Crafts from a pumpkin for a kindergarten with their own hands. A flower ball, a caterpillar, a vase or a feeder are pumpkin craft options. Pumpkin crafts: step-by-step master classes, photos

Autumn is a wonderful time, it seems as if nature is ready to give it all its colors before the cold winter. And a great gift from this time of the year, we get all kinds of vegetables that are not only useful to eat, but also to make all kinds of crafts from them - decorations for the interior.

Today on the site "Dream House" we will talk about the pumpkin. It is not only useful, but also has a beautiful color, from green with splashes of yellow, to juicy yellow and orange. Thanks to the color and thick skin, pumpkin crafts are durable and beautiful. They can please the eye for a very short time or, conversely, for a very long time. What can be made from a pumpkin, how to extend the life of crafts? We'll talk about this.

What crafts can be made from a pumpkin with your own hands

The first thing that comes to mind is Halloween pumpkin. On this holiday, the pumpkin head is found everywhere, and in our country the idea was picked up fairly quickly. The second is pumpkin vases. But we have a separate post about them. What else?

The easiest crafts to do are all kinds of caskets, candlesticks, lanterns, salt shakers. More complex items are made from dried pumpkin - kitchen utensils, handbags.

You can fill a children's room with a large number of pumpkin crafts: a mobile for a crib, maracas, a lamp, and more. Together with the children it will be interesting to make a carriage, houses, various animals, pumpkin boats, all kinds of little men.

Funny faces - pumpkin crafts

Funny faces - pumpkin crafts for the garden

DIY pumpkin crafts for children

A fireplace or a shelf in the living room can be decorated with such an original craft as a round pumpkin clock.

Crafts from a large pumpkin - clock

If you are a happy owner of a garden, then fill it with street lamps and lanterns, a birdhouse, an intricate pumpkin washstand.

Pumpkins decorated with fresh flowers, sparkles, autumn leaves look luxurious. This is perhaps one of the best decorations for the autumn interior.

And with the help of paints you can make beautiful patterns.

How to Make Pumpkin Crafts: Highlights

Getting acquainted with the pumpkin as a material for crafts, it is best to get your hands on easy-to-make items, and only after that move on to more complex crafts.

We select a tool

For the manufacture of a particular craft, it is necessary to properly prepare improvised tools. Most often you will need:

  • long knife;
  • scraper or spoon to remove the pulp from the pumpkin;
  • paper for faster drying of the pumpkin;
  • thin paper, coal;
  • an awl to make small holes;
  • scotch;
  • paint, cutter, etc.

We select and dry the pumpkin

Most often, crafts are made from decorative pumpkins, but ordinary small specimens can also be used. Having chosen a suitable vegetable, inspect it for the absence of rotten spots, wash and wipe thoroughly, best with an alcohol solution. Your next step depends on the purpose of the future craft.

If you do not plan to store it for a long time, then a simple drying of the pumpkin is necessary, which does not take very long. You should cut off the neck, scoop out the pulp and seeds with a spoon, then stuff it with plenty of paper to absorb moisture. Change the paper until it is no longer damp. The pumpkin is now ready to use.

If you want to make something more serious, like dishes, then you should know how to dry a craft pumpkin so that it lasts much longer. You will have to be patient, because this process will take six months. In order not to get disappointed by the end of the term instead of a well-dried pumpkin, choose a few pieces for drying. In the process, some of them may begin to rot. So, pumpkins washed and wiped with a weak alcohol solution must be removed to a well-ventilated room not exposed to sunlight. Vegetables should not touch each other. Every day for 6 months, turn the pumpkins over and check if they have begun to rot in order to remove the infected vegetable in time.

How to dry a pumpkin for crafts

Dried Pumpkin Crafts

Let's start creating

To make DIY pumpkin crafts a lot of fun, use our tips:

  • if the pumpkin was dried whole, then before removing the seeds from it, pour water inside, then rinse the pumpkin;
  • to apply a pattern to a vegetable, you must first apply it to thin paper, then glue it to the pumpkin with adhesive tape and “pierce” the pattern along the contour with an awl. After you remove the paper, wipe the craft with charcoal, it will help fix the pattern. The second option is to use ordinary carbon paper to apply the drawing;
  • finally apply the drawing on a well-dried pumpkin with a jigsaw or a wood burning device;
  • on a fresh pumpkin, you can apply a pattern with a conventional vegetable cutter;
  • if you decide to use paints, then give preference to acrylic;
  • do not cover the craft with varnish, the pumpkin must breathe;
  • if the fresh pumpkin craft has begun to dry out, dip it in water for several hours;
  • cut the picture should be from the center;
  • if you unsuccessfully cut out part of the pattern in a fresh pumpkin, you can return the cut piece with a wire.

Pumpkin Crafts for Beginners

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​creating something, I don’t want to wait 6 months. Therefore, we bring to your attention the simplest crafts made from natural material - pumpkin.

pumpkin candle

Prepare a small pumpkin as described above. After a quick drying, carefully attach the wick to the bottom of the gourd, pour the wax inside. You can use scented candle wax.

Small candles - crafts from a round pumpkin


Follow the steps described for making a pumpkin candle, only at the end, instead of wax and a wick, put a small candle inside the vegetable. If you wish, you can first apply a drawing and make the candlestick more openwork. You can also make a lamp.

Pumpkin basket

Perfectly decorate the autumn table. Open the pumpkin under the basket, cutting out the excess. Remove seeds and dry quickly. The handle of the basket can be carved, and a plain pattern can also be applied to the side parts of the pumpkin.

This pumpkin craft will be interesting to do with the children. Use the proposed sketches on the Internet, and feel free to get to work.

Finally, I would like to note that you can make crafts from pumpkins all winter, brightening up cold evenings. And the received products will be a pleasure to give to your friends and relatives. Believe me, such a reminder of warm days will bring them a lot of pleasure!

Sad time, eyes charm ... Stop! And why, exactly, sad? Well, let it rain outside the window, the wind and the sun can not be seen because of the clouds for many days. You can create a good mood with your own hands and autumn will sparkle with bright colors, despite the vagaries of nature.

In autumn, schools and kindergartens hold all kinds of exhibitions and fairs of gifts of nature. Children, with the help of their parents, make outlandish things from which are present daily on our table.

Children can be made from different vegetables, including pumpkins. The advantage of a vegetable is that it is quite simple to work with it and it is quite inexpensive. And if the pumpkins are grown in their own garden, then the material for creativity is completely free.

Easy pumpkin crafts can be built even by kids. Parents only need to cut out the necessary details, and the child is able to compose them into a composition and decorate on their own. Various varieties of this vegetable can be combined with each other.

Some parents show miracles of ingenuity and invent something unusual, others follow a simpler path, because the shapes of the vegetables themselves prompt the master to ideas for the composition.

It is not necessary to use a cutting tool. Having shown imagination, decorating an unusually simple pumpkin is very simple. With the help of gouache or acrylic paint, the color of the craft changes, and then it is pasted over with another natural material - autumn leaves.

A pumpkin craft for the youngest children, which they will carry to the kindergarten, can be a simple turtle made from half a round vegetable. Paws, tail and head can be made from cucumber.

You can make the well-known Scarecrow from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City." To do this, it is enough for the child to draw his face and put on a suitable hat, a bag of straw will serve as the body.

The permanent exhibits of the autumn exhibitions are folk motifs. It is very easy to make a grandmother and grandfather out of a pumpkin. And the child will be happy to take part in this.

Not everyone knows how to properly dry a pumpkin for crafts. In order for the exhibit to be stored as long as possible, it must initially have a long tail. Vegetables need to be dried in a well-ventilated area, you can near the battery. It is advisable to put the pumpkin on the grate so that the air blows over it from all sides. As soon as the seeds inside begin to rumble when shaken, you can get to work.

For the autumn exhibition, children with their parents can make unusual pumpkin crafts in stages. Children love the mysterious light pouring from within. Scary Halloween faces are great for older kids, and toddlers will love fun pumpkin lanterns.

Master class "Pumpkin Lanterns"

Unusual vegetable. In dietary nutrition, it is simply irreplaceable. You can cook anything from pumpkin, from salad to dessert. In addition, it is used, masks from it are suitable for any skin, the skin blooms after it. And pumpkin is an ideal material for creativity, pumpkin crafts will decorate your home, create a special atmosphere in it. Today you will learn what pumpkin crafts you can make, and also learn how to make pumpkin crafts correctly.

For pumpkin crafts, you can use both ordinary pumpkins and decorative ones. Decorative pumpkins have bizarre shapes - star-shaped, pear-shaped, bottle-shaped, and in themselves are already a decoration of the house, it is enough to dry them well and paint them beautifully.

The possibilities for working with pumpkins are endless. It can be decorated with carvings and burned out like a tree, its peel is quite hard, painted with any paint - watercolor, oil, acrylic, and can also be used to decorate sequins, beads, spikelets, rowan twigs and any other natural material, ribbons.

Made from pumpkin:

  • lamps and fixtures;
  • toys;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • birdhouses and feeders;
  • figures and sculptures;
  • vases and home decor.

The easiest way is to make lamps or candlesticks from a pumpkin. Small pumpkins are ideal for candlesticks, and it is better to make a lamp from a large pumpkin, and use light bulbs or floating candles as a light source.

But the greatest delight in me is the openwork pumpkin lamps made by Prezhemek Kravchinsky.

They are known all over the world. One cannot remain indifferent to them. For their production, a special pumpkin from Senegal is used.

pumpkin clock

Having shown fiction and fantasy, you can make a unique clock from a pumpkin that will become the highlight of your home. For the manufacture of such watches, you can use hands from old watches, a telephone disk, wire. The dial can be drawn or cut as you like. But in order for this pumpkin craft to decorate your house for as long as possible, the pumpkin must be dried well. We'll talk about how to do this better later.

pumpkin toys

From a small decorative pumpkin you can make nesting dolls, carriages, funny little men, a whole family. Such pumpkin crafts can be made with children, their imagination has no limits.

Pumpkin kitchen utensils

For kitchen utensils, they mainly use a special pumpkin - lagenaria, for its bizarre shape in the form of a jug, although from an ordinary pumpkin, if you choose the middle, you can make an excellent tureen and serve different things in it, for example, pumpkin soup or pumpkin dessert.

Gourd birdhouses

One of the options for garden design can be gourd birdhouses. They are more likely to be a wonderful decoration of the garden, and the birds may not settle in them.

Pumpkin vases

Pumpkin vases can be a worthy decoration for your home. In them, you can put flowers in a special sponge soaked in a nutrient solution or dried flowers.

Pumpkin vases made by American artist Marilyn Sunderland became a real work of art. These are real masterpieces. It is impossible not to admire the work of the artist.

With the most complete selection of her work you can see in this video. I hope that such beauty will encourage you to be creative, give you new ideas.

Pumpkin sculptures

From a pumpkin, you can create whole sculptures that amaze with their positiveness and sincerity. You can't take your eyes off the gourd sculptures by American artist Ray Villafane.

If you have a desire, you can start creating pumpkin crafts, but this process is very time consuming, it requires patience, imagination and skills.

How to make pumpkin crafts

There are certain rules here

Rule one - choose the right tool and auxiliary materials for the job.

You will need: a special knife, a scraper or a comfortable spoon, paper or newspaper to dry the pumpkin, adhesive tape to secure the stencil before painting, an awl to apply a pattern, carbon paper or charcoal to apply a pattern, a wood burning device, paint.

Rule two - choosing and drying pumpkins

Crafts can be made from both raw and dried pumpkins. However, remember that crafts made from raw pumpkins are not durable, they can rot, so it is preferable to use dried pumpkins.

For pumpkin crafts, you should choose ripe pumpkins, with no signs of damage. Rinse the pumpkin well, dry with a towel and wipe with alcohol.

If you are not going to store a pumpkin craft for a long time, then 2 weeks is enough to dry. Pre-cut the top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds and pulp with a scraper or spoon, stuff with paper, which is periodically changed as it gets wet, and leave to dry. The paper keeps the pumpkin in its original shape and prevents it from rotting.

Dry pumpkins in a warm, well-ventilated area. Pumpkins should not touch each other. You can not dry the pumpkin in the room on the batteries, otherwise it will all wrinkle and be unsuitable for crafts.

For long-term crafts, for example, dishes, a pumpkin should be dried for about six months, then its crust dries out and hardens enough.

To insure against rotting, it is better to dry not one, but several pumpkins, then there will be no disappointment about an unfulfilled dream. Keep an eye on your pumpkins, turn them daily to notice rotting in time and remove the spoiled vegetable.

Rule three - use different techniques when working with a pumpkin

Come up with a design that you want to put on a pumpkin and transfer it to thin paper. Attach it to the pumpkin with adhesive tape and translate it with an awl, drawing it along the outline of the picture.

If you are working on a raw pumpkin, then the pattern can be applied with a vegetable cutter, and if you are working on a dried pumpkin, then the pattern is applied with a jigsaw or wood burning device.

Cut out the pattern from the center, so it will turn out evener and only then apply paint.

For painting pumpkin crafts, it is better to use acrylic paints, they are not washed off. It is not necessary to cover the pumpkin with varnish, it does not allow the pumpkin to breathe and leads to drying out and wrinkling of the craft.

I hope that my tips were useful to you, and you will be happy to plunge into the world of creativity, using the suggested ideas to create pumpkin crafts. which will delight you for a long time.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva.

Crafts in kindergarten is an important moment in the development of the creative and creative potential of the child. A special place is occupied by autumn-themed pumpkin crafts, which are usually done by children together with family members. Preparing a pumpkin for a craft. When working with a vegetable, you will need a well-sharpened knife, so parents should take care of all the cutting work. If you want the composition to last for several years, you should dry the pumpkin in advance. You need to make a small hole by cutting off the hat. Gently and completely remove all the seeds inside the pumpkin and wipe the walls with a paper towel. For complete drying, send the vegetable to the oven or microwave for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees or 500 watts, remembering to turn it periodically so that it does not burn.

Crafts from pumpkins to kindergarten on the theme of autumn. 7 ideas

There are many different options for crafts that can be obtained from a pumpkin.

1. Pumpkin vase

You should first inspect the vegetable for stains, bumps and damage. For a vase, a medium-sized pumpkin with a uniform color is suitable.

Also useful for crafts: a knife, a glass, flowers, flower foam.

Staged execution

  1. Rinse and dry vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Make a cutout on top, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the base of the glass.
  3. Using a spoon, remove all the existing pulp and seeds inside the vegetable without damaging the base, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.
  4. Fill a glass with flower foam, you can put fresh flowers.
  5. Place the glass inside the pumpkin. All! The craft is ready.

Such a creation can stand for 1-2 months. In order for the craft to last longer and delight the children's eyes for 3 or even 4 months, you can process the outer part with heated paraffin.

2. Pumpkin snail

For a perfect snail, you need 2 pumpkins. One of them should have a slightly elongated shape, and the other should be rounded.

step by step

  1. A round gourd is useful for a snail shell. It is necessary to cut ¼ of the pumpkin. The cut side will be on the bottom side.
  2. In an oblong vegetable, the narrower side is cut off and attached to the sink. After that, it is worth giving the snail a lively look.
  3. Using a sharp knife, a spiral incision is made on the shell.
  4. After that, you can glue various colored decorations (paper, booties) on the sink. Thus, the snail becomes more colorful and cheerful.
  5. Then you need to move on to the snail horns. To do this, you need a well-twisted fishing line, on which large beads are tightly put on. The resulting horns are attached to the head of the snail with a sharp edge of the fishing line. Make two antennae from the fishing line.
  6. To make eyes, large buttons or circles of thick cardboard paper will come in handy.
  7. Small, but quite important details in the form of a mouth and a nose will create a completely finished image of a snail. The same fishing line is useful for the mouth, and a small button is suitable for the spout.

3. Pumpkin candlestick

A rather original and beautiful decoration that will decorate any corner in the kindergarten and create an atmosphere of comfort.

To do this, in addition to the pumpkin, you will need: a knife, a large candle, glue, small cones, artificial or live leaves, branches with mountain ash or other berries, a bright felt-tip pen.

Step by step process:

  1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin. Place a candle at the top, and circle with a felt-tip pen, cut off the outlined outline. The main thing is that the candle is held tightly and does not fall. It is advisable to pre-clean the pumpkin from seeds and pulp so that the pumpkin lasts longer.
  2. If the candle is not stable enough, glue will come to the rescue.
  3. Also, with the help of glue, decorations in the form of leaves, cones and twigs are attached to the candlestick.

The main thing is to choose the right candle in height so that it is at least 4-5 cm higher than the decorations, so that they, in turn, cannot ignite.

4. Funny pumpkin men

Such a craft will clearly interest little creators and involve them in the creative process. Obviously every child has a favorite cartoon character.

This will require several pumpkins of excellent size, felt, glue, scissors, artificial decorations (you can flowers).

Staged execution

  1. Make antennae, bows and other elements for the character out of felt. Glue them to the pumpkin.
  2. For a more interesting look, you can use old unnecessary glasses or make them from thick cardboard paper and glue them on.
  3. Put on a hat on top, decorated with flowers and other decorations.

5. Children's pumpkin craft: owl

The pumpkin craft in the form of an owl is not difficult and the child will gladly take part in the process of its creation.

You will need 2 pumpkins (one smaller for the head, the other larger for the torso), sharp scissors, felt, PVA glue and hot glue.

Step by step execution:

  1. Cut out eyes, beak, ears, wings and feathers from felt.
  2. Using hot glue, attach the bottom of a small pumpkin to the surface of a large one, thus creating the silhouette of an owl.
  3. Carefully attach all cut out elements to the pumpkin with glue. It is worth starting with feathers. For a more colorful look, colored feathers are suitable. They need to be glued in a checkerboard pattern, filling the entire intended area (no need to glue the feathers close, you can leave a space between them of 1-2 cm).
  4. Now you can move on to gluing the rest of the details - eyes, ears, wings, nose.

6. Craft a pumpkin carriage on the theme of autumn

Such a craft will require a lot more time and effort, but it's worth it. The pumpkin carriage looks very beautiful, fabulous and magical. Especially such crafts will appeal to little princess girls who dream of being in the place of Cinderella. Therefore, in addition to the carriage, you can sew a dress for your favorite doll, which will then decorate the carriage.

For this, a pumpkin of medium or large size, with a flat surface without damage and a symmetrical shape, is suitable.

You will need one large pumpkin and 4 small ones for wheels, cardboard paper, wire, felt-tip pen, knife, thin and thick wire.

Step by step process:

  1. Cut off the crown of the pumpkin, carefully remove all the insides (seeds and pulp) with a spoon.
  2. Use a knife to cut round or square windows and a door. In advance, you can draw contours with a felt-tip pen so that the cutout has ideal shapes.
  3. Now you can move on to the wheels themselves. There are several materials for this:
  • cardboard thick paper. Take a cup, vase or other object with a round bottom. Trace on cardboard and cut out 4 circles of the same size. It is worth choosing a cardboard of bright colors, which can be painted in the future;
  • pumpkins. It is worth picking up 4 small pumpkins of the same size, if there are none, any other vegetables or fruits will do. The wheels will look spectacular, but they will not last long and after a couple of months they will lose their shape and appearance;
  • wire. This is a more time-consuming work, but such wheels are durable and durable. Having made the shape of wheels out of wire, you can wrap them with foil or iridescent fabric.
  1. To attach the wheels to the carriage, you need to use skewers, piercing the places under the wheels and attaching them.
  2. The front and rear wheels can be fastened with wire crosswise. Thus, a carriage stand is obtained.

If you want the craft to stand for a long time, you can put crumpled paper inside. After you need to dry the pumpkin, avoiding the sun's rays.

When the carriage has dried up, you can proceed to its colorful design. To do this, you can use felt-tip pens, markers and paints. Stones and rhinestones are suitable as decorations.

To make a real masterpiece out of crafts, you can do interior design. In this case, you can install a children's doll table and chairs (glued to the base of the carriage with glue). Place small dolls in beautiful dresses at the table.

7. Craft birdhouse from a pumpkin

In addition to the original decoration, such a pumpkin will also bring benefits. A birdhouse can be hung on the territory of a kindergarten, which will serve as bird houses.

The craft is pretty easy to make.

  1. Make a hole with a knife where birds can easily fly into. It is worth taking care that all the insides in the form of pulp and seeds have been removed.
  2. To give the birdhouse an attractive look, you need to decorate it.
  3. At the top of the pumpkin, you need to attach a strong hook (made of wire or rope) with which the birdhouse can be hung on a tree.

The list of crafts does not end there. Having shown imagination, you can come up with many original ideas.

Article written and prepared by: A. Kasatova

Every autumn, thematic exhibitions under the general title "Gifts of Autumn" come to kindergartens and primary schools. And the main characters on them are crafts from vegetables and fruits.

From zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, watermelons, apples, grapes and other natural material from branches and beds, you can do:

  • Figurines of animals, birds, cartoon characters, people
  • Designs - appliances, houses, household items, dishes
  • Flat paintings and panels with different subjects
  • Flowers and animals in the carving technique (not to be confused with)

Artistic carving of vegetables and fruits

Another technique for making crafts from vegetables or fruits with your own hands is Carving(cutting out). This is when everything superfluous is cut off from the original form and a new figure is obtained, similar to something or someone.

Banana, eggplant and broccoli dog

watermelon turtle

watermelon dinosaur head

Zucchini squash shoes

Piggy salad bowl with watermelon, berries and melon

Watermelon submarine

Bell Pepper Frogs

You can also cut flowers from vegetables and fruits. A sharp knife and our master class will help.

Master class "Bouquet of pepper tulips"

The flowers turn out to be very authentic, especially after 12 hours - dried petals close, closing around the centers. But it doesn't spoil the view.

Photo after 12 hours

For work you will need:

  • fleshy bell pepper - yellow and red
  • cherry tomatoes - small and even
  • barbecue sticks
  • patisson (for the base)
  • vase - we have woven from paper tubes
  • mug
  • red cabbage leaves, green hot peppers and viburnum sprigs - for decoration
  • teiplant

With a sharp, not long knife, we cut out the peaks on the pepper, trying to make both halves neat and go to work. We wash one part, where the testicles are, in water, removing the seeds and the core. This can be done by hand.

Now we plant the flowers on a skewer, leaving 2 cm in the middle for the tomato nozzle. We tap the stem.

The side without the base of the pepper is very soft and can quickly slide down the stem. We make a support at the bottom - we strengthen the top with electrical tape, and then on top of it - a green tape.

We put a small squash into the mug - this is the basis for the bouquet. For a vase, you can use a small pumpkin, green zucchini.

Set up a bouquet. We decorate it with cabbage leaves, viburnum sprigs, green hot peppers.

Crafts with the addition of decorative elements

You can add decor from other materials to vegetables and fruits: plasticine, foamiran, feathers, material, as well as beads, buttons, berries.

In this way, piglets appear from potatoes:

Pumpkin Fashionista:

Watermelons and pumpkins make wonderful samovars, teapots, flower vases, clocks and funny Halloween masks.

And "Cross" offers you another master class.

Master class "Wise turtle"

Tortilla does not need to be introduced. This is a well-known character in the work "The Golden Key", which is loved by all readers. The turtle is a symbol of wisdom, so we will make a fairy-tale hero.

We will need:

  • half a head of cabbage
  • large dark green cucumbers (without pimples)
  • wooden toothpicks and 3 skewers
  • base - flat plate and greens
  • floral wire
  • cap fabric, braid, needle and thread
  • scissors for cutting toothpicks
  • eyes

Let's start with the shell. Cut the cucumbers into circles of equal thickness. Divide the toothpicks in half with scissors or a knife.

If you break the toothpicks with your hands, you will get uneven shaggy edges, and they will spoil the overall picture of the shell.

We attach each circle to the base-cabbage with 3 wooden "carnations". This is enough to hold the cucumber.

For the head, cut off the end of the cucumber of the required length. We select so that the head and neck are similar - rounded, even.

For the beauty of crafts, we decorate the place where the neck is attached to the body with a cucumber “washer”: we make a circle from a cucumber, remove the middle and put it on the neck blank.

In the body, we will provide a place for the neck and select some leaves from the cabbage.

When the whole shell is ready, we will strengthen the head and neck of the turtle here on skewers.

We make eyes, turn the wire in the form of glasses. We make a cap from a circle of fabric.

We make legs from four columns of cucumber, fasten to toothpicks. Set the turtle on a flat plate. For beauty, cover it with red cabbage leaves. You can use any greens.

For the entourage - tagetes flowers, and the image of the wise and somewhere even flirtatious turtle Tortilla is completed!

An excellent and long-lasting turtle option is made from green zucchini squash.

Secrets and subtleties of creating crafts

  1. Before starting work, all vegetables must be washed, dried, and then used as material for creativity.
  2. Wooden toothpicks, skewers, floral wire will help in this.
  3. Be sure to keep in mind that crafts made from vegetables or fruits have a short shelf life. Soft tomatoes and juicy cucumbers, for example, quickly “leak”, and this must be taken into account when composing compositions.
  4. It is better to use "long-term" vegetables and root crops: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, onions.
  5. Ideally, crafts should be prepared immediately before the exhibition, if time permits.
  6. It is best to install each craft on a base / stand. Otherwise, the composition will not have a logical conclusion.


Take advantage of our tips and master classes on creating a wide variety! This is an interesting, fun and useful hobby for children and adults!