Interesting articles about the musical development of preschoolers. The development of musical abilities in preschool children. Musical development of older preschoolers

"Only music has the power to shape character ... With the help of music, you can teach yourself to develop the right feelings." Through the centuries, the truth of the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great - Aristotle is true. Music - refers to one of the most effective and richest means of aesthetic education, fosters taste, forms feelings. Music has an incredible creative power of emotional impact, everything that is not subject to the word, does not find expression in it - is reflected in the music. It has long been noticed that constant communication with music awakens in a person an acute observation not only of the sound of nature, but also develops the ability to associate various phenomena of the surrounding world.

Important!Childhood is a period when a child is especially strongly attached to home, family and those values \u200b\u200bthat are recognized by his parents - become the most important in his life. Which means, first of all, we ourselves must be interested in the all-round development of the child, including his musical inclinations. It is necessary to develop, form in the child a culture of music perception, creative activity and emotional responsiveness. It is the preschool period that is the most sensitive, and if you do not engage in development, then natural inclinations will remain unfulfilled.

How to develop musical ability?

To solve this problem, not so much is required from our parents - just help develop the innate ability of the baby to listen and hear, using all kinds of methods and developmental programs for this.

1. The Zheleznovs' technique.Father and daughter - Sergei Stanislavovich Zheleznovs and Ekaterina Sergeevna are the authors of the program and methodological developments of early musical development "Music with Mom". They have released a lot of various audio and video discs with funny music, beautiful melodies, simple songs, bright performances aimed at developing the musical abilities and absolute hearing of babies almost from their very birth. The Music with Mom technique is popular in many countries around the world.

It originated in the early 90s of the last century. Its primary goal was to identify and develop the musical abilities of children 3-5 years old, with further preparation for music schools. Classes were organized, in which the children sang and at the same time played from the notes on keyboards. And then there was an urgent need for thematic materials, which could be used to conduct classes with children of an earlier age. The Zheleznovs - Sergei Stanislavovich - a teacher with a conservatory education and his daughter Ekaterina Sergeevna - majoring in conductor, musical director - then they themselves began to compose funny play songs, develop musical exercises, as a result of which the methodology known to all of us to this day was born. ...

2. Game for the development of hearing - "Guess what sounds."For this game you will need household items such as a plate, saucepan, porcelain cup and even a regular glass. Prepare a regular pencil. All right, you can start! Take a pencil by the very tip - it is important not to drown out the sound, and knock on each object in turn, and let the baby watch. Then ask the child to turn away, and knock on any of the above items: "Come on, guess what sounds!".

3. Use periodically creative assignments such as the Torrance Creativity Tests. - acts as one of the indicators of giftedness, it can characterize the personality as a whole or its individual capabilities. Paul Torrens began researching creativity in 1958, defining creativity as the process of the emergence of sensitivity to a lack of knowledge - a natural process that is generated by a strong need for a person to relieve stress that arises in a situation of uncertainty. Consideration of creativity as a process makes it possible to identify not only the ability to create, but also the conditions that stimulate this process.

Test 1. Draw a picture.An oval spot cut out of colored paper is taken as the basis of the drawing. The task is to give a name to your drawing.

Test 2. Draw unfinished figures and give each figure a name.

The test aims to identify the most important indicator of creativity - originality, which determines the degree of creative thinking of the test taker. And then try to find a peer for the child with the same abilities - it is very important for a child to have a friend of the same age and gender, who has not only similar interests, but also undoubtedly abilities.

4. Record your toddler's performances on audio or video.Support him, praise him, encourage him.

5. Share with your baby a variety of information about music, thereby you will enrich his vocabulary with figurative words and expressions that characterize feelings. But when you are engaged in musical education, "do not abandon" the general development.

6. Playing children's musical instruments.Musical toys and instruments are of great interest to children. Do you know what, the initiator of this type of education was - Nikolai Afanasyevich Metlov - a teacher, music figure, one of the founders of preschool music education in our country. He developed a technique for listening to music. He also carried out work on the selection of highly artistic instrumental and vocal works by outstanding composers of the past. It was he who emphasized that it is necessary to involve children in the perception of the expressiveness of the timbre of each instrument, firmly insisting that over time the child will develop musical responsiveness. And I invite you to funny notes (online video), where young musicians master the skills of playing the metallophone and melody, spoons and maracas, synthesizer and triangle, learn the basics of musical notation and create a small orchestra.

Music education program for preschoolers N.A. Vetlugina

Purpose of the program - the development of general musicality in the child, through his musical activity. Vetlugina identifies 4 types of activities:

  1. music perception
  2. performance
  3. creation
  4. musical and educational activities.

Certainly with the inclusion of elements of song, play and dance creativity.

The repertoire of the program by N.A. Vetlugina was selected based on the works of the classics. This technique also involves teaching children to sing from notes.

Musical and didactic games

Game requirement - its interesting and colorful design is important. Cut out bright, funny circles - notes, and sing them all with the baby.

Then arrange the game "Music Store": the child is a seller, and his main task is to play the melody in his own voice when selling the disc to the buyer. It depends on his hit whether they buy the disc or ask for another. The goal of the game is to work out the purity of sound and the transfer of shades of performance. These games are very exciting for children, and you playfully reveal the talents of the kid.

Game "Where are my kids?" - will develop the ability to distinguish sounds of different heights. Children will be happy to answer with a thin voice to their mother - a cat, a bird or a duck. At the same time, be sure to combine musical and didactic games with elements of dance movements.

Raise a real, sensual, thinking Person! Wish you luck!

The early development of the musical abilities of preschool children refers to the period in the baby's life when the mother quietly sings a lullaby before bed. The first acquaintance with music usually takes place in the family.

What is music for?

Many books have been written about the development of ear for music in preschool children. Research has shown that a baby is able to perceive sounds while in the womb. In preschool age, a conscious attitude towards music begins. At the same time, the formation of musical culture should begin.

Some mothers begin to educate the future musician long before his birth. To help the baby hear sounds, the woman puts the headphones directly on her belly. In fact, this is not necessary at all. It is quite enough for the expectant mother to just listen to her favorite tunes. The baby not only hears the sounds, but also receives from the mother those positive emotions that she gets from listening to songs. To avoid problems of musical education in the future, the newborn should constantly hear the sounds of his favorite tunes.

Learning songs is beneficial for the overall development of children. Studying this or that work, preschoolers train their memory by memorizing words. Interesting facts from the biographies of composers and songwriters attract the child's attention, making him even more interested in art. Music makes a person more responsive, develops a sense of empathy. The vocabulary of children who know many songs is rich and diverse. With the help of a song, memorizing unfamiliar words is much easier.


Diagnostics of musical abilities shows that children who do not have this or that talent simply do not exist. Some people like instruments, others prefer singing. Still others dance willingly. However, the wrong approach of the parents leads to the fact that the child ceases to love activities. Mom and Dad should support the independent musical activity of preschoolers. Parents should pay attention to what kind of musical activity their son or daughter likes the most. Do not force children to sing or dance if they don’t want to.

There are 3 types of abilities:

  1. Sense of rhythm. The development of a sense of rhythm in preschool children occurs through movement (dance). The movements can be the simplest. Rhythm implies a temporary relationship in music. Dancing classes are suitable for children who have it well developed. Only through movement is a person able to show how well he distinguishes the duration of notes, catches the presence of pauses.
  2. Auditory presentation. It is necessary for the full-fledged musical education of preschoolers. Children with this ability can make good singers. Auditory representation allows you to play a melody using your voice.
  3. A freaky feeling. To develop a fret feeling, you need tools. This ability is manifested not only in recognizing the melody. A child who has a modal feeling can accurately determine the emotional component of a work.


In modern kindergartens, hearing development programs for preschool children have appeared relatively recently. Previously, classes were more of a pleasant leisure than a method of bringing up a harmonious personality. Music education that children receive in preschool should include:

  1. Execution. With its help, children's singing skills are developed, as well as the skills of playing musical instruments. The preschooler learns to reproduce a familiar melody in one way or another.
  2. Increasing the level of emotional perception. Musical development of preschoolers involves not only the ability to recognize melodies and knowledge of the names of famous composers. If the work does not evoke any emotional response, the teacher's musical and educational activity loses its meaning. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create special conditions for listening to works. The preschooler must know the circumstances of the creation of a particular composition. The teacher should explain to whom the melody is dedicated.
  3. Improving the level of musical literacy. The theory and methodology of musical education of preschool children requires more than just making the child learn songs by heart. He needs to be introduced to the music of various nations, instruments, biographies of composers, etc.

Development of musical abilities

  1. Rhythm. You can develop a sense of rhythm with the help of percussion musical instruments for preschool children. During classes, you must use drums or timpani. Children can march, dance, and even recite poetry. In this way, they learn by ear to determine the distance between two different sounds. Preschoolers should understand that the nature of the melody also depends on the rhythm: a vigorous march, a gentle waltz, etc.
  2. Auditory presentation. Recognition of the sounds of various instruments contributes to the development of musical abilities of preschoolers. You need to move from rhythmic exercises to auditory exercises. In addition to instruments, you can use voices. Children take turns playing well-known melodies, and their companions guess the work. The opposite option also develops children's musical abilities: each child is invited to reproduce a particular melody with his voice.
  3. A freaky feeling. This type of exercise is considered the most difficult. It is used to form the foundations of musical culture in preschoolers 5-6 years old. Such exercises are not recommended for a younger age. The peculiarities of children's musical development are to teach them to "read" the mood that music conveys. Exercises aimed at conveying the emotional component of sounds will help to teach to “read” a piece of music. You can invite the child to portray in his voice anger, joy, fear, resentment and other emotions that he has to face in everyday life. If children are familiar with tools, they are already able to understand with which tool a particular human feeling can be depicted. Such methods and techniques of musical education have a positive impact on the formation of the musical culture of preschool children.

Singing in kindergarten

Experts are confident that singing can develop musical abilities in adults and children as soon as possible. The tasks of musical education include not only the development of a sense of rhythm in preschoolers, the formation of the ability to recognize melodies and memorize the names of musical instruments. The development of children must take place at all levels.

Singing classes train vocal skills. Even if the child does not see himself as a famous singer in the future, voice exercises will help him develop confident and competent speech. Singing is recommended for children with breathing problems. In addition, vocal classes unite all types of musical activities for preschoolers. Children get to know the work and receive information about its author. Further, they can be offered a small production. It is advisable to choose such works that can involve several people at the same time. Thus, children will be able to show their acting talent.

During the performance of the song, the child is as focused as possible. He needs not only to pronounce the memorized words, but also to reproduce certain notes. Do not forget about the emotional component, the expression of your attitude to the plot of the song. All of these components make singing the best way to develop musical skills quickly.

If mom and dad plan to send the baby to kindergarten, primary musical skills need to be developed at home. Preschool education in kindergarten involves musical activities for which children must be prepared.

A baby under the age of one year is recommended to listen to light compositions. The total listening time should not exceed 3 minutes. If the parents are fans of hard rock, you shouldn't impose your tastes on the newborn. Such compositions can scare the baby. A son or daughter can be offered classics. There is also special children's music on sale.

At 2-3 years old, a baby can listen to songs much longer - from 5 to 10 minutes. Parents should be aware of the emotions that a piece evokes. At the slightest sign of discomfort, listening should be stopped. Music at this age can be comfortable to listen to only when certain associations are present in the child's mind. Children's plays can be used.

At 3-4 years old, children need not only hear, but also see. For this age, musical cartoons are suitable. The presence of adults with whom you can discuss the plot, main characters and melodies will help arouse children's interest in the cartoon. Adults should show interest in listening.

When they turn 5-6 years old, their own taste begins to form, children are already capable of a critical assessment of the composition, comparisons. They can memorize information about their favorite artists. Parents should be tactful and not judgmental about their children's musical tastes. Preferences can change over time.

The forms of organizing the musical activity of preschool children in kindergarten are dictated by educational standards. The organization of musical education at home is more free and focused on the needs of the child. Parents do not need to have a pedagogical or musical education in order to interest their children in great masterpieces.

Some parents believe that if there are no musically gifted relatives in the family, then the child will not be able to develop musical abilities. Other parents use all sorts of methods to somehow open up the world of music to their child - even if the baby does not show any enthusiasm. The teachers have proven that the musical upbringing and education of a child is an important part of his harmonious development. Children who love and understand music are more intellectually developed than their peers who are musically limited. It is impossible to cultivate a child's love for music through compulsion. It should be gradually and exciting to accustom to the wonderful world of sounds. Read the article on how to teach your baby to love music and develop his musical abilities.

Influence of music on the development of children

Research shows how tremendously positive the impact of music is on children. Many parents mistakenly believe that teaching a child to play music, and simply being involved in it, does not bring anything useful for the development of a child. Nevertheless, the results of numerous pedagogical experiments have shown that children who learn to play a musical instrument are much more successful at school than other students. Children who are turned on show an extraordinary approach to solving difficult tasks and cope with them more easily than children who are far from the world of music. Research conducted with students showed that those of them who attended music school in their childhood or continue to study music, show higher results in higher mathematics, various exact sciences, in the study of foreign languages.

Unfortunately, dads and moms are less and less likely to think about how to provide musical education for their children. Often parents believe that the child needs to be given the opportunity to receive the knowledge that will be useful to him in life. Purposeful specialized education, which has become a trend now, limits the development of the child, making it impossible to develop comprehensively. Today, parents want to quickly choose a future profession for their child in order to plan specialized training: if you want to be a lawyer, teach history and law, if you want to become a banker, learn mathematics. The realities of life shape the thought of many parents: "The main thing is to get a well-paid job." But before, the previous generations of parents always tried to give their child a musical education.

"It is interesting. Children from noble families were necessarily taught choreography, horseback riding, calligraphy, playing a musical instrument and singing, a foreign language or several, as well as fencing. "

The benefits of music

The benefit of music is that it:

  • develops hearing
  • makes the child more sociable
  • if these are classes on a musical instrument, then music teaches you to daily work, fosters willpower and patience
  • teaches to see the beautiful
  • develops horizons and, therefore, contributes to successful studies
  • improves the emotional sphere of the child
  • improves personal qualities.

Music and a little child

Toddlers are very receptive to music. Scientists claim that the embryo hears and reacts to sounds. The next acquaintance with music is my mother's lullaby. The kid hears a pleasant melody and a familiar voice, begins to sing along and speak the first words. The singing skill is formed in a child at the age of about three years. Already at this age, if the parents wish, it is possible to develop the child's musical abilities and begin to instill a love of music.

How to start your baby's musical development at home?

  1. We sing. Children's songs are an excellent base for starting the development of a child's musicality. Sing with your baby always: in the morning and in the evening, while doing children's art and cleaning the children's room, going for a walk and walking. Singing not only develops a child musically, but also significantly affects the development of memory and speech, and will always cheer up. Create a library of children's songs and play them at every opportunity. If you can, sing karaoke. So the child will learn to feel the music and love it.
  2. Listening to the classics. Classical music is the basis for the formation of a correct perception of the world by a child, his emotional and mental stability. Play classics for toddlers daily for 30 minutes a day. At first it will seem that the kid does not care about this music. However, it penetrates into the baby's soul and creates the right atmosphere for his development.
  3. We visit or a development center. Specialists in children's educational institutions are well aware of how music is useful for the development of a child. Therefore, they know how to organize music lessons with kids well. Children will get acquainted with the world of sounds, learn many songs and even show their artistic abilities. In such classes, children will be taught to feel and understand musical intonations and melodies, to develop their hearing.
  4. We purchase musical toys. Baby drums, maracas, ratchets and other sounding toys are very useful for the development of the child. Do not get angry if your little one has created a cacophony: playing and listening to different sounds, the little one explores them, thanks to which the foundations of musical taste are laid in him.

Diagnostics of musical abilities

"It is interesting.The biographies of many famous personalities indicate that all of them were not only brilliant specialists in their field, but also diversified personalities. For example, the diplomat and writer Alexander Griboyedov played the piano and organ, and also composed musical works. And the Nobel Prize laureate Albert Einstein knew how to play the violin. "

Early detection of musical abilities in children ensures that parents will not miss the moment when they should be more actively developing their child musically. You can find out if your kid has a musical ability in the following ways:

  1. . Ask your toddler a few subtle questions during the walk and after attending the children's show: “Do you like listening to music? “What sounds do you like?”, “Do you like to sing and listen to children's songs?”, “Did you want to learn how to own some musical instrument? How? " etc. This will help you understand your child's interests and inclinations.
  2. Observation. Watch your child as he sings, dances, or recites a poem. Does the kid like to learn poems, memorize them easily and recite them with pleasure? Does the dance to children's songs turn into a whole performance, trying to attract maximum attention? Then your baby is clearly artistic, emotional, knows how to express feelings - you can safely enroll him in a music and dance circle.

The following facts can also testify to the presence of musical abilities in a baby:

  • music puts the child in a good mood
  • hearing the music, the baby begins to sway, move, dance
  • the child reacts emotionally to any sound background.

In preschoolers 3-7 years old, musical inclinations can manifest themselves as follows:

  • the child easily remembers songs and melodies
  • preschooler composes songs on his own
  • he loves to perform.

Does the child have hearing and a sense of rhythm?

If you are thinking of placing your child in a music school, then first you need to find out if the child has an ear for music and a good sense of rhythm. There are special techniques that help determine this. Music schools use these methods when listening. If possible, you can check your child yourself.

Checking your ear for music.

Test # 1. Play two different sounds on the piano. Ask your child: "Which sound was lower and which was higher?"

Test number 2. First press one key on the piano. Let the baby answer how many sounds he heard. Press two different keys at the same time: how many sounds are there now?

Test number 3. Sing the notes one at a time and have the child repeat them.

Test number 4. Sing a short melody and ask your child to play it.

Test number 5. Let the child sing his favorite song.

With these simple tests, you can check your baby's ear for music and memory, as well as the range of his voice. If the child does not repeat everything perfectly, but at least catches the direction of the melody, then he has an average result, which indicates the presence of an ear for music that can be developed.

Determine the sense of rhythm.

Test # 1. Knock to a certain rhythm. Have the child repeat. Repeat the test 3-4 times (varying the tap variations).

Test number 2. Encourage your toddler to march to a recording of a march or any rhythmic song.

Test number 3. Ask your child to clap their hands to any kind of rhythmic music.

If you notice that the baby has a weak sense of rhythm, do not be upset: it can be developed. And if it is excellent, then it will be easy for the child to study at a music school.

How to instill in a child a love of music?

For the smallest children:

  • sing at night or play calm melodies when your child goes to bed
  • provide your kid with various musical toys
  • engage in early development programs with little ones. Let the classes go to the groovy melodies.

Children 1.5-2 years old can already:

  • sing simple children's songs
  • perform movements of rhythmic gymnastics and dancing.
  1. Raise your child in an atmosphere of music. Such children develop faster and grow up to be creative personalities. They understand the beautiful, and in the future they will strive to make the world a better place.
  2. Draw children's attention to music in cartoons and movies, on ice rinks and on travel. Teach them to listen to music, memorize it.
  3. Attend children's theaters, circus, musicals and performances, philharmonic and children's symphony orchestra concerts with your child.
  4. Organize musical evenings and theatrical parties at home, in which all family members will take part.
  5. Lead by example. Usually in families where they love music and understand it, children grow up aesthetically educated.
  6. Finally, place your child in a music school or enroll in a children's choir.

Studying at a music school

So, you've decided to take your child to a music school. Psychologists and educators argue that there are two periods when a child is ready to study in a music school:

1st period: 7-8 years. The child himself asks to teach him to play a certain musical instrument. He liked the flute or the saxophone: he wants so much to learn how to play! Children of this age who are keen on music attend music classes and concerts with pleasure, and sing. , tell us more about music, orchestra, composers, works. It is important not to miss this moment and to be persistent in forming a child's serious attitude towards mastering the instrument.

2nd period: adolescence. If it was not possible to identify the baby to a music school at a young age, this can be done later. High school students often want to assert themselves as a person, to show their individuality. At this point, music can become a way of expressing yourself. Get your teen back on track.

“It is necessary to understand that music lessons should be daily, they require constant work and volitional efforts. Parents must show patience, perseverance, help and support the child. "

Piano or violin

When choosing a musical instrument for a child, you need to take into account many factors: the child's desire, gender and age, and physical development. Consider everything and give the child the freedom of choice: let him stop at the instrument he likes.

Each tool has pros and cons. Most often, parents choose a piano or violin for teaching a child. However, these tools are also the most complex. If the child does not have special perseverance, it is better to pay attention to something else.

You can choose the flute: it is considered a great instrument for aspiring musicians. The flute is characterized by a not very complicated playing technique. In addition, thanks to the flute, you can learn to breathe correctly, increase the volume of your lungs, and develop fine motor skills of your hands. Playing the flute is good for health, helps to get rid of allergies and bronchial asthma.

For boys (both hyperactive and indecisive), percussion instruments are well suited: for some they will help to cope with an excess of energy, for others they will help to overcome shyness.

The guitar is usually chosen not from an early age, but when the child grows up and will confidently hold the instrument. The guitar has always been a prestigious instrument, “status”, with the help of which it is easy to increase the authority of a child in the eyes of peers.

Approach competently, consciously to the choice of a musical instrument for a child, support him in his endeavors, do not criticize - and then you can turn music lessons into pleasure.


The meaning of the child's musical development is to teach the child to feel and understand music, to feel its beauty, and at the same time the beauty of the world around him. Living in an atmosphere of music, a child develops in many ways: his cognitive activity increases, his intellect and emotional sphere improve. Music is a great way to express yourself and be creative. Do not forget about the musical development of the child - this way you will bring him positive emotions and make him happy.

For many centuries, music has had one of the strongest levels of influence on the emotional component of a person. It influences people's mood and also plays an important role in the process of raising a child.

After numerous studies, the need for the formation of musical abilities from an early age has been proven. The earlier the child begins to learn about the world of music, the easier it will be for him to develop his musical talents in the future.

Experts say that musical emotions that were not received in childhood cannot be replenished at an older age. That is why music education must be started at preschool age.

Children are musical from birth - it is important to develop these abilities

Scientists define the term ability as a feature of a person to quickly acquire certain skills and use them. The main property of the ability is that it cannot exist without constant development. Therefore, musical education is designed to develop the abilities of the younger generation, thereby forming the foundations of the musical culture of the future.

Types of musical ability

All musical abilities can be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. The fret feeling is a predisposition to determine the modal functions of melodies. In other words, the ability to feel the emotional expressiveness of the work. The fretting feeling is manifested in recognition of the melody, as well as in the reaction to the intonation of the sound. In children, this ability can be determined by the interest in listening to melodies.
  2. Auditory performance is characterized by the child's ability to reproduce melodies by ear. This ability allows you to develop your inner ear in the future. That is, it allows you to train your musical memory and imagination. This is the main characteristic of the ear for music, and together with the modal feeling, it forms the basis of harmonic hearing.
  3. A sense of rhythm makes it possible to feel a temporary relationship in music. It allows you to actively feel the emotional component of the melody and accurately reproduce it by ear. In children, this ability manifests itself in a physical response to sound that mirrors the rhythm of the music.

What is included in the concept of "musical ability"

Specialists call musical memory a separate type of giftedness. It is the ability to play a melody in memory. It is directly related to musical imagination and forms the ability to write their own works.

Musical activity of preschoolers and its types

Any human activity throughout life allows you to use the experience gained and develop abilities in any area of \u200b\u200blife. Musical activity can be called a variety of methods of cognition of the musical side of life, as well as increasing emotional sensitivity in all aspects of the surrounding life. The process of self-knowledge of each person is closely connected with activities in the field of music education.

In preschool institutions, music education programs have been developed relatively recently. These programs are designed to help the child achieve integrity and harmony, as well as become a talented and creative person in the future.

The first musical toys

There are several types of musical activity in the process of educating preschool children:

  • A set of programs to increase the emotional perception of musical compositions. Listening to music helps develop the ability to respond to different melodies and shapes the child's taste.
  • Executive activities include singing, rhythm reproduction, and playing various children's instruments. All these activities allow the child to develop an interest in music and the ability to play a melody or sing a song with or without accompaniment.
  • Raising the level of musical education is an integral part of the activities of children. This process makes it possible to learn a lot of new and interesting things about music, musical instruments, as well as about the emergence of various styles and trends.

The use of all methods of musical activity allows children to move to the stage of mastering creativity.

Means of developing musical abilities

Preschool children are best at absorbing information in a playful way. Games allow you to warm up children's interest in music in an easy way, as well as teach them the basic concepts of musical literacy.

Musical and didactic game on the concept of rhythm and modes

Using musical and didactic games, you can develop in children a sense of rhythm, coordination, the ability to creative endeavors, and also increases the level of emancipation. Games give children the opportunity to apply theoretical skills to a real-life situation.

This form of teaching children has several main tasks:

  • Improving orientation of preschoolers in game situations.
  • The development of emotional, aesthetic responsiveness, as well as an increase in interest and love for music.
  • Improvement and improvement of the sense of rhythm, hearing and musical memory.
  • Raising responsiveness, benevolence and sociability in children, using a playful form of presenting information.

Playing music learning

Each game activity has a specific function. Depending on the game, there are several options for games:

  1. Games for the development of musical sensitivity and hearing.
  2. Activities that increase the sense of rhythm.
  3. Game training of musical memory.

You need to instill certain skills in children gradually.

Each new game should appear after the previous one has been mastered. Scheduling music lessons is an important function of the educator. The speed of children's learning, as well as the development of musical abilities, depends on the correct setting of tasks.

Ways to develop a fret feeling

The easiest way to develop a modal feeling in children is listening to melodies of various styles and trends. In classes with preschoolers, the teacher must educate children in emotional responsiveness to listening to music.

A freaky feeling - statistics in preschoolers

Many teachers are developing a set of classes to improve and develop a modal feeling. For this, a system of vocal-speech game lessons is used, in which preschoolers learn to imitate certain sounds of the surrounding life. An example of such imitation is the imitation of certain emotions through sound (for example, joy, anger, tenderness, sadness).

Such games allow children not only to develop musical abilities, but also to form correct speech and singing culture. They provide an opportunity to enrich vocabulary and to unleash the possibilities of musical imagination in the best way.

What is fret feeling

Also, in the development of modal feeling, an important component is working with intonations. When reproducing speech patterns by ear with the correct intonation, children expand their emotional horizons and receive new associative sensations.

Music lessons for preschoolers should alternate with speech exercises. This will allow to achieve greater results not only in music education, but also help to develop in the future.

Exercises for training auditory performance

We are surrounded by a huge variety of sounds. It is this fact that helps children develop auditory performance in music lessons for preschoolers. The main task of such training is to expand the perception of sounds.

Auditory representations - statistics

Examples of auditory presentation exercises are:

  • Recognizing the sound of a certain musical instrument by ear.
  • Determination of the direction of sound and the location of its source.
  • Distinguishing Voices.
  • Repetition of simple melodies by ear.

Hearing games

All these exercises can be done in a playful way. The musical development of a preschooler directly depends on their quality. And auditory performance training contributes to the development of musical abilities in children throughout their lives.

Developing a sense of rhythm

There are a lot of exercises for training the sense of rhythm among preschoolers. They can be carried out both in a playful way and through aerobics and gymnastics. Any actions that have a rhythmic basis develop a sense of rhythm in the child and train him.

Sense of rhythm in preschoolers - statistics

Examples include the following exercises:

  1. Children can march to music or the teacher's account. This simple exercise provides an opportunity for rhythmic development training.
  2. Reciting poetry is also an effective training method. There are also a huge number of speech games that contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm. They are accompanied by musical accompaniment or claps of the teacher and children.
  3. An exercise in which children ask each other questions and answer them, beating the rhythm on a musical instrument, will increase the communication skills of children, and will also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm.
  4. The simplest dance moves to rhythmic music will allow you not only to feel the rhythm, but also to enjoy the lesson.
  5. Any percussion instrument is a means to improve your sense of rhythm. Children can be given a drum lesson or march around the classroom to their accompaniment.

Dance also develops a sense of rhythm.

All methods of developing a sense of rhythm can be used in turn, so as not to overload children with the same actions for a long time.

Recommendations for the development of musical abilities for children of different ages

Many experts argue that a child, being in the mother's womb, distinguishes sounds and shows an emotional reaction to the mood of the parents. Therefore, it is necessary to start musical education even before the birth of a child. Calm and cheerful music evokes positive emotions. This affects not only the child's momentary state, but also his musical perception in the future.

You can start listening to music even before a year

Babies under one year old are advised to listen to music for about 3 minutes, with breaks every 30 seconds. The voice of the father or mother is best perceived at this age, so the most correct decision would be a song or melody performed by relatives. You can sing it without words. The main thing is the quiet gentle voice of a loved one.

Older children can listen to music without interruption for a little longer. For example, a 2-3-year-old child is able to actively perceive melodies and songs for 5 minutes. The main thing for parents is to pay attention to the mood of the baby. If the child is uncomfortable, listening will not be enjoyable. At this age, it is necessary to gradually create associations with music in the child. For this, you can use children's musical pieces, which are of a pictorial nature. There are a lot of such works on sale.

The child develops in the game

Listening to music should be done in silence so that the baby is not distracted by extraneous sounds. The presence of parents is mandatory. The mother should be close to the child and show her interest in the work by her appearance.

Older children (3-4 years old) develop musically by watching TV, listening to music and songs from cartoons with their parents. Adults should constantly monitor the musical education of their children. In addition, developing play activities can be carried out with kids at home, because no one knows the character of children better than their parents.

When a child reaches the age of 5-6 years, his musical perception becomes more focused.

First chords

There is a culture of listening to melodies, the ability to evaluate compositions. The child remembers information about musical groups and directions, forms his own taste. This period is considered the most favorable for the development of any creative abilities.

Singing as the main way to develop musical abilities

The development of musical abilities is closely related to creative activity, and singing is one of the most important tools for achieving this task.

When singing songs, the child improves all basic musical skills: emotional responsiveness and perception of musical compositions, modal feeling and correct intonation, as well as a sense of rhythm. Gradually mastering the art of singing, the child improves his skills in all types of musical abilities.

The process of dramatizing songs can be presented as part of training musical abilities, and as a separate vocal science, which can be accompanied by learning to play musical instruments (which in turn also increases the musical abilities of a preschooler).

Vocal training can be started from the age of three

In addition, singing promotes self-expression in preschool children. This is one of the most accessible forms of personal growth at the age of 3-6 years. Therefore, children treat vocal lessons with love and attend them with great desire. Song performance is one of the constant creative needs of preschoolers.

By teaching vocals to children, parents take the first step towards unleashing the creativity of their little ones. After all, music and singing lessons are not limited to singing songs. It also includes composing practice and creativity training. For this, teachers conduct special classes:

  • Mini-performances for parents with the performance of memorized songs.
  • Individual lessons with toddlers aimed at revealing creativity.
  • Carrying out holidays with the involvement of children in the performance of small pop numbers.

Methods of teaching music disciplines for preschoolers

In various preschool educational institutions, teachers are developing many methods to improve the musical abilities of children. The choice of this or that method depends on the specialist and the training program adopted in the educational institution.

Forms of music lessons with preschoolers

However, most teachers identify the main teaching methods:

  1. The visual method is a set of lessons in which the teacher presents the basic knowledge by way of personal example. For music schools, this method is characterized by the performance of melodies for children in order to enhance musical perception, rhythm and emotional sensation.
  2. Theoretical (or verbal) classes are conducted with the aim of providing students with information about the history of music, a variety of musical directions, famous performers. Such lessons increase the level of the children's culture and their musical horizons.
  3. Practical teaching methods are based on the direct participation of children in the lesson process. This includes performing songs together, participating in theatrical performances, dancing and playing. This teaching method helps to increase the communication skills of preschoolers, and also makes it possible to hone the sense of rhythm and vocal skills.

For the high-quality complex development of musical abilities in children, parents should not leave this issue to chance. In addition to classes with experienced teachers, children should receive the necessary knowledge and hone their skills at home with their families. This will allow the child's musical abilities to constantly develop dynamically. The main task of parents in this process is to help the child in the formation of basic preferences.

Music lesson in kindergarten

At the same time, it should be remembered that it is impossible to forcibly instill love for a particular type of art. This can negatively affect the psychological state of the child in the future.

By helping toddlers train their musical skills and abilities, parents prepare them for the next steps on the path to creative fulfillment. After all, the process of improving creative abilities does not stop throughout life and even in adulthood. However, only the right start in learning can provide positive dynamics not only in terms of music, but also in all creative endeavors.