Innovative approaches to working with gifted children. Gifted child in dow - document

Svetlana Reingard
Features of the work of a preschool teacher with gifted children

Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena of nature - children's talent. A teacher who meets a gifted child for the first time in his practice often experiences certain difficulties, since interaction with such children is very uncommon and requires special knowledge and a special approach.

gifted st- a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms, or an exceptional development of special abilities (musical, artistic, etc.)

If most of the indicators for all the results of the study of the child exceed the average norm of age development by about 30%, then we can talk about giftedness.

gifted children. Who are they? How to discern children's talent, develop and increase it? Is this a gift to the teacher or a problem for him? Today, preschool teachers are puzzled by these questions.

In preschool childhood, there are as many types of giftedness as there are types of children's activities. Each activity has its own scale of success and originality of achievements. Children's talent begins to manifest itself from a very early age. But will a gifted personality emerge as a result? Signs of giftedness that appear at preschool age may gradually fade away if appropriate conditions are not created to stimulate the development of giftedness. Therefore, teachers of preschool institutions should be especially attentive to children in whom the beginnings of giftedness begin to appear.

Methods for identifying gifted children

1. Analysis of the results of pedagogical monitoring;

2. Work with children (observation, testing, analysis of products of children's creativity);

3. Work with parents (conversations, questionnaires).

Frequent manifestations of giftedness:

Physical and neuropsychic development is ahead of age;

The child began to walk and talk earlier than peers;

The child early became interested in numbers, drawing, singing, playing musical instruments, etc.

The child has a large vocabulary, knows the meaning of many words and terms, has an excellent memory, can memorize encyclopedic data;

The child is very inquisitive, able to concentrate on something for a long time;

The child is capable of non-standard solutions;

The child can memorize large numbers, add, subtract them in his mind, perform other mathematical operations;

In artistic activity, a gifted child manifests himself earlier than in other areas (up to a year and a little later): he starts drawing early, spends a lot of time sculpting and designing, has his own image style;

In the motor sphere, giftedness manifests itself in the form of good visual-motor coordination, the child is unusually dexterous, strong, and coordinated (these are children potentially gifted in dancing and sports).

Absolutely all gifted children have a great need for mental stress, high activity of the mind.

The main tasks of accompanying gifted children in kindergarten are the following:

Creation of conditions for the development of a gifted child. This task is solved by means of research, development, methodological, organizational work.

Creation of conditions for the development of the subjective position of a gifted child. This problem is solved by means of interaction in the system teacher - child - parent.

Tracking the features of the development of a gifted child at different age stages of preschool childhood. This problem is solved mainly by means of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, developing pedagogical activity.

Problems of gifted children

Lack of interest in group activities

This attitude often arises because the program designed for the average child is too simple, boring and uninteresting for the "gifted".

Difficulties in communicating with peers

Gifted children like complex games and are not interested in those that their classmates are fond of. As a result, a gifted child prefers to play alone, avoids emotional and social contact with children.

Denial of social norms and general group rules

Gifted children do not strive to "be like everyone else", reject standard requirements, especially if these standards run counter to their interests.

Immersion in philosophical problems

It is common for gifted children to ponder over such phenomena as death, the afterlife, religious beliefs, and philosophical issues. This can lead to excessive shyness, hypertrophied fears.

The pursuit of excellence

Gifted children are characterized by an inner need for perfection. Hence the feeling of dissatisfaction, their own inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Need for adult attention

Due to the desire for knowledge, gifted children often experience an increased need for communication and adult attention. This causes friction in relationships with other children. Often, gifted children are intolerant of children who are below them in intellectual development. They may alienate others with remarks of contempt or impatience.

Methods of working with gifted children:

Involving a child in project activities, which involves not only an analysis of possibilities, but also a choice of ways to solve a problem (for example, make a stand for pencils). At the same time, a prerequisite for successful implementation is pedagogical support at each stage of work.

Discussing the daily tasks the child will have to perform in the group (for example, watering the flowers or other activity that the child is interested in). This will allow him to feel his own importance, the need to participate in the life of the group.

Emotional support, verbal encouragement for success and non-standard problem solving will allow the child to feel more confident.

Involvement in research activities through the solution of experimental problems will solve the problem of maintaining and developing cognitive interest.

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You can't create talents, but you can create soil,

where talents will grow and flourish

Heinrich Neuhaus

Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena of nature, children's talent occupies one of the leading places. The problems of its diagnosis and development have been of concern to educators for many centuries. Interest in it is currently very high. This is explained by social needs and, above all, the need of society for an extraordinary creative person.

Modern trends in the social development of society pose new challenges for education. Among the main directions of the National Educational Initiative "Our New School" is the building of an extensive system of searching for and supporting talented children, accompanying them throughout the entire period of personality formation, creating an environment for the manifestation and development of each child's abilities, stimulating and identifying his potential. And this is not accidental, since neither computerization, nor perfect knowledge of several languages, but a special, freer, more intellectual and creative way of thinking will be the key to the social success of everyone, and therefore the key to the prosperity of the nation.

The researchers found that the most favorable period for the development of abilities than preschool childhood is difficult to imagine.

At the present stage, the starting point from which applied research and pedagogical practice in our country originate is the “Working Concept of Giftedness” edited by D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya and V.D. Shadrikov.

According to the definition of the authors of the concept: "A gifted child is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity."

Working with gifted children is one of the options for the concrete implementation of the individual's right to individuality. The modern education system, in particular kindergartens, is in particular need for programs that would take into account the individual needs and interests of gifted children.

Giftedness, talent, genius - this is a high level of development of human abilities. A gifted child strives for self-affirmation, wishes to succeed in the development of his talent. It is important that the teacher pays attention to such a child, since the requirements that he makes, as a rule, are aimed at the strengths and abilities of the average child. The teacher must take into account that gifted children are characterized by a need for knowledge.

Definition of the concepts of "gifted" and "gifted child". Signs of giftedness.

Studies by domestic psychologists confirm that the number of gifted children is increasing every year, which makes it necessary to find effective approaches to diagnosing giftedness and developing programs for the development and correction of the behavior of gifted children. It is difficult to predict the further course of a child's mental development, but this does not mean that early signs of outstanding abilities can be ignored.

In the psychological, pedagogical and medical aspects, giftedness is a syndrome of typical psycho-physiological and socio-psychological deviations from the average line of human development, its excess in terms of the main indicators of development, especially the development of intelligence. At the same time, the more pronounced giftedness, the more psychological problems of self-actualization and social adaptation it causes.

Giftedness is the presence of inclinations for the development of abilities, which in the studies of B.M. Teplova (1998) are defined as follows:

firstly, abilities are understood as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;

secondly, not all individual characteristics are called abilities, but only those that are related to the success of an activity or many activities;

thirdly, the concept of "ability" is not limited to the knowledge, skills or abilities that a given individual has developed.

This makes it possible to characterize giftedness as a holistic manifestation of abilities in activity, as a general property of a set of abilities integrated in activity.

Note that in modern psychology the term “giftedness” is more often referred to as cognitive abilities, but the term “talent” is more often used to characterize other, more general aspects of development, i.e. creativity and creative development of the child. Creativity is the basis for the development of giftedness.

Gifted children have special behavioral models, so it is difficult for them to find a common language with their peers, with teachers, members of their family; they tend to interrupt the interlocutor, correct him, demonstrate their own knowledge and turn others into an object of ridicule. These features are manifested in gifted children due to their special intellectual development. However, teachers, in general, are not ready to communicate with gifted children, therefore they often scold and humiliate them, give them an underestimation, and thereby destroy children's spontaneity, curiosity, and the desire to be in constant search for something new in the process of exchanging information with a teacher.

Gifted children have a highly developed need for adult attention. This happens because of their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. So, the level of intellectual development allows gifted children to analyze their behavior, but due to the egocentrism inherent in their age, they need the help of more mature people.

Note that in modern psychology, the term “giftedness” is more often referred to as cognitive abilities, while the term “talent” characterizes other, more general aspects of development.

Giftedness develops on the basis of innate inclinations, its development occurs only in the conditions of activity, is closely related to the requirements that it imposes on a person.

Makings are the anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system, which serve as the basis for the formation of certain abilities. As such inclinations, it is customary to distinguish: typological properties of the nervous system, which determine the rate of formation of temporary nerve connections, their strength, ease of differentiation; anatomical features of the structures of the analyzers and individual areas of the cerebral cortex. As you know, there are two types of inclinations: congenital and acquired.

The dependence of the development of abilities on inclinations, their peculiar combination is studied by the psychology of individual differences. Individual differences are generated by numerous and complex interactions between heredity and environment. Heredity permits wide limits of behavior; within these boundaries, the result of the development process depends on its external environment. Inclinations form the ground on which some forms of behavior are formed more easily, others more difficult.

The basic properties of the human nervous system are quite stable, so the practical task of studying them in connection with the problem of individual differences is not to find ways to change them, but to find the best ways and methods of teaching children with a certain type of nervous system.

The pedagogical encyclopedia states that giftedness is a quality of the psyche that develops systematically throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, outstanding) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

Among the definitions of the concept of "gifted child" the most successful: "A gifted child is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity."

A well-known specialist in the field of children's giftedness, N. Leites, classifies different pedagogical approaches to this problem, and identifies three categories of children who are usually called gifted: children with high IQ; children who have achieved outstanding success in any kind of activity; children with high creativity.

There is a certain age sequence for the manifestation of giftedness in different areas. Giftedness for music can manifest itself especially early, then for drawing; in general, talent for art is revealed earlier than for the sciences; in science, abilities for mathematics appear earlier. General intellectual giftedness can be expressed by an unusually high level of intellectual development and qualitative originality of mental activity.

Gifted children who demonstrate outstanding abilities in one area are sometimes no different from their peers in all other respects. However, as a rule, giftedness covers a wide range of individual psychological characteristics. Most gifted children have special traits that distinguish them from most of their peers.

Gifted children, as a rule, have a high curiosity and research activity. Psychophysiological studies have shown that these children have increased biochemical and electrical activity of the brain. Gifted children perceive the lack of information that can be learned and processed painfully. Therefore, limiting their activity is fraught with negative reactions of a neurotic nature.

Gifted children at an early age are distinguished by the ability to track causal relationships and draw appropriate conclusions; they are especially keen on building alternative models and systems. They are characterized by a faster transmission of neural information, their intracerebral system is more branched, with a large number of nerve connections.

Gifted children usually have excellent memory, which is based on the early mastery of speech and abstract thinking. They are distinguished by the ability to classify information and experience, the ability to widely use the accumulated knowledge.

Most often, attention to gifted children is attracted by their large vocabulary, accompanied by complex syntactic constructions, as well as the ability to ask questions. Many gifted children read dictionaries and encyclopedias with satisfaction, come up with words that, in their opinion, should express their own concepts and imaginary events, prefer games that require the activation of mental abilities.

Gifted children are also distinguished by an increased concentration of attention on something, perseverance in achieving results in the area that interests them. However, the diversity of interests characteristic of many of them sometimes leads to the fact that they start several cases at the same time, and also take on too complex tasks.

Most modern psychologists recognize that the development of giftedness in children is not always the result of a complex interaction of natural inclinations and the sociocultural environment. Children's activity is also of particular importance.

So, the term "giftedness" in its most commonly used meaning implies a high level of development of abilities, any - general and special. What is important for us is the fact that in some children the level of abilities differs significantly from the average.

giftedness- this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

gifted child- this is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Types of giftedness

There are two types of giftedness: special, creating the possibility of success in a certain activity; general, which, unlike special, ensures the success of the development of a wide range of activities.

Children, first of all, differ significantly in the level of giftedness. Special, exceptional giftedness is giftedness, for which, as a rule, neither tests nor special observations are needed to reveal. This talent is visible, as they say, to the naked eye. Such bright abilities are not given in vain: it is these children who most often belong to the group of psychological risk.

They have serious communication problems, often increased emotional excitability, hyperactivity, in some cases autism syndrome is manifested. There are much fewer problems with gifted children, conditionally called "high norm". These are also gifted children, but their giftedness is more normal, ordinary.

These are children who were lucky from the very beginning: normal childbirth, a good family, a lot of attention and love from their parents. Such a child, as a rule, did not go to kindergarten, or went there quite late and not for long. There are gifted children who, with high mental development, do not show a sharp age advance.

Their talent is visible only to psychologists or attentive teachers who work a lot and seriously with the child. And finally, there is a kind of "anti-prodigy" kind of age-related development of giftedness, when giftedness is not only not accompanied by a run ahead in development, but in some respects it also reveals a slow development.

In any case, it is important to note that, on the one hand, a child prodigy who showed so much promise in childhood does not always grow into an outstanding person, and on the other hand, exceptional talent is not always manifested in brilliant intellectual success or in a clear advance in development.

Intellectual talent. Such children are called "bright heads" and "the hope of an educational institution." There are two main subspecies of intellectual talent:

1) general mental abilities are manifested and there is no specialization

2) outstanding abilities are manifested, first of all, in one of any special field of knowledge. As a rule, such children almost always come into conflict with teachers, dispute their rightness, sometimes the conflict develops into a fundamental disagreement between the teacher and the child, and the child either withdraws into himself or falls into the category of those who are difficult to educate.

Academic endowment. Children of this type of giftedness, first of all, learn brilliantly. It is these children who demonstrate the following fact: there is no gap between gifted and ordinary children, and giftedness can be, to one degree or another, the result of the full and vivid development of fairly ordinary natural abilities. The groups of gifted children mentioned above differ sharply from each other even in appearance: especially gifted children are often smaller and physically weaker than their peers, while children from the “high norm” group are healthier and taller than their peers.

Artistic talent. This type of giftedness, as a rule, manifests itself in high achievements in artistic activity: in music, dance, painting, sculpture, stage activity. It can manifest itself in preschoolers with varying degrees of breadth: there are children with different artistic abilities (the child sings, dances and draws excellently). Children with this kind of giftedness do not do particularly well in school. There are many reasons for this: both low motivation for learning (it is easier to come up with something than to learn something ready-made), and our own, sometimes very bizarre world, in which there is not always a place for group activities.

Organizational or leadership giftedness. It is characterized by the ability to understand other people, to build constructive relationships with them, to lead them; implies a sufficiently high level of intelligence, well-developed intuition, understanding of the feelings and needs of other people, the ability to empathize. In many cases, people with this type of giftedness also have a vivid sense of humor.

Various options are known leadership talent: emotional leaders (a kind of "vest" for everyone, they are consulted, they are loved); action leaders (they are able to make decisions that are important for many people, determine goals and direction of movement, lead). Unfortunately, the outstanding leadership capabilities of children with pronounced abilities are realized in activities not related to group activities. Some of them do not have sufficient educational motivation and frankly do nothing in kindergarten, and the inability to win the status of a leader in kindergarten leads them to the streets. Parents of older children often complain about them: domineering by nature, they suppress their initiative. Such children are often considered by teachers only as ordinary hooligans, which causes a corresponding negative attitude on their part. This further exacerbates the problems of both the children themselves and the teachers.

Psychomotor, or sports, giftedness. It should be noted that the prevailing opinion about the reduced mental abilities of athletes is not true. Studies have shown that outstanding athletes have significantly higher than average intellectual abilities. This applies even to such seemingly unintelligent sports as weightlifting or football. Children with sports talent do not always study well. This is primarily due to the lack of time and the corresponding desire. If appropriate motivation is created in children who are fond of sports, then, as a rule, they can excel in learning.

Features of the development of gifted children in preschool age

Significant experience in the study of gifted children and work with them, accumulated in world psychology and pedagogy, leaves open a number of questions that require the search for answers to them.

First of all, these are questions about early childhood giftedness, which is detected in children of preschool age (in our country, this is the age up to 6-7 years). Often, some of his specific knowledge and skills are taken for the giftedness of a preschooler: the ability to read and write early, to count quickly, to distinguish between architectural styles and musical genres. These skills impress adults, but often turn out to be the result of ordinary training of children by parents. In solving new problems that require independence, non-standard solutions, such children can show complete helplessness.

The structure of giftedness in preschool children, in our opinion, can be characterized by analyzing the specifics and level of development of the three main components: cognitive activity, mental abilities and specific preschool activities (play, productive activities), in which the child can realize his abilities as subject. In line with this approach, a gifted preschooler is not the child who quickly moves on to learning according to school programs, but the one who lives his age to the fullest extent.

Naturally, there is a special logic in the development of a child's abilities. The analysis of the dynamics of the development of abilities can be based on the characteristics of those means that the child masters. It is well known that L.S. Vygotsky himself singled out the sign, and above all, the concept, as the main means. However, in later studies (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov, etc.) it was shown that the use of figurative means is typical for a preschool child: sensory standards, visual models, diagrams, plans that, at the figurative level, allow the child to analyze reality, to single out in it the most essential connections and relationships for solving the problem. Actions with such means allow the child to cope with his immediate urges, to arbitrarily organize his behavior.

Even in the studies of A.N. on the subject of focusing on oneself, on the search for a new way of interacting with reality. Naturally, a preschool child is not aware of all the components of the action performed by him, is not aware of the method he uses in its entirety. But there is already an awareness of the very fact of applying a new method, a focus on its arbitrary and conscious construction and use.

With this approach, one of the main issues in discussing the problem of children's giftedness is the question of the types of abilities of a preschool child from the standpoint of the development of various methods of mediation. Special studies have shown that two main groups of such abilities can be distinguished.

The first group is the ability for visual modeling, with the help of which the child directs himself to reveal the objective connections and relationships of reality. When solving problems for the development of abilities for visual modeling, the child must be distracted from his attitude to reality, from his own emotions and identify the objective characteristics of reality, using the means existing in culture, in this case, visual models. For example, in tasks on drawing up a floor plan for a game of hiding objects, the child must identify the spatial relationships between objects that are essential for solving the problem, abstracting from his immediate impressions (a bright picture or a new object in the room of a group room).

The second group of abilities is the ability to symbolize, through which the child manifests and generalizes his attitude to reality. Here the child, using the means existing in culture (color, shape, structure of objects, characters of fairy tales, etc.), expresses his subjective position in relation to reality. For example, in painting, with the help of color, a child shows his own understanding of the situation in a symbolic form (which for him is evil, kind, sad, cheerful).

In the real activity of the child, both groups of abilities are represented: the ability for visual modeling (for example, building a sequence of actions in accordance with the game role, i.e. creating and maintaining a model of role-playing behavior) and the ability to symbolize (transferring a certain life position through the role in the game , i.e. the use of a role to symbolically display the meanings and values ​​of human interaction).

It should be noted that the use of abilities for sign and symbolic mediation can be included in the solution of two main types of tasks, which are pointed out by almost all authors of models for the development of children's abilities and giftedness. The first type of tasks is actually intellectual (closed type) tasks, in a certain sense, reproductive, requiring the use of a familiar method of solving, albeit based on new material.

The second type of tasks are creative tasks, of an open type, in which the child is required to use a new method of solving. In preschool children, the level of solving such problems is characterized, first of all, by the level of imagination development. Imagination allows the child, starting from the individual features of the object, to build a new holistic image. . However, the level of cognitive activity and the level of development of mental abilities, which are a system of indirect orienting actions, cannot fully characterize a mentally gifted preschooler. The most important component of mental giftedness at this age is the ability to realize one's abilities in specific preschool activities (play, design, literary and artistic creativity, etc.). Such implementation is characterized, first of all, by the presence of preliminary plans.

Mentally gifted children are characterized by preliminary planning of their activities: games, drawing, applications. The ideas are distinguished by the development and thoughtfulness of the sequence of future actions, richness and originality, the manifestation of one's own individuality. At the same time, they are quite realistic, that is, they correspond to the capabilities of children and the availability of the necessary materials.

At the same time, a mentally gifted child easily masters the necessary actions for the realization of his ideas and turns out to be quite successful either in different types of activities, or at least in one of them.

Age features of giftedness

The giftedness of the child manifests itself very early. The most intensive period of its development is 2-5 years. At this age, the foundation of personality is laid, and it is already manifesting itself. The primary manifestation of abilities in an irresistible, involuntary craving for various fields of activity.

In preschool age, giftedness goes through several stages:

the first stage (2-3 years) at this stage the child receives the first sensory impressions;

the second stage (3-4 years) is immersion in activity, the initial signs of natural material appear, the child is very active, he needs to be provided with a wide range of activities;

the third stage (4 - 5 years) is the stage of the child's creative search, it is possible to combine children with abilities into groups for additional classes;

the fourth stage (5 - 6 years) the child strives to achieve a positive result;

the fifth stage (6 - 7 years) is the very manifestation of giftedness.

The next period of manifestation of giftedness (11 - 14 years) questions acquire the structure of hypotheses, is of a research nature.

The final period of manifestation of giftedness (15 - 20 years).

Giftedness in childhood can be considered as a potential for mental development in relation to the subsequent stages of a person's life path.

However, one should take into account the specifics of giftedness in childhood(in contrast to the giftedness of an adult):

    Children's giftedness often acts as a manifestation of the patterns of age development. Each child's age has its own prerequisites for the development of abilities. For example, preschoolers are characterized by a special predisposition to learning languages, a high level of curiosity, and an extreme brightness of fantasy.

    Under the influence of changing age, education, mastering the norms of cultural behavior, the type of family education, etc. there may be a "fading" of signs of children's giftedness. As a result, it is extremely difficult to assess the degree of stability of giftedness displayed by a given child over a certain period of time. In addition, there are difficulties in predicting the transformation of a gifted child into a gifted adult.

    The peculiarity of the dynamics of the formation of children's giftedness often manifests itself in the form of uneven (mismatch) of mental development. So, along with a high level of development of certain abilities, there is a lag in the development of written and oral speech; a high level of special abilities can be combined with insufficient development of general intelligence, etc. As a result, according to some signs, the child can be identified as gifted, according to others - as mentally retarded.

    Manifestations of children's giftedness are often difficult to distinguish from learning (or, more broadly, the degree of socialization), which is the result of more favorable living conditions for a given child. It is clear that with equal abilities, a child from a family with a high socioeconomic status (in cases where the family makes efforts to develop it) will show higher achievements in certain types of activities compared to a child for whom similar conditions were not created.

    Many researchers studying the problems of gifted children (T.A. Repina, T.V. Senko) note that in the field of communication with peers, such children have certain kinds of problems. They explain this by the disproportion in the mental and social development of gifted children.

    The high level of self-awareness of gifted children is accompanied by an early understanding of their difference from others. This can be perceived negatively, leading to self-isolation or a feeling of rejection, as a result, self-confidence suffers and emotional and personal development is inhibited. On the other hand, the perception by the child and others of giftedness as merit can form in him arrogance and a sense of superiority over others, which also leads to personal and interpersonal disorders.

    The unusual depth of the intensity of the emotions of gifted children, their insecurity and sensitivity to the discrepancy between ideas and reality require that special attention be paid to discussing ethical issues, comparing and comprehending their own and others' emotional experience.

Factors affecting the development of giftedness

The personality of a gifted child bears clear evidence of his originality, since both the level and the individual originality of the child's activity are determined primarily by his personality. Understanding the personality characteristics of a gifted child is especially important in cases of the so-called latent giftedness, which does not manifest itself until a certain time in the success of the activity. It is the peculiar personality traits, as a rule, organically associated with giftedness, that make the teacher or school psychologist assume that such a child has increased opportunities.

1. Uneven age development of gifted children

The idea of ​​a gifted child as a frail, weak and socially absurd being does not always correspond to reality. The so-called harmonious development is also possible, which is confirmed by a number of studies. However, some gifted children, especially those exceptionally gifted in any one area, show a truly disharmonious development, which directly affects the personality during its formation and is the source of many problems for an unusual child.

It has already been pointed out above that in a number of such gifted children there is a significant advance, say, in mental or artistic and aesthetic development, sometimes reaching 5-6 years. It is clear that all other spheres of development - emotional, social and physical - being quite ordinary in their level, do not always keep pace with such rapid growth, which leads to pronounced uneven development.

Another reason for the unevenness is a special system of basic interests, which is fundamentally different for gifted children in comparison with other children: the main place in it is occupied by activities corresponding to their outstanding abilities. Therefore, often a special cognitive development occurs in some sense at the expense of other areas of development. So, up to a certain time, communication with peers in the sphere of personal interests takes up much less space for some gifted children than for other children of the same age (of course, we are not talking about schoolchildren gifted with leadership abilities).

Many especially gifted children do not devote enough time to sports and any other activity not related to their main interest. In this case, the physical lag manifests itself, as it were, in a multiplied version, when the child’s obvious unwillingness to engage in a boring, in his opinion, business is superimposed on the natural age discrepancy.

2. Family of a gifted child

The family of a gifted child in all cases is directly related to the development of his personality and giftedness. Even outwardly, seemingly unfavorable developmental conditions turn out to be more or less indifferent to the development of abilities, but the characteristics that are especially important for their development, primarily the increased attention of parents, are present in full (sometimes even exaggerated) volume. No matter how we consider the role and weight of natural factors or the influence of purposeful education and upbringing (school) on the development of the personality and giftedness of the child, in all cases the importance of the family remains very significant.

3. The relationship of a gifted child with peers and adults.

Of great importance for understanding the characteristics of the personality of a gifted child and the nature of its formation is the analysis of his relationships with peers and adults. These relationships, being a consequence of the unusualness of the child himself, to a large extent determine the history of his life and thereby form his personality.

Peers treat gifted children differently, depending on the nature of their giftedness and the degree of non-standard manifestations of it. Often, many gifted children are very popular among their peers. In particular, this applies to children with increased physical abilities and, of course, to children-leaders. The situation with special giftedness is much more complicated. In many cases, this giftedness is accompanied by unusual behavior and oddities, which causes bewilderment or ridicule among classmates. Sometimes the life of such a child in a team develops in the most dramatic way. To some extent, it is as a result of these relationships with peers that children with this development are at risk.

True, in the latter case, much depends on the age of the children and on the value system adopted in the given children's community. In specialized schools, the likelihood that the intellectual or even educational abilities of a particularly gifted child or adolescent will be appreciated and, accordingly, his relationships with peers will develop in a more favorable way is much higher.

Teachers are also ambivalent about their attitude towards gifted children. The only group of children who always feel their obvious affection are children with increased learning abilities. In all other cases, everything depends on the personality of the teacher himself. The relationship between teachers and children who show social talent depends on the orientation of the interests of child leaders, on the nature of their involvement in the school society (positive or negative).

It is especially difficult for children with any kind of giftedness, who have a pronounced creative potential. Some of their personalities cause teachers to resent their perception of these children as notorious individualists. That is why understanding the personality traits of a gifted child, especially those who show creative abilities, is a necessary condition for the successful work of a teacher with gifted children.

4. The personality of a gifted child

Although all gifted children are different - in temperament, interests, upbringing and, accordingly, in personal manifestations - nevertheless, there are common personality traits that characterize the majority of gifted children and adolescents.

The most important characteristic of the personality of children with manifestations of giftedness is a special system of values, personal priorities, in which the most important place is occupied by activities corresponding to the content of giftedness.

A significant part of gifted children is characterized by the so-called perfectionism, that is, the desire to achieve excellence in the performance of activities. Sometimes a child spends hours reworking what has already been finished, achieving a perfection known only to him.

Although in general this characteristic is positive, in the future turning into a guarantee of a high level of professional achievements, the teacher and psychologist, nevertheless, are required to introduce such exactingness into a reasonable framework. Otherwise, this quality turns into a kind of “self-criticism”, into the inability to complete the work.

Gifted children have their own characteristics of self-esteem, which characterizes the child's idea of ​​his strengths and capabilities. It is quite natural that the self-esteem of these children and adolescents is very high, however, sometimes, in especially emotional children, self-esteem is distinguished by a certain inconsistency, instability - from a very high self-esteem in some cases, the child rushes to the other extreme in others, believing that he is nothing. cannot and cannot. Both those and other children need correctional work and psychological support.

A very important feature of the personality of a child who shows signs of giftedness is the so-called internal locus of control, that is, taking responsibility for the results of his activities (and later for everything that happens to him). As a rule, such a child believes that it is in himself that the reason for his successes and failures lies. This feature of a gifted child, on the one hand, helps him cope with possible periods of failure and is the most important factor in the progressive development of his outstanding abilities. On the other hand, the same trait leads to not always justified feelings of guilt, self-flagellation, and sometimes even to depressive states.

Many gifted children have an increased impressionability and a special emotional sensitivity associated with it, which manifests itself in a variety of forms: events that are not too significant for more ordinary children become for these children the source of the most vivid, sometimes even life-changing experiences. Increased emotionality in some cases manifests itself in a tendency to violent affects. In other cases, it is hidden, internal in nature, revealing itself in excessive shyness in communication, difficulty falling asleep, and sometimes some psychosomatic diseases.

One of the main personal characteristics of children and adolescents with increased creative abilities is independence (autonomy): the difficulty, and sometimes the impossibility, to act, think and act like the majority. Children with creative abilities, in whatever field of activity their talent is manifested, are little, compared with other people, guided by a common opinion, by an established principle, by established rules. Although this personal characteristic helps them in their activities and even in a certain sense forms the creative possibilities themselves, nevertheless, it is precisely this that makes them uncomfortable for others. Gifted children of this type behave less predictably than others would like, which sometimes leads to conflicts.

In general, apparently, we can talk about a certain non-conformity of brightly gifted, creative children. This, perhaps, is one of the reasons for their non-compliance with social norms and the requirements of the team.

5. Problems of gifted children

A number of psychological studies and special observations show that gifted children are generally much more prosperous than other children: they do not experience learning problems, communicate better with peers, and quickly adapt to a new environment. Their ingrained interests and inclinations, developed since childhood, serve as a good basis for successful personal and professional self-determination. True, these children may also have problems if their increased capabilities are not taken into account: learning becomes too easy or there are no conditions for the development of their creative potential.

Whitmore (1880), studying the reasons for the vulnerability of gifted children, cited the following factors:

1. Striving for excellence. Gifted children will not rest until they reach the highest level. The desire for excellence manifests itself early.

2. Feeling invulnerable. They are critical of their own achievements, often not satisfied, hence low self-esteem.

3. Unrealistic goals. Not being able to reach them, they begin to worry. Striving for excellence is the force that leads to high results.

4. Hypersensitivity. A gifted child is more vulnerable. Considered hyperactive and distracted as constantly responds to various stimuli and stimuli.

5. Need for adult attention. It often monopolizes the attention of adults. This causes friction in relationships with other children, who are annoyed by the desire for such attention.

6. Intolerance. Often they are intolerant of children who are below them in intellectual development. They may alienate others with expressions of contempt or remarks.

Typical traits of gifted children

In the classroom, everything is easily and quickly grasped;

They know a lot about such events and problems that their peers do not know about;

Quickly remember what they heard or read;

Solve complex tasks that require mental effort;

They ask many questions, are interested in many things, and often ask;

They think in an original way and offer unexpected answers and solutions;

Very receptive, observant quickly react to everything new, unexpected.

In view of the foregoing, all forms of work with gifted children should fully take into account the personal characteristics of a gifted child and focus on effective assistance in solving his problems.

Stages of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a gifted child

First step. It involves the discovery, ascertaining in the development of the child of his interests, talents. Information may come from parents, caregivers and other people who have contact with the child. Acquainting parents with the age characteristics of children, teachers together with parents determine the individual characteristics of each child. The inconsistency of individual status with age patterns and educational opportunities is seen as increased attention to the child in order to determine his individual development path.

Identification of a gifted child at the first stage is possible using observational methods and the method of expert assessments. At the end of the school year, educators of the middle group fill out a questionnaire (Appendix No. 1), where they assess the degree of manifestation of signs of giftedness in children of the group: performance of tasks at the highest level, ingenuity, initiative, originality and variety of products of activity, curiosity, breadth of outlook.

Second phase- represents the passage of three modules:

1st module - Working with children.

Clarification of the identified giftedness of the child, conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination. At this stage, educators collect additional information from preschool specialists, parents, study special literature to clarify the identified giftedness of the child. . A psychological and pedagogical consultation is organized and held in the preschool educational institution, to which all teachers working with children are invited. The members of the council carry out the generalization of all information about the child, determine the organization of support and conditions for the development of a gifted child. Support specialists set specific tasks for each support subject, develop individual programs and recommendations for accompanying a gifted child.

When diagnosing giftedness, we proceed from the view of most researchers (J. Renzulli) that a child who has demonstrated a high level of ability in at least one of the following parameters: the level of intelligence, cognitive motivation and creativity deserves to be qualified as gifted.

To determine the level of development of abilities in children, it is possible to use the following methods:

Method name


Methods for diagnosing universal abilities for children (Appendix No. 2)


D. Wexler test. Diagnosis of the structure of intelligence (children's version)


Methodology V.S. Yurkevich. Wish Tree (Appendix #3)

Educators, psychologist

Figure tests by P. Torrens (Appendix No. 5)


Assessment of psychomotor giftedness. (Appendix No. 6)

Physical education instructor

Diagnosis of children's musical abilities. N.A Vetlugina, O.P. Radynov. (Appendix No. 7)

Musical director

Test "Do not miss the child prodigy (Appendix No. 8)

Educators, parents

Test "How developed is your child's fantasy" (for parents and teachers) (Appendix No. 9)

Educators, parents

Based on the results of complex diagnostics, it can be concluded that children have giftedness.

2nd module - Work with teachers.

    improving pedagogical skills and personal growth of teachers;

    self-organization and development;

    monitoring of professional and personal growth.

Working with gifted children imposes additional requirements on the professionalism and personality of the teacher. M. Carne identifies the following qualities necessary for a teacher to work with gifted children:

    theoretical knowledge on the issue of giftedness;

    practical experience;

    positive self-concept;

    purposefulness and perseverance;

    maturity (clear knowledge of their goals and objectives);

    emotional stability;


3rd module - Working with parents.

The main tasks of this module:

    Study of parental competence.

    Formation of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents.

    The study and development by parents of the personality of their child.

The main goal of working with parents– helping parents find ways to solve problems that often occur when raising a gifted child

Understanding the high potential of children in the family is one of the important conditions for the development of their giftedness, and its absence leads to the “impoverishment of thought” (A.M. Matyushkin, Yu.S. Bagimov and others). However, even the best intentions of parents can play both a positive and a negative role in the development of a gifted child. Therefore, professionals working with such children need to pay special attention to the family.

    Test "How developed is your child's imagination?" (Appendix No. 9);

    Consultations, memos, advice (Appendix No. 11);

    Determination of the child's inclinations (for parents and teachers) (Appendix No. 12).

Third stage- Creation of conditions for the development of a gifted child, through the organization of developmental work with a gifted child in a circle, a preschool educational institution, in an institution of additional education; advisory and other work with parents. At this stage, preschool educational institutions are actively using the capabilities of institutions of additional education. The head of the preschool institution concludes a cooperation agreement between the preschool educational institution and the institution of additional education. At this stage, events are held that bring together children, teachers of preschool educational institutions, institutions of additional education, and parents. This experience creates a situation of cooperation, mutual responsibility for the development of a gifted child, strengthens the position of integration of preschool and additional education.

Fourth stage- analysis of intermediate results of accompanying a gifted child. At this stage, psychologists, teachers and other specialists monitor the developmental success of a gifted child and adjust his individual program or recommendations. In order to track the dynamics of the development of giftedness of each child, the method of assessing the general giftedness of A.I. Savenkov (Appendix No. 10). In it, by means of expert assessments, the level of formation of 9 characteristics of giftedness in children at the beginning and end of the school year is revealed. Experts: educators of the group, teachers of additional education in fine arts, music director, teacher-psychologist.

Teachers of preschool and additional education organize various forms of presentations of the results of the development of a gifted child in preschool educational institutions: exhibitions of author's works, solo concerts, mono-performances, festivals, competitions, etc.

The effectiveness of support for a gifted child is possible if the support system is carefully built and strictly individualized.

Conditions for successful work with gifted students

Working with gifted children must begin with planning. In planning, the teacher should reflect the diagnosis of giftedness and outline the tasks and forms of work with gifted students. For this successful work with gifted children it is necessary:

    Expansion and improvement of the activities of the psychological service in the preschool educational institution.

    The inclusion of the problem of working with gifted children as a priority in the system of scientific, methodological and experimental work of preschool teachers.

    Awareness of the importance of working with every gifted child.

    Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system of the preschool educational institution for work with gifted pupils.

    Recognition by the management and staff of the preschool educational institution that the implementation of a system for working with gifted pupils is one of the priorities in the work of the preschool educational institution.

    Inclusion in work with gifted pupils, first of all, of teachers with certain qualities: a teacher for a gifted child is a person who responds productively to a challenge, is able to perceive criticism and not suffer from stress when working with people more capable and knowledgeable than himself.

working with gifted children :


Improving the legal framework for organizing work with gifted children

Formation of a coordinating body for work with gifted children (eg: working group, center of giftedness)

Development of an innovative project

Holding festivals and competitions of children's art, olympiads, scientific mini-conferences of gatherings of young naturalists, sports events among preschoolers. Participation in All-Russian and international competitions, festivals, etc.

Formation of a system of additional work with gifted students:

    organization of the work of circles of various directions;

    organization of a system of research work for preschoolers;

    organization of the scientific community of pupils of the preschool educational institution.

Creation of a collection of creative works of competition winners (young researchers, poets, etc.). Exhibitions of young artists, young photographers, designers, etc.

Raising the qualifications of teachers working with gifted children, training psychologists and teachers in new educational technologies and teaching methods, the use of diagnostic tools in working with gifted children, including distance learning

Financial support for gifted children, establishment of annual awards (prizes) for gifted children

Development of a regulatory framework for material support for teachers working with gifted children (bonuses and other types of moral and material incentives)

Creation of long-term plans, programs and methodological materials for the organization of the educational process in the system of advanced training of teachers working with gifted children

Organization of monitoring of the state of work with gifted children

Participation in the contests "Pupil of the Year", "Group Leader"

Maintaining a Portfolio of Success

Information support of winners and prize-winners of olympiads, competitions, competitions by means of municipal media, the official website

Study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience in the direction of gifted children. Ensuring the dissemination of information, the publication of methodological, author's pedagogical developments, almanacs, periodicals, creative works of gifted children.

Preparation and updating of the site-page "Gifted children" on the official website of the preschool educational institution.

Maintaining an electronic data bank "Gifted children"


Children's giftedness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. There are many approaches to the definition of giftedness, points of view on the problem of giftedness. There is an urgent need for special, evidence-based methods of working with children with different types of giftedness.

In real practice with gifted children, the focus is often on already manifested types of giftedness to one degree or another. Perhaps this is a kind of reflection of a narrowly pragmatic approach to the phenomena of children's giftedness.

The inadequacy of a simplified approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of giftedness, limited only by the scope of the child's abilities, is revealed. Adequate consideration of the phenomenon of child giftedness, which is unique in its nature, requires an approach that takes into account both the abilities and personality traits of a gifted child, his moral, spiritual character. Analysis of the entire complex interweaving of family, school, personal problems of gifted children can serve as a scientific and practical basis for psychological counseling of teachers and parents.

Identification of gifted children should be carried out within the framework of a comprehensive and individualized program for identifying gifted children. This kind of program involves the use of many different sources of information, analysis of the child's development process over a sufficiently long period of time, as well as the use of valid methods of psychodiagnostics. In particular, the diagnosis of giftedness should not serve as a selection goal, but as a means for the most effective training and development of a gifted child. Moreover, there are special requirements for specialists working with gifted children, and it suggests appropriate forms of training for these specialists.


Current talent - this is a psychological characteristic of a child with such cash (already achieved) indicators of mental development.

Makings - these are morphological and functional features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs and movement, which act as natural prerequisites for the development of abilities.

General talent -(general mental) provides the mastery of a variety of knowledge and skills that a person implements in many activities. The general giftedness includes, first of all, the properties of the mind, and therefore the general abilities are called "general mental abilities".

Giftedness - a genetically determined component of abilities that develops in the corresponding activity or degrades in its absence.

Giftedness - this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops over the course of life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, outstanding) results in comparison with other people in one or more types of activity.

gifted child - this is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Potential talent - this is a psychological characteristic of a child who has only certain mental capabilities (potential) for high achievements in a particular type of activity, but cannot realize his capabilities at a given time due to their functional insufficiency

Special talent considered in relation to special areas of activity. In accordance with this, artistic, sports, social talents are distinguished.

Capabilities - these are such psychological characteristics of a person on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills depends, but which themselves cannot be reduced to the presence of this knowledge, skills and abilities.

Talent - the highest degree of a person's abilities for a certain activity, her giftedness, when they reach character traits.

Creation - thinking in its highest form, going beyond the limits required for solving the problem that has arisen by already known methods.

Creative giftedness is characterized by non-standard, unconventional thinking, creative abilities are defined as creativity.


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Municipal preschool educational state institution Troitskoye village, Tselinny district, Republic of Kalmykia

Explanatory note.

  1. Goals and objectives of the program of work with gifted children.
  2. Principles of organization of the pedagogical process.
  3. Methods of diagnostics during the implementation of the program.
  4. Implementation of areas of work.
  5. Expected results of the work.
  6. Planning.

Explanatory note

Recently, the relevance and importance of the problem of early detection and development of giftedness has been increasing more and more. Preschool childhood is a very favorable period for the development of giftedness. However, the possibilities of preschool age, as practice shows, are implemented poorly. This is due, on the one hand, to the long prevailing orientation towards "medium" child, on the other hand, the lack of necessary knowledge among employees of the preschool education system about the methods for identifying and developing giftedness at the stage of preschool childhood. Therefore, in the real practice of preschool institutions, there is an acute need to set up a purposeful, systematic and systematic work of the entire teaching staff to identify, maintain and develop gifted preschoolers. Parents and social institutions should be included in this work. Working with gifted and capable children is one of the most important aspects of our kindergarten. The direction of activity of our preschool educational institution is carried out within the framework of a priority national project "Education" : creation of a developing creative environment conducive to the identification and development of individual abilities at an early age; development of a system of support and accompaniment of children, in order to form their social experience and develop vital skills and abilities for successful adaptation to the conditions of a changing reality; improving the professional level of teachers; preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children through the creation of an interesting, rich, and exciting preschool life; use of modern technologies.

The problem of organizing the pedagogical process that develops giftedness is considered in the works of Yu.K. Kulyutkina, M.I. Makhmutova, A.M. Matyushkina, V.I. Panova, A.V. Khutorsky and others. Researchers note that it is necessary to carry out a systemic formative impact on gifted children through a certain set of psychological and pedagogical conditions. The kindergarten environment, in which giftedness can be actualized, should have the following features:

  • A high degree of uncertainty and potential multivariance (a wealth of possibilities). Uncertainty stimulates the search for their own guidelines, and not the acceptance of ready-made ones. Multivariance provides the possibility of finding solutions. In addition, such an environment should contain samples of creative behavior and its results.
  • Subject-information enrichment of the environment. Assumes the necessary (maximum) material and information resource, the availability and variety of objects in a given environment, the possibility of any of their use.
  • Activation of the transformational possibilities of the object-spatial environment. The object-spatial environment must be capable of a variety of unexpected transformations.
  • Flexibility in the use of time, funds and materials. It assumes the absence of direct instructions, providing preschoolers with the opportunity to independently set a task, choose the time, sequence, and ways to solve it.
  • The combination of individual play and research activities with its collective forms. A gifted child must be taught not only in individual, but also in collective creative activity.

The program is designed in accordance with:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" .
  • Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155
  • Law of the Republic of Kalmykia dated December 15, 2014 No. 94-V-3 "On Education in the Republic of Kalmykia". Adopted by the decision of the People's Khural (Parliament) Republic of Kalmykia dated December 12, 2014 No. 200-V
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989)
  • Principles of developmental education;
  • Changes in the content of education (Working with talented children.);
  • Accounting for the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils. The specifics and possibilities of educational areas;
  • Use of diagnostic materials.

I. Goals and objectives of the program of work with gifted children

Goal: Creating optimal conditions for the identification, harmonious development of children with a high level of abilities in a kindergarten and their self-realization in close cooperation with the family and other social institutions.


  1. To analyze the main areas of work with gifted children in preschool educational institutions
  2. Define common organizational methods and techniques "Gifted child in preschool"
  3. Increasing the scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers on issues of working with gifted children. Improving the quality of methodological work with personnel in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Integration of basic and additional education based on the involvement of all existing and potential resources. Ensuring continuity in work with gifted children between levels of education (pre-school education - primary general).
  5. Providing advice to parents of children with signs of giftedness.

Pedagogical tasks:

  • Implementation of individualization of training and education;
  • Implementation of student-centered technologies in the practice of teaching;
  • Formation of consistency in knowledge and skills in various subjects;
  • Improving the quality of education;
  • Implementation of measures for the social adaptation of gifted pupils.

II. Principles of organization of the pedagogical process.

The principle of individualization consists in taking into account the psychological individual differences of pupils: their temperament, type of thinking, dynamics of mental processes, etc. The individualization of gifted pupils consists in psychological and pedagogical support, the development of individual educational routes, the selection of pedagogical tools for monitoring and correcting the course and results of the learning and upbringing process.

The principle of differentiation is an approach to education and upbringing that takes into account the difference between pupils. Both internal and external differentiation is used to train gifted students. Adaptive multi-level forms of training and control are used.

The principle of humanization is the predominance of sciences related to the study of society, culture, history of the people in the curricula. The course includes subjects such as "Museum Pedagogy" , "Local history" and etc.

III. Diagnostic methods during the implementation of the program:

  1. Observation and recording of data on the progress of the child (diary entries).
  2. Interviews and conversations. They help to form ideas about how the child is involved in a particular activity, what he is most interested in, what his preferences are.
  3. Special Methods (activity of a psychologist: test tasks, projective methods, questioning of parents, teachers).
  4. Collections of children's works (achievements of the child in project activities, practical activities).
  5. Regular monitoring of the performance of teachers (intermediate, final control).
  6. Creative reports, presentations of parent-child projects.
  7. Competitions, festivals, exhibitions.

IV. Implementation of areas of work.

Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children:

  • creation of a data bank of individual psychological characteristics of gifted pupils;
  • organization and conduct of psychological and pedagogical counseling for preschoolers, teachers, parents;
  • development of specific recommendations for working with each of the gifted children;
  • providing support to all program participants "Gifted Children" ;
  • organization of consultations for teachers.

Organization of work with gifted pupils within the framework of

educational process:

This work will be carried out through research and educational complex activities in the process of various forms of work aimed at expanding the potential of children's creative and intellectual abilities through the activation of children's life.

  • The choice of teachers to work with gifted pupils.
  • Formation of study groups of gifted pupils (with different target orientation).
  • Choosing a learning strategy for each gifted student.
  • Development of programs of individual work with gifted pupils.

Organization of work with gifted students in extracurricular activities


  • Organization of individual work
  • Organization of project activities, individual, group, family projects

Organization of experimental research activities

Organization of excursions, trips to the theater, museums, etc.

Organization of subject (personal) exhibitions.

Organization of parties and holidays.

Creation of theatrical corners in each group room.

Creation of sports centers in groups.

Organization of competitions, quizzes, intellectual games.

Issue of wall newspapers.

Organization of circles, sections, classes in clubs, institutions of additional education

For successful work on the implementation of the program, it is especially important for us to use not only the already well-established forms and methods of working with children in the MDOK Kindergarten "Golden Key" but also the introduction of new ones. One of these forms are circles:

  1. Circle of Kalmyk national games "Alvn Haradas"
  2. Circle of fine arts "Magic Fantasy World" - artistic creativity. The leading property of the ability to visual activity is imagination, without which the realization of the idea is impossible. The property that provides visual activity and constitutes, as it were, the background of this activity, is a certain emotional mood. These features of the structure of visual abilities should be taken into account when building a system for teaching visual activity. The main goal of teaching visual activity is the development of children's creative abilities.
  3. Choreographic studio "Tulip"

Of no small importance is the use of an integrative method of working with preschoolers, which involves content enrichment, an addition to the mandatory basic standard of preschool disciplines. Worked well and will continue to use "project method" in working with older children. Work on the project involves the growth of cognitive activity and independence of children, contributes to the development of the individual creative potential of the child.

Organization of interaction with parents of gifted children:

  • parent club survey, the results of which we learned about the attitude of parents to this development of their children;
  • parent meeting, which showed the results of mastering the program by children for the academic year and proposed the main provisions of the "Gifted Child" program and its significance in the future adaptation of the child in society;
  • sliding folders, consultations, a long-term plan, recommendations for parents on the upbringing and development of children were prepared;
  • system of work with parents on the implementation of the program "Gifted Child"
  • parent-child projects

Forms of work with teachers:

  • pedagogical design

Open screenings, workshops, consultations.

Interaction with organizations:

  • Children's art school of the village of Troitskoye
  • Kindergartens of the Tselinny district
  • OS of Troitskoye village

V. Expected results:

As a result of targeted research and educational work, we propose to identify and trace the possibilities of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children with a high level of abilities based on complex diagnostics and a further route of individual development.

In the process of work, we plan to significantly enrich the subject-developing environment, acquire modern diagnostic materials that will allow us to qualitatively diagnose the creative and intellectual development of children, as well as diagnose children's readiness for schooling. We plan to develop in detail and better organize the system of additional education. As a result of our joint activities, there will be an activation and enrichment of the educational skills of parents. The professional level of teachers will increase.

Educators will be able to conduct targeted monitoring of each child, identify signs of giftedness in time, and thereby help parents create all the necessary conditions for the development of such children.

Senior teacher of MDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale" r. Dergachi settlement

Nesterova Lyubov Yurievna

Topic: "Organization of work with gifted children in preschool educational institutions"

Interest in giftedness is currently very high, and this is due to social need. And above all, the need of society for an extraordinary creative personality. One of the tasks of modern education is to focus on identifying and supporting creative preschoolers. The implementation of this task is a complex pedagogical problem. Therefore, in our preschool institution it is worth goal - to build the entire educational process in such a way that any individual characteristics of children, fraught with the grain of advanced development in one or another type of activity, do not pass by the attention of the teacher, are realized in pedagogical activity with these children.

giftedness - a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms or exceptional development of special abilities (musical, artistic, mathematical, etc.)

In the field of advanced development of cognition, the following signs of giftedness are noted: increased curiosity, the ability to trace causal relationships and draw appropriate conclusions, excellent memory, which is based on early speech and abstract thinking, a large vocabulary; increased concentration of attention on something, perseverance in achieving results, vivid imagination, highly developed fantasy. In the field of physical development, gifted children are characterized by a high energy level. There are different types of talent:

1. Artistic talent (high achievements in the field of artistic creativity and performing skills in music, painting, sculpture, acting skills).

2. General intellectual endowment (children remember and retain information, which allows them to excel in many areas of knowledge).

3. Creative talent (children with a creative orientation are distinguished by independence in judgment, a sense of humor, and a bright temperament).

Our teaching staff has identified areas of work with gifted children : diagnostics and development support.

Teachers conduct primary diagnostics and subsequent individual examinations. The analysis of the results obtained during the diagnostics helps to solve the following tasks: to implement a differentiated approach in the upbringing and development of children, to identify children with hidden gifts; evaluate the effectiveness of the forms and methods used to work with children. To identify gifted children, teachers use the technology of pedagogical observation. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the level of development of the child in a particular type of activity.

To develop the creativity of preschoolers, the teacher himself must be creative:

constantly overcome inertia in oneself, strive to discover and apply new methods in teaching, forms of creative communication, and improve oneself. All his efforts should be aimed at developing, first of all, the personality of the child, his individuality. Therefore, the teacher, first of all, should allow children to express their creative ideas, as well as demonstrate their findings or new solutions; respect the curiosity, questions of the child, listen carefully to the child, find time for this, answer all questions.

Another serious condition that contributes to the development of creativity in preschoolers is the increase and strengthening of self-esteem in pupils. The teacher should contribute to the formation of a sufficiently high self-esteem in his children, which would stimulate them to activity.

The next condition for the development of giftedness in children is the creation of a developing environment in kindergarten - a system of conditions that ensure the full development of children's activities and the personality of the child, reliance on a personality-oriented model of interaction.

Our kindergarten has all the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of children. There is a gym equipped with sports equipment, exercise equipment; aesthetically designed music hall with audio equipment, children's musical instruments, a rich audio library; winter Garden.

There is a mini-museum "Russian hut", which contains exhibits representing the life of the Russian village, household utensils, toys, works of applied art.

The groups are equipped with corners for theatricalization, art activities, experimentation, manual labor, and educational games.

The next condition is the transition to a developing education system. Only the transition to a developing system is able to ensure the self-development of the personality of any child, including a gifted one. It is no coincidence that the kindergarten team works according to the development program of V.T. Kudryavtsev "Paths" and uses the development program of I.A. Lykova "Colored palms". The requirements of developing programs are: encouraging in-depth study of topics and problems chosen by the child himself; ensuring independence, development of skills and methods of research work.

One of the important conditions for the development of gifted children is additional education. There are 7 circles in the kindergarten.

In the artistic and aesthetic direction:

  • Circle "Colored palms"
  • Circle "Fairytale Workshop"
  • Dance circle "Mosaic"
  • Vocal circle "Brook"

In cognitive-speech direction:

  • Circle "Speech"
  • Circle "Healthy"

In the field of physical culture and health improvement:

  • Circle "Fortress"

An important condition for solving the problems of activating the potential of the child is the interaction of the educator and parents.

Interaction with the family of pupils is built in the following direction.

  1. 1. Information and analytical

(implemented through questionnaires, conversations, surveys of parents and involves the solution of pedagogical tasks: to identify the interests and preferences of parents; to identify their level of awareness in certain issues of raising and educating children; to find out family experience, family traditions of raising children).

2. Cognitive direction

(implemented through consultations, thematic messages, open classes, open day, workshops, family clubs).

The main task in this direction is to increase the competence of parents on the development of preschool children.

Parents directly involved in the organization of the pedagogical process are an indispensable partner and assistant to the teacher, educator. Parents of gifted children should be informed in order to actively support and realize the inclinations and abilities of children.

The results of the joint activities of teachers and parents in our kindergarten are the following activities:

  • sports holidays
  • Implementation of various projects
  • Musical theatrical holidays
  • Joint exhibitions of drawings

All of the above methods, techniques and forms of work with gifted children make it possible to create the most comfortable conditions for identifying and unlocking the individual potential of each child.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the educator who develops the creativity of preschoolers goes through a complex and sometimes lengthy process of creating the conditions necessary for the successful development of the creative potential of children. The most important of which are: 1) the perception of the child as a person, regardless of what and how he does, unconditional respect and acceptance of him as he is; 2) attentive and sensitive attitude to all manifestations of creative activity of a preschooler; 3) providing the child with psychological freedom: freedom of choice, freedom to express their feelings and experiences, the ability to make decisions on their own; 4) increasing and strengthening the self-esteem of preschoolers; 5) organization of a training system or creation of a creative educational environment for a preschool educational institution. Literature:

magazine "Management of preschool educational institutions" No. 2 2010, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova magazine "Senior educator" No. 10 2009

"Developing the abilities of preschoolers" "Creative Center" Moscow 2010,

Accepted Approved by Order No. 129

at the meeting of the pedagogical council of 09/06/2013

Minutes No. 1 dated 26.08.2013 Head of MADOU

Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

O.A. Indyukova

Draft program

"Genius from the cradle"

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten

with priority implementation

on the cognitive and speech development of children "Rodnichok"

for 2013-2016




Explanatory note………………………………………………………………………3


1.2. The purpose and objectives of the project………….…………..………….8

1.3.Planned results of the development of the project…..…………………………………………………………………..9

2. The main content of the project………………………………………….10

2.1. Stages of project implementation...………………... ………………….….10

2.2. Forms of work with children ……………………………………………..16

2.3. Planning educational relations…………………………………………………………...…….17

3. List of used literature……………………………….31

1. Explanatory note

The draft program "Genius from the cradle" was developed by a creative group of teachers of the MADOU kindergarten of a general developmental type "Spring" consisting of: Kshevitskaya N.V., senior educator, Sysoeva M.V., teacher-psychologist, Uglova O.M., educator.

In the context of the socio-economic changes taking place in our country, the need of society to form a creative personality capable of playing an active role in the socio-economic and spiritual revival of Russia is in demand like never before. This is the reason for the social order of society for the development of creatively gifted individuals, which in our country was reflected, in particular, in the presidential program "Children of Russia", which includes the section "Gifted Children", "The National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation", "Concepts for the modernization of education until 2010 ”, Presidential initiative “Our new school”. In all these documents, the development of abilities, giftedness of the individual is set as one of the priority tasks.Researchers have found that it is difficult to imagine the most favorable period for the development of intellectual abilities than preschool childhood. We all come into this world with approximately the same opportunities and abilities, only some of us use our inclinations, while others do not. The task of parents and the first teachers - educators of preschool institutions, is precisely to help realize the talents inherent in the kids.

Giftedness, talent, genius - this is a high level of development of human abilities. A gifted child strives for self-affirmation, wants to succeed in the development of his talent. It is important that the teacher pays attention to such a child, since the requirements that he makes, as a rule, are aimed at the strengths and abilities of the average child.

The practice of the work of preschool institutions shows that educators in direct educational activities with preschoolers try, first of all, to achieve good indicators of the assimilation of the general education program by each child. Therefore, more often they focus on individual work with lagging behind children, and children with good intellectual potential do not receive proper development.Therefore, in the real practice of preschool institutions, there is an acute need to set up a purposeful, systematic and systematic work of the entire teaching staff to identify, maintain and develop gifted preschoolers.

Caring for gifted children today is caring for the development of science, culture and social life tomorrow. After all, science will rely on these children. However, there are problems in the diagnosis and development of talented children at all stages of education. Interest in giftedness is currently very high, and this is due to social needs. And, above all, the need of society for an extraordinary creative personality. The uncertainty of the modern environment requires not only high human activity, but also his skills, the ability to think and behave non-standard, namely, gifted people are able to make their greatest contribution to the development of society. Early identification, training and education of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems of improving the education system.

However, activities to identify and develop children's giftedness on the scale of a preschool institution are impossible without evidence-based management of this process. The theoretical analysis of the problem and the actual practice of preschool institutions indicate that the lack of a system for the development of children's giftedness within the kindergarten has a negative impact on the effectiveness of activities with gifted preschoolers. Another problem is pedagogical and psychological difficulties caused by a variety of types of giftedness, including age-related and latent giftedness, a lot of conflicting theoretical approaches and methods. In addition, there is a personnel problem associated with insufficient professional and personal readiness of teachers to work with gifted children.

Project "Genius from the cradle" is aimed at creating conditions for the intellectual development of children aged 4 to 5 years, taking into account their individual characteristics in the main areas - the development of logical and mathematical abilities and cognitive research activities

Project novelty Creation of a system for identifying, developing and supporting gifted children with highly intellectual development in our preschool institution.

The project for the development of gifted children of the middle group was developed in accordance with the PEP of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of a kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children "Rodnichok", in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The project ensures the intellectual development of children aged 4 to 5 years, taking into account their individual characteristics in the main areas - the development of logical and mathematical abilities and cognitive research activities.

Partial programs are used:

The project being implemented is based on the principle of a personality-oriented, activity-oriented and practice-oriented nature of interaction between an adult and children. This project was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

The federal target program "Gifted children", within the framework of the presidential program "Children of Russia", approved by the government of the Russian Federation on 03.10.2002;


DOU charter.


1.1. Conceptual approaches to building a project

giftedness - this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

gifted child - this is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Types of giftedness

Among the criteria for distinguishing types of giftedness are the following:

    The type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it.

    The degree of formation.

    manifestation form.

    The breadth of manifestations in various activities.

    Features of age development.

    By criterion"Type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it" allows you to select in its structure:

    General intellectual abilities;

    Specific academic ability;

    Creative or productive thinking;

    Leadership abilities;

    Artistic and Performing Arts;

    Psychomotor abilities

ByOn the basis of “types of activity”, the following types of giftedness can be distinguished:

    Theoretical (for children-cognitive);


    Artistic and aesthetic;


    Spiritual and personal.

2.By criterion"the degree of formation of giftedness" can be differentiated:

    actual giftedness;

    potential talent.

3.By criterion"Forms of manifestation"



4.By criterion"Breadth of manifestations in different types of activity"

    general (manifested in various types of general activities, being the basis of their productivity.)

    special (manifested in high achievements in specific activities (music, painting, sports, etc.)

5. By criterion"Peculiarities of age development"



1.2. Goals and objectives of the project

Target: Creation of an effective system for identifying and developing the abilities of gifted (talented) children in a preschool educational institution, at an early stage of development, contributing to the realization of their potential.


    Develop a system for monitoring and developing the prerequisites for giftedness in preschool children.

    Create a bank of gifted children.

    Identify and support children with prerequisites for giftedness.

    To increase the competence of educators, parents and other adults on the support and development of gifted (talented) children.

1.3. Planned results of project development

    Creation of a data bank of children with the prerequisites for intellectual giftedness.

    Creation of conditions for self-realization of the gifted with intellectual abilities.

    Creation of a system for identifying and supporting gifted children.

    Creation of the necessary material and technical base of the kindergarten for work with gifted children.

    Participation of pupils in competitions, festivals.

    Development of the potential of the educator in terms of competent identification and support of gifted children.

    Promotion and dissemination of psychological and pedagogical experience in working with gifted children.

    Implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of education and development of gifted children.

    Activation of parents' participation in work with gifted children.

2. The main content of the project

Since our kindergarten is working on cognitive and speech development, we have chosen the intellectual direction of giftedness and createdexperimental group "Gifted child" No. 11 (middle group, fifth year of life). The experimental group works on the basis of the basic program School 2010, ed. O.V. Chindilova, author's programs of MADOU teachers.

2.1. Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1: Preparatory (organizational) stage (1 year):

Target: To study, systematize theoretical material and select diagnostic tools on the problem of gifted children

    Selection accumulation, studypsychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on working with gifted children.

    The study of modern technologies, methods, techniques of working with gifted children.

    Selection of diagnostic tools. (psychologist)

    Development (selection) of methodological, psychological and pedagogical materials (senior educator).

    Provision of material and technical base (head).

    Organization of information exhibitions on giftedness (senior educator, psychologist)

Working with teachers

    Conducting consultations with teachers on giftedness issues:

    "Typology of giftedness"

    "Structure and signs of giftedness"

    "Socio-psychological difficulties of gifted children"

    "The problem of giftedness in modern pedagogy"

    "Modern approaches to the issues of gifted children"

    Conducting seminars on topics:

    "The concept of giftedness in pedagogy and psychology";

    "The specifics of working with gifted children";

    "Forms and methods of work with gifted children";

    “Features of the content of educational programs that contribute to the development of the intellectual abilities of children”;

    The role of the family in the identification and development of gifted children.

    "Study, generalization and dissemination of psychological and pedagogical experience."

Working with parents:

Preparation of advisory materials for parents about gifted children and their upbringing:

    "Giftedness in preschool age"

    How to raise a gifted child?

    How do parents deal with a gifted child?

    How not to behave with a gifted child

    Compile a card file of games and activities for parent general education “Talents need help”:

    "Make up a story on behalf of another character"

    "How many values ​​does an item have"

    "Invent an animal with given properties"

    "Five Points"

    "Fruit and vegetable geometry"

    "Picture and Learn"

    "Why" and others.

Stage 2: Research and diagnostic, developing (2 years)

Target: Recognize gifted children and startwork to develop their inclinations and abilities.Provide psychological and pedagogical training of parents necessary for successful stimulation and development of the potential of a gifted (talented) child

Work with children: Identification of gifted children is a rather difficult task for a teacher, a teacher-psychologist. Difficulties are related to the fact that at preschool age, signs of giftedness can appear sporadically, not all to the same extent.

It must be borne in mind that giftedness often manifests itself not in the achievements that a child makes in activities specially organized by adults, but in activities that have a spontaneous, amateur character.

Therefore, the work to identify giftedness in pupils must meet the following requirements:


Variety of methods - it is important to use multiple sources of information;

Dynamism - it is necessary to analyze the process of child development over a sufficiently long period of time.

The following stages are distinguished:

    nomination (naming) of the names of “gifted candidates. At PMPK meetings, teachers discuss their pedagogical observations and determine which of the pupils may have signs of giftedness;

    identification of manifestations of giftedness in behavior and various activities. A purposeful study of their features in their activities is organized;

    studying the conditions and history of the development of the child in the family, his interests, hobbies, information about the family, the early development of the child, his extraordinary abilities with the help of questionnaires, conversations;

    assessment of the developmental features of the child by teachers and parents as experts;

    inclusion of children in special game and problem-oriented activities;

    evaluation of works, products of the child's activity, primarily the results of creativity;

    psychological testing.

Basic diagnostic tools:

Methods and techniques for diagnosing giftedness were used:

Pedagogical diagnostics of preschooler giftedness

1. Map of observations of the activities of children (according to M.V. Ilina)

Purpose: to study the manifestations of giftedness in different types of children's activities.

2. Questionnaire for parents (modified version of the questionnaire by M.V. Ilina)

Purpose: to study the manifestations of giftedness

3. Questionnaire for parents (E.S. Belova)

Purpose: to study the individual structure of giftedness based on the facts of its manifestations.

Psychological diagnosis of preschooler giftedness

1. Method "Inventor" (adapted version of the method of M.V. Ilina)

Purpose: to study the ability to create original ideas.

2. Methodology "Derivation of consequences" (adapted version of the methodology of M.V. Ilina)

Purpose: to study the ability to imagine and verbal-logical thinking.

3. Method "Unfinished drawings" (a variant of the method of M.V. Ilina)

Purpose: to reveal the ability to recreate the imagination and holistic perception.

4. Method "Find the mistake" (adapted version of the method of E.M. Torshilova, T.V. Morozova)

Purpose: to reveal the ability to consciously regulated perception.

5. “Look and remember” technique (adapted version of N.Ya. Kushnir’s technique)

Purpose: to reveal the ability to arbitrarily memorize and reproduce information using the reception of semantic connections based on visual memory.

6. Methodology "Meaning of words" (adapted version of the methodology of N.Ya. Kushnir)

Purpose: to reveal the ability to explain the meaning of words.

7. Method "Make a proposal" (adapted from the methodology of N. Ya. Kushnir)

Purpose: to reveal the ability to establish syntactic links in a sentence.

8. Method "Name the words" (adapted version of the method N.Ya. Kushnir)

Purpose: to study the ability to quickly translate words from a passive dictionary into an active dictionary.

9. The technique "The fourth extra" (adapted from the technique of N.Ya. Kushnir)

Purpose: to identify the ability to generalize, differentiate objects according to various features and properties, to justify their own version of the solution of the problem.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, we determine the individual development trajectory of each pupil, which shows in which area the child is more successful, and in which he did not have time to prove himself.

This makes it possible to develop an individual content for the development of the child's inclinations, which is realized through psychological and pedagogical technologies, through recommendations to teachers and parents.

One of the important tasks of the activity of our team is also the development of author's educational programs by teachers of preschool educational institutions, which develop not so much giftedness as the whole personality of the child - the bearer of this giftedness. We believe that all children are naturally gifted, so from the age of 3 we try to identify the inclinations of giftedness in each child, creating conditions for their manifestation, developing diagnostic methods.

Working with teachers:

    deepening theoretical and practical training on the problem of gifted children;

    questioning and testing of teachers in order to obtain primary information about gifted children, the level of readiness of teachers to work with them;

    study of the abilities and capabilities of teachers to manage the process of development of gifted children

    development of practical recommendations on the organization of the educational process for the individual development of gifted children.

    selection among various teaching systems of those methods, forms and techniques that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and creativity, familiarization of teachers with them.

    systematic and purposeful work with gifted children, planned holding of various educational, developmental, creative activities;

    creation of additional education programs for the organization of systematic activities in work with gifted children.

    approbation of pedagogical technologies for individual and group work with gifted children;

    approbation of individual author's programs of work with gifted children (individual training route);

    psychological and pedagogical, methodological assistance in the implementation of programs, the exchange of experience and the improvement of the professional skills of teachers;

    step-by-step monitoring of performance (intermediate diagnostics, comparative analysis), correction;

    formation of a bank of psychological and pedagogical experience in working with gifted children.

    updating the data bank "Gifted children", methodological materials, diagnostic methods;

    psychological, pedagogical, valeological and social support for gifted children.

Working with parents

    Primary diagnosis of gifted children through parental observation of children

    survey of parents in order to obtain additional information about gifted children.

    Questioning the parents of gifted children, identifying problems in their upbringing.

The prognostic stage determines:

    terms of the Project implementation (3 years);

    terms of implementation of each stage (1 year);

    predicted results;

    criteria for evaluating results by stages of work

Stage 3: Analytical-reflexive includes:

    Comparative analysis and generalization of the results of the development of gifted children.

    The dynamics of the intellectual and personal development of children with prerequisites for giftedness.

    Analysis of the activities of teachers in organizing work with gifted children. Generalization of the best pedagogical experience.

    Generalization of the obtained results, their compliance with the set goals and objectives.

    Identification of problems that have arisen during the implementation of the program, ways to solve them, development of a long-term plan-program for further work in this direction.

    Adjustment of individual training programs.

2.2. Forms of work with children

    Modern gaming, experimental activities of the educator and children, where creative tasks and problem situations are solved.

    Independent creative activity of children, where they choose the types of work that attract them to realize their ideas.

The project provides training for gifted children:

    In a regular group (together with all children, individual work, work in micro-groups, in pairs)

    training according to individual plans (programs);

    learning together with other gifted children (in small groups).

2.3.Planning educational relations

Thematic planning of educational activities "Club of Intellectuals"



Development environment

Information and methodological support

Methods and techniques of interaction between a teacher and children


Identification of the initial level of development of cognitive processes in children of 4 years; adjustment of the content of the program.

Diagnostics of cognitive development


identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; formation

Gyenes blocks;

Mathematics from 3 to 7. Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers / Ed. Z.A.Mikhailova and others. St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2010; Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2004; B.B. Finkelstein "Country of blocks and sticks"; B.B. Finkelstein "Lepim Nonsense"; B.B. Finkelstein "It's fun to play together";

Development of cognitive processes; formation of ideas about size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Cuisener's sticks;

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Nikitin's games "Fold the pattern"; Semenova N.G. "Wondercubes" for the game "Fold the Pattern". Album of tasks 4-8 years old; Educational games for children. Directory. Compiled by Ekhevich N., M., 1990

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; formation of ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Voskobovich games:

"Geokont"; T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;


Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory, cognitive and creative abilities; familiarization with the standards of form and size; learn to relate the whole and the part; development of spatial representations and orientation in space; familiarity with properties - transparency and flexibility.

Voskobovich games:

"Transparent square";

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory, cognitive and creative abilities; familiarization with the standards of form and size; learn to relate the whole and the part; development of spatial representations and orientation in space; familiarity with properties - transparency and flexibility.

Voskobovich games:

"Transparent square";

T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;

Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003;

Voskobovich V.V. "Non-melting Ice Lake Ice, or "The Tale of the Transparent Square". Methodical tale. 2006

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; formation of design skills; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Nikitin games:

"Chameleon"; Educational games for children. Directory. Compiled by Ekhevich N., M., 1990

Development of cognitive processes; development of spatial representations; development of constructive and combinatorial abilities; development of ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Puzzle "Leaf",

"Puzzle of Pythagoras";

Smolentseva A.A. and others. Mathematics before school: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents. St. Petersburg: "Childhood - press", 2003


Development of cognitive processes;mastery of mental operations and actions:formationelementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, master the idea of ​​geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Gyenes blocks;

Math from 3 to 7.

Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers / comp. Z.A.Mikhailova and others. St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2010; Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2004; B.B. Finkelstein "Country of blocks and sticks"; B.B. Finkelstein "Lepim Nonsense"; B.B. Finkelstein "It's fun to play together"; Mikhailova Z.A., Cheplashkina I.N., Kharko T.G. "Pre-math games for preschool children". Teaching aid. 2011

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Cuisener's sticks;

B.B. Finkelstein "On the golden porch ..." Album; B.B. Finkelstein "It's fun to play together" Album; B.B. Finkelstein "Land of blocks and sticks"

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills of the hand; development of spatial thinking and creative imagination; development of skills to compare, analyze, compare; mastering the standards of form and size.

Voskobovich games:

"Two-color square"; Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003; T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009; Voskobovich V.V. "The Tale of the Two-Colored Square". Methodical tale, 2006

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills of the hand; development of spatial thinking and creative imagination; development of skills to compare, analyze, compare; mastering the standards of form and size.

Voskobovich's games: "Two-color square"; Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003;

T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009; Voskobovich V.V. "The Tale of the Two-Colored Square". Methodical tale, 2006


Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills; familiarity with color; development of the ability to navigate on the plane; formed1 as a twist)knowledge of skills in measuring activity; familiarization with numbers and figures.

Voskobovich games:

"Cabin"; Kharko T.G., Voskobovich V.V. "Larchik".


Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills; acquaintance with color; development of the ability to navigate on the plane; formation of skills in measuring activity; familiarization with numbers and figures.

Voskobovich's games: "Cabin";

Kharko T.G., Voskobovich V.V. "Larchik". Toolkit.


Development of cognitive processes;mastery of mental operations and actions:identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization;formationelementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, master the idea of ​​geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; formation of ideas about size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Development of cognitive processes; familiarization with sensory standards of shapes, colors and sizes; development of the eye; development of fine motor skills; mastering the concepts of "part" and "whole".

Voskobovich's games: "Wonder Crosses"; T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;

Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003

Development of cognitive processes; development of communicative and constructive skills; familiarization with numbers, their form; mastering the concepts of "part" and "whole"; development of spatial representations and orientation in space; familiarity with the properties - "transparency" and "flexibility".

Voskobovich's games: "Transparent figure"; T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009; Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003


Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; formation of ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Voskobovich's games: "Geokont";

T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;

Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; formation of ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Voskobovich's games: "Geokont";

T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;

Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Nikitin's games "Fold the pattern";

Semenova N.G. "Wondercubes" for the game "Fold the Pattern". Album of tasks 4-8 years old; Educational games for children. Directory. Compiled by Ekhevich N., M., 1990

Development of cognitive processes; development of spatial representations; development of ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Labyrinths; Didactic game "Labyrinths".


Development of cognitive processes;mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization;formationelementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, master the idea of ​​geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Gyenes blocks; Mathematics from 3 to 7. Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers / Ed. Z.A.Mikhailova and others. St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2010;

Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L.

Logic and mathematics for preschoolers St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2004; B.B. Finkelstein "Country of blocks and sticks"; B.B. Finkelstein "Lepim Nonsense"; B.B. Finkelstein "It's fun to play together"; Mikhailova Z.A., Cheplashkina I.N., Kharko T.G.

"Pre-mathematical games for children of primary preschool age". Teaching aid. 2011

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; formation of ideas about size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Cuisener's sticks; B.B. Finkelstein "On the golden porch ..." Album; B.B. Finkelstein "It's fun to play together" Album; B.B. Finkelstein "Land of blocks and sticks"

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; development of constructive abilities; development of ingenuity, ingenuity.

Nikitin games:

"Corners"; Educational games for children. Directory. Compiled by Ekhevich N., M., 1990.

Development of cognitive processes; development of mathematical concepts; development of coordination of movements; preparation of the hand for writing.

Voskobovich's games: "Igrovisor";

T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh, 2009;

Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. and others. Game technologies for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game) Book 2. Description of games. St. Petersburg, 2003


Identification of the final level of development of cognitive processes in children, analysis of activities for the year.


Individual work on the implementation of diagnostic tasks

Thematic planning of educational activities "Inquisitive Poskovichok"

Directions of search and research activities

Activity themes

Methods and techniques of interaction with children



Experimenting with sand, clay

"Magic Stuff"

"Why does sand flow so well?",


Long term observation

individual and group forms of work


Encourage a comparative analysis of the properties of sand, clay. Identify features of interaction with water, the effect of water on their properties

Experimenting with water

“Find out what kind of water”, “Making colored ice cubes”

"Playing with colors", "Tasty water",

"Colourful Water"

individual and group forms of work, conversation, practical activitiesjoint activities of adults and children

July August. December

Contribute to the establishment of the properties and qualities of water, snow and ice, their comparison. Give an idea that some substances dissolve in water; the more this substance, the more the properties of water change (color intensity, taste, smell). Bring to an understanding that the temperature of water affects its properties (the higher the temperature, the faster substances dissolve in water, the slower it freezes. Reveal the importance of water for the life of plants, animals, humans

Experimenting with air

"Pea Dance"

"search for air"

"Bubbles Rescuers"

"Sea battle"

individual and group forms of work, practical activities


Contribute to the mastery of some ways of detecting the air inside and around. To bring to an understanding of the importance of air and its temperature for the life of plants, animals and humans. Give an idea that air takes up space, in different conditions the properties of air are not the same, about some conditions in which air becomes unfavorable for breathing (smoke, vapors of toxic substances, etc.)

plant life observations

What do plants love?

“Where do grains live?”, “Competition”, “In the light, in the dark”,

"In the heat, in the cold"

Conversation, group form of work, practical activities,long-term observation


Lead to the understanding that a plant is alive, that is, it grows, changes, it has children (seeds), from which new plants grow. Give the opportunity to compare living and non-living objects to identify signs of living things: nutrition, respiration, growth, development

Experimenting with light

"Sunny bunnies", "rainbow glare",

"Color the Rainbow", "Magic Brush"

Joint activities of adults and children, observation,conversation, practice

October, April

Bring to the understanding that light comes from a source, that illumination depends on the intensity of light. Expand ideas about the variety of natural and man-made light sources (sun, moon, firefly, candle, lamp, flashlight). Explain the importance of light for plant and animal life. Encourage the production of new colors and shades of the same color of different saturation by mixing two colors. Give an idea of ​​the rainbow, its colors and their sequence.

Experimenting with items

"The Secret of the Pine Cone"

"Soap magician",

"Magic Mirrors"

"Wonderful Matches"


"Magic Mitten"

Practical activities,

Conversation, individual and group forms of work,observation,

Joint activity of an adult and children


December, March

Create conditions for the formation of the ability to characterize an object based on the definition of color, shape, size, weight, material, purpose. Contribute to the definition of the material from which the object is made: glass, metal, plastic, porcelain, faience, polyethylene, fabric, paper. Develop the ability to determine the signs and properties of these materials


    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B., Bogoyavlenskaya M.E. Psychology of giftedness: concept, types, problems. M., 2005.

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    “Organization of the work of preschool educational institutions with talented preschoolers / ed.- comp. Yu.A. Afonkina, O.V. Filatov.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.

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    Voskobovich V.V. Labyrinths of numbers. Issue "One, two, three, four, five ..." (application to the game). // St. Petersburg, 2003.

    Mathematics before school: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg, "Childhood - Press", 2003.

    Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg "Childhood - Press", 2004.

    Finkelstein B.B. On the golden porch ... Synopsis of games and exercises with Kuizener's colored counting sticks. - Korvette LLC: St. Petersburg, 2003.

    Dybina O.V., Poddyakov N.N., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. Child in the world of search: Program for the organization of search activities for preschool children / Ed. O.V. Dybinoy.-M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

    Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years: thematic planning, recommendations, class notes / ed. E.A. Martynov, I.M. Suchkov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

    Raviza F.V. simple experiments. M., 1997

    Sikoruk L.L. Physics for kids. M., 1983