Cool toys for girls 12 years old

A twelve-year-old girl, in fact, remains a child who is looking forward to her birthday and gifts. But to please a teenager is not as easy as a preschooler who will be delighted with any toy. Young ladies at the age of 12 are much more demanding, they have their own style, hobbies, they know what they want. A useless gift will cause a real disappointment in a teenager, which she will not think to hide.

What to give a girl for 12 years is a question that requires a thoughtful, creative and friendly approach. The cost of buying is not as important as choosing the right one. It is quite possible to pick up an inexpensive gift that will be accepted with sincere joy.

All life is a game

The rise of youthful beauty

Most, though not all, 12-year-old girls take their appearance seriously. An unusual hairstyle, neat manicure, light makeup - all this requires certain accessories and devices that can be presented to a young lady.

  • Cosmetics. The girl will surely be pleased with the hair or skin care kits. Shampoos, balms, gels, creams, etc. will be used with pleasure and will give the birthday girl a sense of her own femininity.
  • Hair styling devices. Such as your own hair dryer, curling iron or styler will be gladly accepted by the owner of both long and short hair.
  • For makeup. For a light make-up, you can give lip gloss, eye shadow or varnish in delicate shades.
  • Perfume. Manufacturers offer perfume for the youngest with a light unobtrusive aroma and in the appropriate design - toilet water can be a pleasant surprise for a growing girl.

Gift for a young music lover

Teenagers love to listen to music and will be very happy with gifts from this category.

  • MP-3 player. Or the original speakers will not leave the birthday girl indifferent.
  • Recorded discs. You can donate discs with recordings of your favorite artists.
  • Headphones. Strong teenage nerves are able to perceive as music what seems to parents unbearable decibels - present branded headphones to the music lover, let peace and silence reign in the house.

Modern electronics

A similar gift for a 12-year-old girl will be received with delight - just make sure that the birthday girl does not have the same cell phone, smartphone, tablet or iPad.

  • The tablet. Electronic gadgets will be good helpers in preparing homework and will help to keep the girl busy in her free time, while electronic games develop imagination, motor skills and memory.
  • Electronics accessories. Among the desired surprises are stylish accessories for electronics: cases or key chains with stylish patterns and rhinestones.

For the little fashionista

A girl at the age of 12 wants to look stylish and fashionable. If you know her tastes (and size) well, opt for a stylish wardrobe item: from a T-shirt to a dress. You can choose a present together, having previously specified the amount of the gift and those items that you categorically refuse to buy, for example, high-heeled shoes or a T-shirt with indecent inscriptions. This also includes bags and jewelry, which we will discuss in more detail below.

  • A bag. Such a stylish accessory as a bag is an item that many little fashionistas want to receive. You can choose a small handbag that can fit a cell phone, keys and wallet, or a roomy "pouch" that can fit a training uniform, spare shoes or a book.
  • Decorations. Most girls have their ears pierced by the age of 12. Beautiful stylish earrings will be appreciated. A teenager can be presented with beautiful jewelry, inexpensive products made from natural stones or silver. Small earrings in discreet colors can be worn to school. Many little fashionistas love jewelry - they will be happy with rings, chains, beads or bracelets. You can buy or pick up a set of jewelry yourself, for example, “beads-earrings” or “earrings-bracelet”.

Be sure to take into account the tastes and preferences of the child, a teenager may be disappointed in a gift just because he is the “wrong” color, and the teenager will not hide his feelings. As a result, the mood will be spoiled for everyone present.

"Smart Gifts"

  • Book. Reading develops the intellect and educates the soul. If a child loves reading, then he will certainly be happy with a new book. Bookstores are full of books for teenagers of all genres: from Potter and encyclopedias for schoolchildren to children's detectives of the Black Kitten series. Regardless of the love of reading, every girl should have an encyclopedia of a young lady who, in a light, unobtrusive form, will provide the owner with various kinds of information: from simple culinary recipes to skin, hair and body care tips.
  • Creator's Kit. A win-win gift - a set for creativity, it will provide the girl with pleasant hours of creation and, perhaps, will cause the birth of a new hobby. Creativity is always constructive and positive. Pick up a beading kit for the birthday girl, a plaster figure for coloring, embroidery or knitting accessories, a kit for making soap or candles - this is not the whole list.

It is advisable to complete the set with a small, easy-to-read book or brochure with detailed instructions for beginners.

What to give a stranger child?

What to do if you are invited to a celebration in honor of an unfamiliar girl? You can choose a gift based on well-known preferences.

  • Beautiful box. It is better to give preference to capacious caskets in which you can store hairpins, jewelry, cosmetics or postcards.
  • Electronic piggy bank. At this age, children have pocket money and often save up for some purchase. A piggy bank that "counts" money itself is a funny and useful surprise.
  • Universal choice. A sum of money in a nice envelope with a congratulatory inscription. The child will not perceive touching lines - a humorous inscription will help to capture her attention.
  • Nice photo album. Girls love to be photographed, a capacious storage for pictures with places for commemorative inscriptions will always come in handy.

You can also make a gift for a girl with your own hands, for example, as in this video.

It is not easy to choose a gift for a 12-year-old girl, but if you approach the choice creatively and positively, you can choose exactly what will please the birthday girl. It is not at all necessary to make an expensive purchase, the main thing is to make a choice with all your heart. Let the present please the child, and his joy will give everyone sincere pleasure.

In order to buy toys for girls 11 years old, you need to know about their hobbies. At this age, you need to be especially careful in choosing, because many children's fun will no longer be interesting. Teenage girls tend to imitate adults, and therefore their hobbies are more serious. We have the following toys to choose from:

  • Jewelry and cosmetics are always relevant at the age of 11 years. They are trendy and come in a wide variety. With cosmetic sets that you can choose from in the catalog, girls can experiment with their appearance.
  • Educational kits help to explore the world and gain new knowledge. These can be popular board games in the form of Monopoly and similar variants.
  • Creative kits. These can be unusual options for weaving bracelets and jewelry, kits for embroidery with ribbons or threads, and other options.
  • Dolls or soft toys are also suitable as a gift. Cool models do not cease to interest girls even in their early teens.

Originality. Many girls are attracted to cool toys. They have an original design and unusual functions.

Age appropriate. When choosing a toy, you need to consider that they should not be for babies. In the catalog you can pick up interesting options for younger teens that will teach the child and captivate him.

Safety and quality. Toys must be reliable and of high quality. Safe cosmetics, odorless toys and harmful elements are produced for children. For this, modern components are used.

Relevance. Interesting toys for girls should be relevant. You need to follow the news and choose the appropriate options that young girls will like.

Colors and appearance. Toy design plays an important role. When choosing jewelry, dolls and other options, you need to choose beautiful models with a good appearance and purpose.

Price. We have the best toys at affordable prices. Their cost will depend on the configuration, functionality, appearance, popularity and other parameters.

1. Professional photo session in the studio
Any girl will be happy to receive such a gift. For a photo session, she, at her discretion, will be able to take her parents or a friend. Professional photos will be the memory of a carefree childhood for many years to come.

2. Good book
The book is the best gift. For a girl who loves to read, you can't imagine a better gift! Often, for 12 years, they give educational encyclopedias for girls that talk about puberty, as well as the principles of skin, hair and body care, the rules for using decorative cosmetics, relationships with parents / brothers / sisters / boys.

3. Girl's diary (questionnaire diary)
Many girls like to write down their experiences in a special diary, they usually start doing this at the age of 12-15. Bookstores sell a lot of interesting diaries for girls, they are bright and colorful, with thick binding and lockable. This gift will be loved by many.

4. Money in a piggy bank or wallet
In addition to a certain amount of money, a birthday girl can be presented with a cool piggy bank or wallet. This gift will please any child, because it is no secret that children at this age are constantly saving money.

5. Fashion accessory (handbag or jewelry)
Girls love to collect all sorts of jewelry or handbags, imitating older girls and mothers. A bright bag, beads or a bracelet will appeal to a young fashionista!

1. School supplies
At the age of 10, the main activity is no longer playing, but studying. And while girls are still going to class willingly, it is best to support their desire by buying a brightly colored satchel, writing materials, or any other items related to the school.

2. Accessories for her room
At the age of ten, the girl is already beginning to appreciate personal space and is trying to equip it in the most comfortable way for herself. Give her a digital photo frame, a small heart-shaped alarm clock, a liquid Glitter lamp. Before you buy a gift, make sure you don't miss the color - not all girls like the traditional pink.

3. Beauty books
Such a gift will flatter the girl's pride and unobtrusively inform that you regard her as an adult independent person who can take care of the health and appearance of her nails, hair and skin. The first book on beauty will serve as an incentive for self-care, because it is an inexhaustible source of instruction and joy.

4. Set for creativity
Gently learn about a 10-year-old girl's hobbies and buy a set that reflects her interests. Decorating, engraving, leather and origami crafts, as well as handmade soaps and toys - something from this list is sure to make her heart skip a beat with delight.

5. Pet
If the family plans to get a pet, try to choose the sweetest and gentlest creature in the world. A desired pet can be a turtle, a rabbit or a kitten, a parrot, a fish or a puppy. Many girls already want to take care of someone, even if they do not tell their parents about it.

Until a certain age, girls are interested in dolls and plush toys. But by the age of 12, a unique temperament is formed and hobbies appear. While some girls are immersed in creativity, others are playing football with the boys. Someone else is in the clouds and spends his free time in the company of toys, while someone already clearly knows what he will do in the future and studies hard. All this must be considered when choosing a gift. What to give a girl for 12 years? How not to miscalculate with a choice?

Starting from the age of ten, each year of a child's life represents a certain stage in the development of an adult personality. At the age of 12, it is not so easy to choose a gift for a girl. To determine the best option, you need to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents:

  • the child begins to classify himself as an adult;
  • there is a tendency to copy the manners of parents, older comrades;
  • the girl begins to worry about her appearance;
  • the child filters information, remembering only the most important information;
  • the first complexes appear regarding appearance and social level;
  • frequent mood swings due to hormonal changes;
  • the ability to set goals is formed;
  • the girl begins to express a desire for freedom of thought and action;
  • the child has his own opinion, he is ready to defend it.

What to give a girl for 12 years: successful presents

Birthday, New Year, March 8 - not a complete list of reasons to make a gift to a child. The choice of a surprise for a 12-year-old girl should be approached especially carefully.

Hobby Gifts

The right decision would be a gift for a girl of 12 years old in accordance with her hobbies. If the birthday girl has some kind of hobby, just go to a specialized store where you can find a lot of interesting and useful gifts.

Table - Gift Ideas by Hobbies

EnthusiasmGift Ideas
Painting- Easel;
- sketchbook;
- a set of paints (acrylic, oil, watercolor or gouache);
- set of brushes;
- books on drawing;
- an album of works by famous artists;
- a certificate for attending an art master class;
- a canvas with a numbered pattern for coloring;
- a set of markers or gel pens
Music- Musical instrument;
- MP3 player;
- wireless headphones;
- a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist;
- a book about famous composers;
- certificate for recording a song in a professional studio;
- a collection of vinyl records and a turntable
Needlework- Sewing machine;
- a set for embroidery of pictures with threads or beads;
- kits for making photo frames, key chains, fridge magnets and other knick-knacks;
- polymer clay and additional tools for working with it;
- a set for scrapbooking;
- high-quality Czech beads and accessories for homemade jewelry;
- soap making kit
Sport- Roller Skates;
- badminton set;
- Swedish wall;
- roomy bag for training;
- a bike

Around the age of 12, many children show a genuine interest in photography. They want to capture interesting moments of their lives, as well as the beauty of the world around them. Therefore, a camera will be an excellent gift from parents. Of course, it’s too early to buy professional equipment, but the usual “soap box” will be a good help for a novice photographer.

"Smart" utilities

When choosing a gift for the New Year for a girl of 12 years old, whose priority is education, you will not lose if you give something that will help in learning and self-development.

  • Books. Even in the digital age, when the necessary information can be found on the Internet, paper publications do not lose their relevance. Moreover, reading is now fashionable. Therefore, the girl will be glad to receive an interesting selection of fiction or educational literature as a gift.
  • Voice recorder . Every year the school curriculum becomes richer and more difficult. It is physically impossible to have time to write down and remember everything that the teacher tells. The recorder will be a great gift for attentive students who do not want to miss anything important.
  • Flash drive . To store essays, tests and electronic versions of textbooks, give a schoolgirl a USB drive. Choose a flash drive with an original design in the form of strawberries, chocolate or a cartoon character.

A good alternative to paper publications is an e-book. The girl can fill the memory of the device with her favorite works of art and educational literature. Such a gadget is much more useful than a tablet. Using it, the girl will not be distracted by games and social networks.

ladies stuff

Both the touching princess and the impudent "tomboy" are aware of their feminine nature and want to look attractive. When choosing a gift for a 12-year-old girl, pay attention to girlish things.

  • Cosmetic bag. Choose a bright and stylish accessory with a large number of departments in which you can rationally place beauty items. Put the most necessary products in a cosmetic bag (lip balm, nail polish, toilet water).
  • Decorations . Unusual bracelets, original rings, bright earrings, sparkling hairpins - this will delight any girl. Treat the birthday girl with a set of jewelry. And from a friend, the hero of the occasion will be pleased to receive handmade jewelry. A good gift from the godfather will be miniature gold earrings or a chain.
  • A bag . By the age of 12, a girl has enough personal items to carry with her. This is a phone, and a mirror, and a comb, and many other little things. Therefore, you will not be mistaken if you present a stylish miniature bag or a fashionable backpack.
  • Set of decorative cosmetics. Girls love experimenting with their mom's lipstick while she can't see. If a young lady has a need to take care of herself, why not get her own cosmetics? Choose a cosmetic set in a bright shaped box, designed for children. The kit usually includes several natural shades of lipstick, eye shadow and blush. Such funds are distinguished by a soft texture and a safe formula.
  • Clothing and footwear. Love for fashion is in the blood of girls. Regardless of the amount of clothing available, a young fashionista will be happy with a new dress or a new pair of beautiful shoes.
  • Manicure set. Pay attention to cute bright cases, which contain tools for nail care. Also, the girl will be delighted with a set of varnishes and decor for manicure.

Some do not dare to give clothes, afraid not to guess with the style or size. But there is a good alternative. Many stores issue gift certificates. You can arrange a holiday shopping for the birthday girl.

Unforgettable experience

It is not so easy to decide what to give your daughter for 12 years. Is it possible to surprise modern children with some things? But the bright impressions will remain in the memory for a long time. These are the most popular gifts right now.

  • PHOTOSESSION . Girls love to show off beautiful photos on social networks, decorate the walls of their room with them. If you give a young lady a professional photo shoot in an unusual way, her joy will know no bounds.
  • Poster. An excellent gift option is a poster with photographs that capture bright moments from the life of a birthday girl. A gift can be made by both friends and parents.
  • costume party. Rent masquerade costumes, invite a face painting specialist, decorate the room. A themed party will appeal to both the child and the guests.
  • Travel voucher. At the age of 12, children are interested in the distant and unknown. For example, other countries. A sightseeing trip or a vacation in a popular resort will be a great gift for a young lady.
  • Horse ride. If a girl loves animals, she will be delighted with a riding lesson. It is possible that this will turn into an exciting hobby.
  • Water park trip. A girl at the age of 12 will be happy to spend a holiday in the company of friends in the water park. Water activities and favorite fast food - what else do children need?

Inexpensive Options

Giving gifts is nice, but making a choice is always difficult. Especially if you want the surprise to impress and cost relatively inexpensively. Fortunately, the interests and hobbies of girls are multifaceted, and therefore there are enough options for gifts.

  • Notebook of secrets. Many girls keep diaries in which they write down their vivid impressions and innermost thoughts. The hero of the occasion will appreciate a thick notebook in a bright cover, which is securely locked.
  • Unusual umbrella. Girls love to stand out from the crowd, even if it's pouring rain outside. A young fashionista will be happy with an unusual umbrella. Products from a material on which a pattern appears when wet are very popular.
  • Spacious box. It should be large, beautifully designed, with many departments. In the box, the girl can store her jewelry and other important things.
  • Money box . At the age of 12, children are already quite old and their desires are sometimes not childish. If a girl dreams of an expensive smartphone, tablet, or a tourist trip, give a piggy bank with a certain amount. The girl gradually collects the missing part.
  • Illuminated indoor fountain. A wonderful decorative item for a girl's room. In addition, the sound and sight of the water has a calming effect.
  • Braiding device. With such a miniature device, powered by batteries or a rechargeable battery, you can weave braids of any thickness and configuration in a matter of seconds. The gift saves time on creating spectacular hairstyles.
  • digital photo frame. Now that photos are stored in digital format, buying a photo album is irrelevant. For the most vivid memories, give a digital frame that flips through the pictures by itself.

Girls at this age value personal space and personal belongings. Why not give something that will belong only to the hero of the occasion? It can be a personalized case for a smartphone, a sweatshirt, a towel, a bathrobe. Also, reviews indicate that girls like pillows, t-shirts and mugs with their photos.

What not to give

Of course, each guest wants his gift to be the most desired and memorable. But in the exciting game "Who will give away whom" it is important not to forget about common sense. When choosing, try to take into account that the present is age-appropriate and does not cause additional trouble to parents and other household members.

  • Toys . From the point of view of adults, a 12-year-old girl is still a child. But she does not feel and does not recognize herself as such. Therefore, dolls and other children's toys will not be received with joy. Although a huge teddy bear or a hare will please the birthday girl.
  • Pets. The gift will most likely bring a lot of joy to the girl. But he will add trouble and material expenses to parents. In addition, one of the family members may be allergic to animal hair. Do not make such surprises without the consent of the parents.
  • Dear gadgets. Twelve years is not yet the age when a child is serious about expensive things. For a girl, the phone of the latest model is more of a toy that you can show off to your peers. If you are thinking about buying a smartphone or tablet, stop at budget or mid-range models with a minimum set of necessary functions.

A beautiful indoor flower will be a good alternative to an animal. He will not bring trouble to parents, and the girl will teach care and responsibility. In addition, the plant in the original pot will decorate the room.

During adolescence, children are very emotional. More than the gift itself, they appreciate the impressions that remain after the holiday. To choose a suitable gift for a girl of 12 years old, try to collect as much information as possible about the interests and hobbies of the birthday girl. Moreover, at this age, the girls feel completely grown-up, and therefore you can ask them directly what kind of surprise they would like to receive.
