How to make dogs not stink. Remedies for the smell of animals in the apartment. Cleaning up dark surfaces

Why does a dog stink like a dog? Well, cats don't smell. Rather, they smell, but lightly and pleasantly. Why especially from a wet dog it stinks so much / Read the article about the smell of a dog and why this happens.

Before we designate causes of dog odor, I would like to note that all living beings have at least some smell. And the dog in this case is no exception. The smell of a dog is a kind of visiting card for his fellows. Read about the importance of smell in his life.

Now back to places Where does dog smell come from?:

Don't forget your pet's bedding. It needs to be washed periodically to get rid of a not too pleasant smell. This will also prevent the appearance of fleas in your house, the larvae of which can easily live in the folds of the litter.

But puppies up to about 4 months will give up milk. This smell is pleasant, infantile, which gradually disappears as the puppy grows up.

Why does a dog smell stronger than dog if it is wet?

The answer to this question lies in the laws of physics. After the dog's coat gets wet, the water molecules begin to evaporate. In the process of evaporation, water molecules take with them into the air the molecules of substances that were coated with your pet's hair. This is where the smell of the dog, which is heard for a kilometer, comes from. Therefore, it would be good to wipe the dog with a towel after bathing, and in some cases dry it with a hair dryer so that the smell of the dog does not haunt you and your household for a long time.

The appearance of the smell of a dog in the apartment can be eliminated with proper care of the pet and regular cleaning of the premises. Only timely and competent cleaning of furniture, carpets and floors will help to eliminate the preservation of an unpleasant odor in the rooms.

Proper dog odor protection

Not all dog owners think about the difficulties of caring for him when choosing a pet. And so that any dog ​​does not stink sour, rotten and is healthy, it needs careful care. If the breed assumes a bad smell (conditionally "stinking": Sheltie, German Shepherd), then it should be washed frequently from nose to tail. Otherwise, she will stink like a ferret. You can not allow the dog to mindlessly eat everything in a row. For example, dogs that eat rotten meat while walking on the street often stink of rotten, dead fish.

After walking on the street, bathe the animal completely (use shampoos with the addition of sulfur). And if the breed has long hair, then it is especially good to clean the cover on the paws, behind the ears, near the anus. The reason for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the room can be the remnants of dog feces, which can not be cleaned from the carpet with folk remedies.

Another difficulty of care is the sour smell in the rooms. If he appeared with a new dog, then the puppy most likely steals and hides food. The stench of rotten chicken or fish can be washed off the carpet after extracting the remnants of food from the fibers. Vinegar, which should wipe the stain, will completely help kill it. For a person accustomed to order, a dog stealing from the table should be a cause of serious concern. Training will help to break the habit, otherwise the "smell" of homeless people will remain in housing for a long time.

Ways to Remove Bad Dog Smell from Carpets

If the carpet stinks of dog, you need to clean it. To remove an unpleasant smell, dry cleaning or washing with a powder that smells strongly will help. You can also remove animal odors from carpets by:

  • daily struggle with wool clogged in the carpet;
  • cleaning with gruel from washing powder;
  • rinsing with dishwashing detergent.

Aromatic oil, which needs to be dripped all over the carpet, will mask the smell for a short time. It is also recommended to install an automatic air freshener for living rooms in the room.

How to get rid of dog stink on a couch or chair

It is not necessary to buy new furniture to eliminate the dog smell. Deodorant for textiles will help get rid of it quickly. Suitable for bed, sofa. You also need to regularly clean the wool from the surface of the furniture (using a soft brush, vacuum cleaner). Frequent washing of removable covers will also help protect fillers from stink.

It is imperative to determine the dog's place and not allow it to rest at home on beds, armchairs. To do this, you can wrap an old down jacket in a piece of fabric (it can be easily removed and washed in a typewriter) and make a bed for the animal. A pet will definitely "appreciate" what efforts were made by the owners for his comfort.

Proper cleaning of a wooden floor from dog urine

If the most unpleasant formations can be removed from the carpet quite quickly, then the sharp doggy "aroma" from the wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog has written in the same place several times) can damage the varnish, swell the laminate or parquet. Initially, dog urine is removed with a napkin or towel. It is necessary to get wet puddle, wash the floor with clean water, wipe dry. Next, you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a slurry of soda and water (when dry, change);
  • neutralize the stink by washing the coating with a floor cleaner with a lavender, mint smell.

The use of ordinary bleach, powder is unacceptable: they will not help remove dog urine and damage the coating (suitable only for light linoleum). And so that the dog does not describe the floor again and the room does not smell like urine, you can try a weaning spray. True, it rarely helps. If the dog began to go to the toilet in the room due to old age, you will have to lay oilcloths or a medical diaper on the floor. Difficulties are also possible when an adult dog has marked the territory due to the appearance of a cat.

Special cases of getting rid of unpleasant odors

In a situation where the animal suddenly began to smell terrible, you need to pay attention to the pet itself. For example, the Spitz, Yorkie, Labrador or Siberian Husky are dog breeds without a particularly unpleasant odor. But when diseases appear, they can change it greatly. Owners need to check:

  • the condition of the ears (if there is suppuration in the ears);
  • the integrity of the teeth, mustache (including the smell from the mouth);
  • the appearance of the wool (whether it began to stray);
  • whether the time of estrus has shifted.

Pets - we love them almost like family members, but let's face it: without these "flavors" that settled in an apartment with a pet, it would be even better. How to get rid of the obsessive and persistent smell of a dog at home? What causes bad odors? Let's go through all the questions point by point.

The reason for the appearance of a dog smell in the apartment

All dogs smell. Natural skin oils and secretions from the anal glands are the main causes of the “aroma” in the apartment. The smells of a healthy animal are not harsh, and most owners are able to put up with them.

An unbearable stench appears when the pet's coat is wet or if the bully managed to fall out in something on a walk. Returning home from the street, carefully inspect the animal, wipe dry the coat and paws.

Skin infections, allergic reactions, gum disease are medical reasons why a dog becomes more like a skunk than a plush adorable dog. A trip to the veterinarian in this case is a necessity. For the health of your pet and fresh air in the house.

How to remove dog smell from upholstered furniture and carpet

It should be noted that in this article we do not consider the olfactory effects of puddles and piles, which are left by untrained puppies. Although most of the methods described here will be useful for "emergency" cases, the emphasis will be on how to get rid of the natural dog smell.

Commercial products are sold at any pet store. They are divided into two groups:

  1. removing dog odor;
  2. masking unpleasant "aromas".

As a rule, special sprays and powders are safe for the animal, but it is necessary to observe the dog for some time for allergies.

If you want to save money and prefer natural ways to deal with stench, you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • vinegar (apple or table);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baby powder;
  • strong brush with soft bristles;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

We recommend that you find out how to wash the paint roller.

What means can be used to remove a tomato stain from clothes, you will read here.

How to clean carpet from dog smell

The specific dog aroma emanating from the carpet is the result of contact of the coating with animal hair, lubricated with natural skin oils. Take a closer look - in places where the pet especially likes to lie around, darkening is noticeable. Pay special attention to the most affected areas.

Sprinkle a layer of baking soda on your carpet to absorb grease and residual odors. With a brush, gently rub the powder into the pile and leave for 30 minutes. If possible, let the product work longer: treat the coating at night or in the morning before leaving for work. Vacuum after the baking soda has been absorbed.

A way to not only remove the smell of a dog from the carpet, but also to freshen it up is to mix baking soda with baby powder. The powder also works as an absorbent, soaking up oils and dirt, plus it gives a light fragrance.

Important! Changing the filter regularly will prevent odors from your vacuum cleaner!

Upholstered furniture - get rid of the smell of the dog

Cynologists do not recommend letting the dog bask on the couch, but not all owners have the courage to refuse, looking into the pet's pleading eyes. The result is a sofa that has been soaked with “aromas” and slightly changed color. How to remove dog smell from sofa step by step:

  1. remove and wash pillowcases from sofa cushions;
  2. unfasten removable covers and also send to the washing machine;
  3. sprinkle baking soda on dirt;
  4. brush;
  5. vacuum.

When washing, use apple cider vinegar. Whether you're doing laundry, sofa cushions, or dog bedding, add a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to the main wash compartment. Like apple cider vinegar, white vinegar can also remove dog odor, but apple cider vinegar is more pleasant to use.

The steam cleaner is a modern multi-purpose device that effectively fights dirt, stains and odors. If you already have this assistant, add vinegar to the water compartment to achieve a 100% result.

Important! Follow the instructions of the steam cleaner as it may damage some surfaces.

Remove doggy odor from parquet and laminate

Hardwood or laminate floors need careful care and maintenance. Aggressive cleaners will damage the floor, so test the substances purchased at the pet store on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the floor.

The leader among natural ways to remove the smell of a dog is vinegar. An aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 immediately reduces odor. If you add a couple of drops of aromatic oil to the liquid (citrus aromas are especially suitable - orange, grapefruit), the stench will be replaced by a soothing aroma.

Hydrogen peroxide can be applied topically to particularly stubborn stains. Wear gloves while working with peroxide and be sure to test the effect of the drug in a secluded corner. There is a chance that the peroxide will lighten the parquet or laminate.

Learn how to make a cardboard photo frame.

How to wash a burnt aluminum pan and properly care for the dishes, you can find out here.

How to whiten white socks, read here:

Animal hair is clogged into the joints between laminate or parquet boards, feces flow, so it is extremely important to process the seams well. Rub baking soda or a mixture of baking soda and powder into the seams, leave for a while and vacuum. Short-term exposure to the steam cleaner will not damage the tree, tested and verified by the owners.

Prevention of dog odor in the home

A dog in the house is a source of joy and pleasure, but how not only to get rid of the smell of this source, but also to prevent the appearance of a strong stench? Regular vacuuming of the sofa, carpets and floors is a must for pet owners.

The sooner you remove dander and pet hair from the carpet, the less time the smell will have time to eat into the pile. By the way, do you know how to vacuum properly? The greatest suction power is achieved on the path of the brush "to itself". You can move the pipe quickly when you are moving away from you, but you need to slow down sharply in the opposite direction.

Essential oils with water do not eliminate the stink, but mask it. Fill a spray bottle with water, add a drop or two of essential oils, and make your home smell fresh, invigorating or soothing, as you like.

Timely care of the dog's coat is another step towards freshness in the house. Furminators, combs, brushes or regular grooming are reliable helpers in the fight against pet shedding. Choose the method that suits your four-legged friend.

Advice. Baby powder cleanses the animal's hair like an expensive dry shampoo!

Additional chores that appeared in the house with the dog are more than offset by minutes of communication with a devoted and sincere friend. After all, many people find the smell of a dog quite pleasant and like to nuzzle their pet's warm forehead.

In the big cities of the modern world, sometimes the touch of nature and the real warmth of selfless devotion are so lacking. Communication with pets, especially dogs, can give these sensations to everyone.

But often people are afraid to get dogs, fearing the appearance of a specific smell of the animal in the house and, especially, on the clothes of the owners. Why does it occur and how can you eliminate the smell of a dog? In fact, achieving freshness in the apartment is not at all so difficult.

A healthy, clean, well-groomed dog has almost no smell. To notice the presence of such pets by smell, you can only be in close proximity to them, their "aroma" does not spread through the rooms and does not linger on objects. But for this you need to follow some rules.

First of all, a strong, unpleasant smell can be a sign of a pet’s illness. Usually, various diseases have an additional smell, in addition to the smell of a dog. But in any case, the persistent smell that remains even after bathing and drying is a reason to contact the veterinarian. A specific smell appears with skin diseases, especially in the presence of pus, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary system lead to the smell of ammonia. With a disease of the digestive system, naturally, there are problems with the stool and the corresponding smell. A strong smell of dog without impurities can be a sign of malnutrition, metabolic disorders or hormonal disruptions.

Thorough cleaning of the room will also help get rid of the smell of the dog. Cleaning consists in removing and disinfecting stains left by the dog (urine, secretions). To remove hair, you need to vacuum, carry out wet cleaning, as well as clean the bed and regularly change the filler of the dog toilet.

An unpleasant canine odor is secreted by the sebaceous and sweat glands. The smell intensifies in the summer in hot weather, after bathing or when the dog is wet. Males smell stronger than females, females have increased discharge and smell during estrus. When stressed, dogs release more scents, a kind of defensive response to danger.

In order for the dog not to smell and its aroma does not spread throughout the house, you need to monitor its health and cleanliness. The main measures to combat the smell of a dog are hygiene for a pet. This concept includes not only bathing, but also cleaning the ears and teeth of the dog, combing the hair, especially during molting, regular change of bedding and other household items of the animal. After walking, you should wash or wipe your paws with a damp cloth, after bathing, dry the dog, you also need to remove discharge from the eyes and nose, especially if they are frequent and plentiful.

Any shampoos and hygiene products sold in pet stores are suitable for care. For decorative dogs, deodorizing products are also sold, but you need to be careful with them, because the scent of dogs is stronger than human and not every animal will like the presence of extraneous aromas. An alternative to them can be baby shampoos, but their use is not desirable. You can wipe your eyes and ears with a regular cotton swab with water. From folk remedies to remove the smell of a dog, a solution of vinegar with water (1/3) is used, which can be used to wipe the animal after bathing.

The presence of a dog's individual smell is the norm, but there are breeds that smell much less. First of all, these include hunting breeds (a strong smell can interfere with hunting): greyhounds, setters, hounds, spaniels.

One of the main sources of odor is the undercoat, so hairless breeds of dogs and breeds that lack it, for example, Chinese Crested, Mexican Hairless Dogs, American Hairless Terrier, York Terriers, Maltese, Cairn Terrier and others, have a slight smell. Short-haired dogs: Dachshunds, Dobermans, Great Danes also smell less.

In contrast to these breeds, shepherd dogs, guard dogs with thick hair and undercoat have a strong smell of dog.

Regardless of the choice of breed, proper care will allow the owner to enjoy all the advantages of communicating with wonderful animals, without being distracted by their smell.

There are many reasons for bad breath. The degree of odor expression is largely influenced by the breed.

Smaller dogs such as Spitz or Yorkshire Terriers smell significantly less than spaniels, shepherds, and rottweilers. A huge role is played by how the owners take care of the pet.

Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant odor is bathing too infrequently using unsuitable detergents.

Pay attention to how the dog behaves. If she often licks the area around the anus, tries to scratch this place, then the problem may be in the blockage of the paraanal glands, which emit the smell of a dog. They must be cleaned by a veterinarian, otherwise inflammation will begin. Another smell from a dog can come from uncleaned ears and teeth. Other reasons for the appearance:

  1. Seborrhea. The problem is typical for hunting dogs, in which the sweat and sebaceous glands work intensively, and sebum is produced intensively, because it acts as a barrier when wet.
  2. Wrong nutrition. Unsuitable food and natural products cause gastrointestinal disorders in dogs, problems with coat, skin, and allergic reactions. All this contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Heat. In summer, animals sweat more, microbes multiply more actively on the skin and in the wool.
  4. The state of the body, diseases. The reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor is metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions, obesity, abscesses, oncology, liver disease.

How to get rid of dog odor

The fight against unpleasant odors must be approached comprehensively, eliminating all the causes at once. To get rid of the smell of dog, you need to do the following:

  • monitor the hygiene and health of the pet;
  • use specialized care products;
  • often wash and wash the accessories of the animal;
  • if the pet has spoiled, immediately remove the consequences;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of the apartment.

Dog hygiene

By properly caring for your pet, you will not encounter the problem of an unpleasant odor at all. Recommendations for dog hygiene:

  1. Pet must be washed. Indoor dogs are bathed every 10-30 days, street dogs - once every 1.5-2 months. In summer, bathing should be done twice as often.
  2. After each walk, wash the paws, muzzle, belly, under the tail.
  3. Use special bathing products selected according to the breed. Dogs should not be washed with shampoos and gels intended for humans.
  4. Use conditioner after bathing. Be sure to dry your dog's coat with microfiber towels and a hair dryer.
  5. Don't buy too cheap. They do not completely wash away the dirt, tangle the hair, dry the skin.
  6. Clean your pet's ears regularly. Otherwise, otitis will begin.
  7. Brush your dog's teeth regularly. To do this, use special brushes and pastes. Buy special cleansing food, toys, treats. Take your pet to the veterinarian periodically for tartar removal.
  8. Brush the animal often, remove the undercoat.
  9. Trim the area under the tail regularly. Otherwise, particles of feces and dirt will constantly stick to the wool.
  10. Provide your pet with a balanced diet. It is advisable to consult with a specialist.
  11. Take your dog regularly to the veterinarian for checkups. If, with good care, an unpleasant odor comes from the animal, then the cause is most likely a disease.
  12. Wash your pet's bedding often, wash cups, bowls, toys.

Remedies for the smell of animals in the apartment

Almost all specialized preparations are available in the form of sprays: Flat, DesoSan, Laina, Zoo Clean. Most Popular:

Tool name





Tri-Bio Odor and Pet Stain Remover, 420 ml

The spray does not contain solvents, phosphates, chlorine, bleaching and abrasive substances, dyes. It can be used both for spraying and for preparing a solution for mopping floors that have got dog urine.

It performs its function well and quickly, it is safe for health and the environment.

Not detected.

"Pchelodar", Spray to destroy the smell in the habitats of dogs, 500 ml

Contains enzymes, multi-active components, without alcohol and chlorine.

Economic consumption.

Doesn't always help the first time.

Animal Gold OdorGone Mark and Odor Destroyer, Spray Concentrate, 500 ml

Does not contain aggressive substances, prevents the spread of bacteria and fungi.

Harmless to people, animals, the environment, does not damage surfaces.


Natures Miracle 8 in 1, Oxy Formula Dog Stain & Odor Remover Spray, 500 ml

Dual action formula with low foaming.

It removes odors from any surfaces (laminate, carpet, wood, etc.) and copes even with old dirt.

Not detected.