I am not from your words for the third month. Learning the feline language of communication - meow of cats

"Insomnia" Anna Akhmatova

Somewhere cats meow plaintively
I catch the sound of footsteps from afar ...
Well your words lull:
For the third month I have not slept from them.

You are again, again with me, insomnia!
I recognize your immobile face.
What, beauty, what, wicked,
Am I bad at singing to you?

The windows are finished with white cloth,
Twilight streams blue ...
Or are we comforted by the distant message?
Why is it so easy for me to be with you?

Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Insomnia"

In 1914, the second collection of Akhmatova's "Rosary" was published, securing her the title of the most popular Russian poetess of the early twentieth century. The book includes the poem "Insomnia". The work is dated 1912. Its main theme is already indicated in the title. Lyrical heroine of the text for a long time cannot sleep at night. In the first lines, Akhmatova creates the right atmosphere with just a couple of details. She reports on the plaintive meowing of cats and the sound of footsteps heard somewhere in the distance. The reader does not know anything concrete about the place where the action of the poem takes place. Nevertheless, after two initial lines, he has the opportunity to present himself there. At the end of the first quatrain - an oxymoron, not devoid of sad irony. It is important to note here - the heroine refers to insomnia as "you" as to a good old friend. This familiarity is immediately explained - normal healthy sleep does not come for three months.

The second stanza begins with a rhetorical exclamation. The heroine welcomes insomnia, not at all surprised at its appearance. She calls her constant visitor a beauty and lawless woman with an immobile face and asks her a question that does not require an answer: "... Am I badly singing to you?" It is interesting that Akhmatova in the poem conceals the reasons for insomnia. The reader can only guess for himself why the heroine cannot sleep. In the context of the early work of the poetess, the most likely option, which suggests itself, is because of love. In the final part of the work, more details appear that allow one to imagine the situation in which the lyrical heroine is located - windows curtained with white cloth, a flowing blue twilight. A cozy room in a village house immediately appears before your eyes. Perhaps the poem was inspired by Akhmatova's stay in Slepnevo - the estate of the Gumilev family, where she often came in the period from 1911 to 1917.

At the end of the text, it turns out that insomnia does not bring incredible suffering to the heroine. Moreover, it is very easy for her in the company uninvited guests, which has become permanent, although she does not understand why this is happening. In the text under consideration, there are generally more questions than answers to them. Pay attention to almost the main means of artistic expression used by Akhmatova here - this is a rhetorical question. Anna Andreevna leaves the search for answers at the mercy of the reader's imagination.

— 21.07.2013
Somewhere cats meow plaintively
I catch the sound of footsteps from afar ...
Well your words lull:
For the third month I have not slept from them.

You are again, again with me, insomnia!
I recognize your immobile face.
What, beauty, what, wicked,
Am I bad at singing to you?

The windows are finished with white cloth,
Twilight streams blue ...
Or are we comforted by the distant message?
Why is it so easy for me to be with you?

Anna Akhmatova

I always treated insomnia calmly and kindly, she gave me a lot of thoughts and irrational sensations of being. Therefore, I could not pass by this ellegiance to insomnia. How carefully Akhmatova is given the most subtle, ephemeral feelings of love in her most unexpected emanations. And you unwittingly plunge yourself into this semi-conscious worldview, when fantasy night elves visit you at the bend of life, making all objects around you full of unsolved mystery. Only you will get closer to the solution or you will find something very desirable, or, on the contrary, salvation from the unwanted ... and sleep covers you with a sweet or comforting veil, quietly like lamps, extinguishing your quivering connections with the world of suffering and love. And then, in the half-forgetfulness of awakening, you catch the happy moments of that shining world of illusions, acquired and lost in insomnia, giving you peace ... and inspiration. But describe this magic in a few lines ?! Great-ah-ah ...

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Где-то кошки жалобно мяукают, Звук шагов я издали ловлю... Хорошо твои слова баюкают: Третий месяц я от них не сплю. Ты опять, опять со мной, бессонница! Неподвижный лик твой узнаю. Что, красавица, что, беззаконница, Разве плохо я тебе пою? Окна тканью белою... !}


Perhaps she does it out of pain. Your pet's overly talkative behavior, coupled with unusual, strange behavior, is cause for concern. It's a good idea to show your furry friend to the vet.

"Hello, master"

Dogs aren't the only ones who can greet their master with a joyful voice when he returns home after a long absence. Cats can also meow to greet their owner, thereby greeting him.

"Feed me"

It is not uncommon for cats to meow when they are hungry. Even not particularly talkative representatives of the subspecies Felis silvestris catus give a voice to let the person know that it is time to fill the bowl.

"Come on, pay attention to me"

Sometimes cats meow simply because they want the owner to give them a little of his time: play, talk, stroke, finally.

"Let me in"

Your pet walking around the apartment may stumble upon closed door to the room where he often spends free time lying on his favorite couch, or in the kitchen, where his favorite bowl is. Barsik fails to remove the obstacle in the form of a massive door on his own, and he begins to meow plaintively. Some pets meow in front of the door not so much because they want to go in, but because they simply do not like it when the doors are closed.

"I need a cat"

When they are, they often roll on the floor, meowing desperately at the same time. Your pet needs a cat, so she is wailing. Cats also meow during the mating season. If this is a problem for you, you can solve it by sterilization / castration.

"Where are you, master?"

Left at home for a long time, representatives of the feline family from loneliness can drag on a sad song.

"Old age is not a joy"

Your Murzik may become more talkative than usual with age. Excessive sociability is the norm for older cats.

"I'm scared"

Desperate meows may be due to the stress your pet is experiencing. Taking your cat outside for the first time, where there are so many loud, harsh sounds and odors, do not be surprised that he meows without stopping.

"Do not make me angry"

When playing with a kitten or an adult animal, the main thing is not to get carried away too much. If your pet is not in the mood to play, and you only annoy him with your harassment, he can give a voice. And you risk hearing not a plaintive "meow", but a loud threatening howl.