City Day: how and where to celebrate the holiday. We select interesting events for the city day How the city day is celebrated

City Day is a time when everyone has the opportunity to confess their love to their native or become native metropolis, and once again look around with surprise and realize that I live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet! In 2017 the Russian capital will celebrate 870th anniversary. For the first time, City Day in Moscow was celebrated in the winter of 1847 - by decree of Nicholas I, festivities and distribution of gifts took place. Under Soviet rule, the celebration was postponed to autumn, and in our time, Moscow's birthday has finally turned into a citywide holiday with concerts, fairs, folk festivals and the final fireworks.


What date is City Day in Moscow?

Traditionally, this holiday does not have a specific date - it is celebrated on the first or second Saturday of September. In 2017, the day of the city of Moscow is officially appointed to 9th of September. But, as in previous years, the festivities will last all week, and the organizers will leave the most interesting for September 9 and 10. Every year this holiday becomes more and more large-scale, and the program of events is more and more extensive. Among the many concerts, fairs, exhibitions, competitions, parades and theatrical performances, everyone will find entertainment to their taste.

Where to go, what to see on the day of the city?

In the anniversary year 2017, the city authorities promise an unprecedented scale of celebrations. Folk festivals will cover not only the center of Moscow - festive events will be held in all major parks of the capital. At the bottom of the city in Moscow, everyone will spend time with pleasure.


City Day celebration in city parks


Festival "Theatrical March". The largest open-air theater arts festival in Russia.


General musical start of the City Day
All city venues will hear the anthem of Moscow, which will serve as a symbolic start to the celebration of the City Day.

City concert venues



holiday fireworks
The final chord of the holiday is a one-time volley of festive fireworks in all districts of Moscow.


Festival of theatrical art and creativity "Bright people"
The best world-famous theaters will arrange a real theatrical marathon in Gorky Park.

Events dedicated to the Day of the City of Moscow in 2017



August 26 - September 3, 2017

International Military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower"
You can find out the full program, the list of participants and purchase tickets at the festival.

September 09 — September 10, 2017

Free admission to museums
Exhibition halls and galleries subordinate to the Department of Culture of Moscow can be visited absolutely free of charge. Detailed list.

Where to watch fireworks on Moscow Day

The Day of the City of Moscow in 2017 promises to be diverse - the program of entertainment events is very rich. But no matter how interesting and exciting the festive events are, many still look forward to the fireworks that usually end the celebrations.

AT 22.00 festive salutes and fireworks will thunder throughout the capital. "Peonies", "chrysanthemums", "snakes", "hearts", shimmering figures and other colorful drawings will be launched into the sky. In total, 13,260 volleys will sound over the city. Fireworks will be launched on Vorobyovy Gory, on Poklonnaya Gora, on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, in Izmailovo and Kuzminki parks, at the Kursk railway station, in Yuzhny Butovo, Solntsevo, Nagatino, Otradnoy, Mitino, in Zelenograd and Troitsk.

The festive extravaganza will last 10-15 minutes. Where to watch it depends on many factors. If you have not yet decided on this issue, when choosing a place from where you will admire the fantastic sky, keep in mind that the most stunning view of the festive fireworks opens from Red Square, Vorobyovy Gory, the Moscow City observation deck and on the bridges across Moscow - river.

Where to stay in Moscow during the holidays?

If you are planning for the holidays, then you should take care of booking a place to stay in advance, as cheap and profitable rooms in mini-hotels run out quickly. We recommend that you do not delay choosing a hotel and use the services of, which offers booking. You can choose a hotel using a variety of filters: star rating, type (hotel, apartment, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, location, ratings of people who visited the hotel, Wi-Fi availability and much more.

Citywide holiday of Muscovites. Celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In 1947, at the beginning of September, the 800th anniversary of Moscow was celebrated. "City Day" began to be celebrated regularly since 1986 on the initiative of B.N. Yeltsin, who at that time was the first ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Solemn, mass entertainment event, marking the date of the founding of Yekat. In modern form took shape in the 1970s. The first experience of bringing the holiday into the open space took place in 1973, when the 250th anniversary of the city was widely celebrated. In the Central city was ... ... Yekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

Day of the city- Day of the city … Russian spelling dictionary

Type City Day Celebrated in Moscow Celebration the first Saturday of September City Day of Moscow is an annual citywide holiday in Moscow. Celebrated on the first Saturday in September. On this day, festivities and concerts are held throughout the city. ... ... Wikipedia

City Day is the main holiday of the city of Lipetsk. Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July. 1703 is considered to be the year of foundation of Lipetsk. In 1979, the city administration planned to celebrate City Day on the day Lipetsk was awarded city status ... Wikipedia

Moscow has not celebrated City Day for 700 years. history of the holiday- Every year on the first weekend of September, Moscow celebrates City Day. The tradition of celebrating City Day in Moscow as such did not exist for a long time. True, it is known from history that on January 1, 1847, Moscow celebrated its first anniversary of 700 ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

City Day is the main holiday of the city of Lipetsk. Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July. 1703 is considered to be the year of foundation of Lipetsk. In 1979, the city administration planned to celebrate City Day on the day Lipetsk was awarded city status. ... ... Wikipedia

Cities of Military Glory ... Wikipedia

Capital Day Type Public Holiday Capital Day Established Adoption Day ... Wikipedia


  • Lucan's Birthday, Tatyana Alexandrova, "Lukan's Birthday" is a historical novel written by a philologist, translator, and specialist in late antique and early Christian literature. The novel takes the reader to Rome in the 1st century. n. e. IN… Category: Historical novels Publisher: Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities,
  • Day of the city. Novels & Stories, Gleb Nagorny, "Gleb Nagorny is a man who perfectly knows how to put words into phrases and has an adequate sense of style." Evgeny Yu. Dodolev, Moskovskaya Pravda & Novy Vzglyad Novels… Category: Modern Russian literature Publisher: Publishing Solutions, electronic book(fb2, fb3, epub, mobi, pdf, html, pdb, lit, doc, rtf, txt)

Very often, the day of a certain city passes according to the usual, familiar scenario for everyone. But this situation can be changed. Very often, local authorities offer residents to independently think over the program of celebration in which they would gladly take part. So what can be the events for City Day?


It is very important to note those people who at one time made a lot of efforts for its development in any industry. So, you need to put flowers at the foot of all the monuments (after all, they were erected for a reason!), on the main square, tell about those people who upset the city and helped it flourish. We must also not forget about those people who are trying to make their native streets, houses or municipal buildings better even now.


The most, perhaps, uninteresting, but very important part of the City Day event is over, now you can move on to the fun. So, the performances of all local groups that dance, sing, play in the theater, etc. are important on this day. They have to show their best performances, show off their achievements over the past year.


What else can be events for City Day? It can also be arranged. It can be football (teams of children and adults will compete), various races. You can also arrange a marathon for everyone, in which people of different ages can participate. For the elderly, you can organize a chess tournament or a domino tournament - their favorite entertainment.


The next events for City Day are fun fairs. Here you can already think of anything. So, all factories that are in the city or district can represent and at the same time sell their products, needlewomen of the city can show off their work. It is good to arrange auctions or fun sales of various products. All this can be accompanied by theatrical performances.

Master classes

On the Day of the City, it may also include conducting various master classes by experienced professionals. So, women can show how to embroider, knit or make homemade cakes, men can give master classes in metal forging, woodcarving. There are many options, you just need to bring together masters of various industries.


On City Day, it's also a good idea to do charity work. It can be either a special action or just a collection of money in special boxes, for example, for a local orphanage or nursing home.


City events should also include So, it’s good to make carousels in the local park free on this day, dress up several people as clowns or funny cartoon characters so that they entertain children passing by on the street. It is also good to arrange a free viewing of a cartoon for children at a local cinema.

end of the day

And at the end of the celebration, the city authorities can organize a concert where they invite "stars" of various sizes - both local and folk artists. You can make a disco for young people and complete everything with a beautiful bright fireworks display.

On the first Saturday of September, Moscow traditionally celebrates City Day - this year is already the 867th anniversary. As before, Muscovites will find a lot of entertainment at all suitable venues - from the Jazz Manor festival in Vorontsovo and the Seasons market in the Hermitage Garden to the street art biennale, the children's festival at VDNKh, The Drums concert and the Lambada Market . For convenience, we have divided the story about the events of the City Day into two parts: in the first we have laid out the main thing that this day is in parks, in the final we talk about events in pedestrian zones, in creative spaces and cultural centers.

Entrance to City Day events,
as always, free.


"Lambada Market"

The first autumn Lambada will take place in an unusual place: two hundred participants will be located along Pokrovsky Boulevard, so for the first time you can become a buyer just by walking around the city center. Again among the participants are well-known Moscow shops and showrooms, domestic designers and interesting debutants - for example, the shop of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. In addition, for the first time at the fair there will be an educational zone designed in collaboration with Do Fest and


"table long
to the boulevard

Each of the eleven central boulevards will turn into a themed area with characteristic entertainment. Gogolevsky Boulevard will become an arts boulevard with painting classes, the Seasons festival and an offline studio of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, the hosts of which will tell stories about the city. Nikitsky Boulevard is destined to become a bookstore: there will be a fair, book presentations and lectures. Strastnoy Boulevard will host a vintage flea market and retro dances.


"Good Moscow"

One of the proposals of Active Citizen service users, the most successful of which were implemented. The charity festival will bring together more than fifty foundations and organizations from which it will be possible to buy toys or dishes, participate in master classes prepared by volunteers and thereby help a sick child, people with disabilities or homeless animals.


Festival "Will"

A major festival of young art in the field of cinema, theater, music and dance. The highlight of the program will be the performance of Mujus with the string ensemble ArfaSound - it seems that the musician will rethink his well-known works, adjusted for live instruments. But besides Mujus, there will be a lot of interesting things: the screening of the film "House on Trubnaya" with the voice acting of the producer Raumskaya in real time, the performance of Sonic Death, the urban production of the dance association PoemaTheatre and much more.


"Tour Day"

Another project authored by Active Citizen users: it turned out that Muscovites suffer from a lack of knowledge about their hometown. On City Day, it was decided to arrange several dozen free tours under the supervision of authoritative local historians, historians and architects. The list includes walks along Ostozhenka and Zamoskvorechye, Prechistenka and Arbat courtyards, Kuznetsky bridge and Patriarch's ponds. A detailed schedule and forms for registering for excursions can be found.

"Classic in the City"

Muscovites also lack classical culture: the next proposal of the townspeople, brought to life, was a program of classical music, which will cover the Patriarch's Ponds (here, right on the water, the Bulgakov Festival will take place with the participation of the singer Khibla Gerzmava), Nikolskaya Street (five pianos will be placed there, which during the day will be replaced by very young and professional musicians), "Tsaritsyno" and Theater Square, where a two-hour gala concert "Eternal Music for the Eternal City" will take place.

"City of Children"

The organizers promise that over the course of two weekends, children at VDNKh will “draw with sound and dance architecture.” A book labyrinth, a science truck, a sandbox with dinosaur bones, as well as master classes in astronomy, automotive design, and floristry have been announced. Fifteen circus performers will be called to entertain the children, and those who get tired are expected by three dozen beds, on which you can both lie and jump.

Biennale of street art "Artmossphere"

As part of the Biennale, three trolleybuses painted by contemporary artists have already entered Route B. On City Day, artists from Italy, Germany, the USA, France and the Netherlands will paint the facades of nine Moscow buildings, the last one together with children.

Exhibition "Gifts to the Museum"

In the Pushkin Museum, on the occasion of the City Day, they show previously unexhibited exhibits received as a gift recently - about thirty in total, including several bicentennial French fans and one piano. The main hit of the exhibition is Mikhail Vrubel's unknown sketch for his "Demon", donated to the museum by the composer's grandson Sergei Prokofiev.


"Star Excursions"

At 11 a.m., a bike tour by Ilya Varlamov and Alexander Usoltsev, editor of the Moscow Walks project, starts from the Trubnaya metro station. At this time, Tutta Larsen will lead a tour of Zaryadye. At noon, participants of Artemy Troitsky's tour of the Sparrow Hills gather at the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. At 16:00, Fyokla Tolstaya will lead the people along the Bulgakov Patriarchs. At six in the evening, Alisa Grebenshchikova is waiting for those who want to get to know Nikolskaya Street better.


Festival "Moscow of the Future"

For two days, guests of the Museum of Moscow will be offered to create their own buildings from a giant constructor, building a “City of Dreams” out of them. In the evenings, an audiovisual performance "City of the Future" will be shown here, which unites, among other things, the Power of Light agency and the Start children's architectural school. A new exhibition by Vinogradov and Dubossarsky "Moscow: Escaping Reality" will open immediately. The Documentary Film Center located in the museum building will hold the Center festival with festival hits about the life of megacities.

"Vechernyaya Moskva" has made a selection of the most interesting cities, where they prepare for this solemn event with special trepidation.

The Italian city of Pisa is world famous for its bell tower, which is part of the ensemble of the city's Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta. However, this architectural masterpiece is not the only attraction of the city. The Italians consider this settlement to be one of the cultural capitals of the country, since right in the city there are many palaces, shrines and gardens, laid out in the Middle Ages.

Every year on City Day in Pisa, music festivals, concerts and free exhibitions are organized for citizens and guests of the cultural capital of Italy. Also, the costumed parade traditional for Italy on the Square of Miracles is not complete, and in the evening, of course, a grandiose enchanting show is expected.

Latvian Riga is unique in that on the Day of the City the capital of this republic is filled with the ringing of bells. In addition to the ringing of bells, congratulations of happy married couples are timed to the City Day. By tradition, Rigans congratulate spouses who have lived together for 50 years on their golden wedding. At night, the “OKarte Night Run” is organized on the streets of the capital, in which most of the townspeople and guests of the city participate.

On the second day of the holiday, Rigans organize a feast on the waterfront. After a plentiful feast, the townspeople arrange dances and music competitions. The event ends with fireworks at night.

In the capital of the Czech Republic, City Day is a very fresh holiday, it was first celebrated in 2010 in May. Today it is officially accepted to celebrate it on July 1 and 2. The organizers of the event came up with a celebration to emphasize the rich culture, history of the capital and Czech craftsmen.

During these two days, many museums, galleries and cultural monuments were open to the public either at a big discount or completely free of charge.

The first day of the Prague celebrations was dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Anezka of Bohemia, the famous patroness of the sick, the poor and the suffering. All day long, music plays on the Old Town Square, various ensembles perform, and there are events especially for children on Petřín. At the Stefanikov Observatory, children are told stories about the sun and the moon, stars and comets. There are also theater performances for children.

In mid-June, the capital of Finland invites guests from all over the world to its birthday party.

Restrained and modest Finns annually arrange a real festive marathon in honor of the main city of their country. The center of Helsinki is filled with a cheerful flow of people, bright colors and music. On this day, dozens of interesting events take place in the Finnish capital, making Helsinki Day an international holiday. The event begins with a solemn ceremony on the Senate Square, which is led by the head of the city. One of the most popular Helsinki Day events is aptly named "Outdoor Dining".

In the historical center of the city, a huge table is laid, at which 1000 people eat. Street concerts dominate the Helsinki City Day music program. The most famous outdoor stages for them are traditionally located in the best parks of the Finnish capital - Esplanadi and Kaivopuisto. The cultural institutions of Helsinki also play an important role in the celebration.

On June 12, all the museums of the capital open their doors for free visits, and special excursions are held for guests of the city, telling about its past and present.

Recall that more than 300 events in all districts of Moscow on City Day. These are 160 concerts and music programs, 90 exhibitions, lectures and creative meetings, 100 master classes, 20 charity events, as well as 20,000 fireworks at 13 city and 17 park launch points.