What days can not get married. When it is better to get married - the advice of Astrol Ludmila Muravyeva. Is the law provides for the maximum age for marriage

2018 is the second year, going beyond the leap, and it is considered a widower year. And therefore many people do not recommend marrying in 2018 - as it is doomed to failure. But the most terrible factor in marriage can be called that the spouse due to an accident will lose his wife and will remain a widow.

Astrologers believe that it is not necessary to break your head over: whether to marry in 2018. As in other periods next year, you can enter into relationships. But if you believe in signs, then we will take care of the choice of wedding dates. It is unacceptable to marry such days:

  • lunar day;
  • retrograde Venus;
  • eclipse days;
  • retrograd Mercury.

It is worth avoiding such days for marriage when the planets were located in the destructive deduction area.

Successful Wedding Days

Many people believe that 2018 is a leap year, and therefore it is not worth marrying in it, so as not to be a widow. In fact, this is not the case, and 2018 is not a leap. In January, the first day for marriage is the first day. But as if newlyweds, I liked this date, they will not be able to paint, since this day is a day off in all Russia. However, you should not be upset and favorable days to create a family in January are another 21 and 26 numbers.

In February and March, only one date for the wedding, in the winter is the 25th day, and in the spring - 23. Astrologers advise to marry in April 20, 27 or 29. Only such an alliance should be rich in mutual understanding. Many people consider May not a good month for marriage, since lovers will be all their lives to "start". This is a delusion, and the most favorable May numbers can be called the following: 20, 25 and 27.

Of course, any woman dreams of a summer wedding, since at this time you can embody almost any idea. Favorable in June are - 15 and 25, in July - 15, 20, 23, and in August - 17, 24, 26. September is also not rich in the choice of happy dates, in the first month of autumn favorable numbers are considered to be 16,21 and 23 , in October - 14, 19, 21, and in November - 9, 14 and 18. In December, for the celebration of the wedding, only 2 good days is 14 and 21.

As we can see, in most cases, successful days for the celebration is the second half of the month. The first two weeks undesirable to create a family due to the descending Moon. It is better to get married in 2018 during the periods when the moon is growing.

Favorable Days on Fen Sweet

Choose a wedding date on the hair dryer is much more complicated than the astrological calendar. It will be very difficult to make forecasts to independently, and therefore, young couples often seek advice on experienced specialists. In this science, thanks to the data on the marriage, you can choose not only the favorable days, but also a good wedding clock. If the pair chooses a not very favorable date for the marriage ceremony, then, picking up the "good" time, you can make your day the happiest.

Optimal days to create a family can be called days of success, equilibrium, stability, establishment, discoveries. Days for these dates will fall very little, and therefore, most often on the hair dryer, it's all over time.

Successful days in the Christian calendar

Despite the fact that many people no longer belong to church life, there are quite a few pairs that will want to assure their love by fulfilling the sacrament of baptism. It is best to discuss the date of your wedding with a priest and look into the Orthodox calendar. Good days for the wedding can be called Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The most successful date for the wedding is April 8 - Easter.

It will not be possible to participate in 2018 in such dates:

  • 7-18, January 29-31;
  • 1-3, 12-17, February 19-28;
  • 1-7, April 9-14;
  • 17, 27, 28-31 May;
  • 2, 4-30 June;
  • July 1-11;
  • August 14-27;
  • November 28-30;
  • December 1-31.

As we can see, choose the date for the wedding will not be able to quickly, as it is possible to marry in 2018 only on some days. In March, September and October, it will be possible to choose any of the date that you liked the remaining days can not be married, according to church customs.

Beautiful dates

Every year there are beautiful dates for the wedding and 2018 is no exception. Of course, the most notable day can be called the 18th day of any month. But it is unlikely that someone wants to play the wedding at the beginning, in the middle of the week or on Sunday. Popular dates can be called such:

  • 01/18/18 - Thursday;
  • 05/18/18 - Friday;
  • 08/18/18 - Saturday;
  • 10/18/18 - Thursday.

Every year the date is 14 February, but in 2018 it will be a medium, so many couples hardly want to register relationships. Surely, many will want to finish their union on September 1 - Saturday, on the day of knowledge and the first day of autumn.

The article describes the dates and times when it is better to get married in 2018 in terms of different sciences. Do not believe rumors that this year is doomed to failures and a man who married next year will remain widow until the end of life.

Today, a lot of superstitious people, and especially the bride on the eve of the wedding are experiencing and listening to all traditions and customs. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to get married in 2018 worries many. At this expense, astrologers, psychics and healers are different opinions. Below, let's try to figure out whether it is happy for marriage. It has been repeatedly proven that even those women who never believed signs, before the wedding, begin to listen to them, in order not to move their female happiness.

The observance begins with the choice of "successful" dates for marriage. Now it is rarely possible to meet a couple of newlyweds who chose the date of their wedding only because of the convenience or because it is connected with some serious event for them. Most newlyweds choose the date of marriage, rereading a bunch of astrological forecasts and books.

The marriage age is a legal term, which determines the point of civilian cultivation of a person when he has the right to unhindered to enter into legal family relations and register them in the registry offices. Such a period is established in accordance with the usual customs in the country, traditions. At the same time, the states that ratified the UN Contemplation on Marriage and Brand Age, undertake a commitment to regulate this issue of law.

The legislation of the Russian Federation is prohibited to prevent anyone in concluding marriage. Neither racial affiliation, nor national signs nor religious views may not be a barrier. To conclude marriage representatives of all social groups. At the same time there are restrictions that either do not allow to register family relations at all or require a special procedure. To the first include:

  1. Availability from one of the sides of a unstorn marriage.
  2. Mental disease from any of the alleged spouses.
  3. The presence between candidates in the spouses related links of a loved one.
  4. The presence of the relationship is the adopter / adopted between the marriages.

One-sex marriage is definitely banned in Russia.

Special conditions for official registration of family relationships requires a situation where future newlyweds have not achieved age. The fact is that the Russian law appointed a minimum threshold when it is possible to marry freely. The maximum permissible marriage age today in the Russian Federation is not provided. Therefore, old age, from the point of view of regulatory documents, is not a reason for refusing to register the Union of two people. But youth can be such.

The legislative issue of marital relations is governed by the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The article under the number of thirteen of the document indicates that the marriage age in Russia coincides with the moment of civil majority. To enter into legitimate relations without additional procedures is possible from eighteen years. And for a man, and for a woman, this period is the same.

At the same time, the same rule of law indicates that if there is a couple who want to register their relations, special circumstances, it is possible to provide permission for early marriage. In such a situation, we are talking about cases when one or both parties have not yet been 18 years old, but has already been 16.

It also provides for an even greater decline in the prescribed age to legitimize family relations.
The question will be solved in such a situation depending on the reason that prompted the young to conclude the Union. The number of years to which the age is possible to conclude a legitimate marriage (another year or two), the legislator does not indicate, proposing to solve the issue at the level of the subjects of the Federation.

Age for marriage and tradition

Federal legislation allowed to reduce the age for marriage in Russia, if there are forcing circumstances, up to 16 years. This is the norm is valid for all regions. In order to register family relationships, in this case, it is necessary to obtain permission from representatives of local governments.

Given the multinational composition of the population of our country, the legislator has also provided an opportunity even earlier marriages. This is due to the existence of certain traditions from different peoples living in Russia. Therefore, subjects must independently develop a document regulating this issue. Many regions of our power benefited these right:

  1. Up to fifteen years decreased period for marriage or marriage in the presence of special conditions Murmanskaya, Ryazan, Tver region.
  2. Until fourteen years lowered the plank of the Republic of Adygea and Tatarstan, as well as the region: Moscow, Magadan, Vladimir and some others.
  3. There is no age limit, for example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Separate subjects decided not to develop their own bills on this issue and are guided exclusively by federal law. It should be noted that the desire to conclude an early marriage cannot be implemented by simply by contacting the region of that region, where you can get married from 14 years. To obtain a consent to such a step, it is necessary to be permanent residents of the region, and often there is a residence permit.

Causes to reduce marriage age

The legislator, establishing the principled possibility of concluding a family union before the onset of the age of majority, indicates the need for special reasons. What reasons to consider special, currently not specified in the CK. In local regional acts, they can be listed. As a rule, the last item will contain a phrase like this: "... and other circumstances that can be considered sufficient to conclude a marriage before the onset of age."

Each case, representatives of local authorities have to be considered individually. The fact that in the same situation will be a sufficient reason, it is not considered to be in the other. To events, as a result of which the marriage age can be reduced, usually refer:

In different regions, a list of reasons to sign up to 18 years can change: increase or decrete. There is no single look at this question today. These are the most common options.

These circumstances can be called "critical". In addition, the law permits the conclusion of an early marriage under the condition of the emancipation of a minor, that is, when it receives the status of a civil capable subject.

Accuracy and majority

The choice of legislator as a marriage stage of the majority is due to several reasons:

  • according to a number of professionals in the field of medicine, this is the most suitable for the creation of a family from the point of view of physiology;
  • according to statistics, marriages concluded at this time make up most of the person compared to the rest of the human life;
  • from the point of view of the law, from this time the subject becomes completely civilically capable.

The concept of complete legal capacity suggests that a person with a period determined by the law:

  • has the ability to independently conduct entrepreneurship;
  • must be responsible for the actions that are unauthorized.

It is believed that this period is a majority. At the same time, the legislator provides for the possibility of acquiring a citizen of the status "Fully capable" before the execution of eighteen. This process is called Emancipation. It is possible after the subject of 16 years is achieved if:

  • he carries out work under the contract;
  • engaged in independent entrepreneurship.

To recognize the child, the consent of the officials and guardianship is necessary. If this happened, a citizen himself can decide the question of his own wedding, and members of local self-government must issue permission even without the presence of subjective reasons.

Emancipation and marriage age are also connected otherwise. Having obtained the consent of the authorities to reduce the age of marriage and creating a family, a minor recognizes civilian capacity in full. That is, marriage or marriage makes it completely emancipated. At the same time, in the case of a divorce before the onset of the age of majority, this status is not lost. The exception will only address the issue through the court.

Procedure for obtaining a family creation permit

Registration of an early marriage requires the permission of the relevant authorities to overstep the limit barrier. Without it, the registry office is not entitled to hold a marriage ceremony, and if for some reason he will go to it, registration will not be considered valid.

Obtaining such a document - a procedure requiring the participation of several persons. In local governments, several statements must be received, which each must submit personally:

  • from a minor with a request to reduce the marriage age;
  • from the intended spouse / spouse with the same request for the second half;
  • from parents of a minor / minor, with an indication of a request to reduce the age of marriage to their child to the required limit.

In each statement should be indicated:

  • to whom it is addressed;
  • from whom it;
  • what a statement is about;
  • what are the reasons for reducing age;
  • for how many years it is required to reduce the marriage age;
  • number and signature.

According to the "State Service" sites, statements should be considered within ten days from the date they did, after which:

  • or a decree is issued to reduce the marriage age, where it is indicated, to whom and for what period it is reduced;
  • or refusal to a similar procedure that can be appealed first in the administration. In case of unsuccessful appeal, a lawsuit will be filed.

Having received permission, it must be submitted to the registry office, write a statement about the conclusion of marriage and pay the state duty. After that, the employee will appoint a wedding day.

The issuance of permission is considered a state service that is provided free of charge.

The marriage age is established by the legislation of the country to avoid early marriages and the protection of juvenile from them. The minimum threshold installed at the federal level can be reduced by regional regulatory acts. The issuance of an early marriage permission is made depending on the presence of special circumstances, which should be recognized as sufficient to obtain a positive decision on permission to sign "early".

Wedding Day is a very important date in the life of future spouses. Preparation for the holiday is always shrouded in a mass of superstitions, accepts. Of course, to plan your fate for life will not be able, the life path of two people is always quite a thorny. Nevertheless, most brides, not even superstitious, hide from the bridegroom dress until the wedding, do not paint in May, buy only new wedding rings. The wedding date itself, the future bride and groom most often appoint on Friday Saturday, so that all relatives and friends can come to the wedding feast. This is done for convenience. But is it so good these days for marriage? What day of the week is happy for the wedding? What day is it better to schedule the wedding to live together a long marital life? What day of the week is better to get married? On these issues, it is best to turn to astrology.

Each day of the week in astrology matches its planet. On this day, the planet is stronger than its qualities and affects certain events in one direction or another. Now consider the influence of planets for marriage days.


The patron of Monday is the moon. The moon manages home affairs, children, family, so creating a marriage on Monday is a very successful solution. The first day of the week symbolizes the beginning, a new countdown, a new life.

But this is not all. Jews, for example, marry Mondays is prohibited. This day, although they are associated with the beginning of the creation of the world, however, the Lord did not say about this day never "good" as on other days.

The moon creates a very subtle emotional connection between people, attracts them and firmly connects. But it must be remembered that the moon has two sides, it is very changeable and caprick. And this suggests that the married life will be bright, turbulent, with minutes of clutch and bursts of emotions. It will not be monotonous and routine. Spouses will never experience indifference to each other. Thanks to its oscillations, the moon, throughout life, will feed the mutual interest of lovers.

If the wedding day is still questionable, then Monday is an excellent start for a new solid union.


This afternoon controls the aggressive, militant Mars. Many astrologers strongly do not recommend young couples to use this day to conclude bond marriage.

It is believed that uncompromising, hot-tempered Mars will "give" a new pair of a mass of quarrels, conflicts, misunderstanding, aggression, irritability. With Mars, you can not "agree" or draw. This planet patronizes wars and bloodshed. No warmth and harmony, no calm and welcome. Only intransigence and power.

Sometimes marriages prisonered under the protection of such a planet are dynamic and very passionate, but, alas, short-lived. Almost all the couples played by the wedding on Tuesday, disintegrate. Mars is the destroyer, he is not a supporter of the association.

The wedding on Tuesday is suitable for those who are willing to turn their family life in the arena for battles with his second half.


Third, the middle day of the week is managed by Mercury. Planet, famous for frivity, cheerful temper, communication. Mercury changeable, therefore, from marriage created on this day, you can wait for any turn.

Wednesday is certainly suitable for combining two hearts prone to communication. For such a couple, the presence of joint interests is very important, a large circle of general friends. This is a bridgehead for family life. Inside such a family will reign coolness and alienation. Such couples, more concerning the relationship in friendship and positive communication with the outside world, usually easily go on compromises and concessions to each other. Joint entertainment has great importance, the value of family relationships itself is not so important.

Communication on this day is quite fragile. After some time, one of the pair will want greater stability and privacy. It is very difficult to remain family with different interests and lifestyle. The likelihood that "go down to earth" will want to immediately both, insignificantly small.

Wedding on Wednesday for free people who are ready to fly together in the wind, not eclipping each other.


Thursday rules just Jupiter. Astrologers consider this day with one of the best for marriage. Jupiter - the planet leader responsible for the legal affairs, hesitates justice and helps financially.

The minus can be the fact that any small quarrel will be considered in the family with all the scrupulousness of the criminal case. But it helps to place everything in places, and no longer return to this topic, which is not so bad, unlike families, where a hundred times recall and recall the affairs of the long-lasting.

And, here, Orthodoxy, on the contrary, does not consider Thursday successful for the wedding. Westerns on Thursday are prohibited. Folk signs support the church in this matter. It is believed that Thursday will bring big problems in the family.

To make marriages on Thursday stands to people with leadership qualities, confident in themselves, firmly standing on the legs, who know the price for themselves and their partner. The decision to marry should be solid and deliberate.


Friday - the best day for the wedding according to astrologers. Venus, patroness of love and passion, fully positively affects the creation of a family.

The Orthodox Church maintains astrologers here and most of all weddings fall on Friday. Many couples decorated on this rite hold it on this day, even if the wedding is appointed to another. Weddings and Muslims play on Friday, and Hindus.

Many couples have a question regarding Fridays 13th. This date is enveloped by weight and curvators, and most tries to get around this day. According to statistics in Russia, on Friday, the 13th accounts for 80% less paintings than any other. Nevertheless, the pairs, married on this day, are considered the most stronger.

Venus - Planet of romance and feelings. Therefore, that the bonds marriage are strong and durable, you need to not forget about romantic pans and whims.

To marry Friday, people are sincerely loving each other, ready to give in for the sake of the second half. And then Venus will prevent harmony and mutual understanding as a wedding gift.


Saturday is an extremely bad day for painting, and on astrological forecasts, and in church canons. Saturn, which owns the Saturday, the planet is dry and stitching in terms of emotional loads.

Marriages concluded on this day are marked with stability and calculation. They can be achieved by renunciation from personal interests, their own self-realization. Saturn - planet self-sacrifice.

From the marriage concluded under the auspices of Saturn, you should not wait for spiritual proximity, some intellectual conversations, special harmony. About such a family can not be said to the "soul in the soul", however, for example, for the conclusion of a marriage for the calculation of Saturday, it is impossible as it is impossible. Basics of marriage contracts are stability, reliability, confidence.

The wedding on Saturday suits people for whom stability and reliability are much more important than ordinary everyday happiness.


Sunny day. Create a family a day driven by the Sun, it means to always be warmed love and joy. The sun like Venus contributes to the harmonious development of the family and warm relationships. Prisoners on Sunday marriages practically do not disintegrate, the sun protects its wards from the discretion, the reass, misunderstandings. In such families there are always kids (if not, it will soon appear).

The most successful from solar marriages will be those where one person will take on the role of the head of the family. In such marriages, one of the spouses "as behind a stone wall", and another "always reliable rear". This is the richest and happy family model.

To join Sunday to marry you need people who love each other, understanding and seeking to live together a long, happy life.

Astrology - Science, of course, very good. Many listens to its advice on different life situations. But still, do not forget that love, mutual respect and work is three whales on which the Institute of Marriage is held.

Nowadays, the newlyweds believe in predictions and try to find out the influences of the number and day of the week for further family destiny.

2018 is not a leap, but he is considered the year of the widower. This year, in the opinion of astrologers is not the best to create a family. But since this is a year of dog, and as you know, a kind, fair animal that loves homemade comfort and care so she will help to help and favorably influence the further fate of the married couple.

Unions concluded this year will be harmonious, quarrels and misunderstanding will be reduced to a minimum. Stars predict a wonderful future, where love and many children will be the main wealth of life in life.

Children planned or born this year will become the real pride of their parents and will delight talents rich in fantasy, great success and a good character, the truth is a bit capricious, like all modern children.

Be sure that your feelings will not go out to dull the wind, therefore, they will be deep and durable. If money is not the most important thing for you in life, then your union will always be protected by the guardian angel.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to make marriage with a growing moon, it will help to develop relationships and favorably influence further fate.The new moon, the lunar or solar eclipse will bring misunderstanding to the house, so astrologists advise to avoid planning weddings these days.

When choosing a favorable date, it is worth avoiding the reverse move of Venus.If Venus enters the constellation of Aries, Scorpio, it is better to abandon the painting in the registry office.

Astrologers adhere to thatiya that the date of marriage is impossible Appoint, on the days of lunar and solar eclipses

  • Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse February 15, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse July 13, 2018.
  • Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018.
  • Solar eclipse August 11, 2018.

Also very unfavorable for a wedding celebration is the retrogradity of some planets:

Retrograd Mercury in 2018

  • in the spring: March 23 - April 15;
  • in summer: July 26, 19 August;
  • late in autumn: November 17, December 7.

Retrograde Venus in 2018.

  • Retrograde Venus: from October 5 to November 16(which is responsible for love in the family)

This time is considered to be very unfavorable for marriage, engagement. The first acquaintance with the retrograde Venus is unlikely to lead to long-term and solid relations.

To choose time to start new and important things, you need to take into account the phases of the moon.

On the growing moon, it is good to start something new, starting from the second day (to apply to the registry office, to appoint the date of the matchmaker, to do pre-wedding troubles: order a cake, meet the lead and discuss the wedding scenario, etc.), and so that That bad went out of your life, then you need to choose the phase of the aging moon.

On the descending Moon, it is better not to start new projects (that is, weddings. Wedding), besides, should not be prepared for the wedding in the period when the moon without a course, i.e. idling, empty moon is a short period (when it is before exiting The sign does not make movements along the zodiacal circle and for a while ceases to interact with Dr. Planets, it remains in itself, as it were in emptiness).

If you decide to choose a date for a wedding on the lunar calendar, it should be remembered that 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17 and 21st day are considered the most favorable days for marriage.

However, it is desirable that they coincide with the location of the moon in the sign Taurus, Cancer or Scales. Then your family life will be long and happy.

Unfavorable for wedding periods when the moon is in the sign Scorpio and Aries.

In addition, odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 have always been considered happy.

To calculate the favorable days to create happy unions, you need to contact not only the wedding calendar weddings, but also to the advice of famous astrolories.

Calendar of favorable days in 2018

Favorable days for the wedding in January 2018

One of the most not favorable months is January. But if you believe the calculations of astrologers, then favorable numbers for the wedding it is: 21.26 Jan. - This is a good time to conclude marriages.

The church calendar allows you to hold a wedding rite only after baptism. The period lasts until 28.01., The beginning of the first solid semist (29.01.).

This time segment was previously called "wedding" or "wedding". People believed that if you create a new family on the "Winter Myasoede", it awaits wealth.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, you can choose any of these numbers: 20-23, 25, 27, 28

in February 2018

In February, it is allowed to marry from 05.02 to 11.02. The Ecumenical Parent Saturday (10.02) is excluded. Next beginsThe Great Post, which will last from February 19 to April 7.

On the lunar calendar, the best date will be 25 Feb.

  • Can be married 5, 6, 8, 10, 11

B. casual days for wedding In March 2018

March 2017 is not the most favorable month for weddings, especially if your family has believers or you yourself are.

March is completely prohibited by a church for wedding ceremonies.The risk of parting and divorces increases.

  • If you choose the date on the lunar calendar, then this is March 23

Favorable days for the wedding In April 2018

Folk signs argue that a particularly strong and successful union will be a union prisoner in a week after Easter, when a red hill marks. In 2018, the Red Gorka is celebrated on April 15.

This holiday has long been celebrated Spring Weddings.

17.04. Believers celebrate Radonitz. On this day, commemorate the departed native, church wedding is undesirable.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in April: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in April 2018: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.

And successful days, according to astrologers, is 20, 27, 29 numbers

Favorable days for the wedding In May 2018

There is a folk sign that young, married in May, all their lives will "start", but it is all prejudices.

The gracious period for the newlyweds from May 1 to 25 is allowed to choose the time for the church rite.

It must be borne in mind that: 09.05. - commemorate the deceased warriors; 17.05. - Ascension of the Lord; 26.05. - Trinity Saturday.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in May: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in May: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.

Astrologers consider good numbers to celebrate the solemn events: the period of numbers 20, 25, 27 May

Favorable days for the wedding In June 2018

In June there are no days suitable for the september.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in June: from 1 to 3 numbers.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in June: from 4 to 30 numbers.

Favorable days for the wedding in July 2018

Folk signs say that life entered into the legal union in July will be similar to the sour-sweet berry.

Believers young couples are planning a church rite after the Day of Saints Peter and Paul, from 13.08.

21.07. - Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It has always been believed that this is a very favorable day for newlyweds.

  • According to the Orthodox calendar, it is possible to marry 14, from 16 to 29, 31 numbers.
  • Adverse days for the wedding: from 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.

Favorable days for the wedding In August 2018

August is considered one of the most wedding months. According to folk signs, the couples entered into a union will be true to each other and retain love, mutual respect and mutual understanding until the end of their days.

He had time immemorially wore the name "Summer Myasoad". And he was actively used wishing to get married.

To make a marriage should choose period until 13.08, then Two-week Assumption post starts.

  • The church calendar allows the following days: from 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in August: 9, 11, from 14 to 28.

On the lunar Caledar is 17, 24, 26 numbers.

Favorable days for the wedding In September 2018

In September 2018, the couples that entered into the legal alliance, folk signs prophesy a quiet quiet life.

This is the time of the most magnificent and beautiful weddings, but will certainly arrive and spending. It is favorable into marriage of partners with a good material situation, as well as people who already have a profession and stable work.

Condition of Head of John the Forerunner (11.09.) And the elimination of the Cross of the Lord (27.09.) Finds on Tuesday and Thursday.

These days and day on the eve, according to the established rules, the ceremonies are not committed.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in September 2018: 1, 2, 7, 10, 14, 16, from 20 to 26, 29 Number.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in September 2018: 11, 21, 23, 27.

B. casual days for wedding in October 2018

October 2018 is more favorable to newlyweds. Wedding days more than enough.

Many believe that it is not very convenient to appoint a wedding in October, weather conditions are not always accompanied by newlyweds.

But one can say exactly that prices will be significantly lower than in the summer. Therefore, you decide when you have a wedding celebration.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in October: from 1 to 13, from 15 to 31.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in October: 14.

Favorable days for the wedding In November 2018

This month, despite contradictory weather conditions, a lot of pleasant moments.

Well, for example, there is no queue in the registry office, the mass of free restaurants, ready to take you on any appointed day of the celebration, the cost of wedding services is cheaper at times cheaper, and this time on the people's calendar is very successful for wedding ceremonies - it will prophete material well-being and happy family life.

Until 28.11. The priests will bless the newlyweds.

03.11. - Parental Saturday. She is a special day to commemorated the dead.

  • Favorable days for the wedding in November: from 1 to 27.
  • Adverse days for the wedding in November: 3, from 28 to 30.

Astrologers advise to appoint a wedding ceremony by 9, 14, 18

Favorable days for the wedding In December 2018

Throughout December there will be a Christmas post To the Christmas Eve (01/06/2019). Despite the fact that it is not strict, the church still does not approve of the festivities during this period.

But folk signs promise that the marriage enclosed in December - will fix the day by day.

For popular signs of many newlyweds, it is attracted to "not postpone the wedding for a year" and be together on New Year's Eve.

  • I managed to find only two neutral numbers - December 7 and 26

Aspects of good luck are present in the following newlyweds: divorced, having children, as well as widows and widows.

If the astrological prophecy and the Orthodox wedding dates calendar are not the main one for you - to choose the day of the wedding celebration, and more attracts the prospect to bore your bonds to a beautiful date, then use the rule to be memorable and beautiful.

As for 2018, the most beautiful dates The following will be:

  • 02/18/18 - Resurrection;
  • 08/18/18 - Friday.

However, even the carefully chosen date will not be a key to a happy family life if there are no real love in your family, respect for each other - you should not rely on the fate and the mercy of the higher forces! After all, family life is a great art that you create, filling the picture of your relationship with different feelings. Mainly my advice is, it loves each other to truly and live in consent. Choose patience, understanding, kindness, responsiveness, frankness and tenderness, only then in your family will reign complete harmony and forever live family happiness!

With deep respect Nadezhda S. ©

How many years can you marry Russia? Are there any restrictions on this occasion in 2020?

The age of entry into the marriage relationship changed along the story. Since 1744, he was 13 and 15 years old for girls and boys, respectively, a little later increased it for 3 years.

The maximum age was installed, upon reaching which it was impossible to enter into a marriage relationship. Since then, much has changed, and now lovers become legal spouses in other rules.

You will not believe, but many do not know how many years you can get married in Russia.

Eliminate gaps and ask to refer to Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. In paragraph 1, it is said that the minimum marriage age is installed in 18 years.

Why in 18? Because from this point on, a person acquires full capacity.

He is able to independently acquire rights and obligations and implement them. Yes, and the physical development of future newlyweds reaches the level at which the birth of offspring is possible without applying excess damage to the body and mental state.

The age of both partners who are married should be at least 18 years old! But there are a number of exceptions, which will be talked further.

Unequal marriage is quite possible. The law admits a decline in the age of marriage for 2 years, and in some republics even more - for 4 years.

This state of affairs is really in the presence of special circumstances. These include:

Reducing the minimum age up to 14 years old may be in the republics:

  1. Adygea.
  2. Tatarstan.

Reducing the minimum age up to 14 years old may be in areas:

Also for weighty reasons, the decline in age is permissible in the Chukchi autonomous and Khanty-Mansiysk districts.

Marriage in 15 years can be registered in areas: Tverskaya, Murmanskaya, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan. In the republics: Kabardino-Balkarian, Karachay-Cherkesskaya.

If a person has entered into a marriage contract to 18, he, in accordance with Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is fully capable and continues to be considered even after termination of the marriage before the occurrence of 18 years.

But if marriage for certain reasons is invalid, the judge may decide to complete the loss of participants' capacity.

In order to realize their right to marry, without reaching the age of majority, the future newlyweds need to be applied to the local government and submit an application with a guarantee of good reasons.

Make it they must independently without bringing to the process of parents, trustees, etc. Previously, it could be done only with the consent of the parents.

The court, making a positive decision, indicates data about those who want to enter into marriage, the reasons for which the decline in marriage is possible, the number of years, etc.

If the girl and young man consider a refusal decision of the court unfair, they have the right to appeal. The basis for this is the 25th head of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Marriage is no different from the standard procedure and is generally carried out.

If children do not have parents or raised in specialized agencies, instead of them with a request to reduce the minimum marriage age, representatives can be performed: guardians, trustees, employees of children's institutions, etc.

How many years can be married in other countries, and specifically - in America and Europe? The situation looks likely. Basically it is 18 years for both partners. But it all depends on a particular state or country.

In the presence of good reasons or the consent of the parents, the court can reduce the minimum "bar", as in Russia.

It should be noted here that on November 3, 1965, the UN General Assembly adopted a recommendation on the preparation of countries that are members of the United Nations laws on the recognition of minimal marriage in 15 years.

The age of accession to the United States with the consent of the parents in most cases is 16 years. There are exceptions. Georgia - 15, New Hampshire - 13 (girls), 14 (boys), Massachusetts - 12 - Girls, 14 - boys. Texas - 14 years old (the difference in the age of partners should not exceed 3 years).

In Hawaii, the minimum age with the consent of the parents is 14 years old, taking into account the age difference between partners for no more than 5 years. In a number of states, the minimum age of joining the marriage union is not specified and missing.

In other countries, the situation is almost similar. Now you know how many years it is established in the Russian Federation.

In some subjects of the country, the wedding permission personally gives President of the Republic (Adygea) or the governor (Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan region).