Cystitis during pregnancy: cure and prevent re-development. Cystitis during pregnancy - treatment with alternative methods

Cystitis is a disease that predominantly affects women: in the reproductive age, the incidence is 25-35%. In pregnant women, episodes of cystitis are much more common.

A doctor must conduct an examination, diagnose and recommend treatment for cystitis of pregnant women: a gynecologist, therapist or urologist. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a urine culture for the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics before and after treatment. Cystitis is a condition that, during pregnancy, necessarily requires competent, professional treatment.

Therapy is prescribed empirically, that is, based on standards developed as a result of clinical research. If the primary course is ineffective, treatment is adjusted in accordance with individual sensitivity. This article will help you navigate modern appointments.

How to behave?

Bed mode is recommended. Severe pain syndrome can provoke contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which is undesirable during pregnancy. In addition, a good rest will have a positive effect on the state of immunity, and the state of the body's reactivity is of great importance to combat its own flora (more often E. coli). Hot baths are contraindicated. It is possible to apply heat to the abdomen only after the permission of the doctor: during pregnancy, it is recommended to refrain from any physiotherapy procedures.

What to drink and eat?

Following dietary recommendations and drinking regimen will also help you heal the infection faster. Many substances are excreted in the urine in dissolved form. In order not to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the bladder, you need to refrain from foods containing spices, peppers, vinegar, spices, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol. The diet is recommended for milk and vegetable.

To quickly flush microorganisms out of the bladder, it is recommended to drink more, and a slight acidification of urine contributes to their early elimination. Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks will create the desired urine reaction. Herbal preparations also have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, but during pregnancy they should be treated with caution and used only after being prescribed by a doctor.

How to act on the cause of the disease?

The main stage of treatment is.

When dealing with cystitis in a medical institution, it is imperative to warn the doctor about pregnancy, since many drugs cannot be used during this period.

It is worth remembering that fluoroquinolones, doxycycline, nitrofurans, sulfa drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Cystitis during pregnancy is equated to complicated forms, therefore, antibiotic treatment is carried out for a longer time: single doses and 3-day courses during pregnancy are not prescribed.

According to the latest standards of therapy, for acute cystitis in pregnant women, the most effective antibiotics are Amixicillin clavulanate, Cefixime or Fosfomycin.

Amoxicillin clavulanate (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav Solutab and others) is characterized by good treatment results with a 5-7-day regimen of use, but it can cause intestinal irritation and diarrheal manifestations. The drug is usually used at a dosage of 500/125 mg 3 times or 875/125 mg 2 times a day. You can reduce side effects by taking the tablets at the beginning of a meal.

Cefixim (Ceforal Solutab or Suprax Solutab) belongs to the 3rd generation cephalosporins and is used at a dosage of 400 mg / day once a day or 200 mg 2 times a day. The duration of therapy should be at least 5 days.

Monural (Fosfomycin trometamol), produced by the Italian company "Zambon", belongs to a series of drugs that, according to the instructions, are approved for use during pregnancy with caution. It accumulates in high concentrations in the urinary tract, it is applied in a dose of 3 g once, after 24 hours it is recommended to repeat it.

How to deal with pain?

The relief of the pain syndrome must be carried out without fail: the baby will be much more hurt by the pain that the expectant mother is experiencing than antispasmodic drugs, for example, No-shpa. Also used for cystitis (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and others), however, according to the instructions, pregnancy is a contraindication to their use. The doctor may prescribe such drugs in some situations.

How to avoid relapses?

To prevent the occurrence of exacerbations of cystitis, you can use drugs such as Uro-Vaxom and Kanefron N.

Uro-Vaxom is an immunostimulating extract of 18 strains of Escherichia coli that can cause cystitis. The drug increases humoral and cellular immunity, it is used from the first day of taking antibiotics, one capsule a day, usually for 3 months, after which a break is taken.

Kanephron N is a herbal preparation with a diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances the effect of antibiotics and is used to prevent recurrence of cystitis. The recommended dosage is usually 2 tablets three times a day.

The issue of treating cystitis during pregnancy requires a mandatory visit to a doctor. It is not necessary to reduce the recommended doses of antibiotics or the duration of treatment, so as not to “harm the child,” this only leads to the growth of new aggressive strains of bacteria. A doctor will also help you choose the right means of preventing infection.

Which doctor to contact

If a pregnant woman has symptoms of cystitis, it is best to consult a urologist, since during this period of life, inflammation of the bladder requires special attention in treatment. However, an antenatal clinic therapist can also help a woman. During treatment, it is advisable to visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and inform him about your disease.

Cystitis is one of the most common urological diseases. Unfortunately, women in a situation often have to deal with a similar ailment. Darkening the pleasant emotions of expectant mothers before the long-awaited event, the disease poses a certain danger, not only for the woman herself, but also for the unborn child. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of cystitis during pregnancy should be started immediately after the earliest signs are detected.

Causes of cystitis in pregnant women

The root causes of bladder inflammation can be as follows:

  1. Usually, women manage to catch a similar ailment in the first trimester of pregnancy, when their immune system is weakened and depressed, and the hormonal background undergoes changes. In such a situation, various microorganisms proliferate rapidly and cause inflammation.
  2. The most common infectious cystitis, which is provoked by various bacteria. It is easy to catch such an ailment, it is bad enough to observe personal hygiene.
  3. Rarely, but non-infectious types of cystitis still occur. These include: the dosage form of the disease, based on the intake of certain drugs; allergic cystitis caused by hypersensitivity to any food; thermal cystitis, which occurs due to exposure to the urinary mucosa of hot fluids.
  4. If the expectant mother, before becoming pregnant, suffered from a chronic form of cystitis, then most likely during the period of bearing the baby, an exacerbation of the disease will occur. This is especially true for the early dates.

Cystitis symptoms

It is not difficult to recognize the disease. It is accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms:

There are sharp and frequent urges to go to the toilet. At the same time, a small amount of urine is released, it is cloudy, with an unpleasant odor.

  • A burning sensation is felt when urinating;
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • Blood can be seen in the urine;
  • The body temperature rises.

The discovery of any of the listed signs in oneself is a signal that it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

The danger of cystitis for pregnant women

Many women are seriously alarmed by the question of whether cystitis can affect pregnancy, and if so, how.

In fact, such an ailment is indeed fraught with a certain danger for pregnant women. And only a timely appeal to a specialist will guarantee that negative consequences can be avoided. Do not under any circumstances allow self-medication and do not ignore the disease. Otherwise, there is a high likelihood of a serious complication - kidney infection. Microorganisms can cause significant harm to them.

An unpleasant ailment can negatively affect the fetus. There is a possibility of premature birth of a baby who is underweight.

If you find signs of a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will order a urine test, which will be the correct diagnosis. Treatment of the disease is selected taking into account the severity of the disease and the timing of pregnancy.

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Most women are afraid of such drugs, fearing for the health of their future child. However, modern medicine has medicines that are effective and, at the same time, safe for the baby.

In the event that the use of antibiotics did not lead to the expected result, the doctor may prescribe suppressive therapy, carried out until the very birth and 2 more weeks after them. This method helps to avoid exacerbation of diseases and possible consequences.

A timely visit to the doctor, treatment with the use of adequate measures will quickly put the bladder in order and the disease will recede.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women with alternative methods

Traditional medicine has a lot of tools that can relieve an unpleasant ailment.

Important! It is impossible to resort to such methods without first consulting a doctor. After all, a number of procedures and drugs are strictly prohibited during the period of bearing a baby. Remember, now you are responsible not only for yourself, and before starting treatment, you must weigh the expected result and possible harm to the unborn child.

The use of herbal decoctions should be treated with caution. Allowed to receive funds from chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, horsetail, which have a diuretic effect and remove the infection from the body.

With cystitis at home, you can resort to warming up. For the procedure, ordinary table salt is suitable. After warming up well in a frying pan and pouring it into a special bag, it is applied to the lower abdomen. This procedure can help relieve symptoms.

Compliance with a number of preventive measures can reduce the risk of developing cystitis in pregnant women.

  1. Compliance with a diet that has nothing to do with losing weight. It is advisable to limit the consumption of salty, spicy, alcohol to exclude. An unlimited amount of coffee or tea drunk may well provoke the onset of the disease.
  2. To avoid cystitis in pregnant women, it is advisable to urinate before and after intercourse. This helps to reduce the concentration of pathogens in the bladder.
  3. Proper intimate hygiene is very important. For example, it is recommended to wash only from front to back. Use toilet paper in the same direction.
  4. Underwear should not be tight. It is better not to use synthetics, preferring cotton products.
  5. If there is an urge to urinate, you should not endure for a long time. Since pathogenic bacteria can be excreted from the body with urine, it is recommended to go to the toilet more often, every 2-3 hours.

When faced with the problem of bladder inflammation during pregnancy, do not panic. Medical assistance provided on time will quickly relieve the disease and help eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Video: treatment of cystitis at home

Cystitis- This is an infectious inflammation of the bladder, can occur in both men and women, but in women (especially during pregnancy) and girls, it occurs much more often due to the specifics of the structure of the genitourinary system. The fact is that after urinating in women, the last drops of urine seem to be drawn back into the urethra together with the bacteria washed from it, and create a good environment for the reproduction of pathogens. That is why women, in order to prevent cystitis, should strictly observe hygiene, wash themselves several times a day and not urinate while in the water (especially in a reservoir where the purity of the water leaves much to be desired). A woman's urethra, or urethra, is wider and shorter than a man's, and infection travels to a woman's bladder much faster. In newborns and infants, cystitis is very rare. Cystitis often recurs (recurs), so it is important to treat it on time in order to avoid the transition into a chronic course of the disease.

Causes of cystitis

The structure of a woman's urethra has a number of distinctive fundamental features, the last drops after urination are, as it were, sucked back into the urethra and, if hygiene is violated, they are enriched with microbes and provoke cystitis.

Features of the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system: A short (2-5 cm) and wide urethra is a good conductor for microorganisms. In the immediate vicinity of the urethra, the vagina and rectum are densely populated with microorganisms. If the norms of personal hygiene are not observed, during intercourse, microbes may enter the urethra, from where they can penetrate into the bladder.

  • Microorganisms can enter the bladder with the flow of blood, lymph from distant foci of chronic inflammation.
  • Microorganisms can enter the bladder with the flow of urine from the kidneys.
  • Cystitis of an allergic nature, as well as those caused by toxic and non-infectious components, are known, but they are much less common.

But the penetration of microorganisms into the bladder alone is not enough for the inflammatory process to begin. The bladder contains a protective mucopolysaccharide layer that prevents microbes from adhering and penetrating into the cells of the bladder mucosa. Decreased immunity, as a result of hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, overwork, instrumental interventions on the bladder (catheterization, for example), leads to the destruction of the protective layer. The bacteria attach directly to the cells of the bladder lining and cause inflammation.

The development of inflammation is also promoted by stagnation of blood circulation, which occurs in the wall of the bladder and in the small pelvis due to a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothing.

As a rule, exacerbation of cystitis is associated with prolonged exposure to the cold, that is, hypothermia. Hypothermia provokes a decrease in the body's immunity, as a result of which the infection multiplies very well and penetrates the bladder, provoking an inflammatory reaction. Often, cystitis can be associated with trauma to the urethra due to rapid intercourse, or with constant hyperactive sexual activity. Rarely, symptoms of cystitis can be associated with the onset of menstruation.

Also, cystitis can develop after deprivation of virginity. This is primarily due to the vaginal microflora that was already disturbed due to some disease. The very first sexual intercourse is always accompanied by a very abundant reflux of the vaginal microflora into the urethra and bladder. The walls of the vagina itself are not prepared for such an attack.

Sometimes interstitial cystitis is also found - this is inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by pain. As a rule, middle-aged women are ill. Symptoms of interstitial cystitis can include frequent and painful urination and the presence of pus in the urine and blood, which can be detected with a microscope.

The main types of cystitis include
- primary
- secondary cystitis

Primary cystitis appears in an unharmed bladder, without any previous disturbances in it, is formed as an independent disease.

Secondary cystitis is a complication of other diseases of the bladder.

Primary cystitis is usually only acute, while secondary cystitis is chronic.
Primary cystitis is usually a purely female disease. Its appearance is usually associated with a long stay in the cold, a previous infection, instrumental examination, and also with disregard of the rules of personal hygiene. Diabetes mellitus is one of the factors that can trigger the development of this disease. You can also get sick with cystitis due to an allergic reaction of the body.

A feature of acute cystitis is a tendency to rather frequent exacerbations. Persons who have been ill once, easily get sick again. Up to ten percent of women suffer from recurrent cystitis. In cases where the patient has two relapses in six months, it is necessary to look for the cause of the disease.

Cystitis symptoms

Any cystitis, as a rule, is accompanied by frequent urination, constant urge and a burning sensation or pain during urination. The pain is usually located slightly above the pubic bone and also in the lower back. Another symptom is increased urination at night. The urine is usually cloudy, and it is estimated that thirty percent of patients with cystitis have blood in it. Cystitis symptoms may go away without treatment. Occasionally, the disease is not transmitted by any symptoms and is only detected on a urine test, which was prescribed for other reasons.

Do not confuse cystitis with urethritis. Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra. Urethritis is indicated by negative sensations, pain, burning or cramps when urinating - and nothing more. Often these diseases are in contact, but this does not always happen.

Complaints with cystitis:

Pain in the lower abdomen, in the suprapubic region.
Increased urge to urinate.
Excretion of urine in small portions.
Burning sensation in the genital area.

Symptoms of acute cystitis

The most common signs of acute cystitis are painful urination, sensations of cramps and burning, pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, but there is also urinary incontinence at the time of a strong desire to urinate. The urine may become cloudy, mixed with blood, mucus. By what portion of urine is modified, it can be assumed which part of the urinary system is affected by the inflammatory process. If abnormal signs are detected in the first portion of urine - this is more likely urethritis or the onset of acute cystitis, if there are streaks of blood and mucus in the last portion of urine - this may indicate a deep lesion of the bladder or a tumor.

In some cases, there may be an increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is some likelihood of kidney inflammation.

Acute cystitis (acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder) is one of the most common diseases in urology. In uncomplicated cystitis, only the mucous membrane of the bladder is affected without deep invasion of microorganisms into the submucosa. Symptoms in this case may be mild, but in any case, you should consult a doctor - urologist. A timely visit to a doctor will help cure cystitis in a fairly short time, and prevent the transition to the chronic stage of the disease.

Chronic cystitis

This is one of the most common diseases of the bladder. When defining the concept of "chronic cystitis", some experts do not specify the frequency of remissions, others note that they should be at least two years old.

Chronic cystitis can be caused by increased sexual activity, the use of spicy foods, prolonged suppression of the urge to urinate. Forced urinary retention can provoke a sustained functional change, in which coordination between the work of the bladder muscles is lost.

For the appearance of chronic cystitis, a combination of various negative factors is needed. In some patients, the disease appears for no apparent reason. Men, as a rule, get sick with cystitis at an old age, women get sick at a young age. Women get sick much more often than men.

The routes of infection with cystitis are varied:
- ascending - this is the path along the urethra;
- descending - this is the path from the kidneys;
- through the lymphatic system - this method of infection occurs in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, diseases of the prostate gland and diseases of the seminal vesicles; - - through the blood - this path is noted in acute infections.

In some cases, microbes enter the bladder when purulent formations from neighboring organs open.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the ascending route of infection prevails.

Still, the penetration of infection into the bladder is not always accompanied by the formation of cystitis. For its appearance, you need to change the emptying of the bladder. In men, this can be noted with prostate adenoma, prolonged development of prostatitis, purulent urethritis with the formation of narrowing of the urethra, in women this phenomenon is noted during pregnancy and prolapse of the uterus and prolapse of the vaginal walls.

The emergence of chronic cystitis should be considered as decompensation of the defenses of the urinary system. Prolonged exposure to the cold also plays a special role in its appearance. Most of all, the development of chronic cystitis is provoked by the cold factor.

The main symptoms are pollakiuria, pain and pyuria. The more frequent the frequency of urges, the more painful sensations are. Pain sensations are located above the pubis, in the perineal region and along the path of the urethra, are of a very different nature. It should also be remembered that similar symptoms can occur in malignant neoplasms and specific diseases of the urinary system.

The causes of chronic cystitis

Cystitis can occur both in winter and in summer, but most often the exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the bladder, like any other chronic disease, occurs in the spring and autumn.

Causes of cystitis:

Hypothermia, as a result of, for example, swimming in cold water;
Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
Failure to adhere to the usual regimen of urination (rare emptying of the bladder);
A sharp change in climatic conditions can adversely affect humoral and local immunity and cause inflammatory diseases;
Excessive sexual activity can become one of the causes of cystitis;
With unprotected intercourse, the use of other people's personal hygiene items, an infection that provokes cystitis can be transmitted.

The main reasons for the appearance of acute infectious cystitis:

e. coli, the so-called E. coli, was found in 70-95% of the observed patients;
in 5-20% of patients, staphylococcus is found, it is called Staphylococcus saprophyticus;
the rest were found to have the bacteria Klebsiella spp and Proteus mirabilis, also known as Proteus.

The cause of cystitis is usually representatives of opportunistic microflora, namely streptococci, intestinal staphylococci, coli and other bacteria. If cystitis has developed after surgery or instrumental intervention, for example, after catheterization of the bladder, gram-negative bacteria are usually the causative agents. But in addition to bacterial pathogens, there are also various fungi, for example, Candida, as well as chlamydia, Trichomonas, microplasmas and viruses.

In women, cystitis is observed much more often than in men, this is due to the fact that the infection spreads up the lumen of the urethra due to the anatomical structure of the female body. An important role in the occurrence of cystitis in women is played by the location of the urogenital canal relative to other organs, it can be either a close topographic location of the urethra and anus, or a relatively short urethra. All these factors contribute to favorable conditions for the spread of infection, the transfer of bacteria from these organs to the bladder or urethra.

Cystitis in men can be caused by inflammation in the prostate gland, urethra, seminal vesicles and epididymis, but bladder infections are much less common. Sometimes it turns out that when catheterizing the bladder for research, or for artificially obtaining urine in urological studies, the urethra becomes infected.

Bladder catheterization is the most dangerous for a man: if at the moment he has a prostate adenoma, which, by the way, is accompanied by constant urinary retention, and in a woman - if she has recently given birth to a child or is currently pregnant, since during this period women experience a decrease tone of the urinary tract.

Cystitis during pregnancy

Inflammation of the bladder can occur both in late and early pregnancy.

The main causes of cystitis in pregnant women are hemodynamic (deterioration of the blood supply to the pelvic organs due to compression of the vessels by the fetus) and mechanical (compression of the urethra) factors, as well as hormonal imbalance. All this can lead to difficulties in emptying the bladder, and as a result - to the appearance of residual urine, which is a breeding ground for infections. At the first suspicions of pregnant women of cystitis, they should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Cystitis in children

Inflammation of the bladder occurs in children of all ages, however, among girls of preschool and school age, the risk of developing cystitis is higher than in other cases. The main reason for the appearance of inflammation in girls is the peculiarities of the genitourinary system, poor barrier properties of the skin and mucous membrane, as well as the lack of full-fledged endocrine function in the ovaries. Decreased immunity (in case of any other diseases) can create excellent conditions for the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the urethra.

The main way to prevent cystitis in girls is to maintain personal hygiene and maintain immunity.

Diagnosis of cystitis

Cystitis begins with pain in the lower abdomen that gets worse as the bladder fills. There are growing cramps during urination, burning sensation in the external genital area. The accumulation of even a small amount of urine inside the bladder causes an imperative (i.e. imperative) urge to urinate, which cannot be postponed for a while. The urge to urinate becomes so frequent that patients are forced to urinate every 15-20 minutes, day and night, literally drop by drop. The urine may become cloudy, and there may also be an impurity of blood in the urine. In the event that inflammation captures the sphincter of the bladder, episodes of urinary incontinence are added to all of the above.

Examination for cystitis:

General examination methods: clinical, biochemical blood tests; blood tests for HIV, RW, markers of hepatitis B and C; general urine analysis.
Special research methods:
sowing urine (to find out the nature of the pathogen that caused the inflammation).
Uroflowmetry is a study of the flow of urine.
Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder.
Examination in a gynecological chair, cystoscopy.
The listed diagnostic tests can detect inflammation in the bladder and exclude other diseases, of which urethral hypermobility (increased mobility) deserves special attention.

Urethral hypermobility is an anatomical feature in which the urethra opens into the vagina, or shifts into it during intercourse. Since the vagina is rich in microflora, there is a constant transfer of infection into the bladder and, as a result, inflammation of the bladder begins. Despite the timely treatment, after each intercourse, cystitis may worsen. In this case, it is necessary to perform an operation in which the urethra is displaced as high as possible to the pubis.

Cystitis treatment

In order to cure inflammation of the bladder, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and type of cystitis.

For diagnostics, the following factors are taken into account:
- data of the clinical picture;
- violations in urine tests;
- ultrasonic research data;
- cystoscopy;
- biopsies;

Without fail, for the diagnosis of cystitis, tests are prescribed to detect infections that are sexually transmitted. Such infections include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis.

After the patient has passed all the tests, the urologist prescribes a treatment program, which consists in taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs that normalize the microcirculation of blood in the bladder. Physiotherapy procedures may also be prescribed.

The necessary components in the treatment of cystitis are: compulsory bed rest of the sick person, drinking plenty of fluids and a diet that should exclude the use of fried, spicy, spicy, pickled.

The key mistake in the treatment of bladder inflammation is the uncontrolled intake of traditional diuretics (furagin, furadonin) and various kinds of antibiotics.

If the treatment of cystitis is started on time, and is carried out using modern drugs adequate to the diagnosis (reason), then the mucous membrane of the bladder quickly returns to normal and the inflammation of the bladder gradually disappears. It is important to start antibiotic therapy as early as possible and under the supervision of a qualified urologist, to treat the cause of cystitis, and not just relieve the symptoms of inflammation so that the disease does not become chronic. Chronic cystitis is much more difficult to treat than acute cystitis.

The most important thing in the prevention and treatment of cystitis is the elimination of the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the inflammation of the bladder. When choosing antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics) and their dosage, one should take into account both the peculiarities of the course of the disease and such parameters as the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract, the properties and rate of its distribution throughout the body, the rate of its elimination and all kinds of side effects. In a word, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the disease itself, but also to the characteristics of the patient's body.

It is also worth considering the material viability, how much the selected treatment will cost the patient, the compatibility of drugs, contraindications and side effects.

In the past, antibiotics such as campicillin, biseptol, palin, nitroxalin were used to treat cystitis. However, one of the main causative agents of bladder inflammation, such as E. coli, has become almost insensitive to them. In addition, they had many side effects, poisoning the entire body as a whole.

Today, there are specialized drugs that are concentrated in the bladder, which increases the effectiveness of the drug, significantly shortens the treatment period, and exposes the patient's body to much less stress.

Modern antibiotics that are used in antibiotic therapy, in particular for cystitis, unlike their earliest predecessors, do not affect the entire body, but only the disease zone, that is, the drug reaches the highest concentrations in the mucous membrane of the bladder and in the urine itself ... With such treatment, the body is not subjected to additional toxicological stress once again, and the effectiveness of the treatment increases many times over.

One of these highly effective drugs, drugs, is Monural. Due to the fact that Monural is concentrated in the patient's urine, the course of treatment is significantly reduced, and the minimum possible number of side effects makes it applicable to the treatment of children and pregnant women. The most important advantages of the drug Monural in the treatment of cystitis is the absence of phototoxicity (hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity of the skin to light, or photosensitivity) in its side effects, which often affects patients taking certain other drugs in the summer. Phototoxicity manifests itself in skin reddening, blistering when exposed to sunlight, a large number of free radicals appear in the skin, which lead to the destruction of skin cells, and as a result, to its inflammation. The absence of phototoxicity makes it possible to use Monural even on sunny summer days.

Monural practically does not have any side effects, which makes it in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women and children. With mild nonspecific cystitis, the drug for treatment is prescribed once, for the treatment of other forms of cystitis - in combination with other drugs.

In addition to taking a drug such as Monural, one should not forget about other means of treating cystitis. Among them, one can distinguish UHF, iontophoresis, inductothermy, as well as adherence to a special home regimen (a warm heating pad in the bladder area for chronic cystitis) and a special diet that excludes spicy and fried foods, involving the intake of a large amount of liquid food and water.

Taking diuretics for cystitis allows you to mechanically remove with urine some of the pathogens that provoke inflammation of the bladder. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs (horsetail, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort, diuretic fees, etc.) help well in the treatment of cystitis, which can be used in parallel with the main course of treatment.

Prevention of cystitis

To prevent inflammation of the bladder, the following rules must be followed:

exclude factors such as constant stress, lack of sleep, prolonged exposure to the cold;
adjust your diet: you need to increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits and give up spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods;
consume at least 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid every day (if there is no edema); Drink more water and acidic juices. Cranberry juice is especially helpful.
systematic and complete emptying of the bladder;
Avoid hypothermia.
Personal hygiene
Avoid tight-fitting clothing that can lead to poor circulation in the pelvic area.
If you are constipated, try to increase your dietary intake of fresh (and raw) vegetables and fruits.
Use a neutral acid-base soap when using the genital area.
It is advisable to urinate before and after intercourse.
Change your sanitary towels as often as possible during your period.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies is based on the diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of medicinal herbs. Home remedies for cystitis with warming the bladder area increase blood flow and, therefore, improve the blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system, enhance local immunity, but they favor the spread of microbes through the bloodstream, therefore, with reduced immunity, and this condition also includes the state of pregnancy, warming is contraindicated.

It is also necessary to pay attention to medicinal plants - many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. If the plant is even slightly poisonous, it should not be used by pregnant women for treatment under any circumstances! Below we consider only folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis, which are not dangerous for use during pregnancy.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of cystitis in pregnancy

    Pour 20 g of chopped asparagus roots with 1 glass of water, insist. Take but 0.5 cups 4 times a day as a folk remedy for cystitis.

    Pour 1 cup of oat kernels (unrefined grains) with 2 cups of water. Boil in a water bath until half of the water evaporates, strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey, boil for another 5-10 minutes and take 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day for inflammation of the bladder.

    Pour 1 liter of water with 2 tablespoons of horsetail grass on top, boil for 10 minutes, insist, wrapped for 20 minutes, drain. Fold the grass in a canvas bag and use for a compress: apply hot to the lower abdomen. Take a decoction of 1 glass 2-3 times a day. Use for exacerbation of chronic cystitis.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped horsetail herb with 1 cup boiling water, insist. Take 50-70 ml 4 times a day to treat bladder inflammation.

    Pour 20 herbs of blooming mint with 1.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool, take 1 glass 3 times a day for a month as a folk remedy for cystitis.

    Insist dill seeds in water in a ratio of 1:20. Take 1-2 glasses 3 times a day. The infusion is used for inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, with urine acid diathesis, urinary retention. It also lowers blood pressure and dilates the coronary vessels. Pour 1 tablespoon of dill herb along with the seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 0.3 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for cystitis.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped rosehip root with 1 cup boiling water, boil over low heat or in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour and drain. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

    Mix 3 parts of red rowan berries and 1 part of a lingonberry leaf. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours on the stove, drain. Drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, adding 1 teaspoon of honey. Recommended for inflammatory diseases of the bladder, as a diuretic can be used for chronic pyelonephritis.

    Pour 6-8 g of birch leaves with 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, insist and strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day with meals. The infusion is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder: it prevents the formation of urinary stones, is a diuretic.

    Black currant leaves are used as a diuretic for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Pour 5-6 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 1 liter of boiling water and leave warm for at least an hour. Take a glass 5-6 times a day. You can add sugar or honey to the broth to improve the taste.

Home remedies for cystitis during pregnancy

    Drink 1-2 tablespoons of turnip juice, boiled over a fire for 5 minutes.

    There is a mixture of pine nuts with honey. This cleanses the kidneys, the bladder, and gives them the strength to retain urine.

    Mix honey and black radish juice in a 1: 1 ratio. Take the mixture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 30-40 minutes after meals. The course of treatment for inflammation of the bladder is 3-4 weeks.

    Mix equal proportions of honey and celery seeds, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for cystitis.

    Dissolve 0.1-0.3 g of mummy in a small amount of milk (0.5 teaspoon), mix with flour, make suppositories and insert into the anus for cystitis. This procedure will reduce the pain of cystitis. At the same time, take 0.2 g of mummy at night 3 hours after meals for 10 days. Repeat the course if necessary.

    Take 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily, 25 minutes before meals.

    To strengthen the bladder, mix 1 teaspoon each of freshly prepared onion gruel, apple and honey. Take this mixture 30 minutes before meals. Please note that you need to prepare a fresh dose for each dose.

    Boil 1 cup of oat grains and 2 cups of water in a water bath until half of the liquid has evaporated. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Another recipe: 40 g of oat straw is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

Diet for the treatment of cystitis.

In acute cystitis, solid food should be stopped immediately. At elevated temperatures, drink only water. It is recommended to dilute a teaspoon of gulimon juice in 180 ml of boiling water, let it cool and drink every 2 hours from eight in the morning to noon, drink 60 ml. This makes it easier to urinate and also stops the bleeding that occurs with cystitis. If the temperature is normal, you should drink vegetable juices (for example, carrot juice mixed with water). A good diuretic is cucumber juice; it should be drunk in a cup 3 times a day with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Then you can switch to a dairy and plant-based diet. Avoid refined carbohydrates and salt.

You can drink this nutritious and diuretic mixture twice a day: mix half a glass of liquid barley porridge and whey and add the juice of one lemon.

If there is no edema, drink as much as possible, and always warm. Drink 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda every day. In case of constipation, you cannot take a strong laxative, such as castor oil, but do with simple home remedies: prunes, yogurt, whey, raw milk, baked apples, carrot juice, sauerkraut, flaxseed decoction.

When acute bacterial cystitis manifests itself in pregnant women, it is worthwhile to urgently start treating the disease, since untimely medical care can harm the health of the expectant mother and child. It is necessary to treat cystitis during pregnancy based on the recommendation of a doctor who directs it for diagnosis, and then makes a decision. What are the symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women, what to do if the disease persists and how to treat cystitis?

Inflammation of the bladder in pregnant women often occurs against the background of hormonal and physiological changes.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy occurs for a variety of reasons, but the most common is the infectious nature of the disease. Escherichia coli, getting into the vagina, multiplies rapidly, affecting the mucous membrane of the organ and provoking the development of inflammation. In women, the peculiarity of the structure of the genitourinary organs is such that microorganisms, under favorable conditions, easily penetrate into the body, multiply there and cause illness. If a woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, often changes sexual partners, the risk of infection increases.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, cystitis is due to a decrease in the protective properties of the body and a hormonal surge. A weakened immune system does not resist foreign bacteria poorly, as a result of which chronic inflammations appear and an infectious complication joins. A pregnant woman wants to go to the toilet regularly, so many people perceive cystitis as a sign of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary organs, interfering with their normal blood supply and a full outflow of urine. As a result, the organ functions poorly, residual urine is thrown back into the ureter, where pathogenic inflammation develops. For pregnant women, this is dangerous, so you cannot self-medicate at home, but seek medical help from a gynecologist.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy manifest themselves in this way:

  • a constant urge to empty, even when the urine is empty and the woman has just emptied;
  • a small amount of urine excreted;
  • burning and severe pain when urinating;
  • urine of a cloudy and dark color with a bad smell;
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdominal cavity, and with pyelonephritis - in the lumbar region;
  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees, which cannot be brought down;
  • when urinating, blood particles are visible in the urine.

Signs of acute cystitis

They develop rapidly, within a few hours. A pregnant woman has pain and discomfort when going to the toilet, sometimes incontinence appears. The body temperature rises, fever and chills are worried. Acute cystitis with blood is dangerous, the disease cannot be ignored and self-medicated. If you do not provide timely medical care, bacteria will begin to multiply and infect neighboring organs, there is a high risk of kidney damage, which causes pyelonephritis during pregnancy.

Chronic course

When a pregnant woman is diagnosed with chronic cystitis, the symptoms are less pronounced, the period of remission is replaced by relapses, therefore, before conception, cystitis of the chronic form should be cured completely. After conception, warn the gynecologist that there was such a problem so that the doctor knows about the causes of the exacerbation and can take timely and adequate measures to cure the disease.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Often, women confuse signs of pregnancy with cystitis. Hormonal changes and other changes occur in a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. The blood supply to the uterus increases, it becomes excitable and even a little urine is felt in the bladder, and you often want to go to the toilet. But this is not dangerous and does not require therapy. It is easy to distinguish cystitis from such a symptom. With inflammation, a woman's temperature rises, pains and other characteristic symptoms appear. Therefore, the opinion that cystitis can be a sign of pregnancy is erroneous, since the nature of the origin of the frequent desire to go to the toilet is different. An urgent need to call a doctor, since inflammation of the urea without treatment provokes inflammation of the kidneys, and this is unsafe, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Diagnostic procedures

If you suspect cystitis, the expectant mother should visit the doctor without delay and undergo the necessary procedures.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women begins with the diagnosis of the disease. First, the doctor asks the woman about her health, what symptoms are bothering, how long they have been manifesting, the possible root causes of an exacerbation. Next, a clinical blood test is taken, which will show the development of inflammation and the addition of a pathogenic infection in the body. Urine tests and bacterial culture will give the doctor the opportunity to identify the pathogen in order to prescribe an effective antibiotic for cystitis.

Instrumental diagnostics includes an ultrasound examination of the bladder and cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is performed using a cystoscope preparation, which is inserted into the urethra, as a result of which the doctor sees all the changes in the organ. But in most cases, studies are limited to laboratory tests, since, for example, cystoscopy is contraindicated in severe inflammation and purulent complications.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

Conservative and what you can take

Cystitis during pregnancy should be treated by a gynecologist, who prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy, with the help of which it will be possible to get rid of pathogenic microflora. Preparations for cystitis during pregnancy are chosen carefully, since they affect the developing fetus and can cause the development of various pathologies of the unborn child. From cystitis for pregnant women, the doctor prescribes such pills as "Monural", "Amoxiclav".

In the 3rd trimester

At a later date, the choice of drugs is wider, since the fetal organs are already formed, but still, even in the 3rd trimester, antibiotic groups such as tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides and sulfonamides are contraindicated. The tablets provoke complications on the liver in a child and the development of craniocerebral pathologies.

Cystitis is very common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Faces with cystitis, or inflammation of the walls of the bladder, every tenth woman expecting a baby.

The frequent occurrence of the disease during the period of expectation of a child is explained by hormonal and physiological changes characteristic of this period, and above all by a weakening of immunity.

Cystitis is a predominantly female disease due to the peculiarities of the female anatomy, namely the short and wide urethra and its proximity to the vagina. This anatomical structure increases the likelihood of infection in the bladder.

During pregnancy, this attack occurs especially often due to suppressed immunity.

Natural suppression of immunity is necessary to prevent embryo rejection, but it also contributes to the development of various infections, including those leading to cystitis.

In addition, during pregnancy, under the influence of hormonal changes, the vaginal microflora can change. Pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina, getting into the bladder, lead to inflammation.

The main factors that increase the risk of cystitis:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • dysbiosis of the vagina and intestines;
  • postponed inflammatory diseases;
  • overwork;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards.

In order to prevent the occurrence of cystitis, you should wash the external genitals at least once a day. But not more often!

During pregnancy, secretion from the vagina increases, and women often begin to shower several times a day. Such zeal can lead to dysbiosis, and as a result - to cystitis.

There are also non-infectious forms of the disease. They occur much less frequently than infectious ones. Their main reasons are as follows:

  • taking certain medications excreted in the urine;
  • , condoms, vaginal tampons.

Cystitis symptoms

Signs of the disease may appear before the expectant mother knows that she is pregnant.

Cystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to urinate, in which little urine is released;
  • burning sensation at the end of urination;
  • cloudy urine;
  • change in the smell of urine.

Painful sensations can be both insignificant and very strong, and the temperature does not always rise.

It must be remembered that frequent urge to urinate during pregnancy is also normal, since the growing uterus presses on the bladder.

Therefore, it is possible to diagnose cystitis during pregnancy only by a combination of signs.

Cystitis is acute and chronic. If a woman suffers from a chronic form of the disease, then it is very likely that an exacerbation will occur during pregnancy. Clinical manifestations in chronic cystitis are similar to those of acute, but less pronounced.

Basic diagnostic methods

If cystitis is suspected, urine tests are performed first. There are three main methods used:

  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacteriological examination of urine.

A general urine test during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters is done twice a month. An increased number of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process. If the general analysis of urine showed questionable data, a urine analysis according to Nechiporenko will help to clarify the diagnosis. To determine the presence of bacteria in the urine, a bacterial culture is done. Bacterial culture will also help to establish the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Since vaginal discharge can get into the urine, the genitals should be washed before collection. In this case, you can only use ordinary soap.

The urine is collected in a sterile container. If it is supposed to do bacterial culture, then it is advisable to carry out the analysis no later than an hour after collection.

A physical examination is also carried out - palpation and percussion of the bladder. In addition, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder may be required to clarify the diagnosis.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in the first trimester

Sometimes the symptoms of cystitis persist for only 2-3 days and then go away without special treatment. But more often, treatment is required. Since cystitis, as a rule, is an infectious disease, and many antibiotics cannot be used at the beginning of pregnancy, the treatment of cystitis during this period has its own characteristics.

Drinking regime

If your kidney function is not compromised and there is no serious heart disease, drinking plenty of fluids can help reduce symptoms. The increased amount of fluid helps to flush out pathogens and toxins from the bladder. You can drink both ordinary boiled water and weak tea, but purified mineral water is most useful.

Make sure that the total fluid intake, which includes soups and compotes, is 2-2.5 liters per day. Drink not only with meals, but also between meals, on an empty stomach, and before bed.

It is especially good to use cranberry juice or cranberry or lingonberry juice for cystitis. It has been shown that cranberry increases the content of hippuric acid in urine and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It is best to consume 100% unsweetened cranberry juice.

Until the twentieth week of pregnancy, as a rule, do not occur. But still, if you drink a lot of fluids, then to prevent the appearance of edema, it is advisable to limit salt intake.


Nutrition for cystitis should perform two tasks - flush the bladder with plenty of fluid and eliminate irritation of the bladder walls. With cystitis, you should not eat foods that can potentially irritate the inflamed mucous membrane. These products are:

  • hot spices and seasonings (black and red peppers, mustard, horseradish, ketchup);
  • vegetables and herbs containing a lot of essential oils (garlic, onion, celery, radish);
  • smoked meats, mushrooms, meat and fish broths;
  • strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks.

It is advisable to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. Especially useful for cystitis are watermelons and melons, which have a diuretic effect.

If the symptoms of cystitis are severe, you can stick to a vegetarian diet for several days, and then carefully introduce fish and meat into the diet.

Medication therapy, approved tablets in early pregnancy

Most drugs in early pregnancy are prescribed only if the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk to the fetus.

If you have been prescribed antibiotics, they should be taken strictly according to the regimen and never exceed the dose.

Antibacterials are commonly used during pregnancy. These are mainly pills:

  • "Monural";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • Cefuroxime;
  • Ceftibuten;
  • "Cephalexin";
  • "Nitrofurantoin".

In no case do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, during pregnancy it can be very dangerous for the development of the fetus.

Also, with cystitis in the first trimester, you can take plant-based uroseptics: "Kanefron N", "Urolesan".

Folk remedies for cystitis and treatment methods

For the treatment of cystitis, infusions of various herbs and urological preparations are often used. Many people think that herbal treatment while waiting for the baby is much safer than using medications. But this is not the case. Some herbs contain substances that can affect the development of the fetus and even cause a miscarriage.

For example, lovage is often used in herbal preparations that help with cystitis, and this herb can provoke an abortion.

You can drink infusions of lingonberry leaves during pregnancy. Chopped lingonberry leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then placed in a water bath for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and cooled. It should be taken on an empty stomach twice a day.

You can also drink chamomile tea. But the popular sitz baths from a decoction of chamomile during pregnancy are contraindicated, like any hot baths. There are other herbs that are taken to treat cystitis during pregnancy, but be sure to check with your doctor before using them.


Instillation into the bladder is usually used in chronic cystitis in order to restore the mucous membrane. In acute cases, these procedures are contraindicated. When the doctor instills it, he injects a certain drug into the bladder through a catheter. Such a drug restores the mucous surface of the bladder, and also has an antibacterial effect.

Some drugs for instillations, in particular "Uro-Gial", cannot be used during pregnancy.

For pregnant women with chronic cystitis, there are special instillation schemes, usually limited to one or two procedures.

Cystitis is not such a harmless disease. Launched cystitis that occurs during pregnancy can lead to kidney disease and, as a result, to complications during childbirth. Be attentive to yourself, try not to provoke the development of this disease and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.