How to make a color eyeliner. Maker-marker: Nuances of use. How to make eyeliner with a pencil

Choose the right decision, what to do if the eyeliner dried. Many girls faced the fact that a new eyeliner or mascara dried after a pair of time to use. Dry cosmetics loses its properties, crept on, collected in lumps and fades. Now we will also deal with you. For girls it is not a secret that breeds can reanimate your favorite eyeliner, but not every know what tool to choose that it does not harm the skin of the eyelids.

What if the eyeliner dried? There is an output - a diluent for cosmetics, and it is the most advantageous option. To create an ideal arrows, I take any diluent for cosmetics, which is sold in stores. Such means are enlivened with dry and dried liners and make cream textures from dry textures. Many of them leave marks and spots on the skin. The price varies from two hundred rubles to two thousand.

Lowish tricks

The most proven and widespread way to dilute the thickened lining is thermal water. If there is no such, or you do not want to translate it once again, simple boiled water is suitable. Mineral water helps perfectly. True, after some time, the eyeliner will again begin to push and without re-renewing it will not do. And if in the eyeliner to periodically add water droplets, thus you can extend your life for a long period.

Vodka or alcohol. Tassels of the carcass or eyeliner sprinkle with spirits or any other alcohol-containing agent. Depending on the consistency of the eyeliner, sometimes it does not need to drip alcohol right into the tube, just before use to moisten or sprinkle a brush. Be careful, because alcohol can cause eye irritation. Another minus his minus is that he will quickly disperse, bringing a temporary result.

Face tonic. Each girl on the shelf has a face tonic. As in the case of water, we simply add some tonic to the vial with eyeliner. The minus will have that this procedure will have to do every time before applying makeup.

Eye drops. Save your eyeliner and mascara at least a month. Great fits "VINN". A liner with drops must be insisted within a few hours before use. Not everyone has a liquid for disinfecting lenses, and after all, it can also be successfully used. Plus it has an antibacterial effect and does not cause allergies, which is very important.

Aloe juice. If this is an indispensable plant on your windowsill grows, feel free to add it. Aloe will not only revitalize the old cosmetics, but also enrich it with its useful properties. Enjoy your eyeliner as new!

Micellar water. You need to add a drop of micellar water into a jar with a liner and stir the tassel. Similarly, it is possible to impregnate your cotton disk and cover the eyeliner to make a pair of micellar water. Leave per day. The eyeliner will be in pristine!

Cut the tip. Uneven arrows can be obtained if the shell-felt-felter tip saw. It can be carefully cut off at the angle of manicure sharp scissors. The second option is to just remove the rod and insert back the opposite side. And here is your eyeliner healed a new life!

Drop of oil. Peach, almond, grape bones or simple olive oil will help to fix everything. Makeup artists do not recommend taking heavy castor oil, as it is too hard mixed with eyeliner. It is important not to overdo it with their addition, because you need a couple of drops into the vial. For convenience, I use a pipette.

Shave. Dry pencil can be held over a lighter or burner. Just do it you need at a distance and in time quite a bit. Other girls just lowered the eyeliner into a glass with hot water. The texture begins to melt, and the eyeliner becomes liquid.

And if there is nothing at hand, and the mascara dried or the eyeliner - just hold them under the jet of hot water. The longer hold, the fat eyeliner.

If you still overdo it with diluting eyeliner, then this can be corrected, putting it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. The eyeliner will stop crumble and come to normal.

Silicone primer. The helium eyeliner often dries out due to the fact that the helium part of the foundation evaporates, and the wax part becomes too dense. The silicone base of the eyeliner is compacted over time, which is just the cause of drying it. Therefore, the silicone primer returns the texture of the eyeliner in the old form.

So, crumbling what we left from the eyeliner and eat a little slightly silicone primer, we thoroughly mix, and then heated in the microwave literally 10-15 seconds! It is absolutely no need to boil to boil. If there is no microwave, take a hairdryer. Using a hairdryer, you will see the mixture boils or not. Let's prevent again and leave to cool until the complete thickening. The eyeliner will thus return its durability and density to the initial level.

Cream. The usual nutritional face cream is suitable or for the eyelids. Little pea cream will be just right. Mix all components with a cotton wand, and better toothpick.

Proper storage. To avoid laying problems, it is better to prevent their appearance, choosing the right place of storage of cosmetics. At the forum of makeup artists, it is recommended to properly care for the eyeliner - to close the lids tightly, prevent weathered. In the refrigerator storing the eyeliner and the mascara is unacceptable. Room temperature is needed for them. And the best place for this is not a bathroom, as many have thought, because there is high humidity there - and in a cosmetic bag or a closet. Most of the styl felt-tip-tumbers are very capricious and need to be installed only in a vertical position of the tip down, otherwise in a couple of weeks, with such a lodder, you will have to say goodbye.

What can not be used?

Two-phase makeup removal fluid and general makeup removal fluid. As you know well, together these substances give absolutely different effects. At the owner of sensitive skin from such a mixture, rashes may appear, and the eyeliner is unlikely to call after that standing.

And the last, but no less important is the responsible choice of eyeliner, because high-quality and proven eyeliner will serve you much longer and you do not have to search on the Internet, what to do if the eyeliner dried. Now, thanks to our advice, you do not have to throw out a new or little cosmetics in the trash can. In the end, you can always replace the eyeliner for eyelashes. If the makeup needs to be applied urgently, and the eyeliner today failed, use the bottle with a car. I lower the brush in the tube, we remove too much and use it!

The eyeliner is an excellent modern tool with which you can add to your view of expressiveness and attractiveness. Since the ancient times, the Girls were interested in Cleopatra himself at how to properly bring her eyes by eyeliner. Now the range of decorative cosmetics allows you to choose exactly the option that is perfect exclusively to you, and also meets individual needs.

But you need to know certain nuances that will help learn how to use the eye liner and sophisticately.

Little secrets

Before using the tool to underline the expressiveness of the eye, a small amount of moisturizing cream should be applied to the skin around the eye. It will be required that makeup makes it gently and evenly, and also did not overcame the skin. Also, such a cream base allows a make-up long enough to remain in its original ideal form.
Next you need to hide unattractive. Carefully use a special proofreader, which will help forget about the poor sleep and fatigue expressed on the face.

After a short preparation, you can start step by step apply a selected eyeliner. If you do everything gradually and carefully, in the end you will get an attractive image.

Maker-marker: Nuances of use

If you want to easily cut your eyes, it is recommended to use a special marker that is carefully applied to the eyelid and results in an attractive result.

When there is no free time, this option is considered optimal and most convenient. The contour is ultimately obtained extremely clear, thin and translucent. This decorative cosmetics allows a girl to look as much as possible even using such means.

How to make the most beautiful eye arrows? Step-by-step makeup, see

To properly use a marker, one must comply with several basic technique rules:

  • To begin with, in the eyelid, you need to draw a completely thin line with a pencil for the eyes.
  • By the marked line, gently swipes to create an ideal arrow.

If you do not have time for unhurried and detailed drawing, this option is suitable for you just perfect - you will get an amazing result, as if on the photo from the magazine.

Step-by-step applying

Step 1.

Look right in front of yourself and open your eyes wide. Determine the place where the tail of the future arrow should be. In order for the arrow to lay perfectly in the form of a century, it is very important to schedule it with a well-open eye.

Step 2.

Slide slightly and put a small point where the drawn arrow ends. Please note that the point should not be delivered directly at the very end of the arrow - position it a little closer, so that there is a place for a thin tip. It is better to outline the points at once in both eyes - you can get the same arrows as a result.

Step 3.

To draw the perfect arrow using a liner, you should not pull the line through the whole eye immediately. To start, connect the attached point with the immediate base of the eyelashes. It is better to do it at the same time for two eyes.

Step 4.

Now carefully stretch the arrow from the outer corner of the eye to the inner approximately 2/3 of its length. Professional makeup artists advise to schedule a thin arrow, as you can draw her thickness at any time. If your eye is quite narrow, the arrow throughout the century will make it even less, so some girls should complete the procedure for applying the arrows at this stage.

Step 5.

When the shape of the eye allows you to pull the arrows at least to the inner corners. Such an elegant length of the arrows is a harmonious evening option. Literally on the roots of the eyelashes, spend the line further.

Step 6.

The final recommendations for applying the shooters to the eyelids is to properly draw the tail. Take a toss for a liner so that its sharp tip is located to the temple and make the most carefully attach it to the edge of the drawn arrow so that it is slightly imprinted in the eyelid. If you use this method, the tail will be smooth and sharp. The lower part of the arrows should be processed so that between the beginning of the growth of the eyelashes and the arrow itself there remained the colors of your skin. Next, connect the line with your lower century - the form will be finished.

Everyone heard the phrase "Eyes - Soul Mirror". Probably difficult to disagree, perhaps, it is possible to read any emotion of man. Women of all eras and times mastered the gift to climb men with a look, caused admiration of poets, artists. Cleopatra believed that her eyes were a hearth beauty, each of whom keeps his secret.

To date, everything has become even easier, the beauty and charming of their eyes can be skillfully emphasized with the help of cosmetics using various means and techniques of application.

The most common type of makeup is already the second century, is eyeliner. It is important to correctly and competently pick up the methods: what, how and what you need to do. There are several types of eyeliner: liquid, shadow, pencil. We will understand everything in order.

How to make eyeliner with a pencil

The first thing you need is to choose the right one, a suitable pencil. It should be medium soft, well sharpened and sliding slightly when applied, as the solid can be injured in the eyelid, as well as take into account the presence of allergens in the composition. Quality First of all, it is better to have 2 good than 10 dubious. The most commonly used black pencil.

Adhere to the directions from the bridges to the temple, smoothly conducting a line for the growth of the cilia, without making, while short, discontinued strokes. That the line turned out to be smooth and without flaws, ensure good lighting, as well as the support under the elbow, what would draw, the hand does not twist in the air, especially if you wanted to make the arrows.

For the liner of the lower, the inner side of the upper eyelid and the zone under it, you need a very soft pencil, so that not to scratch and not cause irritation of the mucous membrane. The eyeliner can be built with a special tassel, then the lines and transitions will be very smooth, which is perfect for the day makeup.

To eliminate irregularities and disadvantages, use a cotton wand with a moistened tip, you can also use it as a decisive attribute without spending on the brush.

You can safely be called one of the most difficult ways, serve for the evening makeup. Advantages to other methods: a more rich color, ideal resistance, not imprinted when contacting the moving age or above it. There are in the form of a felt-meter - handles, and in a jar with a thin pussy. The most practical, alcohol is considered to be alcohol, which guarantees daily resistance.
When applied, you need to be extremely careful, because each jitter of the hands will be noticeable in this case!

It is necessary to apply very neatly, clearly, in one breath, avoiding stopping and breaking kleks, as it will quickly dry and all existing misses are difficult to remove.

Used for all makeup techniques, allowing you to do as a gentle and bold image. Disadvantages: in an infrequent use dry and not subject to resuscitation.

How to make a liquid eyeliner with your own hands

  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil melt on a water bath, mix powder from two capsules of activated carbon (for black) or floor of a teaspoon cocoa powder (for brown) with four teaspoons of aloe gel, and gradually, small portions introduce this mixture into coconut oil Mix to uniformity and cool. A ready-made means to store in a dark place in hermetically closed form. All products can be purchased at the pharmacy or specialized stores.
  • The usual pencil for drawing or "charvnytsya" is free from wood, griffel is crushed into the smallest powder and pour out into any capacity, pour about a tablespoon of water or without an alcohol tonic for the face, and let dry a couple of hours. Store in a dark, cool place.

How to make eyewear

When using such equipment, first of all, on all mobile eyelids, it is necessary to apply powder, it will provide resistance.

Shadows - pencil

Suitable for a fairly thick arrow, as they are wet and solid consistency. Applicator along the growth line, we pay a line, removing all the excesses and shortcomings. As a rule, such shadows in fairly light shades, so it is better to apply in several layers. But know, bring the whole eye with such a means will not succeed!

Pressed solid shadows

Used more professionals. Here the main thing to choose the right brush. It should be on a long handle with a short, elastic, tightly stuffed pile, can be slightly ejected at the end or beveled in one direction, to someone as convenient.

For the eyeliner, we moisten the tip of the brush, we gain shadow on it and applied according to the previous technology, along the growth, slightly expanding the line at the end, can also be re-layered for a more saturated color. Upon the growth line of the lower eyelashes, spend the most thin and neat line, it will give expressiveness.

Crumbling shadows

Serve an additional means. Often they are applied with a thin brush on the already ready-made outline of the entire eye or a separate part of it, from a pencil or eyeliner, to give brightness and gloss. In this way, you can create a more festive image.

Surfaces are suitable, pressed, in one word any, what is in your cosmetic bag.
From the packaging, remove the shadows crumbling them into the jar or container, bring to the state of the powder and add several eye drops. Mix well, and it turns out a paste-shaped eyeliner.

It is convenient and unique that this can be done completely any color, even though all the colors of the rainbow. And your eyes will be able to change every day that it will become your individual feature.

Regardless of whether you are just starting to use cosmetics, or you have already a lot of experience in this case, sooner or later you mature on makeup using eyeliner.

On shop windows, you can see hundreds of proposed options that differ in manufacturers, in appearance, form of release, pricing policy ... You can simply lose and not get enough information from the consultant in choosing a product and go away from anything.

Therefore, if you are a novice in this direction of Maik-APA, then for a start, boldly recommend choosing a pencil. Pencil technique is the simplest and multifaceted to use. With its help, it is possible without effort and excitement to make the most popular types of makeup: a feline eye, a whispel, loop using an additional handicraft brush or sponge.

The eyeliner is able to help completely change the original shape of the eye, and women, as you know, always strive for perfection.

Eye eyeliner how to put eyes

First of all prepare the skin. We apply a tone cream with a dense layer, we put the layer of powder or shadows of a natural shade, this will provide a persistent effect, and only then proceed to the process of bringing the eyes:

  1. Look at yourself in the mirror and imagine what arrow you want in width, length, color, etc.
  2. Sprove a little eye and put a small point in the place where, in your opinion, the arrow must end. Do it immediately at both eyes, for uniformity.
  3. Connect the point you planted with the very base of the ciliary row.
  4. Gently, until half of the eyes, it is necessary to stretch the fine line of the arrow, we can add it volume at any time.
  5. Recommended, line to draw from an inner corner to the very end of the external angle, gradually expanding it. Beautiful, harmonious option.
  6. If it is still a derived arrow, then lengthen its tail with a thin tassel, adjusting the length.
  7. The lower eyelid is supplied with a calmer color, and the inner and outdoor part. Soft tool, very subtle, so that it would not create a panda effect. Additional fraud is better to make shadows.
  8. To complete the image, cover the eyelashes of ink in several layers.


It follows only the external parts of the upper and lower eyelid, mainly light tones, are ideal for gold and silver shades, the option of a double arrow with two parallels will win. In no case use black eyeliners, it is better to gray or light brown.

Round, big

You can turn into almond, using a wide eyeliner from the base of the eye to its end, output a large arrow, raised upwards, which can be slightly growing to create a smoky, cat effect. Also, it is necessary to draw the inner contours from above and reduce the whole process to make black, dark color.


A fat line will help not beyond the scope of the eye, the eyeliner is better to make shadows, so that the contour was not perfectly smooth, the color palette of any, draw the line, in this case it is necessary from the middle of the eye.

Widely planted

Closely planted

Recovering the place, from the inner corner we draw an arrow along the growth line, it should be thin, slightly thickened at the very end, not more than half a centimeter further from the end of the century, the lower part is at will try out that the eyes will perform more visually.

Updated corners

Find the eye completely, from very thin to a very wide line, the end of the arrow make the upward up, and slightly remove the line from the inner part of the eyes to the base of the nose. Thus, one of the corners becomeged up, and the second down, creating a symmetry.

Raised corners

The diagonal eyes themselves are beautiful, but you can emphasize them with a liner drawing the upper part from the bottom up to the middle, and the bottom, on the contrary, from top to bottom to the middle.

There is nothing easier than handing the eyeliner, and as soon as you manufacture it, you will no longer want to return to the store. The homemade eyeliner does not flow, does not cause irritation, and the best thing in it is that you can apply with its help unsurpassed makeup. From this article, you will learn two ways to create a black eyeliner and how to experiment with other colors.


Using activated carbon

    Buy activated carbon. Activated coal can be purchased in pharmacies or stores of natural products. It is usually used as a means from stomach disorder, so often it is sold in the form of capsules. This absolutely black, natural product is ideal for creating eyeliner.

    • This is not the same kind of coal that you use for cooking grilled. Look in the store box with the inscription "Activated coal" in the department with vitamins.
    • In the event of difficulties with the purchase of coal in the store it can be ordered via the Internet. One activated carbon box is enough for the manufacture of eyeliner for the eyes for many years ahead.
  1. Pull the contents of several capsules into a small container. For these purposes you can use a box from old shadows or a jar from lip balm, or any other container accessible to you. Disarm capsules and pour activated carbon into the container.

    Maps brush for eyeliner in activated carbon. You can easily use activated coal in pure form as an eyeliner for the eyes. Coal will be naturally mixed with butter on the surface of your skin and duraly hold on the eyelids after applying. Lower the brush into the container, apply an improvised eyeliner and create your own unique image.

    To create a more thick and gel consistency, mix the activated carbon with water or oil, which will make it a little wet. Start with one or two drops and add a little, until your eyeliner reaches the desired consistency. Try mixing coal with one of the following ingredients:

    • Jojoba oil
    • Almond oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Aloe Vera gel

    Use almonds

    1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. This method is perfectly suitable if you have no activated carbon at your hand. Sayt from the burnt almond will become a beautiful black eyeliner, which will look as well as purchased in the store. You will need only a few household items:

      • Raw almonds, not fried and not salty
      • Tweezers
      • Lighter
      • Capacity or dish
      • Knife for oil
    2. Keep almond tweezers and burn it. Stop almond tweezers firmly (this will help protect your fingers from burns) above the flame of the lighter. Almonds will burn slowly and smoke. Continue burn almonds until it turns into soot. Almond should black and smoke.

      • If you hold the metal tweezers for a long time over the fire lighters, it can warm up and burn your fingers. Wear gloves to protect hands.
      • Try led almond circles over the flame so that it is evenly burned from all sides.
    3. Collect soot in a plate. Black soot is all you need to create eyeliner. With the help of a knife for the oil square stern from the almond surface to a plate. To get more soot, continue to burn this almond or take another; As a result, you should get a sufficiently large bunch of soot.

      • When you scrapping soot, make sure that there are no particles of a unburned almond. You need a very fine dust fraction, without large particles.
      • Carefully inspect South and remove large pieces from it.
    4. Lower the brush for eyelid eyelid into the almond soot. You can use soot as a liner without any additives. Says will be naturally mixed with butter on the surface of your skin and durable to hold on the eyelids after applying. Lower the brush into the container, apply an improvised eyeliner and create your own unique image.

      Experiment with different consistency. To create a more thick and gel-like consistency, mix the soot with water or oil, which will make it a little wet. Start with one or two drops and add a little, until your eyeliner reaches the desired consistency. Try to mix small with one of the following ingredients:

      • Jojoba oil
      • Almond oil
      • Coconut oil

    Creating a liner of various colors

    1. Use cocoa to make a brown eyeliner. From cocoa powder without sweeteners, you can make an excellent brown eyeliner. Put a little cocoa in a small container. Mix cocoa with several drops of water, jojoba oil or almond oil to get a gel-like consistency, and then apply it to the eyelids with a brush for eyeliner.

It would seem that difficult to use liquid liner? Spent a line and ready! But it turns out that there are its secrets and difficulties here. After all, if it is inactively to make a liner, you will have to redo the whole makeup.

What eyeliner choose is the case of your taste. The types of liquid liner set, the most common - eyeliner in a tube with a tassel included. You can also use aquagrimm. To do this, you will need a small container with water to wet the brush.

Tool for applying eyeliner is also of great importance. The brush should be thin, smooth, without sticking hairs. This will allow you to carry out the maximum clear line.

How to make a smooth and neat eyeliner?

First of all, you need to sit so that your elbows relied on the table. It is necessary that you have the best support and hands did not tremble.

Do not pull the eyelid aside. So you never draw a line as close as possible to the line of eyelashes. It is best to cover your eyes and neat a finger of a free hand. Lower the eyelid up straight under the eyebrow. So you will draw your arrow as close to the eyelashes.

If you have never used a liquid eyeliner before, it is most likely to draw a straight clear line from the first time. Therefore, try to make several points or dasheds, which then neatly connect to the line. Do not forget at the end of the line slightly raise up. This will "open" the eye and give it the necessary form.

Do not take a brush too much eyeliner. This can lead to a thick, non-accurate line. Then your makeup will look rude. Surplus paint carefully remove the napkin or the edge of the jar.

The inner corner of the eyeliner should be as thin, and gradually expand to an external corner.

Do not open your eyes right away. Give paint drying. Otherwise, you risk getting an imprint on a fixed century or and lubricate makeup at all.

After the eyeliner dried, you can carefully grow by shadows. This will make it possible to make the effect of smokyness and relieve you from too clear border. And also hobs the irregularities of the line and give a neat, finished look of makeup.

If for the first time something did not work out - do not be discouraged. The main thing remember, nothing is given from the first time. Everything needs practice. The more often you exercise, the better every time your line will be. And in Rather, you will learn how to draw arrows with one light hand movement.