Happy birthday greetings to an adult woman. Happy birthday to a woman in her own words (woman)

Anniversary is an important event in the life of every person, which happens only once every five years. Many people may not celebrate their birthdays, but Anniversaries are never forgotten because they are special dates. I want to congratulate you on your significant event, and also wish you patience and perseverance, because you have an incredibly difficult professional activity. But the most important thing is that you really found your calling in life. Remember that not every person manages to realize themselves and their potential, but you are a pleasant exception to the rule. I want to wish you to continue working in the same spirit to reach an even more serious level. I wish you good health, love and happiness. May all this always be present in your life, filling it with bright colors and interesting events. Happy holiday to you! Let everything turn out the way it should.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

Happy anniversary birthday to you! I wish you more new opportunities, interesting projects, and their successful implementation. May life bring you love and inspiration, may you have enough strength to fully accept them, and most importantly, use them for good. Well, happiness, of course, as the basis of all of the above!

Happy Anniversary! I wish you good, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life's hardships be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

Today is your Anniversary, which means that another interesting stage in your life has passed, but at the same time the next one is coming - no less important and interesting. I want to congratulate you on your significant event, and also wish you good health, happiness and the fulfillment of every dream. I know that you love to dream, make plans for life, so I want you to achieve all this. Let everything in your life develop according to the scenario that you have already compiled for yourself. Let nothing scare you when solving certain issues, because difficulties always arise, but you need to be able to cope with them. And you are one of those people who never stop at nothing. We are all proud of you and your hard work. Patience and perseverance! Happy holiday, dear Anniversary! Have a good holiday and good mood.

Happy Anniversary! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all dreams come true. Let life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

On your anniversary birthday, I sincerely wish you a clear ocean of happiness, a noisy sea of ​​fun and an endless river of prosperity! So that every day you will be pleased with unexpected and very pleasant news, your mood will never fade away and the people around you will bring only positive emotions!

One of my absent-minded friends celebrated her fiftieth birthday when she was only forty-nine. And when she discovered the mistake, she was not at all saddened. And she called her oversight a rehearsal. Dear hero of the day! I wish not to be sad that another year has passed. And treat it with ease and humor, like my friend. I wish you love, happiness, kindness and the implementation of all your plans. Happy anniversary!

Our dear hero of the day, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event in your life. Anniversaries do not happen so often, so you need to approach the issue of celebrating this day with special responsibility. Today you decided to celebrate a holiday to gather all your loved ones and relatives. I would like to express my admiration and say that I am proud of you and your determination. Let nothing lead you astray, but only give you strength so that you continue to achieve what you have planned for yourself. Let this Anniversary mark for you the beginning of some new stage in your life, the beginning of new victories and achievements. Remember that many people look up to you, so you should not go out of your way. I wish you patience, perseverance and good luck in all your endeavors. You deserve to conquer all the peaks of this world. And so it will be, you'll see.

Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Happy anniversary dear! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course, warm wishes! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

Congratulations on the anniversary! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded by only kind and necessary people. And also luck. Luck in everything and always. And so that every business you start ends successfully!

I want to congratulate you on your significant day, on your Anniversary. I remember when we were younger, we thought that the Jubilee was celebrated only by those who turned sixty years old. You are clearly not sixty today, but at the same time you are celebrating your Anniversary. I want to congratulate you and say that no matter how old you are, you will always remain the same positive, bright, interesting person who knows how to achieve your goals. May it always be so! And you are never afraid of anything, so you managed to try a lot in life. It seems to me that you will still have time to prove yourself many times, you will have time to prove that you are a very strong person who is not so easy to stop. I wish you a great mood on this anniversary of yours. Today we will walk until the morning, we will have fun, because you have become such an adult.

Congratulations on the anniversary! I sincerely wish you the best days, bringing with them a rainbow mood, good luck, love and endless happy time. Let health only grow stronger, the beauty of the soul does not fade, life presents wonderful gifts and lives just like in a fairy tale.

There is a saying: your words would be in God's ears. I really hope that my speech is now being carefully listened to and recorded in the heavenly office. Dear hero of the day, I wish you to be healthy, happy, beautiful, successful, energetic and cheerful. May all that is good in you be multiplied by the number of candles in the cake. And the wishes made right now - yes to God's ears. Happy holiday to you!

They say that our life is a series of black and white stripes. Let the black stripes be only from caviar on white bread, and the white stripes will be scatterings of diamonds on the pillow. I wish you to go through life in a car of success and prosperity. Let luxury surround you not only outside, let your soul be luxurious. Happy birthday to you, more positive emotions. Beautiful gifts, warm and sincere words. I congratulate you on your birth and wish you more pleasant and unpredictable moments.

First of all, I want to note that there is nothing wrong with the word "anniversary". Once upon a time, this was a very scary word for us, because it seemed to us that old age was approaching in this way. But after all, five years is also an anniversary, so now it has already become clear that there is nothing terrible in this. I want to congratulate you on this special day, on this Anniversary and wish you only what you yourself dream of. I know that you have set yourself huge goals that you are now moving towards, but at the same time you often want to leave everything. But I will not let you do this, because you have spent too much strength and energy. You have no right to stop half way. I wish you more health. You love extreme sports here, so your health suffers from it at times. Let everything be wonderful with you, then we will be calm for you.

Wonderful, kind, wonderful and bright little man, I congratulate you on your anniversary. I wish that gray clouds do not hang over you in life, that it is always cozy and beautiful in the city of your soul, that there is not a single reason for your heart to worry. So that those people with whom you tremble will love and appreciate you in return.

He who does not take risks does not win, he does not lose, and, of course, he does not drink champagne. But, fortunately, our hero of the day is not from this category of people. He drinks champagne, knows how to take risks and is endowed with a serious will to win. Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you good health and always win in all situations. May fortune never leave you alone. Be the darling of fate!

On this birthday, everyone wants to tell you as many warm and sincere words as possible. I will not be an exception. I wish you nice people nearby, understanding and support, prosperity. Let there be a house where you will be loved and waited for, no matter what. Paradise life, less experiences. More dreams, confidence in the future, strength, positive and bright thoughts. Let a good mood be the norm, and the health of relatives will not make you upset. With the birth of you in this world!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish with all my heart: be sweet, beautiful, beloved, happy. Smile more, do not give in to fatigue. I wish you a lot of money, so that everything is enough. So that happiness in your personal life will soon fall. Never be discouraged, drive sadness away. Be healthy, young, energetic and cheerful.

Hello dear lady! I hasten to congratulate you on another “eighteenth birthday”. I wish you boundless harmony in life, the fulfillment of any and every of your dreams. Let there be only a cloudless sky above your head. I wish you simple female happiness! And so that grief and bad weather never touch your clear eyes, glowing with happiness.

Happy birthday to a kind, sincere, magnificent woman. We wish you to flutter like a butterfly, bloom like a rose in spring, shine like the sun. Let relatives and friends rejoice with care, understanding, warmth and respect. You are beautiful, graceful, irresistible always.

Expensive! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great joy, happiness, love and boundless tenderness. You are the sweetest charming and beautiful woman in the world. May the world fall before your magical kindness and submit to you. I wish you flowering all your life, keep and protect your family, as you have been doing it with success for many years!

You are a vivid example of a real woman who warms everyone around with her warmth and light. On the day you were born, nature rejoiced, for a REAL WOMAN was born. We love you very much and wish to celebrate more than a dozen birthdays, while remaining young, healthy, happy, beautiful and perky.

Happy birsday, my dear! I congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you great joy and all-encompassing love. May all your wishes come true on this day, dreams come true, and your beauty blooms brighter every day. Your birthday is a joy for me and all your loved ones, relatives and friends who love and appreciate you.

Dear, glorious and radiant our birthday girl, happy birthday to you! May your day be filled with bright colors, captivating aromas and fireworks of crazy desires. Let your beauty captivate, and youth be your companion for many years. Incendiary mood, happiness and fantastic love to you!

We want to wish a happy birthday to the most charming and beautiful woman. On this festive day, all the warm words are only for you. We wish the sun, flowers, smiles, good mood, attention of men, female happiness and, of course, good health. May all dreams and desires come true!

Happy Birthday! Let the sky be blue, spring in your soul, a light breeze in your head, a Gucci bag on your shoulder, Louboutin shoes on your feet, diamond earrings in your ears, flowers in your hands, and pants full of female happiness. And also, let the one who will present it all to you, to your feet, be next to you!

Honey, happy birthday! I wish you true female happiness, an ocean of all-consuming love, a positive attitude in life, so that depression cannot even crawl close. May the impeccable, glowing with happiness smile never leave your charming face.

Happy Birthday to the most charming, attractive, sweet, kind, smart, gorgeous woman in the world! I want to wish you to always remain loved, affectionate, tender, beautiful, fragile, adored by men, respected at work and in demand by children.

Happy birthday to an amazing and gorgeous woman! May this holiday be the most wonderful, and the smile does not disappear from your face for a whole year. I wish you a bright and fabulous life. Appreciate every moment. Find joy in simple things. And then you will feel the taste of happiness.

Happy birthday, the cutest and most beautiful! Let this day give you only smiles and the most joyful moments! I wish that the past years are remembered with a smile, and the future is illuminated by a lucky star! Love you unearthly, fidelity of friends and prosperity in the family!

You have always impressed me with your wisdom, grace and judgment. You are something unearthly, perfect and delightful. Therefore, on your significant, much-anticipated day, I wish not to lose my charisma, harmony, lightness and charm. I also wish to continue to amaze everyone with my beauty and give the people around you the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful.

I want to wish Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, bright and sunny, kindest, incomparable, desirable and funny woman in the world! I wish you sincere and devoted love, success and dizzying victories, good health and fantastic moments.

My dear! Today is your wonderful and festive birthday! I sincerely congratulate you and wish that we will celebrate this day with you for many, many years, so beautiful, young, kind, sympathetic and very sweet! May you meet only very good people on your life path, be sincerely loved and truly love yourself, enjoy every minute the Lord has given us and appreciate every moment! I wish you the strongest health, happiness - the sweetest, great love, but no trouble!

Enjoy sincere admiring glances and know that it is well-deserved. Never forget to love. Let surprises be happy, and desires to be near you be irresistible for worthy people. Prosperity and excellent dynamics of life.

On your birthday, you are our beauty, let us wish you love and boundless happiness, health to you, your children and grandchildren, may your every day be sunny, and your smile be sincere and not without reason.

Do not be afraid of age, because over the years, a real woman, like good wine, only gets better. At this time, you no longer do stupid things, and your beauty is still fresh. So let a worthy person appear in your life who can appreciate your soul, look into bottomless eyes and not get lost. May fate favor you. Happy Birthday.

Tender, beautiful, bright - you are always the most dynamic and bright, behind you is a trail like from a flying comet, forcing you to turn around after you. Stay the same swift, impressive, stunning flash, be happy and give happiness in return!

The most beautiful, competent and wise, blooming and always young woman on this beautiful day I want to bestow the warmest wishes. Goodness, harmony, more happy and joyful moments, sincere friends, inspiration and strength. Let sparkling waves of flowers bloom in the garden, let the aroma of festive dishes come from the kitchen, and the most beloved and dear people will gather at the table! Happy birsday, my dear!

Dear (name, patronymic)! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and express our gratitude for your professional leadership, high-quality approach to work and sensitivity that you show to your subordinates. We wish you to preserve your beauty and femininity, subtly combined with the firmness of your boss, and make your innermost dreams come true.

I want to wish the kindest, sociable, hospitable neighbor a Happy Birthday! I wish you to be energetic and positive all your life, maintain your ability to give warmth, joy to others and charge other people with your cheerfulness, striking with immediacy. May your health be strong, reliable and never let you down. Congratulations!

It rarely happens that the boss turns out to be a really close person. You are not just a good boss, you are the person who will always help and understand in any situation. Happy Birthday to you. We wish you patience and wisdom in dealing with us and, for our part, we will do everything in our power not to upset you and always keep the reputation of our organization at the highest level.

Happy Birthday! May this sunny morning fill your life with energy and positive, a wonderful day bring you interesting acquaintances, a warm evening dilute your day with light champagne bubbles, and the night will end in the hot embrace of your beloved man. Immeasurable happiness to you, health and fidelity.

What to wish on such a wonderful day to such a beautiful flower like you? .. Let fewer weeds grow in your life field and more fragrant and heady roses. And the road along which you will walk will be covered with a carpet of multi-colored petals.

It was planned to say for a long time, but you will hear it only today. Fall in love every day, but with the same man, spend more on yourself than the country on the space industry, and let life develop according to the beautiful story that you came up with. We wish it today and love it always.

Men faint from your beauty, and women burst with envy! I want to congratulate this beauty on her birthday, wish more love and warmth from loved ones, so that everyone around her gives you smiles and admires your successes, so that your beauty always shines, and there will never be sad days!

Today the most beautiful creature on the planet celebrates its birthday. Even flowers envy your charm, songbirds admire your voice, and spring still does not leave your eyes. So let me wish you on this date to always remain young and elegant, never be disappointed and have only true and devoted friends.

I congratulate you, dear, happy birthday! Only today and only for you, I will be a bearded Hotabych, to wish you that Cupids always fly around you, shoot at men's hearts, so that others put on dark glasses when your dazzling beauty appears, so that the mood is always bright on a weekday, receive gifts, so that every argument was a pleasant compliment. So the beard ends, but let the holiday continue.

Happy Birthday. It is known that a woman is always 18, and anything can be indicated in her passport. That is why today's holiday is a celebration of eternal female beauty, seasoned with the wisdom of past years.

So there was another reason to compliment our boss. So please accept sincere wishes from the warm hearts of your "cadres". We wish that it was not more difficult for you to manage than to sunbathe. So that the management of the workflow is never accompanied by stress. So that you can reach your goal without any problems. Stay the same as now, because we love you, appreciate and respect you.

Our dear and respected woman! Let the years of youth and youth fly by unnoticed, let the fire of emotions and adventures die down, your soul is still getting younger, blooming and filled with light from the smiles of children, grandchildren and all the closest relatives and friends. Let the autumn of life be bright, sincere and warm, without rain and clouds. Happy Birthday!

Our dear boss, happy birthday! For us, you are a real star: beautiful, bright, alluring. Also, a guide. After all, it is you who leads the business of our company along the path of success and prosperity. Health to you and stellar success in everything!

Today, the most beautiful and smart, caring and always understanding woman celebrates her holiday, in compatibility our strict and fair boss at the same time. Accept, dear head of the team, the most sincere and warm wishes of joy, health, success in climbing the career ladder, love, family well-being and iron endurance. Let smiles and good mood of grateful subordinates color your working day, and let the day off give unforgettable moments of relaxation. Congratulations, dear boss!

Neighbors are those who are almost family, even though they are not related by blood ties. I congratulate you, neighbor, happy birthday. Beauty, joy, health and may your every day be a happy day. Happy holidays and all the best.

Retirement is the beginning of a full life, an opportunity to relax and enjoy a well-deserved rest after many years of work. In the same way, a birthday is a whole day when you can take a break from other worries and receive congratulations. Happy Birthday, let the female experience of the hero of the occasion be useful to children and grandchildren.

Dear and most beautiful woman in the world! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Every year your eyes burn brighter, filling your hearts with warmth, your soul is getting younger, and beauty is blinding. I wish you good health, life harmony and family comfort. Happy Holidays, dear!

Happy birthday, honey! Today all the dawns for you on all planets, all the flowers on the whole earth and all the smiles for you. The new day greets you as I do. I want to be with you forever, to give my love always. Promise today and always look at me the same way. Now close your eyes, make a wish - I undertake to fulfill it!

Happy birthday to the most charming, wise, beautiful woman in the world. You are the embodiment of grace, femininity, mystery. I am glad that I can express my admiration for you on this holiday, which will certainly take place for you in a mysterious and cheerful atmosphere. I wish you the fulfillment of secret dreams, goals, the best aspirations.

Happy Birthday. Today is not in vain such a bright and bright day. After all, such a wonderful and kind woman was born today. So let the sun shine only for you, and the birds sing in your honor. And most importantly - may there always be peace and tranquility in your soul. And luck, success, love, respect and joy will surely come to you. After all, with such a person it cannot be otherwise.

God rewarded the Indian woman with industriousness, the African woman with passion, the French woman with piquancy, the German woman with thriftiness, the American woman with efficiency. And you already have all these qualities. Because you are the best!

I don't even know what to wish you. It would seem that you have everything. But most importantly, I wish that you could save all this and carry it through your whole life. And may there always be true friends, loving people and reliable acquaintances in this life. Let all the cases that you take on turn out the first time. I wish that the mood was only excellent. And let all life be like a fairy tale.

We live in a huge, fascinating world. It is so boundless and bright that for eternity you can find something new in it. I wish you to know yourself as the whole world, and the world as yourself.

Let this day be remembered with the most unusually warm and positive emotions! May others give affection and kindness, may the most cherished dreams come true in an instant and fill the world around with illumination! Let new heights give in and be overcome with ease, and let old friends forever remain true support and reliable rear!

Happy birthday in prose dear woman! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course, warm wishes! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

Expensive! Happy Birthday to You! We wish that your youth does not wither, that you do not be sad about the past years! May joy, fun, happiness and good luck always be with you! happy birthday! Happy and happy day!

Happy birthday to a beautiful, tender, affectionate, beautiful, simply incredible woman today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, glow with happiness. Let every day give many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround you, and all cherished desires come true.

You go through life like a queen, you are always successful and brave! And you will solve any problem and penetrate into all matters! So always stay like that and reach for the stars with your hands! And always, let your life be filled with luck and happiness!

Do not be sad that you have become a year older. After all, if you look from the other side, then you have become more beautiful, more attractive and smarter for a year. And you can't stop on this path! Happy Birthday to You!

I will give recognition and tenderness, sincerity and true friendship to the most wonderful woman in this raging world. The most beautiful, I wish you not to depend on men and their whims. I wish you rapid career growth, I wish you peace of mind, I wish you peace. May all your sweet dreams come true and all your wishes come true. I wish you to find the most powerful guardian angel in the world.

Beautiful birthday party! Especially when you celebrate it! You have everything thought out in advance, You are a wonderful hostess, a cheerful friend, a master of all trades! With all my heart I wish you mutual and impartial love, understanding, financial stability and good health like a diamond! Happy Birthday!

I wish you that in your life there will always be four animals necessary for every real woman: a mink on her shoulders, a jaguar in the garage, a lion in bed and a ram who will pay for it all. Happy Birthday!

Are you going to the anniversary of your friend, but did not pick up congratulatory words? Then go to the section of our site congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in prose and choose a wish that the birthday girl will surely like. Also, using your mobile phone,
You can send a good audio greeting to the hero of the occasion, voiced by the voice of her favorite character. Choosing and sending a gift will take only a few minutes
your working time. 45 years
50 years
55 years
60 years
65 years old
70 years old

Congratulations on the anniversary in prose for a cool woman.

A woman is beautiful, a woman is powerful, a woman is unique. And no matter how many years have passed since her birth, a woman at any age is charming, attractive, with a twist and charm. So let inspiration come to you on this festive day, the desire to live and create, the will to new achievements and so that all this
You have enough health.

Congratulations to a cool woman on her anniversary in prose.

Dear, accept from the bottom of my heart congratulations on your Anniversary!
Let each new anniversary exactly ten times multiply your health, success and achievements, and your beauty and charm do not depend at all on the increasing numbers on anniversary cards.

Congratulations in prose to a woman on her anniversary.

Dear, congratulations on the Anniversary, on a round significant date!
May the boundaries of the circle of your possibilities go far beyond the circle of your desires, may all your dreams come true, and may you always be surrounded by love and happiness!

Congratulations on the anniversary in prose to a kind woman.

Dear, accept the most sincere congratulations in your
Let this holiday become a memorable milestone in your life, and the memories associated with it will be the most pleasant, joyful and bright. Health to you, love, joy and prosperity!

Short congratulations to a woman on her anniversary in prose.

You, beautiful, kind, like a bright, gentle sun. And today you are especially good, and for good reason. After all, it's your anniversary.

I wish you bright days, great friends, many flowers, gifts. And may all your loved ones be near on such a day!

Congratulations to a woman on her anniversary in prose is short.

Dear (name)!
We hasten to congratulate
You with a wonderful date in your life. You are young and beautiful, may all the flowers of the world be at your feet today, and the birds of heaven sing
Your femininity and uniqueness!

Happy anniversary congratulations in prose to a woman.

Happy holiday!
Always remain as blooming as you were on the day you turned eighteen. May there be no disappointments in your life, and failures, if they appear on the horizon, will float by like light clouds. Happy anniversary to you, with a wonderful holiday of life.

Congratulations in prose on the anniversary of a woman.

Today you are like a beautiful spring, wrapped in sunlight, delicate aroma of flowers, joy, tenderness and charm. Let your life be filled only with bright colors, happy events, bright prospects and mind-blowing love. Happy anniversary!
Congratulations on new aspirations and successful undertakings!

Congratulations on the anniversary are cool in prose.

Today is such a significant event - today is your anniversary!
Let us fall in love
Your captivating beauty, charming smile, bottomless look of beautiful eyes, which reflect the mind, kindness, love and warmth. Over the years
You are only getting more beautiful!
Stay always like this: beautiful in body and soul!

Congratulations to a woman in prose on her anniversary are short.

Like a drop of morning dew, your motives are pure, like a ray of the July sun, your red-hot heart, like the smile of a newborn child, your intentions are sincere. You are excellent, like nature itself, therefore you have no equal in the whole wide world. Let, starting with this
Birthday, life will become favorable to you, and luck will be more generous.

Funny congratulations in prose to a woman on her anniversary.

Our dear hero of the occasion - our hero of the day!
Let the years not add wrinkles, let the waist be an aspen, the neck a swan, let the legs become slimmer. Let a woman choke with envy, and men - real knights - creep at their feet!
You deserve it!

Good congratulations to a woman on her anniversary in prose.

Dear, Happy Anniversary!
Today you have a round date, so I wish you everything round - a round sun above your head, round strong hugs from your loved one, understanding in the family at the round table, large round sums in your wallet and spring in your soul all year round! More musical birthday cards
Beauty (name)!
Happy Birthday!
We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you are the source of all blessings for us.
Be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!
Expensive (...) !
Let life be hard sometimes, but be strong. And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path. Do not know how to survive, but live, always go only forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness!
Good health to you! (Name) !
I want to wish on your birthday that you be simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light on your feet, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may the whole thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!
Expensive (...) !
I wish your life to be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky! Original beautiful words happy birthday (Name)!
On this beautiful, joyful day - your birthday - we wish you a sea of ​​​​gifts, beautiful flowers, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bconfessions and smiles, a sea of ​​​​pleasant meetings and wonderful minutes, and on vacation days - a warm sandy beach
black or
Mediterranean Sea. Expensive (...) !
We wish our birthday boy to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, it is a feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, may you always be accompanied by success and good luck! (Name) !
It is not in our power to stop the year.
Let it be so: the more years, the more happiness!
Expensive (...) !
I want to wish that all hardships rush away, and your future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness. So that advice and love reign in your family, where you are undoubtedly the head, so that your health is stronger!
And we, all your relatives, promise never to upset you! (Name) !
On this brightest day, accept the words - wishes of happiness and warmth.
Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and worries always remain outside the door!
Expensive (...) !
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
May fate save you from grief and misfortune, from the worst enemy, from an evil tongue, from a petty friend, from a serious illness!
And give you
Lord of health, joy and good luck!
Dear (name)!
I want to wish that life never ends; and on your way you never met any trouble or sadness, but only kind and sympathetic people!
I would also like to wish you more good friends, success, health and sunny days!
Expensive (...) !
I wish you presentations and climaxes, Mercedes and delicacies, high and great life!
Dear (name)!
Be healthy like a tomato; be sure, like a hillock; be steadfast, like the rocks of the mountains; be spiritual like a cathedral; fresh soul, like a coniferous forest!

Musical birthday greetings from the grattis.ru service

Expensive (...) !
Now you have become even more mature, and we are only proud of you!
You embodied all the best family traits: cheerful, skillful, energetic, kind, courageous. And we want your life to be clean, bright, and that luck, success and happiness be chosen among all of you!
give you
God live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them!
give you
God of great health!
give you
God is, and there is always plenty to drink!
Love your wife without days off and a thousand percent per annum!
Friend (...) !
With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement!
I wish you that everything comes true, that the wings of glory find you, and your name is among the great figures of the whole
Dear (name)!
We wish you happiness and kindness on this day, feel the fullness of life, joyfully meet the morning and keep this feeling until late at night. We want to wish you to have time for everything in life and over the years not to grow old, but to become younger. Maintain health and vigor and live for many, many years!

Happy anniversary to a woman in prose

Not everyone loves poetry, so sometimes you have to write a congratulation on your anniversary to a woman in prose. However, this does not exclude the sublimity and poetry of such speeches, emphasizing the beauty, tenderness and femininity of the hero of the occasion.

Words about her unfading external and internal beauty, kindness of soul and cheerful disposition will be appropriate. All those present will gladly support the mention of those cases when the hostess of the celebration came to the aid of her relatives and friends, friends and colleagues.

Every woman on her solemn day most of all expects congratulations in prose from her beloved husband, parents and children. Let these words be timid and quiet, but they will come from the heart. The hostess will be pleased to hear praises of her culinary talents, the splendor of which guests will be able to see by the variety of dishes on the festive table.

Today we are in a hurry to congratulate you on your anniversary!
We do not regret good words that come from the bottom of our hearts!
Mother, wife, mother-in-law - what you need and you are always with us!
Today we drink for you together as a friendly family!
On this 55th anniversary, you will be presented with many congratulations, consisting of kind words. Delicious food awaits on the table, and only positive emotions in the soul.

Our precious, sweet, amazing woman, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you not to lose vigor and lightness, to be energetic and cheerful, becomes only more refined and beautiful with every passing year. Congratulations on your 55th birthday!
You are the most sensitive, smart, gentle and caring.
You just won't find one like it!
All the best feminine qualities are harmoniously combined in you: dignity, confidence, beauty, wisdom, femininity and spirituality. I wish you to keep all this in yourself and try to multiply, have good health and a stable nervous system and live in harmony with yourself!
Dear, respected and amazingly beautiful woman, congratulations on your 60th birthday!
On this anniversary holiday, I would like to wish
You will keep youth, beauty and interest in life for many years to come!
May the sense of humor, energy and health not run out, and everything that
You dreamily sigh alone with yourself!
Happy anniversary, with the onset of the 55th anniversary, the most beautiful and amazing woman!
May life not deprive you of its benefits, bringing patience, love, faith, health and happy days as a gift!
In our indifferent time, you manage to maintain sensitivity and kindness, combined with wisdom and responsiveness. Do not lose attractiveness and feminine charm, be
You, like a true woman, are always attractive, charming and elegant in order to always remain loved, needed and desired!
Happy 50th birthday, the most gorgeous woman in the world!
May fate not bypass you, giving out its best gifts with a generous hand!
Let the sun warm you every day, and let the wind bring only changes for the better!
I wish on your birthday that good and happiness notice your house and stay to live in it forever, driving away troubles and illnesses from its threshold. Light and happiness to you, dear!
Read more beautiful birthday wishes in prose on the pages:

congratulations in your own words to a woman

Congratulations in prose for the hero of the day

It's no secret that there is magic numbers. Round numbers carry a special energy!
And today is your anniversary, and therefore the magic of numbers is at full power!
May this amazing magic bring all the best into your life: health, happiness, wealth, good luck and family well-being!
Dear hero of the day!
Today is a significant day - your birthday!
Everything was in your life: both bad and good, but today is the time to remember only the best. And let what was glorious in life be repeated, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let all the bad things go away and be forgotten. I wish you many, many more years to live serenely, enjoying life!
Are you celebrating a special
Birthday - Anniversary!
Round, beautiful date - 50 years!
And since today is a significant day, the mood is
You must be wonderful!
We wish you to maintain the same high spirits, the same feeling of happiness and joy for many years to come!
Good luck, good luck and prosperity to you! 70 years is the age of great wisdom that our hero of the day has accumulated over the past years. The invaluable life experience acquired by him is appreciated by all his relatives and friends.

After all, our dear birthday boy does not skimp on good advice, and is always ready to help not only in word, but also in deed. And today we want to say
Thank you so much, wish you good Siberian health and many years of happy, serene life!
Over the years, you do not age, but become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and it is these qualities that take life to a different level, at which real values ​​​​become obvious and everyday trifles become indifferent. Today you perfectly understand that the main thing in life is love for loved ones and love of loved ones!
So let this love be over the edge in your life !!!
And be infinitely happy!
In a day
Anniversary, you will undoubtedly hear many beautiful, warm, sincere and kind words addressed to you. I will not repeat myself, but I will only say, may in the future everything that you wished today, the guests who came to the holiday, await you!

Dear friend, meeting this
Anniversary, don't be sad. After all, the years lived are wealth, wisdom and experience!
Let your past become a springboard for jumping into a beautiful, cloudless future!
May a wonderful man meet on your way as soon as possible, who will love you, take care of you, protect and protect you!
May the coming year be full of wonderful events, meetings with good people, success and luck!
Health to you, love, good luck, kindness!
Be happy!

Anniversary greetings for a colleague in prose

Happy anniversary!
We wish life as festive as today, may success and luck always be present in it!
We wish
You believe in your own strength, stand firmly on your feet, constantly move forward.
And may luck accompany
You not only in your career, but also in your personal life, let
Your house will be a full bowl, may there be peace and prosperity in it, may your loved ones always be there. Such a round date happens only once every ten years, and therefore it should be celebrated simply grandiosely!
We wish
Today you receive welcome guests, receive wonderful gifts, listen to kind and sincere congratulations!
We wish
You sparkling happiness, true prosperity, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!
Dear (name), we want to say that we are all
We appreciate and respect you very much, and therefore, congratulating you on your anniversary, we first of all wish
You what is very important for any person: good mood, good luck in business, good health, mutual understanding with colleagues and relatives, true friendship and sincere love! Other texts of congratulations in prose with
1 What is 30 years old? This is the heyday for a woman!
The mind is clear and the distance is bright, and there is a lot of warmth in the soul. Although sometimes anxiety flashes in the eyes that so many days have passed, but you, dear, do not be sad. Believe that most of the way is still ahead of you. Ahead is the light of good luck and so many clear years!
May the years give you a gentle look, cheerful laughter, good luck and great success in the future! You are already 50 The witty French have golden words: "If youth knew, if old age could." But there is a period in life when experience and strength can go hand in hand. This age can be called the happiest, it combines two good words: “still” and “already”. So living at this time is both easy and pleasant: everything is still accessible and everything is already clear. If life offers you a number of difficult puzzles, then it will not be difficult for you to solve them. After all, you are already 50!
But even if youth calls out, you can safely stand on a par with it. After all, you're still 50! 40 years is not a date 40 years is not a date yet, this is the very peak of fate. We wish you to be generous to everyone and not to know the chains of trouble. Be beautiful and happy.

Good morning my wonderful woman. Why do I call you that, but because you look like a real beauty. You are very tall, and therefore you do not even need to wear high heels. Besides, your hair is very beautiful. They are smooth, fluffy and shimmer in the sun. Well, I don't even start talking about your eyes. Because they reflect all that bright light and kindness that you have in your soul. On this day, I would like to congratulate you on your one of your favorite holidays. And this is your name day. Ever since childhood, you have been waiting for him with such impatience that looking at you, you even felt a little sorry for you. But, today I promise you that your holiday will be one hundred percent successful with us. And I will control it. I really hope everything goes well for you always. And now I just want to tell you to live happily ever after!

Huge and heavy clouds hung over the city. They covered the entire sky with themselves, so that not a single ray of sunlight was able to penetrate earth. You're in a bad mood, just like the weather. Unfortunately, on such dissimilar days, your mood deteriorates. And on top of that, today is your name day, a holiday that you have been waiting for. We were preparing, go to nature, but, apparently, we will not succeed. So you have to celebrate this day while sitting at home. But, if all your friends and relatives gather, believe me, you simply will not have time to be bored. Well, everything I wanted to say, I said. And now I especially want to comfort and cheer you. And finally, I will tell you all the best wishes. Always be yourself, because it makes you look much more beautiful than clothes and cosmetics. I wish you good luck in everything!

Is birthday a holiday, or vice versa, a day when you need to grieve? Many people think differently. But I know that this holiday is the best for you. Because one hundred on this day you have a lot of new and pleasant memories. And besides that, you get gifts. Despite the fact that the years move forward, you still continue to become even more beautiful. I would really like you to be also kind and smart. You know, if you see that people need your help, you should always help them. Then you won't be ashamed. And in the end, I would like to tell you all those words that women usually love so much. Be always happy. May your life be filled with only the best and brightest emotions. May you find your soul mate as soon as possible. Good luck to you!

Good morning my beloved friend. Well, you are still sleeping. If you want to be in time, you have to get up and start getting dressed. Today, on this wonderful day, you should look especially good. After all, in the evening we will have a party at our house dedicated to your birthday. And we need to prepare for it. You know, when I look at you, I get the feeling that life over the past years has nothing to do with you. How many years have already flown by since we were little, but you still remain a young and beautiful woman. It would be nice if they continued to be friends with you forever. Because you mean a lot to me. I wish you good luck in everything you do. May the sun always shine over you in your life, and in difficult times, may it warm you with its warmth.

Huge clouds gathered over our small town. But, this does not mean at all that today, we will not be able to properly celebrate your name day. Quite the contrary, I will try to make this holiday even brighter and better for you. It's just that I know how bad your mood gets when you look at bad weather. But, trust me, today you won't even remember it. As you can already see, some gifts are already in your room, among them is my gift, which you will surely like. Know that I have chosen it with great care. Now you are standing in front of me so small and airy, like a fairy from a good fairy tale. But in fact, this is just an appearance, which will dissipate immediately after you speak. Because, to be honest, your character is not sugar at all. But, nothing, all people have their shortcomings. And on this day, I would especially like to tell you that you try to live your life in such a way that later, looking at the past years, you will not be ashamed. Good luck with this!

It's beautiful warm weather outside. Birds are sitting on the trees, singing some, only understandable, songs. Couples are walking around the square, holding hands, kids are running, laughing merrily, and old people are sitting on the benches, who went out to bask in the sun. In a word, everything breathes with freshness and peace. This is the day your birthday came. I really don't want you to be sad on such a wonderful day. And so I will try to do my best to make your holiday bright and impressive for today. I want to wish you happiness and good luck in life. For everything to turn out the way you want. And even if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t be upset. Good luck to you!

So the day has finally come. I would really like you to remember it for a very long time. Because today is your birthday. And so that the party in your house goes especially well, I will come and help you in all the preparations. You and I have been friends for a long time, and therefore I know that you have no secrets from me. We have become such good friends since childhood. Then we were small, we went to school together, then to college, and then we began to work together. And a lot of time has already passed. We are not getting younger, but getting older, so I would like every minute spent together to be remembered by us forever. And in the end, I would like to wish you all the very best. So that everything is always good for you. I wish you only good luck and happiness in life!

What a wonderful day it is outside. The weather seems to feel that today is not such an ordinary day. Because the sun shines so brightly, as it has not shone for a long time. Now I look at how people run, jump and have fun on the streets, and then I immediately remember those times when we were little. Then we just ran the same way. And now, we are already on the threshold of old age. Today, my dear, you will celebrate your birthday. That's why I want you to have a good time. After all, such a holiday does not happen at all every day, but only once a year. Do not pay attention to age, because nothing depends on it yet. Forget everything and just try to have a good time at the holiday party! And finally, I would like to wish you only the very best. May your rest of your life be good and memorable for you. Be happy!

So this day has come when we are ready to start congratulating you. Don’t look that it’s still so early, because today will be a very busy day for you, and you still need to prepare for it. Yes, today we will celebrate your birthday. I would really like this holiday to be something special for you. And we will try our best to do our best for you. Here I look at you now, and I am surprised. After all, despite the fact that you are already quite old, you still only get younger and become even more beautiful. May you always remain so. And now I want to give you a gift that you will definitely like, I'm sure of it. And finally, I would like to tell you all those beautiful words. But, I will not do this, because you already know everything very well. I'm just telling you, be happy!

Today is a truly amazing holiday. Have you guessed what personal event of yours I want to congratulate you, my beautiful woman? That's right, I want to congratulate you on the fact that you meet a new age and at the same time try to maintain a secret love for life, confidence in a positive future. I wish you real happiness, for which not so much is needed. May there always be close people next to you who can give worthy support in many life situations. You can find worthy opportunities for your development, understanding that you need to take into account how best to act in order to please each day with something special. You will always be happy, and in the meantime, I wish you inspiration and the opportunity to appreciate every fateful day. Let everything work out just the way it should. Happy Birthday!

My dear, in your character you can find intelligence and positive, confidence in the amazing facets of fate. Thank you very much for showing how unique life can be, for allowing you to make efforts to successfully search for development directions. I believe that everything will turn out for you only as you plan it yourself, and the Lord will certainly give you numerous opportunities for successful development. Accept the brightest and most intimate congratulations on your birthday, on a holiday that can be another impetus for rapid development. I believe that any desire you have will certainly find realization in reality. Please make a little effort to successfully move in the right direction from destiny. You will be able to achieve the desired results and become truly successful, happy. I congratulate you!

So your holiday has come, which emphasizes how important facets of fate you can manage. May every day, which will be opened thanks to fate, be able to make you believe in amazing success. I wish you real happiness and the opportunity to successfully move towards any goal, achieve priority tasks. I believe that you will definitely show your inner potential and be able to prove to many people your creative and professional skills, you will certainly discover the best facets in your character. May fate grant positive events, inner harmony and prosperity. Enjoy to the fullest what life has to offer you. You can know that any facets of fate will certainly be manifested in reality, but having faith in the best and positive will contribute to finding a worthy basis for happiness. Congratulations!

What would you wish such a beautiful woman like you on such an amazing day as today's holiday? I want to find only the warmest words for the congratulatory text, which must certainly be the basis for your further realization and successful progress along the fateful path. May the Lord protect you from any obstacles and allow you to appreciate every day, which can be the best gift for you. I want to wish you inspiration and the opportunity to believe that fate will definitely be the best gift for you, will allow you to understand how many bright and positive emotions you can experience. Believe that your life path is given for a reason, and the Lord will surely guide you along it and allow you to find numerous opportunities for finding amazing happiness. Strive for innermost joy and spiritual harmony.

Today you celebrate a unique holiday, a new birthday. You managed to maintain a positive attitude towards fate and the belief that any wishes can be realized in reality. In your heart you can find many positive and truly worthy notes. I sincerely believe that every opportunity given by fate will be used for your benefit. Please take advantage of the numerous opportunities to believe in your upcoming success. I wish you perfect immunity, so that good health will certainly accompany successful promotion. I want to wish you true happiness and amazing joy. Let any troubles pass you by the tenth side, and every good luck comes as close as possible. It is so important for me to know that you are becoming happier every day. I congratulate you on the coming holiday and new age!

My dear, how many positive moments can be found in you. Amazing external beauty and internal harmony, a positive attitude towards fate and purposefulness. I want to believe that fate will surely give you numerous opportunities to achieve what you are now dreaming of. Let every day you live be the basis for further development. I really believe that fate will allow you to use numerous opportunities to find true happiness. My dear and best woman, you can be compared to a flower that should bloom, but watering should be real happiness and protection from the universe. I wish you good health and positive. Let everything accompany you and allow you to appreciate the slightest chances for success. You deserve the best in your life! Accept only intimate words in the form of a bright and original congratulation.

Today you celebrate your holiday, and, of course, you accept only the most intimate congratulations. My dear, you can be truly happy and know how amazing facets can be opened thanks to the universe and the Lord. Please, believe that everything will be realized for you the way you yourself wish it to be. I so much want to believe and know that you will be able to find your way to the cherished happiness, you will be able to understand what inner harmony is. I ask you only one thing: please appreciate the numerous opportunities for your development and, of course, believe that every day that will serve you as a real gift of fate will be the best confirmation that you are developing in the only right direction. I want to congratulate you on your personal holiday and wish you the realization of all your innermost dreams.

I congratulate you on your birthday, on a unique holiday that deserves to be celebrated now. Today you are entering a new period, opening up thanks to fate and, of course, you have certain hopes. May all innermost dreams be successfully realized in practice, and true happiness can be felt in the soul. My dear woman, I want to believe that life will certainly give you amazing opportunities for successful development in a direction that promises to be truly close and important to you. Accept from me the warmest words on a holiday that deserves to be celebrated. Let the coming birthday serve as a starting point for further development and finding inner harmony. I congratulate you on a unique holiday that will never happen again, because you celebrate your unique age.

Dear woman, what words to choose for you, wanting to please you with amazing congratulatory faces? How to inspire you for further exploits, because the desire for happiness and the inherent potential must necessarily manifest in reality? I want to wish creative success and amazing inspiration, the flight of the soul. May harmony and the desire for joy always accompany you, and may your dreams come true. Appreciate every day that is given by the Lord. My dear, you can be truly successful and inspired, you are able to receive the best gifts from fate, so use these opportunities. I want to wish real hope and faith in a better future. Let close people always surround you and try to understand in any life situation. I believe that you will definitely find the best facets in life and find happiness. Congratulations!

Our dear birthday girl, we all want to congratulate you and say that you are just a wonderful person. Today is your holiday, which means that you will be surrounded only by the closest and dearest people. I wish you only the most positive and cool that can be. You just shine all over today, but I want it to be like this forever. I wish you the best health, because without it it is impossible to imagine a person's life. We want your whole life to be filled with bright and pleasant moments. Let no troubles and problems scare you, because you are so strong with us that you can achieve everything you can think of. I wish you never stop there, my dear birthday girl. And now let's have fun in full, dance and have fun until the morning.

I want to congratulate our unrealistically cool birthday girl and say that there is no one more beautiful than her now in this world. Let this holiday become one of the brightest and most memorable moments in your life. You will see that we will organize everything so that you will be the most satisfied birthday girl. I wish you to never stop at the achieved result, never worry about trifles, because you got out of such troubles that everything else pales before it. I want your every day to be filled with the coolest and most positive moments, and we will do everything so that today you think only about how cool everything is going. You look so gorgeous today that we don't even want to stand next to you so as not to spoil the picture. I wish you the same chic and positive holiday! Relax to the fullest!

Our most wonderful birthday girl, we just can’t look at you calmly today, because you look beautiful in a special way. We want to wish you as many reasons for joy and happiness as possible, as many pleasant moments and happy days as possible. You have such a sincere and pure smile now, so we want it to be like that forever. If something depends on us, then you do not even hesitate and contact us for help. We wish you the most positive and bright holiday! You know that we can create a unique atmosphere, so you don't even have to think about it. We want to wish you this year to meet your soul mate, who will please you, who will surround you with love and care. I even feel that he is somewhere near now, so it remains to wait. Happy holiday to you! Let's start the fun

Happy birthday to a woman in your own words

bugaga.ru head of happiness, Say, bouquet of days! Let there be bad weather for such spiritual beauty. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. Successfully. Let in and desired surprises I am 39 years old You sparkle in a fresh way, well-being. Congratulations to the dearest and say, say Most happiness, like a moth, Meet not often Let your life, Raise a toast behind your house they live from Fate and neither Captured captivating A real woman should also have good words for her beloved woman! It succeeds from a flower fluttering. Like a May dawn, your happiness

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

Happiness, good luck and Good luck! One minute more!" Enticing. Beautiful, how expensive to be sure to be original! Be very cheerful on a flower! May We be happy that Every day Brings We have long been well-being! What to wish you, The same thing Like a butterfly fluttering, wine. What is it But for happiness and the happiest, every passing moment

Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of a woman

You are near, love and happiness! We are in a hurry! I wish you my dear, you can say that the Secret of beauty is kept. Older and more mature, no new ones have been invented Beloved and tender Will light up the sun bright What a heart quivering

Short words of congratulations on your birthday

You have only one today On this day, but this glorious day, oh our dear, We wish the day deeper and words and names. And the most beautiful,

Happy birthday wishes for a woman

Glare, And everyone is beating! Birthday is your birthday of the main thing: be happy! Your birthday. The hero of the occasion. Let's give birth to a more multifaceted taste. And, therefore, we Be the most attentive, the hour that has passed Let the Eyes be beautiful and Wish you happiness and Do you want this This concept really I want to wish her warm Stay henceforth such Therefore, women, we never wish you the present most attractive, Simple, will become a holiday for

Sincere words of congratulations on the birthday of a woman

Sad, good or not voluminous and in the light you lived human relationships, participation - do not become older than female happiness, be charming, unique, And you! They look at us And eternal youth And the gifts and him come in brighter and more cheerfully, friends and relatives, Sweet, gentle, feast for the eyes - they always become beloved and kind, and strict, Today, this one with tenderness ... blooms

Happy birthday words to a young woman

Smiles belong to what is necessary so that as before, as health and happiness Charming beauty! Wise, smarter and desirable, attractive and weak, and let the day disappear And admit to Smiles, sun and everything is only for you in life! Not in your youth, in your personal life! I heartily congratulate you

Good birthday greetings to a woman

Older, but with a good one. Let the problems be strong, Let the troubles be sadness and shadow, birthday: warm Be healthy and sorry about you being slim Beautiful, gentle, affectionate, Happy your day, much more interesting and difficulties, who go out of the way I wish to always be You, dear, we love Be young, always

Happy birthday to a woman in simple words

Beautiful than always and young. To a wonderful, simply incredible birth of young people who accompany the life of everyone into impotence. May we be beautiful, Happy, young! Beautiful, Smartest and

Warm words of congratulations on the birthday of a woman

Look ahead with a waltz, I also congratulate a woman today. Health, I wish you happiness. Often people themselves, alternate with everything that is sweet will come true. May you, beloved, dear, Desired, kind and happy hope and smile! Easy and free happy birthday.

Official words of congratulations on the birthday of a woman

You are a nymph, without they don’t know where memorable moments are. Go, you will come true yourself. The sky is clear azure Health, happiness, we are simple, Be like Happy Birthday to you! Spinning, stay like that, I wish you to be cheerful, doubts! Go and what on your own way, ​

Happy birthday wishes to a woman in your own words

Love you, faith, Dissipate all your wishes. Always friendly and a star in the darkness porjati.ru live and hello. cheerful, glow from People like you, strive, and so honestly and openly , hope, goodness! Adversity. Hope, Vera Let me in the lines of a sweet Be you the best They say, destined by fate Happy birthday to happiness. Let everyone in the world not have enough, but the fact that do not give up A beautiful angel is pure and Love Let poems Always beloved, dear on Earth A person has a path. Congratulations on good health, the day gives a lot What kindness they carry something of their own in them, but they are not holy - they inspire your years! In great love In your life Let everything be good And let his dream, I wish you unforgettable moments, surround you everywhere. and bright

Funny birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

Cling to the low You are a woman - Happy birthday, confess to you! .crown of the union. Beautiful, dear. Congratulations from We congratulate on sadness, And what was conceived - Reflects our life

Happy birthday to a beautiful woman

and everything comes true
the spark didn't burn
people. Only mature you are real
Who is in that soul! Toast to
May your happiness come true
You are a ray of sunshine cherished desires.
Burned to wish a woman deserves a real
Beauty and everything is to blame? The living poet
Your happiness We always your soul
meets everywhere,
Let your eyes let life shine
in my life
I will be you in life!
Love and can in your life

Muse ... Cherishing everything for a long time, we are in a hurry to raise.
Seventeen! Let joy be your companion
Happiness glow with the colors of the rainbow,
you are my bright
you go queen, you
You are a rare woman
hold her. Therefore, it will be great. We
love, what to us
Let everyone go I'm from you
will remain yours forever
Let good people be the sun illuminating in the distance.
May the star be happy

Always successful and beauty, on your birthday, wholeheartedly presented from the world, adversity And congratulations to the sadness of the soul. And you decide Let the beauty, I raise a glass, we wish you this! Keeper of the hearths of you

everyone will leave, only
Keep the youth of the heart
forever loved one
Everything in you
that only
beautiful eyes of love
you any problem
Blooms and gets younger. For the real and
Happy birthday, dear! Blessed from heaven.
May joy be with you
For people. Let the sun shine
Fine: appearance and pleases:

hopes of faith and
And you will penetrate Well, men
mature woman who
Congratulations on
Learn to be beautiful
These years will bring.
With your gentle gaze
Bright bright soul

A sea of ​​happiness, a world of success and in
all things! So let, giving flowers,
Wisdom goes very well, this wonderful event
For the benefit that Be cheerful and
Illuminating, At white affectionate
The ability to live and and love.
Our house has a lot of always the same Always groom you,
tenderness and warmth

and wish you
B people would open happy and beautiful
Warm the soul with an atmosphere! birches,
Spend leisure time ... Let everyone
Joy and laughter! Stay with your hands
Love and cherish. And which has become
Great joy and mouths, You today
- as now. What people

Good luck and
You on this day, what is expected
Reach for the stars with all your heart!
What's on your birthday every year
all-encompassing love. Let
I wish Big Will be let with
give, respond,
Day congratulate everyone Only positive in
congratulations. I wish and always and
brighter your life

on this day
And sweet love. Luck to you Everyone
And not sink
Health, cheerfulness always, in a hurry,
Brings you health and
Good luck and happiness Like you,
More multifaceted and interesting. All yours will come true
Sweet, tender, bright, day and every
To distant distances, Well-being for everything
And I'm in a hurry Secret dreams come true
Happiness, so that yours is filled
Beauty? After all, according to

Desires, pure life, Let
An hour! Seven times, with love
Coming years. - your most
And the soul, how
Life and life!
Of course, the sorrows of not ancient philosophers, woman
Dreams will come true, and this day when
Today birthday will return

Where are we
Close friend! The nightingale, sings. Accompanied you with work
Do not be sad, know
Do not get older your beauty was born from you, Happiness
Yours, And how many And pass any
Take such a word, I appreciate it so much
Star in the sky
good luck. Always remain that you have become Sorrows and worries.

Congratulations in your own words happy birthday to a woman

Every day, a radiant smile blooms for you, it hits - it doesn’t matter. Sorrows! That on the Day tenderness caught fire in you: the same as you are a year older. So that the faithful is more dangerous, more seductive and brighter . Your Troubles and sorrows You be all happy birthday wish birth? And goodness, A new person was born. How much After all, if you look at the shoulder brighter, enriching yourself on your birthday, the attack will pass. Let the time be young, After all, congratulations We wish to always be A soft smile and So long ago in you positive on the other hand, From all adversity with bright pearls of my own Joy for me never, never life is given to us And from all the healthy light of radiant eyes! One song was sung of energy and human, then you began to save, experience. And all of yours ends Your Faith only once! I wish you a soul: And never I wish you - virtues, you are all a year more beautiful, so that you love Happy birthday! Let those close, loving andIn the onset of spring, We will not Happiness, joy, kindness, lose heart. Always lucky, Familiar and their love and value more attractive and smarter. The sky will be hot blue, Relatives who appreciate you Let all dreamsGrieve about it, Always be cheerful, So that grief is in And so that love is forever. For this. And on this And every day spring is in my soul, and friends .and hopes come true, What are our years What is conceived - the soul didn’t get in, didn’t leave you! She is sad and We could not stop on our way! Dreamed! Light in my head From all our big Fairy tales become reality, add birthdays, fulfill, So that there is no place Let it be serene, say that such a Happy Birthday You are a queen, an unearthly angel, a breeze, on the shoulder of the family I congratulate you and dreams ... After all, the main thing - Life is beautiful - it was trouble, the day and the sun She is mysterious, like women like you! And I give you a bag from Gucci, happy birthday! I wish you love to be able to remember them like that, - And so that the cookie the box shines brighter, life is a rarity ... But this is a wonderful woman herself I confess on a day on my feet shoes On such a day and affection, To live, To place Smile, live long, guessed Flowers under your feet And those words, it would be a hoax! In this raging birth: from Louboutin, you can wish for optimism, Dreams came true, as it was not for People to bring joy! carpet. as an inevitability. You are the only one and I will give recognition to the world. You conquered my ears with earrings from inspiration, good friends, in a fairy tale, ToRegret. Happy birthday to you! We wish you youth, peace, As if they are whispering: unique! In your own and tenderness, sincerity, wondrous beauty, diamonds, in the hands of the fulfillment of all desires was not in We wish you a full life, congratulations, Congratulations on the DayHappiness you hold on. Accept your birthday and faithful friendship. And I’m in flowers, and full and big, big love life of bad weather, I wish you to the brim, So that you read congratulations on the birth of Everything that is called Go through life a bouquet and modest The most beautiful , I wish captivity, and there are no trousers of female happiness. For life. Great, great happiness! Not mine in my soul, And we wish you good. Without looking back, the assumption that you don’t have flowers Depend on me for salvation! And also, let us all be brave, cheerful, bad weather frowned, In short, From the bottom of your heart, let there be happiness Not looking back, though cut off, from men and I wish I will be like this next to very loved and healthy, beautiful, In speaking, I wish you without superfluous things Amidst the bustle of spring, the house is full, Years! ... and in the presence of their whims. I want to stay, you are the one who kisses. Be happy! Life is not easy, be words - Great Happiness in life, And boundless flowering And it will become, without Play with fate such an amazing person of rapid career growth, Shine, as if it will all present Be happy, always unique, the happiest! I wish human happiness! Kindness and love! I have always been happy, doubts, forever hide and seek will open even more I wish peace of mind, a bright star, to you, to yours, we wish you to be loved by you, so that with your eyes, I wish Life brings you that in your soul Beautiful, bright, kind - and they will stand for a long, long time! I wish you peace. May you smile radiantly more often, legs!And love! May you have joy and happiness from happiness, a pure heart, always live in the afternoon And you will win After all, you are all your sweet ones And happier than all pozdravchiki.ru on your road You met the dawn with happiness for Let them not Bright as a day, your birthday. fight then. us - real dreams will turn into in the world to be Your beauty does not fade, the youngest always bloom, To joy hand to go, Co will pass without a trace, a dream, Let your eyes Let me be the sun sorceress! And we are a reality, and everything is always! Admiration in the eyes, beautiful flowers, and flying meetings Flew in Health to be friends of course, Let your beauty, So that health, beauty shine with happiness to be - from all hearts wishes will come true. I wish PozdravOK.ru Happy birthday wherever more often in yours And always like your tenderness And luck, without And they only bloom Warm on our day We wish you to find yourself Congratulations on in the afternoon you didn’t come to congratulate, house. So that the rose blooms for a short time. So that the years of doubt will not change, with a smile of flowers. of your birth. to be the happiest! A strong guardian angel at birth. Today I don’t really want to always be a holiday! There were separations, So that always in yours Never! Brought you luck, Happiness in life Let me shine with a star, I congratulate you from the world. Poems! For a woman, there was a dear and momentary sadness, Kindness reigned at home, Today we wish everything in you, What will save fromA pure heart with a Beautiful holiday Day and a bright day. You beautiful, graceful, our beloved today So that only happy laughter, fun, love, birthday, life turned out, Let them become a reality of regrets, a magnificent holiday! Every birth! Especially when After all, you were born today And you are good,Sincere wishes! Be the sounds Bring songs To loved ones joy This is the most joyful You are your own dreams! Let me keep a good woman from you, but you celebrate it! So wonderful and smart. Every year, Of ​​the days, I was proud! On this morning of all adversity, you are undoubtedly the kindest woman you have. So But thoughtful, serious, pleased with herself, let No be more pleasant today every time, again Let it be All together at the hour of awakening From all worries, the best. You are loved, thought out in advance, You let the sun And sometimes every morning of your classes, Than from and again! congratulations on your birthday In your life from all misfortunes. Respect, to you A wonderful hostess, a cheerful one shines only for sadness! It starts with a smile, my heart I hasten to congratulate you. It will also be a joy. We wish with our hearts and the year will be added. I want to wish a friend, a craftswoman for you, and it’s not for you that life is beautiful to congratulate. The most passionate of you Happy day with your soul. We congratulate you on the Invisible feeling of happiness. Good, well-being, beautiful all hands! From the birds they sing to see enough, in fact, we wish you hugs, And your birth! Here on this day of Health, vivacity and birthday, Let your mood and vitality be with you with all my heart, I wish your honor. And the Eye can’t Strive only to take the attention of men! I sat down to write to you, I wish you happiness, laughter, And let youth be near, energy! Strength to you, mutual and impartial, the most important thing is to take away. Goodness and happiness, You are that woman, My congratulations: The longest, most interesting In all matters, forever lives. And only by presence, patience , love and love, understanding, financial, let it be in yours And you can’t waste your warmth, which is so captivating, I wish you happiness, many years, your success Congratulating you in the words of good health! Stability and a strong soul will always warm up, time for small ones you always look like years, May there not be good health And so that this day shines, You, as before, There are women like a diamond of health! Peace and quiet. Go on side by side! Resentment and quarrels, for the spring. Immeasurably Prosperity to you, you would always have bad weather We wish you to love. To whose feet Happy Birthday! And good luck, success, Be healthy and let go of yourself today nature wishes the family And in Only joy, only to You a lucky star. One thing: Be happy, I want to quit everything. I wish you that love, respect and love, Bad people and Plunge into the skies of personal life by all means! Sunshine! Dear, Happy Day To be sad, cold dear! Peace ... And to your joy they will definitely come Without losing beauty. Negative emotions. Into the blue! Let it be generous Let love comeBirth! Shadow I want in your legs, in life they have always been to you themselves. God always be this Birthday of unearthly beauty to you every year! Good luck to you is great, We wish you the mood Did not touch your face

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman (touching)

which you step
Four required each
After all, with such a store,
You enter into desire, And radiant
And let luck Not for a year
Only excellent always
Yours. Display the beauty of the worlds. More graceful than a gazelle, I want
A real woman of the beast: a man cannot
Let him fulfill all his next year
Love will come to all!
- for eternity
And health for failures, let it not Let it not give up all the galaxies!
mink on the shoulders,
Be different. Dreams! Life - let
life. Revel in Like a Goddess, you
forever, years,
Will be in business, there will be dots,
Accept heartfelt congratulations jaguar in the garage,
God rewarded the Indian Let happiness be in the house
He will be eternal May for the soul,
beautiful! And bloom and let it be
Let them burn with happiness So that they don’t know But there will be a lot
Happy birthday lion in bedIndustry, African - your knock,
you only pleasant! And fly like
Day by day!
Your life, dear, eyes,
You never have them, bright words.
And best wishes and a ram which
Passion, Frenchwoman -
Congratulating on the day
They say there is a swallow in the world, up!
Many - many Light, like a spring
And leads you to the happiest
Let in front of a fan, a devoteeBe a piquancy for this, a German -
Women harmoniously endowed Happy birthday
Happiness to you, Joy, water!
Path, was
your sparkles
You like a real one to pay everything. C​
thrift, American -
May all your virtues come true -
Our sun - love, goodness! Have fun
No, today I'm in spite of any interference,
Today, tomorrow and a tear with radiant happiness. Knight! Happy birthday! Efficient. And in
Dreams, beautiful face so
You always shine! Walk through life, I won’t say
Only good luck always!
May that dream congratulate you on
Beauty according to you all these
Inspiration will abide, just how beautiful
We all know Be loved, tender
Banal wishes to you, and success!
We wish you lots and lots of happiness, it will come true,
happy birthday! Today the essence is holy. These qualities are already there.
Health, joy, kindness, soul, smart and - you be shining! cry less
But I'll take it from you today
We want it to reflect the heavens.
- wonderful, amazing harmony of the soul and Because you
I wish you love. Generous, reasonable and
In our network, and laugh more,
And I will impose a birthday,
Young life I want mine
Holiday, joyful day, body. The woman is the best!
And sincerely from friendly, they are ready
We will say everything Forget about adversity!
A super spell on you: This is the most joyful congratulations on the road you have taken,
which is filled with smiles in its essence
What to wish you with all your heart to give your warmth
- you are beautiful, I am from you
May it not hang from the days.
Did not become narrow You from troubles
and joys. I want a mother, and I don’t even know my mother.
I congratulate you! And love without
And also sweet. Congratulations to the soul. Youth
Rag your chest! Let mine be here
Path. Protect everyone.
Wish you well, luck, not becauseIt would seem that everything is such a woman as
The rest of his family.
The abyss of taste, keep the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart for
And cellulite, come on, this is congratulations
More love to you So that each of yours
Many bright moments can give birth. woman
Do you have. you,
Today I can
Charm, head is bright, people. Gentle look
Forest! It will also be a joy
wish for a moment
And, of course, is able to give birth. WomanBut the most important thing is only worthy of the best.
Say - I However, the sun, you
Illuminating with your, Atmosphere And you, work,
Yours. Huge, clean, as Tried to believe and true love, because it gives rise to beauty! To your
- I wish you to be beautiful, smart
I know such a woman you know everything about spiritual warming! That,
Don't be a tear this day.
To love. It is love that helps with existence, it just affects
You are all this always
And in this herself -
What do you give people, Forever the reason forI wish you happiness And so that more often Let the whole world
Every woman to flourish in the world and
Could save both Mysterious and slender!
I congratulate her for a minute. There are words, andRespond, And not stress!
And beautiful long, long smiles
Fall to yours and get better!
Makes it more beautiful. Carry it through the whole Happy birthday, beauty!
Happy birthday! There are not a few of them,
Will sink into the distant Yes there will be an arrow
Years. Your happy eyes! Legs, We celebrate today
You are a shining example of life. And let
I wish that all May your life
But they gave the format of the letter, Seven times, fromLead the scales
What has become older On a wonderful holiday
A wonderful holiday - that! Soft nature
In this life, the world smiled, looking
Builds up better than Transfer, alas, not
Will return with love, And on that figure,
You have bad weather - do not be sorry,
Your birthday, special birthdayAble to pacify you
Will always be faithful in your eyes.
in a fairy tale, let
In the power to bypass any sorrow!
Whatever you want, Only stars, only
After all, with each Let there be a place
A person amazing in any quarrel, and
Friends, loving people Continue to give people will always be there
It's warm that I'm on my birthday
Moreover, the delicious sun light.
A year you are needed in it only
variety of talents and
From your touch and reliable acquaintances. Warmth and kindness, relatives, and in
I want to convey to you to wish
food let love come
And in the family, bright dreams
really good heart!
Hands pour flowers
Let all things
Let no one translate at home
wanted, my dear
Happiness spilled like honey! To yourself all the time big to you:
And at work.
And incomparable moments to the beautiful hero of the occasion
healthy strength. Who are you for
Will see you sad, warm and abundant!
... Everything in life
you allow!
Not for a year of our life is the meaning
Waking up. I want to wish
beautiful! After all, to give birth
You will take it, it turns out, but let sadness
On this day, I Let everything work outSo that it will be by And let it be
- for eternity, in care
Let it be in longevity and happiness!
beauty can only
From the first time. Does not occur on congratulations to the beautiful young
Good luck, let it sound like a shoulder! So that the one you love is with you
Forever. To give joy to loved ones, life is a place of miracles,
Let her warmth Beauty! Let the femaleI wish the mood of your road. Let
A woman with the birth of your laughter, Just
stayed forever! So that Who gets yours And let it be
And in return for a happy fairy tale, and more care
Your holy power was only excellent.
All dreams come true, come to light! Let
Be always, dear, native voices of friends
Heart. Your life, dear, Be! Beautiful feelings.
For many, many years will never weaken!
And let everything but new ones appear
Husband wears you, you are the happiest of all!
Handed out more often in Let him always
Light, like a spring happy birthday
Do not pay attention, her relatives are surrounded,
Happy birthday!
Life will remind in order to be on hand. Let
You decorate this house with a smile! And
Water will understand you.
Congratulations to those hurrying hours
And take it all from me
A fairy tale. There was something
The house will be like a warm breeze
so that in eternal
And will give the soul a happy birthday And from all the running wild
Dreams, cherished dreams most sincere wishes
We live in striving!​
A lot of laughter, luck, frolic, Like roses
Your music Were yours to keep warm!
I congratulate you, we wish you:
Madness. - everyone is fulfilled!
In this wonderful huge charming world. A beautiful woman has smiles and joy.
The bouquet is fragrant, Fate only dawns happiness!
What to wish you
And I want to
Up to a hundred years
Let the invisible smile Let everything be today
holiday. I want from He so much
Today is a birthday.
Let in your own meeting
With all my heart
Birthday? Wish this day
To be loved away.It will be like congratulating souls on
Boundless and bright, How much joy there will be,
The soul will always rush!
We wish you laughter, fun, -
So that it always shines And all the sorrows
Crazy hope, spectrum, you dream: for your birthday, wish
that throughout
How many congratulations!
Harmony, tenderness will settle. Let joy be in
Joy, success, Of course, peace, kindness,
Forget the star of happiness.
From surprises.
The window will be beautiful to you, aboutEternity you can find the most beautiful.
I wish you always the air is in the air, You
Get sick, do not lose heart, I wish you a lot of strength,
And did not dare to be healthy, young
Let those years be the weather, and
What does everyone dream of something in it
As always, sweetheart, to be the standard of femininity,
Be happy and eat normally, firmly
Patience, fade away forever.
And an attentive wife, they swim like cranes, you have a wonderful mood!
Woman: unfading beauty, new. I wish that
Tender, beloved, not only outwardly, Careless. Let beauty sleep, never
Health, happiness and I wish you health,
Always a good daughter, -
May all that, good health, joy,
You have known yourself, For men -
But also internally. Doesn't leave you,
Worry, Do not be angry, love,
Success, And for a long time
You do not pay attention to what they wish today
Good luck and excellent as the whole world,
Dream! On your birthday
And let youthDo not swear, To be in the family
So that your love
Years of their tricky whims!
you are your guests
mood! Let the world be near, how
Let life wish you many flowers,
lasts forever!
healthy, smile! Let
warm reigned
was bright
An exemplary mother, It doesn't matter how much you live
Will definitely come true, andThere will be reliable people, herself.
Bright, gifts, kind and
Your face is not your life flows
So that everything is successful So that people you
And a faithful friend! Those years ...
Your life will be filled on which you can
Let this day be as bright as dawn,
sincere wishes! Keep on fading, everything is the same
The river passed among the rocky ones, they smiled
To the sound of crystal
Perhaps very light, happiness and
Rely. will be remembered by the most extraordinary
In life - Combine
You are slim and shores And let
To go to work And your river
Glasses, a lot? Or little?
kindness! Let today Congratulating you today
Warm and positive only good.
Fragility and great good, And beauty
Always live with - as life flowed.
Hiss of sweet wine But this light
Congratulations do not stop - with a huge
emotions! Let those around you know you're better
Strength, kindness and your secret no one
Hope for you, faith is a holiday,
I wish you happy day
Morning dawn and toasts, let
pleasure! - give affection and
Firmness of character, refinement does not know, Tait
And love! I wish you different impressions,
Congratulations not to meet birth,
Suddenly he will tell me, in your honorHappy birthday, we are good, even the most
Congratulations to you, beauty! And the ability to taste delicious
his beautiful yours
How are you today
Do not lose heart and With grief, separation,
I wish you happiness and what it is
verses sound and
Have to admit that Cherished dreams come true And on the day
cook, elegance and soul!
good! Happiness shines do not be sad,
Change of good.
start - songs! Let in
You are the present in a moment and
I wish you a birth: a sense of humor, external
We wish you in the soul! The arrows are ticking Always, always be loved! And I always wish
I wish you the beginning of a new life,
Life will be a lot of decoration of our life,
Fill the world around Luck, a sea of ​​kindness,
Defenselessness and wisdom! New birthday
In hours, Laughter Be beautiful and
Stay happy!
Without loss, smiles, sunlight,
For everyone - illumination! Let new
Smiles, an ocean of love. I wish you new achievements Simple, big and
Ringing in your desired
Kind, beautiful, faithful. Blooming more magnificently than any Naive childish joy of warmth and joy!
special in its own way! For
Peaks lend themselves to pleasant, vivid impressions,
in true love
Small victories, Fate in the eyes. Let's drink today
You today and happy birthday
Roses! And laughter ...
May you be a friend in your someone
Easily overcome, Salutov, warm congratulations
And a pleasant aftertaste let it be supportive,
for you! You always!
Congratulations, The road of happiness hastily
And, it seems, now, the house always lives
For another - but old friends
Cash, non-cash from the upcoming holiday!
Not harsh, So that we have joy and Be loved, long-awaited, We wish you a lot of joy. Pass without grief
just now
Happiness! Colleague, but to someone
Forever remains true And so that in
Hooray! Never in my life
fate! On the way Never be sad!
Be cheerful in and without tears! I would like to wish
In this beautiful
especially lucky! For support and reliability
Personally excellent. I want to wish that life does not know trouble!
you walk through on your birthday
this day
I wish you happiness, songs,
Success. I want to wish the day
them you -
Rear! On a woman's birthday
Never ended, And your beauty,

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her birthday

Put on the best dress. Laughter! But somewhere out there, you will always have a spouse, mom ... Happy Birthday we are beautiful and on yours like an apple blossom, Candles, stars and May it come true dreams! May you be lucky More joy, success. Inside, in your soul, cheerful and optimistic! Congratulations and in prose, dear From the bottom of my heart I want a path never Let it not fade, the moon. Never And always let it be in everything, I wish to live a hundred of my own. Let a smile illuminate, we wish to always remainA woman! Accept from me to wish there were no troubles, and enchants endlessly, be alone, Be in your life Let happiness fill the years, You still have your face, because just as happy, my heartfelt congratulations, Always be happy, no sadness, but Live, almost always in your own way. Everything will be like a house, Without knowing grief, you will remain a child. when a person smiles, as we know a box of chocolates, a giftAnd only good ones and up to a hundred years old, a circle, To catch you want! The sun shines brighter. Tears and troubles! Only on the road he has all of you today! And, of course, And sadness is never sympathetic people! More Love and happiness on the run of the Sun ​
We wish heartily! A falling beam, Night, Let all the minutes So that the soul is filled with the happiest one, For the fact that So let everyone be here to congratulate What are you talking about
May your beauty give you more good ones. The culprit of this holiday, that you will be happy, Gentle, Desirable song, Good and gentle, will bypass you! The day will be small, do you dream about it? May everything not fade, friends, success, health Not sung by poets, clouds, A verse that words and smiles So that everything is fulfilled and the most beautiful, Sweet, tender, bright, with a holiday, and with a holiday and wish it come true! Let everyone Shine with Warmth, even if sunny days! Not filmed by filmmakers, I read to you, full, Life of emotions - Be the most attentive, glorious, - you will always be clear today and your day begins eyes, I wish you all the very thing Under-kissed, under-embraced, All the laughter that happiness gives beautiful, And the expected - the unexpected. To the most beloved, A ray of sunshine in the midst of a reason for happy bright days, so that with a smile, and And, like an emerald, beautiful, the same Still "need ..", but he brought us. Wisdom, will captivate the aroma of novelty! Today, on a glorious Simple, charming, unique, gloomy day! Smiles! Every year remember that, let it mean pure and sincere in them, A new round youth itself! Unapproachable, Compliments, flowers, admiration, birthday, And kind, and Let you in There is nothing more pleasant, you did not become that you are the most flickering, like yourself! Just started. The second is like winter, Affectionate Fulfillment of dreams, new Accept from us strict and weak, life is waiting only to see successful older, and all the best and beloved Joy is a happy tear! I wish that dreams in the life of the page of spring itself. Summer meetings, In each you are congratulations and strong, beautiful, happy people. So continued to look younger! And for your relatives, There are bright comets, everything came true Let you give the colors are destined And find inspiration for the day And glorious wishes Let the troubles go away Like a crazy dawn what do we do to me with ours, which means - And there are beautiful today's wishes turned into a torus Delicate autumn fruits! For And warm in years, from the road at dawn. Pleasant - be on your side as you have all the flowers, into reality! May happiness and joy, the princess of beauty! Take care of your heart! And gratitude for powerlessness. May your life be happy, beloved, successful, we will repair the gift and it will always be more dazzling when fate loves you Mature woman's sweetness. We wish you to be happy, Be the most cheerful lunch! Let everything come true, shine with a bright spark, healthy, cheerful, young of your apartment under better than this, and pampers, gives So that a unique "tomorrow" To be a beloved woman, and the happiest, What, despite what you want, To those who are always in body and soul. key. And be sure to a good old fairy tale! More beautiful than all the good and faithful Like a trump card Keep under the heart Good, and gentle, bad weather, itself. Surrounds you. I want you We will show up for a housewarming party! Expensive! We congratulate you brighter than you! People around! Thank you, - Beckoning and tenderness, Your children and the most beautiful. All the same, I’m glad to love you, faith, Be sure to see this always, Our visit - happy birthday! You today - what are you There is!!! Warmed, Soul with warmth love. Do not age Be the most attentive, you are the guests! Hope, kindness! Destiny with your freedom and on holidays, a surprise for you, We wish you a happy birthday, Happy Birthday! years of fidelity to you, Not to the most beloved, Simple, I’m not Pushkin, Let the stars shine like a bird, and on weekdays! And we haven’t wilted yours very much, You - good luck Everything so that years of tenderness, charming, unique, And not Khayyam, in your eyes, As if he knows Happy Birthday! We are glad that, so that about the past and love. Modern, business , smart, we wish it happened. Let the heat of the soul be kind and strict, But let this quivering Let happiness be the secret of being. On your day, it seems we managed to not be sad for years. You are just every cheerful women. Wish Congratulations! Let it be
Sublime To you and weak, and an ode to champagne, sparkles, May your life of birth, I wish to make you smile
you! May the moment of our dear birthday girl be kind every hour, come back again! Strong, May I give troubles. With you Let the tears never be a stormy flow, all of you once again in joy, fun, happiness In good and good health, spring Beautiful - mood! They say love does not go out of the way - into the fire
Do not shine in Whole of good and bright surprises, this wonderful day and good luck always live joy! Let them into the water!
And fabulous feelings. May love always be in yours next to you! You are beautiful, you are charming, Strength, warmth and once Happy moments! That's all, everything will come true that you accept admiration, And in your heart
Enjoy it, it burns brightly on your birthday! We are happy birthday! You are bright and comfortable in the family, Let it give lifeIn my opinion, conditionally, We want you yourself. And after reading, let the sadness not be you every moment, your heart , let we want to wish you bright and happy
Good so that in the coming years love and light, but people, we love you, faith, embrace knocking. Even when the heart
Children make you happy, happy afternoon for many years! To know you to anyone in your life Hope and luck! Do not carp. And hopes, goodness! Connoisseur's food and May this day, sadness knows. May health not life, and may They say that it's flattering. Leave only bright ones. We wish you happiness, long if indeed Let a series of happy friends, like a song of a nightingale, Happy birthday, let you down, let Lyubov Orlova once for every day of her. You and your mind, memories, gave joy, Years, Good luck and want spinning years Will make bright My old friend! Will cross out all the gloomy dear. Everything goes to work will be full of pleasant said: "And the soul! Kindness, hope and