  • a cap with earflaps, the lieutenant colonels have a papakha;
  • gray overcoat;
  • open uniform;
  • loose blue trousers;
  • White shirt;
  • black tie;
  • white muffler;
  • brown gloves;
  • black boots.

Since 1967, a beret has become part of the ceremonial set of clothes, replacing the cap.

Distinctive features of the field uniform

At the disposal of Soviet paratroopers there were two options for clothing for field conditions: summer and winter. The summer field uniform set included:

  • cap;
  • a jacket and trousers of a protective coloring;
  • vest;
  • boots or high boots.

Description of the winter form of the Airborne Forces:

  • hats with earflaps;
  • khaki jacket and pants;
  • gray scarf;
  • brown gloves;
  • berets or boots.

The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan required the leadership to revise the equipment of employees. The classic field uniform is being replaced by its lightweight version, popularly called Mabuta by the name of the Colonel of the Army of the Congo. It was made of raincoat fabric with water-repellent impregnation, a ventilation system and a more comfortable fit.

The sand uniform consisted of trousers, a jacket and a cap and was used in combat missions in regions with a hot climate.

What are modern paratroopers wearing?

The form of the airborne forces of the new sample is based on the principle of layering. Depending on weather conditions, military personnel are allowed to combine clothing:

  • the modern form of employees of the Russian Airborne Forces includes several combinations and sets of diverse clothing;
  • in the cool season, an additional lined jacket is provided for soldiers;
  • often the military from the special forces of the Airborne Forces are allowed to wear a jacket under the jacket;
  • in rainy, damp weather, the uniform is a fleece undershirt and overalls with waterproof impregnation.

Thus, what form the airborne soldiers will have in a particular case is decided independently by the unit commander, taking into account weather conditions.

A modern hat with earflaps has elongated ears, thanks to which it easily overlaps and fastens with Velcro, protecting the chin.

Additionally, the hat is equipped with a top flap, allowing it to turn inside out and transform into a visor. Felt boots were replaced with warm boots with thermal inserts. The outer jacket is a constructor and easily transforms from a windbreaker into a warm pea coat.

The new unified set of uniforms of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation for soldiers and officers of the field uniform includes 19 items:

  • several jackets;
  • insulated vest;
  • costume;
  • three types of boots (summer, demi-season and winter);
  • balaclava;
  • mittens and gloves.

The summer uniform of the special forces of the Airborne Forces includes:

  • underwear (T-shirt and boxer shorts);
  • light jacket;
  • trousers;
  • kepi (takes);
  • summer boots.

For sewing a lightweight version of the Airborne Forces uniform, a mechanical stretch treated with a water-repellent composition is used.

Winter uniform for the Airborne Forces option includes:

  • two sets of insulated underwear (lightweight and fleece);
  • demi-season suit;
  • wind and waterproof suit;
  • insulated vest;
  • boots;
  • balaclava.

In winter, it is allowed to wear a blue sweater under a jacket that is part of the uniform.

The winter uniform of an officer and ensign of the Airborne Forces allows the wearing of a black fur hat and a black jacket.

For a hot climate, a separate set of uniforms for the landing troops was developed. The new uniform of the Airborne Forces has a light brown or sand color.

The first option consists of a short-sleeved shirt with a turn-down collar, shoulder straps, trousers and boots in the base color. As a headdress, a soft cap is used, similar to a baseball cap with a hard peak and a field cockade.

Shorts are allowed instead of trousers. Insignia on this type of uniform are placed similarly to everyday uniforms. This version of clothing does not provide for award straps. The second option is an elongated jacket with fastened shoulder straps, trousers tucked into berets. On the head is a forage cap or panama in the tone of the statutory form.

Casual or office overalls for the air infantry are similar to the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, only in blue.

The field uniform of an officer is exactly the same as that of an airborne rank and file, only the front dress is different.

The parade uniform of the Airborne Forces consists of a blue jacket and trousers, a vest, a blue beret, an aiguillette, white gloves and berets.

Officer ceremonial uniform:

  • blue tunic;
  • loose blue trousers;
  • shirt;
  • black tie;
  • White gloves;
  • black boots;
  • golden aglet;
  • blue cap with a cockade.

The winter dress uniform of midshipmen and officers of the Airborne Forces includes a black jacket, a woolen cap or a blue beret, a vest and berets. For enlisted personnel and cadets:

  • gray hats with earflaps;
  • demi-season blue jacket;
  • costume;
  • vest;
  • beret.

Special forces of the Airborne Forces take part in the parade in field uniform. Not only pagons are used as insignia, but also chest and sleeve patches and chevrons.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the uniform was identical for all employees of the Airborne Forces, regardless of the republic.

Today, each country that was part of the USSR has its own version of the form. In the Russian Federation, the main color of the uniform of the Airborne Forces is blue.

For example, not so long ago, the uniform of the highly mobile troops of the Airborne Forces of Ukraine was completely changed, in particular, the blue beret was removed from the clothes of military personnel, replacing it with a similar crimson headdress. The main reason for this transformation is that in Russia the blue beret is an integral part of the uniform of the Airborne Forces.

In turn, in the Republic of Belarus, the uniform of the special forces of the special forces of the Airborne Forces still includes a blue beret, as in Russia.

Clothing option for women

Despite the fact that girls have met in the ranks of the paratroopers before, until recently, service in the Airborne Forces was the privilege of men. So in 2008-2009, “Ryazan Higher Airborne School named after. Margelov” conducted a recruitment of girls to master the profession of a paratrooper officer. Six years later, the school repeated the experiment.

The combat female form of the Airborne Forces is exactly the same as that of men:

  • several jackets;
  • costume;
  • three options for boots;
  • mittens and gloves;
  • balaclava;
  • insulated vest.

Ceremonial female form of the Airborne Forces:

  • blue jacket;
  • blue skirt;
  • White gloves;
  • white scarf;
  • black boots.

What is a birch pattern

Camouflage is an obligatory part of the equipment of the military and, in particular, the reconnaissance troops of the Airborne Forces. The range of camouflage suits is wide, which allows you to choose the perfect disguise for any climatic and weather conditions. Despite this, until recently, the birch tree (the official name of KZM-P) was the leader in camouflage clothing.

Initially, birch-pattern camouflage was developed for the border troops, later it was also liked by the intelligence officers of the Airborne Forces.

A camouflage coat with a birch pattern was created in 1957 and was used as part of the summer outfit for border guards and paratroopers. This disguise ideally hid the fighter in deciduous forests and swampy areas. Due to the special pixel pattern, KZM-P is able to scatter the silhouette of a person at short and long distances.

The raster drawing of the birch camouflage suit resembles spots with jagged edges. The large and small design creates an optical illusion of the silhouette melting. The light and dark colors of the camouflage suit suggest its use in the daytime and at night.

Camouflage suits with a birch pattern are presented in the form of a camouflage suit with a voluminous hood, overalls and a jacket with trousers.

Although today birch camouflage does not apply to the authorized form, it is still popular, not only among the military, but also among civilians.

What are the paratroopers' demobilization uniform

The tradition of sewing a demobilization outfit comes from the Soviet Union, when military service was considered honorable. DMB is a kind of confirmation that the soldier served well and is proud of his army uniform. What can we say about the guys who gave their debt to the Motherland in the ranks of the Airborne Forces.

And although, in the early 90s, demobilization preferred to go into reserve in civilian clothes, today the military has returned to this beautiful custom.

The demobilization uniform of a soldier of the Airborne Forces is prepared on the basis of a field uniform using several rules:

  • the costume should not be pretentious, overly elegant;
  • placement of insignia, external chevrons is carried out in accordance with the statutory rules.

For the layout for the costume, an acanthus tunic or “slide” can be used, which is more often chosen by the special forces of the Airborne Forces, trousers, a vest and berets. A mandatory attribute of the finished outfit is a blue beret.

Today it is not at all necessary to sew a demobilization suit on your own, as in online stores they offer to buy ready-made options.

It is an honor to serve in the airborne troops and many guys would like to be in the ranks of the blue berets. But such an honor is not granted to everyone, which does not prevent civilians from trying on the form of a paratrooper.

On sale today there is not only an adult, but also a children's form of the Airborne Forces. Why do civilians at events dedicated to the celebration of victory and other celebrations come out in the form of a VD? Everyone has their own reasons for this. For example, the children's military uniform of the Airborne Forces is popular during the celebration of Victory Day.

On the other hand, as boxer Denis Lebedev explained, in this way, respect for the paratroopers is expressed. It's hard not to agree with the athlete, they really deserve respect.


A beardless youth was sent to serve in the army, and a real hero arrived home. What a beautiful shape he has! "Is that how all soldiers serve?" - a mother will think, meeting her son on the platform. And a lot of guys who treat the army like something unnecessary or terrible can say that they dressed up like a peacock. Dembel forms have always caused controversy.

The history of the demobilization form

Where did the tradition of preparing a special uniform for returning home come from in our armed ranks? This rite, as it turns out, is not so many years old. A tradition for demobilization forms was born in the Soviet Union. In those days, serving the Fatherland was pride, and not an indicator that someone did not go to college. Of course, today there are also many patriots who are ready to spend not only a year, but half their lives in order to pay their debt to the Motherland. In Soviet days, people served with their heads held high. I wanted to return home so that everyone could see that the guy from the army had come, that he had served well and was proud of it. Thus, demobilization forms have been incorporated into all structures and divisions of our Armed Forces.

How is the form for demobilization prepared?

Every conscript has been waiting for the day of transfer to the reserve from the very beginning of his service. On this occasion, the form for such a solemn day as returning home is prepared long before the appointed date. All soldiers want to look special on the day of their dismissal and upon arrival in their native land. Everyone treats the design of the demobilization form and the album with special trepidation and attention. An ordinary soldier's outfit can become a unique form of demobilization if you sew on an aiguillette, chevrons, badges and stripes. The owner of the future masterpiece himself is engaged in this troublesome business, each soldier has an individual and special uniform for the day of dismissal from the army. But there are general rules:

You can not unnecessarily pretentiously decorate the form, so as not to become a laughingstock. Here it is especially important to show not only imagination, but also taste.

Observe accepted standards for the correct placement of insignia.

Accuracy. All decorations should be beautifully and neatly sewn in the right places.

Problems with form preparation

Preparing demobilization forms, in principle, is not difficult. It is much more difficult to preserve and protect them from hazing and ensign. To do this, the soldiers hide their crafts in the kapterka (company pantry). Officers upon discovery of items not provided for by the charter are obliged to seize them. The demobilization form also falls into the risk category. Checks of soldiers' personal belongings can also take place out of turn, without warning, so it's better not to risk it, but to store the uniform elsewhere. Of course, many officers can leave the thing, because they were once soldiers and were preparing for dismissal. But there are people in the ranks of the army who strictly observe all the regulations. Or grandfathers, for the purpose of education, can simply spoil the decoration they have begun.

Dembel uniform in the Airborne Troops

The Airborne Forces have always been considered the military elite. Many guys dream of getting into the service of these troops. When various parades are held, the paratroopers can be seen from afar. Their dress uniform is striking and distinguishes its wearer in the crowd. The demobilization uniform of the Airborne Forces is a blue beret and a vest with blue stripes. On the uniform itself there are blue stripes, an aiguillette in the colors of the Russian flag and insignia received during the entire service. The aglet is lush, there is a thick white braid on top, blue and red twisted threads below.

Air Force demobilization uniform

The demobilization uniform of the Air Force is very similar to the paratrooper, only the colors are darker. The uniform itself is sewn from a dark green field suit. The beret is made of dark blue fabric, the vest with blue stripes. Patches on the tunic are made of blue velvet. The aiguillette can be just white or depict the flag of Russia.

Dembel uniform of the Marine Corps

Sailors are working on the creation of their full dress with special diligence. Literally everything changes. To begin with, the floors of the tunic or pea jacket are shortened, an additional chevron is sewn on. The belt is crumpled and bent for a long time so that it looks like leather, the color of the belt is black. At the plaque, the edges are grinded and a bend is attached, the anchor is carefully polished. To give the cap a slope and a side bend, a wire rim is inserted into it. Pants are also being upgraded. They are narrowed at the hips, and the bottom is flared to fit the size of the shoe. The demobilization parade itself is white, the trousers are black.

What does the office uniform look like?

The demobilization office uniform in various ranks of the troops differs in its own way. The main difference is the presence of a patch with a name and surname. For example, in a marine uniform, a standard vest changes to a white T-shirt. In the Airborne Forces, the letters on the stripes and edgings are not yellow, but blue or light blue. Dembels try to decorate office uniforms as little as possible to emphasize their status. Most often, they manage with a not too bulky white aiguillette, stripes in the color of the uniform and, of course, awards.

In the nineties, demobilization forms lost their relevance due to the attitude towards military service. Then the conscripts went home not even in the usual military uniform, but dressed in civilian clothes so as not to attract too much attention. Today, on the streets of the country, you can meet happy guys who have served in beautiful uniforms. They certainly attract the eye with their decoration and gloss. Today's soldiers do not need to make the parade themselves, risking grabbing an extraordinary outfit for finding it. The armies are now allowed to use cell phones and the Internet. Demobilization uniform for every taste can be ordered in the online store. But, of course, that's up to everyone.

Once every six months, conscripts raise the question of demobilization uniform. And today we will talk about it.

As you know, signed on March 27 and September 27. From the moment the order is signed, young people who have served begin to retire to the reserve (to be demobilized among the people).

And almost every one of them wants to come home to their relatives and friends in a beautiful military uniform. In this regard, once upon a time, the demobilization form was invented.

Here are just a few examples of the DMB form shown in the photo below:

Photo of several variants of the demobilization form

You can make this form yourself, or you can order it online or buy it in a store.

Interesting points related to the service:

  • How to
  • and how to increase your financial allowance

Buy demobilization uniform

For those who decide not to bother too much and just buy a “demobilization” uniform, there are several sites on the Internet that are engaged in sewing and delivering uniforms for a retired serviceman. But lately there have been a lot of scammers who want to get rich at your expense by offering to buy a form of DMB. Therefore, before ordering a demobilization uniform, you should carefully choose the seller.

And now we will consider several options for the demobilization form for the types and types of troops.

Airborne troops - winged infantry! The elite of the Russian armed forces their motto: "No one but us"

A sample form for the Airborne Forces for demobilization

The Navy is one of the branches of the RF Armed Forces. Conscripted servicemen still go on long-distance voyages on ships, although their service life is one year. Everyone loves sailors naval demobilization uniform they have a beautiful one. Their motto is: "God and St. Andrew's flag are with us"

Sample uniform for the Navy for demobilization

Conscripted military personnel do not fly on airplanes themselves, but nevertheless serve in parts of the Aerospace Forces in various military positions of junior specialists. Their motto is "Higher and Higher"

A sample form for the Air Force VKS for demobilization

Motorized rifle troops are the most numerous type of troops in our army. Most of them are conscripts. Therefore, the demobilization uniform from the VKPO is so popular among this category of soldiers.

Sample uniform for motorized rifle troops for demobilization

Soldiers of the Air Defense Forces guard our peaceful skies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their motto is: “We don’t fly ourselves and don’t let others fly!”

Sample form for air defense for demobilization

They are one of the components of the nuclear shield of our Motherland. Therefore, service in the Strategic Missile Forces is so honorable, and their motto corresponds to their mission: "After us, only silence"

Sample form for the Strategic Missile Forces for demobilization

The demobilization uniform from the so-called office uniform appeared quite recently, namely in 2013. And almost immediately gained its popularity. But see for yourself:

Sample office uniform for demobilization

How to make a demobilization form yourself

In order to create your masterpiece (you can’t say otherwise), you will have to put in a lot of effort and just as much imagination. Be patient and thread)) And forward!

Those who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of age, often recall with warm irony the demobilization uniforms in which they returned home.

The phenomenon of hazing is really widespread, the unwritten custom of soldiers and sergeants - to carefully prepare for transfer to the reserve (meaning a uniform embellished to the extent of personal fantasy and an album with photographs) - has been observed for many decades.

On the tradition of returning home in a demobilization uniform

Why is this tradition established? It originates from Soviet times. The reason is clear: the soldiers are waiting for the day of transfer to the reserve, they dream of it as a holiday ... It marks a change in their rhythm of life from a regulated service to a personal one. People who have matured dream of the future arrangement of their lives: work, prosperity, finding a soul mate. But first ... demobilization must take place.

It is obvious that such an event is a kind of milestone in the life of young men who are preparing demobilization forms for dismissal. Such clothes are not intended either for army everyday life or for military holidays. It corresponds to only one state of mind of one person - its owner. Her mission is rather fleeting in time: to decorate the return home, to demonstrate to relatives, friends, acquaintances that the soldier, having honestly and masculinely served the Motherland, is finally with them.

Sometimes her creation is a kind of kitsch, an attempt to stylize an ordinary soldier's uniform to give it features of extravagance, loudness. Stripes, aiguillettes, badges, chevrons are used.

What should be observed in the clothes of the demobilization

We also note that the demobilization forms are not a complete impromptu. After all, after all, it is made by the “grandfather” (a conscript who served for a year and a half). Oddly enough, but when creating them, several rules must be observed:

  • insignia are placed in accordance with the canons approved by the charters;
  • the creator of an exclusive form must observe the measure and taste when decorating it.

It is curious that the maintenance of the aforementioned tradition was not always observed by military personnel.

The phenomenon of demobilization uniforms is a plus for the army

For example, in the 1990s, memorable for the tendency of a negative attitude towards the army, demobilized people went home in civilian clothes.

A paradoxical psychological trend can be traced: if demobilization forms are used for the road home, then this is a secondary evidence of the prestige of military service.

In other words, a soldier who observes such a tradition actually demonstrates his loyalty to the army, expressing pride in the very fact of his service in a kitsch form accessible to him.

In addition to the uniform, he also brings home a demobilization album, which is both a chronology of service and a memory of his colleagues.

Problem: preservation of the demobilization form

Anyone who has served in military service knows that it is not so difficult to prepare such military clothing as to save it. What is the problem? It exists in the case of formal relations between company officers and soldiers.

The charter gives the right to superiors to monitor the observance of uniforms by subordinates. Commanders can and must periodically check the personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants, seizing items that are not provided for by the regulations. Theoretically, demobilization uniforms also fall into the risk group. Usually, the demobilization is kept in the company pantry (kapterka) in their registered departments.

And although everyone knows that a soldier will not put on such clothes during military service, and that such a violation of the form by demobilization should not be expected, commanders often seize and destroy such clothes.

Is it smart in a purely human sense to put such pressure on subordinates? Not at all. Reasonable construction of relations the chief/subordinate assumes respect for the human person. Indeed, why injure a person who has expressed pride in his service by creating a personal form? A reasonable boss will try not to notice this little thing, look at it through his fingers, warmly thank the soldier for his service, tell the demob, stunned with happiness, how to get home without any problems.

On the other hand, the removal of the demobilization uniform by the chief is justified if it implies a clear mockery of the charters, a mockery of the army way of life.

Dembel form is strict

Of course, this article would be incomplete without a brief description of how to make a demobilization uniform. However, there is a nuance here. After all, by and large, there are two types of such clothes:

  • strict form of demobilization;
  • demobilization form exclusive.

Which one is preferable? There is no single answer here. Of course, this is a matter of demobilization's taste. However, if the retiree has a sense of style, then we would recommend the first option to him. It is more restrained, it provides for individual revisions of the standard soldier's uniform, verified in practice by many generations of demobilizations.

Such, for example, is the classic demobilization form of air defense. We list the improvements to the strict form of demobilization:

  • tunic and trousers fitted in the atelier (if necessary);
  • an additional chevron of the military branch sewn onto the tunic;
  • inserts under the shoulder straps of the tunic (the latter from this retain a flat shape and decorate the contour of the shoulder);
  • homemade shoulder straps for a shirt (they are not provided for by the form, but craftsmen make them to their liking);
  • a modified form of the “airfield” cap (achieved by increasing the tape spring embedded in the rim);
  • standard military badges of the type of troops, class, sports ranks, etc., arranged in the prescribed manner.

By the way, according to experts, the naval demobilization uniform looks especially spectacular. Below we will tell you more about it.

Unique Options

Dembel's exclusive form gives more space to the author's imagination. Here it is much easier to overdo it, expressing bad taste instead of originality. What can be said about her? This form of clothing is motivatedly hidden from the authorities. The commander is guaranteed not to understand such a flight of creative imagination.

What is she? Firstly, it automatically includes improvements to the strict demobilization form. Secondly, it includes a number of other improvements:

  • velvet-trimmed shoulder straps, pocket flaps, sleeves;
  • replaced buttons;
  • chevrons atypical for the type of troops;
  • the edges of the form are trimmed with white edging;
  • shoulder straps converted to epaulettes;
  • voluminous linings for shoulder straps;
  • an abundance of icons;
  • aiguillettes.

Briefly about the winter version

The winter demobilization uniform additionally includes an overcoat modified with a wire comb to the state of a fur coat, judging by the length and density of the pile. It is also desirable to add an officer's hat, scarf and leather gloves to it. Similar clothes are described in Yu. Polyakov's story "One Hundred Days Before Demobilization".

Note that such an exclusive should not be taken without proper taste and modesty. Everything is good in moderation. It’s bad if they start making fun of a soldier who has served the Motherland with dignity. After all, as you know, they are greeted by clothes ...

Dembel uniform of sailors

Modern commodity-money relations, coupled with smartphones, provide conscripts with a service - the opportunity not to bother with handicraft production of such clothes, but simply order the right size for themselves by selecting it on the site. There are no boundaries for perfection! Do you need a demobilization uniform of the Navy?

Please: front flank of the Navy, already equipped with a tunic, badges, aiguillette. Made to order, plus (additionally) your wishes.

The service is amazing: there is even an interest-free installment plan and (which is important for conscripts) free storage of finished products in a warehouse. Standard delivery time - 2 weeks, accelerated - 1 week.

However, buying is not a trick! The thoughtful reader, of course, is interested in how the demobilization form of the Navy is made. We are quite ready to answer this question:

  • the floors of pea jackets, tunics, overcoats are shortened;
  • an additional chevron of the "Navy" type is sewn on, etc.;
  • the badge of the sea belt is being finalized (corners are grinded, a bend is attached, the anchor is polished);
  • the belt itself is wrinkled in a special way “under the skin” and is painted brown;
  • shoulder straps are made with two capital letters of the name of the fleet;
  • the peakless cap is tilted, a wire rim is inserted into it for lateral curvature;
  • trousers flare down to the width of the shoe and narrow at the hips (the latter is an immemorial navy tradition).

By the way, the demobilization uniform of the Marine Corps is similar to it. It additionally includes the replacement of flannel stripes with fragments of similar shape, carved from red. Aglets are additionally installed on the tunic. The vertical surface of the shoe sole was ground down to give it a slope.

Demobilization uniform of Air Force soldiers

The demobilization uniform of the Air Force is made on the basis of the field uniform. It can be purchased online by sending the manufacturer your measurements: height, chest, waist, sleeve length, headgear size. The purchase is carried out by 100% payment, 50% prepayment and interest-free installments.

The kit of the acquired form includes a tunic, “modified” with blue velvet shoulder straps or chevrons attached using semi-rigid embossed linings, as well as a blue improved beret.

However, the demobilization form of the Air Force can be made independently. To do this, a serviceman must purchase a set of field uniforms made of "number" type fabric and modify it. You will need to spend money on buying additional chevrons and an aiguillette in the military trade. You should get specific flight badges and insignia. Blue velvet is bought in a civilian distribution network.

There is one auxiliary detail for giving the perfect shape to shoulder straps, chevrons, stripes. It is handmade from cellophane and white fabric. This is a semi-rigid lining. To make it, you need a minimum of materials: cellophane and a piece of an old bleached sheet. Of the tools you will need a hot iron and scissors.

The technology is simple: two layers of fabric are glued together with cellophane using a hot iron. This is followed by another layer of cellophane, fabric, etc. The product is uncomplicated, but the shoulder straps and chevrons sewn with it are not visually lost, they are accentuated and look embossed.

Infantry and its demobilization uniform

The demobilization form of the infantry is an obsolete name. Now this type of troops is called differently - motorized rifle. What is such clothing? Judging by the specimens we have seen, it is similar to the Air Force form described above.

The differences are predictable: instead of blue velvet, black is used, specific insignia according to the type of troops: chevrons, buttonholes, badges of belonging to the troops, class, etc. Instead of a blue beret, black is used. On the whole, the cut of the field uniform, the vest, aiguillettes, and sewn-in trousers are identical.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops

The demobilization uniform differs from the military one, perhaps, only in the color of the camouflage - “numbers”. Grayish colors predominate (after all, belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Another traditional color inherent in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is maroon. The maroon beret is a special pride of the representatives of the special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military personnel receive it only by successfully coping with fairly complex qualification tests, including tough and uncompromising close combat.

For demobilized internal troops, everything is much simpler, you just need to purchase the aforementioned beret. After all, they have long chosen both maroon velvet shoulder straps and maroon velvet lining on pockets.

The demobilization form of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is similar to the form of VV (the department is the same). But the berets here are not maroon, but intense black.

Finishing the presentation of the material of this article, let us dwell on a small detail of the demobilization clothing - the collar, which the soldiers also succinctly call the "hem". For hygiene, it is sewn on the inside of the collar. The unwritten regulation establishes the differences between the spiritual undercollar - "herring" - from the demobilized one: multi-layered, with a piping sewn inside to maintain a smooth volumetric contour of the upper part of the hemming. Some creative demobilizations equip the collar with informative embroidery "DMB".

Instead of a conclusion

Having described the various options, we still recommend that soldiers and sergeants consider transforming their demobilization uniforms, adhering to the principle of minimalism. We emphasize: this is purely our point of view. After all, a military uniform should not be like a carnival outfit. Although, on the other hand, it is, of course, worth modifying clothes to give a more presentable look.

First, it must initially correspond to the figure. It is allowed to take it in, but only in a military studio. You can sew (one!) Chevron of the military branch. The badges of sports ranks and combat class should first be really deserved by yourself, and only then decorate your tunic with them. Then it will be more pleasant for you to tell your relatives and friends about your service. Shoulder straps should preferably be reinforced with flat inserts. It is worth working on the shape of your headgear, if it is far from the classic outlines.

A fresh vest, a demobilization collar - all this makes sense.

A reasonable strategy for a demobilization is to carry a specially prepared demobilization uniform folded to the destination of your railway ticket. And only on the eve of leaving the train to put it on. Perhaps you can still, without advertising it, on the eve of taking a few pictures in it with the most faithful friends in the service directly in the barracks.

You should not demonstrate it to idle colleagues in the service - lose it (one of the "well-wishers" can inform the "wrong" commander). Moreover, it is contraindicated to walk around the territory of the unit in it. After all, your pride in what you have done (and quite a lot of work) can be interpreted as "flat" as possible - as arrogant and causing a violation of the form of clothing.