Ecological education in kindergarten (3) - Abstract. Problem tasks in ecological education. Criteria for environmental education of older preschoolers

Environmental education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a continuous process of development of children, aimed at shaping their ecological culture, which is expressed in the presence of:

  • sustainable knowledge about nature and its relationships;
  • respect for nature;
  • correct understanding of the concept of "healthy lifestyle";
  • moral and environmentally valuable attitudes, behavioral skills;
  • emotional responsiveness to wildlife;
  • positive aesthetic sensations from admiring nature;
  • ability to recognize the features of the surrounding world.

The issues of the implementation of environmental education in a preschool educational institution are especially important. After all, just at the age of 3-5 years, the foundations of attitude are laid. On the other hand, the child's knowledge of nature is an important factor in the educational process.

Environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the GEF, can be implemented through the following activities:

  • observations;
  • experiences;
  • research;
  • games;
  • work;
  • artistic and aesthetic practice;
  • acquaintance with natural history literature;
  • physical education and sports.

An important point is the need for environmental education in two directions:

  • in training sessions;
  • in everyday life.

It is necessary to strive, as far as possible, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom in the process of subject-transforming activity in nature. Children should be involved in caring for plants and animals, maintaining a favorable ecological environment. As a result, preschoolers form a personal experience of influencing nature, cognitive interests are activated, and a need for activities in nature is formed.

Forms of environmental education

caregiver kindergarten has a wide range of forms of environmental education:

  • collective;
  • group;
  • individual.

Among collective forms the most popular are the ecological holidays “Gifts of Nature”, “Autumn Ball”, “Hello, summer”, “Oh, winter-winter”, etc. Also often practiced is joint labor activity for cleaning and landscaping, work in flower beds and the site. Children should be encouraged to participate in trainings, conferences, lessons of kindness, environmental marathons and festivals.

To group forms of work include excursions, research and experiments. An effective form of group work is to involve children in the development of projects. In addition, for small groups of pupils, it is recommended to organize such events as the performance of the propaganda team, role-playing games, the activities of circles or clubs of an environmental orientation, and participation in environmental campaigns.

AT individual form observing nature. Positive emotions are evoked in children by such types of individual activities as participation in competitions, artistic and aesthetic activities: making crafts, modeling, creating drawings, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the existing forms of interaction with parents:

  • consultations;
  • contests;
  • family meetings;
  • exhibitions of children's works;
  • methodical bulletins;
  • holidays.

The participation of parents in joint work with children increases the interest of preschoolers in the task, helps to establish contact between family members, bring them together emotionally, and contributes to the formation of an ecological culture among adults. The main thing is to interest parents in such activities, to offer them personally significant environmental information.

Methods of ecological education of preschoolers

Determining the most effective methods of environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, it is necessary to give preference to games, visual-effective and project-based ones.


The main method of environmental education is observation. It allows you to carry out sensory knowledge of objects of nature. In this case, all forms of perception can be involved.

Most often, preschoolers are invited to observe the state of nature and plant life. Such observations should be made regularly throughout the year. This type of work is an indispensable element of daily walks. In addition, birds, domestic animals and insects become objects of observation from time to time. Approximately 1-2 times a month, children observe social objects, features of the work activity of adults.

When organizing surveillance, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • the object of observation must be accessible to perception;
  • the time for observation should be 5-10 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests.

The main thing is that observation should not be an end in itself. It is necessary that this process be multi-stage:

  • perception of objects of nature;
  • study of the characteristics of a given object, its relationship with other objects or phenomena;
  • creative display of the received information.

The teacher should direct the activities of preschoolers in the process of observation, ask questions, and set problem tasks for them. The main thing is to evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to continue such activities on their own.

The game

The game provides children with freedom of action, looseness and the opportunity to take the initiative. However, in order to use gaming activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize it in such a way that there is no threat or harm to wildlife.

An obligatory attribute of children's life are toys that depict objects of nature. Playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural materials. Children will get acquainted with the characteristics of natural objects, and the fact that as a result of such an activity a beautiful bright toy will turn out increases interest in these activities.

Story games, practice games, illustration games and dramatizations are practiced in kindergarten. It is very useful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The purpose of these games is not only to have fun and make a figure or make a house (splashing with water, blowing soap bubbles, etc.), but also to learn the properties of these natural materials.

Project activity

A great way to combine a variety of activities aimed at understanding the world around us is the project method. It provides for the implementation by preschoolers of practical purposeful activities and contributes to the formation of their personal life experience in interaction with natural objects.

Working on a project gives the child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, feel like a tester, and participate “on an equal footing” with adults in joint cognitive activities. With preschoolers, you can implement research, practice-oriented, role-playing, creative projects. Usually these are short-term group or individual projects.

Creation of ecological environment

An important educational aspect that influences the formation of ecological culture among preschoolers is the creation of a favorable ecological environment in kindergarten. This is a continuous process that involves the organization of a special ecological space and the implementation of regular actions aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for wildlife in it.

The most common varieties of this form of work are the creation of a "living corner", the cultivation of indoor flowers, the design of a flower bed. The educational effect will be achieved only if children do not just observe animals and plants, but take an active part in caring for them.

The relevance of environmental problems in modern society brings the issues of environmental education to the fore. An important task is being solved in a preschool institution - not only to reveal the beauty of nature to children, but also to teach them to notice and appreciate it on their own.

Children will get acquainted with the science of ecology at school, but environmental education must begin at a preschool age. To some, this may seem premature. However, child psychologists note the age of 5-6 years as the most receptive, open to learning. During this period, the child's attitude to himself, to the world around him is formed, a coordinate of values ​​is built.

Every year the environmental situation in the world is deteriorating, and our goal, the goal of modern parents and teachers, is to educate environmentally educated people who will treat nature as a friend, protect it, and improve methods for saving it.

Environmental education in kindergarten contributes to:

  • the formation of objective ideas about the processes occurring in nature;
  • formation of respect for nature.

The following programs can be used to work in the ecological direction in kindergarten:

  • The basic program for the development of preschoolers "Origins",
  • Ryzhova N.A.: "Our home is nature",
  • Nikolaeva S.N.: "Young ecologist",
  • Voronkevich O.A.: "Welcome to ecology",
  • Kondratieva E.E.: "We",
  • Veresov A.: "We are earthlings",
  • Popova T.I.: "The world around us",
  • Kochemasova E.E.: "Hello world!".

Environmental education in kindergarten should begin with the teacher himself

Only an environmentally literate person can form an environmentally conscious personality. The teacher must have a number of skills.

Curious is the study conducted in the Tyumen region. More than 200 respondents took part in it: 167 educators and 71 heads from local preschool institutions. The study was conducted in the form of a questionnaire. Let's take a look at some illustrative data.

To the question about work is carried out in the preschool educational institution in the environmental direction by educators who do not have the appropriate education or environmental specialists, it turned out that

  • only in 1.4% of kindergartens classes are conducted by ecologists;
  • in 98.6% of cases, classes are conducted by educators who do not have an environmental education.

In addition, for the most part, preschool institutions lack environmental program and methodological materials:

  • only 16.9% of kindergartens are provided with the necessary equipment and teaching materials in sufficient quantities;
  • in 56.3% of kindergartens there is a lack of methodological materials;
  • 26.8% of preschool educational institutions do not have any environmental education materials at all.

O the need to resort to the help of a methodologist-ecologist said heads of 84.5% of preschool institutions.

Ecological education in kindergarten carried out in various forms :

  • the most popular were environmental classes and conversations - 33.9%;
  • excursions and phenological walks - 22.6%,
  • observations in nature - 14.5%,
  • leisure activities - 10.8%,
  • games - 9.7%;
  • practical work (experiments) - 4.8%,
  • consultations with parents - 2.2%,
  • thematic exhibitions - 1.6%.

Forms of environmental education in kindergarten

Environmental education in kindergarten is carried out in several directions: directly with the main participants in the educational process - with children, at the pedagogical level, in cooperation with parents.

Forms of work with children

Forms of work with children include environmental activities and conversations. The rules of safe behavior in nature are discussed with children, classes are held "Pantry of nature", "Forest is a helper of man", "Useful inventions" and others.

The musical director, together with the methodologist and educators, prepares ecological holidays : "Ecological Knowledge Day", "Earth Day", "Summer Festival". Leisure activities are organized in the form of KVN "Connoisseurs of Nature".

During targeted walks, excursions, the teacher, together with the children, conducts observations in nature . This can be both a direct acquaintance with the surrounding flora and fauna, and educational work, for example, with masterpieces of fine art: looking at landscape paintings.

Practical experience children receive by helping to care for plants and animals. As the child grows older, the range of his responsibilities expands. Older children are often involved in joint projects with preschoolers from kindergarten and younger groups. For example, younger guys grow vegetables in the garden, and their older comrades hold demonstrative workshops on cooking salads and other dishes from these vegetables.

Children of the preparatory group can lead "environmental diary" , in which all observations, notes, experiments are entered.

Forms of work with the teaching staff

As the study cited above showed, the teaching staff needs to improve their skills, acquire appropriate skills in the subject of ecology. This is directed business games , for example, "Ecological education by means of wildlife", reviews of partial programs, seminars "Didactic games with ecological content".

It turns out to be in demand workshop "New game techniques that contribute to the environmental education of preschoolers."

One of the stimulating factors is the spirit of competition. Organized vernissages of pedagogical ideas "Ecological walks", "Environmental actions", "Forms of work on environmental education".

To improve the level of environmental literacy of teachers, booklets on topical environmental issues in the world in general and in the city in particular.

Forms of work with parents

Interaction with parents is a necessary component of environmental education in kindergarten. An adult should lead by example to a child.

Despite the fact that many parents do not have free time, they still enthusiastically respond to offers to take part in a joint subbotnik , landscaping the territory of the kindergarten, preparing feeders, collecting garbage, batteries, etc.

Environmental education should be continued beyond the preschool. On weekends or holidays, children are given the task of collecting together with their parents exhibits for the museum of nature in the garden, make crafts from natural material, draw a wall newspaper .

“Man, of course, is the master of nature, but not in the sense of its exploiter, but as one who understands it and bears moral responsibility for the preservation and improvement in it (and, consequently, in itself) of everything living and beautiful.” A.S. Arseniev (PhD in Philosophy)



Environmental education in the preschool educational institution

Ecology is what surrounds each of us. Never before has the threat of an ecological crisis been so acute as it is today. Various species of unique animals and plants are disappearing on the planet with frightening swiftness. The environment is getting more and more polluted every day.

To prevent a barbaric attitude towards nature, it is worth starting to cultivate an ecological culture from a very young age. Therefore, today the environmental education of preschoolers is becoming increasingly relevant.

Preschool age is the most suitable time for the formation of the basics of perception of the world in a child. Children at an early age are very emotional, responsive and compassionate and perceive nature as a living organism.

Ecological education of preschoolers , first of all, is aimed at forming a positive attitude of the child to the environment - land, water, flora, fauna. Teaching children to love and protect nature, to carefully use natural resources are the main tasks of environmental education.

What is the importance of environmental education for preschoolers?

  • develops responsibility for the conservation of nature;
  • fosters a sense of beauty, the ability to see natural beauty;
  • gives an understanding of the close relationship of all life on the planet;
  • prevents aggressive, destructive actions in relation to nature;
  • directs children's activity in a positive direction and broadens their horizons.

How to instill an ecological culture in a child?

Education of ecological culture of preschoolers begins in the child's family. Children copy the behavior of their parents. Therefore, it is very important that parents explain to their child the basics of ecological culture and back up their words with actions. You cannot teach a child what the parents themselves do not observe.

Tell your child about the amazing variety of life forms on land and water. Illustrated encyclopedias and films about animals and plants will help you along the way.

Read to your child more often wonderful, kind stories about nature by V. Bianchi, L. Tolstoy, B. Zakhoder, N. Sladkov, M. Prishvin, K. Ushinsky. Children are ready to listen to the stories of adults enchanted for hours. After reading, talk to your child about the characters' problems.

Toddlers of preschool age are very responsive. If you give them the opportunity to feel someone else's pain as their own, then teach them to take care of those who need it. Also, never pass plants and animals in trouble.

In every way involve and encourage the participation of the child in the care of animals or plants. You can start with the simplest - watering your favorite flower or installing bird feeders in winter.

Talk in an accessible way about environmental problems and what needs to be done to avoid them.

In the summer, environmental education can be an exciting adventure for preschoolers. Walks in the forest, field, park, meadow will help you get to know the typical representatives of the local flora and fauna.

This will expand the child's knowledge of the animals and plants around him. Help your child learn to see the beauty of nature.

An important place in the environmental education of preschoolers belongs to games. Arrange a small theater with game characters - puppets. Let the characters talk about how to behave in relation to nature. You can argue, joke and laugh with your characters.

There are many options and forms of education of ecological culture among preschoolers. It all depends on your desire and your imagination. But to teach a child from an early age to live in harmony withenvironment This is not an easy task, but a very important one.


Game-journey of ecological content "Visiting Leshy".

Purpose: I bring to your attention a game-journey of ecological content for children of senior preschool age.
Target: the formation of ideas in children about the nature around us, about the animal and plant world, birds and insects.
- to provide the possibility of assimilation of ecological ideas in children;
- arouse interest in nature and develop a value attitude towards it;
- to form the skills of environmentally competent behavior;
- to provide opportunities for the manifestation of independence, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make the right decisions.
Material: Costume "goblin" for the presenter; cones for scoring; emblems for the winners of "Leshechka"; a basket of gifts for children (apples, or cookies in the form of mushrooms, nuts); cards with the image of plants, birds, animals and insects; 3 painted trains (3 wagons) with window pockets for cards, (according to the number of teams); the image of three tables (you can apply on whatman paper) in red, green, blue; cap masks made of paper plants, birds, animals; three hoops of different colors; clean sheets of paper and colored pencils; lounge mats.
The session can be held outdoors or indoors.

Course progress.
The teacher greets the children and informs them that today they are going on an educational journey into the forest. At the entrance to the forest, the children are met by the leading "goblin".
Goblin. Hello children! The forest welcomes guests! Today I will accompany you through the forest and ask you different tasks, those who correctly cope with all the tasks will receive a gift, are you ready? (children's answers). But before I let you in, I must find out if you welcomed kindly, do you remember the rules of conduct in the forest? And for this, here is your first task.

Task 1. "Choose a phrase"

Goblin. Now you must choose the correct one from each pair of phrases that I will say:
1. Do not break branches, do not cripple trees.
You can play in the forest: break branches, bushes, draw on trees.
2. Do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain - take care!
You can throw leaves, tear flowers, weave wreaths - greens and flowers are not a pity, they will still grow!
3. A bug-eyed frog, a creeping snake, a clumsy toad, nasty caterpillars and mosquitoes can be driven away and crushed, but it would be better if they didn’t exist at all.
All sorts of animals and insects are needed, each of them is necessary for nature.
The children answer. Leshy thanks them, gives them a bump for the correct answers, and lets them into the forest. The teacher with Leshy lead the children through the forest, the children recite a previously learned poem (one sentence per child).
We respect nature
We care and understand.
Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches.
Birds learn to sing
Spiders - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden,

teach us how to work.
Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.
The sun teaches kindness
Weasel, justice.
Us trees of all kinds
They teach strong friendship.
Nature all year round
Need to be trained.

At a halt, children are divided into three teams: plants, animals, birds (they put on mask caps corresponding to the team for each child) and are seated on different rugs.

Task 2. "Magic train"

Each team is given an image of a train and cards of animals, birds, insects.
Goblin. Guys, in front of you is a train and passengers. You are the conductors and your task is to place passengers in the cars (in the first - animals, in the second - birds, in the third - insects) so that there is one passenger in each window. The team that first places the animals on the wagons correctly receives a bump.

Task3. "Zoological dining room"

Each team is given an image of three tables in red, green, blue and cards of animals, birds, insects.
Goblin. Guys, as you know, birds, animals, insects eat different foods, so they are divided into herbivores, predators and omnivores. You now need to seat everyone at the tables so that the predators are at the red table, the herbivores are at the green, and the omnivores are at the blue. The first team to place everyone correctly at the tables will be the winner.
At the end, Leshy sums up and distributes cones.

Task 4. "Who lives where"

Lay out the hoops in the clearing different colors(red, blue, green).
Goblin. Guys, you are wearing various identification hats, determine who you are and where you live or grow up. At the command "For a walk!" you will freely walk around the clearing, and at the command "Go home!" you must stand in the hoop that represents your home. The inhabitants of the forest occupy the green hoop, the inhabitants of the fields and meadows - the red one, and the inhabitants of the reservoirs - the blue hoop.
After the children take their places in the hoops, the teacher and Leshy check whether the task has been completed correctly: the child names himself and his place of residence. Handing out cones.
Goblin. What good fellows you are, you all know. Now I will tell you a story that happened in our forest.
One day, several wizards argued about what the forest should be like. They argued for a long time, but could not agree with each other. We decided that each of them will create the forest he likes. And here's what they got:
- the first wizard decided that in his forest there would be no animals, even the tiniest ones, only trees, shrubs, grass and mushrooms. Soon the forest turned into an impenetrable thicket, and then died. The wizard couldn't understand why. Guys, help the wizard, tell me why his forest died?
- the second wizard was annoyed by every noise, and he created a forest in which there were no birds. And this forest suffered the same fate, it also perished. What do you think happened?
- the third wizard was very kind and wanted everyone to be friends. He settled in his forest only peaceful, herbivorous animals. And they almost ate the whole forest. The good wizard was very upset. What was his mistake?
- the fourth settled only predators in his forest. But they soon left this forest. Why did this happen?
- the fifth wizard created an ordinary forest, and no one left this forest. Why?
Children give answers and for the most complete answer Leshy distributes cones.
Goblin. It's good that the last wizard created such a beautiful forest where everything is in moderation. But unfortunately there are places on our earth where nothing grows and no one lives, this is very sad, and it is in our power to fix this.

Task 5. "Let's draw a forest"

Distribute a blank sheet to each team (on an easel if the game takes place in the hall, on a tablet if it is outdoors) and pencils.
Goblin. Now, with the help of lots, we will determine which team will draw the forest, which meadow, and which lake. Then, in turn, each member of your team draws something related to your task.
Goblin checks the performance of the task and rewards the team that completed the work first.
Goblin. This is how our meeting came to an end. It's time for me to go back to the forest to keep order, and it's time for you to go home. You have passed all my tasks and now I know that you love nature and will always protect it. And now let's sum up.
Leshy gives emblems to the teams "Leshechka 1", "Leshechka 2", Leshechka 3".
Goblin. Guys, I want to leave you as a gift, all the cones you have earned. When you come home, you will make a health path out of them and be sure to walk barefoot along this path at least once a day. And of course, I want to give you a basket with the gifts of the forest. Good luck. See you in the forest!


Abstract of the lesson on experimental activities in the senior group
"City of Magic"


Creating conditions conducive to the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection through experimentation.



Exercise in the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, develop logical


Learn to find the right solution in a problem situation.

Explain "magical phenomena" in terms of chemistry and physics (inflating a balloon, blooming flowers in water).


Develop thought processes: attention, thinking, memory.

To acquaint with the properties of water, sunflower oil.


To cultivate the desire to achieve goals in a problem situation.

To cultivate a desire to help each other in the fulfillment of a collective task.

Methods and techniques:

verbal : questions, artistic word.

Visual: illustrations, model of a volcano, a flask with milk.

Practical: physical education, the study of objects.

vocabulary work: fiber, stylus, casein protein.

Equipment: a set of paper flowers, a bag of cereals, a glass of milk and sunflower oil, a model of a volcano and reagents (soda, vinegar), paints, brushes, paper.

Lesson progress


Hello guys. Welcome to the City of Magic.

Do you know who does the magic?

Children: (wizards, fairies).


That's right, guys, only good wizards and fairies live in our city. They always help those who need help. I invite you on a journey. We will start it with the "Garden of Flowers". Flowers in it do not fade all year round. The hostess here is a fairy of flowers. Her favorite place in this garden is a magic pond. She is ready to show us her magic, but first we need to solve riddles about flowers.


I am a fluffy ball

I whiten in a clean field,

And the wind blew

The stalk remains.

Answer: Dandelion.

So little Vasya is called

And those flowers that are collected in the field.

Answer: Cornflower.

The little blue bell hung.

Never rang in my life.

Answer. Bell.

Golden cap, white shirt.

What is the name of the flower?

Answer. Chamomile.

Jugs and saucers

They don't sink and they don't fight.

Answer: Water lilies.

On a smooth mirror of water

I see wonderful flowers.

They grow from the bottom of the river.

They are all called water lilies...

Andrey Shirshikov.

Water lilies are called mermaid flowers, they are white, yellow and pink.

For the fact that you guessed all the riddles, the Flower Fairy gave you one “magic” flower each (children are given paper flowers).

Guys, have you ever watched the flowers bloom? Let's drop the Fairy's gifts into our magical pond and see what happens to our little flowers.

Experience "The flower has blossomed"

Children drop paper flowers with folded petals into the water. In water, the paper fibers swell - the flowers "bloom".


Thank you Flower Fairy!

Well, let's continue the journey. Oh, what is this bag. (Reveals that it contains a mixture of semolina and peas (rice). I know where it came from. This is a fairy, Cinderella's godmother dropped it. Remember, in the fairy tale she helped Cinderella go to the ball, and she did not have to separate different cereals from each other. Let's we will help the fairy sort out the cereals.

Experience "Help Cinderella"

(Children first try to manually select the cereals.)


Yes, the work is going very slowly, but should we use magic (wave of the wand) and a sieve appears. Do you know what to do? Of course, sift the cereal. Why is it possible to separate cereals in this way?

Large peas - will not go into a strainer, and small semolina is poured into a plate.

Children p sifting cereals.


Guys, well done! The fairy godmother will be very happy. I think I hear music. Yes, this is our wizard Valsik dancing again.

He knows how to dance a variety of dances: waltz, polka, tango and a dance with a strange name cha-cha-cha!

Each of you must have some favorite goodies. For example, I just can't live without chocolate. And Valsik loves milk very much.

He has been drinking milk since childhood.

It has strength and warmth!

'Cause it's magical

Good, helpful!

Let's talk a little about milk.

1. Where did the expression "Milk rivers, jelly banks" come from?

Answer: from fairy tales.

2. Name the animals that feed their babies with milk?

Answer: cow, sheep, goat, female donkey, deer, camel, hedgehogs, rabbits, whales, dolphins.


That's right, guys, but you know that milk has a magical protein casein - it gives the milk a white color. Rabbits have the whitest milk, because there is more of this protein than in other animals.

3. What kind of milk is called "fresh milk"?

Answer: This is the milk that the cow has just given.

4. There is an expression: "milk ran away." But milk has no legs, why do they say that?

Answer: Milk escapes when boiled, it rises, and if the pan with milk is not removed from the stove in time, then a significant part of the milk will simply flow out of it.

And our milk not only knows how to “run” but also “dances”. While Valsik is rehearsing, it is slowly dancing. It is impossible to dance the waltz alone, so they invited oil. Butter floats on top of milk because milk is heavier than butter. Scientists say that water is denser than oil. (The magician shows a glass of milk with sunflower oil poured on top.) Would you like to watch them dance?

Children: Yes!

Experience "Dancing milk".

Aspirin dissolves in milk, releasing carbon dioxide. Fancy bubbles appear at the border of butter and milk.


The dance begins! (Tosses an effervescent aspirin.) Well, what did you like about the dance of milk?

It's time for us to stretch our legs and dance with funny insects.

Physical education minute

Chok-chok, heel! (stomp your feet)

A cricket is spinning in the dance, (spin)

And the grasshopper without error (hand movements, as when playing the violin)

Performs a waltz on the violin.

Butterfly wings flicker, (we wave our arms like wings)

She flutters with an ant, (circle on jumps)

Under a cheerful hopak (dance movements, as in a hopak)

A spider dances famously.

Clap your hands loudly! (clap hands)

Everything! Our legs are tired! (sit or lean forward, hang your arms down)

Now let's go to visit the Drawing Fairy (Children sit at the tables.)


Guys, can you draw?

It's very simple, children,

Draw everything in the light.

We will need with you


Well, the eyes, of course.

After all, they, my friend, will help

See any object

Look at the shape and color

Is it round or square

All rough or smooth

Is it curved or straight

Small or big.

We are with you the whole world

On paper we will create:

(Margret Rettich.)


Guys, the Drawing Fairy always has everything ready for creativity. There are papers, and brushes, and paints. But the Fairy asked you to answer the questions:

1. What else can you draw besides paints?

Answers (pencils, chalk, ink).

2. Why does a simple pencil draw?

The pencil lead looks like a layer cake. The layers are weakly interconnected. And the layers themselves are very strong. When we run the stylus over the paper, layer after layer easily comes off and ends up on the paper. So there is a trace from a simple pencil.

It's time to start drawing!

We will draw difficult drawings, but magical ones. Even those who are just learning to draw will get wonderful drawings. Don't believe? You just need to take a brush, pick up paint and paint over the sheet with paint.

Over paper over sheet

Waving brush tail.

And not just waving,

And smears paper

Paint in different colors.

Ah, what a beauty!

Valentin Berestov

Experience "Magic Drawings".

Children draw a brush over paper, on which drawings are applied in advance with paraffin, and various pictures begin to appear on a colored background: houses, the sun, flowers. The Magician, together with the children, “draws” his drawing on a sheet.

Wizard's explanation: guys, you can prepare such a drawing yourself. You just need to take a white wax pencil, draw something, and then decorate a sheet of paper with paint. You can give such a "magic drawing" to a friend or parents.


What good fellows you are, everyone turned out wonderful drawings.

Guys, at the Drawing Fairy, even the water behaves unusually. Water always tends to go down: it falls from a waterfall, it rushes from a mountain.

Water cascade is flying down!

It's a waterfall, honey!

This is the place where the water

Down is always in a hurry.

(Marina Andreeva-Doglyadnaya.)

Experience "Magic Water"

Let's see how it goes up. The fairy has prepared colored stripes for you, dip them into the water. What's happening? Colored paths rise up after the water. Experience shows how the process of water absorption by a solid occurs. The magic doesn't end there.

The time has come to pay a visit to the wizard Gromushka - the lord of thunder, air, volcanic eruptions. Fast forward to it with the help of a magic wand, (wave wand).

Here we are at the place. Oh, he has a real volcano here and colorful balls. This is a reminder of childhood, we all love balloons in childhood. But Gromushka is so busy that he simply has no time to cheat them. But it doesn't matter! Balloons can inflate themselves. Look!

Balloon Blowing Experience.Soda is first poured into the ball, vinegar is poured into the bottle and the ball is put on the neck of the bottle. During the reaction, there is a rapid release of carbon dioxide - the balloon is inflated.

Gromushka allowed us to arrange a small volcanic eruption at his place today. In life, this is a very formidable, dangerous phenomenon of nature. We don't have to worry.

Here is a volcano - this is a mountain,

And inside the mountain is a hole.

The hum resounded here and there:

The volcano wakes up.

Here the whole mountain trembled,

Magma ran like lava

Don't go there, dear

Where is the awakened volcano.

Marina Andreeva-Doglyadnaya

Volcanic Eruption Experience

An experiment is being carried out to extinguish soda with vinegar in an impromptu volcano.


Here is our volcano extinguished. Guys, in our city we not only show magic, but also explain it.

It turns out that in order to inflate the balloon and “arrange a volcanic eruption”, it is enough to ask your mother to show how she extinguishes soda with vinegar when she bakes a pie.

Our journey is coming to an end.

There is one more important thing left. Do you remember Dunno saying that in every city you have to find a piece of the puzzle to find out what the fairies in our kindergarten lost?

(The lesson is held as part of the week "Gamelandia" and Dunno informs the children about everything that happens.)

The arrows will help you find him, they lead to the "Garden of Flowers", here is the envelope. Well done boys!

It's time to say goodbye. The magic and miracles don't end there. They are everywhere, you just need to take a closer look around.

Explain to me a little

If you know the answer.

Why does someone think

That there are no miracles in the world.

If the seed is alive

Planting and watering

There will be a big tree

We just have to wait!

(The magician picks up a bucket of sand and “plants” a seed, waters the watering cans and points to the image of a flowering tree on the wall.)

After the rain maybe

That's the miracle of miracles

You can see the rainbow - the track

Up to the sun and heaven.

(The wizard unfolds the accordion - a rainbow.)

If you really wait and believe,

And look into all eyes

Will knock on our doors

Magic and miracles!

(Elena Crassula.)

Goodbye guys. Be sure to come back to our City of Magic.

Experience "The flower has blossomed"

Volcanic Eruption Experience

Experience "Magic Drawings"


A cycle of didactic games on cognitive development

"Environmental outdoor games"


To consolidate knowledge about animals and plants, their adaptability to the environment.

To develop motor, mental and speech activity in children.

Cultivate respect for nature.

Didactic ecological games


Environmental education should be started from an early age. Already from childhood, it is necessary to educate humanity, kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature, towards people who live nearby, and towards descendants who need to defend the earth suitable for a full life. Ecological education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. We must teach children to behave properly in nature and among people. The best way for such learning will be the game - the most understandable, joyful and natural form of activity. Games give lessons an emotional coloring, fill them with bright colors, make them alive and more interesting for children.

Didactic environmental games are best played outdoors, while walking. In the process of such games, several tasks are solved: health-improving and educational at the same time. Children get acquainted with nature, society and develop physically. In addition, such games make children think, compare, compare, constantly be in search of new ways and solutions. Children with great interest and desire are included in such games, show motor, mental and speech activity, which ultimately affects the physical and intellectual development of children.

Topic: "Tops and roots».

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the structure and eating of vegetable plants. To consolidate the rules of the game, to expand the knowledge of children.

Material: medallions depicting one part of vegetable plants: roots, tops.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two equal teams, some have medallions with the image of roots, the other with the image of tops. The participants in the game randomly become big circle, forming a "basket", move in a circle with the words:

The magic basket is full - full,

Yes, everything is mixed up in it to the very bottom.

Children stop and say "roots":

Here miracle - roots!

And we are important for food.

Then the words are pronounced "tops":

Much more wonderful than tops,

All meals with us are so delicious.

The teacher says the following words:

The basket overturned, the roots scattered,

And behind them and tops.

After these words, the children scatter and run around the playground, trying not to bump into each other while they run, the teacher says:

Hush, hush, don't rush

And find each other

The root will find an inch,

And the vershok is its spine.

After these words, the children form pairs. At the direction of the teacher, one of the children names the edible part of the vegetable and the dish that can be prepared from it.

Theme: "Flowers"

Target: to teach children to admire growing flowers, to see and perceive their beauty, to educate children in respect for the beautiful creations of nature; fix the names of garden plants.

Game progress.

The teacher reads a poem by T. Sobakin:

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower...

If EVERYTHING: both me and you -

If WE pick flowers,

They will be empty

Trees and bushes...

And there will be no beauty.

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that flowers cannot be picked on lawns, flower beds and squares, they are planted so that it is beautiful around, and everyone admires them. Flowers are specially grown for bouquets.

After that the game starts. Children are divided into two teams. In one team, everyone comes up with a name for themselves - the name of a flower, which they tell the teacher so that no one hears. The teams are facing each other. The game starts with a greeting. Kids team says:

Hello flowers!

Hello children! Guess our names, "flowers" answer them.

Children begin to list the names of colors. Guessed "flowers" run away. At the end of the game, the children read the poem in chorus with the teacher.

After playing in the spring, children can plant or sow flowers; and spring and summer days - water the flowers; collect plant seeds in autumn.

Topic: Who lives where?

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a natural community; to form ideas about the ecological niches (floors) of a mixed forest and the place of animals in them. Expand children's knowledge of nature; develop respect for nature

Material : flat models depicting four tiers of mixed forest: herbaceous cover, shrubs, deciduous trees, coniferous trees. Pictures depicting various animals: insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Game progress

On a walk, children first consolidate knowledge about the tiers of the forest. After that, the game is offered. Silhouettes of animals are laid out on the bench with the reverse side. Children take turns taking one silhouette at a time, name the animal and determine its place in the forest. In this case, the child must explain his choice. A chip is awarded for a correct answer. If the task is completed incorrectly, then the figurine-silhouette of the animal is laid back on the table, and the action is repeated with another player.

The game can be complicated, four tiers of forest are placed on the site so that they follow each other with a small gap. Then all the players are given pictures of animals. The teacher says that the animals are lost and cannot find their home. At the signal of the teacher, the children each run to their own tier, the one who settles faster wins.

Theme: "Forester"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of human behavior in the forest; exercise children in recognizing environmental warning signs; develop respect for nature.

Material: set of warning environmental signs

Game progress

The leader of the counting rhyme is chosen, he will be the "forester". "Forester" chooses one of the inverted environmental signs and introduces the game participants to the forest objects that this sign represents; tells how to lead in the forest. Being close to these objects. Then the next child plays the role of "forester", etc. At the end, the children sum up - who was the best "forester".

Topic: How does a plant grow?

Target: to consolidate the stages of growth and development of plants, to exercise children in easy running, to consolidate the rules of the game, to act only on a signal, to run without bumping into each other.

Material: medallions with painted stages of plant growth (seed, seedling, first leaf, stem with leaves, stem with leaves and flowers, fruits and seeds).

Game progress

At the signal “run up”, the children run around the entire playground. At the signal “vegetable grows”, each player takes a place in the line corresponding to the stage of growth and development of the plant. If the child makes a mistake, he stands facing the line and consistently compares the stages of development. Having found a discrepancy between two adjacent players, he names what is missing between them, compares it with the image on his medallion and, if it matches the missing one, takes a place in the line. After several losses, the children change medallions.

Theme: "Herons and Frogs"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the adaptability of animals to the environment. Exercise children in following the rules of the game “frogs” do not jump into the pond before the signal; "herons" move by raising their legs high; "frogs" - jumping.

Material: heron hats.

Game progress

A large pond is drawn in the middle of the playground. With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose two "herons":

Kwa - kva - kva,

The game starts

Que - que - que,

Two herons flew

Two herons arrived.

"Herons" take place on opposite sides of the "pond". The rest of the children are "frogs". They jump on two legs all over the site and say:

We are green frogs

We have fun on the edge,

Here we have a pond nearby -

The herons won't find us in it.

After the words are not found, the “frogs” jump into the pond, and the “herons” try to stain them. In the pond, "herons" spot those "frogs" that did not hide, that is, did not sit down. Caught "frogs" come ashore. "Herons" count how many "frogs they have caught."

Theme: "Guess the weather"

Target: consolidate knowledge about weather conditions, develop observation, speech of children. Develop visual-schematic thinking

Material: pictures with a schematic representation of natural phenomena (snow, clouds, rain, etc.)

Game progress.

Each child has a complete set of pictures. The teacher lays out the diagrams in front of the players and asks what weather phenomena each of them means. First stage. The teacher offers to describe the weather of today. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. Second phase. The teacher offers to check each other, the child describes the weather, and the rest of the children show the desired picture. The chip is received by the one who raised the correct picture first.

Theme: "Trees and worms"

Target: show children the cycle of substances in nature; cultivate respect for nature; consolidate the rules of the game, the ability to play in a team.

Material: leaves according to the number of children, plastic cups with earth, two hats with the image of a tree and a worm.

Game progress

Children are divided into two teams. Each team should have its own “worm” and its own “tree”. At one end of the site, two circles are drawn at a distance from each other. These are the "minks" of worms. Each team has a child who plays the role of an earthworm. He is in the middle of the circle. Here, in a circle, there are also cups with earth. At the opposite end, two circles are similarly created for children, who will play the role of "trees". Children trees also become in the middle of the circles. They are holding leaves. Thus, the "worm" of each team is opposite its "tree". At the command "Autumn!" the guys depicting trees throw one leaf on the ground. The participant standing closest to the “tree” must pick up this leaf as quickly as possible and take it to his “worm”. Having received a leaf, the “worm” picks up a glass of earth from the ground and gives it to the participant in the game, who, in turn, quickly (without scattering the earth at the same time) returns to his “tree”, hands him a glass of earth and stands behind the other team members . "Tree" having received the earth, puts a cup and drops the next leaf. The second member of the team picks it up, etc. The teams repeat the actions until the last member brings a glass of soil to his “tree”. As soon as the "tree" receives the last glass of earth, it "grows" - the child depicting it, and with it all the members of his team raise their hands-branches up. The team whose tree grows first wins.

Theme: "Train"

Target: fix the names of plants, the ability to move in different directions. Compliance with the rules of the game.

Material : leaves of different plants, a cap of a "train".

Game progress:

Children pick up the leaves of different plants and move in different directions with a “train”, holding the leaves of plants in their hands: poplar, aspen, birch, etc. The teacher calls the stop, for example, “birch”. Children with birch leaves get off the train. Everyone else moves on to the next stop.

Topic: " Trees, herbs, flowers"

Target : develop attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to listen to the names of flowers, bushes, trees, while simultaneously performing movements. If a bush - pat, a tree - raise your hands up, a grass flower put your hands on your belt.

Theme: "Know your bump"

Target: consolidate the names of trees, expand vocabulary, develop sensory abilities.

Material: baskets, cones: spruce, deciduous, cedar, alder.

Game progress:

Children put a box of pine (or spruce, deciduous, cedar) cones of various shapes and sizes. Children are invited to choose one cone, hold it in their hand, sniff it, bring it to their ear, listening to its creak, carefully consider remembering. Then all the cones are added, and now everyone needs to find “their” cone.

Topic: "What grows in the native land"

Target: fix the names of plants of the native land, develop attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress:

The teacher names trees, shrubs. Children should mark with cotton those plants that grow in our area.

Apple tree, pear tree, wild rose, mimosa,

Spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch,

Cherry, cherry, pine, orange,

Fir, aspen, cedar, mandarin.

And now quickly:

Linden, aspen, chestnut,

Bird cherry, poplar, plane tree,

Oak. Cypresses and plums

Ledum, currant, willow.

Theme: "Earth, water, fire, air"

Target: fix the names of different elements and the habitat of animals. Develop speed of reaction, attention, thinking.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: "Earth", "Water", "Air", "Fire". If the driver said “Earth!”, The one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; to the word "Water!" the player answers with the name of the fish; to the word "Air!" - the name of the birds. At the word "fire!" everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

Theme: "Hawk and ducks"

Target: give an idea of ​​​​aquatic birds, develop physical activity, the ability to play together. Ability to follow the rules of the game.

Game progress:

Two circles are drawn on the site - two "lakes". Between them the distance is 5-10 steps. According to the counting rhyme, they take in the "Hawk", the rest - "wild ducks" - teals, dives and pintails. Teals and divers swim in one lake, pintails in another. Then the ducks switch places: the teals fly into the lake to the pintails, the pintails to the dives, and they, in turn, fly to the teals. At this time, the hawk, which is "on land" (between two lakes), catches ducks. Caught ducks come from the game. You can't catch ducks in the lake

Theme: "The sun or the moon."

Target: teach children to play in teams, the ability to follow the rules of the game. Develop orientation in space, attention, strength, dexterity.

Game progress:

Children choose leaders. Those secretly from others agree which of them will be the "sun" and which - the "month". “Whose are you? the leaders ask the players. You must answer quietly so that no one but the leaders hears. This is how two teams are formed. After that, a line is drawn on the ground. The leaders stand in front of each other on both sides of it and hold hands. Behind them, in the back of the head, with their hands on the belt of the person in front, the guys from their team line up. They help their leaders, who are trying to pull each other over the line.

Theme: "Falcon and Fox".

Target: give an idea of ​​the life of birds. Fix the rules of the game, develop attention.

Game progress:

"Falcon" and "Fox" are selected. The rest of the children are "falcons". The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time performs flying exercises with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and exactly repeats its movements. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole.

The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

The appearance of the fox is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches those who did not have time to sit down.

Theme: "Bird"

Target: fix different tree species with children, develop attention.

Game progress:

Before the game, everyone picks up a phantom for themselves - any small thing, a toy. The players sit down and take in the forfeit collector. He sits in the middle of the circle and gives the rest of the players the names of the trees (oak, maple, linden). Everyone must remember their name.

The forfeit collector says: “A bird flew in and sat on an oak tree.” The oak must answer: “I wasn’t on the oak, I flew to the Christmas tree,” the Christmas tree calls another tree, etc. Whoever misses will give a phantom. At the end of the game, forfeits are redeemed.

Theme: "Flowers"

Target: fix the names of colors, develop motor activity, attention, dexterity.

Game progress:

Each player chooses a name for himself, some flower. Several children cannot have the same name. By lot, the chosen flower, for example, a rose, starts the game. She names a flower, like a poppy. Poppy runs, and the rose catches up with him. When the poppy is in danger of being caught, he names some flower participating in the game. The named flower runs away. The caught one changes its name and is included in the game again. The one who has never been caught wins.

Players can be called flowers, animals, fish, birds. Each time the teacher before the start of the game tells the children about different colors, fish, animals, birds.

Theme: "Fishing"

Target: consolidate the names of river and sea fish with children, expand the horizons of children, develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress:

The players are divided into two groups. They stand opposite each other at a distance of several steps. One group is “fishermen” (there are fewer of them), the other is “fish”. First they have a conversation:

What do you knit? - ask the fish.

Seine, - the fishermen answer, performing imitating movements.

What will you catch?





The fish turn and run to the set line. Every angler tries to catch at least one fish. The game is repeated, but another fish is called.

Fishing is allowed only within the boundaries of the sea. A fish is considered caught when the angler touches it with his hand.

Before the start of the game, the teacher introduces the children to different types fish.

Theme: "Birdcatcher"

Target: to teach children the onomatopoeia of birds, to fix the names of birds and their habitat, to cultivate love for them.

Game progress:

The players choose the names of birds whose cry they can imitate. They stand in a circle, in the center - a blindfolded birder. The birds circle around the bird-catcher and chant:

In the forest, in the woods

On a green oak tree

The birds are singing merrily.

Ay! The birder is coming!

But it will take us into captivity,

Birds, fly away!

The birder claps his hands, the players stop, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he chose. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The one he guessed becomes a birder.

Players should not hide and are required to stop on the spot immediately on a signal.

Theme: "Echo"

Target: continue to acquaint children with such a phenomenon in nature as an echo, develop coherent speech, onomatopoeia. Cultivate respect for nature.

Game progress

Before the game, the teacher explains to the children what an echo is: “Have you ever heard of an echo? Most often it lives in the forest and in the mountains, but no one has ever seen it, you can only hear it. Echo likes to imitate the voice of people, birds, animals. If you get into a mountain gorge and say “Hello echo!”, then it will also answer you “Hello echo!”, Because the echo always repeats exactly what it hears. After that, the children are offered to play a game in which they will take turns playing the role of an echo, that is, they will have to repeat exactly what they hear.

Separate sounds, sound combinations, words and whole phrases are offered as material for reproduction (imitation of the voices of animals, humans, sounds of nature; affectionate appeal to natural objects: for example: “Hello, forest!”, “I love you, birds!”, “ Thank you nature, flowers, snowdrops, etc.)

Theme: "Crane"

Target: consolidate the rules of the game, expand the horizons of children about the life of wild animals and birds.

Children choose the driver and the "wolf". The rest - “cranes - stand in a column one at a time. Everyone puts their hands on the waist of the person in front of them. The leader stands in front of the column and tries to face the wolf all the time. Cranes, without breaking the columns, hide behind him. The wolf can grab any crane, except for the driver. They play until the wolf grabs the crane. After that, a new driver and a wolf are chosen.

Theme: "Frogs in a tub"

Purpose: to develop attention, speed of reaction,

Game progress: hoops are laid out on the floor, you can use the rings from the game "Serso" according to the number of participants in the game. Each player is next to the hoop. The facilitator reads the text of the poem.

On an old tub

frogs danced,

green ears,

Eyes on top.

I approached them

They are splashing into the water!

And there's nothing more

tell me about them

Children - frogs jump around their hoop. The text can be pronounced by children who are not participating in the game with the word "bump!", frog children jump inside the hoop. The host tries to take the hoop of the gaping frog.

Teacher with the words "Hey. Green frogs, get out of the tub" gives the signal for a new game.

The child left without a hoop skips a move or takes the place of the leader.


Ecological trail in the preschool educational institution.

The comprehensive development and education of preschoolers is carried out by various means. One of the most effective is to familiarize preschoolers with nature.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for a child. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, animals. The diverse world of plants and animals awakens in children: a keen interest in nature, curiosity, encourages them to work. Encounters with nature help to form realistic knowledge in children

about the surrounding world, humane attitude to living beings. To introduce a child into the world of nature, to teach him to understand it, to cultivate a careful attitude towards it is the most important task of ecological education in a kindergarten.

The exacerbation of the environmental problem in the country dictates the need for intensive educational work to form the population's environmental consciousness, the culture of nature management. This work begins in preschool in the first link of the system of continuous education. Preschool childhood is the initial stage of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude is laid to nature, to the "man-made world", to oneself and to the people around.

The goal of environmental education is to teach children an environmentally sound way of life. It is necessary to start work in this direction already from the early preschool age, when the foundation of cognitive activity is laid in children, interest in the environment awakens.

It is important to form in children the need for independent study of nature. This task can be accomplished by creating a pedagogical developing environment of an ecological direction in which a child could learn about the world around him, independently identify the connections and dependencies that exist in nature, observing objects and phenomena, inanimate and living.

nature and actively interacting with them.

The main content of environmental education is the formation in the child of a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects that surround him, and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood.

The consciously correct attitude of children to nature is based on its sensory perception, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge of the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings, knowledge of the relationship within natural communities.

The process of establishing a consciously correct attitude to nature is accompanied by certain forms of child behavior, which can serve as criteria for assessing the level of his environmental education. These are independent observations, experiments, questions, the desire to talk about experiences and impressions, discuss them, embody them in various activities (reflect in a game, create art products, take care of animals and plants).

In my work with children, I use the following methods and forms of familiarizing preschoolers with nature - visual (observations), practical (outdoor games, didactic games, word games), work in nature (individual assignments, collective work), elementary experiments, excursions, walks , work in a corner of nature, as well as an ecological path, as one of the most important components of an ecological developing environment. I believe that the ecological path allows a preschooler to visually get acquainted with a variety of processes occurring in nature, study living objects in their natural environment, acquire the skills of simple environmental research, identify local environmental problems at an elementary level and solve them in their own way.

An ecological trail is a specially designed or specially equipped route into nature.

I came to the conclusion that when organizing work on an ecological trail, it is important to use a variety of forms. These can be excursions, classes-experiments, classes-observations, ecological games, competitions of experts, quizzes, holidays.

The ecological path helps me realize a very important

pedagogical idea - raising a child through communication with nature. After all, during walks, excursions along the ecological path, children play, experiment, observe, learn not just to look, but to see what surrounds them, to talk about their impressions. They receive orientation skills in time and space, make sketches from nature. They develop thinking, speech, memory, and most importantly, a sense of beauty appears, compassion for nature is brought up, a desire to protect and protect it.

Perspective plans for observations on the ecological trail( senior group).

Lesson 1. Autumn (October).

Software content.

  • educational : continue to teach children to notice and name seasonal changes in nature, establishing relationships: in autumn the sun shines less - plants withered - insects disappeared - insectivorous birds flew away.
  • Educational : to develop the ability of children to recognize and name plants of their native land; prove that the plant and animal belong to a certain species: a tree - a thick trunk, branches; shrub - a few thin branches, etc.
  • Educational : to cultivate aesthetic feelings, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of the native land.

preliminary work: looking at sketches made after spring and summer trips, memorizing poems about autumn, making rain gauges.

Course progress.

1 part.

caregiver . Guys, Dunno found out that we were going for a walk along the ecological path, and sent a letter: “Hello guys. I ask you to see how those beautiful butterflies that we saw in the summer are doing there. Are they just as beautiful when they drink nectar from fragrant dandelions?” I think we will answer Dunno when we come back from the tour. Look carefully at what has changed on the ecological path, and what remains the same, so that you can later describe Dunno.

2 part.

Consistently go around all the objects, note the changes in the flora and fauna. Set the chain: it became colder - there are no insects - the birds fly away. Sketch. Pay attention to the beauty of autumn nature.

  • Invite children to install rain gauges (a device for

rainfall measurements) under a tree and in an open area to compare rainfall.

  • Invite the children to create a box for the collection ”- where fruits, seeds, dry leaves, pebbles found nearby, pieces of bark will fit.

An object: "Rowan red".

3 part.

caregiver . Guys, what will we answer Dunno? (Reminds me of the content of the letter). Let's answer the questions, what happened to the weather? How have plants changed? What changes have we observed in the animal kingdom?

In conclusion, the teacher turns to the children with a request to read poems about autumn.

Lesson 2. Winter (January).

Software content.

  • educational : clarify children's knowledge about changes in nature in winter: the ground is covered with snow, vegetation has disappeared, some birds have flown south; to form knowledge about how trees adapt to winter (deciduous trees shed their leaves).
  • Educational : develop children's skills to establish relationships: it became cold - the ground was covered with snow - vegetation disappeared - insects hid - some birds flew south; to develop the speech of children, the ability to correctly formulate their thoughts, use figurative expressions, use proverbs and sayings in speech.
  • Educational : to educate in children the desire to help birds overwinter.

preliminary work: looking at sketches made by children after the autumn campaign, reading stories, memorizing poems about winter, reading proverbs about winter, making feeders.

Course progress.

1 part.

caregiver . Guys, today we will go on an excursion along the ecological trail. As always, Dunno wants to go with us. He says he is very grateful to you for the letter. You described the autumn nature very well, and he wants to see this beauty with his own eyes. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Do you guys think Dunno will be able to see the autumn nature now? (Answers of children). Let's show Dunno what changes have taken place with plants and animals in winter.

2 part.

Consistently bypass natural objects, consider, compare. Remember proverbs about winter. Explain why wintering birds need help. Hang out the feeders.

caregiver . Why do you think the spruce is green? Why do birches, elms, poplars and maples stand without leaves? Where did the insects go? Why did some birds disappear and others appeared?

An object: Migratory and wintering birds.

Children get acquainted with specific types of birds in their area, learn their names, characteristic features of their appearance, behavior. They find out what they eat, how they are adapted to the ground-air lifestyle, to the seasonally changing conditions of inanimate nature. They learn that winter is a very difficult period for birds: there is little food, no insects, cold, short days (birds do not have time to feed themselves during daylight hours).

Different birds have adapted to life in winter in different ways: some that feed on insects fly to warmer climes where there is no snow and frost, these are migratory birds; others do not fly south, feed on plant seeds, the remains of human food, approach his dwelling, these are wintering birds.

A person can help wintering birds by feeding them with bread crumbs, seeds of various plants.

3 part.

caregiver . Children, let's tell Dunno about what changes have occurred in nature.

  1. Changes in inanimate nature.
  2. Changes in the plant world.
  3. Changes in the animal world.

Lesson 3. Spring.

Program content

  • educational : to teach children to distinguish and name deciduous and coniferous trees: spruce, birch, poplar, elm; learn to compare them, finding common features: all trees have a crown, trunk, branches, roots; to clarify the knowledge of children about the state of plants in the spring: buds swell on the trees, thawed patches appear at the base of the trees, as sap flow begins.
  • Educational : develop the ability to think logically, establishing relationships: the state of inanimate nature - the plant world - the animal world; to develop the speech of children, the ability to select a definition for a word.
  • Educational : to educate children in the need to communicate with nature, to develop love for their native nature, a desire to admire the world around them.

preliminary work: learn poems about spring.

Course progress.

1 part.

Educator. What season is it now?

Dunno : Winter, as there is still snow, no flowers, no leaves.

caregiver . Children, is Dunno right?

Educator. Guys, let's take a close look around and prove Dunno that it's spring now, the sun is warming, sending its cheerful warm rays to the earth.

Object: poplar tree.

caregiver . What's this? (children's answers). Why do you think it's a tree? How are the branches in relation to the trunk? What color is poplar bark? What kind of tree is it: coniferous or deciduous? (children's answers).

The teacher tilts a branch with large buds: “This is a leaf house. A warm ray of sunshine knocks on the house in spring. leaf

wakes up. Spring came!"

Object: birch tree.

caregiver . What's this? (children's answers). Compare it with poplar. How are they similar? What is the difference?

Object: elm, spruce, maple.

An object : lilac, bird cherry.

Examination of swollen kidneys. Children's answers to questions about these trees, reading poetry.

An object : herbaceous plants, shrubs.

The children went to the clearing and saw the first dandelions.

The teacher comments: “The sun warmed the earth, woke up the green grass, and along with the green grass, yellow flowers appeared - dandelions.

An object : ladybug, Maybug.

The unexpected appearance of a ladybug is always a joy for children.

In April, in sunny places (on a branch of a bush, on a fence, on a house wall, on stumps, and so on), you can see a small bug - a ladybug. It is round, the back is convex, brightly colored (red, orange, yellow) with black or white dots - it is easy to notice. The bug basks in sunny places after hibernation. Ladybug has six legs. Two soft transparent wings and two hard elytra. With the help of paws, she quickly runs through the leaves, bark, stones, hand. Wings allow her to fly.

The beetle feeds on various, even smaller than itself, insects that suck juice from plants and cause great harm to orchards and, in general, to many plants.

2 part.

caregiver . Guys, prove Dunno that spring has come. Tell us what signs of spring you saw on the ecological trail.

Children . Buds swelled, the first dandelion flowers appeared, the first insects - a ladybug.

The teacher helps, specifying, to establish relationships: the sun warms more - the last snow melts, streams appeared, thawed patches appeared, sap flow began.

After the tour - sketches, children's stories about what they saw.

Lesson 4. Summer.

Software content.

  • educational : to teach children to notice and name seasonal changes on the ecological path and establish relationships: summer has come - the sun is warming more - plants have appeared - insects have appeared - birds have arrived; to continue acquaintance with the nature of the native land.
  • Educational : develop the ability to prove using appropriate phrases: because, since, based on ...
  • Educational : to cultivate interest in the nature of the native land, to develop a sense of beauty.

Preliminary work:look at the sketches made during and after the excursion in the spring, remember the objects located on the ecological path; list stories, learn poems about summer.

Course progress.

1 part.

caregiver . Guys, Dunno came to visit us again today. Dunno says he wants to see if there is still snow on the plots. Do you think he can see it now? (children's answers) Let's go back to our route and take a closer look at what has changed and why. And then we'll tell Dunno.

2 part.

Consistently go around all the objects, note the changes in the flora and fauna. Especially note the appearance of birds, insects.

Establish a chain: plants appeared - insects can hide in them, eat - insectivorous birds flew in from the south, as food appeared for them (mosquitoes, beetles, etc.). Note which herbaceous plants appeared (dandelion, mosses, plantain). Sketch.

An object . "Spruce".

The attention of the children is drawn to the fact that the spruce is a coniferous tree. They examine the needles, compare ordinary leaves and needles, study and touch the bark, branches, cones. Looking at the crown

make sure that spruce is an example of a light-loving tree.

Object: "Lilac".

The teacher reminds the children that lilac is a shrub. He has a lot of stems and they grow right out of the ground. Preschoolers compare this shrub with a tree, with other shrubs: how are they similar and how are they different?

An object : "Meadow apothecary".

The teacher talks about the variety of medicinal plants, their biological features. The guys are watching the plantain, chamomile, chicory. They explore the shape, color, size, smell of leaves and flowers. Tactile examinations are carried out (leaves are rough, smooth, fleecy, etc.).

An object : "Earthworm".

The teacher offers the children the opportunity to get to know the earthworm, touch it, find out how it crawls. It seems unpleasant to many that the worm is slippery. Explain that mucus helps these underground inhabitants move in the soil and retain moisture. Earthworms loosen the soil, process rotting foliage, which means they help plants.

An object : Vegetable garden.

Visiting Daria the gardener and vegetables.

The owner of the garden greets the children warmly: “Hello, dear guests! Come in, come in, look at our beds. We will tell you everything about the garden, we will show you the beds. You see how good the land in the garden is - loose, moist, and there is enough food for plants in it. So they grew up here big and beautiful. How much work has been invested in these beds, only the sun, wind and water know. First, I'll give you guys some riddles. About whom you guess the riddle, you will instantly recognize that in my garden.

  • The green house is full of children, they sit in a row, to the kolobok kolobok (peas).
  • Red, but not a girl, with a tail, but not a mouse (carrot).
  • Everyone loves me, but how to undress - shed tears (bow).

caregiver . We walked along the path, we saw what had changed. Let's explain Dunno what happened to the weather, plants, animals.

In conclusion, the teacher suggests reading poems about summer, guessing riddles.

After the tour - sketches, stories.

Perspective plans for observations on the ecological trail (preparatory group).

Lesson 1. Autumn.

Software content.

  • educational : continue to teach children to notice, name, compare seasonal changes in nature using different types of analyzers: smell, sounds, tactile sensations, visual.
  • Educational : develop children's sensory perceptions and the ability to describe them: it smells of fallen leaves, I feel the touch of raindrops, I see the autumn dress of trees, etc .; develop logical thinking, speech is proof: the birds flew away because ...
  • ecological : continue to learn to establish relationships in nature: the sun warms less - the plants withered - insects disappeared - insectivorous birds flew away.
  • Educational : to cultivate love for the native land, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn nature.

preliminary work: looking at sketches, excursions along the ecological path in the older group, reading poems about autumn; reviewing the album "Memories of Summer", making rain gauges. (Made from a large plastic bottle cut in half. Its upper part is turned upside down and inserted into the lower part of the bottle. Divisions are marked with a marker).

Course progress.

1 part.

caregiver . Guys, Dunno came to visit us today. He found out we were going on a nature trail tour and wanted to come with us. We will carefully watch, listen, remember and sketch everything that we see.

Children, together with the teacher, recall the objects of the ecological trail, familiar from last year.

2 part.

The teacher draws the attention of children to various sections and objects of the ecological trail.

Objects : spruce, birch, poplar, elm.

Draw the attention of children to old and young trees, trees with several trunks.

An object : rowan shrub.

Preschoolers explore leaves and berries, find out which animals eat them and why rowan berries are red (to make them easier to spot). On the example of mountain ash, the phenomenon of leaf fall is studied: how did the color of the leaves change in autumn? Where are there more of them now - on a tree or under it? Why? Preschoolers compare living and fallen leaves.

Educator. Why has the spruce not changed, but the birch and maple have? (children's answers). Smell the air. What smells? (Answers of children). Close your eyes, listen. What do you hear? (Answers of children).

Unforgettable sensations are caused by walking on the leaves. Different ways of walking (gliding step, crouching, kicking up leaves, circling in place) lead to different sound effects, which increases the interest in repeating them.

Invite children to solve riddles.

  • They grow in summer and fall off in autumn (leaves).
  • Gold coins fall from a branch (Leaves in autumn).
  • The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring. When does it happen? (Autumn).

Invite the children to remember proverbs about autumn.

  • Autumn - eight changes;

Invite the children to collect fallen leaves for the herbarium.

An object: "Stump".

The teacher finds out with his pupils what a stump (sawn tree) is. With the help of a magnifying glass, they examine annual rings, count them, determine how old the tree was. Then they examine what grows on the stump (mosses, mushrooms), look for bark beetles and traces of their activity, and discuss the role of these insects in nature.

Educator. And now let's read poems about autumn.

After the tour - sketches, writing stories.

Lesson 2. Winter.

Software content.

  • educational: continue to teach children to notice, name seasonal changes in nature; to acquaint with the natural and climatic conditions of our region: in winter it snows, it is cold.
  • Educational: continue to develop children's sensory perceptions and the ability to describe them: smells, sounds of winter, tactile and visual sensations; the ability to compare with past experiences.
  • ecological: continue children to establish relationships in nature: winter came - it became cold - snow fell, the river froze - plants disappeared - insects hid - insectivorous birds flew away.
  • Educational: to educate in children a sense of love, pride in their land; a sense of gratitude to the people inhabiting it, to develop a sense of beauty.

Preliminary work:reviewing an album with drawings and stories about past excursions; memorizing poems about winter.

Course progress.

1 part.

Dunno comes to visit the children. He offers them

go on an excursion, asks to be shown the ecological path.

Children sequentially go around all the objects of the ecological path, tell the guest about them. Children learn to recognize trees by branches, bark.

caregiver. Children, who will answer me why the spruce is green, and other trees are without foliage? (Answers of children). Tell me what the trees were like in autumn. (Answers of children). What does nature smell like now? (Answers of children). Close your eyes, what do you hear? What did you hear in the fall? (Answers of children). Feel the snow. What is he? What can you tell about snow? (Answers of children).

Offer children the outdoor game "Treading the paths."

Invite the children to draw their own, unlike the others, path, using walking with side steps straight, sideways, back forward, etc. The path can be wide, narrow, long, short, round, winding.

Invite the children to remember proverbs about winter:

  • The winter of the idler freezes.

Solve riddles:

  • Not snow, not ice, but with silver removes trees (hoarfrost).
  • The white blanket was not made by hand, it was not woven or cut, it fell from the sky to the ground (snow).

An object: "Feeding troughs and bird poles."

Invite the children to feed the birds with plantain seeds harvested in the summer, sunflower seeds.

Educator. Birds are our faithful helpers, defenders of forests and fields, orchards and orchards. Signs that people created by carefully observing and noticing natural changes were passed down from generation to generation. Here are some winter folk signs:

  • The crow cries in the winter to the blizzard.
  • The sparrows chirped together - to the thaw.
  • Crows and jackdaws curl in the air - in front of the snow.


  • Let me be a small bird

My friends have a habit -

How does the cold start?

Directly from the north here (bullfinch).

  • Chick-chirp! To the grain - jump.

Peck, don't be shy, who is this? (Sparrow).

In conclusion, children traditionally read poems about winter. (A. Yashina "Feed the birds")

After the tour - sketches, writing stories.

Lesson 3. Spring.

Program content.

  • educational: learn to notice and name seasonal changes in nature; continue to acquaint with the plants listed in the Red Book.
  • Educational: develop observation, the ability to notice the awakening of nature, describe your feelings using different types of analyzers (the sound of a drop, the feeling of solar heat on the skin).
  • ecological: continue to teach children to establish relationships in nature: the sun warms - the snow melts - the first plants appeared, the buds swelled - insects appeared - birds flew in.
  • Educational: To instill in children the desire for a careful attitude to nature, the desire to protect it, to form the ability to enjoy spiritual communication with nature.

preliminary work: looking at drawings about past excursions, memorizing poems about spring, looking at illustrations depicting rare plants.

Course progress.

1 part.

The group receives a letter on behalf of the spring primroses: “Hello guys! Your friends write to you - the first

spring flowers that you met on the ecological trail. Please visit us. Goodbye".

caregiver. Guys, we need to go to the flowers, find out if they need help.

2 part.

Children sequentially walk around all the objects, name them, tell what happened to them from the last excursion, sketch.

caregiver. Why has the snow melted? Why did the kidneys swell? Why is there snow in some places? (Answers of children). Touch the ground. What is she? What plants appeared? (Answers of children).

caregiver. Nature does not have to be touched. Nature can be experienced in a different way. Close your eyes. What do you feel? (solar heat). What do you hear? (Drips, rustle, etc.)

An object: "Dry wood".

The teacher invites the children to express their opinion:

Why is the tree withered?

How is it different from living things? (Children examine the bark, branches.)

- Are there insects on the tree?

- How can you help the trees on the territory of the kindergarten to stay alive as long as possible?

Children offer - dig in, cut dry branches, cover up wounds, water.

Educator.This is how it is in the nature around us: flowers, trees, our pets in a corner of nature will feel good if we show kindness to them, take care of them. They will feel good and we will be pleased with beauty and health.

An object: "Site for watching icicles."

caregiver. Why do icicles melt? Why do some icicles melt faster than others?

An object: "A huge puddle."

Investigate why this puddle appeared. Find streams.

An object: "A flock of sparrows."

caregiver. The birds are warm, but the ground is still covered with snow,

there are no blades of grass, no worms, no midges - they have nothing to eat. Let's treat the funny sparrows!

Children list the names of familiar flocked birds, note the features of their behavior.

In conclusion, the teacher offers to admire the beauty of spring nature, breathe in the spring air, listen to the sounds silently for a few minutes, smell the smells of spring nature. At the end of the tour, children traditionally read poems about spring.

After the tour - sketches, writing stories.

Lesson 4. Summer.

Software content.

  • educational: continue to teach children to distinguish and name plants, insects found on the ecological path; establish relationships: summer has come - the sun warms more strongly - plants, insects appeared.
  • Educational: to develop the ability of children to figuratively describe their emotional state when communicating with nature: I feel that my skin is warm from the sun; I hear the rustling of the leaves on the trees when the wind blows; develop observation.
  • ecological: continue to acquaint children with a variety of plants and insects, continue to learn to establish relationships in nature in the summer: the sun warms - it's warm - there are a lot of plants - there is food for insects, shelter - a lot of birds.
  • Educational: educate love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work:reading and memorizing poems about summer; viewing illustrations, drawings about the summer, about past excursions.

Course progress.

1 part.

The teacher offers to go on an excursion to fill in the last page of the album about the ecological path.

2 part.

caregiver. Children, today we are with you consistently

let's go around all the objects, note the changes that have taken place in nature, let's name plants, insects.

An object: "Our friends are trees."

The game "Guess by description" is held. The teacher names different signs of trees, and the children determine which plant is in question.

An object: "Live barometers" - earthworms.

Earthworms live in the soil. Their minks under raised pieces of land can be found among tree plantings, in a meadow. Worms are called "rain" because they can be seen only before the rain or during it, feeling the change in air humidity, they crawl out of their minks. Why they behave this way is still unknown even to scientists. But this is a sign of impending bad weather.

An object: "Meadow apothecary".

The teacher talks about the variety of medicinal plants (calendula, plantain, chamomile, dandelion), their biological characteristics, medicinal properties, the rules for collecting these plants, as well as which parts of the plants are used to treat diseases.

An object: "White Man's Footprint".

Preschoolers learn about plantain, its adaptability to grow along roads, on paths, playgrounds. The teacher pays attention to the structure, short stature, endurance of the plant. Who eats its seeds? How is a plant studied by man? The teacher tells why the plantain is called the "white man's footprint" (its seeds came to America along with the shoes of visitors, because the plant spread along the roads where the Europeans visited).

An object: "Stump".

The stump is a home for small organisms: insects, spiders, fungi, lichens, mosses and many others. It gradually collapses, turning into dust. Observing the stump helps children understand the cycle of substances in nature. The inhabitants of the stump: on the bark, lichen sparkles with bright yellow spots - the steppe goldfish. The tinder fungus has grown into beautiful gray-brown frills. Woodlice, woodcutter beetles, beetles settled under the bark.

barbs and other insects. On a sunny day on a stump you can meet bedbugs - "soldiers", ants.

An object:"Flowerbed with flowers".

Children call the name of familiar flowers, the structure of the flower.

The teacher suggests taking a stick and trying to stick it into the ground - dry ground or not. Invite the children to water the flowers.

caregiver. Notice the diversity of plants in summer as opposed to other seasons. Why do you think? (Answers of children).

After the tour - sketches, writing stories.

Questionnaire for parents.

  1. What is ecology?
  2. Do you have indoor plants, and which ones? If not, why not?
  3. Does the family have a dog, cat or other animals?
  4. Have you planted a tree?
  5. Have you ever made bird feeders?
  6. Do you read nature books to your child?
  7. Does your child watch filmstrips, TV shows about nature?
  8. Does your child like to be in the forest?
  9. How often do you go to the forest with your child?
  10. Does your child know the name of trees, flowers, berries, etc.?
  11. Do you tell your child about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds?
  12. Does your child know poems, riddles, sayings, proverbs about nature?
  13. Does your child show caring attitude towards animals and plants?
  14. How do you think your child gets knowledge about nature in kindergarten?

Advice for educators.

"On the forms and methods of environmental education of preschoolers."

With the publication of the laws of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environment" and "On Education" and the Decree "On the Environmental Education of Students in Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation" (30.03.1997 No. 4/1-6), environmental education is gradually becoming the most important direction in the work of preschool institutions. One way to increase its effectiveness is to use a variety of forms and methods of work.

List of forms and methods of environmental work used in preschool institutions:

  • Ecological classes.
  • Ecological excursions.
  • Kindness lessons.
  • Thinking lessons.
  • Ecological circles.
  • environmental competitions.
  • KVN, auctions, marathon, quiz.
  • Ecological actions.
  • Labor landing.
  • Green Patrol.
  • Club of followers of nature.
  • Laboratory of the young ecologist.
  • Drawing up ecological maps.
  • Conducting the "Panorama of Good Deeds".
  • Maintenance of phenological calendars of nature.
  • Collecting.
  • ecological museums.
  • Day (week) of ecological creativity.
  • Ecological holidays and festivals.
  • Ecological games (didactic, simulation, games-

ecosystem modeling, competitive, travel games, etc.).

  • environmental stories.
  • Ecological trainings.
  • Dramatizations, theatricalizations, etc.

Discussing and playing situations.

This form of work contributes to the consolidation in the mind of the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

You can discuss and act out the following situations.

  • The children picked a large bouquet of lilies of the valley. The teacher was angry with them. Why?
  • The children brought a small and helpless hare to a living corner. What will you tell them? Express your attitude towards their actions.
  • Berries - one at a time - in the forest to collect for a long time. It is easier to break branches with berries. Is it possible to do so?
  • A chick fell out of the nest. What action will you take? Etc.


This is another way to draw children's attention to the world around them. Collecting should not harm nature, so it is best to collect various rocks and minerals.

Collecting can start conversations about the natural resources of Russia, about their use (“How is glass, iron made?”; “What is coal?”)

You can collect anything: smell, sounds, colors of nature, postcards about nature, drawings. Collections can form the basis of exhibitions, museums organized by children.

Thinking lessons.

Assimilation of the relationship between objects and phenomena of wildlife is the most difficult topic for preschool children. To facilitate the solution of this problem, you can use the lessons of thinking, which are based on answers to various questions.

"How?"; "Why?"; "From what?".

For example, “Why does the Christmas tree have green needles?”, “How does the birch breathe?”, “Where do the birds spend the night?”

We should not forget the cognitive activity of children should be combined with their emotional perception of nature.

Thinking lessons can be carried out in different regime periods of time. The main condition for their implementation is the interest of children. The combination of walks with a fascinating story, with the organic inclusion of works of art contributes to the formation of a sense of nature in children.

Kindness lessons.

Conducted individually or with a small subgroup of children (older age) in moments of their access to the natural world.

Such lessons, affecting the soul of the child, should not be wordy; can be combined with music, the perception of works of art.

Themes of kindness lessons: “What does it mean to be kind?”, “How to take care of indoor plants?”; "How beautiful is a flower?"; "The beauty of man"; “Harmony of colors”; “What makes a frog amazing?”; “What should be done in order not to frighten animals?”; How do you show love for animals? "What did nature tell you?" and etc.

Ecological excursions - expeditions.

The content of the excursion can be a survey of the surrounding area to form ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, terrain, conditions, ecological situation, the presence of animals and plants.

During the expedition, children can procure medicinal herbs, collect natural material for collection; explore plants, soil, water in different conditions.

Ecological expeditions require special equipment: a magnifying glass; pencil; folder for herbarium; boxes; packages; camera, etc.

The results of the work are presented in the form of an album, drawings, collections.

Ecological exhibitions and expositions.

Their purpose is to get acquainted with roadside phenomena that are inaccessible to children.

Topics can be very diverse: "Forest is a friend of man"; "Wealth of the bowels of our Earth"; "Man and his good deeds on Earth"; "Native expanses", etc.

Artistic works, works of children and educators, various collections can be presented at the exhibition. The exhibition usually serves as an excellent background for conversations with children, for excursions that not only the educator, but also the child is able to conduct.

Practical activity of children.

Children usually participate in the cleaning of the territory, its improvement, planting trees and shrubs. They can take care of weak or diseased trees on the site, feed the birds. They can place environmental signs, explain their meaning to kids.

Of particular importance are labor landings, raids that are planned once a week. For example: "Plant a tree"; "Sanitary day"; "Feed the birds in winter"; and etc.

Proverbs and sayings about the seasons.


Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pick-me-up.

Autumn - eight changes;

Autumn is coming, the rain is leading;

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.


In winter, the sun smiles through tears.

The sun is warm in summer and cold in winter.

Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat.

The winter of the idler freezes.

In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.


Spring is red during the day.

Spring and autumn - eight weather per day.

Spring - light the snow, play the ravines.

Spring rain grows, winter rain rots.

Spring is red and hungry.


Summer stores, and winter eats.

Walk in the summer, get hungry in the winter.

The summer week is more expensive than the winter one.

Summer day - for the winter week.

Summer works for winter.


  1. I.I. Grom "Vitamin Carrier Plants".
  2. V.V. Petrov "The flora of our homeland."
  3. S.N. Nikolaev "Young ecologist",
  4. N.A. Ryzhova "Developing environment of preschool institutions",
  5. V.A. Shishkina, M.N. Dedulevich "Walks in nature."
  6. B. G. Volansky, K. I. Bender ... "Medicinal plants in scientific and folk medicine."
  7. V.V. Smirnova, N.I. Balueva, G.M. Parfyonova "Path into nature".
  8. and. "A child in kindergarten" 2002 No. 5.
  9. and. "Preschool education" 2001 No. 3, No. 7, No. 10; Art. N. Ryzhova "Hello tree."
  10. V. Volina "Proverbs, sayings, puzzles."

The ecological state of our planet requires human society to understand the current situation and to be conscious of it. The initial stage of preschool education and upbringing is very important in ecological education. It is at preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, his attitude to the world around him is formed.

Environmental education at preschool age is just beginning, grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality, correctly understand it. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, the definition of one's place in it in the future. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution believes that an important aspect of environmental education is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude towards the world around us, the development of a willingness to work with joy, create, and help others. Independent deeds and actions of children are already a criterion of ecological culture.
Our kindergarten has been working on the problem of environmental education for a long time. It is based on the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, and we also use the technologies of the N.N. Kondratieva "We".

Purpose of the program: to form ecological education of preschoolers.


  • - ra to develop in preschool children ecological ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • - to form the skills of various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • - to help children to accumulate emotionally positive experience of communication with nature.
  • The success of the program implementation is ensured by several mandatory conditions:
  • - the readiness of the teacher to implement the environmental education of children;
  • - personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program;
  • - constant communication of children with the nature of the immediate environment;
  • - building an ecologically developing environment in a preschool institution;
  • - active participation of parents in the educational process;
  • - the establishment by the teacher of the preschool educational institution of relations with the school, public organizations, institutions of additional education.
  • When building a system of environmental work, we paid special attention to the following main areas:
  1. The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of cognitive activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of the ecological knowledge of pupils.
  2. The cognitive and entertaining direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of animate and inanimate nature, the impact of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.
  3. The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (practical direction of work) - joint actions with parents on planting group rooms, the territory of preschool educational institutions, working in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, actions for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a careful attitude of pupils to their native nature.
  4. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions into nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

    Ways to implement the system of environmental work in preschool educational institutions:
    - creation of conditions (greening of the developing environment, software and methodological support);
    - improving the environmental awareness of teachers;
    - updating the content, forms and methods of working with children;
    environmental education for parents.

    Systematic work with personnel, understanding the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. Problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, teachers' councils.

    Ecological education of preschool children can be considered as a process of continuous education and education of parents, aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members. Working with parents is no less important and more difficult than working with children. We pay special attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, enables the child to feel like an "adult" (during a hike or environmental campaign), and an adult to better understand the child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, models, handicrafts from waste material, photographs, we involve parents in the design of nature centers, laboratories, libraries, environmental campaigns (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). e.)
    Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they look at the surrounding reality with interest, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and teaching methods - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

    The system of work with children includes:
    -seasonal thematic planning of direct educational activities;
    - creation of an ecological - developing environment (nature centers, nature laboratories, ecological trail);
    - organization of joint activities (holidays, observations, ecological path, pharmacy garden, vegetable garden, work in nature);
    - reading fiction;
    -growing greenery in the winter-spring period ("garden on the window");
    - game activity as the main form of children's activity;
    -health ecology (breathing exercises, music therapy, motor activity, hardening, ecological and psychological training);
    -creation of a system of environmental work (author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.).

    1. ​ Creation of an ecologically developing environment, conditions for a healthy lifestyle of children is the most important condition for the effectiveness of our work. The ecological development environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role:

For many centuries, man behaved like a consumer in relation to nature: he cut down forests, mined minerals, was engaged in agriculture, not thinking about the future. This led to a reduction in the area of ​​forests, depletion of land resources, subsoil.

There comes a turning point in the history of the development of the planet, when a person begins to think about the consequences of his consumer attitude to the earth. The upbringing of a new person who is able to assess the scale of the problem has become relevant.

Ecological education in kindergarten

Already at a young age, the interaction of the baby with peers, with adults, with objects of nature begins. The child shows curiosity, asks why questions, adopts the values ​​and traditions of the elders.

Ages 3 to 6 are the most susceptible. A preschooler learns from the experience of adults, based on trust in them. From an early age, he learns to actively cooperate with nature, to empathize with her.

Ecological education is laid in the family and continues in the nursery. Each preschool institution draws up its own program for the formation of environmental knowledge, covering the entire educational process, starting with a walk and ending with training sessions.

Problems of environmental education

The main problem in this direction is the low equipment of gardens. Conditions are necessary for the creation of a winter garden, mini-laboratories. For the implementation of gaming activities, didactic materials, maps, manuals, models, toys are needed.

The second problem is the viability of the developed system of education. The program for and the whole methodology of environmental education of preschoolers will be implemented in the case when each stage of work is thought out, the result of the work: how we want to see the pupil at the time of entering the school.

Criteria for environmental education of older preschoolers

The well-known teacher and scientist T. A. Markova believes that the main criteria can be:

  • goodwill of children to all living things;
  • the degree of interest in animate and inanimate nature;
  • desire to contact natural subjects;
  • the ability to take care of plants and animals.

Ecological culture allows you to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, feel responsible for your steps and understand the consequences of a harmful attitude to the earth.

How does the formation of ecological representation among preschoolers begin in the preschool educational institution

The first step is to create conditions for this work: a corner of nature with an aquarium, small animals in a group, a small winter garden, a museum of nature. The living corner may contain birds, fish, reptiles, small animals.

The guys feed them, clean, observe, study their features. Walks are also important, when the children observe and draw conclusions about certain phenomena in animate and inanimate nature.

The role of parents in environmental education cannot be underestimated. Now the families contain cats, dogs, parrots, turtles. There are aquariums, indoor plants. Adults should daily introduce children to the world of nature, comprehend its secrets, so that from early childhood there is a sense of unity with the outside world.

Goals and objectives of environmental education for preschoolers

Environmental education in kindergarten and the very methodology of environmental education of preschoolers is a set of activities aimed at performing several tasks:

  1. To give an idea of ​​the interconnectedness of the subjects of nature.
  2. Cultivate a respectful and thrifty attitude towards the “common home”.
  3. Learn how to properly interact with the subjects of the surrounding world.

Purpose: to form an ecological culture of the child.

Conditions for environmental education

The formation of knowledge and skills in ecology requires compliance with certain conditions in preschool institutions. The process itself involves the education of ecological culture of children of senior preschool age with the following approaches:

  • integrated approach, i.e. implementation of the process of environmental education through various activities: musical, theatrical, artistic, physical, gaming, labor;
  • organization of an ecological and developing environment in kindergarten;
  • use of the surrounding nature as the development of ecological culture;
  • monitoring to identify the level of environmental education of preschool children.

The system of work on the education of ecological culture of preschool children

Forms of environmental education


The main form of environmental education in kindergarten is a lesson. On them, the intuitive ideas of children are transformed, deepened, expanded. The process of environmental education of preschoolers takes place in several types of classes:

  1. At the primary familiarization classes, children get acquainted with plants and animals, their habitat and growth, living conditions. This refers to those objects of nature that cannot be observed around oneself. The teacher talks about plants and animals, shows their appearance, introduces the manners, habits of animals, features of plant growth. Paintings, videos, conversations, reading excerpts from works of art, for example, stories by V. Bianchi, are used as visual aids. Introductory classes are held in all groups.
  2. In-depth cognitive classes are designed to form the idea of ​​preschoolers about the relationships between plants and animals, the relationship between plant growth and the weather conditions of a certain area, the dependence of animals on environmental factors, the adaptability of animals, reptiles, birds to natural conditions. The means of visualization here can be a demonstration of models of natural complexes, a targeted conversation, primitive experiments.
  3. In generalizing classes, knowledge is systematized, a single picture of a particular natural environment is formed, conclusions are drawn about the relationship between flora and fauna, climatic conditions, and soil. For example, generalizing classes on the topics "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer".
  4. Classes of a complex nature are based on the interaction of different types of activities: creative, playful, artistic. They often go beyond one lesson. The alternation of playing and drawing, reading and viewing does not tire preschoolers. If this happens, physical exercises or physical minutes come to the rescue.


This is one of the most interesting forms of work. The advantage of the tour is that preschool children can directly contemplate the inhabitants of the zoo, park, meadow, square. They can listen to birds singing, smell flowers, stroke animals and reptiles, examine their appearance, observe their behavior and nutrition. These are nature tours.

You can take children on excursions to agricultural enterprises: greenhouses, gardens, greenhouses, vegetable gardens. Such trips are organized to get acquainted with the work of people at different enterprises. Conducting excursions requires a lot of preparation: the educator himself needs to familiarize himself with the method of conducting it, think over the main stages, types of activities, techniques that may be of interest to preschool children.

Search activity

Primary search activity is organized for older preschoolers. In the course of joint work, a problematic question is formulated that requires an answer: why do birds fly south? Why does the snow melt? Why are the leaves falling?

Search activity is either a heuristic conversation, or observation, or experiment.

Methods and techniques of environmental education

The methodology of ecological education of preschoolers implies 3 groups of methods:

  1. Visual: looking at pictures, modeling, watching movies, observing.
  2. Practical: game, experiments, physical labor.
  3. Verbal: storytelling, reading.

Visual Methods

The formation of adequate ideas about the environment is possible when using visual aids in the classroom. Keeping weather calendars, getting acquainted with the paintings of famous landscape painters, watching documentaries about the forest, meadow, mountains expand and deepen the understanding of preschoolers about nature, consolidate knowledge about the interaction of representatives of animate and inanimate nature.

Observation makes it possible to learn the relationship of animals and plants, their adaptability to the conditions of the natural environment. It develops figurative thinking, increases interest in the observed objects. Examples of topics in the younger group: getting to know the bird, its appearance, its feeding, behavior, in the older group: the living conditions of the bird, its hearing, rest, sleep.

Modeling models of forests, meadows, lakes, fields can become a common project of children, educators and parents. Joint activities will strengthen the positive worldview of the project participants.

Practical Methods

In the older preschool age, curiosity begins to manifest itself in children, and in this period such practical methods as primitive experience and experiment are effective.

It is interesting to make small experiments with water, sand, clay, stone. All these materials make up the natural landscape. Educators offer to freeze water, give it different colors, compare the strength of wood and stone, watch how sand and clay pass water. These are small experiments that arouse interest in a five-year-old child.

verbal methods

It all depends on the ability of the educator to tell about the life of plants and animals in an interesting way. Diction, intonation, tone of voice also play a big role in awakening kids' interest in life around them. The story may be accompanied by a conversation between the teacher and the children.

Reading excerpts from cognitive and fiction develops the imagination, enhances mental activity, generates curiosity, gives ground for curiosity, the desire to know the natural world.

Organization of a subject-play environment in the process of environmental education of preschoolers

In the kindergarten, a subject-play environment is organized in order to awaken the cognitive interest of children in the unknown surrounding space. The main activity in preschool age is play. This includes excursions, houseplant care, and keeping a weather calendar. Thanks to the skillful approach of the educator through the game, children learn about the world, begin to feel like a part of it, begin to think about how to behave with nature.

Effective environmental education through play activities

Through the game, the understanding of the life of plants and animals, obtained during excursions, direct contact with the inhabitants of the meadow, forest, pond, is fixed.

Technology of the ecological game:

  1. Selecting a theme from the program.
  2. Definition of the purpose and conditions of the game.
  3. Thinking through the phased moves of the game.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Introduction to the rules.

The method of teaching such games depends on the characteristics of the age of the preschooler. There are different types of games: subject, board, verbal, creative. When creating creative game situations, you can use fairy-tale characters.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood goes to her grandmother through the forest and can meet different inhabitants, collect leaves from forest trees. Toys are important for games: dolls, fish, animals. They should be aesthetic, bright, realistic. In this case, the game stimulates the activity of children, increases their emotional mood.

Creation of a favorable ecological environment

The process will be successful when a favorable, positive ecological environment is created around the child.

The presence of experimental sites in the garden, an ecological path, a winter garden, an aquarium, a living corner makes it possible to increase the efficiency of all forms and methods of work in this direction.

Problematic tasks in environmental education

The teacher can start the experiment with a problematic task, for example: what will happen to the plants if all the water dries up? What will happen to the plants if eternal night comes? ... After such questions-assumptions, children should be involved directly in the experience. Another option is possible: the children perform the experiment, and as a conclusion from it, a question is posed.

However, in the teacher's reserve there is also a demonstration experience, which is often used in practical classes. But it is not worth identifying it with the educational one. A mandatory requirement before demonstrating such an experience is a clear explanation to the children of its purpose and the content of the assignment, and at the end of it, the children draw conclusions and arguments on their own.

The educator only corrects the newly acquired knowledge, encourages children to independently select similar experiments thematically. In all cases, the educator should remember that the main condition for the effectiveness of the research work of children is their active active position.

Actions with objects of nature are an obligatory component of knowledge. At the same time, the actions of children should be clearly adequate to the knowledge, skills and abilities that are being acquired. And the material environment for the experiment should allow for its variability and problematic nature, stimulate children to further knowledge.

The nature of the actions of older preschoolers is determined by:

  • the level of development, the possibility of creating microgroups with differentiated tasks, adapted content, means for them;
  • the level of development of speech, the ability to argue their own assumptions, reasoning;
  • the level of development of verbal-conceptual thinking, the ability to generalize by comparison, highlighting the common in a number of features, objects, as well as abstraction;
  • the content of a specific task, which, depending on the situation, must be completed in stages or in full.