Signs and traditions for Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday - traditions, rituals and customs of the holiday

The willow branch symbolizes the victory of life over death - the resurrection of the Lord. On weekends, they usually go to the forest in order to break willow branches.

In ancient times, the sacred branches were kept behind the images for a whole year, that is, until the next Palm Sunday. It is believed that the consecratedwillow branches protect the house and its inhabitants from all troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits, bring grace.

You can talk about what the church says about willow.

An old willow that has stood for a year is swept over all corners, windows, thresholds, thanked for its service and burned.

The pious tradition of consecrating willows is performed at the festive All-Night Vigil. After reading the Gospel, the priest incense willows, reads a prayer and sprinkles the branches with holy water. During the consecration of the willows, a prayer is read: “These willows are consecrated, by the Grace of the All-Holy Spirit and the sprinkling of this sacred water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" (This is how you can consecrate the willow on your own, if for some good reason you cannot go to church - only women cannot do this during critical days - it is better to ask someone from the household to read the prayer and sprinkle the willow).

The consecrated willow has a special healing power.

For example, a sick person can take a willow branch consecrated in the church and drive it along those points of the body that are especially disturbing, saying: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. Willow will come - the disease will take away.

Be careful, neither in church nor after do not give anyone branches from your already consecrated bouquet - so many knowledgeable people “steal” happiness and health in this way.

But, if, for example, someone asked you to consecrate a willow for him, this is not nothing wrong, just make a separate bouquet right away. I often saw how they consecrate whole armfuls ... This is useless - here the quantity does not pass into quality. Moreover, as I already mentioned, you can’t distribute consecrated willow from your bouquet to anyone (this does not apply to your household).

Having consecrated the willow, the owner returned to the house and lightly hit all the household members, saying:

“Willow, by the way, God forgive me” or “Willow is a whip, it beats to tears, the willow is red, it does not beat in vain.”

Hitting lightly with a willow, you can say the following words:

“Willow whip

Beats to tears.

Willow blue

It hits hard

Willow is red

Hits in vain

Willow is white

Beats for the cause

Willow whip -

Beats to tears!”.

Or these words: "Be as strong as a willow,as healthy as her roots and as rich as the earth."

But know that the one who lashed you on the back wishes you bad. Since, having whipped with a willow on this great holiday, they may wish you evil, and it will come true.

Most of all, children got from the willow - so that they grow up healthy, obey their parents and study well, they say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats!”.

The villagers hit with willow and livestock - so that the offspring would not get sick He brought a healthy one, they said: “As a willow grows, so do you grow.”

Curiously, willows were often placed in feeders.

According to the beliefs of the peasants themselves, nine willow earrings could save them from a fever.

Folk healers advised barren women to eat the buds of consecrated willow.

A set of books and workshops “The Magic of Important Days”

The set includes books and workshops with traditions, ceremonies and rituals for Orthodox holidays: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter. As well as books: “Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos” and “Icon in the House”

Once again, I draw your attention: Be careful, do not give anyone branches from your already consecrated bouquet - many knowledgeable people “steal” happiness and health in this way.

An example of such carelessness (From a letter to a healer)

“Sorry to distract you from business, but I really need your advice. On Palm Sunday, I went to church to bless the willow, I had three bouquets with me. In the church a woman came up to me and asked for one branch of willow, and I gave it! And I know that you can’t give anything to people in the church, but for some reason I couldn’t refuse that woman.

That same evening, I became ill, and I collapsed on the bed in powerlessness. I slept for a long time, but the dream was very heavy. The next morning my heart was seized, then my head hurt all day and it got worse and worse. Natalya Ivanovna, I don't understand how it could happen to me! I wear a cross all the time, and I have protection, but here is such a misfortune!

In order to remove the damage induced in the church, take a handful of gray poppy in your right hand and pour it into your left hand. The poppy will fall from your hand to the ground, and in the meantime you say:

As this poppy does not rest on my hand, So that damage does not rest on me From this hour, From God's mandate.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever, Amen.

Here are some of the rituals associated with Palm Sunday.

Love spell on flowering willow

On the eve of Palm Sunday, break willow branches, read a special plot over them and give them to your loved one. The conspiracy is this:

Like Palm Sunday in joy to the whole Orthodox world, So I would be in joy to My dear, servant of God (name). How the Christian people are waiting for the ringing of the bells for the festive mass, So the servant of God (name) would be waiting for me, waiting for me, looking for me in the crowd of people, looking out the window, looking everywhere, and would rush, and rush on the opposite path, and pull to my hands are white. As the Palm Feast will not be forgotten by the Church, So the Servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen.

Workshop “Slavic amulets - powerful protection. Getting ready for Palm Sunday”

Right now you can transform your destiny!

And we will help you with this with the workshop “Slavic amulets - powerful protection. Getting ready for Palm Sunday”

Palm Sunday 2018 will be April 1st

details here:

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  • - how to protect your child;
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P willow rivot

On Palm Sunday they break a willow and say:

Until the willow

Behind the icon will lie,

Until then, my husband will not stop loving me,

Will not forget. Amen.

If your chickens were jinxed and they stopped laying, brew them willow from Palm Sunday and give them a drink. There will be a lot of eggs, and so that they are not jinxed in the future, go to the sleeping chickens early in the morning and say:

As the sun comes, so are the eggs with you.

Who looks around, croaks,

He will take over. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Willow twigs also help protect livestock. In the spring, before driving the animals out for grazing for the first time, say three times to the consecrated branch: “Holy willow, save and save my cattle, my animal from a fierce beast, from an unkind eye, from the machinations of a black sorcerer.” Then stick the willow under the roof of the house.

For that to save crops and get a good harvest, you need to stick a willow branch into the ground (in the garden, in the garden, in the field) and say 7 times: “Take away black curses and misfortunes from my servant of God (your name). Holy willow, be a shield from any enemy."

And if tortured by insomnia, then you need to put a willow branch at the head of the bed and before going to bed, looking at it, say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”

Kidneys, pussies from holy willow help with female infertility and with enuresis.

Today you can bake holy willow fluffies into bread and give sick pets will be healed.

They ate nine willow earrings, counting it medicine for fever.

And also as a remedy for other diseases.

They put the willow in the water, in which bathed sick children.

Willow earrings were baked into bread, and in Kostroma villages they baked cookies in the form of willow buds.

Many believed that a consecrated willow could stop a summer thunderstorm,and thrown into the flame - help with a fire.

Any a coward who wants to get rid of his shortcoming, should, upon arrival from church on Palm Sunday, drive a peg of consecrated willow into the wall of his house - if this means does not turn a coward into a hero, then, in any case, it should drive away natural timidity.

Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided.

If you have to go to important negotiations or are you going begin very important thing for you, and you are not sure of the result, then the willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help. Going on an important matter, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, drinking holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of a twig only in the most extreme case. Constantly, it is not necessary, it is better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

On Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? Probably. But before, a young girl, if she liked some guy, but he did not pay any attention to her, she was waiting for this particular day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who is dear to her heart. Her thoughts in some incomprehensible way were transmitted to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything that we think about, sooner or later necessarily happens in real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

But planting a willow was considered a bad omen.. They said: "He who plants a willow, prepares a spade for himself."(That is, he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of a willow).

Palm bazaars were considered a special feature of Palm Week.

They were especially loved by children, because they presented the richest selection of children's toys, books, and sweets.

They also bought bunched willows there.

An ornament was tied in a bundle - a paper angel.

He was called “Palm Cherub”.

On this day, you can plant a houseplant, to live well.

It used to be that if you plant an indoor flower on this day, then it attract money into your life. In the cities, of course, houseplants were kept, but in the villages it was not up to that. But those who knew about this sign, and planted indoor plants, very quickly got to their feet.

When you plant a plant, stroke it (or a pot if you planted a seed), reading the plot three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will. May it be so!"

And be sure to keep the plant always healthy and well-groomed. Water it on Wednesdays, reading the same plot. If you do everything right, you will soon notice that your material wealth has begun to improve.

But this sign has several features that few people know about. Firstly, if the flower wilts within a month, then you have to live your whole life in poverty. And secondly, you need to plant only plants with large and fleshy leaves. By the way, one of these plants is now called the money tree. In order for it not to wither and grow well, you need to know the special rules for planting and caring for it. By the way, it has been noticed that in the house where the money tree grows well, there is always prosperity and there is no shortage of money..

Also with the help of a willow conspiracy you can attract money.

holiday (on Lazarus Saturday), take a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and read “Our Father”. Then ask the Almighty to save you from financial problems and send prosperity to your home. The charmed branch must be consecrated on Sunday in the church.

Family amulet (on Palm Sunday) It is done once a year on Palm Sunday.

To do this, you will need as many willow branches as there are people in the family. Early in the morning, at dawn, cut off the branches, then go to the morning service and bless them. Arriving home and having drunk the holy water, start weaving a braid from the vines, mentally imagining at this time how all the household members joined hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the oldest member of the family, holding a wreath in front of the icon of the Mother of God, read: « Saint Paul waved the willow, drove away enemies from us. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is honored, so it is true that evil people will not bother. Amen". 3 times. A wreath to keep the year at the icons.

Willow in folk medicine

Willow bark contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, cellulose, glycoside salicin, lignin, anthocyanins, flavones, catechins, tannins... Willow bark is harvested on the eve of spring or at the very beginning of March before flowering and during sap flow. The tree should not be old or too young. Trees 6-8 years old are considered the most healing. The bark is removed carefully, cut into pieces, dried in the sun, and then dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees until it breaks easily. The shelf life of the bark is 4 years.

For medicinal purposes, male earrings are also collected during flowering. Willow decoctions have hemostatic, disinfectant, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic properties.

A decoction of willow bark prevents blood clots from forming, because it thins the blood.

In folk medicine, willow preparations are used for sore throat, fever, malaria, internal bleeding, dysentery, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and colon, gynecological diseases, rheumatism ...

With inflammation of the mouth and throat, decoctions are used for rinsing.

For varicose veins and skin diseases, decoction baths are used.

Decoction for diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry chopped willow bark brew with 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and hold for 5 minutes on low heat. Strain. Take ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

With pulmonary tuberculosis and jaundice, drink 2 cups of decoction per day.

This tree has proven itself in cosmetics. With dandruff, itching of the scalp and hair loss, wash your head with a strong decoction of equal parts of willow bark and burdock roots.

In France, from young shoots of willow, peeled from the bark, they learned how to cook very healthy dish. The shoots are pre-boiled, then fried with sugar and onions, seasoned with flour sauce and vinegar. From young leaves, buds, shoots, tea is brewed, which, according to fishermen and hunters, uplifting and energizing

You will learn:

how to make Thursday salt, bread, candle and fire (Sacred fire), which are then used for various ceremonies throughout the year

what to do on clean thursdayfor health and wealth;

how to get married, be loved and beautiful;

rituals for getting rid of negativity and bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction)

a rite to destroy the evil intentions of any enemy (I will reveal the secret that this ritual can be done not only on Clean Thursday)

Book “Conspiracies and rituals for Easter”

This is a book with rituals and conspiracies for Easter, which also includes rituals for Good Friday and Saturday

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What not to do on Palm Sunday 2018

On Palm Sunday it is impossible: to work, swear and be offended. You can not do cleaning, cook hot meals, sew, knit, embroider. It is believed that willow branches that are going to be brought to the temple for consecration should be cut only from young trees that do not yet have dried branches and damage. At the same time, you can not take branches from trees that have hollows, as well as from those that grow near the cemetery. It is not recommended to take branches from trees that bend over the water: in the old days, people believed that at night water and mermaids could rest on such branches.

On this day, you can enjoy delicious dishes, and please the kids with sweets. But do not forget that the holiday falls on the period of Great Lent, that is, dairy and meat products should not be put on the festive table. On this day, you can eat fish and drink some red wine.

Traditions for Palm Sunday

The main attribute of the holiday is consecrated willow twigs, which should stand for a whole year as a symbol of the acceptance of Christ and His great sacrifice.

The day before, on Saturday evening, Orthodox Christians with willow or willow twigs go to temples and churches for the All-Night Vigil. Immediately after reading the 50th psalm of the Gospel, the clergy sprinkle the willow branches with holy water. After that, the parishioners with lit candles stand until the end of the festive service in honor of the Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

The next day, people again go to churches and re-bless the willow branches. Also on this day, those who could not get to the Saturday evening service can come to the church with twigs.

On Palm Sunday, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom takes place. This is a quiet holiday that is best spent with family. During this period, Great Lent is still going on, and ahead of Christians lies the strictest week of fasting - Holy Week.

Rituals and Traditions on Palm Sunday

Our ancestors have long attributed healing and magical properties to willow branches. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family: its branch was touched to loved ones, wishing them health and happiness.

On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases for the whole next year. In those days, this was how they were treated for many diseases.

There is such a ceremony when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich like earth” or “Willow whip - beat to tears. Be healthy like a willow, etc. The meaning of the ceremony is to wish a loved one health and well-being. Many people believe that after such rituals, health, strength and well-being will come to a person.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat small children with bunches of willow, which were consecrated in the temple, so that they do not get sick during the year and grow up healthy. Palm branches decorate the icons standing in the house. This ceremony should bring happiness, well-being and health to every inhabitant of the house.

It is also believed that the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood has healing properties. Sick children were bathed in such water, confident that the disease would then recede. On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength, and girls - to help conceive a child.

If the weather is warm and clear that day, then the whole village is preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruits. If, however, “on Palm frost, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday, the girls did a love spell on willow. To do this, they found a young willow tree early in the morning, broke a small twig on it and said love words: “As long as the willow lies behind the icon, until my husband stops loving me, he will not forget. Amen". This branch of willow was kept in the house behind the icons.

Signs and superstitions

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle into the street: people believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil it. Girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: "Water, go to the ground along with a headache." And then they put the comb in the water and poured the willow with this water.

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Palm Sunday is one of the brightest Orthodox holidays, which is annually celebrated exactly one week before the Easter holiday. This year Easter Sunday falls on April 1st.

History of Palm Sunday

According to legend, on this day Jesus visited Jerusalem, where the locals greeted him as the Messiah. The reason for this was the resurrection Jesus deceased Lazarus, the news of which quickly spread among the people.

The people met Jesus waving palm branches as he rode into the city on a donkey and a colt. But since palm trees do not grow in the territory where Slavic Christians live, they were replaced with willow branches.

Holiday traditions

Willow twigs are considered the main attribute of the holiday, which Orthodox Christians consecrate in the church the day before, on Saturday evening. The next day, people again go to churches and re-bless the willow branches.

Coming home after the church service, people beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich like earth. Thus, a person wishes a loved one health and well-being.

Since the holiday falls on the period of Great Lent, dairy and meat products are not on the festive table. However, on this day it is allowed to eat fish and drink some red wine.

Signs and conspiracies of Palm Sunday

If in Palm Sunday if the weather is warm and clear, there will be a good harvest of fruit. And if it's cold, a good harvest of spring bread is expected.

On this day, the girls did a love spell on a willow. To do this, they found a young willow tree early in the morning, broke a branch on it and said love words: “As long as the willow lies behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen". After that, this branch of willow was kept in the house behind the icons. If a girl wanted to marry a particular guy, the whole day she had to think about this particular guy.

IN Palm Sunday no one drove the cattle out into the street. It was believed that evil spirits would surely spoil it.

To increase prosperity, it was necessary to plant a flower or transplant houseplants. It was believed that they would bring wealth to the house. But if the flower wilts, it was necessary to expect big financial losses.

"Palm Sunday", "Verbnitsa" - the sixth week of Great Lent, the last Sunday before Easter, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. On this day, Jesus was greeted with palm branches and songs of praise. In Russia, palm branches were replaced by willow. We consecrate the willow, decorate it, it is a talisman, the personification of life and growth.

When is Sunday on Saturday?

Palm Sunday Eve - Lazarus Saturday - the day when Jesus healed Lazarus a few days after his death. Since then, Christianity has been celebrating the feast of the Resurrection of Saint Lazarus. On this day, it was customary for Russian peasants to go to the forest for willow before sunrise. The brought twigs were immediately decorated with paper flowers, fruits, often a paper angel, a "verb cherub" was hung from the twigs. They went to church to sanctify the willow on the same day for the evening service or on Sunday morning. The consecrated branches were placed in the front corner on the goddess or placed behind the icons. In Siberia, a special “teremok” was made of straw for willow, which was decorated with rags, ribbons, and then hung in front of the icon.

"It's not me who beats, the willow beats, the willow whip beats to tears"

As soon as they returned home from matins, all household members would certainly hit each other with consecrated willow branches, saying: "Beat the red willow to tears, be healthy." This custom had a magical character: during contact, the willow transferred its life-giving forces to a person, filled him with energy. So, when children were whipped with a willow, they said and conjured: "As the willow grows, so do you grow," thereby transferring the properties of the plant to the child. Willow and its blossoming earrings, the appearance of which was the first visible manifestation of spring, in the popular imagination was the focus of fertility, plant strength, and health.

Egoriev's day

As children were whipped, so on the day of the first pasture on the pasture, on Egor's Day, they hit with a consecrated willow to protect animals from death, the evil eye, snakes, wolves, to ensure a good offspring, as well as to pacify the cattle, make it obey shepherd. Then the branches were stuck in a barn under the roof, “so that the cattle would not wander,” or let them float on the water, sometimes burned in a furnace, or fed to livestock. But throwing away the willow after the first pasture was a sin. Sometimes the consecrated branches were kept for a whole year behind the images until the next Verbnitsa, and only then they burned and put up a new consecrated willow. Also on Yegoriev's Day, after pasture, the branches could be broken and scattered across the field, and the buds could be crushed into grain intended for future sowing, thereby affecting the forces of nature, increasing the harvest.

"Lambs", "grandmothers", "katushki"

In order for the sheep to breed and not be transferred, but to multiply, they were fed with specially prepared loaves and bread, inside of which willow buds were baked. In some places, kidney-shaped cookies were baked according to the number of cattle and poultry in the house, and in other local traditions, for all family members. It was customary to consecrate cookies along with willow. In the Kostroma province, it was called "lambs", in Moscow - "lambs", "grandmothers" or "akatushki", in Ryazan - "nuts", "kytka".

Hail of the young

In the Penza province, there was a rite of hailing the young. At midnight on the eve of Palm Sunday, young people went around the houses where the newlyweds lived, and shouted at the gate: “Open, open, young, beat with a willow, give more health than before.” The young man had no choice but to unlock the gate, after which the crowd entered with a song: "There would be a harvest of bread, multiplication of cattle." All those sleeping in the hut were lightly hit with a willow, saying: “We beat to be healthy,” and also: “Get up early, beat the ram.” The young one was whipped last, when she bowed, seeing off uninvited guests.

Willow healer

Willow in the popular mind was able not only to give life-giving power, but also to protect against diseases and heal from them. Palm buds were swallowed as a prophylactic against various ailments. They ate nine palm buds, considering it a cure for fever. Barren women were also advised to eat consecrated kidneys, after which they gave birth safely. In the Kuban, willow was used in the treatment of childhood diseases. To do this, early in the morning before sunrise, they went to the river, where they cut three bunches of willow, nine branches each. Then at home they put one bundle in hot water and bathed the child at the window that faced east. At noon, the second bundle was lowered into the water and the child was bathed at the window where the sun stood at that moment. At sunset, similar actions were performed with the third beam in front of the window, looking at the setting sun. After that, all the branches and water, accompanied by a prayer, were poured into the river. It was believed that after these ablutions, the disease would go away. Also, sick cattle were fumigated with willow, ground it into powder and poured into wounds, made a decoction from it and drank, used as lotions from tumors and bruises.

Willow amulet

A willow branch from time immemorial pre-Christian pagan times was endowed with magical supernatural properties: in addition to enriching and healing, it was able to save, protect from lightning, storms, and evil spirits. According to legend, a willow thrown against the wind can turn away a storm, and thrown into a fire can pacify it. It was widely believed that the willow would protect the house from thunder and lightning, since the willow in the beliefs of the Slavs is the tree of the Thunderer, Perun, which strikes with cleansing fire. Palm branches, despite the Christian symbolism, were also attributed to witchcraft power, they were associated with poetic inspiration, sorcery, witchcraft. So, according to legend, in the spring the devils warm themselves on the willow, and after it is consecrated on a holiday, they fall into the water, and therefore from Palm Sunday to Easter you cannot drink water scooped up under the willow.

On the first day of April 2018 we will celebrate Palm Sunday. Of course, we know the most important tradition: on this day, fresh willow branches are always purchased, consecrated, placed in vases throughout the house, and also given to acquaintances, relatives, friends and relatives. In fact, the celebration of Palm Sunday does not end with this good tradition. This day is rich in its history, traditions, rituals, signs and beliefs. And we will tell about the most common of them right now.

History of Palm Sunday

Almost everyone knows the history associated with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Exactly a week before his death and resurrection, the Savior enters the main city of the Jewish people - Jerusalem. Moreover, he arrived not on a horse, but on a donkey - an animal considered a symbol of peace and modesty. The enthusiastic crowd welcomes the Messiah and lays palm branches right in the direction of his movement.

But we live in a country with a northern climate, like many other nations. That is why in our latitudes it is customary to purchase not palm trees (and where can you get them in April?), but willow twigs with blooming buds - willows. These branches are considered symbols of rebirth, the pleasant breath of spring, which symbolizes new hopes and success in all endeavors.

Of course, the first thing they do on this day is to acquire willows and take them to the church to consecrate them. The tradition can be shared by both believers and non-believers. After all, there will be nothing wrong just to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday and go to church right in the morning. Such a scenario will pleasantly surprise and delight you and your loved ones, and consecrated willows, whether we believe it or not, create a special mood.


In Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated inXcentury. Considering that our country was formed inIXcentury, we can say that the custom of celebrating Palm Sunday has existed for almost as long as the Russian state has lived.

Rituals associated with willows

Of course, the main symbol of the holiday is willow branches. As soon as you bring them home, you must certainly put them in bright vases throughout the apartment. In each room there should be a bunch of willows. Believers always have at least one icon in the house, placing it in a special corner where you can pray and just mentally take a break from the busy rhythm of life.

In this case, willow branches will be more than correct to place next to the icon. This perfectly enlivens the room - after all, willows can decorate the icon well and set everyone at home for the celebration of Palm Sunday. By the way, believers have a custom to keep branches next to the icon throughout the year - exactly until the time comes to replace them with fresh willows. And old willow branches should always be burned, because negative energy accumulates in them, which they try to remove from everyone in the house.


It is better to stock up on willow branches in excess. They are traditionally hung in all corners of the room. Today we can give an explanation for this approach: it is in the corners that negative energy accumulates. It does not cause much harm to health, but in any case, it is better to clean the room than to leave everything as it is. To make sure that this is true, you can use an ordinary church candle. Light it up and bring it to any corner. Pay attention to the flame - it will begin to smoke and may even crackle a little.

How Palm Sunday Is Celebrated - Traditions

Today you can celebrate the holiday with the whole family. I want to share such joyful moments with my family, pay attention to children, and most importantly, give my participation to all those who live alone. Creating a small miracle is very simple. Sometimes you can just go to visit someone who has been waiting for you for a long time and present a gift to someone in need.

Of course, you should visit your relatives, friends, dear people. Give willows according to the beautiful custom, make symbolic gifts for good luck. After all, the most important thing is not even a symbol, but our faith, a sincere attitude towards good thoughts and plans.

And here are some more interesting features of how Palm Sunday is celebrated today:

  1. Those who fast are allowed to relax: you can eat any fish dishes.
  2. If you don't fast, no big deal. But it is important to keep in mind that the abuse of food and especially alcohol on such a bright day is undesirable. It is best to spend the holiday with a clear, clean head. Moreover, there are plenty of reasons for fun on other days. It is allowed to drink some good red wine - perhaps this is the most comfortable and family drink.
  3. And among the culinary traditions, one can recall one interesting ritual, the traces of which are lost in the mists of time. In Russia, it was customary to bake flour balls with a piece of willow inside (they simply put the kidney itself in the dough and baked it). Of course, instead of small buns, you can create any pastries. Why not make the kids happy and play with them? Put some kidneys in 3-4 buns - let the family look for who gets what.

And the last tip. On such a bright day as Palm Sunday, you should not engage in stressful affairs, tidy up the house for a long time, and put things in order. Of course, in extreme cases, when something urgently needs to be done, this is allowed. But in order to feel the holiday, it is best to prepare for it in advance so that on this spring Sunday you can pay attention to your family and have a good rest.