Hygienic care for bedridden patients. Hygiene for a newborn: morning routines and baby care

Why is personal hygiene important?

Unfortunately, very often little attention is paid to the personal hygiene of disabled children. But in vain, since a clean and well-groomed body not only improves mood, but also self-perception. The main thing is that this procedure, brought to systematism and effectiveness, adds confidence and self-respect. The main thing is that the child or young person understands the essence of these hygiene procedures understand why it needs to be done.

Recently, at my workplace, I encountered such a situation. A 29-year-old young man living in a boarding school for children with special needs asked me: “I just don’t understand why I need to brush my teeth?”. To be honest, I was in some shock, because a person, having lived to such a mature age, remained in the dark. But this is a matter of everyday life. I don't understand why the people who "studyed" with him for so many years didn't let him in on such an important issue. And I, having come to work, all these months could not understand why a person has such a careless attitude to this process.

Everything was on the surface. From that moment on, brushing your teeth, washing your face and washing your face became desirable and obligatory. It can be assumed that teachers and educators did not consider it necessary to give this information to a person with a disability, being in full confidence that he did not understand anything. Don't underestimate special people. You have to treat them like ordinary people, and you will see that everything is much better than you imagined.

What's on the list hygiene procedures?

Hygiene procedures must be carried out twice a day, and, of course, if necessary. Hygiene of the oral cavity, face, genitals, armpits, legs - this is the main list of daily procedures.

As for girls, by the time the menstrual cycle begins, they should be aware that this is natural, and they should know how to behave at these moments. This is required so that they are not afraid when the time comes. Naturally, it is important to take into account the level of preservation of the intellect, since with profound mental retardation, complete indifference to this physiological process is quite natural.

A young lady, if possible, needs to be instilled with menstrual behavior skills, that is, teach her to wash herself and change her hygiene product.

Also, in any situation, a girl should remain a girl. Every girl, girl, should know the rules of self-care, understand that she is female. In general, she should like herself. And for this, she needs to provide constant support, as well as set an example by keeping herself in shape. It is clear that someone can take care of themselves on their own. But, and someone will need partial or full help from the outside. In order for a girl to understand this, first of all, her relatives must understand this, who are then obliged to explain to her all the nuances.

Another practical example

Again, an example from personal experience. A 15-year-old girl with moderate mental retardation and cerebral palsy, but with a stubborn character and fierce diligence, refused to look at herself in the mirror, and any attempts to give her such an opportunity ended in a spoiled mood. And she looked like this: short-cropped hair (like a boy), a greasy face covered with numerous pimples and an almost constant smell of sweat. Here is such a picture. And now it becomes clear what is the reason for her dislike of her own appearance. Then I decided to conduct, so to speak, an experiment. I brought her a cleansing gel (for problem skin) and a tonic to start with. This caused the girl incredible delight. Guided by interest, she instantly learned the rules for using these funds and independently carried out these hygiene procedures twice a day. Then, gradually, I added scrub, cream, etc. After about a week, the young lady began to stare at herself in the mirror and even admire herself (while smiling). We began to take care of the hair, grow it and comb it regularly. That's the power of hygiene. It is important not to blame everything on a young creature at once. It is necessary to act gradually, as the development of already existing material.

Every parent needs to know and anticipate what their child is capable of. The child should be given the opportunity to do as many things as possible on their own. Set tasks for him and help him achieve them. The main thing is not to do everything for him, as this will not only not help, but also harm him. Before starting to act, the parent should explain to the child that it will take time and a lot of effort to achieve the result. The parent must prepare him for work and not scare him with pressure. In general, actions should be adequate and situationally thought out.

As for the guys. A young disabled person must be aware that he is not a sexless being, but a man, with his own needs and responsibilities. Communication at the level of "lisping" will help fashion only a sluggish and weak-willed creature, not ready to fight and overcome difficulties. And mastering hygiene skills will require perseverance and patience.

Obligatory shaving, washing and washing also need to be smoothly poured into the everyday life of a young person. And in the absence of allergies, you can use toilet water and deodorants.

Teeth cleaning

Consider the process of brushing your teeth. For some it is easier, but for others it becomes a real challenge. It all depends on the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child.

You need to start with the rules for holding the brush in your hand. Explain that the bristles should be on the teeth. Next, show in which direction the brush should move (from top to bottom, from side to side, and also make circular movements). If a child has cerebral palsy, this process will be unhurried, but the main thing is that he be and be independent. A parent can help a child only at the final stage, one might say, to put the finishing touch. We must not forget about the tongue, because it contains about 80% of the bacteria living in the oral cavity. After brushing, it's time to rinse. But this is a more difficult task. Very often, in children with cerebral palsy, the muscles of the cheeks, lips, etc., do not work well, that is, it is precisely those organs that are involved in the rinsing process. But this matter is in principle fixable, since they can be developed. Naturally, one should not expect a 100% result, but a lot can change. Invite the child to drive water in his mouth, actively move his cheeks, move his lips, puff out his cheeks.

If the child has a well-maintained intellect, then over time he will learn, in his own way, to do this, and the rinsing process will become more productive. Even mild and moderate mental retardation should not become an obstacle in mastering this process. Another thing is severe and profound mental retardation. Everything will be difficult here. Cleaning still didn’t go anywhere, but rinsing in the vast majority of cases does not come out. Instead of rinsing, swallowing is obtained. Such children simply swallow both the paste and the water intended for rinsing. In this regard, it is better for such youths to choose the safest paste, for example, children's or bio, created on the basis of natural ingredients. It may also happen that the child still learns to spit. But until this happens, it is better to use the above pastes.

Even in such cases, you should use as little paste as possible and instead of rinsing, simply wipe the mouth with a cloth moistened with water. In addition, it is good to tilt the child’s head to the side and ask him to sing the sound “a” all the time. So he will not have time to swallow, and the paste will pour out by itself with saliva from his mouth.

Here are the most simple and affordable means and ways to care for the oral cavity. Of course, this is not all methods. You just need to approach each situation individually. Creative and constructive.

Washing the face can be performed by both the child (young person) and his parents. In this case, both hands and towels moistened with water are used.

The same applies to the armpits.

Washing is carried out either in the bathroom or over the basin. And despite the dislocation, give the child as much opportunity as possible to act independently.

This is the main list of daily hygiene procedures that a parent must introduce into the daily routine of his child.

The need to care for a sick person who cannot get out of bed and needs the care and care of relatives and friends always makes us think about the need to acquire some skills to help cope with this difficult problem. How to organize proper care, using only your own strength? How to alleviate the suffering and worries of a loved one or a loved one? How to care for the sick so that they do not form on the skin? What care products should be chosen so as not to cause harm?

  • gentle cleansing of the skin;
  • effective and inflammatory reactions in the genital area, anus and in the natural folds of the skin;
  • therapeutic measures that contribute to the restoration of the skin.

In this article, we will introduce you to these important aspects of bedridden care, and this information can help you avoid mistakes in this difficult and important matter.

Hygiene procedures

Hygiene measures for patients who are forced to spend a long time in bed should be carried out in the morning and evening. Doctors recommend doing them before breakfast and before going to bed, because it is these time intervals that are most favorable for performing such procedures.

To perform hygiene procedures, it is necessary to prepare the following hygiene products:

  • two basins for water;
  • inflatable bath for washing the head;
  • pelvic support;
  • jug for heated water;
  • special cosmetics and devices for the care of bedridden patients: gels, foams, lotions, creams, foaming mittens and sponges (for example, Tena Wash, Seni Care, Menalind, etc.);
  • medical and cleaning gloves;
  • cloth and paper towels and napkins;
  • rubberized diapers and disposable oilcloths;
  • absorbent diapers;
  • cotton wool;
  • gauze napkins;
  • cotton buds;
  • special toothbrushes (if the patient himself cannot brush his teeth);
  • items for haircuts, manicures, pedicures and shaving;
  • male or female urinals;
  • colostomy bags;
  • circles, rollers or mattresses for the prevention of bedsores.

If necessary, other hygiene products can be added to this list:

  • bibs for gentle feeding;
  • diapers;
  • urological and gynecological pads;
  • dry closets;
  • shower chairs or seats and bath rails;
  • toilet chairs;
  • devices for the care of stoma;
  • disposable underwear and bed linen, etc.

A doctor can help determine the need for certain means for caring for a bedridden patient, since their range largely depends on the patient's diagnosis.

Before starting skin cleansing procedures, it is necessary to eliminate all possible sources of drafts and make sure that the air temperature in the room is at least 20 degrees. Such precaution when caring for bedridden patients is never superfluous, because as a result of illness, their immunity becomes weakened, and sharp fluctuations in temperature can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In what order should the procedures be carried out?

Before carrying out hygiene procedures, it is recommended to put on the first pair of medical gloves and protect the bedding with absorbent or waterproof sheets and oilcloth. After that, the nightgown is removed from the patient and phased hygiene procedures begin.

Stage 1 - caring for the patient's oral cavity

If the patient's condition allows, then he can be seated on a chair or give his body a semi-sitting position. If the patient cannot change the horizontal position of the body, then his head must be turned to one side and with the help of cotton buds (pagavit) clean the buccal space from accumulated saliva and plaque. To facilitate the implementation of hygiene procedures for the oral cavity, you can use special disposable plastic spatulas, with which you can alternately and gently move the left and right cheeks.

To clean the teeth of a sick person, you can follow the same rules as for brushing the teeth of a healthy person, but the movements of the toothbrush in such situations should be more gentle and performed with the utmost care.

After completion of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the patient's mouth with water or a hygienic solution (special solutions for rinsing the mouth, soda solutions, hydrogen peroxide, borax, etc.). To do this, you can use a rubber syringe and a soft tip or special rubber balloons to rinse the patient's mouth. When performing this procedure, the head must be slightly raised above the surface of the bed so that the liquid does not enter the esophagus and respiratory tract.

A special approach is also recommended for the choice of a toothbrush and paste for the care of bedridden patients. In most cases, in such patients, the oral mucosa becomes vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of hard bristles, and toothpaste should be selected in accordance with the age needs and characteristics of the patient's diagnosis.

Remedies for bleeding gums
  • LACALUT active;
  • LACALUT fitoformula;
  • Parodontax;
  • Parodontax F and others.

For patients with hypersensitivity of tooth enamel, the following toothpastes are recommended:

  • SPLAT;
  • LACALUT Extra Sensitive;
  • PRESIDENT Sensitive;
  • SILCA Complete Sensitive;
  • Oral-B Sensitive.
  • a series of DIADENT toothpastes: DiaDent Regular, DiaDent Active;
  • PerioTherapy Healthy Gums Toothpaste.

For seriously ill children who are forced to lie down for a long time, it is recommended to choose toothpastes that are able to match their age and have the necessary properties that are determined by the diagnosis.

The duration of the use of therapeutic toothpastes for seriously ill patients is determined individually, since some of their active components with prolonged use can have a negative impact on the health of the oral cavity. After their use, the use of hygienic toothpastes is recommended.

After completing this procedure, it is necessary to blot the patient's lips with an absorbent napkin and apply hygienic lipstick or moisturizing balm to them, which prevents drying and cracking of the lips. For this, the following means can be used:

  • EOS balm;
  • lip balm BABE Laboratorios SPF 20;
  • fatty oils: shea butter (shea butter), jojoba, cocoa, soybeans;
  • hygienic lipstick "Morozko".

When choosing such balms and hygienic balm, you should definitely make sure that they are hypoallergenic.

Stage 2 - washing

To wash the patient's face, you can use the following solutions:

  • washing cream Seni Care;
  • washing cream TENA Wash Cream;
  • EHAdez;
  • washing lotion Menalind professional;
  • Eleksi and others.

One of the above solutions is diluted in water and a sponge or hygroscopic glove is moistened in it. After that, the patient's face is wiped, and then proceed to the hygienic treatment of the eyes. It is recommended to use two wet cellulose disks for this procedure (a separate disk should be used for each eye). Movements in this case should be directed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

Cotton swabs can be used to clean the inside of the ears and ear canal. After that, using a damp sponge, it is necessary to clean the skin behind the ears, the neck, chest (including the folds under the chest), the surfaces of the sides and the stomach of the patient. In parallel with these actions, the cleaned areas of the skin are blotted with a well-absorbing cloth and covered with a towel (blanket) or put on clothes on the treated areas of the body.

After this, the patient is gently turned on his side and the back area is wiped with the same washing solution. The treated areas of the skin are dried with a towel and one of the means to protect the skin from bedsores is applied to them:

  • body gel Seni Care;
  • protective cream Menalind professional with zinc;
  • protective body cream Seni Care with arginine;
  • protective body cream Seni Care zinc, etc.

In the absence of contraindications, after the completion of cleansing the skin and applying care products, it is recommended to perform a percussion massage.

Sometimes, to wash the irritated areas of the patient's skin, you have to use special products that provide gentle cleansing of the skin. These include:

  • TENA Wash Mousse;
  • foam Seni Care, etc.

Stage 3 - washing hands

The same cleaning solution is used for washing hands as for washing the body. Each hand of the patient is alternately immersed in a basin with a washing solution and washed with a sponge or gloves. Close attention is paid to cleaning the areas of the interdigital space, since it is in it that a large number of pathogenic microorganisms often accumulate.

After washing, the hands are dried with a towel and a special care product is applied to the elbow area (as a rule, roughness is often observed on them) - Seni Care cream for dry and rough skin. After that, the patient's nails are trimmed and filed with a special nail file. Further, nail care is carried out as they grow.

Stage 4 - diaper change and hygiene of intimate areas

Before starting to clean this area of ​​the body, it is necessary to change the gloves for new ones and prepare a new washing solution.

  • lay a waterproof diaper under the patient's pelvis (if the bed was not previously covered with a waterproof oilcloth with an absorbent sheet or an absorbent sheet);
  • remove the diaper and wrap it in a bag;
  • put on a mitten for washing or take a special soft sponge for treating intimate areas;
  • moisten a mitten or sponge in a cleaning solution and wring out;
  • spread the patient's legs and place them so that they bend at the knees, and the heels are as close as possible to the pelvis;
  • treat the perineal area in such a way that the movements of the sponge are directed from the pubis to the anus;
  • dry the crotch area with a soft towel (only a specially allocated towel or disposable absorbent diaper can be used for this);
  • turn the patient on his side, wipe the body and dry the skin with a towel (special attention should be observed when drying natural folds);
  • apply a protector (protective foam or cream) to the skin;
  • take a clean diaper, unfold it, fold it lengthwise and carefully straighten the protective cuffs and fasteners;
  • put a diaper on the patient.

To treat the perineal area, you can use wet wipes for intimate hygiene or cleansing foams. To do this, you can purchase the following tools:

  • wet wipes Seni Care or TENA Wet Wipe;
  • Seni Care foam or TENA Wash Mousse.

Step 5 - Foot Wash

To wash your feet, you should prepare a new washing solution and change the sponge or washing mittens. Further, the procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  • wipe your feet with a sponge or washing mitt up to the ankle joint;
  • dry your feet with a towel
  • the patient's feet should be lowered into the pelvis and washed, paying close attention to the areas between the fingers;
  • dry your feet with a towel;
  • turn the patient on his side and apply on the back surface of the legs means to protect against bedsores;
  • put the patient on his back;
  • trim your toenails and trim their edges with a pedicure file.

After completing all the stages of washing the patient on rough skin (for example, on the elbows, heels or knees), you can apply special products to effectively soften them - Seni Care cream for dry and rough skin. Completion of hygiene procedures should end with putting on a shirt, giving the body a comfortable position in bed and, if necessary, placing rollers or special inflatable circles to prevent bedsores. After that, the patient should be covered with a blanket. In some cases, after the completion of hygiene procedures, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic measures (for example: treatment, prevention, etc.).

All the above stages of hygiene procedures for the care of a bedridden patient should be performed daily. Compliance with this rule always has a positive effect on the patient's condition and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, preventing the appearance of bedsores and the development of infectious complications.

Washing head

Washing the head of the patient should be carried out as the hair gets dirty. To perform this procedure, you need to prepare the following accessories:

  • a basin for washing (for this it is more convenient to use special inflatable bathtubs for washing your hair);
  • pelvic support;
  • a jug of water at a comfortable temperature;
  • shampoo;
  • oilcloth;
  • towel;
  • comb;
  • scarf or hat.

The patient is laid on his back and a pillow is placed under the shoulders so that its upper edge is at shoulder level, and the head is slightly thrown back. A roller is rolled up from a towel and placed under the neck. The head of the bed is covered with oilcloth, on which a basin of water is placed.

hygiene procedures.

It is better to introduce the baby to the washroom in kindergarten together with the mother. Tell them that in this room you wash your hands and wash your face. Show the child his towel, consider the faucet and sink, soap dish with soap. Please note that at this age, children feel and experience hard any physical discomfort. Therefore, when teaching hygiene procedures, an individual approach is especially important. Pay attention to the water temperature. Every child likes water of a certain temperature. When teaching hygiene procedures, keep an eye on the condition of your skin and nails, as the skin of a child is very delicate and easy to injure.

When learning procedures, start with yourself. Wash your hands while explaining to your child what you are doing and why. Then admire your clean hands. When teaching hygiene procedures, it is important to teach the child to enjoy the cleanliness of his body, the cleanliness of clothes. It is important to form a positive attitude towards personal hygiene items as a means of protecting health.

Washing hands and washing.

For easier assimilation of the skills associated with the assimilation of actions, the actions are divided into several operations. A certain algorithm is created.

Consider washing algorithm.

  1. First, roll up the sleeves.
  2. Wet hands with water.
  3. We lather our hands: first the palms, and then each finger.
  4. Put the soap in the soap dish if it's not liquid soap.
  5. Rinse hands thoroughly without splashing water.
  6. Take a towel and dry your hands.

If the child is afraid to wash, then it is better to wipe the face with a damp cloth, and then gradually bring it to the wash with water. At the same time, do not forget about the comfortable temperature of the water.

Extensive washing is not only a hygienic procedure. If this is done with water of a certain temperature, then it becomes a hardening procedure. The procedure is carried out after a walk or sleep. For this, the child remains in shorts and a T-shirt. The child alternately, moving from the fingertips to the elbow, washes his hands with water. Then, taking a handful of water, he washes the neck from the base of the head to the shoulders. Then, with wet palms, he rubs the upper part of his chest.

Verses and works of oral folk art help to make washing a pleasant procedure.

Oh, okay, okay, we are not afraid of water.

Wash your face cleanly, (child's name) smile.


Faucet, open! Nose, wash up!

Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears! Wash your neck!

Sheika, wash yourself well!

Wash, wash, bathe!

Dirty, wash off! Dirty, wash off!

Nose toilet.

We teach this procedure to the child from the first days of being in kindergarten, as a dirty nose makes it difficult for the child to breathe. Breathing through the nose trains the diaphragm, while breathing through the mouth expands the chest weakly and may remain underdeveloped. Constant mouth breathing can cause a deformation of the face in a child, it becomes narrow and elongated, the upper jaw develops incorrectly, and the teeth grow crookedly. In children with a defect in nasal breathing, already at an early age absent-mindedness, depression, irritability, tearfulness, bad mood are noted, their memory is weakening.

Consider nose toilet algorithm- blowing out.

  1. Wet the nose with water.
  2. Close the nostril with your finger and blow the contents out of the other.
  3. Pinch the other nostril with your finger and do the same.
  4. Rinse the nose with water.

The toilet of the nose is performed before eating, going for a walk and after, after a daytime sleep, and also as needed.

preventive procedures.

When a quarantine for viral infections is declared, children are taught to treat their nose with oxolin ointment. The ointment is squeezed onto the tip of the little finger, and the child processes the nasal passages with it. And drawing sea water from the palm of your hand with your nostrils relieves children from a runny nose. For 1 liter of oxen add 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and carry out the procedure. Instead of drawing in water, you can pour this water from a syringe into one nostril. In this case, you can not tilt your head down much, as water can pour into your throat. With this procedure, one nostril is also closed with a finger.

Oral hygiene.

Rinsing the mouth.

Thanks to this procedure, we protect the teeth and develop the muscles of the oral cavity and facial expressions. Children should be taught to rinse their mouth immediately after eating. Then this procedure will be effective against dental caries. To rinse the mouth, children are given small cups of water at room temperature or infusion of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark) in a volume of 50-60 ml.

Algorithm for rinsing teeth.

  1. Take a sip of water in your mouth.
  2. By moving the muscles of the cheeks and mouth, we move the water from one cheek to the other several times.
  3. Then we “drive” the water up and down between the lips and teeth.
  4. Then we “drive” the water with pulsating movements from left to right until it stops.

It is necessary to do for the effectiveness of this procedure 5-6 sips.

To make children want to do this, it is necessary to praise them more often and place cups of water so that they are on the way to the washroom, to create a pushing effect: if you see it, you want to do it.

Training should be carried out only individually. First, this should be done with a wet brush without toothpaste. It is important to teach your child how to properly brush their teeth so as not to damage the tooth enamel.

First, you need to examine his teeth with the child in the mirror, with the help of clean fingers, give the child the opportunity to examine them: touch the sharp edges, move your finger along the outer and inner sides of the teeth. Then we train this procedure in several stages.

1st stage.

  1. First, we give the child to examine the toothbrush, then we show how to rinse it under water.
  2. Show how to brush your teeth on a toy that shows teeth.
  3. Show how to care for the brush: rinse under water, lather and leave in a cup. Soap acts as a toothbrush preservative against germs.

2nd stage.

  1. The teacher will show you how to brush your teeth properly. Explains that it is necessary to start brushing the teeth from the root, then the front, starting from the inside. The brush moves along the teeth from the gums down, as if sweeping the teeth. Pay attention to the child that the brush penetrates between the teeth, as food residues always remain there.
  2. The child himself brushes his teeth with a brush without toothpaste.

3rd stage.

  1. First, children apply the paste to their teeth with their index finger and rub it in for 1 minute.
  2. Brush your teeth using a toothbrush.

Teeth should be brushed every time after eating. Dentists have a brushing control test. It is necessary to dilute medical iodine with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, moisten a cotton swab with this solution and run it over the front teeth from canine to canine. If the teeth are completely stained in an intense yellow color, then dental care is irregular. If the teeth turn yellow by ¼, then the child brushes them clumsily. If the teeth remain white, then the child brushes them correctly and regularly.

Dentists also advise rinsing your mouth with a solution of baking soda to remove plaque.

Methods for strengthening teeth.

  1. Perform exercises to train the teeth - vigorous chewing, abduction of the jaw to the sides.
  2. It is necessary to eat solid food after meals, such as an apple or a carrot.
  3. Drinks containing substances to strengthen the teeth should be drunk slowly, holding them in the mouth (milk, tea).
  4. Rinse your mouth after each meal with water, preferably mineral type "Borjomi", "Narzan" or a solution of baking soda (1/4 tsp per glass of water).
  5. Brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.
  6. After brushing your teeth, to strengthen the enamel, rub toothpaste into the enamel with your finger for 2 minutes.
  7. Do not eat a lot of sweets and flour products.
  8. Between meals, rinse your mouth with a salt solution of tolerable salinity.

A child of preschool age should be shown to the dentist 2-3 times a year. It must be remembered that a child who does not have a toothache is not afraid of visiting this doctor.

Toilet hygiene.

Acquaintance with this room is also best done in the presence of mom. Show the child his potty and where it stands. Ask the mother what the child used at home: a potty or a toilet. Is he independent in this procedure, as his mother helped him. Ask your mom if he asks to go to the toilet, if he wakes up during sleep or if he needs to be woken up.

Remember that at this age it is difficult for a child to control himself, so the child must be reminded to go to the toilet. But if the child does not want to, then he should not be forced to sit on the potty. During the toilet, an adult must be present in the toilet room. It must be remembered that the child's arm is short, and he cannot wipe the anus on his own, and the remains of feces will irritate the child's skin. Therefore, after defecation, the child should be washed or wiped with a damp cloth. If there is irritation on the skin, then lubricate with baby cream.

Teach your child to handle himself after urinating with toilet paper. This should be done gently, lightly touching the genitals, soaking droplets of urine. The child will not forget to do this if the toilet paper is at the level of his eyes.

Children should be taught how to properly undress in the bathroom:

Girls: they raised their skirts (dress) and lowered the tights just below the knees, then took off their panties and lowered them to the removed tights.

Boys: shorts down just below the knees, then pantyhose, then panties.

The next step is dressing. Everything is in reverse order.

Teach children to wash their hands after going to the toilet.

Personal hygiene items.

Adults should not violate the requirements for personal hygiene items. Each child should have their own towel, comb, handkerchief, napkin.


They must be in the group clothes of the child, as well as in outerwear in which the children go for a walk. But the group should also have disposable handkerchiefs and napkins, as sometimes parents forget to give them to their children.

In order to properly teach a child to use a handkerchief, it is necessary to have a large handkerchief, let it be a man's handkerchief. According to epidemiologists, a handkerchief folded in half traps up to 55% of exhaled microbes, and folded four times - up to 90%.

You need to blow your nose in a handkerchief folded in half; when coughing and sneezing, the handkerchief should be folded 4 times. When blowing one nostril is pinched with a finger. The used cloth handkerchief is placed in a plastic bag and given to parents for washing. If the handkerchiefs are not boiled, then microbes and viruses remain in them for up to two weeks.


It must be remembered that the comb is also a subject of personal hygiene. Combs made of wood are useful for hair, metal and plastic ones electrify hair. The choice of combs must also be approached individually, depending on the length and thickness of the hair. It is better to have combs with rare and blunt teeth. In order for the child to comb himself, it is necessary to have mirrors in all rooms. Combs should be stored in a locker in a special case. Don't forget to remind your parents at the end of the week to treat their combs.


The nurse in her work must use a whole range of sanitary and hygienic procedures necessary to alleviate the suffering of the patient, prevent possible complications and infection. This complex includes: care for the body, hair, nails, eyes, ears, nasal cavity of a person.

Body care.You need to start caring for the body of a bedridden patient by creating comfortable conditions in bed. To do this, bed linen must be kept perfectly clean, sufficiently soft, warm, dry, free of foreign objects and crumbs. The mattress should be without depressions and bumps. Between the mattress and the sheet, as a rule, an oilcloth spreads. The blanket should not be heavy, it is better to cover the patient with an additional blanket from above. The patient may additionally be dressed in underwear, pajamas, a nightgown that does not allow excessive overheating or hypothermia of the body. Change of pastel and underwear occurs as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. If a person cannot independently regulate his physiological functions, then you need to use diapers that avoid inconvenience and discomfort, facilitate care, help keep bedding clean and dry, and prevent bedsores. When replacing a diaper, hygiene of the inguinal and gluteal region is carried out, after which they are treated with cream, talc or powder. General hygiene procedures must be carried out at least twice a day, wet treatment once a day, and washing as needed.

Wet body treatment. For wet treatment of the body, it is necessary to beat: a basin (personal vessel), warm water, sponge (soft cloth), shampoo, vodka, camphor alcohol, towel, cotton wool. Heat is treated with a soapy solution containing shampoo and vodka, then washed with clean water, dried with a towel, treated with camphor oil and ventilated at room temperature.

Head hair care. It is known that in order to ensure head hygiene, the patient's hair should be cut as short as possible, but it is necessary to wash the hair even with short hair, at least once a week. To do this, you need to use: a basin, a wide oilcloth, a jug, shampoo, a comb, a towel, a warm scarf, a hair dryer. In addition to washing, the hair should be combed regularly with a thick comb dipped in a solution of vinegar and ensure that pediculosis does not develop.

Shave face.Shaving the face of a sick man gives a cosmetic effect and creates emotional comfort. You should shave at least twice a week. For shaving, it is desirable to use an electric machine, followed by facial skin care.

Nail care.Patients' nails should be cut short, not only for cosmetic purposes. With regrown nails, a person can comb the skin, which contributes to the occurrence of non-living wounds and bedsores. Nails should be trimmed at least twice a month.

When cutting nails, it is necessary to treat the skin and tools with a disinfectant solution (vodka, cologne, chloramine).

Oral care. It is necessary to regularly, at least once a day, brush the patient's teeth with toothpaste, and in the absence of teeth, rinse your mouth with warm water using an enema. If the patient is completely immobilized, periodically, with the help of a spatula and a gauze (or cotton) swab moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, collect the mucus accumulated in the oral cavity, treat the tongue and lips of the patient.

Ear care.The auricles of the patient should be washed with warm water and soap, in order to avoid the occurrence of sulfuric plugs and otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). In this case, you need to ensure that water does not get into the ear canal. Sulfur should be removed regularly with a swab moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or vegetable oil. If inflammation occurs in the ears, it is necessary to drip the medicine and put a small cotton swab in the auricle.

Nasal care. If the patient is weak and cannot clean the nasal passage on his own, then this should be done daily by a nurse. Crusts that appear on the walls of the patient's nasal cavity should be removed with a cotton swab moistened with vaseline or vegetable oil.

If a runny nose and inflammation of the nasal cavity occur, the patient is prescribed special drops, suction of pus and mucus is performed using special devices and tubes, and they also make sure that sinusitis does not develop. In addition, with a runny nose, you can enter into the nostrils of the patient, finely chopped and wrapped in gauze, a clove of garlic.

Eye care.Care of the patient's eyes also requires the attention of the nurse. Eyes and eyelids are regularly treated with a cotton-gauze napkin (tampon) soaked in warm water or a solution of 2% boric acid. In the presence of secretions that stick together eyelashes and eyelids, you can use a weak solution of furacilin and eye drops. Washing the eyes is performed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Instillation technique: with the left hand, the lower eyelid is slightly pulled back and, inviting the patient to look in the opposite direction, slowly let in one drop closer to the nose; after waiting a little, let in a second drop and ask the patient to close his eyes. Eye ointments are applied to the eyelids with a special glass spatula. The eyelid of the patient is pulled down, an ointment is laid behind it and with gentle movements of the fingers through the eyelid it is rubbed over the mucous membrane. All tools used in this case must be sterile, as are the hands of the nurse.

Prevention and treatment of bedsores. Bedsores are necrotic (dead) areas of the body of varying degrees (depth) of the lesion. Bedsores appear in those places where, due to poor care, tissue metabolism in skin cells is disrupted. They appear under the influence of a whole complex of influences: - humidity, darkness, heat, body weight of the patient. Most often, bedsores occur in the folds of the skin, on the periarticular surfaces, in the sacral and inguinal region, on the surface of the back. Etcdeer beds are quite painful and significantly worsen the general condition of the patient. In the most severe cases, suppuration and damage to the surface layer of the patient's bone tissue occurs. Further development of a purulent infection can lead to sepsis (general blood poisoning). That is why it is so important to regularly examine a motionless bed patient and conduct a hygienic treatment of the body.

The appearance of bedsores is preceded by a number of characteristic signs, such as swelling of tissues, excessive pallor or redness of the skin, pain and tingling, the appearance of blisters, and rejection of skin tissues.

To avoid the appearance of bedsores, you must:

Periodically inspect the surface of the entire body;

Regular change of bed and underwear;

The hygiene of any person begins with daily procedures, and the baby must be taught to do this from birth. Wash your eyes every morning with a cotton pad dipped in warm boiled water. You can also wipe the whole face, especially if the room is hot, this will make the girl feel better.

Also wipe the baby's hands - after all, she grabs various objects, and do not forget about the heels - this is an excellent tempering procedure.

Pay special attention to the armpits and neck of the baby, because a lot of dirt and sweat accumulate there. If these areas are not cleaned in a timely manner, irritations, diaper rash appear, bringing discomfort to the child. Wipe with a cotton pad, trying to remove all contamination, especially if the doctor forbade taking baths for some time (after vaccination or during illness). Do not wrap the girl in clothes immediately after wiping - let the skin dry.

As for the baby's ears, you do not need to constantly clean them with cotton swabs - you can damage the delicate skin. Remove only visible dirt as it accumulates. The same is with the girl's nose. If you have a runny nose, use baby drops to soften nasal mucus and gently remove it with twisted cotton swabs.

And, of course, bathe a little girl every day, it is pleasant and good for the whole body. You can add three to four crystals of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile, a little sea salt and coniferous extract to the water. All this will strengthen your daughter's immunity, help her grow strong and healthy.

Do not forget to talk with the baby during the procedures, say that she is the best and most beautiful, and then manipulations that are unpleasant at first glance will not cause discomfort to the baby.

Genital care

The hygiene of the genital organs of a newborn girl is one of the most significant moments, and the mother needs to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the baby, observing important rules. Every morning and evening, you need to wash the genitals with warm water, and after defecation, be sure to wash with soap and water. Hold the girl face up (rather than lay face down on one arm, as boys are groomed) and wash from the pubis to the anus. This is necessary so as not to contaminate the delicate organs of the baby with intestinal secretions and not cause various diseases.

Do not forget about the cleanliness of the inguinal folds - they also need to be thoroughly cleaned to avoid the appearance of diaper rash or cracks in the skin.

For intimate health care of a newborn girl, use a mild cream soap, but choose one that does not contain perfumed fragrances. You should not wash the baby with laundry soap or water with potassium permanganate - they dry the skin very much, breaking the alkaline balance.

Do not wipe the girl with sharp or pressing movements, it is better to slightly blot the body with a towel and let it dry naturally. And then lubricate the skin with baby cream.

Many young mothers are worried about a white coating on the genitals of a newborn, and they begin to remove it with cotton pads or sticks, injuring delicate skin. This should not be done, because white plaque is nothing more than a secret that protects female organs from pollution. With proper care, it disappears on its own.

If the irritation nevertheless began, wash the baby with a decoction of chamomile or calendula and be sure to show the child to a doctor who will prescribe a gentle, effective and soothing treatment.

Baby clothes care

Of no small importance for the hygiene of the newborn is the care of the girl's underwear. Use panties, pants and diapers made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through and allow the skin to breathe. Do not get carried away using diapers, this is fraught with irritation and diaper rash on the baby's pope, use them only while walking, traveling to the hospital or visiting. At home, the baby can be in clean diapers or sliders.

Wash clothes either by hand using laundry or antibacterial soap or in a machine, but always with baby powder. Clothing for newborns should be thoroughly rinsed to remove any detergent residue. For at least the first few months, iron the baby's underwear on both sides with a hot iron.