Status in contact I will meet a tall girl. Cool statuses, words and phrases for dating a girl

Dear girls, to get rid of annoying harassment on the street, to the question: “What are you doing tonight?” Feel free to answer: - Me to three to the venereologist, and then I'm free!

At first I got up on the wrong foot, then I sat on the wrong broom ...

My boyfriend found out that I have a fiancé! Now they are both coming to me, what should I do?! Maybe call your husband?

A real girl in her life must have time to do three things: wake up, get dressed and make up!

I explained to my grandmother that now I am studying to be a programmer. They agreed that I repair TVs and breed mice ...

The main thing is that my future husband should be a good person, and what he trades there, gas or oil, it doesn’t matter to me!

In our village there are no Contacts, no Odnoklassniki ... But there are many haylofts for contacts with classmates!

I was told yesterday that I live in fantasy. I almost fell off the dragon.

Statuses with jokes for a girl: Not correctly sent, it becomes annoying.

The more you look into honest eyes, the harder it is to take your eyes off the mirror.

A girl in high heels will run faster in an emergency than a guy in sneakers...

And I solved the problem with clothes hanging on a chair! I put the chair in the closet and everything is OK - now things are in the closet!

Sometimes I really want someone to press tenderly against my cheek, stroke my hair furtively ... and pay for my loan ...

We have a very logical country, for example, today for a certificate that I am not an alcoholic, I delivered a case of vodka to the narcologist.

Yesterday I learned that "pedestrian" in English is "pedestrian" ... Now I swear while driving culturally and ... only in English!

It's hard without men in one case ... When you go from the store.

Statuses with jokes for a girl: Looking for a prince ... or a horse ... but who cares who to ride ...

I have never had a candy-bouquet period in a relationship ... First there is always a liquor and vodka period, and then abruptly some garbage.

Too drunk is when your friends loaded you into a taxi and on the way home, you ask the driver three times again - is he going to take you to the forest to rape ... and why not?

Tea is generally a universal remedy. Invite a man for tea - there will be sex, invite a girlfriend - booze.

Girls, men should be looked for not on dating sites, but on employment sites. Questionnaires are the same, only pictures and resumes in them are real.

I'm not too good, but not too bad either ... I'm just kind in an evil stripe ...

So where is my prince?! And what kind of mare does he ride?!

Why didn't you pick up the phone? - I danced to the bell.

On your birthday, we will pull you by the ears to grow up. - Pull better for boobs.

My parents wanted me to be good... And so it happened... Good sense came out, the stupidity remained =)

Statuses with jokes for a girl: The easiest way to find a guy is when you already have a boyfriend.

Daddy, I got married! - I don’t know anything, how it gets dark - home ...

You have lost so much weight!!! Is this a new diet? - yes, carrots, beets and potatoes! - And what did you do, cook or fry? - COPAL!!!

What is the easiest way to meet the guy you like? - Ask for help fastening your bra in a lingerie store!

You lead a wild life, hang out in clubs, meet interesting people, and I sit at home in funny slippers and a cozy bathrobe and wait for you as my prince ...

One moment, one look, one touch can put everything in its place... Only one chance acquaintance and life abruptly changes direction... Believe me, it happens...

- You look great together! You probably met under incredibly romantic circumstances? - Yeah, he asked me in wow: “Well, pvp or are you pissing?” And then I realized - here it is, love ...

Best Status:
We arrived ... Now, when meeting a girl, they are not interested in the phone number. It is enough to find out under what nickname she is registered in contact ...

When you start to choose words to express yourself in a more accessible language, friendship turns into a banal friendly relationship.

For a long time I have not experienced such bliss as with you, I heard from my boyfriend after a week of relationship after meeting ... it was an unforgettable phrase ...

I am delighted with you, cuties, only because you first refuse to get acquainted, and then write about YOUR unrequited love!

Dating is the first step to love!

- Hi, let's meet? - Who are you? “Perhaps the one you've been waiting for all your life. – Cristiano Ronaldo… is that you?

A young girl, twirling animatedly in front of the mirror: “Oh, I would rather get married or something, otherwise I’m so tired of putting on makeup and looking after my appearance!”

broke up. 1 day - sobbed, 2 - departed, 3 - remembered, 4 - with friends, 5 - new acquaintances, 6 - scored, 7 - returned, you see missed ...

Today is a year since we've known each other... but you probably don't remember...

And I smile, remembering our acquaintance.

EVIL. dating, love, relationship...

Acquaintance in contact: - Hi! Where are you from? - Hi! I from Russia. And you?- I from France.- Pizdish.- Chestnoe slovo.

Everything! I’m deleting your number… Although I understand that from the first day of our acquaintance I learned it by heart!!!…

What is the most reliable way to meet guys? – Walk up to him and grab his cock!!!

- Acquaintance? - Easily. - Communication? - Always glad. - Friendship? - Maybe. - Love? I no longer need...

The beginning does not mean that we are together! The beginning is only the first step of our acquaintance!

I do not believe in love at first sight, only in sex on the first day of meeting. Sorry, that's me.

Every day I see you, and the place of my banal “hello” - you could come up with something more original for the year of our acquaintance ...

If I had known how it would all end, I would have called you between the legs when we met!

The worst thing for a guy is meeting her parents xD

Each of us imagines himself simply irreplaceable. But this does not prevent us from believing that we can easily replace any other woman.

Announcement of Acquaintance, Vkontakte I am looking for a healthy girl from 10 to 11 with serious intentions!!!

New acquaintances, alcohol, unsuccessful attempts to forget the past - and this is your new life?!

this is a casual acquaintance and ... I think about you all day)))

earlier they took a phone for a close acquaintance, and now they take an ICQ number *

From a letter on a dating site: Single men like me have nothing to rely on for the stern of their own hands ...

Now they are in contact not in search of new acquaintances, but because of the IMPOSSIBILITY to forget the previous ones ...

That's what technology has come to! Shops on the Internet, dating on the Internet, dates also on the Internet! Damn! And will we also put on makeup before going online?

If, when meeting a girl on the street, you ask her for her photo, then you urgently need to get off the Internet ...

“And if, after all this pain, the day you met is returned to you, will you get to know him again?” - Yes.

It was something. Yes, I didn't hit the club today. But I met him, and what an acquaintance ... Like it: *

ad on a dating site: Broke a bottle of vodka over the weekend. Looking for new friends...

She is not one of those girls who are offered to meet in the first days of dating. Her name is immediately married ... (c)

the probability of meeting acquaintances increases if you go with a person whose acquaintance you would not like to advertise))

In Russia, the main way of dating is “drinking together”))

I don't like being alone. I just don’t make unnecessary acquaintances so as not to be disappointed in people once again.

Why can I keep my word? And my friends think it's unimportant...

Sometimes, people whom you have never seen, but only communicated with them on the Internet, sometimes become closer than those who have known you since childhood.

You have drastically changed my life. Before I met you, I never lied that I love ...

On a dating site, a girl's profile was pinned: “In sex, I can do absolutely everything !!! But sex itself is not interesting to me ... "

Announcement on a dating site: "I will give the old doctor's sausage into the gentle hands of a young nurse."

It is sometimes much easier to make an acquaintance than to make this acquaintance later ...

Alcoholics Anonymous Club: - Hello, my name is Stas... I'm an alcoholic... - I'm Roma... And I'm an alcoholic. - My name is Zhenya. I am an alcoholic. - Well, what an acquaintance?!

it's time to make friends with young people from the moment they met. you need to immediately be feminine, flirting and flirting.

And here - cool phrases for dating on the Internet.

A new acquaintance - a new friend - a new disappointment - a new quarrel - a new enemy ... Conclusion: you need to eat ... 1

Time does not heal .. casual acquaintances, long avenues are treated, and time, time does not heal .. it just goes by (

A few months after we met. “Darling, isn’t it time for you to introduce me to your family?” “I don't even know what to do. The children are now with the mother-in-law, the wife is on vacation ...

The best way to avoid casual acquaintances is to fervently wave toilet paper when returning from the store.

new life... new rules... new acquaintances... new style... new, strong, different..

All of you say you love. And then walk by as if you didn't even know each other.

I read dating advertisements… Everyone wants beautiful, slender and smart… Have you seen yourself fucking in the mirror?!

Here I love you cuties, just for the fact that when you get acquainted with the beginning, say NO !!! And then sit and write how you have unrequited love!!

I knew that alcohol could shorten the flower-candy period after dating. I just thought it would be a little longer than 20 minutes ...

acquaintance on the street: Girl girl, but you can find out your ID number

Any acquaintance with the CRIMINAL CODE begins from childhood, with the punishment “STAND IN THE CORNER”

he Passed the compatibility test on a dating site ... she And how? he approached me Tanya, ... a lesbian ...

- Fizruk met a new computer science teacher. Acquaintance has already gained 10,000 views on YouTube.))

After the first date at the entrance of the house: OH: - Can you invite me to come in for coffee? SHE: - Perhaps ... Chur, just do not smoke in bed!

Who else misses texting? "Hey! Let's get acquainted!"

Acquaintance? - Easy ... Communication? - Always glad ... Friendship? “Perhaps… Love?” - Do not need …

From correspondence on a dating site: “Are you a brunette or a blonde, or maybe you are married at all?”

The moon sets, the sun rises, Friends come, and with them new acquaintances, Love, loud laughter, madness of promises, Or good feelings!

Everyone writes “Everyone broke up! I can’t live without him” One has only to make a new acquaintance… All this is immediately forgotten. Was it just to be humiliated?

dating sites are created for dating and searching for love, but often become the reason for parting and losing it ...

If a lady has crooked legs, then only a VERY frank neckline can save her!

Wonderful disease scalerosis, every day new acquaintances

Time took you with it ... New guys, new acquaintances, but it's not easy to forget you.

I hate it when they say: “How can such a beautiful girl not have a boyfriend!!!” You might think that when you met me, you really wanted me to have one!!!

The moon sets, the sun rises, Friends come, and with them new acquaintances, Love, loud laughter, madness of promises, Or good feelings, the sun sets, the moon rises ...

You don't even know the date of our acquaintance... Well, you're an asshole!

Now, when meeting a girl, after she said “-Alena”, the guys have a very pleased smile

A close acquaintance of a man with a virgin usually ends with four letters - either the registry office, or NARA.

I so wanted a serious relationship, but by chance on the second day of my acquaintance I fucked him ...

When meeting a guy, I used to pay attention to my eyes ... now to my right hand ... I’m probably growing up)

Nick MyDak pins only on the first day of meeting, during the meeting you understand that this is true

After hanging out on dating sites, the name of the Oral-B toothbrush begins to seem somehow ambiguous ...

Now the acquaintance begins with the phrase: - Are you in contact?

Virtual dating is divided into 2 periods: before the first photo and after ...))

Acquaintance? - Easy ... Communication? - Always glad ... Friendship? “Perhaps… Love?” - I do not know…

- Hey, beautiful, let's get to know each other? - Hey, fuck off, you, in tight jeans, I'm waiting for a guy from the army!

Girl, don’t you have a lace?” - why - to make an acquaintance with you ”

I found a certain Julia on a dating site with a note: “I prefer sex for money.” Judging by the photo, she will pay.

I get pissed off by people who write “Do you know each other?” knowing in advance that they had never seen this person.

I myself am a practicing heterosexual, but being bisexual doubles your chances of meeting on a Saturday night © Woody Allen

Virtual dating is divided into two periods: before the first photo and after

Be afraid of people who, on the second day of dating, talk about their feelings. They don't have a heart.

Statuses were invented to make online communication as close to normal as possible. And after setting the status, it becomes possible to convey to the interlocutors your mental or emotional state, mood. Thus, to attract to communicate with you those who are directly suitable or correspond to your life feelings at the moment.

cool statuses are one of the most versatile ways to convey the mood of your interlocutor. Ways to express the feelings of cool statuses is huge, from the usual fun and joy to subtle minor notes that border on black humor. All the statuses that can be classified as cool are united by their ability to bring a smile to the face. But, one of the main goals of the statuses is a long laugh, followed by a great mood for a long time.

cool statuses can be both graphic and textual. Graphic statuses should be clear and understandable, while text statuses should be concise and concise. As Chekhov said: "Brevity is the sister of talent." Coolest statuses will most clearly betray your mood to the interlocutor if they contain some image with a text slogan.

Original statuses are very popular, i.e. created by you and not by anyone else. But, if the status is not hackneyed, witty and original, then, of course, you can take it from the network on various resources.

Most often, cool statuses are used by cheerful people and optimists in life, infecting their acquaintances and friends with their emotional and spiritual mood, thereby bringing lightness and ease to the sphere of online communication. However, the coolness of the status may border on vulgarity and may not always be appropriate, which may offend the interlocutor. When choosing a cool status, keep track of the audience you set it for, because funny things can also hurt.

Funny female and male profiles on dating sites

Women's profiles

FROM gray-eyed, attractive Capricorn is looking for a gentle Virgo.

AND I'm looking for a friend, husband, lover, if all three come, I won't be offended! Waiting for all three, rolled into one!

TO Wow I want to find: Preferably a guy and not preoccupied...

W hello! My name is Raisa. I am 21 years old. If I intrigue you write.

X I want to become happy with an independent, held, adequate, free man with serious intentions.
About myself: 36/172/54, the character is complex, harmful, capricious, spoiled and lazy. I have no real estate or movable property!

M young, healthy, easy-going grandmother 49/170/74 without bad habits and problems is looking for an active, sexy, caring man under 58 without cockroaches and TV for a permanent family life

TO unfortunately, I am not a happy owner of enlarged mammary glands and a capacious pelvis, sorry ...

M young, mischievous, agile... Height, cm: 158 Weight, kg: 85

W Inca meets a man for meetings at the bus station. Financial assistance is required. (joke)


B I am awesome, I am awesome - whoever is lucky.

X ouch! I am a burning brunette, but Russian. And so she dyed her hair blonde.

IN I love sex: that which does not contradict my moral principles.

TO How often would I like to have sex: a couple of times in my life if I decide to have a baby

I such as it is, sometimes evil, sometimes a bitch, but kind and sympathetic.

E w\n, a\m, h\u, but where to find your love?

IN mostly sweet, tender, devoted... I can change!

I a sorceress looking for her magic wand

IN sex i like: messing around

AND I want a guy. Turnkey family: beautiful wife, child and mother-in-law.

ABOUT for me: a mere mortal woman...

P a tall, unremarkable woman would like it too! Tel. 23-33-44.

FROM it’s easy about me, the main thing is always and in everything to agree with me

TO briefly about yourself. Nationality: recorded Russian, mother - Jewish, father - German. So there are a lot of interesting things in my character and appearance...

ABOUT a charming chamomile is waiting for a generous bumblebee, who will pollinate her stamen.

TO Rasivye girls will communicate with beautiful wealthy kings.

I slender, taut in places. I run in the morning. And I would like in the morning warmth and affection!

L I love nature, forest and land. I can create comfort with warmth. I don’t know how to go on with verses, I ask you not to answer from the top!

ABOUT for me:
And she sews and knits and won't say a word.
It's not about me!

I gentle and affectionate cat. In sex, mostly an asset. I'd like to see who I'm messing with.

IN the dova will meet the bean. Maybe unsociable. May be abnormal. Everything is possible. (joke)

M young people under the age of 19 and over 25 please do not disturb, just please do not disturb those for whom the purpose of dating is sex, and who cannot imagine their life without it.
PS: Perverts, please go through the forest!

B Without a photo, do not write, I will not answer anyway! And don't offer me any muck ...

ABOUT Bo me: you can write a lot about what, but it is better to know! Do not offer sex, I'm interested in communicating with nice people!
Looking for: Friendship and communication, who knows where our conversation will lead.

P an attractive girl, a spectacular blonde, will meet a man, preferably a doctor, preferably a dermatologist, a specialist in warts.

M It's not hard enough to describe myself, so I won't do it. But, if someone is interested, then I'll try, maybe it will work out.

X I want to meet an interesting person (who does not want to be bored in his spare time from work). This is all in a good way. Please do not bother me for sexually anxious needs!

I pretty, no bad habits, don't smoke, don't go out, don't work.

P Nice monogamist looking for a monogamist

ABOUT more to me: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I faint from the word “ass”!

ABOUT You can write a lot of things for yourself, but this is not the fact that this is actually the case :) And I don’t see anything terrible in what was written ... Everything is very understandable ... there is nothing to be afraid of, but it’s worth delving into it carefully .. .. .For the very unintelligent

IN I love sex: well, I love something, I guess ...

F The photography is, of course, terrible. For some reason, the photographer wanted the head to be parallel to the shoulder. Probably loves the song "Moscow Nights" ...

TO Wow I want to find: A young man with a sense of humor and a subtle understanding of women's desires and fantasies (don't get me wrong)

Male profiles

ABOUT I surrender to good female hands. He is unpretentious in food, took a walk to the left, was accustomed to the toilet, his salary went home. I have a passport and vaccinations. I respond to a cat, a chick, my sun, etc. The phrase “Mom does it differently!” I don't use. Not neutered. For girls who are not very prone to fullness and not older than 30. (Joke)

D evochki, behave well and modestly. Otherwise, I will! I am a strict uncle - a policeman. And I work from 8 am to 7 pm as a police officer in Pskov.

BUT a decent handsome guy will get acquainted with a cute slim adequate girl

B former underground fighter and trainer. Currently in business with my brother. Divorced. Daughter is 10 years old. Who will fall in love and take me away from here!

I I'll wait for you, only you come forever ...

M a man, three times a widower, seventy-five years old, is looking for a woman to live with....
R. s: Hobbies - I like picking mushrooms....

IN I love sex in general, I can't help it!

H normal in all respects a man wants to get acquainted as crazy!

FROM tarenki ( after 21 years old) ! Please do not write!

D a girl named Lena, whom I met on October 12 near the Kuzminki station. Your blond hair and red coat is all I have left. Please respond. Basil.

I I am divorced and have an 8 year old son. Other surprises in communication ...

H The four musketeers are looking for their milady to rejoice in their lifetime.

AND I want a girl opposite gender.

X I want to meet a girl 25 years old, blonde, height 180 cm, blue eyes, 90-60-90, smart, beautiful. Short About Me - 12 cm ...

AND I’m quite well off for a family with big buttocks, I’m looking for someone close in spirit and body with joint plans for life, I’ll surround you with care and attention, I won’t answer without a photo

ABOUT I'm really looking for a slender, beautiful dark-haired girl in a green bathing suit who was sunbathing on the Luzanovka beach on September 30th. Give me the towel and your phone number please! There were 3 wolves on the towel.

FROM a senior lieutenant from the metro, a girl in uniform (the rank of senior lieutenant), gray (possibly gray-green) eyes, a brown-haired woman, went out to Gagarin, who played a game of views with me. :) I have never had such a worthy opponent :).
If you accidentally see this ad, then know that I would look into your eyes all my life. Too bad I figured it out when it was already too late.

M a man with refined taste is looking for a girl 92.346 x 61.712 x 93.451. Not a bore .

AND I'm looking for the one with which there are no problems in this, like me.

ABOUT a lonely man is looking for love, affection, understanding and something to eat.
What to do with me? To love, to feed and not to give to anyone ...

B be my fair lady, and I will be your knight. Who said that the knights were transferred? Knock on my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.

AND the zba burned down, the horse ran away. And you're all gone and gone...

ABOUT graduated from the lyceum, you yourself understand what they do with normal people ...

AND I am looking for a woman to realize my sexual fantasies (in a \ m, on a w \ n, with a w \ w).

M it doesn't matter that you love to listen to Joseph Kobzon. Signature: Joseph Kobzon .

P I ride the subway. I'll give you gum. Not an oligarch.

L A person of Caucasian nationality is looking for the same, of the opposite sex, without children and bad habits. Love in Russian, the details are on the spot.

G Let anyone be a good person! If only with housing.

I not simple, rather I am not complex. In general, I am mentally healthy.

L I love extreme sex. Letters of recommendation are attached.

X I want to get acquainted by a marriage announcement. I will answer the letter with a photo. Landscapes do not send.

AND I'm looking for a woman with an active lifestyle. missionary Do not offer.

L people with any mental disorders - do not write to me!!! I'm looking for a guy, a girl, a couple M+F, a couple M+M, a shemale for sex.

he should be a little sporty, strong, cool, not aggressive, stylish and cool by 200 percent, and most importantly, I come first for him. (joke) I'll write later or tell you personally.

wealthy and not greedy for gratitude man ...

I don't need furs, diamonds, limousines! I want real sincere love, I want cute poems via SMS, I want a scarlet rose, I want
unexpected meetings, surprises.
Are there any romantics or have they already died out?

generous, secure, affectionate, gentle...

worthy me...

confident, strong, resolute)

The one that gives me goosebumps

respectable and generous man...

Prince on the carpet plane!
"I want passionate, tender love! The unity of our souls and bodies. I live only in one hope, so that you want the same. I know that
One morning I wake up in your arms. And I will understand that the voice of the wise In my mind subsided. There is nothing but silence.
A moment of eternal beauty. We now have one soul. You are me, I am you." (momentary weakness)
Oh yes) I love self-sufficient, beautiful, tall boys! Assess your chances guys!
Delete without reading:
- questionnaires without photos
Married and sick in the head do not bother me! I don't provide sex for money!

Prince ... As in a fairy tale: on a white horse. Since horses are no longer relevant today, we will consider other options.

A cool guy or girl with whom you can have a great time, I don’t want to get married, but I want to live for my own pleasure

The one who does more than says

Tall, attractive! And also an intelligent and interesting person! A big request without a photo, do not disturb! If there is no answer, you
I'm not a match!

A person needs a person! :) Smart, with a sense of humor, generous, kind, adequate ...

It's nice to be next to a person who keeps you in good shape ... Next to whom you want to get better, grow ... So that he
proud of you...

a normal guy who would completely satisfy me

A real man: smart, strong, brave, purposeful...
potential head of the family, at the same time kind, soft, cheerful, romantic, ready to throw the world at the feet of his beloved ...

I dream of finding an interesting, promising, independent young man. The subject of my girlish dreams must have a diploma of
higher education,
make good money and know at least one foreign language.
He must also be cute.
gentle and thoughtful creature.

Love men, in front of him, how to write me a reminder of the proposition "sex for 1-2 times, caresses in different places", keep quiet,
how could it be possible to start ... and in such a state of mind, my vibir will snarl at you, even if there are not a few such candidates ... and
vzagalі, yakshcho it would be necessary less if it was less) turn, in real life you can take it without problems and profiles on the site are not

who is looking for me...
But seriously, I'm looking for a real man, strong, courageous, responsible, with whom I would feel
protected and confident. (I like tall guys, not too skinny!) Romantic, humorous, self-sufficient...
I will not answer those who write illiterately!

real stallion...

Lost teddy bear... :)

I'm allergic to bores...

I don't care what you have now, the perspective is important to me, what you can achieve ... No, not because I
mercantile bitch, but so that I don’t die of boredom from your stupidity!) I don’t need a handsome man, but you have to take care of yourself,
because a man is simply obliged to be well-groomed!)

- "you came from the village, the train brought you"? - quickly speed up with a red cross, which is known to the right
to the upper coddle forever!
- Persons under 25 do not interest me (does not apply to women).
- If you have "fingers like a fan, snot with blisters, a cross on your belly and a bum in scars" ... I'm unlikely to keep you company in
"walking with the breeze" on your "super-duper" BMW!
And one more thing: I do not provide any services, ask for help from the girls who have a pink profile frame.
Good luck!

we are all looking for one thing here: salvation from boredom. and it's not about loneliness, not about sex, we're all just fucking bored in life

wealthy generous smart man

crocodile Gena ... someone else, but definitely not a lover!) and you don’t have to invite me to visit) for the slow-witted, I repeat - do not offer sex!

Without a photo - immediately, no offense, we move on ...
And one more thing... you can only wink at those who do not know the letters!
Z.Z.Y. Comments and complaints from 8-00 to 23-00 in the diary! ;-)


Active, positive, stylish personality with a sweet face and an excellent sense of humor :)))
P.S. guys WITHOUT PHOTO - do not write and do not wink! HOW MUCH CAN YOU REPEAT!!!

A normal, sensible man. For me, the most important thing is that the quantity turns into quality. It's not a problem to find a guy, the problem is to find a sincere and real Person, and not a deceitful, mean, walking rubbish. I know how to appreciate those who can't live without me... ..and I don't chase after those who are happy without me!

An interesting interlocutor, with a bewitching look and body of Apollo...)

A man you don't want to leave in search of someone better

A MAN to be a little more beautiful than a monkey, but with a big human heart and soul

A man! Who can give me pleasure and bring me to orgasm. Not a man who cums in 5 minutes and at the same time everyone thinks that he is a sexual giant. now. My dear losers, you always want to be the only love of a woman, but alas, you are the weakest link, I will be your punishment, and even more so the last one in your life. I am once again convinced that everyone around is f*cking everywhere and everywhere. And that without you, men and swamis are the same x * in me! no longer a material factor. Unlike you cables, it’s not hard for me to say n * d, fucked. animal. And how pitiful you look when you are refused to go to bed, your pitiful excuse immediately sounds: That I didn’t even stand on you x * d and didn’t even want to, and then a low phrase: you will come and ask yourself. My dear men with such a trifle as yours, we will not ask, let alone crawl. Your trifle rumbles so much in your pants, for God's sake don't fuck * you, contact well-known doctors who will help you, buy an ointment that will increase your deficiency. Coach
and at home with handles so that the boner is good, but train so that Jin gets out of the lamp! for the fact that you are unsatisfied, We are insane because you are not given to bring to orgasm. REFLECT!
What did you want! Beautiful all-Bitches!

I want to look for a man for all the best that is in the world)
if you are a greedy man and do not understand that a beautiful woman is not only admiring glances, compliments, but also
expenses - please do not write to me, do not waste either my or your time :) and do not be offended - you know the truth

Attention! Sex is not interested! more money for it! ! !
I'm only here to fill the evenings - offer: tea, coffee, cappuccino :)

worthy! Dear men, if you have a stable
average income or below and if you are looking for cheap sex
at one time or or just not ready to take care of
a woman does not need to waste my time and yours

You are married and arranged, but you really want something attractive and without consequences.
A real man, corny?! But to my great regret, there are very few of them now! A man who is smart enough
so that you can stand firmly on your feet, not just chase after pretty faces, and most importantly, don’t say what you don’t

purposeful, responsible, with a good sense of humor, generous, kind and beautiful...)

A person with whom it is fun, interesting and comfortable ...
A man who is self-confident... but not arrogant...
smart... but not boring... gentle... but not sticky...
bright, but so as not to go blind ...

I support the domestic manufacturer....please!!! do not write people of Caucasian nationality, sexually preoccupied,
married people and sponsors .... I don’t need your services ....)))

If love can be described in words, then it is not love. After all, she is inexplicable. Do you know how the wind blows? Do you feel it
on your can smell think with its thoughts...but you can't see it?! So he lives in our life ... but he is somehow
I'm looking for your eyes...I touch you with my thoughts. I try to find familiar features in the reflection, I look out for you from millions.

Who am I looking for? - simple answer! - a man! In the full sense of the word !!! - with whom it is not scary and without looking back to spend time; about sex
remember as bliss; I'm tired of being the head, earner and ……. I want to be just a woman, a lover, I just
person with + and - want

I don't know how to lisp and call you a cat if you really are a moron)
P.S.. If something does not suit someone, our sympathy is mutual)

A friend or girlfriend, do not offer love, because you can’t buy it for money, but you can’t take it for “just like that”.

It would be indecent to know a handsome lad with an almost obv "language, who knows the value of words and feels, who is smart and pissing ... oh!
And in front of me, I haven’t joked with anyone for a long time ... I’m just talking ...
I want to know a good person with a correct system of values, with high moral qualities and a good sense of humor;)

I would like to...
Treat me like a child, adore me, do your best for me, control me, teach me... I will kick, get angry, but if you succeed, you will raise a beautiful woman...
Never raise your hand to me. I will not be afraid of you, but I will stop respecting you, and you will lose the most precious thing that you have in life ...
Never lie. After all, I will not eat you for the truth. You can't come because you're sitting with your friends? It's not scary, just tell the truth...I'll understand! But the main thing is time...
Take care of me. Ask me to call when I arrive, don't let me go to nightclubs, don't give a damn that it infuriates me. Indifference infuriates even more. I appreciate your concern.. I swear...
Do not be shy. I am mine. I can say everything. No money? We will sit at -30 degrees on a bench and we will warm ourselves from kisses.. Are you tired at work, from life, from torn jeans? Pray to me, I'll take pity on you.. Do you have tears? It doesn't need to be hidden. You need to hide your heartlessness.
I don't need a handsome man. I'm not interested in your complex face. Details are important to me: your eyelashes, lips, how you look...
I don't care about what you have now, the perspective is important to me, what you can achieve... No, not because I'm a mercantile bitch, but so that I don't die of boredom from your stupidity)...
Forgive me... My tardiness, lots of mascara, stupid insults... Forgive me. You are wise.
No... It's not that... Make it so that I'm not late, don't put on makeup and I have nothing to be offended by... You're wise...
Tame me. Make me yours I am independent, but I really want to depend on you. Bind me to you. Do not let me go.. . Love me sincerely...and you are the winner...
Don't talk too soon about love. You will scare me. But don't delay. 'Cause I won't waste my time on someone who doesn't love me..
Don't make me love.. Please wait. You are a man. Let me sort myself out...
Believe me! After all, if you do everything right, I have no reason to deceive you. Be real, if you are not who you say you are, it will be very difficult for you...
Be afraid to lose me... After all, I always have somewhere to go.. I can handle being alone... I am self-sufficient...
Don't betray me... as a woman... Break up with me and go for a walk... But don't lie to me... I'll believe you... but if I find out, I won't be in your life anymore... Never. I'll forgive, but I won't forget...

A man is not judged by his rank,
Not for the money that he brings to the house,
And do not judge a man by his height,
After all, they are not judged by age about him.
They are not judged by dexterity and strength,
And not by glory, which is sometimes empty,
Not because he's handsome
After all, the external beauty will fade ..
Judging is not for the reason
That everyone around him takes an example ..
and in relation to a man to a woman ..
And this is the main court...

A man who does not have to be changed with bed linen!
The most frequently asked questions and my answers to them...
1.ON: Have we met before?
Me: Perhaps I work in the registry of the dermatological dispensary!
2.ON: I think I saw you somewhere...?!
Me: Yes, and that's why I don't go there anymore!
3.ON: Is this place nearby free?
Me: Yes, and mine will be released too if you sit down!
4.OH: What if we go to my place?
Me: I'm not sure we'll fit together in the same trash!
5.OH: Under what sign were you born?
Me: No entry!
6.OH: What kind of eggs do you like for breakfast?
Me: Not fertile!
7.OH: Come on, you're here for the same reason as me!
Me: Really?!?! To shoot cute boys?
8.OH: I'm here to make your wildest fantasies come true!
Me: Are you saying… that you have a German Shepherd and a goat?
9. HE: I want to give myself to you!
Me: Thanks) but I don't accept cheap gifts!
10. HE: For your sake I will go to the ends of the world!
Me: Yes...? Could you stay there?
11. HE: If I could see naked, I would die of happiness!
Me: Yep…. The main thing is that I don’t die of laughter when YOU undress)
12.OH: What do you do to look so good?
Me: I do the opposite of what you do!
13.OH: You have high self-esteem!
Me: It's a big mistake to dream about yourself more than you should and value yourself less than you're worth!
14. AND FINALLY! The most frequently asked question!
HE: What do you do in life?
Me: I'm a transvestite!
Don't repeat mistakes

Pivet))) I'm Masha, I'm looking for a guy, handsome, smart, funny, not a lot of romance))) Kolory will take care of me and then he can love me and make me the happiest ......

It is difficult and useless to describe the man I would like to meet. True affection rarely flares up instantly. First of all, a man must be loved. After all, if there is no love, neither beauty, nor wealth, nor other virtues will please. There is a particular man who
"hurts". Why? Inexplicable. I believe that he should be an interesting person, a person from whom you can learn something, next to whom you will never cease to be surprised and will develop all the time. Self-confident, held in life, purposeful, stylish, inspired.

The main thing is understanding, intelligent and with a sense of humor. Dark or light? It's in the mood. He must keep me from
stopping a galloping horse and passing copper pipes, he should say: "Trust me!" And he will do everything himself, and then he will put me in jail
on this horse and lead, like a queen, through copper pipes! He is also a good electrician and gardener, while listening to Wagner,
appreciates Jarmusch, sometimes rests in Ibiza and breeds pigeons! He has the talent to make me happy. It's simple - he
just loves me!
I trust folk wisdom - I meet by clothes, but I see off by my mind! Do not say wiser. External appearance and inner world
are interconnected.
!It has long been noticed how ugly in a space suit Diver
But undoubtedly there is a woman in the world,
that I would have given myself to such.
Perhaps he will come out of the water away,
hung with the ends of algae,
and it will fall to him tonight,
filled with a lot of pleasure (Not this time, but another time like this).
That Woman refused many.
She definitely needs a diver.
Here you are, at least not rubber, but slippery.
And disgusting, especially naked.
But the Woman is waiting for you too.
Because she needs one!

We often meet people who, for certain qualities, do not at all fit the criteria of our fictional
ideal ... but there is something in them that makes it interesting, easy and simple for us to work with them! Therefore, I think it is inappropriate
write something like: "I'm looking for a tall brown-eyed brunette ..." I'm looking for a man who behaves like a man and fits
definition: Higher, stronger, and maybe smarter (slightly :)

Only a confident woman who loves herself will attract men, and a sheep only rams.

How many people to go to bed with...
How few of those with whom you want to wake up ...
And life weaves us like a rigmarole...
Shifting, as if divination by a saucer.
We rush about: - work ... life ... affairs ...
Whoever wants to hear must still listen...
And on the run - you will notice only the bodies ...
Stop to see the soul.
We choose with our hearts...
Sometimes we are afraid to smile, to smile,
But we open our souls only to those
With whom you want to wake up.

A man who is stronger than me!
a man who is smarter than me!
a man who is more successful than me!

"Only Mother is worthy of love"...
Man! your protection from everything and everyone :-)

a man capable of bringing to ecstasy

I am amazed by people who begin to paint themselves and list the list of ideals and requirements for their companions. After all, in that
the moment when you want to give a damn about all your hitherto invented demands, moreover, you will be ready to accept the most
ridiculous flaws of a person - then it will be that very YOUR "whom I want to find"

Interesting both in life and in communication, purposeful, with a developed intellect, sense of humor and tact, courageous, confident in himself and in his actions, loyal, honest and just a good and kind person.
Next to which you want to become better, grow ...
A man should be short in words and boundless in deeds...
A man whose words and actions match

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